The Stonehenge
The Stonehenge
The Stonehenge
Stone circles have been built thousands of years B.C in the prehistoric
era. Archeologists did not find a certain reason why ancients built them and
nobody knows how it was erected. Some theories proposed that giants
placed the stones into position and erected them while other theories
proposed that the antigravity techniques where used to place these huge
and massive stones.
Stone circles where built in many places all over the world and the
Stonehenge still the mystery of all stone circles. Here is a table showing
some stone circles around the world and when they were erected:
Egyptian Nabta’s stone circle:
The Stonehenge:
Stonehenge lies on the exact latitude at which the Midsummer
Sunrise and Sunsets are at 90 degrees of the Moons Northerly setting and
Southerly rising. This particular phenomenon is only possible within a band
of less than one degree, of which Stonehenge lies in the middle-third. The
only latitude where the four station stones which determine lunar and solar
alignments can form an exact rectangle within the limits of the Aubrey
circle is at the latitude of Stonehenge. Also the Station-stone-rectangle has
a perimeter the same length as one side of the great pyramid.
There are only latitudes in the world it which, the full moon passes
directly overhead on its maximum Zeniths, these are at Stonehenge and
Almendres in Portugal (The oldest circle in Western-Europe).