Carcinoma in situ
• Full thickness dysplasia
• Dysplastic cells do not penetrate basement membrane
Invasive cancer
Cancer cells penetrate basement membrane
Benign tumours
Well-circumscribed tumour, localized & do not spread to other organs;
remove by local surgery
suffix: ‘oma’
Benign tumour
Slow growth rate - Slow expanding grow
compress adjacent fibrous tissue (pressure atrophy)
form fibrous Capsule
• Separate from adjacent normal tissue
• Creates well-defined cleavage plane
• Discrete, readily palpable, moveable (non-fixed) tumour
& easily excisable by surgery
Malignant tumour
• Regional lymph nodes are the first line of defense against the spread of
• E.g., breast cancer axillary lymph node
• Tumour emboli afferent lymphatic vessel enter the sinuses of the
regional lymph nodes invade the parenchymal tissue of the lymph node
invade efferent lymphatics vessel the thoracic duct the systemic
• Skip metastasis: Bypassed local regional lymph nodes due to:
– Venous-lymphatic anastomoses
– Inflammation or radiation obliterate lymphatic channels
• Enlarged lymph node due to:
Spread & growth of cancer cells
Reactive hyperplasia (tumor-specific immune response)
3) Seeding of Body Cavities & Surfaces
Cancer cells exfoliate from surface of organ
Spread across body cavity: pleura , pericardial,
peritoneal, subarachnoid & joint spaces
Seed on surface of body cavities & organs
Eg. Carcinoma ovary or appendix spread to
peritoneum Ascites
Epidemiology of Cancer
2. Precancerous conditions
Pathological hyperplasia, metaplasia, dysplasia
1) Infection
• Human T-cell leukemia virus-type1 - adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
• Human papillomavirus - cancer (cervix & oropharynx)
• Epstein-Barr virus - lymphoma, cancer (stomach, nasopharynx)
• Hepatitis B & C virus - Hepatocellular carcinoma
• Helicobacter pylori - Gastric adenocarcinoma, lymphoma
2) Smoking - cancer
(mouth, pharynx, larynx, lung, oesophagus, pancreas, bladder)
4) Diet
6) Reproductive history
• Prolonged oestrogen exposure: risk of cancer (breast & endometrium)
7) Environmental carcinogens
Acanthosis nigricans (gray-black patches
of thickened, hyperkeratotic skin with
velvety appearance) -
lung, stomach, uterus cancer
Dermatomyositis: Lung & breast cancer
Bone, cartilage & soft tissue changes –
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: Lung cancer
Periosteal new bone formation, primarily at
the distal ends of long bones, metatarsals,
metacarpals & proximal phalanges
Arthritis of adjacent joints
Clubbing of digits
Vascular & Haematologic Changes
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis: mucin-secreting adenocarcinoma
Migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau sign): pancreas & lung cancer
Disseminated intravascular coagulation: Acute promyelocytic leukemia,
prostate cancer
II. Spread of Cancer.
Local infiltration, invasion &
destruction to adjacent tissue
e.g., Breast cancer skin invasion
Ulcer Infection
Liver. Jaundice, hepatomegaly
Bone. Pain, fracture
Vertebral column – cancer thyroid & prostate
Staging has greater clinical value than grading
1) Histologic Diagnosis
2) Cytologic Diagnosis
3) Immunohistochemistry
4) Blood film & Bone marrow examination
5) Tumour markers
6) Molecular diagnosis
Specimen must be
adequate, representative &
properly preserved
No area of haemorrhage
& necrosis