Cell Practise: 1 Day 1 Main Points To Revise: Key Terms: Term Definition
Cell Practise: 1 Day 1 Main Points To Revise: Key Terms: Term Definition
Cell Practise: 1 Day 1 Main Points To Revise: Key Terms: Term Definition
---- how temperature is measured Thermal Physics The branch of physics that study temperature , heat
energy and their relation to the matter.
---- how the thermal energy affects the Temperature It is the degree of hotness or coldness of an object
properties of solids,liquids and gases and and can be measured by thermometer.Temperature
their change of state. can be expressed by Celsius (oC) or Fahrenheit (oF)
or K scale.
----- how thermal energy is transferred by Heat Energy It is the energy that travels from high temperatures to
conduction, convection and radiation. low temperature in a matter.It is also called thermal
or internal energy.It is measured in joules (J).
Thermal Energy Energy that flows into or out of a body by
conduction,convection or radiation.
Key Terms :
Term Definition
Thermal Physics
Conditions S L G
Arrangement of Regular, Random No set
particles fixed arrangement arrangement
Distance Packed Close Very far
between tightly & together apart
particles close
Forces between Very strong Weak forces Virtually
particles forces of negligible
Motion of Vibrate Rotate and Very fast
particles about fixed change speed
position neighbours
Compress Difficult Possible but Easy to
only at a compress