2018 Handbook14 FinancialAssistance PGandPostdoc

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Postal Address: Postgraduate Centre and Funding Office
University of Cape Town
Private Bag

Telephone: (021) 650 3622

Fax: (021) 650 4352
E-Mail: pgfunding@uct.ac.za
Postgraduate Website: http://www.students.uct.ac.za/students/fees-funding/postgraduate-
Postdoctoral Website http://www.uct.ac.za/main/research/postdoc-research-fellowships

This handbook is part of a series that consists of

Book 1: Undergraduate Prospectus

Book 2: Authorities and Information of Record
Book 3: General Rules and Policies
Book 4: Academic Calendar and Meetings
Book 5: Student Support and Services
Books 6-11: Handbooks of the Faculties of Commerce, Engineering and the Built
Environment, Health Sciences, Humanities, Law, Science
Book 12: Student Fees
Book 13: Bursary and Loan Opportunities for Undergraduate Study
Book 14: Financial Assistance for Postgraduate Study and Postdoctoral Research
FOREWORD of scholarships or bursaries, part-time
employment within or outside the
Postgraduate programmes at the University university, student loans (personal – not
of Cape Town play a vital role in NSFAS), personal savings and assistance
developing skills necessary for success in a from families.
knowledge-driven economy, both locally
and internationally. Our postgraduate The university is able to provide financial
programmes span the basic disciplines as assistance that will contribute towards the
well as a range of applied and professional costs of tuition and accommodation. This
areas in Commerce, Engineering and the goal requires more money than the
Built Environment, Health Sciences, university has available. It is therefore vital
Humanities, Law and Science. Our that students needing assistance approach
commitment to being a high quality as many sources as possible in addition to
research intensive university means that our applying to UCT. In a limited number of
postgraduate students have the opportunity cases and categories (e.g. Black South
to work with academics who are making African needs-assessed Honours
important contributions to new knowledge candidates) it may be possible to cover total
via their on-going research and professional annual cost of attendance at UCT, but this
activities. is dependent on a number of factors and
will be assessed when your application is
This booklet provides information on being considered. In some cases it is
potential sources of financial support for possible to hold more than one award
postgraduate students. There are various concurrently.
categories of financial assistance
administered by the University and many Most awards offered by the university are
other agencies and donors. This booklet limited to South African citizens and
also provides information on a range of permanent residents. However,
postdoctoral fellowships. The opportunity International and Refugee Students' may
of a postdoctoral fellowship, following the apply for the International and Refugee
successful completion of a doctoral degree, Scholarships, the NRF in certain cases, as
is a useful career experience allowing a well as the UCT Conference Travel grants
researcher to develop further skills in and the Scholarships for International
knowledge creation and dissemination. Travel grants.

We hope that this booklet will be a useful The University administered awards
resource in identifying potential bursaries appearing in this booklet are not available
and scholarships. We wish you a successful for the 4th or later year of Bachelor
and enjoyable postgraduate and degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas and
postdoctoral experience at the University of Certificates, and most professional degrees
Cape Town. such as the FAPM, or any other university-
designated part-time programme, the HDE
Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng or the LLB and BArch degrees. Students
Deputy Vice-Chancellor wishing to register for these courses are
referred to booklet 13 "Financial
PLEASE NOTE Assistance for Undergraduate Study"
This Booklet is intended as a guide for issued by the Undergraduate Student
students who will register for Honours, Financial Aid office.
Master’s or Doctoral study and who require
financial assistance, and for Doctoral
graduates seeking financial support for
postdoctoral research.

The financing of postgraduate study

invariably takes the form of a combination
Dear Student,

This handbook is part of a series of books at the University. It consists of various

sections which are sub-divided as in the contents section. Please read through the
information carefully to familiarise yourself with the funding opportunities offered
through the University as well as those offered via private and third party organisations.

The booklet comprises of scholarships and bursaries for which you may apply at the
University. The content is updated annually and available on the Postgraduate Funding
Office website. Additionally, the booklet is also available in hardcopy which is available
from the funding office. Some scholarships and bursaries based on academic merit
require the use of an independent application which reflects the conditions of award set
by the donor whereas others, for example those recorded under Section 3A, 3B and 3C
requires an applicant to complete the UCT funding form 10A application. The form 10A
is the general funding application through which South African and Permanent resident
postgraduate Honours, Master’s and Doctoral applicants apply for funding. An applicant
has the option via form 10A to be considered for merit-only, need-only funding, or, a
combination of the two categories. Students who meet this criteria should complete only
one application as awards will be allocated based on the assessed information provided.
Please refer to Section 3 for more information. See also important information on the

The scholarships and bursaries listed in this version of the booklet will open for
application for the 2019 academic year with various stated deadlines, unless otherwise
specified. All interested students must apply for postgraduate funding support preceding
the year of study for registration toward their postgraduate Honours, Master’s or
Doctoral degree (e.g. applicants should apply by the deadlines in 2018, for 2019).

Each section of the booklet includes a brief introduction to the category of awards and
describes the discipline (if applicable), eligibility and conditions and address for
submission. Students should consult the funding office website to download the
application form and requirements.

Further, students are encouraged to visit the Postgraduate funding office on Upper
Campus should they need further assistance.

With best wishes for success in your studies.

Postgraduate Funding Office
















Application for Admission to Study UCT also awards scholarships each
and Registration December to graduating students who have
Applicants for financial assistance who are performed exceptionally well at UCT.
not already registered for the degree of their Recipients are identified by the university
choice are reminded that they must also and an application form for this category of
apply for admission to the University award is not required. (See Section 7.)
Other scholarships and bursaries funded
from a variety of sources are available.
and should consult UCT’s Admissions
These may be awarded to Heads of
Office or relevant Faculty Office for the
Departments or supervisors to students
closing dates. Although funding selection
working on specific projects or
committees consider applicants who may
programmes. Candidates should enquire as
not yet be registered for study,
to the availability of such awards by
bursaries/scholarships that may be offered
consulting their Supervisors, Course
can only be claimed by students who have
convenors or Heads of academic
been accepted by the relevant academic
department for the course/programme for
which they applied. AN OFFER OF A Financial Need – Honours
SCHOLARSHIP DOES NOT IMPLY AN The University has instituted a new policy
OFFER OF A PLACE TO STUDY. from 2018 to support Black South African
and South African Permanent resident
Applying for Funding Honours students. Such applicants may
There are multiple sources of funding from qualify for either full financial aid
which postgraduate awards are established. including an Expected Family Contribution
These awards are administered by the (EFC) or, GAP funding which is a
UCT’s Postgraduate Funding Office. percentage bursary toward the approved
Generally students apply and are assessed tuition fees as stipulated in the
for these on the basis of merit-only, needs- Undergraduate Funding policy.
only, or merit-needs categories.
The value of the Honours Financial-need
It is important that students and prospective bursary will be calculated on “assessed
postdoctoral research fellows applying for need” for the cost of university attendance
funding comply with the requirements and in 2018, and will take into consideration
submit applications on time and by the other scholarships and bursaries awarded to
specific closing date. Some scholarships and students. UCT will determine an
bursaries require the completion of the UCT applicant’s financial need by applying the
postgraduate funding financial assistance National Means Test (NMT) used by the
form 10A (applicable to South African and National Student Financial Aid Scheme
Permanent Residents) whereas other awards (NSFAS).
based on academic merit require the use of a
different (independent) application form. Prospective Honours postgraduate students
Late and incomplete applications will be who are financially needy are required to
disqualified. complete the relevant section of UCT form
10A to provide the required supporting
Merit Awards documentation. Such students will be
The major source of merit-based awards means-tested, and where the means-test is
are the state-funded Research Councils met, a combination of bursaries may be
such as the National Research Foundation offered.
(NRF) (see Section 1). Students requiring
UCT merit awards must apply, in the first Honours South African and Permanent
instance, to the NRF. resident students who fall outside of the
above may qualify for partial support via
the relevant application form. The same
financial eligibility criteria will be applied respective research councils NRF & MRC
for such applicants as indicated above. are potential sources of assistance for
overseas study at the DOCTORAL degree
Financial Need – Master’s and level. Such overseas awards are made on
Doctoral the basis of academic excellence and the
Master’s and Doctoral South African and significance of the proposed study. Certain
Permanent resident Students may apply for overseas universities may offer
needs based funding via the relevant scholarships or bursaries to international
application above, however, such students, or may be in a position to offer
applicants may qualify for partial support. part-time employment in the form of
The same financial eligibility criteria will Assistantships or Fellowships, which often
be applied to such applicants as indicated include a waiver of academic fees. Students
above. are advised to check with their intended
Section 4 lists awards administered
independently of UCT and enquiries should Section 6 provides information on
be directed to the Administrators/Trustees independently administered awards for
indicated. study at overseas universities.

EVERY EFFORT MUST BE MADE TO Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

SECURE ASSISTANCE FROM This Booklet includes a number of
SOURCES EXTERNAL TO UCT. opportunities for Postdoctoral research
fellowships (See Section 5). However, the
International and Refugee Students majority of opportunities are offered by
A limited number of scholarships are independent donors and interested parties
available to non-South African graduates are advised to check with their department
who are residents of countries other than Heads and with the Postgraduate Funding
South Africa. These are awarded on a Office regularly. The office also provides
competitive basis with emphasis given to details of externally administered funding
academic merit and to the seniority of and other opportunities on an electronic
candidates. noticeboard which can be found on the
Postdoctoral website.
The scholarships do not provide full-cost
support. All UCT International and OTHER GENERAL IMPORTANT
Refugee Students Scholarships are INFORMATION
supplementary. Applying students must
ensure that they have sufficient support Employment
for their studies. The scholarships are Individuals who are employed full-time
renewable for the duration of the course of (more than 20 hours per week) are not
study subject to satisfactory progress being eligible for UCT funding support.
maintained, up to a limit of 1 year at The regulations governing the NRF/ MRC
Honours level; for the 1st and 2nd years of bursaries and UCT awards permit some
Master’s study, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree of concurrent part-time
years of Doctoral study. Applications for employment. Demonstratorships, Teaching
funding cannot be processed unless Assistantships or Research Assistantships
Applicants apply for admission through the may be offered by your Department and
UCT Admissions Office or the Faculty details should be obtained from your
Office. supervisor or Head of Department. Subject
to limitations on remuneration, award-
Scholarships for International holders may undertake part-time
Study employment, provided weekly duties do
The University does not offer scholarships not exceed 12 hours if funded via the NRF.
for international study. However the
Duration of Scholarship and
Bursary Assistance
Research Council bursaries and UCT
awards may be held for:
 the first year of the Honours degree only;
 the 1st and 2nd year of Master’s study,
 the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of Doctoral
study. Renewal of awards for Master’s
and Doctoral study each year is subject to
satisfactory progress and continued
evidence of need in the case of need-
based bursaries, and on the availability of
funds. Students must make every effort to
complete their studies within these
It is important to note that funding will not
be available beyond the above-mentioned


LEVEL (e.g. Honours Graduate doing a
second Honours Degree) ARE
Applications for renewal and continued
assistance must be submitted annually by
the relevant closing dates. Renewal of
awards is NOT automatic and eligible
students are required to apply for renewal

In addition to the awards listed, certain other awards exist which are not acceptable in an open
democratic society based on freedom and equality and are therefore not utilised or advertised by the
University of Cape Town.
SECTION 1: .......................................................................................................................... 4

SECTION 2: .......................................................................................................................... 21
SECTION 3: .......................................................................................................................... 27
Merit and Need based awards ....................................................................................... 27
Health Sciences awards.................................................................................................. 32
Departmental Awards .................................................................................................... 34
Departmental awards requiring specific application or procedures ............................... 40
Scholarships for international graduates applying from abroad ..................................... 52
Scholarships for UCT Staff ............................................................................................ 54
Miscellaneous Awards and Prizes .................................................................................. 56
SECTION 4: .......................................................................................................................... 57
SECTION 5: .......................................................................................................................... 66
SECTION 6: .......................................................................................................................... 73
SECTION 7: .......................................................................................................................... 90
INDEX .................................................................................................................................... 94

NOTE 1: - The University has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in its
handbooks. However, we reserve the right at any time, if circumstances dictate, to
(i) make alterations or changes to any of the published details of the opportunities on offer; or
(ii) add to or withdraw any of the opportunities on offer. Our students are given every assurance
that changes to opportunities will be made only under compelling circumstances.

NOTE 2: - It is important to note that students who receive funding support, and who exceed the
maximum value allocations may be required to return any funding made from UCT funds.
Maximum value:
Honours – R172,000
Master’s – R230,000
Doctoral – R283,000

All eligible candidates wishing to apply for UCT merit-based scholarships for study
towards Honours, Master’s or Doctoral degrees are required to apply timeously for an
NRF award. Any eligible candidate who fails through negligence to make such
application will be ineligible for UCT Merit awards.
Candidates must be SA citizens or for specific NRF awards have SA permanent residence status.
Individuals who are employed full-time are ineligible. The NRF restricts part-time employment to a
maximum of 12 hours per week.
Honours, Master’s and Doctoral students may use the dedicated computers in the Postgraduate
Centre to complete their NRF Submission Online applications. Late applications will not be
accepted. Please note the relevant internal closing dates for receipt of applications or consult the
Postgraduate Funding Office if in doubt. Please also visit the website: http://www.nrf.ac.za for up
to date information and any changes to the information given below.
National Research Foundation
Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to
award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
1. 1NRF - Natural Sciences; South African citizens and Application to be
Free-Standing Engineering; Technology; permanent residents as well as done online as
Bursaries: Social Science; and international candidates. Full- follows
Local Honours Humanities time Studies ONLY https://nrfsubmission
R30 000 1 year only s.nrf.ac.za
Minimum 60% for major
subjects Closing Date 31
October of the
preceding year

Academic Results
deadline: 20

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
2. 2NRF - Natural Sciences; South Africana citizens and Applications to be
Free-Standing Engineering; Technology; permanent residents as well done online as
Local Awards: Social Science; and as international candidates. follows
Master’s and Humanities Full-time Studies ONLY https://nrfsubmissions.nrf.ac
Doctoral R50 000 (Master’s)
Closing Date July or
In addition, Masters and
August of the
Doctoral scholarship-holders
preceding year
may apply for a travel grant
of up to R10 000 which may
Exact date is not
be used to attend
available at the time
conferences, workshops and
of printing this
a visit to a laboratory or any
other activity that supports
the beneficiaries’ current
Please source the
research progress. This is the
exact date from the
maximum amount allowed
NRF Office in the
during the tenure of the
Funding Office
Scholarship-holders who
Renewal applications
wish to access the travel
to be submitted
grant and/or assistive
online via
technology device (latter for https://nrfsubmissions.n
disabled students) must rf.ac.za
complete a travel grant
and/or assistive technology
device application form
accessible from the NRF
system for consideration and
approval/disapproval by the


1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
3.3NRF - Free- Open Full-time Doctoral study at an Applications to be
Standing approved overseas university done online as
Awards: US$22 000 p.a. follows
Abroad https://nrfsubmission
Doctoral In addition the NRF will cover s.nrf.ac.za
the cost of:
-A single economy airfare for Closing Date July or
travel to the country in which August of the
the doctoral studies will be preceding year
undertaken; and
-A single economy airfare to Exact date is not
return to South Africa upon available at the time
completion of the doctoral of printing this
studies abroad. booklet.

1 year renewable up to 3 Please source the

years. exact date from the
NRF Office in the
Funding Office

Renewal applications
to be submitted
online via

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
4. 4NRF Science, Health Sciences, South African citizens and CV and
Freestanding Engineering, Commerce, permanent residents for full- Applications to be
postdoctoral Law, Humanities, time research. done online as
Fellowship Biotechnology, Cellular Value: R155 000 p/a (Stipend) follows:
(Local) & Molecular Biology, plus R45 000 p/a (contribution https://nrfsubmissio
Engineering, Computer towards research costs). ns.nrf.ac.za
Science, Physics and
Astronomy, Beneficiaries are eligible for a External Closing
Mathematical Sciences, local travel grant to a Date15 September
Nanotechnology, maximum of R25 000 and an of the preceding
Chemistry, Earth Science, international travel grant to a year
Ecology and Medical maximum of R45 000 which
Sciences. can be used for conferences, Renewal
workshop attendance or visits applications to be
to a laboratory/collaboration. submitted online

Closing date changes

every year for all
NRF calls

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
5. 5NRF - Science, Health Sciences, South Africana citizens and CV and
Free-Standing Engineering, Commerce, permanent residents as well Applications to be
Awards: Law, Humanities as international candidates. done online as
Abroad Biotechnology, Cellular Applicants must have follows:
Postdoctoral & Molecular Biology, obtained their PhD degree https://nrfsubmissio
Engineering, Computer from South African ns.nrf.ac.za
Science, Physics and institution within 5 (five)
Astronomy, years of submitting an External Closing
Mathematical Sciences, application to the NRF; Date 15 September
Nanotechnology, Applicants still in progress of the preceding
Chemistry, Earth Science, should complete their year
Ecology and Medical Doctoral degree by
Sciences. December of the application Renewal
to the NRF applications to be
Postdoctoral Fellowships for submitted online
research in South Africa (3 http://nrfonline.nrf.a
years funding) c.za
R155 000 p.a. plus
R45 000 contribution Closing date changes
towards research expenses every year for all
Successful candidates are NRF calls
eligible for travel grant of up
to R15 000, for local travel,
and up to R45 000,
international travel. The
travel maybe used to
contribute towards the costs
of attending local or
international conferences;
workshops; visiting a
laboratory or; any other
activity that supports the
beneficiaries’ research
training. This is the
maximum amount permitted
over the tenure of the

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
6.6 NRF - Astronomy; South African citizens, Application to be
Innovation Bioinformatics*; permanent residents and done online as
Bursary: Biotechnology; Cellular international students for follows
Honours Level and Molecular Biology; full-time study ONLY https://nrfsubmission
Chemistry; Climate R60 000 s.nrf.ac.za
Change*; Computer 1 year only
science; Drug Discovery Minimum 60% for major Closing Date 31
and Development*; subjects. October of the
Earth Sciences; Earth preceding year
Observation*; Ecology;
Engineering; Function Academic Results
Genomics*; Global deadline: 20
Change, Society and December
Indigenous Knowledge
System*; Mathematical
Sciences; Marine
Sciences*; Medical Plant
Research*; Medical
Nuclear Technologies in
Medicine and
Physics; Renewable
Energy*; Social Science
and Humanities; and
Space Science
The percentage of
supported students will be
80% from SET and 20%
from the SSH disciplines

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
7. NRF - Astronomy; South African citizens, Application to be
Innovation Bioinformatics*; permanent residents and done online as
Bursary: Biotechnology; Cellular international students for follows
Master’s and and Molecular Biology; full-time studies ONLY https://nrfsubmission
Doctoral Level Chemistry; Climate Minimum 60% for major s.nrf.ac.za
Change*; Computer subjects
science; Drug Discovery Closing Date July of
and Development*; R90 000 (Master’s) the preceding year
Earth Sciences; Earth R120 000 (Doctoral)
Observation*; Ecology; Exact date is not
Engineering; Function Student with disability available at the time
Genomics*; Global scholarship-holders may of printing this
Change, Society and apply for additional funding booklet.
Sustainability*; for an assistive technology
Indigenous Knowledge device of up to R20 000. This Please source the
System*; Mathematical is the maximum amount exact date from the
Sciences; Marine allowed during the tenure of Postgraduate
Sciences*; Medical Plant the scholarship. Funding Office
Research*; Medical
sciences; In addition, Masters Please contact
Nanotechnology*; scholarship-holders may Postgraduate
Nuclear Technologies in apply for a travel grant of up Funding Office for
Medicine and to R15 000 (local Internal Closing
Biosciences*; conference), Doctoral Date.
Palaeosciences*; scholarship-holder up to R15
Physics; Renewable 000 (local) and up to R50 Renewal applications
Energy*; Social Science 000 (abroad) which may be to be submitted
and Humanities; and used to attend conferences, online
Space Science workshops and a visit to a https://nrfsubmission
The percentage of laboratory or any other s.nrf.ac.za
supported students will be activity that supports the
80% from SET and 20% beneficiaries’ current
from the SSH disciplines research progress. This is the
maximum amount allowed
during the tenure of the
Scholarship-holders who
wish to access the travel
grant and/or assistive
technology device (latter for
disabled students) must
complete a travel grant
and/or assistive technology
device application form
accessible from the NRF
system for consideration and
approval/disapproval by the

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
8. 7NRF - Open South African citizens and Application to be
Innovation permanent residents for full- done online as
Awards: time research follows
Postdoctoral R255 000 – p.a stipend plus https://nrfsubmission
R50 000 – p.a contribution s.nrf.ac.za
towards research costs
Beneficiaries are eligible for a Closing Date July of
local travel grant to a the preceding year
maximum of R25 000 and an
international travel grant to a Exact date is not
maximum of R50 000 which available at the time
can be used for conferences, of printing this
workshop attendance or visits booklet.
to a laboratory/collaborator.
Please source the
exact date from the
Funding Office

Please contact
Funding Office for
Internal Closing

Renewal applications
to be submitted

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
9. 8NRF Biological science: South African Citizens Only Application to be
Scarce Skills Biotechnology for full-time study R60 000 done online as
for Honours Engineering: All fields of 1 year only follows
engineering Minimum 60% for major https://nrfsubmission
Financial sector: subjects s.nrf.ac.za
Accounting, Auditing,
Statistics, Actuarial Student with disability Closing Date 31
Science; scholarship-holders may apply October of the
Management: Financial for additional funding for an preceding year
Management assistive technology device of
Biotechnology; up to R20 000. This is the
Physical sciences: maximum amount allowed
Mathematical Sciences, during the tenure of the
Physical Sciences, scholarship
Geology, Computer
Sciences, Information
Systems, Chemistry; and
Sector specific:
Agricultural Sciences,
Transportation Studies,
Tourism, Demography.

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
10. 9NRF Biological science: South African Citizens Only Application to be
Scarce Skills Biotechnology for full-time study done online
for Master’s Engineering: All fields of R90 000 Master’s https://nrfsubmission
and Doctoral engineering R120 000 Doctoral s.nrf.ac.za
Financial sector: Student with disability
Accounting, Auditing, scholarship-holders may apply Closing Date July of
Statistics, Actuarial for additional funding for an the preceding year
Science; assistive technology device of Exact date is not
Management: Financial up to R20 000. This is the available at the time
Management maximum amount allowed of printing this
Biotechnology; during the tenure of the booklet. Please
Physical sciences: scholarship. source the exact date
Mathematical Sciences, from the
Physical Sciences, In addition, Master’s Postgraduate
Geology, Computer scholarship-holders may apply Funding Office
Sciences, Information for a travel grant of up to R15
Systems, Chemistry; and 000 (local conference), Please contact
Sector specific: Doctoral scholarship-holder Postgraduate
Agricultural Sciences, up to R15 000 (local) and up Funding Office for
Transportation Studies, to R50 000 (abroad) which Internal Closing
Tourism, Demography may be used to attend Date.
conferences, workshops and a
visit to a laboratory or any Renewal applications
other activity that supports the to be submitted
beneficiaries’ current research online
progress. This is the https://nrfsubmission
maximum amount allowed s.nrf.ac.za
during the tenure of the

Scholarship-holders who wish

to access the travel grant
and/or assistive technology
device (later for disabled
students) must complete a
travel grant and/or assistive
technology device application
form accessible from the NRF
system for consideration and
approval/disapproval by the


1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
11. 10NRF Financial sector: South African citizens and Applications to be
Scarce Skills Accounting, Auditing, permanent residents for full- done online as
for Statistics, Actuarial time research follows:
Postdoctoral Science Biological R255 000 – p.a stipend plus https://nrfsubmission.nrf.
Fellows sciences: R50 000 – p.a contribution nrf.ac.za
Biotechnology towards research costs
Physical sciences: External Closing Date
Mathematical Sciences, Beneficiaries are eligible for a July of the preceding
Physics, Geology, local travel grant to a year
Computer Science, maximum of R25 000 and an
Information systems, international travel grant to a Renewals to be
Chemistry maximum of R50 000 which submitted 3months
Engineering: can be used for conferences, prior to end of the 1st
(all fields) workshop attendance or visits or 2nd year.
Sector specific: to a laboratory/collaborator. https://nrfsubmission.nrf.
Agricultural Sciences,
Transportation Studies,
Tourism, Demography

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
12. The programme is open Applicants must be South Application to be
NRF/DAAD to all subject areas with African citizens or hold done online
Bursary: strong relevance to the permanent residence status in https://nrfsubmission
Local Master’s national development of South Africa (in the latter s.nrf.ac.za
and Doctoral South Africa. This will case, both certified proof of
include science, employment and residency Closing Date August
engineering, technology, must be provided). of the preceding year
applied social science, Minimum 65%
environmental and other An age limit of 36 years at the Exact date is not
special areas of law, but time of application applies. available at the time
excludes the humanities Renewable of printing this
and fine arts. Values: booklet.
Master’s – R80 000
Doctoral – R110 000 Please source the
exact date from the
Short-term research Postgraduate
scholarships Funding Office
The scholarship-holder may
apply for a short-term Please contact
research fellowship (duration Postgraduate
2-6 months) in Germany Funding Office for
where parts of the thesis- Internal Closing
related research would Date.
significantly gain from this
research visit because of Renewal applications
required equipment, co- to be submitted
supervision or similar reasons. online
The applicant will have to https://nrfsubmission
present a current invitation by s.nrf.ac.za
a German professor who is
willing to supervise the
research during the envisaged
stay in Germany. A
convincing letter of
motivation and a clearly
defined time schedule for the
research stay must be
Application forms for these
short-term research
fellowships and further
information can be obtained
from: daad@wits.ac.za

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
13. 12NRF Applicant who will be South African citizens and SA Application to be
Square studying: permanent residents ONLY done online
Kilometre Bachelor of Electronic R121 000 https://skagrants.nrf.ac.
Array(SKA): Engineering 1 year only za
Undergraduate Bachelor of Electrical Minimum of 60%
and Honours and Electronic Closing Date
Engineering September of the
Bachelor of Electrical, preceding year
with a strong focus on
electronic Engineering Exact date is not
Bachelor of Mechanical available at the time
Engineering of printing this
Bachelor of Mechatronic booklet.
Bachelor of Computer Please source the
Engineering exact date from the
Bachelor of Science with Postgraduate
co-majors in Funding Office
Mathematics / Applied
Mathematics AND Please contact
Physics (without Postgraduate
Astrophysics / Funding Office for
Astronomy courses Internal Closing
Bachelor of Computer Date.
Science, with co-majors Renewable for 2nd,
in Mathematics/Applied 3rd year
Mathematics undergraduate
Bachelor of Science – studies
Honours in Physics and
Electronics /
Astrophysics /
Astronomy / Computer
Students who intend to
pursue postgraduate
research in radio
astronomy, or in an
engineering discipline
relevant to radio

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
14. 13 NRF Research focus for these South African citizens and Application forms
Square bursaries must align very permanent residents. available from NRF
Kilometre closely with specific Non-South Africans from website can be
Array(SKA): areas of MeerKAT and other countries in Africa. downloaded from
Master’s and SKA science technology Non-South Africans from https://skagrants.nrf.ac.
Doctoral where research is other countries in Africa, za
required who wish to complete PhD or
MSc degree at a university in Closing Date
an SKA SA partner country September of the
(Namibia, Zambia, preceding year
Botswana, Mozambique,
Madagascar, Mauritius, Exact date is not
Kenya and Ghana). available at the time
of printing this
R110 000 (Master’s) booklet.
R126 000 (Doctoral)
Please source the
In addition to the above exact date from the
award, the SKA will consider Postgraduate
requests for a travel grant up Funding Office
to a maximum value of R25
000 (M) and R30 000 (D) p/a Please contact
to attend a conference locally Postgraduate
or abroad. Further fellows Funding Office for
may apply for a once-off Internal Closing
equipment grant of up to R23 Date.
000 (M) and R34 000 (D) for Renewal applications
duration of bursary i.e. one to be submitted
piece of computer equipment. online
The award of these funds is https://skagrants.nrf.ac.z
not automatic, but is
considered on application.

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
15. 14NRF Research focus for this Postdoctoral research in South Application forms
Square fellowship must align Africa available from NRF
Kilometre very closely with specific R350 000 (Stipend) website can be
Array(SKA): areas of MeerKAT and In addition to the above downloaded from
Postdoctoral SKA science technology award, the NRF will consider https://skagrants.nrf.ac.
Fellowship where research is requests for a travel grant up za
required. to a maximum value of R35
000 p/a to attend a conference Closing Date July
locally or abroad. Further or August of the
fellows may apply for a once- preceding year
off equipment grant of up to
R55 000 for duration of i.e. Exact date is not
one piece of computer available at the time
equipment. The award of of printing this
these funds is not automatic, booklet.
but is considered on
application. Please source the
exact date from the
Funding Office

Please contact
Funding Office for
Internal Closing
Renewal applications
to be submitted

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
16. 15NRF Science; Engineering: South African citizens or Applications to be
Doctoral Technology; South African permanent done online as
Part-time Mathematical Sciences; resident. follows:
Social Science; and Applicant must conclude the https://nrfsubmissions.
Humanities. study in the year of support; nrf.ac.za
An applicant must currently Closing Date July
be registered for a Doctoral or August of the
degree and be in the final preceding year
year of the research activities
(applicants must have Exact date is not
completed all fieldwork, available at the time
experiments, research of printing this
methodology and analysis booklet. Please
and should be in the write up source the exact
stages of their doctoral date from the
dissertation). Postgraduate
R10 000 per month for Funding Office
twelve months or
R120 000 per annum. The Please contact
pro-rata period is based on an Postgraduate
applicant’s leave period Funding Office for
approved by the employer. Internal Closing Date

Not Renewable

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a.& Tenure apply & closing
date for application
17. 16 NRF - Open Honours study for South Heads of
Grantholder African citizen students. Full- Departments to be
Linked time studies only. contacted for further
Bursaries Master’s study for South information, before 1
All levels African citizens, SA July in the preceding
permanent resident and year of intended
students from the African study.
countries. Full-time and part-
time studies. Closing Date 31
Doctoral study for South March of the same
African citizens, SA year
permanent resident and non –
SA citizens. Full-time and Student to be
part-time studies nominated by the
1 year Honours - R20 000 Supervisor/Co-
2 years Master’s - R40 000 supervisor if the
3 years Doctoral - R60 000 Supervisor/Co-
2 years Postdoctoral Research supervisor receive
- R150 000 (pro rata / month) this grant and it has
student support
18. NRF - Open Honours study for South Heads of
Grantholder African citizen. Departments to be
Linked Master’s study for South contacted for further
Bursaries: African citizens, SA information, before
South African permanent resident and 1 July in the
Research students from the African preceding year of
Chairs countries. intended study.
Initiative Doctoral study for South
(SARChI)All African citizens, SA Closing Date 31
levels permanent resident and non – March of the same
SA citizens. year
Full-time studies ONLY
1 year Honours – R40 000Student to be
2 years Master’s – R70 000
nominated by the
3 years Doctoral – R100 000
3 years Postdoctoral supervisor if the
Research – R200 000 Supervisor/Co-
(pro rata / month) supervisor receive
this grant and it has
student support
Contact Bongiwe Ndamane at the UCT Postgraduate Funding Office Telephone 021 650 3926 or
email Bongiwe.Ndamane@uct.ac.za for on-line application problems, help and advice.

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

University Research Scholarships
Honours and Master’s Candidates who are eligible for support from the NRF (SET & SSH), who
fail to submit a completed application to the NRF, will not be eligible for the Honours or Master’s
research scholarship. It is important therefore that eligible candidates apply for BOTH UCT merit
and NRF awards.
UCT Research (merit awards) scholarships and NRF grant Holder-linked bursaries may not be held
concurrently, but may be supplemented, within certain limits, by income from part-time
employment and/or other awards.
PLEASE NOTE: These awards are NOT GUARANTEED and depend on availability of funds.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
UCT Doctoral All disciplines Master’s graduates Postgraduate Bursary
Research Full-time registration for the Application (Form 10A)
Scholarships Doctoral degree available from Postgraduate
UCT Full-time staff Funding Office and can be
members are ineligible. downloaded from
Value: Variable http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
Doctoral students may hold degree-funding/applications-
UCT and NRF awards
concurrently Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
UCT Honours All disciplines Graduates from any Postgraduate Bursary
Merit university for full-time Application (Form 10A)
Scholarships Honours study available from Postgraduate
Minimum 60% Funding Office and can be
Value: Up to R30 000 downloaded from
Intending students who ents/fees-funding/postgraduate-
neglect to apply to the NRF degree-funding/applications-
will not be considered for requirements
merit scholarships. Closing Date 31 October of
UCT merit scholarships the preceding year
and NRF awards cannot
be held concurrently.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
UCT Master’s Master’s Honours and 4-Year Postgraduate Bursary
Scholarships Bachelor degree graduates Application (Form 10A)
Minimum 60% available from Postgraduate
Value: Up to R50 000 Funding Office and can be
UCT full-time staff downloaded from
members are ineligible. http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
Value for Renewal for the degree-funding/applications-
2nd year of study – up to requirements
R25 000 Closing Date 31 October of
Intending students who the preceding year
neglect to apply to the NRF
will not be considered for
merit scholarships.
UCT merit scholarships
and NRF awards cannot
be held concurrently.

1. The University of Cape Town reserves the right to adjust the conditions and values of award
2. UCT Staff members (including Full-time, Part-time, T2 & T3) can apply for UCT Doctoral Staff
Bursaries and UCT Master’s Staff Bursaries.

University Travel Grants

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply
award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
UCT All disciplines Research Master’s: See conditions on
Conference 2nd year only http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
Travel Grants ents/fees-funding/postgraduate-
Doctoral - degree-funding/bursaries-
Students who have scholarships/travel
upgraded from Master’s to
Doctoral study are eligible Closing Date
in the 1st and 2nd year of 9 March 2018(for travel
registration for doctoral between April – September
study. 2018)
Value: Variable Closing Date
31 August 2018 (for travel
between October 2018–
March 2019)
Full report required on return
to UCT.
UCT All disciplines Only 1st and 2nd year UCT Scholarships for
Scholarship Master’s and 1st, 2nd and International Travel
for 3rd year Doctoral students application form available for
International registered at UCT for full- download from PFO URL:
Travel time study, and who wish to http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
spend 2 (minimum) to 10 ents/fees-funding/postgraduate-
(maximum) months at an degree-funding/bursaries-
approved international
Accompanying documents:
institution as part of a
Letter of application, full
visiting scholar’s (or
research proposal and/or
similar) programme.
progress report, letter of
19 motivation from Head of
Value: Variable
Department, full details of
proposed travel and costing,
Tenure: Only one award per
proof of acceptance by host
student, per degree
institution and supporting
Closing Date
9 March 2018(for travel
between April – September
Closing Date
31 August 2018 (for travel
between October 2018–
March 2019)
Full report required on return
to UCT.

NB: The University of Cape Town reserves the right to adjust the conditions and values of award

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Scarbrow All disciplines South African citizens Refer to the Postgraduate
Bursary Fund Past or present students of Funding Office
UCT to study a recognised URL:
profession at any university http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
in UK, Ireland, USA, ents/fees-funding/postgraduate-
Canada or Europe degree-funding/bursaries-
Contact Erica Van Wyk-Mias at UCT Postgraduate Funding Office: Telephone (021) 650 3622;
E-mail Erica.VanWyk-Mias@uct.ac.za

Prestigious Research Fellowships

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply
award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Potter, David Open Master’s and Doctoral Applications must be
& Elaine Applicants must students who are registered submitted to the Director,
Fellowship contribute to the for full-time study at UCT Postgraduate Funding Office,
development and Awards will be made on UCT in the preceding year
furthering of civil academic merit, suitability Applications should include:
society in South to the intention of the letter of application, full CV,
Africa and, as award. certified copies of transcripts,
graduates, use their Value: proof of acceptance to
degrees to Master’s - R95 000 p.a. relevant department at UCT.
contribute to the Doctoral - R140 000 p.a. An essay of 2500 words on
economic and On successful application, the applicant’s intended role
social development candidates will be expected in civil society, and a research
of South Africa. to participate in the proposal duly approved and
planning of at least one accepted by the relevant
seminar programme per department at UCT are
degree, directly related to required.
their line of study, and
Please check with the
participate in community-
Postgraduate Centre &
based projects, as part of
Funding office or on the
their studies.
above URL for closing date.

NB: The David & Elaine Potter Charitable Trust reserves the right to adjust conditions and value of

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Crossley, All disciplines Limited number of awards Application form available to
Harry EXCEPT for research related degrees download from
Foundation Religious Studies and full-time study at UCT http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
Research and Political Prestigious awards; open to ents/fees-funding/postgraduate-
Fellowship Studies all but preference to degree-funding/applications-
designated groups. Main
criteria are MERIT.
Accompanying documents:
Transcripts should show
CV, all academic transcripts,
70% for Bachelors degree,
2 letters of reference from
Honours or Master’s.
academics by whom
Successful Master’s and
applicants have been
Doctoral candidates must be
taught/supervised, proof of
prepared to plan and hold 1
acceptance into UCT,
seminar on topics related to
proforma invoice and project
their research, to be held in
proposal for Master’s and
the UCT Postgraduate
Centre as part of the
Crossley Seminar
Applications open in August
21 and close in September of the
preceding year
Renewal of Master’s and
Doctoral Fellowships are
Please check with the
not guaranteed and will
Postgraduate Centre &
depend on availability of
Funding Office or on the
funds and students’
above URL for closing date.
academic progress.
Prescient Management Available to South African Applications must be
Securities Studies (Actuarial citizens from a historically submitted to Director,
Postgraduate Science) disadvantaged background Postgraduate Centre &
Scholarship Accounting who will registered for a Funding Office, 3rd Level
Finance full-time Honours degree Otto Beit (Students Union)
Economics students, at UCT. Must have Building Upper Campus,
Statistical Sciences achieved at least 65% for University of Cape Town by
final year of relevant no later than 15 March of the
undergraduate degree. preceding year.
Value: R120,000
Tenure: 1 year Enquiries:

-The Harry Crossley Foundation reserves the right to adjust the conditions and value of awards

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
The Wilhelm Engineering and/or South African citizens. Applications must be
Frank Trust areas of Science Academically excellent submitted to Director,
that are directly students who intend to Postgraduate Centre &
proceed with research in Funding Office, 3rd Level
areas of study that will Otto Beit (Students Union)
contribute to the Building Upper Campus,
development of engineering University of Cape Town by
and related sciences in no later than 7 December of
South Africa. the preceding year
For full-time study towards
Master’s and Doctoral Enquiries:
degrees fellowships@uct.ac.za
Master’s - R150,000
Doctoral – R220,000
Tenure: 1 year renewable
Contact Erica Van Wyk-Mias at UCT Postgraduate Funding Office: Telephone (021) 650 3622;
E-mail Erica.VanWyk-Mias@uct.ac.za

The following UCT-administered awards are offered for full-time study towards the Honours,
Master’s or Doctoral degrees, unless indicated to the contrary. Candidates in the 4th year of a
Bachelors degree, PGCE and Postgraduate Diplomas and intending LLB and BArch students must
contact the Undergraduate Student Financial Aid Office for information regarding funding.
UCT awards appearing in this section are restricted to South African citizens and permanent
residents. With the exception of those awards appearing under sub-sections D, E and F.
Note: Applicants are required to use Form 10A for new awards and 10B for renewals*
Unless otherwise specified, application for awards appearing in this section must be made on the
prescribed Postgraduate Financial Assistance Application Forms 10A or 10B, available on request
from the UCT Postgraduate Funding Office and obtainable on our web-site
A single Postgraduate Financial Assistance Application (Forms 10A and 10B*) should be
submitted for most awards appearing under sub-sections A to D, except where otherwise specified.
Candidates will automatically be considered for all awards within these sections for which they
may be eligible. Please take note of the closing dates as LATE AND/OR INCOMPLETE
Please note that specific application forms or alternative application procedures are required in
order to apply for awards appearing under sub-section E.
Master’s and Doctoral students who are eligible for renewal of awards made may apply for such
renewal by completing Form 10B which must reach the Postgraduate Funding Office together with
the required academic progress report by NO LATER THAN 30 September in the preceding year.
Where eligible, all applicants for Honours, Master’s and Doctoral study are reminded of the need
to apply, in the first instance, for the appropriate NRF bursary scholarship (see Section 1)
A. Awards Based on Merit and/or Need
Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to
award Value p.a. & Tenure apply & closing date
for application
Albow Bursary Social Sciences Preference for research in Postgraduate Bursary
Race Relations for Honours, Application (Form 10A)
Master’s or Doctoral available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office can be
Tenure: 1 year downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a. & Tenure apply & closing date
for application
Alexandra All disciplines Female UCT graduate Postgraduate Bursary
Club Bursary Value: Variable Application (Form 10A)
Tenure: 1 year available from Postgraduate
Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Beattie, Jock All disciplines For Honours or Master’s Postgraduate Bursary
Memorial degrees in major subject of Application (Form 10A)
Bursary first degree. available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Crossley, All disciplines Available to Honours, Postgraduate Bursary
Harry EXCEPT Master’s and Doctoral Application (Form 10A)
Foundation Religious students for full-time study available from Postgraduate
Postgraduate Studies and at UCT. Based on merit and Funding Office and can be
Bursaries Political Studies financial need. downloaded from
Tenure: http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
1 year Honours, not ents/fees-funding/postgraduate-
renewable degree-funding/applications-
1 year Master’s renewable
for 1 further year
Closing Date 31 October of
(maximum 2 years)
the preceding year
1 year Doctoral, renewable
for 2 further years
(maximum 3 years)
Value: Variable
John Davidson South African Tenure of award: 1 year. Applications handed into:
Educational Honours, Masters No renewal is for a second Postgraduate Centre &
Trust and Doctoral year is guaranteed. Funding Office
students who are Academic Criteria: 60% 3rd level Otto Beit Building
registered for full mark and above for Upper Campus
time study in any undergraduate, Honours or University of Cape Town
area of Masters coursework. Email:
Engineering (with Other Criteria: Financial Celeste.Jansen@uct.ac.za
the exception of need or
Architecture), Value: Variable - The value Arlene.Jacobs@uct.ac.za
Commerce and of the bursaries to be
Business awarded are at the Closing date 20 January of the
Management discretion of the Trustees. same year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a. & Tenure apply & closing date
for application
Goldblatt, All disciplines Graduate of UCT, with Postgraduate Bursary
Janet Bursary preference for students from Application (Form 10A)
Namibia available from Postgraduate
Funding Office and can be
Value: Variable downloaded from
Tenure: 1 year http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud

Closing Date 31 October of

the preceding year
Johnson, Siri All disciplines For Honours, Master’s or Postgraduate Bursary
Bursary Doctoral study at UCT. Application (Form 10A)
Value: Variable available from Postgraduate
Tenure: 1 year Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Johnston, KW All disciplines Limited number of awards Postgraduate Bursary
Research for full-time Master’s and Application (Form 10A)
Scholarship Doctoral students available from Postgraduate
undertaking research Funding Office and can be
degrees downloaded from
Based on merit http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
Value: variable ents/fees-funding/postgraduate-
Tenure: 1 year degree-funding/applications-
*Note: Awards are
dependent on availability of Closing Date 31 October of
funds. the preceding year
Mullne, Rose All disciplines Master’s or Doctoral study Postgraduate Bursary
& Sydney by research Application (Form 10A)
Bursary Value: Variable available from Postgraduate
Tenure: 1 year Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a. & Tenure apply & closing date
for application
Royal Society Science faculty Full-time Honours study Postgraduate Bursary
of South Value: R30,000 Application (Form 10A)
Africa bursary Tenure: 1 year available from Postgraduate
in the faculty Funding Office and can be
of Science downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Saunders, All disciplines Preference for female UCT Postgraduate Bursary
Noreen graduate Application (Form 10A)
Bursary Value: Variable available from Postgraduate
Tenure: 1 year Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Spilman, DM Education For Honours, Master’s and Postgraduate Bursary
Bursary Doctoral students Application (Form 10A)
Value: Variable available from Postgraduate
Tenure: 1 year Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Twamley All disciplines Master’s or Doctoral study Postgraduate Bursary
Postgraduate Value: Variable Application (Form 10A)
Bursary Tenure:1 year available from Postgraduate
Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to

award Value p.a. & Tenure apply & closing date
for application
Urmson-Smith All disciplines Graduates born, educated or Postgraduate Bursary
Bursary permanent resident in Application (Form 10A)
Oudtshoorn available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Wakeford, Dr All disciplines Preference for degrees in Postgraduate Bursary
John Bursary Education Application (Form 10A)
Graduates born/educated in available from Postgraduate
Kimberley Funding Office and can be
Value: Variable downloaded from
Tenure: 1 year http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Woodstock & Religious Studies Protestant graduates Postgraduate Bursary
Salt River Variable intending to undertake Application (Form 10A)
Mission missionary work available from Postgraduate
Bursary Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

B. Health Sciences Awards

Name of award Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &
Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Baxter, J W Health Sciences Preference for cancer Postgraduate Medical Awards
Duncan research Application (Form 10A)
Scholarship Value: Variable available from Postgraduate
Tenure: 1 year renewable at Funding Office and can be
Master’s and Doctoral level downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Benfara Health Sciences For postgraduate Honours, Postgraduate Medical Awards
Scholarship Master’s and Doctoral study Application (Form 10A)
in Health Sciences and available from Postgraduate
cancer related research Funding Office and can be
Value: Variable downloaded from
Tenure: 1 year http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Brunow, Myer Health Sciences For postgraduate Honours, Postgraduate Medical Awards
& Harry, Master’s and Doctoral study Application (Form 10A)
Scholarships in Health Sciences available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Forman, Frank Health Sciences For Honours, Master’s or Postgraduate Medical Awards
Grant Doctoral study and research Application (Form 10A)
in Health Sciences available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

Name of award Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &
Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Gavron, Dr Music & For Master’s and Doctoral Postgraduate Bursary
Sylvia Psychology students in Music (Piano) Application (Form 10A)
Scholarship Value: Variable available from Postgraduate
(Music) Tenure: 1 year Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Glickman/ Elliot Health Sciences For postgraduate Honours, Postgraduate Medical Awards
Scholarship Master’s and Doctoral study Application (Form 10A)
in Health Sciences available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Loewenstein Medical Full-time Master’s and Postgraduate Bursary
Trust Research Doctoral study in medical Application (Form 10A)
Postgraduate sciences available from Postgraduate
Scholarship Awarded on merit (GRP Funding Office and can be
60% and above) with a downloaded from
dissertation/thesis http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
component of 100%, open ents/fees-funding/postgraduate-
to South African citizens degree-funding/applications-
generally under age of 30
years. Closing Date 31 October of
Value: Variable the preceding year
Tenure: 1 year, but may be
renewable in special cases
Rubin, Marcus Health Sciences For postgraduate Honours, Postgraduate Bursary
Scholarship Master’s and Doctoral study Application (Form 10A)
in Health Sciences available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

Name of award Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &
Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Waddell, Cancer Research For postgraduate Master’s Postgraduate Bursary
Marion Beatrice and Doctoral studies having Application (Form 10A)
Bursary a bearing on cancer research available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year renewable downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Yeoman Bequest Cancer Research For postgraduate Honours, Postgraduate Bursary
Bursary Master’s and Doctoral study Application (Form 10A)
in health sciences having a available from Postgraduate
bearing on cancer research Funding Office and can be
Value: Variable downloaded from
Tenure: 1 year renewable http://www.students.uct.ac.za/stud
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
C. Departmental Awards
Applicants for these awards are normally nominated by the Head of the appropriate Department,
but applications should be submitted via the Postgraduate Funding Office.
Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply
award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Bokhorst, Music For postgraduate study in Postgraduate Bursary
Matthijs Music Application (Form 10A)
Bursary Value: Variable available from Postgraduate
Tenure: 1 year Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Chisholm, Music Awarded on basis of ability Postgraduate Bursary
Erik Memorial and need for postgraduate Application (Form 10A)
Bursary study at the South African available from Postgraduate
College of Music Funding Office and can be
Value: Variable downloaded from
Tenure: 1 year renewable at http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Master’s and Doctoral level udents/fees-
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
EE Coutts Music Full-time music students Postgraduate Bursary
Bursary Value: Variable Application (Form 10A)
Tenure: 1 year renewable at available from Postgraduate
Master’s and Doctoral level Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Epstein, English South African student Postgraduate Bursary
Bertha Isobel For postgraduate study in Application (Form 10A)
Bursary English Literature available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Epstein, Louis Music South African student Postgraduate Bursary
Bursary For postgraduate study in Application (Form 10A)
Drama and Music available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Gardell, Stella Music Full-time study at the South Postgraduate Bursary
& John Preference for the African College of Music Application (Form 10A)
Bursary study of the Cello Honours, Master’s and available from Postgraduate
Doctoral Funding Office and can be
Value: Variable downloaded from
Tenure: 1 year http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Harries, Fine Arts For award to a needy Postgraduate Bursary
Katrine Preference in the postgraduate student in Application (Form 10A)
Memorial field of Graphic Department of Fine Arts. available from
Bursary Design Preference given to the field Postgraduate Funding
of graphic design. Office and can be
Value: Variable downloaded from
Tenure: 1 year renewable at http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Master’s and Doctoral level udents/fees-
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Kellman, Piano For postgraduate study in Postgraduate Bursary
Ascher Pianoforte Application (Form 10A)
Bursary Value: Variable available from Postgraduate
Tenure: 1 year renewable at Funding Office and can be
Master’s and Doctoral level downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Kirby, PR Musicology For study in Musicology at Postgraduate Bursary
Memorial South African College of Application (Form 10A)
Scholarship Music available from Postgraduate
Preference for African Funding Office and can be
Ethnomusicology downloaded from
Value: Variable http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Tenure: 1 year renewable at udents/fees-
Master’s and Doctoral level funding/postgraduate-degree-
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Kramer, Jules Music, Fine Art For postgraduate study in Postgraduate Bursary
Music & Fine Music and Fine Art Application (Form 10A)
Art Grants Value: Variable available from Postgraduate
(Local) Tenure: 1 year renewable at Funding Office and can be
Master’s and Doctoral level downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Lestrade Linguistic study For postgraduate Linguistic Application forms are
Scholarship of African study with preference for available from the
Languages indigenous languages of Postgraduate Funding
Africa Office and
Value: Variable http://www.uct.ac.za/
Tenure: 1 year renewable at apply/funding/ postgraduate/
Master’s and Doctoral level notice/
Closing Date 28 February
of the preceding year
MacIver Fine Art Awarded to promising Postgraduate Bursary
Scholarship women students currently Application (Form 10A)
registered or accepted for available from Postgraduate
study at Michaelis School Funding Office and can be
of Fine Art on the basis of downloaded from
creative work at the school. http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
MacKenzie, English Restricted to women Postgraduate Bursary
Barbara undertaking a Master’s Application (Form 10A)
Memorial degree in English. available from Postgraduate
Scholarship Minimum 2+ result for Funding Office and can be
English III. downloaded from
Value: Variable http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Tenure: 1 year udents/fees-
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
MacKenzie, Music Graduate with evidence of Postgraduate Bursary
Megan ability for advanced study in Application (Form 10A)
Memorial Music available from Postgraduate
Scholarship Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year renewable at downloaded from
Master’s and Doctoral level http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
MLH – Architecture & Final year Master’s The Head
Architects & Town Planning At least 60% for last degree School of Architecture,
Planners Awarded on financial need Planning & Geomatics
Bursary Value: Variable UCT
Tenure: 1 year
By nomination only

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
OASIS Commerce, Law, For Honours or Master's Postgraduate Bursary
Bursary Engineering & Awarded on need Value: Application (Form 10A)
Build Environment Variable Tenure: 1 year available from Postgraduate
(Bcom Hons, renewable on satisfactory Funding Office and can be
Mcom, LLM, MSc progress downloaded from
(Eng), Mphil (Eng) http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Overbeek, Social Work Awarded primarily on Postgraduate Bursary
John & merit, for advanced study in Application (Form 10A)
Margaret Social Work. available from Postgraduate
Scholarship Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year renewable at downloaded from
Master’s and Doctoral level http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
North Humanities in the Doctoral study Postgraduate Bursary
American following Value: R20000 Application (Form 10A)
Postgraduate discipline: fine Tenure: 1 year renewable available from Postgraduate
Fellowship and/or graphic arts, for 2nd and 3rd year on Funding Office and can be
languages, history satisfactory progress downloaded from
and philosophy http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Posco Africa All discipline GPA: Above 70% Postgraduate Bursary
Fellowship Value: Variable Application (Form 10A)
available from Postgraduate
Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Sacks, Ruth Social UCT graduate Postgraduate Bursary
Bursary Anthropology Value: Variable Application (Form 10A)
Tenure: 1 year available from Postgraduate
Funding Office and can be
downloaded from
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Walker, Hugh Architecture & Awarded with preference Postgraduate Bursary
& Win Planning for degrees in Architecture Application (Form 10A)
Scholarship and, thereafter, Planning. available from Postgraduate
Value: Variable Funding Office and can be
Tenure: 1 year renewable downloaded from
or by nomination by HOD
Closing Date 31 October of
the preceding year
Contact UCT Postgraduate Funding Office, telephone (021) 650 3629/ 1917 email
Arlene.Jacobs@uct.ac.za or Celeste.Jansen@uct.ac.za

D. Departmental Awards Requiring Specific Application or Procedures

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &
award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
African Economics For students enrolled for Graduate Administrator:
Economic collaborative Doctoral Paula Bassingthwaighte
Research programmes in Economics Room 4.39, New School of
Consortium 4 years Economics building.
Scholarship Subject to satisfactory Middle Campus
progress annually. Paula.Bassingthwaighte@uct.ac.za
Baker, Justice Radiation For study/research in The Head
Peter Oncology Radiation Oncology and Department of Radiation
Memorial Radiobiology. Oncology
Scholarship Value: Variable L-Block, LD-Floor, Room D8
Tenure: 1 year Anzio Road, Groote Schuur
Hospital, UCT
Closing Date 30 January of
the same year

Biological Biological Available for full-time The Head, Department of

Sciences Sciences Honours, Master’s and Biological Sciences,
Department Department Doctoral studies in the UCT
Postgraduate Department of Biological
Scholarship Sciences. Awarded on
academic merit and
financial need. Value:
Variable Tenure: 1 year

Brown, Debbie Environmental Full-time Environmental and The Head

Bursary Education or Geographical Science ENGEO
Environmental and Honours or MEd students. UCT
Geographical Value: Approx. R2000
Science Tenure: 1 year
Business Postgraduate For full-time and part-time The Head
Women’s MBA, PDBA and MBA as well as Bursary Committee
Association AIM Postgraduate Diploma in Graduate School of Business
Business and the AIM UCT
Modular programme. Email:admissions@gsb.uct.ac.za
Graduate female South
African citizens Closing Date 30 November of
Value: Variable the preceding year
Tenure: 1 year
Buyskes, Hilda Librarianship Graduate with aptitude for Enquiries to the Library and
Bursary Library work Information Studies Centre
Value: Variable on lisc@uct.ac.za .
Tenure: 1 year
Closing date: First semester
of each year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Cameron, Biological Full-time Master’s and The Head
Dorothy Sciences Doctoral students registered Biological Sciences
Scholarship in Biological Sciences Department
Department. The award will
only be made to PhD
students within 3 years of
their degree and MSc
students within 2 years. If
there is a strong merit
component articulated in
the letter of motivation an
exception may be made for
the award to be made in the
4th year of a PhD.
Project should have
significant botanical
content. Awarded on
academic merit and
financial need. Value: R20
000 Tenure: 1 year
Camps Bay Drama Available for The Head
Operatic and Undergraduate and Department of Drama
Dramatic Postgraduate studies in Rosedale Building
Society Drama at UCT. Hiddingh Campus
Bursary Trust Value: Variable UCT
Tenure: Renewable Email: Drama@uct.ac.za
Closing Date 1 March of the
same year
Centre for Postgraduate For modular PBA and AIM CAM
African PDBA and AIM degree. Fund Scholarship
Management South African citizens of Administration
Fund disadvantaged background UCT
Value: Variable Graduate School of Business
Tenure: 1 year Email: admissions@gsb.uct.ac.za
Closing Date 30 November of
the preceding year
Centre for Centre for Social Funding available in the Students should apply only in
Social Science Science Research form of research response to specific
Research and and The Institute assistantships and opportunities as advertised
The Institute on Democracy, fellowships for postgraduate from time to time on the
on Democracy, Citizenship and students working on Website: www.cssr.uct.ac.za
Citizenship Public Policy on specific aspects of CSSR
and Public Africa research projects.
Policy on
Africa Tenure: 1 year renewable

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
CERECAM Computational and Awarded on basis of merit The Director
Postgraduate Applied Mechanics for full-time Master’s and CERECAM
Scholarship Doctoral research in 5th Floor, Menzies Building
Computational and Applied Faculty of Engineering and
Mechanics. the Built Environment
Value: Variable UCT
Chemical Chemical Awarded on merit for full- The Head
Engineering Engineering time Master’s and Doctoral Department of Chemical
Postgraduate study in Chemical Engineering
Scholarship Engineering. UCT
Value: Variable Consult supervisor on
Tenure: commencement of research
Master’s 2 years
Doctoral 3 years
Cockwell, Nursing and South African citizens only Application to Head of
Daphne Midwifery For full-time study towards Nursing and Midwifery
Scholarships Postgraduate Diploma and Division,
Master’s degree Accompanying documents:
Value: Variable One page motivation, CV,
Tenure: 1 year certified copies of all
transcripts, reference letters
from two academics who have
taught/supervised the
applicant at university; full
budget reflecting anticipated
income and expenditure for
2019 plus certified copies of
applicant’s bank account
statements for October,
November and December
2018 plus an official letter
from employer indicating
release for full duration of
study period.
Opens: 1 December and
Closes end of February of
intake year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Corder, Basil Law The scholarship is awarded Mr Maurice Jacobs, Law
and Con to a University of Cape Faculty Office, Kramer Law
Scholarship Town graduate in law who Building, UCT.
is registered at the
University of Cape Town Closing Date 31 January of
for the LLM degree by the same year
coursework and minor
dissertation, on the basis of The direct link to the
financial need, proven scholarships application form
academic merit and having is as follows:
displayed a concern for the (http://forms.uct.ac.za/student
wider community through admin/law01.pdf)
service individually or in
voluntary organisations.
Preference will be given to
an applicant who will be
completing part of the
degree at a university
outside South Africa. In
the event of no award or
insufficient awards of the
Basil and Con Corder
Scholarship for LLM
studies, the scholarship
may be awarded to an
applicant registered for the
Intermediate or Final Level
LLB, on the basis of
financial need, proven
academic merit and
indication of concern for
the wider community
Value: Variable
(approximately R10 000)
Tenure: One year.
Decision Statistical Full-time BSc Hons and The Head of Department,
Analysis Sciences BCom Hons students’ Statistical Sciences, UCT
Postgraduate scholarship awarded on Francesca.Little@uct.ac.za
Scholarship academic merit, financial
(Honours) need, and relevance to
research interests in the
field of Decision Theory
and Analysis. Scholarship
may not be held by salaried
Value: Variable
Tenure: 1 year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Dickson, Biological For postgraduate research in Application by letter to: Head
Charles Sciences the field of butterflies. of Department, Biological
Research Intermittent award. Sciences, UCT.
Grant Value: Variable
Tenure: 1 year renewable No closing date
Electrical Electrical Awarded on merit for full- The Head Department of
Engineering Engineering time Master’s and Doctoral Electrical Engineering UCT
Postgraduate study in Department of
Consult supervisor on
Scholarship Electrical Engineering.
commencement of research
Value: Variable
Elliott, Guy Medical South African citizen with Guy Elliott
Research Research medical degree. For full- Department of Medicine
Fellowship time medical research at J Floor
UCT within division of Old Main Building
Medicine. Advertised on Groote Schuur Hospital
UCT notice board Medical Observatory
Schools when available. 7925
Registration for MPhil; Closing Date
MMed; DSc(Med); 15 September of the preceding
Doctoral. year or as advertised
Value: Variable
Candidates must normally
be under the age of 35 years
when their appointment is
Gavron, Sylvia Ophthalmology Postgraduate study of Head of Department
Bursary blindness in children and in Division of Ophthalmology
elderly persons H53 Old Main Building
Value: Variable Groote Schuur Hospital
Tenure: 1 year Observatory
Closing Date 30 June of the
same year
Geriatric Unit Medicine Full-time Master’s, The Head
Postgraduate Doctoral and Postdoctoral Geriatric Medicine
Scholarship students UCT
Awarded on academic merit Consult Head of Department
and financial need. when formulating research
Value: Variable proposal.
Tenure: 1 year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
GSB/Bertha Currently only Applicants will only be able URL:
Centre for open to post- to take up the Bertha Centre http://www.gsb.uct.ac.za/bc-
Social graduate Scholarship if successfully scholarships
Innovation & candidates who admitted to the UCT GSB
Entrepreneur would like to programme. An online Closing Date 31 October in
ship complete a GSB: application form, together the preceding year [subject to
Scholarships 1. MBA with a short video change annually]
2. MPhil in application needs to be
Inclusive completed, please see Website:
Innovation information online here: http://www.gsb.uct.ac.za/bc-
Or requires http://www.gsb.uct.ac.za/bc scholarships
funding to -scholarships Applicants
complete their must be a citizen from an Contact: Sulona Reddy
3. PhD African country and a berthascholarships@gsb.uct.ac.za
Permanent Resident for at
least one year. Contact telephone numbers:
+27 (0)21 406 1524/1514/1470

Applications open annually

around July/August.
Henderson, Physics Full-time Doctoral study in The Head
Colin physics excluding research Department of Physics
Memorial related to military matters UCT
Fellowship Preference given to students Consult the Head when
in experimental nuclear formulating Research
physics. proposal
Value: Variable
Tenure: 1 year renewable
HOI African Studies Awarded to post-Honours Office Manager
Scholarship in students undertaking Centre for African Studies
African research in any field with Harry Oppenheimer Institute
Studies application to African Building, Upper Campus
Studies. UCT
This prestigious scholarship Lilian.Jacobs@uct.ac.za
is awarded on the basis of Closing Date 30 October in
academic merit and equity. the preceding year
Maximum of R30 000
Tenure: 1 Year
Honikman, Cancer Research For postgraduate research in The Head
Deena in any field Cancer or for Conference Department of Radiation
Memorial Travel to an appropriate Oncology
Scholarship conference L-Block, LD-Floor,
Tenure: 1 year renewable Room D-8, Anzio Road,
Groote Schuur Hospital,
Closing Date 31 October in
the preceding year or as

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Immunology Immunology, Limited awards for The Head
Scholarship Pathology Honours, Master’s, Division of Immunology,
Doctoral or Postdoctoral Department of Pathology,
research bursaries for those IDM, UCT
enrolled in the Division of
Immunology. Awards are dependent on
Value: variable availability of funds
Tenure: 1 Year
Integrative Biomedical Honours, Master's, Doctoral Head of Department of
Medical Sciences students and Postdoctoral Integrative Biomedical
Biochemistry Fellows registered in the Sciences, Faculty of Health
Postgraduate Department of Integrative Sciences,
Scholarship Biomedical Sciences. UCT
Value: variable
Tenure: 1 year renewable Edward.Sturrock@uct.ac.za
Kaplan Centre Jewish Studies, i.e. Postgraduate and The Director, Kaplan Centre,
for Jewish study and/or undergraduate awards. Rachel Bloch House,
Studies Award research relating to Certain awards may be Engineering Mall, Upper
the history, renewable. Value: Variable Campus, Rondebosch,
politics, Tenure: 1 year Email: Kaplan-
philosophy, Centre@uct.ac.za
sociology or
culture of Jews and Closing Date 15 February of
Judaism. the same year
Katz, Pete Postgraduate On merit or need or a The Chair
Scholarship Honours in Film combination of both. Value: Pete Katz Scholarship
and TV Studies or Variable Tenure: 1 year Selection Committee
Film Theory and Centre for Film and Media
Practice Studies
Closing Date 17 November of
the preceding year

Kluk, International Law Postgraduate research at the By Nomination

Ephraim University into international
Scholarship Law in respect of the
concept of peace, justice
and understanding between
Value: Variable
Tenure: 1 year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Wilfred Law Wilfred Kramer Law Grants Mr Maurice Jacobs, Law
Kramer Law are available for graduates Faculty Office, Kramer Law
Grant Local in Law who enrol for Building, UCT.
approved higher post-
graduate study in the Closing Date 31 January and
Faculty of Law at the 15 June of the same year
University of Cape Town.
In addition limited funds are The direct link to the
available for students who scholarships application form
wish to participate in an is as follows:
approved exchange (http://forms.uct.ac.za/student
programme at an overseas admin/law01.pdf
university; the students do
part of the LLM coursework
at an approved overseas
university and the balance
of coursework as well as the
minor dissertation at UCT
Law Faculty. Wilfred
Kramer Law Scholarships
are available to enable
graduates in law of the
University of Cape Town to
pursue postgraduate studies
in law at Cambridge
University, England
preferably (Trinity Hall) or
elsewhere overseas
Lamsley, Peter Drama Graduate with demonstrated The Head
Memorial potential to make a career in Department of Drama
Scholarship theatre Rosedale Building
Value: Variable Hiddingh Campus
Tenure: 1 year UCT
Email: Drama@uct.ac.za
Law Faculty Law To encourage postgraduate Mr Maurice Jacobs, Law
Master’s & research, the Law Faculty Faculty Office, Kramer Law
Doctoral makes four awards to Building, UCT.
Research suitable candidates for
Scholarship master's or doctoral Closing Date 31 January and
degrees by thesis at UCT. 15 June of the same year

Value: R84 000 The direct link to the

Tenure: One year scholarships application form
(renewable, depending on is as follows:
satisfactory progress, once (http://forms.uct.ac.za/student
only). admin/law01.pdf)

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Mammal Biological Full-time Master’s, The Head
Research Sciences Doctoral and Postdoctoral Department of Biological
Postgraduate research on mammals. Sciences
Scholarship Awarded on merit, need and UCT
relevance of project to Consult supervisor at
Department’s research. commencement of programme
Value: Variable
Tenure: 1 year renewable
Marine Biological Applications accepted from A/Prof Coleen Moloney,
Biology Sciences existing students after Marine Research (MaRe)
Postgraduate internal advertisement at the Institute,
Scholarship start of the year (typically in UCT Email: Ma-re@uct.ac.za
February). Awarded on Closing date advertised each
merit, financial need and year
relevance to full-time
Master's and Doctoral
studies within the Marine
Research Institute.
Materials Materials Postgraduate research in The Head
Engineering Engineering Materials Engineering Centre for Materials
Postgraduate Awarded on merit and need. Engineering
Scholarship Value: Variable UCT
Tenure: 1 year renewable Consult The Director
Marjorie Nursing and Students from the African Application to Head of
McIntosh Midwifery continent Nursing and Midwifery
For full-time study towards Division,
Postgraduate Diploma and Accompanying documents:
Master’s degree Application form, certified
Value: Variable copies of all academic
Tenure: 1 year transcripts (no certificates),
reference letters from two
academics who have
taught/supervised the
applicant at university
Opens: 1 December and
Closes end of February of
intake year
Mechanical Mechanical Scholarship may be Apply to the relevant
Engineering Engineering awarded by specific academic supervisor In the
Scholarship research groups within the Department of Mechanical
Department. Candidates Engineering, UCT.
should identify the relevant
academic supervisor and There is no specific closing
apply directly to the date.
prospective supervisor for
scholarship support.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Prisman, Anaesthetics UCT graduate The Head
David Travel Travel grant for Department of Anaesthetics
Bursary postgraduate research in UCT
Anaesthetics No closing date
Intermittent award
Value: Up to R2 000
Tenure: 1 year
Roper, Physiotherapy Full-time Master’s and Postgraduate Administrator:
Margaret Doctoral students Cindy Lewis
Scholarship Department of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences F45
Old Main Building Groote
Schuur Hospital
Email: cindy.lewis@uct.ac.za
Sauerman CV Physiotherapy Full-time Master’s and Postgraduate Administrator:
Post Stroke Doctoral students Cindy Palm
Therapy Department of Health and
Bursary Rehabilitation Sciences F45
Old Main Building Groote
Schuur Hospital
Email: cindy.palm@uct.ac.za
Scientific Theoretical and Master’s or Doctoral Scientific Computing Research
Computing Computational student registered for full-Unit, Chemistry Department.
Scholarship Chemistry, Biology time studies. Scholarship Application is to be made
and Physics may not be held by a online at
salaried employee but may www.scientificomputing.com
be held concurrently with
other scholarships. Value: Email: lydia.dreyer@uct.ac.za
MSc - R70 000, PhD R100
000. Masters in No closing date
Computational Science (by
Simons, Jack African Studies Students registered for Office Manager
Bursary Diploma and Honours in Centre for African Studies
African studies with Harry Oppenheimer Institute
disadvantaged educational Building, Upper Campus
backgrounds UCT
Award will be based on Lilian.Jacobs@uct.ac.za
financial need and academic Closing Date 20 March of the
merit. same year
Maximum of R20 000
Tenure: 1 year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Sir William Law The scholarship is Mr Maurice Jacobs, Law
Solomon available for candidates Faculty Office, Kramer Law
Memorial taking research degrees in Building, UCT,
Scholarship law by thesis only
Value: R30, 000 for PhD Closing Date 31 January and
and R20, 000 for LLM by 15 June of the same year
thesis. (Variable)
Tenure: 1 year (renewable The direct link to the
depending on satisfactory scholarships application form
progress). is as follows:
Spilhaus, PA Librarianship For postgraduate study in Enquiries to the Library and
Memorial Librarianship Information Studies Centre
Bursary Value: Variable on lisc@uct.ac.za .
Tenure: 1 year
Closing date: First semester
of each year
Sports Council All disciplines Applications should be The Head
Bursary offered at UCT made on the prescribed Sports Recreation
application form, available UCT
from the Director, Sports Closing Date 31 October of
Recreation. the preceding year
Value: Variable
Tenure: 1 year renewable
Sprigg, Ornithology Graduates of South African The Director, Percy
Gordon Universities. From Master’s FitzPatrick Institute of
Scholarship to Doctoral level. African Ornithology, John
Value: Variable Day Building, UCT.
Tenure: 2 years maximum Applicants should submit a
full CV, full academic
transcripts and a statement of
financial need.
Email: fitz@uct.ac.za

Closing Date 28 February of

the same year
Stern, Irma Fine Art Awarded to promising The Head, Michaelis School
Scholarship students currently of Fine Art, UCT
registered/accepted for Email: Postgraduate
study at Michaelis School Administrator:
of Fine Art on basis of Afiefah.Rajap@uct.ac.za
creative work at the School.
Value: Variable Closing Date 31 October of
Tenure: 1 year the preceding year or as
Stone, Joseph Physics Postgraduate study in The Head
Bursary Experimental Physics Department of Physics
Value: Variable UCT
Tenure: 1 year No closing date

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Van der Drama Undergraduate and The Head
Gucht, Rosalie postgraduate studies in Department of Drama
Scholarship Drama at UCT UCT
Value: Variable
Tenure: 1 year
van der Horst, Economics Full-time Honours study in Graduate Administrator:
Sheila Bursary School of Economics Paula Bassingthwaighte
Awards made on basis of Room 4.39, New School of
merit and financial need Economics Building.
Value: Up to R20 000 Middle Campus
Tenure: 1 year Paula.Bassingthwaighte@uct.ac.za
Victoria Speech and Drama For approved course The Head
League specialising in teaching of Department of Drama
English English Voice Rosedale Building
Speech Value: Variable Hiddingh Campus
Bursary Tenure: 1 year renewable UCT
Email: Drama@uct.ac.za
Closing Date 1 March of the
same year
White, Physiotherapy Full-time Master’s or Department of Health and
Margaret Doctoral students for study Rehabilitation Sciences
Scholarship overseas Postgraduate Administrator
Value: Variable
Tenure: 1 year
Ziphelele Exercise Science Awarded annually to full- The Director, Division of
Mbambo and Biokinetics time Honours, Master’s and Exercise Science and Sports
Memorial Doctoral students registered Medicine, Department of
Scholarship at UCT. Academic merit, Human Biology,
financial need and Faculty of Health Sciences,
relevance to the research UCT.
interests of the Division of Email:
Exercise Science and Sports Megan.Lofthouse@uct.ac.za,
Medicine will be taken into
account. Students from a Closing Date 31 January of
disadvantaged background the same year
will be prioritised
Contact Bongiwe Ndamane at the UCT Postgraduate Funding Office Telephone 021 650 3926
email Bongiwe.Ndamane@uct.ac.za

E. Scholarships for International Graduates Applying From Abroad

Name of Discipline Eligibility& conditions Address to which to apply &
award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
International All disciplines A limited number of Application (Form 10C) can be
Students' scholarships are available downloaded from
Scholarship annually for postgraduate http://www.students.uct.ac.za/student
(UCT Council) study in any discipline at s/fees-funding/postgraduate-degree-
UCT. Variable conditions funding/bursaries-
apply. Renewable for 1
year at Master’s and Closing Date 31 July preceding
2 years at Doctoral level year of study. Students who are
on satisfactory progress. eligible for renewals of awards
Values: made, may apply for such
Honours – R25 000 renewals by completing Form
Master’s – R30 000 10F, which can also be
Doctoral – R35 000 downloaded from URL:
Jagger, JW All disciplines A limited number of Application (Form 10C) can be
Trust and scholarships are available downloaded from
Centenary annually for postgraduate http://www.students.uct.ac.za/student
Scholarships study in any discipline at s/fees-funding/postgraduate-degree-
UCT. funding/bursaries-
Variable conditions apply
Renewable for 1 year at Closing Date:
Master’s and 2 years at 31 July preceding year of study.
Doctoral level on Students who are eligible for
satisfactory progress. renewals of awards made, may
Values: apply for such renewals by
Honours – R25 000 completing (Form 10F), which
Master’s – R30 000 can also be downloaded from
Doctoral – R35 000 URL:

NB: The University of Cape Town reserves the right to adjust the conditions and values of award

Name of Discipline Eligibility& conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
UCT Refugee All disciplines A limited number of Application (Form 10C) can be
Scholarships scholarships are available downloaded from
annually for postgraduate http://www.students.uct.ac.za/student
study in any discipline at s/fees-funding/postgraduate-degree-
UCT. funding/bursaries-
Variable conditions apply
1 year renewable at Closing Date:
Master’s and 2 years at 31 July preceding year of study.
Doctoral level on Students who are eligible for
satisfactory progress renewals of awards made, may
Values: apply for such renewals by
Honours – R25 000 completing (Form 10F), which
Master’s – R30 000 can also be downloaded from
Doctoral – R35 000 URL:
Contact UCT Postgraduate Funding Office, telephone (021) 650 3629/ 1917
Email Arlene.Jacobs@uct.ac.za or Celeste.Jansen@uct.ac.za

F. Scholarships for UCT Staff

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &
award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
UCT Doctoral All disciplines The Bursary is available to Applicants are required to
Staff Bursaries permanent, full-time, part- complete form PG024 and to
time* (see Notes 1 and 2 request his/her supervisor to
below) T2 and T3, PASS complete Section C. Section
staff, Joint Staff (on C must also be signed by the
Provincial and University Head of the Department.
conditions of service) and
academic UCT staff members, Form PG024 is available on
who are registered, or who line from:
wish to register at the http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/sap
University of Cape Town to web/forms/forms.htm
undertake formal
developmental learning, Applications must reach the
towards the attainment of a Director, Postgraduate Centre
PhD degree. The PhD studies & Funding Office UCT by no
to be undertaken must be done later than
so in accordance with the
UCT Study and Examination Closing date 15 March
Leave Policy. The Bursary is 2018(1st round of selection for
limited to students who are 2018 and Renewal) of the
registered, or who will register same year
at UCT only.
*Note 1: Permanent part-time
staff working 20 hours per
week or more are eligible for a
full bursary (so that the award
meets the staff member’s
staff-rate PhD tuition fee).
*Note 2: Permanent part-time
staff working less than 20
hours or less per week are
eligible for a pro-rated

Tenure: The bursary is tenable

for ONE year, which must be
the first, second, third or
fourth year of registration.
Individuals who will register
for a fifth year of PhD study,
or beyond, are ineligible.

Value: The value of the UCT

Staff PhD Bursary is limited
to a maximum of 25% of the
total local university tuition
fee for doctoral study

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
UCT Master’s All disciplines The Bursary is available to Applicants are required to
Staff Bursaries permanent, full-time, part- complete form PG025 and to
time* (see Notes 1 and 2) T2 request his/her supervisor or
and T3, PASS staff, Joint course convenor to complete
Staff (on Provincial and Section C. Section C must
University conditions of also be signed by the Head of
service) and academic UCT the Department.
staff members, who are
registered, or who wish to Form PG025 is available on
register at the University of line from:
Cape Town to undertake http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/sap
formal developmental web/forms/forms.htm
learning, towards the
attainment of a master’s Applications must reach the
degree. The Master’s studies Director, Postgraduate Centre
to be undertaken must be done & Funding Office UCT by no
so in accordance with the later than
UCT Study and examination
Leave Policy. The Bursary is Closing date 15 March
limited to students who are 2018(1st round of selection for
registered, or who will register 2018 and Renewal) of the
at UCT only. same year

*Note 1: Permanent part-time

staff working 20 hours per
week or more are eligible for a
bursary up to the total amount
available for the bursary (See
Value below).
*Note 2: Permanent part-time
staff working less than 20
hours or less per week are
eligible for a pro-rated
bursary. Note 3: No appeals
for additional funding can be
considered due to limited
funds and the wide range of
fees for the various Master’s

Tenure: The bursary is tenable

for ONE year, which must be
the first, second or third year
of registration.
Individuals, who will register
for a fourth year of Master’s
study, or beyond, are

Value: Up to a maximum of

G. Miscellaneous Awards and Prizes

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to
award Value p.a. & Tenure apply & closing date
for application
Spirit of 68 All disciplines Applicants must be Applications must be
registered for a Masters or emailed as one pdf to
PhD degree at UCT. There fellowships@uct.ac.za
is no restriction on
nationality, race or gender Closing date 15 April of
of applicants. the same year

The award supports

creative research initiatives
by UCT students
investigating innovations
which could help to reduce
poverty and social
exclusion in South Africa.

The value of the award is

up to R10, 000 towards
research costs specified in
the research proposal.
S2A3 Medal The S2A3 South African Only students who have Postgraduate Funding
Association for the completed full research Office
Advancement of Science degrees are eligible. pgfunding@uct.ac.za
annually offer a Medal to Degrees completed with a 021 650 3622
each South African universitycoursework component
for award to the graduate whocannot be considered. Closing Date November
has presented the most of the preceding year
outstanding Master’s thesis in Selection of the medallist
one of the following fields: involves the evaluation and
* Natural Sciences [e.g. comparison of a number of
Physics] theses by the Deans of
* Chemical Sciences [e.g. participating Faculties.
Bio-chemistry] Heads of Departments are
* Physical Sciences [e.g. therefore requested to
Exploration Geophysics] ensure that any nominee is
* Biological Sciences [e.g. not less than distinction
Microbiology, Genetics] standard and that the thesis
* Agricultural Sciences [e.g. produced is of exceptional
Plant genetics] quality.
* Medical Sciences [e.g.
Virology, Pathology]
* Engineering Sciences [e.g.
Chemical, Mechanical]
* Earth Sciences [e.g.
Geology, Geography]
* Environmental Sciences
[e.g. Ecology]
* Mathematical Sciences [e.g.
Applied Mathematics]
* Information Technology
[e.g. Computer Science]
Contact Stacey-lee Harrison or Erica Van Wyk-Mias at UCT Postgraduate Funding Office: Telephone
(021) 650 3040/3622; e-mail Stacey-Lee.Harrison@uct.ac.za or Erica.VanWyk-Mias@uct.ac.za

Candidates for postgraduate study are strongly urged to apply as widely as possible for awards
administered by independent Donors and Trustees.
The University is not in a position to keep detailed information and application forms for all awards
offered by independent organisations, and candidates are required to apply directly to such
organisations at the addresses indicated.
Although the information appearing in this section is updated annually, awards offered by
independent organisations may be subject to amendment and/or cancellation without prior notice.
Intending candidates should also monitor notice boards and the press for any other opportunities.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Beit Trust Master’s degree Please refer to our website scholarships@beittrust.org.uk
Scholarship www.beittrust.org.uk Closing Date 31 August in the
preceding year
Blundell, Bob, Zoology or related Awarded on merit to a C J Geekie
Memorial discipline deserving undergraduate or P O Box 158
Scholarship postgraduate student in the Pretoria 0001
Department of Zoology or Closing Date 31 December in
related department, with the preceding year
emphasis on conservation in
South Africa.
Value: R10 000
Tenure: 1 year renewable
Canon Collins Education, Justice Applicants must be We manage or administer 12
Scholarships (which includes applying for postgraduate different scholarship
for Law, Economics, studies and be a national of programmes, each with its own
postgraduate Politics and the one of the following application process and closing
study in the Environment) and countries: Angola, date. Please see our website for
UK or South Arts and Botswana, Lesotho, details on how to apply:
Africa Humanities Malawi, Mozambique, http://www.canoncollins.org.uk/
Namibia, South Africa, scholarships.html
Swaziland, Zambia, and
Zimbabwe. If your query is not answered
here you can email us at
For study in the UK we scholarships@canoncollins.org.
offer fully funded uk
scholarships (fees, travel,
living costs). For study in
South Africa we offer
awards of R65,000-
R100,000 p.a.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Corrosion Corrosion research The Institute offers The Secretary
Institute of & control bursaries to outstanding Corrosion Institute of Southern
Southern students who undertake Africa Science Park
Africa research in the field of P O Box 5656
Bursary corrosion and corrosion Halfway House
control. 1685
Value: Variable Closing Date 30 September in
Tenure: 1 year renewable the preceding year

DAAD/AIMS Mathematics, Applicants must be from African Institute of

Scholarships science or Sub-Saharan countries Mathematical Science (AIMS),
(In Country/ engineering subject (excluding South African Prof. Barry Green, Director 6-8
In Region with a significant nationals) and may not Melrose Road, Muizenberg,
scholarship mathematical exceed the age of 36 by the 7945, South Africa.
programme) component which date of nomination.
will promote the Applicants are nominated E-mail: info@aims.ac.za,
regional training by the Director of AIMS Website: www.aims.ac.za
programme offered and must be eligible for
by AIMS Ph.D. registration at a South Closing Date 15 November in
African university at the the preceding year
beginning of the year in
which they wish the DAAD
scholarship to commence.
Applicants should be aware
that this is not a full
scholarship: In general, the
scholarship will cover the
tuition fees, living costs and
other related costs of the
programme. Awards are
available for up to a
maximum of three years

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
DAAD/ANSTI All subject areas of Applicants must be from African Network of Scientific
Scholarships natural and Sub-Saharan countries and and Technological Institutions
(In Country/ engineering may come from the member (ANSTI)
In Region sciences, institutes of ANSTI and UNESCO Nairobi Office
scholarship technological and study at another member P.O. Box 30592
programme) mathematics institute of ANSTI. They Nairobi
disciplines can be may not exceed the age of Kenya
considered except 36 by the date of E-mail: info@ansti.org
subjects in the field application. Applicants are Website: www.ansti.org
of humanities nominated by ANSTI and
Closing Date 31 May of the
must be eligible for
same year
Doctoral or Master’s
registration at a member
institute of ANSTI outside
their home country.
Applicants should be aware
that this is not a full
scholarship; in general, the
scholarship will cover the
tuition fees and living costs.
Awards are available for up
to a maximum of 2 years
(Master’s) and 3 years
(Doctoral) respectively.
D'Ewes , Literature, Art, Applicants must have The Secretary
Dudley Music, Drama, completed an Honours Cape 300 Foundation
Scholarship Ballet, degree and must be P.O Box 30087
Environmental potential contributors to Tokai
Studies, Cape cultural life. 7966
Conservation Value: R10 000 maximum For other awards see URL:
Tenure: 1 year www.cape300foundation.org.za
(Fax)086 219 7119
Closing Date last Friday in
September in the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Fuchs, Carl All disciplines Awarded to South African Doctoral Scholarships, The Carl
and Emily, citizens only, for Doctoral & Emily Fuchs Foundation,
Doctoral studies based on academic PO Box 1910, Halfway House,
achievement (minimum 1685
75% at Master’s level), Enquiries: ceff@iafrica.com
economic merit and
leadership qualities, for full- Closing Date: Advertised by the
time or part-time studies at Foundation during the 2nd
a local university/university semester of the academic year
of technology. R100 000 preceding the year of Doctoral
per annum, awarded for 2 studies. Awarded only every
years, and renewed subject alternate year
to satisfactory progress.
Shortlisted applicants are
interviewed by a selection
panel; must agree to
applying benefits of the
research as part of a career
based in South Africa.
Genesis Economics The Genesis Educational Applications to be submitted
Educational Foundation Trust bursary is online.
Foundation offered to postgraduate Visit www.genesis-
Trust Bursary previously disadvantaged analytics.com for more
(GEFT) Economics, students studying information. Applications must
towards their: include:
Honours and Master’s degree A comprehensive CV,
in Economics. Students must A copy of South African ID,
have achieved a consistent A motivational letter,
average of 65% for A full academic transcript,
undergraduate and Honours A writing sample such as term
degrees. paper or mini dissertation.
Genesis Analytics is an Equal
Opportunity Employer. Closing Date August in the
Preference given to preceding year
candidates from the
Designated Groups, i.e. South
African Indian, Coloured and
African candidates, as
defined in the Employment
Equity Act 55 of 1998.
Approximately R80 000 per
annum to cover fees and
living allowance

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Grahamstown Foundation Scholarships
1.Old Mutual English or related Postgraduate study in Scholarships and Bursary
Scholarship fields English or related fields. Officer, Grahamstown
Preference is given to Foundation, PO Box 304,
Honours course students. Grahamstown, 6140
Candidates will be selected
on academic merit, qualities Email:
of character, motivation and admin@foundation.org.za
field of study. Applicant
must be a citizen of, and Closing Date 31 October in the
reside in South Africa. No preceding year
other bursary, scholarship
or paid appointment may be
held without the agreement
of the Foundation. Value:
R10 000 Tenure: 1 year
2. Slater, WJB Arts Postgraduate study in the Scholarships and Bursaries
Postgraduate Performing Arts, Ballet, Officer
Scholarship in Speech and Drama, Music Grahamstown Foundation
the and Fine Art. Candidates PO Box 304
Performing will be selected on Grahamstown 6140
Arts academic merit, qualities of Email: admin@foundation.org.za
character, motivation and
Closing Date 31 October in the
field of study. Applicant
preceding year
must be a citizen of, and
reside in South Africa. No
other bursary, scholarship
or paid appointment may be
held without permission of
the Foundation.
Value: R4 000
Tenure: 1 year
GreenMatter Biodiversity- Awarded on merit to South For more information visit the
Postgraduate related studies, African citizens studying in website
Fellowship with emphasis on a environmental or http://www.greenmatter.co.za/fe
number of priority biodiversity-related fields. llowship-calls
skills areas Value: In 2018: R50 000
per year for Honours; R70
000 per year for Master’s
R90 000 per year for
Tenure: Master’s 2 years &
Doctoral 3 years only.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Margaret Educational grants The applicants must be at Online Application forms are
McNamara awarded to least 25 years of age. available at www.mmmf-
Memorial Females (25 years The applicant must be grants.org
Fund and older) from financially needy.
Developing The applicant must Enquiries: africa-sc@mmmf-
Countries, enrolled demonstrate satisfactory grants.org.
at the University of academic performance.
Cape Town The applicant must Closing Date: August 2018 for
demonstrate that their field the upcoming academic year
The applicant must of study will aid in
plan to return to improving lives of women
their countries and children in the
about two years developing world.
after completing The applicant must have a
use of the grant. record of service to women
and children.

Value: Unknown
Mandela Open South African citizens Application from Postgraduate
Rhodes under the age of 30 Funding Office of the University
Scholarship Minimum 70% for of intended study
Programme Undergraduate major Closing Date beginning to mid-
subjects or Honours degree June (depending on individual
Full cost universities) in the preceding
Poliomyelitis Medical Virology Application form and rules The Secretary
Research Only available on web. Scientific Advisory Panel of the
Foundation Application must be Polio Research Foundation
Bursary accompanied by a two page c/o National Institute for
curriculum vitae, details of Communicable Diseases
the proposed research Private Bag X4
programme and a letter of Sandringham 2131
motivation from the Email: prf@nicd.ac.za
Supervisor or Head of URL:www.prf.ac.za
Department Closing Dates 28 February,
Values: 28 February and 15 September
BSc Hons – R20 000 in the preceding year
Master’s – R40 000
Doctoral – R55 000
Tenure: 1 year renewable
for 2nd year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
SA Association Of Women Graduates
1. Pocock, Botany For a female undertaking SAAWG Fellowship Secretariat,
Mary Agardh Natural Sciences or postgraduate studies and/or Post Suite 329, Private Bag x18,
Award related studies research. Rondebosch, 7701.
(including Value: R1 300 Email:fellowships@saawg.org
Environmental Tenure: 1 year
studies) Applications to be submitted
between 1 January and 28
February of the same year.

See website www.saawg.org for

Application Form
2. SAAWG All disciplines For a foreign female student SAAWG Fellowship Secretariat,
International enrolled with a South Post Suite 329, Private Bag x18,
Fellowship African Rondebosch, 7701.
university/university of Email:fellowships@saawg.org
technology undertaking
postgraduate research. Applications to be submitted
Value: R1 300 between 1 January and 28
Tenure: 1 year February of the same year.

See website www.saawg.org for

Application Form
3. Smuts, Isie All disciplines For a female undertaking SAAWG Fellowship Secretariat,
Research postgraduate studies and/or Post Suite 329, Private Bag x18,
Grant research. Rondebosch, 7701.
Value: R1 300 Email:fellowships@saawg.org
Tenure: 1 year
Applications to be submitted
between 1 January and 28
February of the same year.

See website www.saawg.org for

Application Form
4. Stoneman, Botany, Natural For a female undertaking SAAWG Fellowship Secretariat,
Bertha Sciences or related postgraduate studies and/or Post Suite 329, Private Bag x18,
Memorial studies (including research. Rondebosch, 7701.
Award Environmental Value: R2 500 Email:fellowships@saawg.org
Studies) Tenure: 1 year
Applications to be submitted
between 1 January and 28
February of the same year.

See website www.saawg.org for

Application Form

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
SA Planning City & Regional (1) Students who have The Secretary
Institution Planning/ completed the first year of SA Planning Institution
Bursary & Development City & Regional Planning P O Box 2244
Scholarship Planning (Annual Merit Bursary) Pinegowrie 2123
(2) Postgraduate study in Closing Date 31 December in
City and Regional Planning the preceding year
on basis of need and merit,
Applications must be supported
and in the RDP spirit of
by the Head of the Planning
accessible education
School where the student is
Annual RDP scholarship registered.
value determined annually.
SA WISE Science Sub-Saharan black woman Application to:
Angus Engineering graduate with an excellent Please complete the online
Scholarship academic record application.
Awarded for study at Application Form and further
Honours (4th year) level in information is available at
any field of natural science
or engineering. Successful URL: www.sawise.org.za
applicants should become Closing Date 15 November in
actively involved in SA the preceding year

SA WISE Hope Science and Female students entering Application to:

Scholarship Engineering Honours degree/4th year of SA WISE Hope Scholarships
(Medical fields study with an academic Committee
included). average of over 65%, PO BOX 34085
pursuing study in the areas Rhodes Gift
of science and engineering 7707
(medical fields included). URL: www.sawise.org.za
Candidates must exhibit
Accompanying documents:
outstanding personal
Submit a covering letter of
qualities and a strong desire
motivation, a detailed CV
to make a contribution to
(including the contact details of 2
their respective fields and to
academic referees), a certified
society at large. Candidates
copy of all university results to
must be South African.
date, and a certified ID copy.
Preference given to a
Ensure that a working email
candidate experiencing
address is provided with your
financial difficulty or
CV. Incomplete or late
applications will not be
Value: R10 000 considered.
Tenure: for 1 year of full-
Closing Date 30 November in the
time study
preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
South African Specialised Restricted to South Africans National Manager
Association for Education and who are qualified, SAALED
Learning & related fields experienced teachers or PO Box 55023
Educational therapists wishing to study Northlands
Differences in the field of specialised Johannesburg
(SAALED) education and return to the 2116
field. Email: nm@saaled.org.za
Value: R6 000 Closing Date 31 October in the
Tenure: 1 year preceding year
Stiglingh Natural Sciences, Full-time or part-time Postgraduate Funding Office,
Memorial Medicine studies in Natural Sciences UCT. Applications should
Bursary and Medicine from second include: Letter of application,
year of study. Public full CV, certified copies of
servants and their academic record. URL:
dependents/children who www.psa.co.za
have been employed for at
least 12 months or Closing Date 15 October in the
members of the Public preceding year
Servants Association are
eligible to apply. Applicants must, where
applicable, submit proof of
Value: Minimum of R3 membership of PSA
000 per annum to a
maximum of R10 000
(based on available funds)
Tenure: 1 year.
Union of Social Services For female South African The Bursaries Office
Jewish citizens holding a suitable Union of Jewish Women of SA
Women of first degree or in the final P O Box 87556
South Africa year of study for a first Johannesburg
Postgraduate degree 2000
Bursary For advanced study towards Written enquiries for forms
rendering social science closing date 1 March to 31 July
service to the South Afican in the preceding year
community. (Selection
Committee awards Toni Closing Date 31 August in the
Saphra bursaries) preceding year for return of
Value: Variable completed application.
Tenure : 1 year renewable

Postdoctoral Research Fellows should apply in the first instance to relevant departments for
independent donor fellowships. Candidates should have received their Doctoral degrees in the last
five years of applying for the Fellowship.
Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply
award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Forster, Georg All academic Programme for highly- Consulate General of the
Research disciplines qualified scientists and Federal Republic of
Fellowships scholars from emerging and Germany P O Box 427,
for developing countries who Cape Town, 8000
Postdoctoral completed their doctorates
Researchers less than 4 years ago. or
Sponsoring long-term
research stays (6-24 months, Directly to the Foundation:
at research institutions in Alexander von Humboldt
Germany. Own choice of Foundation,
academic host and research Jean-Paul Str. 12, 53173,
project. The subject of Bonn, Germany
research proposal must be Email: info@avh.de
of relevance to
development. Provisions: No closing date
monthly fellowship of 2 650
EUR, lump sum for travel
expenses, family
allowances, language
course, and tailored alumni
sponsorship opportunities
Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholar programs
African All Fields For: Website:
Research Professionals with a PhD https://za.usembassy.gov/e
Scholar degree, many years of ducation-
Program/ teaching and research and culture/educational-
Visiting well published in exchanges/fulbright-
Research recognized journals and flagship-programs/
Scholar Conduct research in their
Program area of expertise in the us Email:
for 3-9 months Fulbright_Program_SAfrica

Opens: July
Closing Date September in
the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Fulbright Sustainable For: Website:
Hubert H development, Accomplished, mid-career https://za.usembassy.gov/e
Humphrey Democratic Institution professionals (with a ducation-
Fellowship Building, Education, minimum 4-year culture/educational-
Public Health Bachelor’s degree) for a exchanges/fulbright-
(see website for year of practical, flagship-programs/
specific categories) professional development
experiences and non- Opens: April/May
degree academic study Closing date July in the
preceding year
Humboldt All academic Programme for highly- Consulate General of the
Research disciplines qualified scientists and Federal Republic of
Fellowship for scholars from emerging and Germany
Postdoctoral developing countries who P O Box 4273
Researchers completed their doctorates Cape Town
less than 4 years ago. 8000
Sponsoring long-term Or
research stays (6-24 months, Directly to the Foundation:
at research institutions in Alexander von Humboldt
Germany. Own choice of Foundation
academic host and research Jean-Paul Str. 12
project. Provisions: 53173 Bonn
monthly fellowship of 2 650 Germany
EUR, lump sum for travel
expenses, family Email: info@avh.de
allowances, language
No closing date
Killam, Izaak All disciplines Postdoctoral study at Information Co-ordinator,
Walton Dalhousie. Qualifying Faculty of Graduate
Postdoctoral applicants should recently Studies, Henry Hicks
Fellowship have completed a Doctoral Building
degree at a recognised Dalhousie University
university and should not Halifax, Nova Scotia
hold a permanent academic Canada B3H 4H6
position. URL:
Annual $44 000 plus travel http://killamtrusts.dal.ca/apply/
and research grants postdoctoralfellows
Tenable for 2 years. Closing Date 15 December
in the preceding year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Leon, Claude Science, Engineering R275 000 p.a. for two years, Applications must be made
Foundation and Medical Science renewable after the first via the institution not
Postdoctoral year. Conference grant to directly to the Foundation.
Fellowship present at international
conferences of R45 000 in Institutions have their own
the second year. PhD no internal closing dates but
older than 5 years applications must have
reached the Foundation by
31 May each year.

Internal closing date 15

May in the preceding year

External closing date 31

May in the preceding year
NRF Science, Health South African citizens and CV and Applications to be
Freestanding Sciences, Engineering, permanent residents for full- done online as follows:
postdoctoral Commerce, Law, time research. https://nrfsubmissions.nrf.a
Fellowship Humanities, Value: R155 000 p/a c.za
(Local) Biotechnology, Cellular (Stipend) plus R45 000 p/a
& Molecular Biology, (contribution towards External Closing Date 15
Engineering, Computer research costs). September in the preceding
Science, Physics and year
Astronomy, Beneficiaries are eligible for
Mathematical Sciences, a local travel grant to a Renewal applications to be
Nanotechnology, maximum of R25 000 and submitted online
Chemistry, Earth an international travel grant http://nrfonline.nrf.ac.za
Science, Ecology and to a maximum of R45 000
Medical Sciences. which can be used for Closing date changes every
conferences, workshop year for all NRF calls
attendance or visits to a

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts 23

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
NRF - Free- Science, Health South Africana citizens and CV and Applications to be
Standing Sciences, Engineering, permanent residents as well done online as follows:
Awards: Commerce, Law, as international candidates. https://nrfsubmissions.nrf.a
Abroad Humanities Applicants must have c.za
Postdoctoral Biotechnology, Cellular obtained their PhD degree
& Molecular Biology, from South African External Closing 15
Engineering, Computer institution within 5 (five) September in the preceding
Science, Physics and years of submitting an year
Astronomy, application to the NRF;
Mathematical Sciences, Applicants still in progress Renewal applications to be
Nanotechnology, should complete their submitted online
Chemistry, Earth Doctoral degree by http://nrfonline.nrf.ac.za
Science, Ecology and December of the
Medical Sciences. application to the NRF Closing date changes every
Postdoctoral Fellowships year for all NRF calls
for research in South
Africa (3 years funding)
R155 000 p.a. plus
R45 000 contribution
towards research expenses
Successful candidates are
eligible for travel grant of
up to R15 000, for local
travel, and up to R45 000,
international travel. The
travel maybe used to
contribute towards the
costs of attending local or
international conferences;
workshops; visiting a
laboratory or; any other
activity that supports the
beneficiaries’ research
training. This is the
maximum amount
permitted over the tenure
of the Fellowship.

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
NRF Science, Health Full-time Postdoctoral Applications to be done
Awards: Sciences, Engineering, research overseas. Value: online as follows:
Abroad Commerce, Law, US$24 000 p.a. Travel grant https://nrfsubmissions.nrf.ac
Postdoctoral Humanities of R15 000 to South Africa .za
Biotechnology, Cellular
& Molecular Biology, Closing Date 31 July in the
Engineering, Computer preceding year
Science, Physics and
Mathematical Sciences,
Chemistry, Earth
Science, Ecology and
Medical Sciences.
NRF - Open South African citizens and Application to be done
Innovation permanent residents for full- online as follows
Awards: time research https://nrfsubmissions.nrf.ac
Postdoctoral R255 000 – p.a stipend plus .za
(Local) R50 000 – p.a contribution
towards research costs Closing Date July in the
Beneficiaries are eligible for preceding year
a local travel grant to a
maximum of R25 000 and Exact date is not available
an international travel grant at the time of printing this
to a maximum of R50 000 booklet.
which can be used for
conferences, workshop Please source the exact date
attendance or visits to a from the Postgraduate
laboratory/collaborator. Funding Office

Please contact Postgraduate

Funding Office for Internal
Closing Date.

Renewal applications to be
submitted online

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
NRF Scarce Financial sector: South African citizens and Applications to be done
Skills for Accounting, Auditing, permanent residents for full- online as follows:
Postdoctoral Statistics, Actuarial time research https://nrfsubmission.nrf.nrf.ac.
Fellows Science Biological R255 000 – p.a stipend plus za
sciences: R50 000 – p.a contribution
Biotechnology towards research costs External Closing Date July
Physical sciences: in the preceding year
Mathematical Sciences, Beneficiaries are eligible for
Physics, Geology, a local travel grant to a Renewals to be submitted
Computer Science, maximum of R25 000 and 3months prior to end of the
Information systems, an international travel grant 1st or 2nd year.
Chemistry to a maximum of R50 000 https://nrfsubmission.nrf.nrf.ac.
Engineering: which can be used for
(all fields) conferences, workshop
Sector specific: attendance or visits to a
Agricultural Sciences, laboratory/collaborator.
Transportation Studies,
Tourism, Demography
NRF Square Research focus for this Postdoctoral research in Application forms
Kilometre fellowship must align South Africa available from NRF
Array(SKA): very closely with R350 000 (Stipend) website can be downloaded
Postdoctoral specific areas of In addition to the above from
Fellowship MeerKAT and SKA award, the NRF will https://skagrants.nrf.ac.za
science technology consider requests for a Closing Date July or
where research is travel grant up to a August in the preceding
required. maximum value of R35 000 year
p/a to attend a conference
Exact date is not available
locally or abroad. Further
at the time of printing this
fellows may apply for a
once-off equipment grant of
up to R55 000 for duration Please source the exact
of i.e. one piece of date from the Postgraduate
computer equipment. The Funding Office
award of these funds is not Please contact
automatic, but is considered Postgraduate Funding
on application. Office for Internal Closing
Renewal applications to be
submitted online

1. Closing dates for NRF are provisional; please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office to confirm actual
closing dates.
2. In all cases, specific NRF conditions apply.
3. The NRF reserves the right to adjust values of awards.
4. Master’s and doctoral applicants applying for NRF funding must please note that it takes 4 working days
to process requests for official transcripts

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Smuts Biological Sciences Postdoctoral applicants who Application package to
Memorial have exhibited proficiency The Head
Botanical in independent research, to Department of Biological
Fellowship undertake study in Sciences
systematic botany and UCT
geographical distribution of Closing Date 30 September
South African flora in the preceding year
Open to all nationalities
Value: Up to R190 000
Tenure: One year,
renewable for one year on
satisfactory progress
URC All disciplines All South African and Application available online
Postdoctoral foreign candidates are at:
Fellowship eligible, but preference will http://www.uct.ac.za/research/p
be given to applicants who gfo/offered/ and from the
graduated with the doctoral PGFO.
degree from universities Closing Date 25 August in
other than UCT. No the preceding year
restriction on any particular
discipline or field of
research, but applications
from individuals from other
African countries and from
women and black
researchers will be given
preference. The fellowship
is tenable for two years,
subject to submission of a
satisfactory progress report
and valued at R220, 000 per
annum and include
relocation expenses.
Weizmann Life Sciences, Graduate with Doctoral or Program’s email:
Institute of Mathematics, Computer equivalent research postdoc@weizmann.ac.il
Science Science, Physics, experience Closing Date 5 January of
Postdoctoral Chemistry Stipend, relocation and the same year
Fellowship travel allowances
One year with possible Closing Date 15 July in the
extension to 2nd and 3rd preceding year
Tenable at Weizmann URL:
Institute of Science http://www.fgs.org.il/en/article.

Contact Stacey Moses or Bongiwe Ndamane at Postgraduate Funding Office telephone (021) 650
5065 or 021-650 3926 e-mail Stacey.Moses@uct.ac.za or Bongiwe.Ndamane@uct.ac.za

The University is not in a position to keep detailed information and application forms for all awards
offered by independent organisations, and applicants should write direct to such organisations at
the addresses indicated.
Although the information appearing in this section is updated annually, awards offered by
independent organisations are subject to amendment without prior notice.
Intending candidates should also monitor notice boards and the press for any other potential
Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &
award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
AAUW All disciplines Online applications and URL: aauw@applyists.com
International instructions for the
Fellowship following academic year are Closing Date 1 December in
available August 1. the preceding year

The following fellowships http://www.aauw.org/what-we-

are available: do/educational-funding-and-
-Master’s/First Professional
Degree Fellowship
-Doctoral Fellowship
-Postdoctoral Fellowship

See application instructions

for additional details.
Adams, Cecil Medicine or Only for overseas study or The Trustees
John Medical Science research P O Box 86
Travelling Must have lived in South Cape Town
Fellowship Africa for 3 years prior to 8000
application and must Closing Date 31 August in the
undertake to return to South preceding year
Africa for at least 3 years
after completion of
Must be under 34 years of
Alberta All disciplines Please refer to our website: grad.awards@ualberta.ca
University http://uofa.ualberta.ca/gradu
Awards ate-studies/awards-and-

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Asian Institute See website for For development of highly Postal Address: Admissions
of Technology further information qualified and committed and Scholarships Unit
(AIT) on fields of study professionals who will play Asian Institute of Technology
offered in the 3 a leading role in the P.O. Box 4,
schools of AIT, sustainable development of Klong Luang, Pathumthani
namely: the region and its 12120, THAILAND
1. School of integration into the global Street Address: Admissions and
Engineering and economy. Scholarships Unit
Technology For candidates who wish to Asian Institute of Technology
(www.set.ait.asia) register for Master’s and 58 Moo 9, Km. 42,
Doctoral degrees at AIT. Paholyothin Highway
2. School of
Environment, Information on Financial Klong Luang,
Resources and Assistance is at: Pathumthani
http://www.ait.asia/AIT/admissi 12120 THAILAND
Development ons/Current_Scholarships
(www.serd.ait.asia) Central website:
3. School of http://www.ait.asia
Management Email: admissions@ait.asia
(www.som.ait.asia) Phone:(66-2)524-5031-33
Cambridge University Awards
1. Whitelock, Anglo-Saxon, For graduate study in the Dr J Quinn
Dorothy, Norse, Celtic Departments of Anglo- Newnham College,
Studentship Saxon, Norse and Celtic Cambridge CB3 9DF
Closing Date 1 June in the
No stipend £450 for preceding year
1 year renewable
2. Newnham Normally one Women candidates who The Principal's Secretary
College Science and one have made substantial Newnham College,
Research Humanities and progress with doctoral Cambridge CB3 9DF
Fellowships Social Sciences research at the time of URL:
Research application. Stipendiary or www.newn.cam.ac.uk/joining-
Fellowship offered non-stipendiary 3 years. newnham/research-fellowships
each year. Stipend from £18 500 Tel 44 (0) 12 2333 0469
upwards. Tenure is three Fax 44 (0) 12 2335 9155
Closing Date November in the
preceding year (for
appointment with effective
from the following October)

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
3. Peterhouse All disciplines Must be graduates by The Senior Tutor
Research August and wish to read for Peterhouse,
Studentship a doctoral degree at Cambridge CB2 1RD
Cambridge. Closing Date 1 April in the
£9 290 is being paid for preceding year
maintenance for 2010/2011
on top of college and
university fees.
Award only tenable at
4. Emmanuel All disciplines Please refer to our website Emmanuel College, St
College http://www.emma.cam.ac.u Andrews Street, Cambridge,
Funding k/admissions/graduates/fun CB2 3AP
ding/ Email: grad-
5. Tapp, WM Law Qualified nationals of any Admissions Assistant, Gonville
Research country. Fees and & Caius College, Cambridge,
Studentships maintenance, 3 years CB2 1TA.
in Law maximum tenable. Email:
Tenable at Gonville &
Caius College Closing Date 31 December in
the preceding year
Cambridge All disciplines South African citizens of Cambridge Commonwealth
Commonwealth outstanding academic European & International Trust,
European & merit, to pursue courses of 53 -54 Sidney Street,
International study or research at the Cambridge, CB2 3HX, United
Trust - University of Cambridge Kingdom.
Various (an offer of admission must URL: www.cambridgetrust.org
Scholarships be received before an Email:
application for funding can cambridge.trust@admin.cam.ac.uk
be considered)

Chevening Any Master’s Applicants must hold URL:www.chevening.org

Scholarship programme offered equivalent of an upper
in UK second class honours degree Email: Michael.Noon@fco.gov.uk
or Georgie.Ryan@fco.gov.uk
Must have completed 2
years work or equivalent
experience and be able to
satisfy the minimum
English language

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Commonwealth Scholarships
1.United All disciplines Applicants of highest Please refer the Postgraduate
Kingdom calibre for Master’s and Centre & Funding Office
Doctoral study in the UK. website for the Internal Closing
Applicants should have Date
graduated with a first http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
degree after September udents/fees-
1992 funding/postgraduate-degree-
2.New Zealand All disciplines Honours, Master’s and Please refer the Postgraduate
Doctoral students Centre & Funding Office
Doctoral students must have website for the Internal Closing
a minimum standard of Date
Upper 2nd class Honours http://www.students.uct.ac.za/st
Cohen, Sam, All disciplines South African and Bursaries Committee
(Windhoek) Namibian citizens SA Zionist Federation
Scholarship Matric certificate essential P O Box 46319
and acceptance at Orange Grove
university/college in Israel. 2119
Knowledge of Hebrew Closing Date 31 July in the
recommended. preceding year
Contribution towards tuition
fees only
1 year renewable
Tenable at universities and
colleges in Israel.
The Mica and All Humanities Around ten scholarships Ertegun House, 37a St Giles’,
Ahmet subjects, for are offered every year, for Oxford OX1 3LD, UK.
Ertegun graduate study, Master’s or Doctoral study
Graduate with the exception at Oxford in any discipline Closing date 20 January of the
Scholarship of studio-based of Humanities. The same year but please check
Programme, Fine Art. scholarships pay all website for any amendments to
University of university and college fees this date.
Oxford, UK Please check (at overseas rates where
website for necessary) for the full Full details at
details; duration of the student’s http://www.ertegun.ox.ac.uk/ap
http://www.ertegu course, and provide a plication-process
n.ox.ac.uk/ generous stipend. Scholars
are also provided with
study space in 'Ertegun
House' in central Oxford.
Please see website for
eligibility criteria:

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
FirstRand All disciplines Academically excellent Email:
Foundation South African citizens, firstrandpgscholarship@firstrand
and preferably younger than 35 .co.za
FirstRand years.
Laurie URL: www.firstrand.co.za ,
Dippenaar Should have applied to and follow the links to CSI.
International been accepted by an
Postgraduate internationally recognised Closing Date 22 February of
Scholarships overseas university for the same year
postgraduate study.
Students who are or have
been studying overseas
will not be considered.
Excellence is the only

Value: R8000 000 per

FirstRand Master’s degree at Outstanding, academically Email:
Oxford the African excellent South African firstrandpgscholarship@firstrand
African Studies Centre at citizen. Should have .co.za
Studies the University of applied to and been
Scholarship Oxford accepted by the University URL: www.firstrand.co.za ,
to the of Oxford for a master’s follow the links to CSI.
University of degree at the African
Oxford Studies Centre. The Closing Date 22 February of
successful student will be the same year
housed at Wadham
College. Students who are
or have been studying
overseas will not be
considered. Excellence is
the only criterion.

Value: full scholarship.

50% funded by FirstRand
and 50% funded by the
African Studies Centre,
University of Oxford

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
FirstRand Master’s degree at Outstanding, academically Email:
FNB Fund the Department of excellent South African firstrandpgscholarship@firstrand
Oxford Education at the citizen. Should have .co.za
Education University of applied to and been
Scholarship Oxford accepted by the University URL: www.firstrand.co.za ,
for a masters of Oxford for a master’s follow the links to CSI.
degree in degree in Education. The
Education successful student will be Closing Date 22 February of
housed at Wadham College. the same year
Students who are or have
been studying overseas will
not be considered.
Excellence is the only
criterion. Value: full
scholarship. 50% funded by
FirstRand and 50% funded
by the Department of
Education, University of
FirstRand Education Academically excellent Email:
FNB Fund South African citizens, firstrandpgscholarship@firstrand
Scholarship preferably younger than 35 .co.za
for years. Should have applied
International to and been accepted by an URL: www.firstrand.co.za ,
Postgraduate internationally recognised follow the links to CSI.
study in overseas university for
Education postgraduate study in Closing Date 22 February of
Education. Students who the same year
are or have been studying
overseas will not be
considered. Excellence is
the only criterion. Value:
R8000 000 per scholarship

Flanagan, All disciplines Postgraduate women of Postgraduate Funding,

Patrick & exceptional academic merit Research Office, Rhodes
Margaret, and personal qualities. University, Grahamstown,
Scholarship 6140. Tel: 046 603 8755
Value: R450 000 maximum
2 years. Email: pgfunding@ru.ac.za

Tenable preferably at Closing Date 1 August in the

Oxford, Cambridge, St preceding year
Andrews, Trinity College,

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships
Fulbright All disciplines For: https://za.usembassy.gov/educ
Foreign except MBA and Masters and PhD degree ation-culture/educational-
Student the Medical Fields study or exchanges/fulbright-flagship-
Program programs/
1 year, non-degree research
(while registered for PhD Email:
at a SA Higher Education Fulbright_Program_Safrica@s
Institution) tate.gov

Opens February and closes:

April of the same year
Fulbright English teacher For: Professional teachers Website:
Foreign who is a isiZulu (with a minimum 4-year https://za.usembassy.gov/educ
Language speaker Bachelor’s degree) to ation-culture/educational-
Teaching teach/assist with isiZulu exchanges/fulbright-flagship-
Assistant lessons in the US while programs/
taking 2 courses per
semester Email:
(1 academic year) Fulbright_Program_SAfrica@s

Opens May and closes July of

the same year
Glasgow University Scholarships
1. Barclay, Divinity Graduate in theology from a Theology and Religious
William university outside the UK, Studies
Memorial for full-time study or Professor David Jasper
Scholarship research in the School of R304 Level 3
Divinity 4 The Square
Variable (maximum £5 000) Glasgow G12 8QQ
1 session
Tenable at University of
2. Blair , Divinity Applicants from Church of Theology and Religious
Marion (New Scotland or overseas Studies
Kilpatrick) churches historically linked Professor David Jasper
Scholarship with the Church of R304 Level 3
Scotland, for study leading 4 The Square
to a degree at University of Glasgow G12 8QQ
Approximately £1 500
1 session; tenable at
University of Glasgow

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
3. Gebbie, Divinity Postgraduate study in the Theology and Religious
TWT Faculty of Divinity, leading Studies
Scholarship to a degree at the University Professor David Jasper
of Glasgow R304 Level 3
Approximately £1 000 4 The Square
1 session; tenable at Glasgow G12 8QQ
University of Glasgow
4. University All disciplines At least upper 2nd class Scholarships Administrator,
of Glasgow Honours degree or Student Recruitment &
Postgraduate equivalent Admissions Service,
Scholarship Approximately £6 000 plus University of Glasgow
home fees of £2 940 Glasgow G128QQ
3 years http://www.gla.ac.uk/scholarshi
Tenable at University of ps/
Glasgow Closing Date of the same year
(A minimum of 27 Medicine, Science – 31 January
scholarships is awarded Closing Date of the same year
annually.) Arts, Divinity Veterinary
Medicine – 28 February
Closing Date of the same year
Education, Engineering, Law
and Financial Studies, Social
Sciences – 31 March
Goodenough Any full time Goodenough College http://www.goodenough.ac.uk/
College postgraduate offers a number of Entry students/entry-scholarships-
Bursary course Scholarships for new financial-assistance
candidates which are offset
Sir Abraham against accommodation Entry scholarship applications
Bailey Entry charges. The Sir Abraham closing date is 30 June every
Scholarship Bailey scholarship is year of the same year.
designed specifically for
South African nationals Applications must be submitted
and Abraham Bailey online as part of main
Bursars are encouraged to application to join Goodenough
apply. There are also other College.
Entry Scholarships
available. Allocations are
made on the basis of
financial need.
Italian All disciplines Further postgraduate Istituto Italiano di Cultura -
Ministry of studies in Italy. Certified Pretoria, 803 George Avenue,
Foreign knowledge of Italian Arcadia, 0083, Pretoria
Affairs and compulsory only for
international courses to be taught in URL: www.iicpretoria.esteri.it
Cooperation Italian. Certified Email: iicpretoria@esteri.it .
Bursary knowledge of English
compulsory for courses to Usually there are 45 days from
be taught in English. call for application being
Annual awards up to 9 published to closing date, dates
months renewable. Tenable may vary (usually March-May)
at any approved institution. of the same year.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Killam, Izaac Walton Awards
Killam, Izaak All disciplines Master’s or Doctoral Killam Administrator
Walton Pre- students Faculty of Graduate Studies,
Doctoral Canadian and non- Henry Hicks Academic
Scholarship Canadians Administration Building
Dalhousie University
$20 000 Master’s Halifax, Nova Scotia
$25 000 Doctoral Canada
B3H 4H6
Tenable: Request admission forms as
2 years for Master’s early as possible, Mid
3 years for Doctoral February
McMaster University Awards
1. McMaster All disciplines For study leading to McMaster University,
University Master’s or Doctorate Hamilton, Ontario
Teaching Annual award L8S 4M2.
Assistantship Canadian $8 440 at Canada
Master’s level By nomination of McMaster
3 year renewable at department
Doctoral level

Tenable at McMaster
2. McMaster All disciplines Eligibility, conditions and McMaster University
Graduate tenure as above Hamilton, Ontario
Scholarship Variable $1 000-$24 000 L8S 4M2.
By nomination of McMaster
3. McMaster Health Science Eligibility and tenure as McMaster University,
Research Engineering above Hamilton, Ontario
Scholarship Variable $3 000 - $18 000 L8S 4M2.
By nomination of McMaster
4. Other All disciplines Eligibility and tenure as McMaster University,
Endowed above Hamilton, Ontario
Scholarships Variable $500 - $24 000 L8S 4M2.
By nomination of McMaster
Mears, Nan Arts, Law, Graduates who matriculated The Secretary, Rondebosch Old
Scholarship Humanities from Rondebosch Boys' Boys' Union, P O Box 731,
High School. Rondebosch, 7701

For study at Emmanuel Email:obu@rondebosch.com

College, Cambridge.
Closing Date 30 April in the
same year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Notre Dame Human Rights - For study toward LLM or Financial Aid & Scholarships
Law JSD degree from Notre Office, University of the
Dame University. Tuition, Witwatersrand, Private Bag X
living and travel allowance 3, Wits, 2050.
maintenance grant 1 year. Closing Date 15 January in the
Tenable at Notre Dame Law same year
School, Indiana, USA
Notre Dame Law Up to full tuition for the Applications are on-line
Human Rights one-year LLM (Master’s of
LLM Laws) in international Further details:
Scholarship human rights law at Notre www.humanrights.nd.edu
Dame Law School, USA
Closing Date 15 January in the
same year
Oxford Clinical Medicine Medical school graduates at Ms Faiza Pierce
Nuffield & Medical Science South African universities
Medical with research experience Email: faiza.pearce@uct.ac.za
Fellowship and potential for academic Closing date advertised
growth (usually 30 April each second
Stipend, housing allowance, year) of the same year
return travel, baggage and
in-course travel
2 years, possibly a 3rd
tenable at Oxford

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Princeton University Awards
University All disciplines Princeton guarantees More information about
Fellowship funding for its regularly applying to Princeton and the
enrolled, degree-seeking programs available can be
Ph.D. candidates for all found at:
years of regular program http://gradschool.princeton.edu/
enrollment, contingent upon admission/applying-princeton
satisfactory academic Information about the costs and
performance funding for students accepted to
a Ph.D. program can be found
Queensland University Awards
1. Internationa All disciplines The IPRS and UQ URL:
l Postgraduate Centennial scholarships are http://scholarships.uq.edu.au/sc
Research awarded competitively holarship/international-
Scholarship based on merit, to postgraduate-research-
(IPRS) and international students of scholarship-iprs-and-uq-
UQ exceptional research centennial-scholarship
Centennial potential undertaking a Email:
Scholarship research higher degree admissions@gradschool.uq.edu.au
2. UQ All disciplines The UQI scholarships are URL:
International awarded competitively, http://scholarships.uq.edu.au/sc
Scholarship based on merit, to holarship/uq-international-
(UQI) outstanding international scholarship-uqi
students undertaking a Email:
research higher degree. admissions@gradschool.uq.edu.au
Rhodes Trust Scholarships
1. Southern All disciplines Applicants to be ordinarily The General Secretary, Postnet
Africa, resident in and to have lived suite 296, Private Bag X8,
Botswana, for at least 5 years, within Northriding, 2162
Lesotho, the period of 10 years
Malawi, immediately preceding the Tel: (011)794 4693 Fax: 086
Namibia and date of application, in South 606 2545
Swaziland. Africa, Botswana, Lesotho,
Tenable at Malawi, Namibia, or Email: Rhotrust@pixie.co.za
Oxford Swaziland; to be over 19
University and under 25 years on 1 URL:www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.u
October 2017; and have a k
first degree acceptable to
Oxford. The Trustees have Closing Date 15 August in the
specially extended the age preceding year
limit by three years for MB
ChB applicants who are
doing medical internships.

Tenable at Oxford

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
2. Zimbabwe All disciplines The Rhodes Scholarships The Secretary
Rhodes are fully funded Zimbabwe Rhodes
Scholarship scholarships for Scholarship Selection
postgraduate study at the Committee
University of Oxford.
Exceptional students with Applications will open in June
exemplary leadership 2018
qualities in their
community, sport, For specific questions contact
university, arts or rhodeszim@gmail.com
their field of study and
who have completed an All Applications are to be
undergraduate degree with submitted online in the
a first class degree or preceding year and are
equivalent - by 1 October due 31 August 2018.
2019 - from a college or
university in or outside of Six supporting Letters of
Zimbabwe are eligible to Recommendation are due 14
apply. Students must be September 2018.
less than 25 years of age
by 1 October 2019 or 28
years for those with a
medical degree.
Students wishing to apply
for the 2019 Zimbabwe
Rhodes Scholarships should
consult the detailed
eligibility criteria and
Conditions of Tenure.
For full information
including application

Rondebosch All disciplines Graduates who matriculated Treasurer

Overseas from Rondebosch Boys’ Rondebosch Overseas
Scholarship High School Scholarships
Rondebosch Boys High
For further study at an School
overseas university. Old Boys Union
Awarded when funds P O Box 731
available. Rondebosch
Tenable at any approved 7701 or
Email: obu@rondebosch.com
Closing Date 30 April of the
same year

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Rotary Peace and conflict Graduates in appropriate The Chairman, Awards Sub-
Foundation resolution studies disciplines with relevant Committee, 3 Marne Avenue,
International work experience. For Claremont, 7708
Understanding Master’s degree studies at
and one of seven overseas Email: michaelw@telkomsa.net
Educational universities with a view to URL: www.rotary.org
Awards: final employment in related
Peace areas whilst being an Closing Date 30 April of the
Fellowship ambassador of goodwill for same year
South Africa while
Full basic cost of tuition and
accommodation for duration
of studies plus return travel

Studio Art Centres International (SACI) Awards

1. Gillian Fine Arts Female artist with Studio Arts College
Award demonstrated artistic International, 454 West 19
achievement and who will Street, New York, NY 10459,
be attending in both the Fall USA
and Spring terms. Award
offers unique opportunity to Email: admissions@saci-
an aspiring fine artist to live florence.edu
and work in Florence, Italy, URL: www.saci-florence.edu
utilising resources of SACI.
Value $3 000 Closing Date 15 March of the
same year for Fall term

Closing Date of the preceding

year 15 October for Spring
2. Meredith, Fine Arts An award of $2 000 for Studio Arts College
Anna K, undergraduate study in a International, 454 West 19
Scholarship Fall or Spring term Street, New York, NY 10459,

Email: admissions@saci-
URL: www.saci-florence.edu

Closing Date 15 March of the

same year for Fall term

Closing Date 15 October in the

preceding year for Spring term

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
3. Smith, Clare Photography Awarded for photography Studio Arts College
Brett, study. International, 454 West 19
Scholarship Value $1 000 Street, New York, NY 10459,

Email: admissions@saci-
URL: www.saci-florence.edu

Closing Date 15 March of the

same year for Fall term

Closing Date 15 October in the

preceding year for Spring term
4. Fine Arts To encourage participation Studio Arts College
International in study-abroad programs International, 454 West 19
Incentive by members of Street, New York, NY 10459,
Awards traditionally under USA
represented ethnic and
racial groups and other Email: admissions@saci-
minority groups. florence.edu
Applicants should be either URL: www.saci-florence.edu
sophomores or juniors with
a demonstrated ability in Closing Date 15 March of the
the studio arts and a same year for Fall term
minimum 3.0 GPA. Up to
two scholarships of $1,500 Closing Date 15 October in the
will be awarded for the preceding year for Spring term
Fall and Spring terms.
5. Jules Fine Arts Named after the founder Studio Arts College
Maidoff and director emeritus of International, 454 West 19
Scholarship SACI. This is a $2,500 Street, New York, NY 10459,
tuition scholarship and is USA
offered only on the basis of
exceptional talent and Email: admissions@saci-
need. florence.edu
URL: www.saci-florence.edu

Closing Date 15 March of the

same year for Fall term

Closing Date 15 October in the

preceding year for Spring term

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
6. Lele Cassin Video Awards $1,000 per term to Studio Arts College
Scholarship a student with ability in International, 454 West 19
video production. Street, New York, NY 10459,
Applicants should submit a USA
short video (no longer than
5 minutes). Email: admissions@saci-
URL: www.saci-florence.edu

Closing Date 15 March of the

same year for Fall term

Closing Date 15 October in the

preceding year for Spring term
7. SACI Fine Arts $1,500 is awarded in the Studio Arts College
Alumni Fall and Spring term to the International, 454 West 19
Heritage son or daughter of a SACI Street, New York, NY 10459,
Scholarship alum. A student can receive USA
this scholarship for one
term only. Students must Email: admissions@saci-
fulfil the same requirements florence.edu
as other SACI scholarship URL: www.saci-florence.edu
applicants. In addition, they
must submit a statement Closing Date 15 March of the
indicating the name of the same year for Fall term
parent who attended SACI
and the dates of his or her Closing Date 15 October in the
attendance. preceding year for Spring term
8. Roundtrip Fine Arts Two free roundtrip tickets Studio Arts College
Tickets to to Florence are made International, 454 West 19
Florence possible by an anonymous Street, New York, NY 10459,
donor for students who USA
attend SACI in the Spring
term. Valid only on Email: admissions@saci-
SACI’s Spring term group florence.edu
flight from New York, URL: www.saci-florence.edu
these tickets are awarded
as part of the SACI Closing Date 15 March of the
scholarship competition. same year for Fall term

Closing Date 15 October in the

preceding year for Spring term

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply &

award Value p.a. & Tenure closing date for application
Smithsonian Animal behaviour, Merit based awards for Smithsonian Institution Office
Fellowship Ecology, resident graduate and of Fellowships and Internships
Environmental postgraduate students 470 L’Enfant Plaza,
Science, Graduates $6 500 Suite 7102
Anthropology Predoctoral $30 000 MRC 902 PO Box 37012
including Postdoctoral $45 000 Washington DC
Archaeology, Senior Postdoctoral $35 000 20013–7012
Astrophysics, Tel: 202 633 7070
Graduate 10 weeks
Astronomy, Earth Email: siofg@si.edu
Predoctoral 3-12 months
Science*, Art, Art
Postdoctoral 3-12 months URL:
History, American
Senior Postdoctoral 3-12 www.si.edu/research+study
History, Cultural
months Closing Date 15 January of the
studies, Material
Conservation Tenable at Smithsonian same year
*Other disciplines: Paleobiology, Evolutionary and Systematic Biology, History of Science and
Technology, History of Art (especially American, Contemporary, African and Asian Art, Twentieth
Century American Crafts, and Decorative Arts) Social and Cultural History of the United States,
Folk life

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Tetley and All disciplines International students Candidates should visit the
Lupton wishing to undertake a 1- website
Scholarship year full-time Master’s www.scholarships.leeds.ac.uk
for degree at the University of for further information and an
International Leeds. application form.
Value full cost of academic Email:
fees. pg_scholarships@leeds.ac.uk

Closing Date: Check the

website for details.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Address to which to apply

award Value p.a. & Tenure & closing date for
Van Staveren All disciplines South African citizens or Van Staveren Selection
Scholarship, candidates who have Committee, c/o Headmaster
South African resided in South for at least South, African College High
College 5 years. School, Private Bag,
School Newlands, 7725
Candidates must have spent
3 years prior passing the Closing Date 15 August in
NSC examination at the the preceding year
South African College High
School (SACS). Email address:
Candidates must be younger
than 25 years of age on 1
October of year of selection.
Candidates must have
completed their first degree,
at a South African
university, by the October
of the year for which they
would be elected. Awarded
every 2 years, funds

Last awarded in 2017 for

study in 2018.

This scholarship is for post-

graduate study only.
Wahl, Robert All disciplines Men and Women graduates. The Manager, FNB Trust
and Cecily, Not less than R1 200 and Services, Private Bag X5,
Scholarship not more than ⅔ of the Menlo Park, 0102.
Rhodes Scholarship.
Email: eantak@fnb.co.za
2 years for Bachelors or
Master’s degree & 3 years Closing Date 30 December in
for Doctorate. the preceding year

Tenable at Universities of
Cambridge, Oxford or

Applications are not invited for the scholarships described in section 7. As and when they become
available for award, they are offered without application to the most outstanding UCT graduates.
All students who complete Bachelors, Honours or Master’s degrees at UCT in June or December
and who display outstanding academic performance are considered by the individual Faculties.
Recipients of these scholarships are notified of their awards each year in December.
The scholarships are awarded to encourage full-time study towards higher degrees, and may be held
concurrently with other awards. Recipients who do not enrol at UCT for higher full-time degrees
qualify to hold these scholarships only in an honorary capacity.
The scholarships appearing in this section will be reflected on recipients' academic records.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Value p.a. & Tenure

Adcock- Pharmacology Awarded annually to Value: Variable
Ingram outstanding graduate Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship completing MBChB or Tenable at UCT Department
other appropriate UCT of Pharmacology
medical degree for
postgraduate study in
Bender Hebrew Studies Awarded on general Value: Variable
Memorial academic ability and not Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship exclusively on knowledge Tenable at Hebrew and
of Hebrew Jewish Studies section, UCT
Broeksma, Commerce Graduate obtaining 1st class Value: R10 000
Albertonie Honours degree or Master’s Tenure: 1 year
Herman degree with distinction. Tenable at UCT
Scholarship Recipient must be under 30 Requests for deferral must be
years and must register at in writing
UCT for a higher degree.
The scholarship may be
deferred by a student who
has to complete compulsory
community service.
Centlivres EBE Graduate obtaining 1st class Value: R10 000
Scholarship Honours degree or Master’s Tenure: 1 year
degree with distinction. Tenable at UCT
Recipient must be under 30
years and must register at Requests for deferral must be
UCT for a higher degree. in writing
The scholarship may be
deferred by a student who
has to complete compulsory
community service.
Chapman, Music Awarded on merit on Value: Variable
Myra recommendation of Board Tenure: 2 years maximum
Postgraduate of the Faculty of Music. Tenable at UCT or overseas
Scholarship institution

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Value p.a. & Tenure

De Villiers- Humanities Graduate obtaining a BA Value: R10 000
Smuts Honours/BSocSc degree in Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship the 1st class. Recipient Tenable at UCT
must be under 30 years and Requests for deferral must be
must register at UCT for a in writing
higher degree. The
scholarship may be deferred
by a student who has to
complete compulsory
community service.
Gorfinkel, Humanities Graduate obtaining 1st class Value: R10 000
Max Memorial Honours degree or Master’s Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship degree with distinction. Tenable at UCT
Recipient must be under 30 Requests for deferral must be
years and must register at in writing
UCT for a higher degree.
The scholarship may be
deferred by students who
have to complete
compulsory community
Grant, Maria Science Graduate obtaining 1st class Value: R10 000
Lydia Honours degree or Master’s Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship degree with distinction. Tenable at UCT
Recipient must be under 30 Requests for deferral must be
years and must register at in writing
UCT for a higher degree.
The scholarship may be
deferred by students who
have to complete
compulsory community
Hertzog, Afrikaans en BA graduate obtaining Value: Variable
General JBM Nederlands highest marks throughout Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship the Afrikaans and Tenable at UCT
Nederlands course. For
study leading to a higher
degree at UCT.
Hutt, William Commerce Awarded to graduate Value: R5 000
Harold obtaining highest marks in Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship Bachelors degree. For study Tenable at UCT
leading to a higher degree at
Levinson, Medicine, Science BSc Honours and MBChB Value: Variable
Myer graduates obtaining degree Tenure: 2 years
Scholarship in the 1st class. For study Tenable at any approved
leading towards a higher institution
degree at UCT.

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Value p.a. & Tenure

Liberman, Science Graduate obtaining the Value: R5 000
Hyman highest marks in Bachelors Tenure: 1 year
Postgraduate degree. For study leading to Tenable at UCT
Scholarship a higher degree at UCT.
Robertson, Engineering Student making most Value: Variable
Christopher progress in 3rd year with Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship preference to the student
with fewest scholarships, to
whom the award would
have the greatest value.
SA College All Disciplines Graduate obtaining 1st class Value: R10 000
Croll Honours degree or Master’s Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship degree with distinction. Tenable at UCT
Recipient must be under 30 Requests for deferral must be
years and must register at in writing
UCT for a higher degree.
The scholarship may be
deferred by a student who
has to complete compulsory
community service.
Shand, Engineering Graduate obtaining the Value: Variable
Ninham Bachelors degree in Civil Tenure: 2 years
Scholarship Engineering with Honours Tenable at UCT
Smith, Prof JJ Afrikaans en Awarded on merit to Value: Variable
Scholarship Nederlands graduate who has obtained Tenure: 1 year
1st class pass in Afrikaans Tenable at UCT
and Nederlands III for
Honours or Master’s study,
with preference for
linguistic topics.
Spilhaus, Health Sciences Graduate obtaining 1st class Value: R10 000
Nellie Brown and Honours degree or Master’s Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship Science degree with distinction. Tenable at UCT
Recipient must be under 30 Requests for deferral must be
years and must register at in writing
UCT for a higher degree.
The scholarship may be
deferred by a student who
has to complete compulsory
community service.
Struben, History For research into topics Value: Variable
Charles bearing upon the British Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship Commonwealth leading Tenable at any approved
towards an Honours or institution
Master’s degree.
Ticktin, Political Studies, Awarded on academic merit Value: Variable
Mayshell Philosophy to a student intending to Tenure: 1 year.
Scholarship continue the study of Tenable at any approved
Philosophy or in Political institution

Name of Discipline Eligibility & conditions Value p.a. & Tenure

Twamley Surveying Awarded on academic Value: Variable
Postgraduate achievement and Tenure: 3 years
Scholarship appropriate experience for Tenable at UCT
postgraduate study in
Surveying at UCT.
UCT Council Engineering Best Bachelors degree Value: R5 000
Postgraduate graduate in Engineering for Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship in further study in Engineering Tenable at UCT
Engineering at UCT.
UCT Council All disciplines Best MBChB and other 4 Value: R10 000
Postgraduate year degree and Master’s Tenure: 1 year
Scholarships graduates for further study Tenable at UCT
in Health in Medicine at UCT
UCT Council Architecture, Arts, Seven scholarships are Value: R5 000
Scholarships Commerce, awarded annually to Tenure: 1 year
Science, Social outstanding graduates who Tenable at UCT
Science and complete the 3 year
Humanities Bachelors curriculum. For
full-time study towards a
higher degree at UCT.
Van Breda, Engineering Most outstanding Bachelors Value: Variable
Chris graduate in Engineering, Tenure: 2 years maximum
Scholarship with preference for a Tenable at UCT or approved
graduate in Civil overseas university
Engineering. For further
full-time study at UCT.
Van Ewijck Afrikaans en Awarded on merit to Value: Variable
Foundation Nederlands student who completes at Tenure: 2 years
Scholarship least 1 year of study in Tenable at UCT
Afrikaans and Nederlands
for approved course of
postgraduate study.
Washkansky, All disciplines Graduate completing an Value: R10 000
Manuel and Honours degree or other Tenure: 1 year
Luby degree course of 4 years or Tenable at UCT
Scholarship longer, in the first class or
of equivalent standard. For
full-time study leading
towards a higher degree at
Wiener, Louis Economics For research leading towards Value: Variable
Scholarship a Master’s degree in Tenure: 2 years
Economics at UCT. Tenable at UCT or approved
overseas university
Wilson, Social Science and Graduate obtaining highest Value: R5 000
Monica Humanities marks in Bachelors degree Tenure: 1 year
Scholarship curriculum. For study Tenable at UCT
leading to a higher degree at

AAUW International Fellowship ................................................................................................... 75
Adams, Cecil John Travelling Fellowship .................................................................................... 75
Adcock-Ingram Scholarship .......................................................................................................... 92
African Economic Research Consortium Scholarship ................................................................. 40
Alberta University Awards ............................................................................................................ 75
Albow Bursary ................................................................................................................................ 27
Alexandra Club Bursary ................................................................................................................ 28
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).............................................................................................. 76
Baker, Justice Peter Memorial Scholarship ................................................................................. 40
Baxter, J W Duncan Scholarship .................................................................................................. 32
Beattie, Jock Memorial Bursary .................................................................................................... 28
Beit Trust Scholarship.................................................................................................................... 59
Bender Memorial Scholarship ....................................................................................................... 92
Benfara Scholarship ....................................................................................................................... 32
Biological Sciences Department Postgraduate Scholarship ......................................................... 40
Blundell, Bob, Memorial Scholarship ........................................................................................... 59
Bokhorst, Matthijs Bursary ........................................................................................................... 34
Broeksma, Albertonie Herman Scholarship ................................................................................. 92
Brown, Debbie Bursary .................................................................................................................. 40
Brunow, Myer & Harry, Scholarships .......................................................................................... 32
Business Women’s Association ...................................................................................................... 41
Buyskes, Hilda Bursary .................................................................................................................. 41
Cambridge Commonwealth European & International Trust - Various Scholarships ............. 77
Cambridge University Awards ...................................................................................................... 76
Cameron, Dorothy Scholarship ..................................................................................................... 41
Camps Bay Operatic and Dramatic Society Bursary Trust ........................................................ 41
Canon Collins Scholarships for postgraduate study in the UK or South Africa ........................ 59
Centlivres Scholarship ................................................................................................................... 93
Centre for African Management Fund ......................................................................................... 42
CERECAM Postgraduate Scholarship ......................................................................................... 42
Chapman, Myra Postgraduate Scholarship.................................................................................. 93
Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Scholarship ........................................................................ 42
Chevening Scholarship ................................................................................................................... 77
Chisholm, Erik Memorial Bursary................................................................................................ 34
Cockwell, Daphne Scholarships..................................................................................................... 43
Cohen, Sam, (Windhoek) Scholarship .......................................................................................... 78
Commonwealth Scholarships......................................................................................................... 78
Corder, Basil and Con Scholarship ............................................................................................... 44
Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa Bursary .......................................................................... 60
Crossley, Harry Foundation Postgraduate Bursaries .................................................................. 28
Crossley, Harry Foundation Research Fellowship ....................................................................... 25
DAAD/AIMS Scholarships (In Country/ In Region scholarship programme) .......................... 60
DAAD/ANSTI Scholarships ........................................................................................................... 61
De Villiers-Smuts Scholarship ....................................................................................................... 93
Decision Analysis Postgraduate Scholarship (Honours) .............................................................. 44
D'Ewes , Dudley Scholarship ......................................................................................................... 61
Dickson, Charles Research Grant ................................................................................................. 45
EE Coutts Bursary ......................................................................................................................... 35
Electrical Engineering Postgraduate Scholarship ........................................................................ 45
Elliott, Guy Research Fellowship .................................................................................................. 45
Epstein, Bertha Isobel Bursary...................................................................................................... 35
Epstein, Louis Bursary ................................................................................................................... 35

Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme ................................................................................. 78

FirstRand FNB Fund Oxford Education Scholarship for a masters degree in Education ........ 80
FirstRand FNB Fund Scholarship for International Postgraduate study in Education ............ 80
FirstRand Foundation and FirstRand Laurie Dippenaar International Postgraduate
Scholarships .................................................................................................................................... 79
FirstRand Oxford African Studies Scholarship to the University of Oxford ............................. 79
Flanagan, Patrick & Margaret, Scholarship ................................................................................ 80
Forman, Frank Grant .................................................................................................................... 32
Forster, Georg Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers .......................................... 68
Fuchs, Carl and Emily, Scholarship.............................................................................................. 62
Fulbright Foreign Student Program ............................................................................................. 81
Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholar programs .................................................................................... 68
Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships ............................................................................................ 81
Gardell, Stella & John Bursary ..................................................................................................... 35
Gavron, Dr Sylvia Scholarship (Music) ........................................................................................ 33
Gavron, Sylvia Bursary.................................................................................................................. 45
Genesis Educational Foundation Trust Bursary (GEFT)............................................................ 62
Geriatric Unit Postgraduate Scholarship...................................................................................... 46
Glasgow University Scholarships .................................................................................................. 81
Glickman/ Elliot Scholarship ......................................................................................................... 33
Goldblatt, Janet Bursary ............................................................................................................... 29
Goodenough College Bursary ........................................................................................................ 82
Gorfinkel, Max Memorial Scholarship ......................................................................................... 93
Grahamstown Foundation Scholarships ....................................................................................... 63
Grant, Maria Lydia Scholarship ................................................................................................... 94
GreenMatter Postgraduate Fellowship ......................................................................................... 63
GSB/Bertha Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Scholarships .......................... 46
Harries, Katrine Memorial Bursary ............................................................................................. 36
Henderson, Colin Memorial Fellowship ....................................................................................... 46
Hertzog, General JBM Scholarship .............................................................................................. 94
HOI Scholarship in African Studies .............................................................................................. 47
Honikman, Deena Memorial Scholarship ..................................................................................... 47
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers .................................................. 69
Hutt, William Harold Scholarship ................................................................................................ 94
Immunology Scholarship ............................................................................................................... 47
Integrative Medical Biochemistry Postgraduate Scholarship ..................................................... 47
International Students' Scholarship (UCT Council) .................................................................... 54
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and international Cooperation Bursary ............................. 83
Jagger, J W, Trust and Centenary Scholarships.......................................................................... 55
John Davidson Educational Trust ................................................................................................. 28
Johnson, Siri Bursary ..................................................................................................................... 29
Johnston, KW Research Scholarship ............................................................................................ 29
Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies Award .................................................................................... 48
Katz, Pete Scholarship ................................................................................................................... 48
Kellman, Ascher Bursary............................................................................................................... 36
Killam, Izaac Walton Awards ....................................................................................................... 83
Killam, Izaak Walton Post-Doctoral Fellowship .......................................................................... 69
Killam, Izaak Walton Pre-Doctoral Scholarship.......................................................................... 83
Kirby, P R Memorial Scholarship ................................................................................................. 36
Kluk, Ephraim Scholarship ........................................................................................................... 48
Kramer, Jules Music & Fine Art Grants (Local) ......................................................................... 36
Lamsley, Peter Memorial Scholarship .......................................................................................... 49
Law Faculty Masters & Doctoral Research Scholarship ............................................................. 49

Leon, Claude Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship ..................................................................... 70

Lestrade Scholarship ...................................................................................................................... 37
Levinson, Myer Scholarship .......................................................................................................... 94
Liberman, Hyman Postgraduate Scholarship .............................................................................. 94
Loewenstein Trust Postgraduate Scholarship .............................................................................. 33
MacIver Scholarship ...................................................................................................................... 37
MacKenzie, Barbara Memorial Scholarship ................................................................................ 37
MacKenzie, Megan Memorial Scholarship ................................................................................... 37
Mammal Research Postgraduate Scholarship .............................................................................. 50
Mandela Rhodes Scholarship Programme ................................................................................... 64
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund .......................................................................................... 64
Marine Biology Research Centre Postgraduate Scholarship ...................................................... 50
Marjorie McIntosh ......................................................................................................................... 50
Materials Engineering Postgraduate Scholarship ........................................................................ 50
McMaster University Awards........................................................................................................ 83
Mears, Nan Scholarship ................................................................................................................. 84
Mechanical Engineering Scholarship ............................................................................................ 51
MLH – Architects & Planners Bursary ........................................................................................ 38
Mullne, Rose & Sydney Bursary ................................................................................................... 29
North American Postgraduate Fellowship .................................................................................... 38
Notre Dame ..................................................................................................................................... 84
Notre Dame Human Rights LLM Scholarship ............................................................................. 84
NRF - Free-Standing Awards: Abroad Doctoral ........................................................................... 6
NRF - Free-Standing Awards: Abroad Postdoctoral ......................................................... 8, 71, 72
NRF - Free-Standing Bursaries: Local Honours ............................................................................ 4
NRF - Free-Standing Local Awards: Master’s and Doctoral ........................................................ 5
NRF - Grantholder Linked Bursaries ........................................................................................... 20
NRF - Grantholder Linked Bursaries: South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI)All
levels ................................................................................................................................................ 20
NRF - Innovation Awards: Postdoctoral ................................................................................ 11, 72
NRF - Innovation Bursary: Honours Level .................................................................................... 9
NRF - Innovation Bursary: Master’s and Doctoral Level ........................................................... 10
NRF Doctoral Part-time ................................................................................................................. 19
NRF Freestanding postdoctoral Fellowship (Local) ................................................................ 7, 70
NRF Scarce Skills for Honours...................................................................................................... 12
NRF Scarce Skills for Master’s and Doctoral............................................................................... 13
NRF Scarce Skills for Postdoctoral Fellows ........................................................................... 14, 73
NRF Square Kilometre Array(SKA): Master’s and Doctoral ..................................................... 17
NRF Square Kilometre Array(SKA): Postdoctoral Fellowship ............................................ 18, 73
NRF Square Kilometre Array(SKA): Undergraduate and Honours ......................................... 16
NRF/DAAD Bursary: Local Master’s and Doctoral .................................................................... 15
OASIS Bursary ............................................................................................................................... 38
Overbeek, John & Margaret Scholarship ..................................................................................... 38
Oxford Nuffield Medical Fellowship ............................................................................................. 84
Poliomyelitis Research Foundation Bursary ................................................................................ 64
Posco Africa Fellowship ................................................................................................................. 39
Potter, David & Elaine Fellowship ................................................................................................ 24
Prescient Securities Postgraduate Scholarship ............................................................................. 25
Princeton University Awards......................................................................................................... 85
Prisman, David Travel Bursary..................................................................................................... 51
Queensland University Awards ..................................................................................................... 85
Rhodes Trust Scholarships ............................................................................................................ 85
Robertson, Christopher Scholarship ............................................................................................. 95

Rondebosch Overseas Scholarship ................................................................................................ 86

Roper, Margaret Scholarship ........................................................................................................ 51
Rotary Foundation International Understanding and Educational Awards: Peace
Fellowship ....................................................................................................................................... 87
Royal Society of South Africa bursary in the faculty of Science ................................................. 30
Rubin, Marcus Scholarship ........................................................................................................... 33
S A Planning Institution Bursary & Scholarship ......................................................................... 66
S2A3 Medal ..................................................................................................................................... 58
SA Association for Learning & Educational Difficulties (SAALED ........................................... 67
SA Association Of Women Graduates .......................................................................................... 65
SA College Croll Scholarship ........................................................................................................ 95
SA WISE Angus Scholarship......................................................................................................... 66
SA WISE Hope Scholarship .......................................................................................................... 66
Sacks, Ruth Bursary....................................................................................................................... 39
Sauerman CV Post Stroke Therapy Bursary ............................................................................... 51
Saunders, Noreen Bursary ............................................................................................................. 30
Scarbrow Bursary Fund ................................................................................................................ 24
Scientific Computing Scholarship ................................................................................................. 51
Shand, Ninham Scholarship .......................................................................................................... 95
Simons, Jack Bursary ..................................................................................................................... 52
Smith, Prof JJ Scholarship ............................................................................................................ 95
Smithsonian Fellowship ................................................................................................................. 90
Smuts Memorial Botanical Fellowship ......................................................................................... 74
Solomon, Sir William Memorial Scholarship ............................................................................... 52
Spilhaus, Nellie Brown Scholarship .............................................................................................. 95
Spilhaus, PA Memorial .................................................................................................................. 52
Spilman, DM Bursary .................................................................................................................... 30
Spirit of 68....................................................................................................................................... 58
Sports Council Bursary .................................................................................................................. 52
Sprigg, Gordon Scholarship .......................................................................................................... 52
Stern, Irma Scholarship ................................................................................................................. 53
Stiglingh Memorial Bursary .......................................................................................................... 67
Stone, Joseph Bursary .................................................................................................................... 53
Struben, Charles Scholarship ........................................................................................................ 96
Studio Art Centres International (SACI) Awards ....................................................................... 87
Tetley and Lupton Scholarship for International Students ......................................................... 90
Ticktin, Mayshell Scholarship ....................................................................................................... 96
Twamley Postgraduate Bursary .................................................................................................... 30
Twamley Postgraduate Scholarship .............................................................................................. 96
UCT Conference Travel Grants .................................................................................................... 23
UCT Council Postgraduate Scholarship in Engineering ............................................................. 96
UCT Council Postgraduate Scholarships in Health Sciences ...................................................... 97
UCT Council Scholarships ............................................................................................................. 97
UCT Doctoral Research Scholarships ........................................................................................... 21
UCT Doctoral Staff Bursaries ....................................................................................................... 56
UCT Honours Merit Scholarships................................................................................................. 21
UCT Master’s Staff Bursaries ....................................................................................................... 57
UCT Masters Scholarships ............................................................................................................ 22
UCT Refugee Scholarships ............................................................................................................ 55
UCT Scholarship for International Travel ................................................................................... 23
Union of Jewish Women of South Africa Postgraduate Bursary ................................................ 67
URC Postdoctoral Fellowship ........................................................................................................ 74
Urmson-Smith Bursary .................................................................................................................. 31

Van Breda, Chris Scholarship ....................................................................................................... 97

Van der Gucht, Rosalie Scholarship ............................................................................................. 53
van der Horst, Sheila Bursary ....................................................................................................... 53
Van Ewijck Foundation Scholarship ............................................................................................. 97
Van Staveren Scholarship, South African College School ........................................................... 91
Victoria League English Speech Bursary ..................................................................................... 53
Waddell, Marion Beatrice Bursary ............................................................................................... 34
Wahl, Cecily Haworth, Scholarship .............................................................................................. 91
Wakeford, Dr John Bursary .......................................................................................................... 31
Walker, Hugh & Win Scholarship ................................................................................................ 39
Washkansky, Manuel and Luby Scholarship ............................................................................... 97
Weizmann Institute of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship ............................................................. 74
White, Margaret Scholarship ........................................................................................................ 53
Wiener, Louis Scholarship ............................................................................................................. 98
Wilfred Kramer Law Grant Local ................................................................................................ 49
Wilhelm Frank Trust ..................................................................................................................... 26
Wilson, Monica Scholarship .......................................................................................................... 98
Woodstock & Salt River Mission Bursary .................................................................................... 31
Yeoman Bequest Bursary............................................................................................................... 34
Ziphelele Mbambo Memorial Scholarship ................................................................................... 54

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