Learner Develpment Plan
Learner Develpment Plan
Learner Develpment Plan
2. To evaluate the alignment and 2. Presentation/discussion of the result Ending of 2nd Well aligned and priority
integration of PVMCV across all of class observation vis-a-vis quarter integrated PVMCV
learning areas and grade levels modification of existing plan across all learning areas
and grade levels
8.2.To ensure that students are guided . Evaluation and analysis of Every end of Principal Well implemented priority
properly and effectively in growth and students’ curricular and co- each Coordinator curricular and co-
development curricular activities culminating Club curricular activites
activity moderators
Utilize assessment data to make Students
instructional decisions on learner
8.3. Review and revision of student Evaluation of plan implementation of June Club Regular and intensive priority
services oriented activities different clubs and organizations moderators participation of students
Students in service-oriented
Formulation of evaluation tools Principal activities
8.4 To provide a variety of cognitively Curriculum review Before opening Principal
demanding and developmentally of classes Club
appropriate programs and learning Classroom observation moderators
activities that integrate moral and principal
religious formation for authentic Student researches and surveys
Christian living
Simulation activities such as being a
waiter, etc.