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Monitoring of

Machine Vibration
Variables with a
Monitoring System
SIPLUS SM 1281, SIMATIC S7-1200 Industry
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Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

Entry ID: 109480750, V3.1, 11/2018 2
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Legal information ......................................................................................................... 2

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Overview............................................................................................... 4
1.2 Mode of operation ................................................................................ 5
1.2.1 Configuration ........................................................................................ 5
1.2.2 Monitoring mode ................................................................................... 6
1.2.3 Program overview ................................................................................ 8
1.3 Components used .............................................................................. 11
2 Engineering ...................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Hardware setup .................................................................................. 12
2.2 Configuration ...................................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Downloading the STEP 7 project into the CPU .................................. 13
2.2.2 Downloading the WinCC project into the HMI .................................... 16
2.3 Commissioning ................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Setting parameters ............................................................................. 17
2.3.2 Measuring the normal operating condition of the machine ................ 18
2.3.3 Setting the warning and alarm limits .................................................. 21
2.4 Operation ............................................................................................ 24
2.4.1 Setting parameters ............................................................................. 24
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2.4.2 Changing the operating mode ............................................................ 25

2.4.3 Restoring parameters from the backup .............................................. 26
3 Valuable Information ....................................................................................... 27
3.1 Basic terms ......................................................................................... 27
3.2 Mechanical vibrations ......................................................................... 28
3.2.1 Meaning and significance of vibrations .............................................. 28
3.2.2 Causes of mechanical vibrations ....................................................... 29
3.3 Monitoring and diagnosing vibrations ................................................. 30
3.3.1 Measuring vibrations .......................................................................... 30
3.3.2 Overview of diagnostic procedures .................................................... 34
3.3.3 Vibration diagnosis by measuring characteristic values in the
time domain ........................................................................................ 35
3.3.4 Vibration diagnosis through frequency analysis ................................. 38
3.4 SIPLUS CMS1200 SM 1281 .............................................................. 38
3.5 Library "SM1281_Library" .................................................................. 39
3.5.1 Overview............................................................................................. 40
3.5.2 Function block "SM1281_Module" ..................................................... 40
3.5.3 Function "SM1281_Channel" ............................................................. 41
3.5.4 Data block "SM1281_Status" ............................................................. 41
3.5.5 Data block "SM1281_Backup" ........................................................... 41
3.5.6 Data types .......................................................................................... 41
4 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 42
4.1 Service & support ............................................................................... 42
4.2 Links and literature ............................................................................. 43
4.3 Change documentation ...................................................................... 43

Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
To protect a machine efficiently against mechanical damage during operation and
detect such damages at an early stage, the machine has to be monitored
Mechanical vibrations are crucial in this context. Vibrations are caused mainly by
centrifugal forces at rotating machine parts.
This can be due to:
 Unbalance
 Improper alignment of machine trains
 Bearing-related damage
 Transmission faults
 Magnetic, hydraulic and other function-related changing forces

In order to monitor mechanical components, SIEMENS provides the SIPLUS CMS

Condition Monitoring Systems. This monitoring system gives a permanent overview
of all machines and of the entire system. In line with preventive maintenance,
servicing activities can thus be planned more efficiently and carried out on
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After a prolonged period of uninterrupted operation, the documented trend curves

enable early detection of significant changes as a result of wear or other damage-
related causes.

Topics not covered by this application

This application example covers the configuration of the SIPLUS CMS1200
SM 1281 Condition Monitoring Systems and the monitoring and visualization of
characteristic values. This documentation does not cover the evaluation of the
frequency spectrum using the integrated web server.
This application example does not include any description of the following topics:
 Configuring the drive
 Vibration diagnosis through frequency analysis
 Operating the integrated web server
 Data exchange via FTP

Assumed knowledge
The following basic knowledge is assumed:
 SIMATIC controllers
 STEP 7 programming
 WinCC

Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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1 Introduction

1.2 Mode of operation

1.2.1 Configuration

Monitoring is done via the SIPLUS CMS1200 SM 1281 Condition Monitoring

System. Specifically developed for connection to the SIMATIC S7-1200, the
monitoring thus can be seamlessly integrated into the automation process.
The figure below shows a schematic overview of the most important components of
the solution:

Figure 1-1: Overview of components

1 2
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6 7 8 9 10

Table 1-1: Legend for Figure 1-1

1. SIMATIC S7-1200 automation system
2. SIPLUS CMS1200 SM 1281 Condition Monitoring System
3. HMI to visualize and operate the CMS
4. Vibration sensor to acquire the vibration acceleration
5. Retro-reflective photoelectric sensor for speed sensing
6. Bearing at the shaft end
7. Load
8. Bearing at the shaft coupling
9. Motor
10. SINAMICS V90 drive

Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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1 Introduction

Vibration sensor
The SM 1281 uses a vibration sensor to monitor the vibrations at the shaft end
When commissioning the machine, the status under normal operating conditions is
determined. From the characteristic values measured, the user defines the warning
and alarm limits and stores them in the SM 1281.

Figure 1-2: Vibration sensor

During operation, the vibrations at the machine are monitored permanently and the
status is reported to the user via an HMI. Warnings and alarms are generated if the
set limit values are exceeded.

1.2.2 Monitoring mode

In monitoring mode, all variables to be monitored are measured, calculated and

checked for the configured limits. When limits are violated, the corresponding
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messages are generated and the parameterized response is executed. A function

block enables the control program to access the messages.
The measured variables are cyclically transmitted to the controller and recorded as
a trend curve in the SM 1281. The trend curves can be displayed via the integrated
web server.

Note This application example focuses on starting up the SM 1281 and its monitoring
mode. Additional operating modes can be found in the SM 1281 operating

RMS monitoring
The SM 1281 enables the calculation of the following characteristic values:
 vRMS (root mean square velocity) is calculated based on the interval rms
value of vibration velocity.
 aRMS (root mean square acceleration) is calculated based on the interval
rms value of vibration acceleration.
 DKW (diagnostic characteristic value) is calculated based on the interval
rms value of the vibration acceleration.

For each vibration channel, warning and alarm limits and hysteresis can be set.

Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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1 Introduction

For the monitoring of vRMS, aRMS, DKW and spectra, three successive values
that exceed the threshold must be present to trigger a warning or alarm.
Accordingly, three successive values that fall below the threshold (including the
absolute value hysteresis) must be present for the warning or alarm to disappear
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Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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1 Introduction

1.2.3 Program overview

The library "SM1281_Library" of the SM 1281 signal module was used for this
application example. It contains program blocks and HMI text lists. The library
enables the functions of the SM 1281 to be integrated easily into the user's control
program. Blocks and data types which are part of the library carry the prefix
"SM1281" in their name. Further information on the library "SM1281_Library" can
be found in chapter 3.5.
The user program in this application example has a modular structure so that
further modules can be added easily.

Figure 1-3: Program overview


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Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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1 Introduction

Table 1-2: Explanation of the blocks

Block Explanation
CMS This function block calls all required blocks for a specific
SM 1281 module.
If you are using several modules, create further instances of
this function block.
SM1281_Module This function block is part of the "SM1281_Library" and is
intended for configuring, controlling and monitoring the
SM 1281 module.
SM1281_Channel This function block is part of the "SM1281_Library" and is
intended for configuring, controlling and monitoring a channel
of the SM 1281.
For each channel (vibration sensor) used, the function
"SM1281_Channel" is called. The example project is prepared
for the maximum number of channels for an SM 1281 module,
even if only one channel is enabled and evaluated.
PrepareCMSDataForHMI This function prepares the data of the SM 1281 for
Drive This function block controls the SINAMICS V90 drive.
If you are using several drives, create further instances of this
function block.
PrepareDriveDataForHMI This function prepares the data of the drive for visualization.
PlcHmi This data block is used for data exchange between PLC and
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The SM 1281 is configured, operated and monitored via an HMI. Visualization
consists of the following screens:

Table 1-3: Explanation of the screens

Screen Explanation
Overview This start screen shows the monitoring status of the SM 1281
and controls the drive.
Actual Values On this screen, you can view the actual values of the channels
and start the recording of raw data or fingerprints.
Backup On this screen, you can view and restore the parameters of
the module that have been stored as backup.
Maintenance On this screen, you can exchange data with the module via
This function is not discussed in this application example.
Parameters On this screen, you can define the parameters of the module
and its channels.

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1 Introduction

To make sure that further modules can be added to the application example, the
following faceplates have been created in the project:

Table 1-4: Explanation of the faceplates

Faceplate Explanation
ChannelBackup This faceplate shows the parameters of a channel that have
been stored as backup.
ChannelParameters With this faceplate, you can define the parameters of a
ChannelStatus This faceplate shows the monitoring status of a channel.
ModuleBackup This faceplate shows the parameters of the module that have
been stored as backup.
ModuleOverview This faceplate shows on overview of the monitoring states of a
ModuleParameters With this faceplate, you can define the parameters of the
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Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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1 Introduction

1.3 Components used

This application is valid for
 STEP 7 V15 and higher
 WinCC V15 and higher
 S7-1200 FW 4.2 and higher
 SM 1281 FW 3.0

Components used
This application example has been created with the following hardware and
software components:

Table 1-5: Components used

Component Qty. Article number Note
Power supply 1 6EP1332-4BA00 PM 190 W
SIMATIC S7 CPU 1 6ES7212-1AE40-0XB0 CPU 1212C DC/DC/DC
SIPLUS SM 1281 1 6AT8007-1AA10-0AA0 FW 3.1
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Retro-reflective photoelectric 1 GLV18-55-G/73/120 Pepperl + Fuchs

Vibration sensor 1 6AT8002-4AB00 Sensitivity: 100.08 mV/g
SIMATIC HMI TP1200 Comfort 1 6AV2124-0MC01-0AX0 12"
SINAMICS V90 PN 1 6SL3210-5FB10-2UF0 Single-phase operation at 240 V
STEP 7 Basic 1 6ES7822-0AE05-0YA5
WinCC Advanced 1 6AV2102-0AA05-0AH5

Note The functionality was tested with the hardware components specified. Similar
products that are not included in the above list can also be used. In this case,
please note that changes to the example code (e. g. different addresses) may
become necessary.

This application example consists of the following components:

Table 1-6: Components of the application example

Component Note
109480750_CMS_S7-1200_RMS_DOC_V31_en.pdf This document. This zip file contains the project for
TIA Portal V15.1. This zip file contains the project for
TIA Portal V15.

Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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2 Engineering

2 Engineering
2.1 Hardware setup
The figure below shows the hardware setup of the application.

Figure 2-1: Hardware setup

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1. Place the CPU and the SM 1281 side by side on a top hat rail.
2. Connect the two components using the integrated bus.
3. Install the vibration sensor to the bearing pedestal of the shaft end.
Chapter 3.3.1 Measuring vibrations shows ways how to mount the sensor.
4. Install the retro-reflective photoelectric sensor.
Using a separate speed sensor is not mandatory. You can also provide the
speed to the SM 1281 via the user program. The function block
"SM1281_Module" provides the "SpeedSource" and "Speed" parameters for
this purpose.
5. Wire the components as shown in the illustration above.
6. Switch on the power supply.

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2 Engineering

For this application example, the following IP addresses were used:

Table 2-1: IP addresses used

Component IP address Subnet mask
CPU 1212C
HMI TP1200
Web server SM 1281

Note You can specify the IP address of the web server of the SM 1281 at the
parameter "IP_Config" of the FB "SM1281_Module" or via the HMI (see chapter

2.2 Configuration
2.2.1 Downloading the STEP 7 project into the CPU

1. Download the project file

"" at:
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2. Save the zip file in any directory on your computer and extract it.
3. Set the IP address of the PG/PC in such a way that the PG/PC is located in the
same subnet as the CPU.
4. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the PG/PC with the Ethernet interface of the
5. Open the extracted project.
6. Right-click "PLC_1 [CPU1212C DC/DC/DC]" in the project tree and then
"Download to device > Hardware and Software (only changes)".

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2 Engineering

7. Select the corresponding interface and click "Start search".

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8. Select the CPU based on the IP or MAC address and then click "Load".

Note The IP address and the device name are automatically assigned when
downloading the project into the CPU.

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2 Engineering

9. Confirm the dialog by clicking "Load". If the CPU is presently not in STOP, it
has to be stopped.

10. Tick the "Start all" check box and click "Finish".
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Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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2 Engineering

2.2.2 Downloading the WinCC project into the HMI

1. Make sure that the HMI is in transfer mode or automatic transfer is allowed.
2. Right-click "HMI_1 [TP1200 Comfort]" in the project tree and then "Download
to device > Hardware and Software (only changes)".
3. Select the corresponding interface and click "Start search".
4. Select the HMI based on the IP or MAC address and click "Load".
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11. Tick the "Overwrite all" check box and click "Load".

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2 Engineering

2.3 Commissioning
2.3.1 Setting parameters

1. On the start screen, tap the "Parameters" button.

2. Set the desired parameters for the module and channel 1.
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3. In order to set parameters for the other channels, use the scroll bar to the right
of the channel parameters.

4. Tap the "Set All Parameters" button.

The SM 1281 switches to the "STOP: Config/Param" mode and sets the
parameters. Subsequently, it changes back to the last operating mode.

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2 Engineering

2.3.2 Measuring the normal operating condition of the machine

To detect wear and damages at the machine, we need to know the vibration
variables in the normal operating state. Therefore, the vibration variables are
measured during commissioning and are used as the reference values to calculate
warning and alarm limits.
Proceed as follows:

Measuring reference values for vRMS and aRMS

1. Tap the "ON" button.

2. Select the operating mode "RUN: Monitoring" from the drop-down list and tap
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3. Open the screen "Overview", enter a typical speed and enable the drive.

Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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2 Engineering

4. Open the screen "Actual Values" and note the measured values for the
corresponding channels.

Note The indicators of the spectra only show a status if frequency-selective monitoring
is activated in the SM 1281.
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NOTICE If a bearing damage already exists during commissioning, this is not

automatically detected by the CMS. Please observe the guide values given in
Table 2-2 to assess the condition of your machine during commissioning.

Measuring reference values for the DKW calculation

The reference values for the DKW calculation are measured through teaching
through the web server of the SM 1281. Proceed as follows:

1. Deactivate the "S7 priority" check box on the HMI, to give the control priority to
the web server.
2. Open the web server of the SM 1281 in a web browser.
3. Log into the web server. If the password was not changed, the default
password "0000" applies.
4. Open "Monitoring settings > DKW-Setup".
5. Change the operating mode of the SM 1281 to "STOP: System ready".

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2 Engineering

6. Add additional lines and create typical speed ranges each with the reference
value "1.00".

7. Click "Save".
8. Change the operating mode of the SM 1281 to "RUN: Measuring" and activate
the calculation of the DKW for the respective channel.
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9. Enable the drive via the HMI and let it run within the created speed ranges.
The web server updates the teaching values cyclically.
10. Once you measured enough teaching values (the SM 1281 stores up to 1000
values per speed range), change the operating mode of the SM 1281 to
"STOP: System ready".

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2 Engineering

11. In order to apply the measured teaching values as reference values, click
"Apply" and "Save".

2.3.3 Setting the warning and alarm limits

We will show how to determine the warning and alarm limits using an example. The
machine in our example has the following properties:
 The motor capacity is 20 kW.
 The motor is mounted on a soft foundation.

The following guide values apply for this type of machines according to DIN ISO
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Table 2-2: Guide values according to DIN ISO 10816-3

Assessed zones Vibration velocity
A Newly started up machine < 2.3 mm/s
B Machine in unlimited long-term operation < 4.5 mm/s
C Machine in short-term operation < 7.1 mm/s
D Vibrations cause damages > 7.1 mm/s

Warning limit vRMS

The warning limit indicates that a significant change has occurred, but operation
can generally be continued. The reasons for the changed vibration condition
should be investigated and eliminated if necessary.

Recommendations from DIN ISO 10816-3:

If the increase (or decrease) of the vibration quantity exceeds 25 % of the upper
limit value of the corresponding zone B, the changes have to be considered
essential, in particular when they occur suddenly.
We therefore recommend setting the warning limit 25 % of the upper limit value of
the corresponding zone B higher than the basic value (the basic value is obtained
from past operational experiences at this measuring point). The limit should
generally not be higher than 1.25 times the upper limit of zone B.

As no experience values are available at the beginning, the reference value

measured when determining the normal operating state is used as the basic value.
A reference value of 0.8 mm/s is measured for the machine in the example.

In this example, the warning limit is defined as follows:

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2 Engineering

𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 𝑣𝑅𝑀𝑆 = 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 + 0.25 ∗ 𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐵

𝑚𝑚 𝑚𝑚
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 𝑣𝑅𝑀𝑆 = 0.8 + (0.25 ∗ 4.5 )
𝑠 𝑠
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕 𝒗𝑹𝑴𝑺 = 𝟏. 𝟗𝟐𝟓

Alarm limit vRMS

The intention of the alarm limit is to indicate that further operation may cause
machine damage. If this limit is exceeded, immediate measures should be taken to
reduce vibrations or the machine should be shut down.
Recommendations from DIN ISO 10816-3:
In general, the limit is located within the zones C or D. Generally, the limit should
not exceed 1.25 times the upper limit of zone C.

In this example, the upper limit of zone C is used as alarm limit:

𝑨𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒎 𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕 𝒗𝑹𝑴𝑺 = 𝟕. 𝟏
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Warning limit aRMS

You can use the value of the aRMS vibration acceleration averaged over a
frequency range between 1 kHz and 10 kHz as bearing status monitoring.
The suggested warning and alarm limits are based on practical experiences. There
is no normative specification for limits.
To determine the warning limit, add 1 m/s² to the measured reference value in
normal operating condition of the machine.
A reference value of 0.8 m/s² is measured for the machine in the example.

𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑅𝑀𝑆 = 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 + 1
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝑹𝑴𝑺 = 𝟏. 𝟖

Alarm limit aRMS

To determine the alarm limit, add 2 m/s² to the measured reference value in normal
operating condition of the machine.
𝐴𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑚 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑅𝑀𝑆 = 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 + 2 2
𝑨𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒎 𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝑹𝑴𝑺 = 𝟐. 𝟖

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2 Engineering

Warning and alarm limit DKW

According to Table 3-7 it is recommended to set the warning limit of the DKW to 2
or higher.
Set the alarm limit of the DKW to a value between 5 and 50.

Setting the warning and alarm limits

1. Open the screen "Parameters".
2. Set the determined warning and alarm limits for vRMS, aRMS and DKW for the
respective channels.
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3. Tap the button "Set dynamic parameters".

Note In a real application, fixed warning and alarm limits are not sufficient for all
operating modes of a machine. For this, create e. g. an operating mode table
containing the warning and alarm limits depending on the speed and load in a
data block of the CPU.

Note Over time, the machine will undergo transient oscillations and the warning and
alarm limits should be adjusted.

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2.4 Operation
2.4.1 Setting parameters

Static parameters
The parameters at the block interfaces are generally transmitted to the SM 1281
upon request only. All parameters at the input parameters of the blocks
"SM1281_Module" and "SM1281_Channel" are transmitted to the SM 1281 by a
positive edge at the input parameter "SetAllParameters".
Depending on the current operating mode of the SM 1281, the operating mode is
changed automatically in the process. This is necessary, because some
parameters cannot be transferred into the SM 1281 in a RUN state. Following
successful transfer of the parameters to the SM 1281, the operating mode that was
active prior to the parameter transfer is restored.
If the parameters were not transferred successfully, an error message is generated
at the output parameter "OpModeChangeStatus" of the "SM1281_Module" block as
for a failed change of the operating mode and is displayed on the top right of each
How to set dynamic parameters is shown in chapter 2.3.1.

Dynamic parameters
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Besides the option to transmit all parameters to the SM 1281, you can also transfer
just the so-called dynamic parameters. The dynamic parameters at the input
parameters of the functions "SM1281_Channel" are transmitted to the SM 1281 by
a positive edge at the input parameter "SetDynParameters".
These parameters can also be transmitted in the status "RUN: Monitoring" and
"RUN: INHIBITED" without the SM 1281 having to switch the operating mode into
stop mode.

The following parameters are dynamic:

Table 2-3: Dynamic parameters of the SM 1281

Parameter Description
AlarmLevel_vRMS Alarm limit of vibration velocity in mm/s
WarningLevel_vRMS Warning limit of vibration velocity in mm/s
AlarmLevel_aRMS Alarm limit of vibration acceleration in m/s²
WarningLevel_aRMS Warning limit of vibration acceleration in m/s²
AlarmLevel_DKW Alarm limit of DKW
WarningLevel_DKW Warning limit of DKW

How to set dynamic parameters is shown in chapter 2.3.3.

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2 Engineering

2.4.2 Changing the operating mode

The operating mode can be changed from any screen:

1. Tap the "ON" button.

2. Select the desired operating mode from the drop-down list and tap "OK".

The operating mode is changed. The status is displayed in the text box below.
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2 Engineering

2.4.3 Restoring parameters from the backup

With each successful transition to the "RUN: MONITORING" operating mode, the
parameters last sent to the SM 1281 are automatically checked for validity. If the
parameters are valid, they are backed up in the retentive data block "Backup". For
an easy connection to the faceplates, the DB from the library "LSM1281" is not
used. However the functionality of both DBs (DB "SM1281_Backup" and
DB "Backup") are identical.
If the parameters are invalid, an error message occurs in the HMI and in the
message system of the SM 1281 and the SM 1281 remains in the operating mode
After a restart of the CPU or faulty parameterization, you can restore the saved

1. Tap the "Backup" button.

2. Tap the "Restore Parameters" button.
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The SM 1281 switches to the "STOP: CONFIGURATION" mode and sets the
parameters. Subsequently, it changes back to the last operating mode.

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3 Valuable Information

3 Valuable Information
3.1 Basic terms
CMS stands for Condition Monitoring System.

The diagnostic characteristic value allows for qualitative diagnosis of the overall
state of rolling contact bearings.

IEPE stands for Integrated Electronics Piezo Electric. It is an industry standard for
piezoelectric sensors with built-in impedance converter electronics. They can be
sensors for acceleration, force and pressure.

RMS stands for Root Mean Square. In the quadratic mean, bigger values usually
have more impact than smaller ones in contrast to the geometric mean.

Mean of the vibration velocity
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Mean of the vibration acceleration

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3 Valuable Information

3.2 Mechanical vibrations

3.2.1 Meaning and significance of vibrations

Mechanical vibrations can be felt and measured at the surface of bodies. When
monitoring machines, these are mainly machine surfaces, components and
Mechanical vibrations are also referred to as structure-borne sound, as they
propagate in solid bodies only. The audible air-borne sound, in contrast,
propagates through gaseous media, e. g. air.

Generation of mechanical vibrations

Whenever masses move, mechanically vibrations occur, too. These masses can
be rotating or oscillating machine parts. However, these masses also include gases
or liquids that hit solid bodies.

The significance of vibrations

When monitoring machines, mechanical vibrations provide excellent information
 Indicators of the machine condition

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Indicators of dynamic stress of machines, foundations and adjacent machine

 Indicators of the operational safety, service life and operating efficiency of
 Basis of machine diagnosis and vibration damping

Running machines exhibit various symptoms that allow drawing conclusions to the
machine condition, e. g. looming machine damage.
These condition-relevant fault symptoms include:
 Changes in air-borne noise
 Displacement of machine parts
 Increased bearing temperatures
 Changed mechanical vibration behavior

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3 Valuable Information

3.2.2 Causes of mechanical vibrations

Generation of vibrations
Vibrations are caused mainly by centrifugal forces at rotating machine parts.
This is caused, for example, by:
 Unbalance
 Improper alignment of machine trains
 Bearing-related damage
 Transmission faults
 Magnetic, hydraulic and/or other function-related changing forces

Transmission and intensity of vibrations

Dynamic forces cause the rotor and rotor shaft to oscillate. These oscillations are
transmitted through the bearings, for example. Transmission takes the following
1. From moving to fixed machine components
2. From fixed machine components to the foundation

The intensity of the transmitted oscillations depends on these parameters among

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 Stiffness and dampening of the:
– Machine construction
– Bearing construction
– Foundation
 Condition of the bearing lubricant
 Decoupling of the foundation
 Ratio of the masses of machine and foundation

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3 Valuable Information

3.3 Monitoring and diagnosing vibrations

To monitor a machine effectively during operation, specific variables have to be
recorded. Mechanical oscillations are crucial in this context, because they are
highly significant.

3.3.1 Measuring vibrations

Vibration sensor
Piezoelectric vibration sensors are used for the frequencies and frequency ranges
to be covered in the vibration monitoring solution with SM 1281. These sensors
generate an analog voltage signal in the presence of dynamic pressure and
traction forces that can be processed. Static acceleration forces such as the
gravitational acceleration are not detected by these sensors. IEPE (Integrated
Electronics Piezo-Electric) is an industry standard for piezoelectric sensors.

The figure below shows the frequency response of a vibration sensor.

Figure 3-1: Typical frequency response

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3 Valuable Information

Selecting the measuring point

Below, you will find some general notes on positioning the vibration sensor:

Table 3-1: Measuring points

Description Display
1. For an optimum measuring result, the sensor's
measuring axis should be aligned in load
direction if possible.

2. The measuring distance between machine

bearing and measuring point should be as short
and straightforward as possible. Observe the
following notes in this context:
 Vibration signals decrease with increasing
signal path.
 Transitions between materials dampen
and/or reflect the signal to be measured.

3. Freely vibrating or elastically deformable

housing or cladding parts (e. g. fan lid) are no
suitable measuring points.
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3 Valuable Information

Attachment to the object being measured

How the sensor is attached will considerably influence the measuring accuracy.
Good signal quality requires smooth and clean coupling faces. Paint on coupling
faces will also impair the result.
Below we will describe some common types of fasteners for vibration sensors:

Table 3-2: Attachment types

Attachment type Suitability Upper frequency
Direct screwed For even and smooth 10 kHz to 20 kHz
connection using surfaces
threaded bolts

Screwed connection For uneven and/or 10 kHz to 20 kHz

using an painted areas

Glued connection Depends on the 10 kHz to 18 kHz

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

using e. g. instant temperature

glue or epoxy resin properties of the glue

Attachment using For fast and flexible 5 kHz to 15 kHz

permanent magnets attachment
Suitability depends
on the adhesive
force, decreases at
higher frequencies

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3 Valuable Information

Measured variables, frequencies and energy

Vibration sensors provide a continuous vibration acceleration time signal (red line
in Figure 3-2).
Low-frequency vibrations, i. e. vibrations associated with rotation, are the most
Now, if we take into account that the area below the red line corresponds to the
vibration's energy content, it becomes clear that the evaluation of the vibration
velocity is preferable for low-frequency oscillations.
For this purpose, the sensor signal is integrated which – depending on the energy
content of the vibrations – results in the blue line shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2: Vibration velocity and acceleration

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Further information
Further information on appropriate sensors and on selecting the measuring point
can be found in this FAQ:

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3 Valuable Information

3.3.2 Overview of diagnostic procedures

There are different methods and procedures to monitor and diagnose the condition
of machines.
The procedures for signal processing of vibration data for machine and bearing
diagnosis are divided into two main groups:
1. Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
2. Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis

Fault types and diagnosis

The following table shows the most frequent types of errors, which are detected via
the diagnostic procedure.

Table 3-3: Fault types and diagnostics

Fault type Vibration Frequency analysis spectrum
in the time Vibration Vibration Envelope curve
range velocity acceleration

Unbalance RMS Single rotation -- --

frequency fn
Misalignment, RMS Single rotation -- --
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

coupling defect frequency fn

Double rotation
frequency fn
Mounting defect RMS Single rotation -- --
frequency fn
Double rotation
frequency fn
Triple rotation
frequency fn
Blade pass frequency RMS fSP ≤ 1 kHz fSP > 1 kHz --
Meshing defect -- fZ ≤ 1 kHz fZ > 1 kHz --
Belt defect RMS fR ≤ 1 kHz fR > 1 kHz --
Resonance RMS Single rotation -- --
frequency fn
Bearing wear DKW -- 3 kHz ≤ fLE ≤ 10 --
Bearing damage DKW -- -- Geometry-
frequency dependent for
outer ring, inner
ring, cage and
rolling element
Electrical stator faults RMS Double line -- --
frequency fline
Electrical rotor faults RMS fbar ≤ 1 kHz fbar > 1 kHz --
Rotor bar break RMS Double line -- --
frequency fline

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3 Valuable Information

3.3.3 Vibration diagnosis by measuring characteristic values in the time


Application scope of vibration measurement in the time domain

Broadband vibration measurements in the time domain allow conclusions to be
drawn as to the overall machine condition and the effectiveness of measures to
suppress vibration.
The development of the machine condition can be verified by comparing actual
measurements with previous vibration levels or with published guiding values or
manufacturer specifications. This trend analysis enables degradations of the
machine condition to be detected at an early stage and the corresponding
countermeasures to be planned and implemented.

Note Detailed fault diagnosis is not possible or subject to restrictions for wideband
vibration measurement based on characteristic values.

Features of vibration measurements in the time domain

 The measurement methods and the assessment of wideband vibration
measurements are laid down and standardized in national and international
guidelines and standards.
 The values of the RMS vibration velocity are measured and averaged over a
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

defined frequency range.

 The range includes the frequencies from 2 Hz or 10 Hz to 1 kHz. Based on the
velocity, the measuring range according to ISO 10816 starts either at 2 Hz
(speeds from 120 to 600 rpm) or at 10 Hz (speeds greater than or equal to
600 rpm).

Standards and guidelines

As a rule, the following standards and guidelines are used for machine monitoring
using wideband characteristic values:

Table 3-4: Standards

Title Content Notes
EN 60034-14 Vibration measurement, Axle height ≥ 56 mm, rated
acceptance measurements in the output ≤ 50 MW, nrated: 120 to
manufacturing factory 15,000 1/min)
DIN ISO 10816-1 Vibration measurement, Parameter: RMS vibration
and -3 assessment at the installation site velocity (referred to as vRMS for
VDI 3832 Rolling element bearing condition, --
various procedures

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3 Valuable Information

Trend monitoring of the measured variables

The following chart depicts the typical shape of a trend curve by
measuring/determining characteristic values. Signs of a looming fault usually
manifest themselves long before the actual failure, e. g. by the increase of a
vibration quantity.

Figure 3-3: Trend monitoring

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Table 3-5: Explanation of the trend monitoring

Explanations on the chart
1. During the run-in period of a new machine, the characteristic values are slightly
elevated at first. Afterwards, they decline to values that correspond to the
machine's normal operating state.
DIN ISO 10816-3 provides guide values for different types of machines.
2. The maintenance strategy may provide for scheduled maintenance. Regular
condition monitoring allows a looming damage to be detected in its early stage.
3. The characteristic value has exceeded a warning limit. The machine has to be
repaired. But the machine can still be used. Additional measurements show a
sharp increase of the characteristic values. Based on the trend it can be
extrapolated when a capital damage with machine outage would occur.
4. The defined alarm limit is exceeded. The machine is now repaired. Characteristic
value measurements show that the machine is back in its normal operating

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3 Valuable Information

Evaluation of machine condition on basis of RMS value for vibration level

The RMS value of the vibration velocity is a wideband vibration value. It is
calculated by arithmetic averaging of all vibration events in a defined frequency
range (e. g. 10 Hz to 1 kHz at RMS vibration velocity).

Table 3-6: RMS values

Characteristic value Frequency range Monitoring possible

vRMS 2 or 10 Hz to 1 kHz Speed-related damages

aRMS > 1 kHz Bearing-related damage

In the vibration frequency between 2 Hz or 10 Hz and 1 kHz, the RMS value of the
vibration velocity is the most meaningful analysis value. This frequency range
accommodates the typical rotation frequency excitations.

Characteristic value formation through vibration acceleration (DKW)

The characteristic value formation through the diagnostic characteristic value
(DKW) allows for qualitative diagnosis of the overall state of the rolling contact
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The measured rms values and peak values of vibration acceleration at the initial
condition of the bearing are compared relative to the current condition to calculate
the DKW value.
The diagnostic characteristic value DKW exhibits a high correlation with the
damage condition of rolling element bearings and is therefore very meaningful.

The diagnostic characteristic value (DKW) is calculated by following formula:

𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑡) × 𝑎𝑒𝑓𝑓 (𝑡)

𝐷𝐾𝑊(𝑡) =
𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑥 (0) × 𝑎𝑒𝑓𝑓 (0)

The authors Prof. Dr. Sturm, Dr. Förster, Dr. Hippmann and Dr. Kinsky describe in
their book "Diagnostics of rolling contact bearings in machines and plants" (\6\, only
available in German) the relation between the DKW and the state of the rolling
contact bearing as follows:

Table 3-7: Relation between the DKW and the bearing state
DKW Bearing state
<1 Improvement of the technical state (e.g. after start-up phase)
> 1 to 2 Good running characteristic
> 2 to 5 Effect of damage-accelerating influencing factors
> 5 to 50 Effect of the damaging process
> 50 Formation of a damage with the risk of a failure

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3 Valuable Information

3.3.4 Vibration diagnosis through frequency analysis

Measuring the parameters is insufficient to pinpoint the fault. For this purpose, the
machine's vibration profile needs to be analyzed in more detail. Most types of
damages can be recognized in the frequency spectrum due to the occurrence of
typical damage frequencies or typical patterns of damage frequencies. The
SM 1281 allows the following spectra to be calculated and used for vibration
diagnosis and monitoring:
 Frequency spectrum of vibration velocity
 Frequency spectrum of vibration acceleration
 Envelope spectrum

As this application example covers the diagnosis by measuring characteristic

values in the time domain, we will not cover the diagnosis based on frequency
analysis in further detail. For more information on vibration diagnosis through
frequency analysis, refer to the SM 1281 manual at:

3.4 SIPLUS CMS1200 SM 1281

The following chapter gives a brief overview of the SM 1281 with regard to the
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

functions used in this application example.

For the operating manual of the SIPLUS SM 1281, refer to the Industry Online

The SIPLUS SM 1281 is a module designed for use with the SIMATIC S7-1200
automation system.
SIPLUS SM 1281 allows the condition of components liable to wear (e. g. motors,
bearings) and of critical machine components to be monitored permanently.
Together with an S7-1200, it can be used as an autonomous monitoring system.

Technical features
 4 vibration sensor channels for vibration signal monitoring
 1 digital input for speed measurement
 Direct integration into existing SIMATIC S7-1200 automation systems
 Easy integration into existing and new machines
 High sampling rates
 Vibration analysis within the SM 1281. The result of the analysis is transmitted
to the S7-1200 CPU for processing via the backplane bus in the form of status
 Processing the results of the vibration analysis in the user's control program
 Configuration of SM 1281 functions directly from the TIA Portal

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3 Valuable Information

The figure below shows an example configuration using an SM 1281 together with
a SIMATIC S7-1200 automation system.

Figure 3-4: Exemplary setup

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3.5 Library "SM1281_Library"

The library "SM1281_Library" of the SM 1281 signal module was used for this
application example. It contains STEP 7 blocks and HMI text lists. The library
enables the functions of the SM 1281 module to be integrated easily into the user's
control program.
The STEP 7 blocks from the "SM1281_Library" enable the SM 1281 modules
configured in the TIA Portal device configuration to be parameterized, controlled
and diagnosed.

The library blocks provide the following functions:

 Parameterization of the SM 1281 modules
 Output of status and traffic light information
 Switching of operating modes
 Requesting fingerprint and raw data recording
 Output of status information on the recording
 Automatic backup of valid parameter records

Depending on which CPU is used, the blocks allow integrating up to seven

SM 1281 modules into the control program.

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3 Valuable Information

3.5.1 Overview

The SM 1281 module features module- and channel-specific settings and

diagnostic information. The module-specific settings and diagnostic information
include e. g. the IP configuration and the selection of and feedback on the current
operating mode. The channel-specific settings and diagnostic information refer to
the four vibration channels of the SM 1281 module to which vibration sensors for
machine monitoring can be connected.

Table 3-8: Components of the library

Type Symbolic name
Function block SM1281_Module
Function SM1281_Channel
Global data block SM1281_Status
Global data block SM1281_Backup

Note The blocks "SM1281_Module" and "SM1281_Channel" contained in the library

are mandatory to operate the SM 1281 module. Without these blocks,
parameterization and status monitoring is not possible. The parameters that can
be set using the blocks cannot be changed using the web server of the SM 1281
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The following chapters give an overview of the blocks' functionality. You will find
the library in SIOS:
For a detailed description of the parameters, see the SM 1281 operating

3.5.2 Function block "SM1281_Module"

The function block "SM1281_Module" from the library enables all general module
settings to be entered and module status messages to be monitored.

The "SM1281_Module" block offers the following functions:

 IP configuration of the SM 1281 module
 Speed configuration
 Transmitting module and channel parameters to the SM 1281 module
 Requesting fingerprint and raw data recording
 Restoring the parameter record
 Selecting the operating mode of the SM 1281 module
 Output of module status and error information

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3 Valuable Information

3.5.3 Function "SM1281_Channel"

The function "SM1281_Channel" can be assigned to a channel of the SM 1281

module and enables the parameterization and monitoring of the corresponding
vibration channel.

"SM1281_Channel" offers the following functions:

 Making channel-specific parameter settings
 Output of channel-specific status and error information

Basically, the function "SM1281_Channel" needs to be invoked for each used

channel of the SM 1281 module. The assignment to the corresponding channel is
made using the "ChannelNR" input parameter.

3.5.4 Data block "SM1281_Status"

The global data block "SM1281_Status" contains all information with regard to
status, traffic light and faults of the SM 1281 module. The data are organized by
module and channel. The data for an SM 1281 module are preset in the data block.
When using more than one SM 1281 module, the parameter "Module1" (PLC data
type "SM1281_ModuleStatus") can be copied and inserted e. g. as "Module2".
Moreover, you can rename the parameters "Module", "Channel_1", "Channel_2",
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

"Channel_3" and "Channel_4" as desired.

3.5.5 Data block "SM1281_Backup"

The global data block "SM1281_Backup" stores the automatic backup of valid
parameter records.
With each successful transition to the "RUN: MONITORING" operating mode, the
parameters last sent to the SM 1281 are automatically checked for validity. If the
parameters are valid, they are backed up in the remanent data block
"SM1281_Backup". If the parameters are invalid, an error message occurs in the
message system of the SM 1281 and the SM 1281 remains in the operating mode
The last valid and transferred parameter record can be restored using the input
parameter "RestoreParameters" of the block "SM1281_Module".

3.5.6 Data types

Data types which are part of the block library carry the prefix "SM1281" in their

NOTICE If you change these data types, it may no longer be possible to compile your
project due to the know-how protection of the library blocks. Therefore, leave
these data types unchanged.

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4 Appendix

4 Appendix
4.1 Service & support
Industry Online Support
Do you have any questions or need assistance?
Siemens Industry Online Support offers round the clock access to our entire
service and support know-how and portfolio.
The Industry Online Support is the central address for information about our
products, solutions and services.
Product information, manuals, downloads, FAQs, application examples and videos
– all information is accessible with just a few mouse clicks:

Technical Support
The Technical Support of Siemens Industry provides you fast and competent
support regarding all technical queries with numerous tailor-made offers
– ranging from basic support to individual support contracts. Please send queries
to Technical Support via Web form:
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SITRAIN – Training for Industry

We support you with our globally available training courses for industry with
practical experience, innovative learning methods and a concept that’s tailored to
the customer’s specific needs.
For more information on our offered trainings and courses, as well as their
locations and dates, refer to our web page:

Service offer
Our range of services includes the following:
 Plant data services
 Spare parts services
 Repair services
 On-site and maintenance services
 Retrofitting and modernization services
 Service programs and contracts
You can find detailed information on our range of services in the service catalog
web page:

Industry Online Support app

You will receive optimum support wherever you are with the "Siemens Industry
Online Support" app. The app is available for Apple iOS, Android and Windows

Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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4 Appendix

4.2 Links and literature

Table 4-1: Links and literature
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
\2\ Download page of this entry
\3\ Operating instructions SM 1281
\4\ STEP 7 Library SM 1281
\5\ Support packages for the hardware catalog in TIA Portal
\6\ Diagnostics of rolling contact bearings in machines and plants (only available in
Prof. Dr. Sturm, Dr. Förster, Dr. Hippmann, Dr. Kinsky
ISBN-10: 3885852616
ISBN-13: 978-3885852612
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

4.3 Change documentation

Table 4-2: Change documentation
Version Date Modifications
V1.0 02/2016 First version
V2.0 10/2017 Adapted for SM 1281 FW 2.0
V2.1 08/2018 Adapted for SM 1281 FW 3.0
V3.0 08/2018 Upgrade of the project to TIA Portal V15
Revision of the visualization on basis of the HMI Template
V3.1 11/2018 Adapted for SM 1281 FW 3.1
Upgrade of the project to TIA Portal V15.1

Monitoring of Vibration Variables with SM 1281

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