M Multipolar World
M Multipolar World
M Multipolar World
Edited by
CIDOB Foundation
Elisabets, 12
08001 Barcelona
Tel. 93 302 64 95
Fax. 93 302 21 18
Francesc Badia i Dalmases
CIDOB edicions
Color Marfil, S.L.
ISBN: 978-84-92511-29-7
D.L.: ????????????????
Building trust can take the form of investment. Some ideas to add to a faster
growth in the Maghreb
CIDOB Foundation
Mohammed Belmahi
OCP Foundation
n view of the challenges which confront the Western Mediterranean
world in the years ahead, the Barcelona Centre for International
Affairs is committed to building scenarios that highlight its potential
as an area of growth and innovation and fosters a better future for the
people who inhabit its northern and southern shores. With that purpose
in mind, and under the general title of “The Mediterranean in a multipo-
lar world up to 2030”, CIDOB is working on a three year research
program (2010-2012) whose aim is to analyse how countries in the area
might overcome their differences and imagine a common future.
As a result of the initial phase of the research, which focused on energy
and regional integration in the Western Mediterranean, we are presenting
a first report which include 5 comprehensive papers written by analysts and
authors who are well acquainted with energy issues and who have taken
stock of the current state of play in the Western Mediterranean: the need
for the region to reinvent itself energy-wise, the industrial potential of link-
ing phosphates extraction in Morocco with gas supply from Algeria or the
promising possibilities of solar energy, with a close look at a case study link-
ing the latter with water desalination.
With the aim of exploring future scenarios and bringing fresh ideas for
action in the region, these background papers were circulated and dis-
cussed by the participants at a specialised seminar that was held in CIDOB’s
headquarters in Barcelona, in early July 2010. Under the title of “Building
Trust can take the form of Investment”, Francis Ghilès, CIDOB’s senior
research fellow and director of the research program proposes, as a conclu-
sion, some concrete ideas to add to a faster growth in the Maghreb, drawn
from the enriching discussions.
The region has a lot of potential that has been wasted for too long, and
it is high time to surmount the complexities and move ahead. As Francis
Ghilès writes in his paper, on the region “there is no shortage of capital,
and if capital is fleeing the region it is precisely because the regional leaders
– in the Maghreb but also in southern Europe - seem unable to think out
of a box […]. Now is the time to practice a little economic realpolitik, dis-
cuss some really new ideas, face up to the role energy and other minerals
could play as facilitators or basic enablers in helping to anchor the Western
Mediterranean firmly in the new world economic map”.
Petra Kelly
The usual rhetoric about the Maghreb is rather tired and thread bare.
Full of outdated clichés, straight banalities or trite simplifications, it keeps
oscillating between trivia or grand designs with a healthy dose of postur-
ing, wishful thinking and pointless sloganeering. How to say something
new about the Maghreb, that alluring but faceless oxymoron? How
to say something new about regional integration, industrial synergies,
something new that may get us out of the well-trodden paths, some-
thing that shakes the old patterns, and forces us to think out of the box?
The economic and global crisis in the Maghreb may be primarily a crisis
of ideas, a crisis of representations, a crisis of analysis, a crisis of thought
and decision process, a crisis of perceptions. While we tend to over-focus
on economic results, outcomes, which are actually only the consequence
and the end result of various processes at work, things may seem intrac-
table. Therefore, if we want to change, we have to change twice: change
the reality of our situation and change our perception of reality2.
As is usually the case, we are flooded with a lot of information but lit-
tle knowledge. Navigating the challenges of the Maghreb development
and industrial integration will require some hard facts, analysis, recom-
mendations for action with a healthy dose of creative thinking. Food for
thought more than dogmatic stances will help us frame vital questions.
In so doing, we may provide more questions than answers.
1. The article expresses the personal
Instead of just repeating all that has been said about the cost of non- view of the author and does not
Maghreb3, we will try to go for some real stuff and build some practical reflect the position of OCP
meaningful cases and proposals which are concrete, tangible and make 2. De Brabandere Luc : The forgotten
half of change, Dearborn, 2005
economic sense. Along this line, there may be small nudges4, a lot of 3. International Crisis Group
muddling through with questions, surprises and incomplete ideas which 4. T h a l e r & S u n s t e i n : N u d g e s ,
may force us to think. Penguin, 2008
Current context and long term trends in world
chemical industry
Depth and length of the downturn will vary by “product” with low cost
being the key competitive advantage8.
• Though Europe and non-China Asia will likely feel the most pain,
exposures among players vary greatly based on location and end-
use mix of their portfolios, and their financial exposures
• Chemicals will suffer the downturn in differentiated ways, based
especially on their exposure to the hard-hit automotive and con-
struction sectors
• As far as the ethylene chain is concerned:
– We should witness pain in petrochemicals over the next few
5. As an example, China capex savings
vs. typical western levels (green-
years, particularly for naphtha crackers
field)in polyester plants could fetch – If no additional closures are initiated, ethylene (cracker) uti-
up to 60-70% lizations will fall to the lowest levels ever since globalization
6. What will stay is core R&D in spe- surfaced in the past 20 years
cific segments such as pharmacy,
agro chemistry, specialties
– Ethane crackers in the U.S. and propane crackers across regions
7. Source: SRI, CMAI, ICIS, interviews, benefit from “excess NGL” conditions and low natural gas prices
McKinsey Chemicals in the Middle • Recovery, once it comes, is bound to generate very strong demand
East Initiative growth
8. Scott Andre,Alexander Vogel:
Industry Perspective on
Petrochemicals 10-15 Years Out,
Mc Kinsey
More specifically, the FDI will benefit from competitive and reliable rock
sourcing with transparent pricing mechanisms thru:
The main industrial features14 of the 18 ha-based JPH program will be:
It is a bit ironic to see Morocco still operating its power plants with coal
while gas has clearly become the # 1 clean energy source and that its
territory is crossed by a major gas pipe19. Ideally, and if confidence pre-
vailed, Morocco could even forgo all its power plants and rely solely on
gas supply from Algeria, saving billions of dollars in power investment.
Energy cooperation could make a viable industrial Maghreb emerge.
A chemical Maghreb concept could be translated into different feasible 17. Historically, Spain and Portugal
schemes taking into account different issues (the gas price, financial and bought all gas while Morocco was
counting on the phase II extension
economic profitability, state perspective, economic operator perspective
which was actually bypassed by
etc.). A competitive joint ammonia plant could be one among others. the decision to build another pipe
directly to Spain.
A global package will have to be elaborated so as to keep the whole 18. A whole re-negotiation packa-
ge would have to de-emphasize
project in economic balance. Logistic considerations have to carefully the royalties amount and put full
weighed. The DAP granulation plant could be erected in Morocco and weight on gas usage itself not to
so might the phosphoric acid unit (since phosphoric acid would require mention the need to elaborate a
special vessels for transportation). Ammonia is not easily transported so purchase contract wit Algeria
19. Though obviously this pipe was not
it should be best optimized by having its set-up on Jorf platform. In the made for Morocco
case of a partnership with Libya, because of the lack of gas connection, 20. 1 T o f D A P D i - A m m o n i u m
it might be better to manufacture ammonia in Libya itself. OCP right Phosphate)= .25T Ammonia (N) +
now consumes about 450 KT of ammonia per year for DAP/MAP granu- .46 T Phosphoric Acid (P or rather
P2O5)+ ballast
lation21, to which we should add future requirements: other OCP direct 21. The ambitious 2010 DAP produc-
investments in DAP production such as 2 new granulation lines (needed: tion program aims at 3 MT which
would request 750 KT of ammonia
500 KT of ammonia) plus an integrated fertilizer plant (ODI)22 requiring a
further 250 KT. All in all, we could realistically consider a 1,200 KT capac-
ity size to be set up23. Such a deal would find an easy financing since it
could already claim a firm commercial contract.
Such a partnership with a privileged access to gas (for Morocco) and a priv-
ileged access to phosphate(for Algeria) would of course have to balance
the respectively privileged prices of both materials (against international
prices) within a win-win profit-sharing scheme depending on respective
contributions of each partner. Such joint ventures have already been suc-
cessfully initiated in the past by OCP with diverse partners such as Indians
(Imacid), Pakistanis (PMP), Germans (Emaphos), Belgians (Prayon), and
most recently Brazilians (Bunge). JPH scheme could also be a possible for-
mula for such a partnership. Possible candidates here are not only Algeria
but possibly other countries in the region such as Libya, Jordan or Qatar.
Diversification and upstream integration are among the major advantages
of such partnerships in addition to the purely financial profit.
China will develop Africa. China will build the Maghreb. This may sound
22. Including phosphoric acid and sul- a bit provocative but should be considered. It is easy to find fault with
phuric acid facilities certain recent Chinese economic behaviour in Africa24. Blame for eco-
23. Not to speak of future develop- nomic plundering is becoming quite common and it may be quite easy
ments: the JPH program aims at
10 granulation units which would
to pinpoint some faulty patterns here and there. However this does
fetch some 250 KT x 10= 2,500 KT not have to be an inevitable fatality. The way China treats Sub-Saharan
within a 2020 horizon Africa may not be the same as it accommodates the Maghreb. Of course
24. Mr Wen told a press conference: this will depend on the Maghreb itself. Even in Africa other voices are ris-
“There have been allegations for
a long time that China has come
ing to call for a more responsible and pro-active stance from the Africans
to Africa to plunder its resources themselves. At the China-Africa summit in Egypt held in November
and practice neo-colonialism. This 2009, Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, said:
allegation in my view is totally
untenable”…Trade between China
and Africa jumped 45 per cent to
“The onus is on us leaders, government and the private sector
$107bn in 2008, a tenfold increa- especially to fully engage at every stage and articulate our devel-
se since 2000, and the new loans opment priorities in this partnership”
are likely to sustain the expansion.
But Beijing has drawn criticism
that Chinese finance, which comes Likewise, in the Maghreb, the onus of proof must lie with us. If we want
without political conditions, props to be on a par with Chinese ambitions, we should stretch ourselves and
up unsavoury regimes in Zimbabwe come up with creative schemes and proposals. We should devise our
and Sudan and fuels corruption.
own development plans to fully leverage China capabilities and thus
Mr Wen said eight new policy
measures were “more focused on frame a high level engagement with China as a long term strategic part-
improving people’s livelihoods” than ner. Within this framework, Europe who was too shy to go by itself could
a 2006 package, underlining what find ways to boldly engage in some kind of triangular perspective.
he called Beijing’s “selfless” enga-
gement in Africa. China pledges
$10bn in loans to Africa: Barney China is basically viewing Africa as a reservoir of natural resources (oil
Jopson, FT, November 8 2009 and minerals), a source of arable land as well as a lucrative market for
then integrated in the bodywork supplied by VW within the new Leipzig
Porsche factory. It is quite clear that without the outsourcing of part of
the value-added to external entities (whether be in Germany or outside),
or the offshoring to subsidiaries outside the country, the German motor
industry would have not been able to keep its world-class positioning.
It did so by heavy direct investment: according to Eurostat, the capital
stock invested in Eastern Europe by Germany was about 29 billion Euros
in 2003 reaching by end of 2007 more than 50 billion Euros28. Germany
made an industrial and geostrategic bet: it did work and if today it can
bear the crisis better than its European counterparts, it is thanks to the
economic hinterland it built and which is helping it cushion the most
severe blows of the current economic crisis.
This trend should be reversed especially if we want the new Union pour
la Méditerranée (UPM)30, to start gaining some credibility. Major indus-
trial projects carrying mutual interest for North-African countries could
carry a lot of weight. They could be a showcase of Maghrebi regional
integration and multiply economic integrative effect. For example, uni-
fying projects in infrastructures in transportation (high speed train and
highway linking the major Maghrebi cities) and energy (electricity and
gas) could contribute to maximum impact and visibility within the region.
As far as energy is concerned, all should be done to avoid each country
going its own way: thus, a major industrial platform in refined products31
could be set up along the Mediterranean coast to supply all major North
28. Hans Brodersen: Le "modèle
allemand" à l’exportation : pour-
African cities, somehow like Rotterdam irrigating through pipelines all
quoi l’Allemagne exporte-t-elle major European cities with refined petroleum products.
tant? CERFA 57/IFRI/Robert Bosch
Foundation, November 2008
Even if these projects could take place under private financing and P/P
29. Moisseron JY: vers la fin du proces-
sus de Barcelone, Confluences, No schemes 32(BOT…), multinational entities such as the World Bank and
55, automne 2005 the European Union could provide incentives to such unifying projects
30. Set up in July 2008 under the initia- by providing feasibility studies, technical assistance and even some kind
tive of Pesident Sarkozy
of economic, financial or political “conditionality”. Their role as catalyst
31. Likewise, a steel Maghreb could
make quite sense could also be further enhanced by establishing triangular exemption
32. Concessions de service public from custom duties.
As Hannibal said, we will either find a way or make one. But beware:
The world is possible without us.
The Western Mediterranean
region must reinvent itself
The Western Mediterranean region must reinvent
odern history suggests that finding the means to finance wars
has never been an insurmountable problem. Even since oil
became a major means of industrialisation and transport in
the late 19th century, controlling oil fields has been the subject of intense
rivalry between major powers. When the First Lord of the Admiralty
Winston Churchill decided in 1907 to switch the British Royal Navy, then
the most powerful fleet in the world, from coal to oil, he ushered in a
phase of history which is still very much with us today.
History further suggests that finding the means to finance wars has
never been an insurmountable problem. Even since oil became a major
means of industrialisation and transport in the late 19th century, con-
trolling oil fields has been the subject of intense rivalry between major
powers. When the First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill decided
in 1907 to switch the British Royal Navy, then the most powerful fleet in
the world, from coal to oil, he ushered in a phase of history which is still
very much with us today.
Access to the major sources of energy (oil and nuclear until the 1960s,
to which gas was added in the 1980s and renewable sources of energy,
notably solar, will be in the future) or control of its transport from pro-
ducer to end user define the way major powers conduct their foreign
policy. They offer a prism through which international affairs can be
clearly understood – the latest developments in Russia’s relations with
Ukraine combining as it does navy bases and gas underlines the strategic
role of energy.
tory. We are today living with the consequences of the successful ousting
of the moderate Iranian nationalist leader Mossadegh in 1952 by a coali-
tion of American and British interests. The discovery of oil in Algeria in
the 1950s complicated the process of decolonisation from France.
Resources such as oil, gas and phosphates have fed insecurity- insecurity
among those who own them and who depend on their export to finance
their needs, insecurity among those who buy them and who are often
apprehensive that their security of supply, as they see it will, be jeop-
ardised. Figures forecasting the level of future supplies of oil and gas,
projections regarding peak oil or gas feed a growing anxiety, of even-
tual shortages in the West. Recent rumours, relayed in serious western
publications of a future shortage of phosphate rock are a case in point.
Meanwhile oil and gas producers are worried because they are incapable
The challenge we face today is how we can turn this curse into a bless-
ing? How might we build in the Western Mediterranean a community
of nations loosely inspired by the principles which allowed the European
Coal and Steal Community to be set up over half a century ago? How
can we ensure that access to the vast energy and mineral resources
the West Mediterranean region boasts be opened up to all people - in
North Africa, in Europe and beyond. A further twist to that already dif-
ficult question has been added by the crisis of the Euro: are Europe’s
Mediterranean countries in the same economic league as Germany and
northern European states? Does the fault line in the region really run
between Muslims and Europeans? Between Islam and Christianity? Or
does it run through Europe? For the purpose of our discussion today
it maybe worth returning to the 5+ 5 framework to which we would
naturally add Germany and the United Kingdom – where energy, not
least solar and petrochemical industries, notably fertilisers are con-
cerned, these two major countries are essential players in the West
Water desalination and solar in the Mediterranean
Water demand in the region doubled in the second half of the 20th cen-
tury. The agriculture sector remains the main consumer of water, but
the municipal and industrial sectors will become important consumers
in the future due to the high population and socio-economic growth in
southern countries. In many countries in the region, water withdrawal is
approaching the limits of available resources.
Most of the countries are likely to face shortages of drinking water in the
decades ahead, some are already facing this situation, mainly due to lim-
ited resources and an increase of population and needs. For many years,
water shortages, which are cyclical or structural, have been observed.
According to the Plan Bleu, in the Mediterranean in 2025, the number of
“poor” water population (i.e. countries with less than 1,000 m3/habitant/
year2) will amount to 250 million, 80 million of whom will have “scarce”
water (i.e. countries with less than 500 m3/habitant/year). In 2008, the
Mediterranean region accounted for 60% of the population of the
world’s “water-poor” countries (Figure 1). In addition, 20 million Medi-
terranean inhabitants, mainly in rural areas, have no access to drinking
water (Plan Bleu 2008).
Water supplies are vulnerable in most of these countries for two reasons
- because of an overexploitation of the renewable groundwater and the
exploitation of non-renewable resources (fossil water). Moreover, deg-
radation and pollution by man have added to the tensions on natural
resources. These human actions alter the water system and quality, which
limits the possibilities of various uses. These stresses on water will lead to
greater health risks, conflicts of use between users, sectors, countries
and vulnerability of supplies due to increased costs (particularly for water
treatment). Alternative solutions are needed to prevent such a situation.
2. World Bank definition.
Basically, the natural resources of fresh water are rainfall, rivers, lakes
and groundwater sheds. A detailed definition of the different resources is
given in “Review of World Water Resources by Country” (FAO, 2003).
There is a lot of rainfall in the north of the Middle East and North Africa
(MENA) region, with an annual precipitation of more than 300 mm/y, but
these are mainly restricted to coastal areas. According to the FAO, the
annual average precipitation in the Maghreb region is about 86 mm/y,
which equals 495 Bm3/y3, while in north-eastern Africa the annual aver-
age of rainfall is around 306 mm/y or 1,275 Bm3/y.3
In the South Mediterranean region, there are only few major perennial
rivers and lakes. More precisely, in MPCs, there are few rivers and lakes,
namely the Nile and Lake Nasser in Egypt, and small rivers in Morocco as
well as in Cyprus.
There are very large groundwater aquifers in the MENA region that are
re-charged by rainfall and by incoming rivers. However, most of the
water contained in those subterranean basins, is fossil water that is not
renewed on an annual basis (BGR, 2008).
TURKEY 2,889
PNA 215
LIBYA 99.4
EGYPT 773 poverty
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 3. 1 Bm3 = 1 000 000 000 m3
1,000 limit
1992 1997 2002 2007
Source: OME based on data from FAO 2007
As part of the MED-CSD Project, and with the aim of assessing the techno-
economic potential of CSP for electricity and desalination in MPCs, OME –
with the support of DLR and the national partners of the project (Cyprus
Institute, NREA, Techint, ONEP, PEC) – conducted a prospective analysis of
water demand in the region up until 2050 by considering 3 different sce-
narios: the first assumes a ‘Business as usual’ trend, and thus relatively low
efficiency gains (LE), the second is more optimistic (MEDCSD scenario) and
4. The “Business as usual” scenar- the last takes into account extreme efficiency gains (EE). The prospective
io (BaU) uses the figures from the
exercise also considers two socio-economic scenarios: one based on Busi-
futures of global interdependence
(FUGI) global modelling system and ness as usual (BaU) the other one on closing the gap (CG)4.
from the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) for GDP forecasts until In the BaU scenario, the demand for fresh water in the South Medi-
2030. For GDP forecasts from 2030
to 2040, we made a hypothesis of
terranean is expected to grow more or less proportionally to the popu-
a lower GDP growth rate than the lation in the case of low efficiency, which could be interpreted as the
2030 level. The same hypothesis growth of population being the only driving force for water demand
has been made for the 2040-2050 development. In the case of better improvement of uses and effi-
period as compared to the period
2030-2040. The “Closing the Gap”
ciency, water demand will grow less than population (Table 1). This
scenario (CG) assumes that the rela- demonstrates the crucial role of water management and efficiency dis-
tive distance between the actual tribution and end use. However, this also shows that these measures
average (2007) of per capita GDP in alone will not be enough to cover future demand in the South Medi-
North Mediterranean countries and
the respective countries of SMCs terranean region, especially if the current demand is already over-using
will be reduced by 50% in 2050. the available natural fresh water resources. Thus, this scenario reflects
To calculate this scenario - and not the influence of enhanced water management, policies and efficien-
forecast- the average annual per
cies which are the highest priority for a sustainable water future in the
capita GDP growth rate of 1.35%
for NMCs has been used as the ref- South Mediterranean region, but which are limited by the slow eco-
erence. nomic growth within this scenario.
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Pop growth 1.8 1.7 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.5
Water demand SM CS growth rate-LE 1.4 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.4
Water demand SM CS growth rate-MEDCSD 1.0 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1
Water demand SM CS growth rate-EE 0.5 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9
Source : OME
The model shows that by 2050, water demand will be more than 200
Bm3/y in almost all scenarios and could reach 337 Bm3/y in case of high
GDP growth and low efficiency gain (Table 3). However, even with high
GDP growth rate, if policies and measures were taken in order to have
high efficiency gain this total of 337 Bm3/y could be reduced to 246
Bm3/y (-27%). With efficiency gains that are achievable within a reason-
able timeframe (i.e. MEDCSD scenario) the total demand will reach 288
Bm3/y within the Closing the Gap scenario (according to high growth of
GDP and the high growth of population in South Mediterranean region).
In all cases, such amount of freshwater demand will exert significant
pressure on the scarce water reserves of this mainly arid region.
SWMCs: South West Mediterranean Countries SEMCS: South East Mediterranean Countries
Source : OME
The water demand in the South Mediterranean region in the year 2000
consists of 82 % agricultural use, 11 % municipal use and 7 % industrial
use. While the water demand of the agricultural sector will be stagnating
in the BaU scenario (tends to decrease very low), in the CG scenario it will
decrease strongly to reach less than 63%, due to the high GDP which
leads to increasing water demand in municipal and industrial sectors.
Egypt, Libya and Syria are the countries with the largest expected deficits.
The Egyptian deficit in 2050 would amount to more than 35 Bm³/y in the
best case and about 90 Bm3/y in the worst case, which represents around
75% to 80% of the regional deficit. Egypt will be the country most seri-
ously affected by scarcity of water.
South East Mediterranean countries are not very much affected by water
scarcity, and the deficit in 2050 is expected to range between 1 and 22
Bm3/y (according to the different scenarios). Most of this deficit will be
concentrated in Syria, but in some cases Israel, Jordan and PNA will have
shortages of fresh water, in particular in case of high GDP growth and low
efficiency gain in water uses.
Past studies (Plan Bleu, DLR, …) and MED-CSD results show that increasing
supply, which was the main response of water policies in Mediterranean
countries, has reached its limit. In view of this situation, management of
water demand could be an effective way to reduce losses, irrational uses
(waste, etc) and to improve the efficiency of resource uses.
Year 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Total South West
Exploitable Water Bm³/y 81.86 81.86 81.86 81.86 81.86 81.86
Agricultural Use Bm³/y 79.69 90.65 101.47 109.65 115.32 118.26
Municipal Use Bm³/y 8.84 11.08 15.68 21.59 29.07 38.51
Industrial Use Bm³/y 5.40 6.76 9.55 13.12 17.61 23.19
Wastewater reused Bm³/y 3.08 4.76 8.22 13.33 20.64 30.85
Total Demand Bm³/y 93.93 108.50 126.70 144.36 162.00 179.96
Deficit Bm³/y 19.25 30.89 43.63 54.57 63.96 71.24
Sustainable Water Bm³/y 74.68 77.60 83.06 89.79 98.04 108.72
Total South East
Exploitable Water Bm³/y 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04
Agricultural Use Bm³/y 48.93 54.98 59.01 61.81 63.07 62.90
Municipal Use Bm³/y 9.30 11.30 14.72 18.93 23.93 29.88
Industrial Use Bm³/y 4.89 6.04 7.85 10.05 12.61 15.57
Wastewater reused Bm³/y 0.87 2.42 5.24 9.38 15.10 22.73
Total Demand Bm³/y 63.12 72.31 81.58 90.80 99.61 108.36
Deficit Bm³/y 0.19 0.57 3.29 6.59 9.42 11.78
Sustainable Water Bm³/y 62.93 71.74 78.29 84.21 90.19 96.58
Total South Med
Exploitable Water Bm³/y 219.89 219.89 219.89 219.89 219.89 219.89
Agricultural Use Bm³/y 128.62 145.63 160.47 171.46 178.38 181.16
Municipal Use Bm³/y 18.13 22.39 30.40 40.52 53.01 68.39
Industrial Use Bm³/y 10.29 12.80 17.41 23.17 30.22 38.77
Wastewater reused Bm³/y 3.95 7.19 13.46 22.71 35.74 53.58
Total Demand Bm³/y 157.04 180.81 208.28 235.15 261.61 288.32
Deficit Bm³/y 19.44 31.47 46.92 61.16 73.38 83.02
Sustainable Water Bm³/y 137.60 149.34 161.35 173.99 188.23 205.31
Source : OME
solar solar
head fuel head fuel
solar grid
Power Plant Power Plant
The plant configuration of the ANDASOL 1 plant can be considered the sta-
tus quo of a modern CSP installation. The plant uses the modern European
parabolic trough collector design SKAL-ET and the new receiver tube Schott
Solar PTR-70 for its solar field. The heat transfer fluid used to transfer the
solar heat to the power block is synthetic oil Monsanto VP-1, operating
between 292 °C and 386 °C. The collector field has an aperture area of
510,000 m² and requires about 2 km² of land. The total outlay is about
310 million Euro.
The plant uses two large tanks containing 28,500 tonnes of molten nitrate
salts (60% NaNO3 + 40% KNO3) to store solar energy received during the
day for night-time operation of the turbine. The tanks are 14 metres high and
have a diameter of 38.5 metres. The molten salt can store an amount of heat
of 1010 MWh which is sufficient for 7.5 hours of full load operation of the
turbine, with a charging capacity of 131 MWth and a discharging capacity
of 119 MWth. The heat from the solar field is transferred to the molten salt
tanks via HTF/salt heat exchangers and from the solar field and the storage to
the power cycle via a HTF steam generator. The power cycle is comprised of a
50 MW steam turbine SST-700RH from Siemens operating with superheated
steam at a pressure of 100 bar and a temperature of 377 °C. A condenser
cooled by a wet cooling tower rejects the heat from the power cycle.
Re-Header Grid
collector Membrane
Hot Tank
Generator Pre-
Turbine treatment Permeate
Evaporator Post-
Cooling Seawater
Cold Tank Tower Product
During daytime, excess steam from the oversized solar field that is not
required for the turbine is used to heat up the concrete storage. While
passing through the storage, the saturated steam entering at 270°C is
condensed in the hot section of the storage. The condensate then enters
the cold section of the storage and leaves ideally at about 73°C. The
pressure of the condensate is then reduced to the backpressure of the
steam turbine via a throttle valve. Then it is mixed with the condensate
from the MED header and returned to the solar field by the feed pump
of the power cycle.
concrete storage
55 bar
55 bar
0.35 bar
73ºC 73ºC
60 bar 0.35 bar
During night-time, the solar field is by-passed and the condensate direct-
ly enters the cold end of the hot section of the concrete storage. There,
its temperature is increased to the evaporation temperature which
will be lower than at daytime of about 250 °C at a pressure of 40 bar.
During discharge, pressure may be reduced to as low as 11 bar, 185°C.
Passing through the hot section of the storage, the water evaporates
and is then used to drive the turbine. During the night, only the amount
of electricity required for the parasitic power demand of the power block
and the power for the MED pumps will be produced. Therefore, the tur-
bine will be operating in partial load, thus not generating enough steam
for the MED process. The difference will be taken from condensate
pumped through the low temperature storage section and evaporat-
ing at backpressure level, which will be added to the steam from the
turbine. For reasons of security and control, this addition will take place
through intermediate heat exchangers between the power cycle and
the desalination cycle (not displayed here for reasons of simplicity). After
condensation in the MED header, the condensate will be fed back to the
high-temperature and to the low temperature storage.
0.35 bar
0.35 bar
270ºC, 40 bar
185ºC, 11 bar
0.35 bar
40 bar
The region has no other choice than to evolve from a region of hydrocar-
bon dependency to a combination of the use of hydrocarbon and alter-
native energies. As for water, there is no other choice than efficient use
and management of resources and promotion of sustainable water pro-
duction technologies. In this context, solar energy can play a substantial
role, considering the huge solar potential the region is endowed with.
Regional cooperation has an important role to play and the North and
South Mediterranean countries have a common interest to build togeth-
er a sustainable future in the region because of their interdependency.
This implies a strengthened euro-Mediterranean partnership primarily
devoted to the sustainable development of the region.
The financial (and now economic and social) crisis, the energy crisis
(despite the very temporary fall in oil prices), concerns related to security
of supply and the need to move towards low-carbon economies to adapt
to climate change, have only served to underline the need for an inter-
est in rationalisation and the launch of complementary policies geared
towards energy efficiency and energy sobriety within the region. This
complementarity could be expanded to include intensive cooperation,
not only in respect to energy savings and renewable energy, but also to
infrastructure and issues relating to a common energy policy. The same
applies to water.
AQUA-CSP 2007: Trieb F., Schillings C., Viebahn P., Paul, C., Altowaie H.,
Sufian T., Alnaser W., Kabariti M., Shahin W., Bennouna A., Nokraschy
H., Kern J., Knies G., El Bassam N., Hasairi I., Haddouche A., Glade H.,
Aliewi A., Concentrating Solar Power for Seawater Desalination. German
Aerospace Center (DLR), Study for the German Ministry of Environment,
Nature Conversation and Nuclear Safety, Stuttgart 2007, (www.dlr.de/tt/
MED-CSD 2009: Trieb F., Sharfe J., Tomasek M.L., Kern J., Niesor Th.,
Cottret N., Glukstern P., Technology Review and Selection of CSP and
Desalination Configurations adapted for Application in the Southern and
Eastern Mediterranean Region (http://www.med-csd-ec.eu)
MED-CSD 2010: Cottret N., Allal H., Trieb F. Demand Assessment Report,
Assessment of the techno-economic potential of CSP for electricity and
desalination in Mediterranean Partner Countries (http://www.med-csd-
The importance of energy issues in intra-Maghreb
relations and in the relationships between the
Maghreb and Europe
Mustapha K. FAID
Energy would have been not only the main factor in the integration that the
Maghreb countries set themselves as a goal more than twenty years ago,
in 1989, but also the driving force behind the economic development and
international cooperation in the area, as envisaged by the Barcelona Process,
since its inception in 1995. Some progress has certainly been made. But it
has had limited results, lacking ambition, considering the potential and the
needs in the region. In particular, it has not been the result of an approach
based on complementarities and interdependencies.
Some major facts
The population in the Maghreb will grow from about 85 million inhab-
itants today to 100 million in 2020. This important increase requires a
high-level sustainable growth.
While in the North, European countries are dependent on oil and gas
imports, hydrocarbon reserves in the Maghreb are very large, repre-
senting 5% of world oil reserves and more than 3% of total world gas
reserves. They are, however, unequally distributed, and are concen-
trated mainly in Algeria and Libya.
– The third fact concerns the economy. Although the expression may
seem somewhat strong, it could be argued that “there are two per-
fectly distinct worlds”. There are indeed important gaps, in terms of
development and revenues per capita, separating the northern and
southern Mediterranean countries. Such differences in prosperity have
affected relations between the northern and southern countries.
Far from being a prosperous area there is clearly a lack of trust between
the North and the South, as well as among the Maghreb countries them-
selves. This, combined with the uneven distribution of wealth in North
Africa, is seriously hindering development in the region.
The importance of energy issues in intra-Maghreb relations and in the relationships between
48 the Maghreb and Europe
Cooperation between northern and southern countries has often
taken the form of aid, provided by the North to the South, and of dif-
ferent dependencies, particularly commercial and technological, to the
detriment of genuine and balanced partnerships.
These relations of dependency are due to the fact that exports outside
hydrocarbons from the Maghreb countries to the European Union
are limited, even decreasing, causing this region to be structurally in
deficit. Further, these countries attract only a tiny part of the European
capital flows every year.
Indeed, trade balances in the Maghreb countries differ from one coun-
try to another. While Algeria and Libya have positive balances, as a
result of their hydrocarbon exports, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania’s
balances are negative.
The second point worth making is that Europe, the main commercial
partner, tends to globally consider the Maghreb countries as suppliers
of primary energy and primary products, particularly agricultural prod-
ucts, and/or separate market opportunities to export manufactured
and large consumption products and services.
It is true to say that, in order to profit from favourable cost and tax
measures in tax-free areas set up recently in the South, European
companies have delocalized parts of their activities in the Maghreb
countries over the last few years. The conditions for a genuine partner-
ship are, however, far from being met.
Energy consumption
Mustapha K. FAID
Population Consumption
M inhab Mtoe % /capita
Algeria 33.3 34.0 44 1.0
Libya 6.0 18.7 25 3.1
Morocco 30.5 12.6 17 0.4
Mauritania 3.1 1.3 2 0.4
Tunisia 10.1 8.9 12 0.9
Total Maghreb 83.0 75.5 100 0.9
Sources : Regulation agencies, Ministries, National companies
Hydrocarbon consumption
The importance of energy issues in intra-Maghreb relations and in the relationships between
50 the Maghreb and Europe
According to projections for the whole Maghreb region, oil consumption
is expected to increase by 24% to reach 47 Mt by 2020.
Mustapha K. FAID
Hydrocarbon reserves and production
Libya holds 5.7 billion tons of oil reserves, representing nearly 66 years
of production based on its current annual rhythm. Algeria has only
1.5 billion tons, representing 17 years of production based on current
annual rhythms. As for natural gas, reserves are much more important
in Algeria, with 4600 Bcm, than in Libya, with 1540 Bcm. In 2008, the
Maghreb countries produced more than 176 Mt of oil and some 105
Bcm of natural gas.
Energy trade among the Maghreb countries is particularly low when one
considers the needs, the resource availability and the geographical proximity.
The striking and fundamental observation is that trade in the oil sector
among these countries is insignificant. In 2005, it reached 1.8 Mt, represent-
ing only 2.6% of total marketed oil quantities in the region, some 69.6 Mt.
The amounts of oil traded among the Maghreb countries in 2005 were
as follows:
Total Other Mediterranean
2005103 t Imports Algeria Libya Morocco Tunisia Rest of world TOTAL
Maghreb countries
Algeria - 0 0.03 0 0.03 402 450 852.03
Libya 0 - 0 0 0 0 29 29
Morocco 975 37 - 0 1 012 490 6 167 7 669
Mauritania 0 0 0.15 0 0.15 0 0 0.15
Tunisia 0 779 11.6 - 790.6 191 3 278 4 260
Total Maghreb 975 816 11.78 0 1 803.18
Other Med. 20 159 45 372 0 1 317 66 848 -
Rest of world 140 779 0 0 919 -
Total 21 274 46 967 11.78 1 317 69 569.78 -
Sources: IEA, CPDP, BP
The importance of energy issues in intra-Maghreb relations and in the relationships between
52 the Maghreb and Europe
Algeria exported only 1 Mt of LPG to Morocco, representing 4.6% of its
exports of oil products. Algeria does not sell oil to its neighbouring coun-
tries. Outside the small quantities of oil products imported from Algeria,
covering some 10.6% of its needs, Morocco imports 6.7 Mt from outside
the Maghreb region. As for Tunisia, it imports 0.8 Mt of oil from Libya of
a total of 4.3 Mt imported annually, representing only 18.3% of its ener-
gy imports. It exports 1.3 Mt of petroleum products to countries outside
the Maghreb region. Out of a total of nearly 47 Mt exported by Libya,
only 0.8 Mt are sold to Tunisia; that is, 1.7% of its total oil exports.
As far as natural gas is concerned, Tunisia and Morocco are transit coun-
tries. Parts of the amounts of natural gas exported to Italy and Slovenia
on one side and to Spain and Portugal on the other, are meant for
Tunisia and Morocco respectively. In 2006, their share did not exceed 1.8
Bcm, representing 2.9% of Algeria’s total gas exports.
2006 (GWh)
Algeria Libya Morocco Tunisia Egypt Spain Total
Algeria - - 136 135 - - 271
Libya - - - - 122.6 - 122.6
Morocco 159 - - - - 1 899 2 058
Imports Tunisia 141 - - - - - 141
Egypt - 91.2 - - - - 91.2
Spain - - 27 - - - 27
Total 300 91.2 163 135 122.6 1 899 2 710.8
Sources: COMELEC, Electricity companies
In 2008, Algeria and Libya exported nearly 70 Bcm of gas, with 47.4 Bcm
by pipeline and 22.4 Bcm in liquefied form.
60.5 Bcm, around 87% of total sold amounts, were exported to five
Southern European countries: Spain, France, Greece, Italy and Portugal.
Mustapha K. FAID
2008 Algeria Libya Total Maghreb Others Total
Imports Bcm % Bcm % Bcm % Bcm % Bcm %
Total 13.87 35.02 0.53 1.34 14.40 36.36 25.20 63.64 39.60 100.00
Spain Pipeline 8.97 82.52 - - 8.97 82.52 1.90 17.48 10.87 100.00
LNG 4.90 17.06 0.53 1.84 5.43 18.90 23.30 81.10 28.73 100.00
Total 7.60 9.34 - - 7.60 9.34 41.65 84.56 49.25 100.00
France Pipeline Pipeline - - - - - - 36.66 100.00 36.66 100.00
LNG 7.60 60.37 - - 7.60 60.37 4.99 39.63 12.59 100.00
Total 0.70 16.91 - - 0.70 16.91 3.44 83.09 4.14 100.00
Greece Pipeline Pipeline - - - - - - 3.20 100.00 3.20 100.00
LNG 0.70 74.47 - - 0.70 74.47 0.24 25.53 0.94 100.00
Total 26.00 33.82 9.87 12.84 35.87 46.66 41.00 53.34 76.87 100.00
Italy Pipe Pipeline 24.44 32.45 9.87 13.11 34.31 45.56 41.00 54.44 75.31 100.00
LNG 1.56 100.00 - - 1.56 100.00 - - 1.56 100.00
Total 1.93 42.32 - - 1.93 42.32 2.63 57.68 4.56 100.00
Portugal Pipeline 1.93 100.00 - - 1.93 100.00 - - 1.93 100.00
LNG - - - - - - 2.63 100.00 2.63 100.00
Total 50.10 28.73 10.40 5.96 60.50 34.69 113.92 65.31 174.42 100.00
Total 5 Pipeline 35.34 27.62 9.87 7.71 45.21 35.33 82.76 64 .67 127.97 100.00
LNG 14.76 31.78 0.53 1.14 15.29 32.92 31.16 67.08 46.45 100.00
The importance of energy issues in intra-Maghreb relations and in the relationships between
54 the Maghreb and Europe
ed to be exported with the boosting of the Skikda LNG factory and the
increase in the Arzew liquefaction capacity. By the end of the decade,
80 to 85 Bcm of gas will be exported from the Maghreb by tanker or
pipeline, direct and fixed links, representing a major contribution to
the supply security and a diversification of import sources for the five
Southern European countries.
• develop their exports to their main partner, the EU ; mainly primary
products (hydrocarbons and agriculture);
• attract foreign investments.
They ended up competing against one another, not only to export their
products but also to attract international capital flows. In addition, their
exports are particularly sensitive to exogenous factors: oil prices for
Algeria and Libya, the ups and downs of agriculture and the tourist trade
for Morocco and Tunisia. To illustrate the importance of these insufficien-
cies and deficits, one may cite the intra-Maghreb trade which represents
only 3% of foreign trade in the area. According to some experts, the
delay in implementing the economic integration process within the Arab
Maghreb Union’s framework costs them each 2% of their GDP yearly.
Another cooperation path would have been to promote the develop-
ment of integrated projects by Maghreb-based economic players. Such
an approach would have helped them to join forces in their trade with
the EU, to offer complementarities within their production structures and
to become fundamental partners for European companies. In the energy
sector, each of the Maghreb countries, faced with its needs, has to mobi-
lize huge funds. In the short and medium terms, such financial pressures
and the growing demand for energy may result in tensions on the supply
side and therefore in shortages.
The question one may ask is whether the Maghreb countries will be able,
separately, to raise the necessary funds given their economic situation,
the size of their markets, the low credit rating of local demand, and the
gaps in available public financing.
This is vital! It holds great potential, provided that the Maghreb states
show some political will and encourage it on the commercial standpoint.
Among the concrete initiatives that could be envisaged in the short and
medium terms, one may mention:
Mustapha K. FAID
• The construction of multi-product pipelines (LPG, petrol and die-
sel oil) linking production and distribution units located near the
Algerian-Moroccan and Algerian-Tunisian borders to the neighbour-
ing markets.
• The use of natural gas, in particular in Morocco, in power generation
as well as in industrial sector. A network of pipelines could be con-
structed to link the Maghreb Europe pipeline crossing the Moroccan
territory to inland industrial zones and large cities.
• The development and optimum exploitation of cross-border electric-
ity lines. This initiative would contribute to increasing electricity trade,
reducing consequently the constraints to build new production capacity.
It is necessary, today more than ever, to develop new paths for coop-
eration at regional level; cooperation that would allow the Maghreb
ultimately to face many challenges, particularly economic development
and demographic growth. The basic principle would be to create joint
companies gathering players from the Maghreb countries to develop
integrated projects within the framework of cross-interest partnerships.
Reforms implemented by the Maghreb countries separately over the last
few years, have contributed to liberalizing their respective markets, but
should of course be harmonized and made compatible. Further, invit-
ing other Mediterranean countries to join this cooperation programme
would make it easier to meet the criteria for financing and project imple-
mentation. As far as the Maghreb is concerned, the approach should
no more be based on “every country for itself”, a policy which has so
far been privileged. The assets of the whole region should be taken into
consideration: geo-strategy, economy, trade, finance, but also a young
workforce. Listing all the fields that offer regional integration oppor-
tunities would be impossible. However, as an illustration, it is worth
mentioning two concrete examples:
The importance of energy issues in intra-Maghreb relations and in the relationships between
56 the Maghreb and Europe
competition against one another: Morocco and Tunisia on the phosphate
fertilizer market, Algeria and Libya on the nitrogen fertilizer market. Is it
logical for Morocco and Tunisia to continue to purchase ammonia from
distant markets, while Algeria and Libya are producing and exporting it?
Maghreb-Europe co-operation
Mustapha K. FAID
high time that these countries put in place economic policies within the
framework of an approach based on equitable and mutually profitable
regional development. This said, the question is to find a sector that
could play the role of catalyst or leverage to initiate this new partnership.
Paradoxically, it is the unevenness in energy resource distribution among
the Maghreb countries, which could be the basis for the development of
interdependencies, complementarities and solidarity. By way of an illus-
tration, one may mention the following guidelines and/or projects:
The first obstacle to the security of energy supply for the European
countries is clearly the constraints weighing on domestic production and
demand, resulting in uncertainties as to the level of required imports. If
the level of the reserves seems important in the Maghreb region, exploit-
ing these volumes of oil and gas is not a sure thing, given the necessary
and particularly high levels of investments required, not only for the
development of the reserves but also for transporting them to the con-
suming markets. Therefore, it is vital to integrate the set of problems
specific to the Maghreb energy suppliers into the European competi-
tion logic, by developing ambitious, stable and long-term cross-interest
industrial partnerships between northern Mediterranean companies and
southern producers. North-South cross-interest partnerships should be
considered at different levels of the energy chain, including prospecting,
production, transport, liquefaction, re-gasification, electricity produc-
tion and marketing. Such partnerships would guarantee the security of
supply for one party and security of market for the other. Today, it is
necessary to give coherence to the energy industry by dealing with the
security issue within a global perspective, from field development to con-
sumption. Besides, a coherent approach could not be envisaged without
a stable regulatory framework that would take into consideration, in an
objective way, the interests of each and every stakeholder.
The importance of energy issues in intra-Maghreb relations and in the relationships between
58 the Maghreb and Europe
This project would have several merits:
The MENA pipeline
This pipeline would link gas exporting countries in the Middle East to the
Maghreb region and from there to the southern part of Europe. It would
carry gas from Iraq and go through Jordan and Egypt, using the existing
Arab Gas corridor, which would be strengthened and used for reverse
supplies. The pipeline would then go through Libya to reach Hassi R’Mel
field in Algeria.
Mustapha K. FAID
Sustainable development
The importance of energy issues in intra-Maghreb relations and in the relationships between
60 the Maghreb and Europe
Training and Research & Development
To conclude, I would say that energy could play a major role: firstly, as
a gathering factor in the Intra-Maghreb relations; secondly, as a driving
force in the implementation of a regional Maghreb-Europe balanced and
interdependent cooperation. Two necessary conditions need to be met:
a political understanding and a common approach to meet the chal-
lenges the region will be faced with. Maghreb’s main commercial partner
is Southern Europe. It is therefore legitimate to think that the European
countries should also be involved in projects related to the development
of the Maghreb. This would be considered a step toward establishing
balanced relations between the two zones, with the ultimate goal of
integrating the Maghreb region. Given the existing imbalance between
the North and the South, the huge funds that will have to be invested,
and the human and technical means that will be required in the future,
the energy sector is one of the fields where privileged cooperation can
only be positive. Indeed, it is clear that the current geopolitical remodel-
ling, the still-rampant economic crisis and the hectic pace of globalization
require the Maghreb and European countries to make the right choices
now; be they strategic, economic or political.
Mustapha K. FAID
Solar Energy and the
Maghreb region
Solar Energy and the Maghreb region
The Maghreb is a resource rich region. For many decades, mining, min-
erals extraction and the exploitation of oil and gas fields have played
an essential part of the economic landscape along the entire Southern
Mediterranean coast from Egypt to Morocco. Libya and Algeria
together account for about 50% of Africa’s proven oil reserves, while
Algeria, Egypt and Libya together hold 56% of total proven African
natural gas reserves. Morocco is the world’s largest phosphate export-
er, while phosphates and other mining activity account for nearly 50%
of Tunisia’s export earnings.
Solar Technologies Overview
There are two principal solar energy technology options for the Maghreb
region – Photovoltaic (PV) modules, which are scalable from small house-
hold-level applications to larger scale “solar-farms” and concentrating
solar power (CSP) technologies, which are suitable for power plants from
ca. 50MW to utility-scale sizes of several hundred MW.
This article will focus on solar CSP technology, but will first briefly review
the status of solar PV, to put the subsequent discussion into perspective.
The world-bank figures highlight that both wind energy and solar PV
have already grown into sizeable industries, while CSP is still at the
beginning of its learning curve. In fact, the solar PV industry installed
over 7GW of modules in 2009, which equates to approximately €25-
30bn market turnover. Industrial-scale manufacturing plants have been
established over the past years in Asia, most notably China, as well as
Germany and the USA due to favourable national support programmes.
Competition in the industry is fierce and prices have been cut almost in
half over the past 18 months due to falling raw-material prices and the
scaling up of manufacturing plants in low-cost jurisdictions.
MW installed
Upside case scenario
6,000 Base case scenario
2005 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Source : Deutsche Bank estimates based on current projects as announced by end of 2008.
*This chart assumes that all knon projects as of 2008 come on stream
The long dearth of projects and only recent resurgence of activity sug-
gests that the learning and innovation rate of CSP will be high in the
coming years and costs will follow a steep reduction curve, as the
installed base is low and each doubling of capacity can be achieved
in relatively small increments. However, it also implies that important
decisions are currently taken about the major manufacturing locations
for CSP components and the centres of learning and innovation in the
Developing the solar CSP industry in the Maghreb can generate at least
three major benefits:
The starting point for these developments are concrete CSP project
opportunities in the Maghreb. It is important to note that conception-
ally, these are similar in their requirements and operation to hydrocarbon
projects. Hence, institutional as well as engineering know-how and expe-
rience for such projects has already been accumulated in the Maghreb
region and can readily be applied to this new technology.
CSP projects require land in the sunniest parts of the Maghreb, often
away from the coast, on which the technology can be installed. In the
Sahara desert, this land currently has few alternative uses and hence the
economic opportunity costs of utilizing it for CSP projects are low. Once
installed, mirrors and solar receivers capture the solar energy and trans-
form it into heat, and finally into electrical energy, which then needs to
be transported to the electricity demand centres through high-voltage
electricity cables. This is akin to the gas or oil extraction projects that
work on land concessions and are connected to pipelines that transport
energy to the major demand centres at home and abroad. The only dif-
ference being that the solar energy potential does not diminish with the
maturity of the plants and “solar exploitation projects” have theoretically
infinite lifetimes.
Faced with the same “catch-22” challenge in wind energy and solar PV
technology, many countries offered various forms of support schemes to
create market niches for renewable energy to grow and become more
cost competitive. As the figures from the World Bank above bear out,
these policies have been successful in creating a viable global industry,
which has been capable of successively lowering costs of electricity pro-
duction and thus lowering the burden of required support to the point
where it is no longer needed.
At the same time, both the physical solar potential, as well as the
resultant cost of electricity production from CSP technology, are signifi-
cantly more advantageous in the Maghreb. This provides the incentive to
connect the Maghrebian and European electricity networks, so that elec-
tricity from CSP plants on the Southern side of the Mediterranean can be
exported to the countries on the Northern Shores.
There are several ways in which EU member countries can make use of
the new provisions under the EU Renewable Energy Directive. Individual
states can open their national renewable energy support policies to
imports of renewable electricity either on a unilateral or multilateral
basis. In principle, domestic policy could simply be extended to the
imported amount, whether this is based on “feed-in tariffs”, tradable
“green certificates” or auctions, which are the most prevalent policy
mechanisms currently in use. However, if several countries decide to pool
the efforts to open their markets for imported electricity, novel policy
options can be considered.
In this way, European countries can meet their renewable energy target
at a lower cost than if they would have to support the marginal renew-
able energy technology at home to meet the 20% target. The European
incentive schemes to bridge the cost differential between conventional
and CSP technologies can be considered an “innovation and learning
investment” that will support the scale-up of a new industry and have
long-term benefits from lower-cost sustainable electricity production.
So what is holding back the advent of large solar export projects? The
major regulatory and policy contributions that could enable the imple-
mentation of the first concrete project opportunities is described below.
Building Trust can take the form of Investment.
Some ideas to add to a faster growth in the
Francis Ghilès
ast July, under the title Energy & Regional Integration in the
Western Mediterranean, a seminar brought together in Barcelona
30 senior managers, bankers and academics, many of whom have
held senior positions in state and private companies on both sides of the
Mediterranean and in international organisations. The seminar discussed
the 5 papers included in this publication: the result was a lively debate
on the key role Energy could play in the political and economic agenda
of the region. The driving idea, from the very beginning, was to look at
what role North African countries might play in a world where the bal-
ance of economic and political power has, over the past decade, and is
shifting in a manner which few in the west had envisaged and many still
refuse to acknowledge. Because this shift is forcing Europe and North
America to take account of the views of countries which simply did not
matter, economically speaking a generation ago, the process is a painful
one. Some in Europe have chosen to bury their heads in the sand and
continue to put forward arguments which make little sense in 2010,
other are fearful of the loss as they see it of three centuries of supremacy
of western economic interests.
The Process of Barcelona, launched in 1995, has run its course but it
is far from obvious that the Union for the Mediterranean, launched in
2008, will deliver on its ambitious projects.
One can argue that the Barcelona Process has always lacked the criti-
cal mass of investment needed to allow any serious economic take off
and that the much vaunted corporate upgrading (mise à niveau) never
really materialised except in a limited way in Tunisia. As to the European
Union’s Neighbourhood Policy, it can be described as a “cache misère
politique”. Most countries have continued to favour their traditional
bilateral relations with European countries at the expense of their hori-
zontal North African ones: in other words everybody has been indulging
in multilateral bilateralism.
that the idea of a Chemical Maghreb, well beyond fertilisers and plastics,
is worth pursuing – modelled on the way Germany developed an Eastern
Europe hinterland for its car industry after 1989.
notably natural gas, could be reinforced because the long track record
mentioned with regard to the delivery of natural gas bodes well for any
future electricity links supporting solar power projects in the Sahara.
Joint shareholdings by European and North African partners in such
solar export projects can make perfect sense. However, unless the policy
framework for renewable energy is not skewed towards helping the
development of renewable energy (price subsidies etc) both in Europe
and the Maghreb, it is not obvious that Maghreb producers would gain
more export income which could contribute to overall economic output.
An adequate legal framework – in the case of solar exports these are
needed on both sides of the Mediterranean, could be used to drive a
dynamic quid pro quo of institutional adaptation ie the Europeans could
open their markets and support pioneer solar projects in return for ade-
quate investment frameworks for such projects.
Today of course, the imbalances in the region are what most strike the
observer – in the age pyramid of the populations on both shores, in the
level of consumption of energy, in the production of oil and gas. These
are described in detail in one of the papers included in this publication
and, if leveraged within the framework of a medium term plan could
improve the
Some in Europe fear to depend for their gas supplies too much on
Algeria – for more than 40%-, while conveniently ignoring the uncer-
tainty the producing countries face in developing their resources when
they do not know how much gas in particular Europe will need in 20
years time; some Europeans also quite fail to appreciate that countries
Francis Ghilès
which import much of their basic foodstuffs also feel at risk. Another
perception however points out that markets are by their very nature
uncertain and North Africa, particularly Algeria have to become more
nimble operators, as countries like China have proved to be. In a
broader sense the fear of the “Other” transpires from many percep-
tions, a fear reinforced by Europe’s abdication of any independent
policy towards the Middle East and the difficulties it has encountered in
securing its gas supplies from Russia.
To come to concrete proposals (after too many words and very lit-
tle results in the process of integration of the Maghreb) two realistic
projects could be imagined: an ammonia and a plastics plant. Both make
a lot of sense if one were to develop the Maghreb: the first would help
to enlarge on existing Moroccan fertiliser plants and offer the most com-
petitive cost base in the world for producing certain types of fertilisers;
the second would help boost a sector which manufactures key inputs
for a broad range of industrial sectors at very competitive prices. Both
would encourage private investment downstream and offer qualified
jobs in the region. Such projects could well call upon investment from
leading Spanish and other European fertiliser groups and from Tunisian
companies. Such cross shareholding would help lay to rest the fears of
“energy security” or whatever other form of security which seems to
haunt a number of people on both shores. Building trust can take the
form of investment. Likewise leading North African companies should be
allowed – encouraged-, to buy into the capital of pipelines and plants in
Europe. The situation BP is confronted with today is an example of this:
why could Algeria, through a sovereign fund, not express an interest
in injecting capital into a major oil and gas company which already had
a stake in Algeria ? That would meet he need of BP for more capital in
a difficult moment and encourage the transfer of technology. In such a
case Algeria would state that it does not
This brings us back to the fall out of the Barcelona Process. Preaching
democracy is all well and fine but the EU and the US have so often prac-
tised the contrary of what they preach that, in the Middle East and North
Africa such exhortations fall on deaf ears. Yet this state of affairs in no way
detracts from the urgent need for all North African countries to show
greater respect for the rule of law, offer more transparent legal procedures
and allow greater freedom of expression and information. Despite being
run by a single ruling party, China is changing fast on these fronts: why can
North African states not take a leaf out of the book of such a successful
economy? Why are their elites blind to the advantages, in economic terms
at the very least, of such an evolution? When combined with fear of ter-
rorism, Islam and the “Other” the consequence is that too many
growing numbers if the region were of no interest, they would not be buy-
ing ports in southern Italy and companies in Piraeus – China has a strategy
for the Mediterranean, of which the Maghreb is but one component. How
will the Europeans and the North Africans react when they wake up to
China’s fast growing influence in the region? As China becomes a key
stakeholder in what Europeans like to think of as their backyard, the latter
will discover the Asian giant works according to its very own interests. By
then any role the Western Mediterranean might aspire to
will have evaporated before it even took shape. One could do worse at
this stage to quote the title of the brilliant book by the chief economist
of one of the world’s largest banks, HSBC – Stephen King: “Losing con-
trol: The Emerging Threats to Western Prosperity.”
Francis Ghilès
these very same Europeans appear blind to the rise of a younger gen-
eration of state and private Maghreb entrepreneurs who are increasingly
frustrated by the incompetence and lack of vision of their own political
elites. These younger technocrats, often educated in Europe and
reduced the risk of armed conflict in North Africa. Why not enlarge on
such success stories? Lack of bold leadership is not just a North African
characteristic today but a European one. Europe spends a lot of time
attempting, with limited success, to influence the internal politics of
Latin American or Asian countries: would it not be better advised to be
more active in a region which lies on its doorstep and which is so rich in
mineral, qualified people and historical ties not all of
which are negative? The disunity of North Africa is not only the result of
local feuds, it is the result of the Cold War and of Europe’s reluctance or
maybe lack of interest, at least until recently, to countenance a less frac-
tious Maghreb. Unlike Turkey, whose elites no longer do the bidding of
the US or the EU when called upon to do so, North African leaders seem
unable or unwilling to imagine a long term future for the Maghreb, let
alone build one and promote those entrepreneurs whose way of think-
ing and appreciation of how the world is moving is way ahead of their
In spite of all this complexities, there are some ideas which are worth
exploring and which offer ample opportunity for faster growth in the
region – faster growth which would enhance mutual security. The four
projects that might be worth promoting include:
Francis Ghilès