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Gold prospectivity maps of the Red Lake greenstone belt: Application of GIS

Article  in  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences · February 2007

DOI: 10.1139/e06-020

28 287

5 authors, including:

Jeff Harris Thomas Skulski

Consultant Natural Resources Canada


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Gold prospectivity maps of the Red Lake

greenstone belt: application of GIS technology1,2
J.R. Harris, M. Sanborn-Barrie, D.A. Panagapko, T. Skulski, and J.R Parker

Abstract: Recent advances in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software and analysis can be used in
conjunction with traditional geoscience data sets to determine effective predictors for gold mineralization, from which
mineral prospectivity maps can be generated that highlight potential exploration targets on a regional scale. In this paper,
key components of the Archean lode gold deposit model for the Red Lake belt are selected and modeled using weights
of evidence (WofE) analysis and logistic regression, leading to the creation of gold prospectivity maps. The best predictors
for past and present gold producers in the Red Lake camp, according to WofE analysis include (1) elevated trace elements,
Au, As, and Sb; (2) a number of alteration indices calculated from oxide geochemical data; (3) alteration characterized
by pervasive and vein-style ferroan carbonate and elevated Au, As, Sb, and S anomalies; (4) proximity to the Mackenzie
Island stock and diorite phases of the Dome stock; and, (5) tholeiitic basaltic flows and associated gabbroic rocks of
the Balmer assemblage. Gold prospectivity maps produced by logistic regression using binary evidence maps highlight
anomalous localities within known and highly prospective areas in the district (Madsen – Red Lake corridor,
Balmertown – Cochenour – East Bay). In addition, a number of localities not known to contain significant deposits
were also identified as prospective.
Résumé : Les récents progrès dans l’utilisation de logiciels et l’analyse de données de systèmes d’information géographique
peuvent être combinés avec des ensembles de données géoscientifiques traditionnelles pour déterminer des prédicteurs
efficaces de minéralisation aurifère à partir desquels il est possible de générer des cartes de prospectivité des minéraux
qui souligneront les cibles potentielles d’exploration à une échelle régionale. Dans le présent article, les composantes
clés du modèle de gisement d’or filonien archéen de la ceinture de Red Lake sont sélectionnées et modélisées au moyen
d’analyses de pondération de l’information probante (Weight of Evidence, WofE) et une régression logistique, menant à
la création de cartes de prospectivité pour l’or. Selon l’analyse WofE, les meilleurs prédicteurs pour les producteurs
d’or, anciens et actuels, comprennent : (1) de hautes teneurs en éléments traces Au, As et Sb; (2) un certain nombre
d’indices d’altération calculés à partir de données sur les oxydes géochimiques; (3) une altération caractérisée par du
carbonate ferrifère pénétrant et de style veines ainsi que des anomalies élevées en Au, As, Sb, et S; (4) la proximité du
massif de Mackenzie Island et les phases dioritiques du massif de Dome et (5) des coulées basaltiques tholéiitiques et
les roches gabbroïques associées de l’assemblage Balmer. Les cartes de prospectivité pour l’or produites par régression
logistique utilisant des cartes de preuves binaires font ressortir les endroits anormaux à l’intérieur de secteurs à grand
potentiel dans le district (corridor Madsen-Red Lake, Balmertown-Cochenour-East Bay). De plus, plusieurs endroits,
dans lesquels on ne reconnaissait pas de gisements importants, ont aussi été identifiés en tant que potentiels.

[Traduit par la Rédaction] Harris et al. 893

Introduction duction, mineral exploration companies continue to explore

successfully for new deposits. Recent development of the
The Red Lake mining district (Fig. 1) is one of Canada’s High Grade zone at Goldcorp Inc. Red Lake Mine under-
top gold camps with over 19 million ounces (1 oz (troy) = scores the continued importance of the Red Lake district in
31.103 g) mined since 1930 (Table 1; Lichtblau et al. 2004). terms of its gold potential. Historically, exploration has
Although a number of important mines are no longer in pro- followed traditional methods of acquiring land, performing

Received 25 April 2005. Accepted 16 February 2006. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at http://cjes.nrc.ca on
4 September 2006.
Paper handled by Associate Editor F. Cook.
J.R. Harris,3 M. Sanborn-Barrie, and T. Skulski. Geological Survey of Canada, Central Canada Division, 615 Booth Street,
Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8, Canada.
D.A. Panagapko. Natural Resources Canada, Mineral and Mines Sector, 580 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E4, Canada.
J.R. Parker. Ontario Geological Survey, 933 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, ON P3E 6B5, Canada.
This article is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue on The Western Superior Province Lithoprobe and
NATMAP transects.
Lithoprobe Publication 1451; GSC Contribution 2000209.
Corresponding author (e-mail: harris@nrcan.gc.ca).

Can. J. Earth Sci. 43: 865–893 (2006) doi:10.1139/E06-020 © 2006 NRC Canada
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Fig. 1. Location of Red lake greenstone belt (study area). et al. 1999, 2001) are first compared and then assessed in
terms of how well each predicts known past and present
gold producers, prospects, and occurrences.

Geological setting of gold deposits

The Red Lake gold camp (Fig. 2) preserves an extensive
record of volcano-magmatic and sedimentary activity from
3.0 to 2.7 Ga, and evidence of multiple episodes of deformation,
hydrothermal alteration, metamorphism, and gold minerali-
zation (Pirie 1980; Corfu and Wallace 1986; Andrews et al.
1986; Corfu and Andrews 1987; Sanborn-Barrie et al. 2000,
2001, 2004; Dubé et al. 2000, 2003, 2004). The belt is inter-
preted to have evolved on the southern flank of an ancient
continental block (Stott and Corfu 1991), the ca. 3 Ga North
Caribou terrane, where volcano-sedimentary sequences were
episodically deposited in a continental margin to oceanic
setting from 2.99 to 2.85 Ga, prior to subduction-related arc
volcanism, which led to continental collision (Uchian orogeny)
at 2.72–2.71 Ga (Stott and Corfu 1991; Sanborn-Barrie et al.
2000, 2001, 2004). The Red Lake greenstone belt has experi-
enced several episodes of deformation, interpreted to be closely
regional and detailed geological, geophysical, and geochemical linked with extensive hydrothermal activity and gold miner-
surveys, and testing defined targets by diamond drilling. These alization (Sanborn-Barrie et al. 2004; Dubé et al. 2004).
activities have resulted in the compilation of large and diverse Nonpenetrative deformation (D0) appears to have involved
geoscience databases that can be difficult to process and overturning of the ca. 2.99 Ga Balmer assemblage, possibly
analyze by traditional means. related to recumbent folding, prior to Neoarchean volcanism.
The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) soft- The main stages of penetrative deformation were imposed
ware in mineral exploration and spatial modeling techniques after ca. 2.74 Ga volcanism. These resulted in north-trending,
provides relatively new approaches for assessing the spatial south-plunging F1 folds and associated S1–L1 fabrics, superim-
relationship between known deposits and individual parame- posed by east- to northeast-trending D2 structures (F2–S2–
ters of a deposit model (e.g., favourable lithology, alteration, L2) in western and central Red Lake, and southeast-trending
and (or) structure). One of the major strengths of a GIS is folds and fabrics (the “mine trend”) in eastern Red Lake.
the ability to integrate and combine multiple layers of geo- More detail on the geology, structure, and tectonics of the
science data into mineral prospectivity maps4 showing areas belt can be found in Sanborn-Barrie et al. (2000, 2001,
favourable for mineral exploration (e.g., Agterberg 1974; Chung 2004).
and Agterberg 1980; Bonham-Carter et al. 1988; Harris 1989; Gold was first produced in the Red Lake district at the
Agterberg et al. 1990; Bonham-Carter 1994; Rencz et al. Howey mine in 1930. Since then, in excess of 19.16 million
1994; Harris et al. 1995; Wright and Bonham-Carter 1996; ounces of gold have been produced from 12 mines in the
Harris et al. 2001; Wilkinson et al. 1999; Raines 1999). It is district (Fig. 3; Table 1; Lichtblau et al. 2004). Historical
these capabilities that make GIS an extremely useful tool for grades of the major deposits range from 0.29 oz gold/ton
mineral exploration. (Madsen Mine) to 0.58 oz gold/ton (Campbell Mine). The
Philosophically, the approach in this paper is to test and recently reopened Red Lake (formerly Dickensen – A.W.
rank various gold exploration indicators in their ability to White) Mine is currently mining and developing its High
predict areas of known economic gold mineralization using Grade zone, with proven and probable reserves of 1.85 million
GIS analysis techniques from which a selected list of the tons (1 short ton = 0.907 t (metric tons)) grading 2.05 oz/ton
most favourable indicators is used to predict new areas of (Goldcorp Inc. 2002 Outlook). The Red Lake mine produced
potential gold mineralization. Specifically, spatial relation- 532 028 oz of gold at an average grade of 2.20 oz/ton in
ships among gold deposits and a number of geological pre- 2003 (Lichtblau et al. 2004).
dictors (evidence maps) in the Red Lake district are assessed Rocks of the Mesoarchean Balmer assemblage (Fig. 2)
using the weights of evidence (WofE) (Bonham-Carter 1994) host all the major gold producers in the Red Lake belt
modeling technique. Gold prospectivity maps are then gener- (Table 1). This assemblage is comprises komatiite, komatiitic
ated using logistic regression based on evidence maps derived basalt and tholeiitic basalt with lesser felsic volcanic rocks,
from the WofE analysis. Binary evidence maps are created iron formation, and fine-grained clastic rocks and has been
by identifying thresholds for each evidence map, separating dated at 2.99–2.96 Ga (Corfu and Wallace 1986; Corfu and
favourable and non-favourable areas for exploration using Andrews 1987; Sanborn-Barrie et al. 2004). Lower levels of
WofE analysis. The gold prospectivity maps generated using gold production have come from deposits hosted in younger
the Spatial Data Modeler (SDM) modeling package (Kemp intrusive rocks. The McKenzie Red Lake and Gold Eagle
A prospectivity map is also referred to as a potential or favourability map in the GIS literature.

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Table 1. Past and present gold producersa in the Red Lake greenstone belt.
Rank/Map Gold produced
No. Mine property Setting (troy oz)b Weightc
1 Campbell Red Lake Balmer assemblage: ESE-SSE-trending auriferous silicified 10 725 512 11
zones in carbonatized volcanic rocks and quartz–carbonate
2 Red Lake (formerly Balmer assemblage: auriferous silicified zones in 4 794 662 5
A.W. White – carbonatized volcanic rocks, ferroan-carbonate veins, and
Dickenson) sulphide horizons
3 Madsen Balmer assemblage: in altered footwall mafic–ultramafic 2 452 388 2
volcanic rocks at Confederation contact
4 Cochenour–Willans Balmer assemblage: Au with cherty quartz + arsenopyrite in 1 244 279d 2
130° striking, 35°–55° southwest-dipping structures in
carbonatized volcanic rocks and ferroan carbonate veins
5 McKenzie Red Lake McKenzie Island stock: auriferous shear zones and fractures 651 156 1
within, and between, granodiorite and diorite phases
6 Howeye Confederation quartz porphyry: auriferous N80°E quartz-filled 421 592 1
fractures in 65°east-trending dyke cutting intermediate
volcanic breccia and ca. 2.74 Ga Howey diorite
7 Hasaga Confederation quartz porphyry: auriferous N20°E and 218 213 1
N80°E quartz-filled fractures in 65°east-trending dyke
cutting Confederation volcanic breccia
8 Starratt-Olsen Balmer assemblage:veins and stringers of quartz-sulphides 163 990 1
and gold in sheared mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks
cut by diorite and feldspar porphyry dykes
9 H.G. Young Balmer assemblage: ESE foliation-parallel gold–quartz– 55 244 1
carbonate veins hosted by altered mafic volcanic rocks
10 McMarmac Red Lake Balmer assemblage: Au with fine quartz + arsenopyrite 45 246 1
within ferroan carbonate lenses hosted by altered pil-
lowed to massive basalt
11 Gold Eagle McKenzie Island stock: ESE-trending quartz veins hosted 40 204 1
by granodiorite–diorite–wacke
12 Red Lake Gold Shore Dome stock: auriferous quartz-filled fractures within fine- 21 100 1
grained N40°east-trending dykes
Based on the Ministry of Northern Developments and Mines (MNDM) Mineral Deposit Inventory cut-off of 19 290 oz Au, which is based on a pro-
duction threshold of 100 000 t at 6.0 g/t. Au (at US$377/oz). Smaller grade and tonnage producers in the Red Lake belt are represented in this paper as
developed prospects.
1 oz (troy) = 31.103 g.
Weight assigned is based on gold production relative to total production and reflects significance of >1 million ounce deposits.
Includes production from Annco and Wilmar properties.
First mine into production in the Red Lake camp on 2 April 1930.

mines are hosted by carbonatized augite diorite to granodiorite 1987). In the vicinity of the Campbell mine, most rocks have
of the ca. 2.72 Ga McKenzie Island stock (Corfu and Andrews undergone intense hydrothermal alteration that is characterized
1987), whereas the Red Lake Gold Shore and Buffalo deposits by anomalous Au and As, abundant ferroan dolomite–
are hosted by granodiorite of the ca. 2718 Ga Dome Stock ankerite carbonate veining, potassic metasomatism, and sili-
(Corfu and Andrews 1987) (see Fig. 3 for locations). The cification (Hodgson and MacGeehan 1982; Penczak and Ma-
Howey and Hasaga mines (Fig. 3) in the east-central part of son 1999). At Goldcorp’s Red Lake mine (Fig. 2; Fig. 3,
the belt are hosted by an east-northeast-trending quartz location 2), current gold production is also from mafic to
porphyry dyke that cuts intermediate volcaniclastic rocks of ultramafic volcanic rocks of the Balmer assemblage with
the Confederation assemblage. lesser associated rhyolite, diorite, and synvolcanic sedimen-
The highly productive Balmer assemblage underlies much tary rocks (Penczak and Mason 1999), including sulphide-
of the eastern and central parts of the belt and is host to Red facies banded iron formation. An early alteration assemblage
Lake’s two currently producing mines. At the Campbell mine consists of widespread carbonatization and structurally local-
(Fig. 2; Fig. 3, location 1), current production comes from ized potassic (biotite) alteration with some silicification. This
iron-rich massive and pillowed tholeiitic basalt, komatiitic early alteration was followed by formation of main-stage
flows and synvolcanic ultramafic sills, and lesser amounts of quartz–carbonate veins and sheeted veinlet zones that carry
rhyolite, sedimentary rocks (banded iron formation and inter- much of the gold at both the Campbell and Red Lake mines.
flow argillite), and ca. 2.87 Ga diorite (Corfu and Andrews A subsequent phase of alteration involved silicification and

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Fig. 2. Generalized geology of the Red Lake greenstone belt (after Sanborn-Barrie et al. 2004). Currently producing Campbell (1) and Red Lake (2) gold mines, also shown.
cgml, conglomerate; argl, argillite.

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Harris et al.
Fig. 3. Map showing location of past and present gold producers, developed and raw prospects, and occurrences. The four largest mines in terms of ounces produced (89% of
total production) are Campbell (10.2 million oz) (location 9), Goldcorp–Dickenson (3.2 million oz) (location 2) Madsen (2.45 million oz) (location 3), and Cochenour-Willans
(1.24 million oz) (location 4) Another 7.5% of total production (1.45 million oz) came from four mid-size producers (McKenzie Red Lake, Howey, Hasaga, and Starratt-Olsen).
Currently there are two mines in production in the district: Placer Dome’s Campbell mine (location 1) and Goldcorp’s New Red Lake mine (location 2), both located in
Balmertown, Ontario. There are 12 producers and past producers, 26 developed prospects, 71 raw prospects, and 243 occurrences.
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Fig. 4. Mapped alteration zones (proximal and distal) (modified from Parker 2000) and gold producers, prospects, and occurrences.

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local replacement by arsenopyrite–pyrite–pyrrhotite ± gold by zones of primary permeability (flow tops, contacts, faults
in the main-stage veins and surrounding altered wall rocks and fractures). Alteration associated with main-stage veining
(Mathieson and Hodgson 1984). The High Grade zone, cur- is manifested by the development of chlorite near the veins.
rently being mined below the 32nd level of the Red Lake Alteration associated with gold mineralization is most localized
mine, is situated in the hanging wall of the East South C and is expressed mainly by silicification of main-stage veins
zone (Dubé et al. 2004). High-grade gold mineralization ap- and carbonatized wall rocks. These silicified zones are min-
pears to be localized in the hinge zone of an F2 fold along eralized with arsenopyrite–pyrite–pyrrhotite and gold. At the
the sheared contact between rhyolite and basalt-ultramafic Red Lake mine, alteration similarly reflects Ca–Mg–Na
rock. Carbonate-only veins are extensive in the area of the depletion and enrichment of Fe and Mn (Mathieson and
F2 fold, but tend to be barren or low grade with respect to Hodgson 1984) with carbonate–quartz, siliceous replacement,
gold. Ore grade material occurs where the veins and sur- and gold–sulphide deposition. The High Grade zone is
rounding wall rocks have been replaced by silica, 3%–5% developed on pipe-like silicified zones near the basalt–
fine pyrite and pyrrhotite, and gold. ultramafic contact (Dubé et al. 2004).
The past-producing Madsen mine is located in the south- In the Madsen area, Balmer assemblage rocks have been
central part of the belt (Fig. 3, location 3) at the interface affected by pervasive potassium metasomatism and aluminous
between the Balmer assemblage, to the northwest, and the alteration resulting in metamorphic assemblages for mafic
Confederation assemblage, to the southeast (Dubé et al. volcanic rocks that include andalusite, garnet, staurolite, and
2000). Gold was mined from a northeast-striking lithotec- biotite. This alteration halo extends primarily in the Balmer
tonic unit, locally known as the “Austin tuff,” and a parallel assemblage for some 9 km along strike and about 800 m
unit located about 200 m to the northwest, known as the across strike, and consists of intense sodium depletion,
“McVeigh tuff.” The footwall of the Madsen ore deposit con- moderate to strong potassic metasomatism, loss of CO2, and
sists of tholeiitic pillowed mafic volcanic rocks and gabbro elevated amounts of pathfinder elements, such as boron,
with thin peridotitic and komatiitic units (Durocher 1983; arsenic, and antimony (Durocher 1983). Dubé et al. (2000)
Dubé et al. 2000). The ore bodies have been described as a notes that the inner alteration zone at Madsen contains
mixture of hydrothermally altered mafic volcanics (McVeigh elevated sulphide contents and anomalous silicification, and
tuff) and volcaniclastic–epiclastic rocks (Austin tuff) which, coincides with the most intensely altered areas near the main
although in part quite young, coincide with an unconformity ore shoots. Increased gold grades commonly occur where
that marks the boundary between the 2.99–2.96 Ga Balmer the carbonate alteration is more intense and where rocks
assemblage and the 2.75–2.74 Ga Confederation assemblage have been subsequently silicified and sulphidized. The
(Sanborn-Barrie et al. 2000, 2001). In the vicinity of the ore location of the gold zones at Madsen along the Balmer–
lenses at Madsen mine, typical alteration assemblages consist Confederation assemblage contact, which is interpreted to
of andalusite, garnet, staurolite, biotite, and quartz forming represent a Mesoarchean–Neoarchean unconformity by
an aluminous outer alteration zone, with an inner zone Sanborn-Barrie et al. (2000, 2001), points to primary perme-
characterized by potassic enrichment (Dubé et al. 2000; ability as a potential controlling factor in gold mineralization
Durocher 1983). Individual ore lenses are siliceous with up throughout this corridor.
to 8% sulphides (pyrrhotite, pyrite, arsenopyrite).
Intense and extensive alteration is a highly visible charac- Data integration (modeling): an overview of
teristic of most Archean lode gold deposits (Hodgson and the creation of mineral prospectivity maps
MacGeehan 1982; Hodgson 1993; Colvine et al. 1988; Robert
1990; Dubé et al. 2003) and is a prominent feature of the using a GIS
Red Lake camp. Recent field investigations in the camp The GIS used in this paper includes Arc/Info™ and
(Parker 2000) have characterized this alteration in terms of ArcView™ with Spatial Analyst™, all ESRI (Environmental
two discrete zones: (1) a distal zone of moderate to intense Science Research Institute, Redlands, California) products.
calcite development, with weak potassic (sericitization of The Spatial Data Modeler (SDM) (Kemp et al. 1999, 2001),
chlorite and plagioclase) and chlorite alteration; and, (2) a an add-on to ArcView ™ (developed by the Geological Survey
proximal zone of strong to intense ferroan-dolomite and of Canada and United States Geological Survey supported
potassic alteration (Fig. 4). Distal calcite carbonatization by funding from the mining industry), is used for WofE
affects most lithologies. It is more strongly developed in analysis and integration of the data using weighted logistic
mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks, relative to intermediate regression. SDM is available for free from the website listed
to felsic volcanic rocks, metasedimentary rocks, and intru- in the references (Kemp et al. 1999).
sive rocks, such as the Dome stock and Howey diorite. Proxi- Preparation of mineral prospectivity map for the Red Lake
mal ferroan-dolomite carbonatization and intense potassic area using GIS involved a number of steps. First, data were
alteration (sericite, muscovite) also affects primarily mafic collected and compiled into a digital format acceptable for
and ultramafic volcanic rocks, and to a lesser degree affects input to the GIS. Secondly, the data were properly geo-
intrusive rocks in the Balmer, Ball, and Confederation referenced, which involved selection of an appropriate
assemblages. datum and map projection for presentation of the data. A
Alteration at the Campbell mine consists of an early alter- generalized flow chart reflecting the steps taken in the prep-
ation phase pre-dating a vein phase and a subsequent miner- aration of the Red Lake mineral prospectivity maps is shown
alization phase (Penczak and Mason 1999). The early in Fig. 5. The deposit model is the most important part of the
alteration phase was the most destructive and was controlled modeling process as it determines what exploration criteria will

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be used for creating evidence maps from the raw data housed Fig. 5. Flowchart showing a step-by-step methodology for
within the GIS. Choice of the modeling (integration) method producing a mineral prospectivity map using a GIS.
depends on factors such as whether enough data exists for
training the modeling (i.e., are there sufficient known mineral
prospects to drive the model?). Spatial modeling techniques
employed to produce prospectivity maps are divided into
two basic categories: data- and knowledge-driven techniques
summarized by Bonham-Carter (1994) and Wright and
Bonham-Carter (1996).
A data-driven modeling approach is used here. Data-driven
approaches require that “a prior” knowledge (expressed in
terms of a prior probability) exists in the form of known
mineral deposits, prospects, or occurrences for the study area.
Spatial relationships between the input data (evidence maps)
and the spatial location of the mineral prospects are used to
establish the importance (weight) of each evidence map. We
use weighted logistic regression as described by Agterberg
(1992) and weights of evidence (WofE) as outlined by
Bonham-Carter (1994). Singer and Kouda (1999) discuss the
relative merits of different data-driven modeling techniques.
A comparison of the relative merits of data- and knowledge-
driven modeling techniques is discussed elsewhere (Wright
1996; Harris et al. 2001).

Weights of evidence
The WofE technique, as developed by Bonham-Carter et
al. (1988) and Agterberg (1989) incorporating concepts of vided by its standard deviation (i.e., C/SD) reflects the sig-
Spiegelhalter (1986) and later applied to mineral exploration nificance of the C value. Typically, values >1.5 represent a
(Bonham-Carter 1994; Harris et al. 1995, 2001; Wright and significant C value (Bonham-Carter 1994).
Bonham-Carter 1996; Raines 1999), allows spatial relation- One limitation with WofE for creating a gold prospectivity
ships between selected predictors (evidence maps in GIS map is that it assumes conditional independence (CI) between
parlance) and the location of known gold prospects to be sta- the various evidence maps (e.g., high gold abundances are
tistically evaluated. The spatial association is assessed by cal- independent of elevated concentrations of Sb in gold deposits).
culating a pair of weights, W+ and W–, determined from the Violation of CI will result in a prospectivity map in which
degree of overlap between the known gold prospects and the posterior probabilities5 will be overestimated (Bonham-Carter
predictor. The W+ is the weight for being on the pattern (i.e., 1994). If specific evidence maps violate CI, they should be
occurring on the Balmer assemblage) and W– is the weight deleted or combined with other maps using Boolean opera-
for being off the pattern. Thus, W+ and W– can be either tives. Another solution is to employ modeling techniques,
negative or positive. A positive W+ value indicates a positive such as logistic regression (Hosmer and Lemeshow 1989;
association between gold prospects and the predictor, Harris and Pan 1999) and (or) neural network classification
whereas a negative W– value indicates a negative associa- techniques, which do not require assumptions on CI to be
tion. If there is no spatial association between the gold pros- met (Bonham-Carter 1994). Since phenomena associated with
pect and the predictor, then W+ = W– = 0. The contrast gold mineralization are commonly linked (e.g., early alter-
value, C, (where C = W+ – W–) originally introduced by ation may provide sites for later gold mineralization), the
Agterberg (1989) and Agterberg et al. (1990) also reflects assumption of CI is considered to present a serious limita-
the degree of spatial association. A C value of 0 indicates no tion in this type of analysis. Accordingly, logistic regression,
spatial association between a set of points (gold deposits) available in SDM, was used in this study to combine the evi-
and an evidence map, whereas a larger C value (typically dence maps into gold prospectivity maps.
≥1.0) indicates a stronger association. For ranked data (i.e.,
geochemical, distance to fault, etc.), an abrupt change Logistic regression
(breakpoint) in a plot of the contrast (C) versus class interval Regression methods are important data analysis tools that
of each multiclass evidence map can be used to identify a deal with finding a function that relates a continuous out-
significant threshold that divides a data population into come variable (dependent variable y, e.g., location of a gold
anomalous and background values. This method of threshold deposit) to one or more predictors (independent variables x1,
identification was used in this paper to create binary evi- x2, etc., e.g., evidence maps) Logistic regression is useful
dence maps. The studentized value, which is the C value di- when the observed outcome is restricted to two values, which
In Bayesian probability theory, the posterior probability is the probability of some event occurring (e.g., gold deposit) taking empirical data
(e.g., evidence maps) into account. This is in contrast to priori probability, which is the probability of some event occurring in the absence
of empirical data.

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represent the occurrence or non-occurrence of some out- were based on WofE analysis (C value plots) using the spatial
come event (i.e., gold mineralization) and coded as 0 or 1, relationship between the past and present producers and each
respectively. It produces a formula that predicts the probability predictor. Past and present gold producers were used to create
of the occurrence as a function of the independent variables the evidence maps, as opposed to prospects and occurrences,
(Hosmer and Lemeshow 1989). This technique was applied since they provide the most sensitive predictors for economic
to mineral exploration by Agterberg (1974). Later weighted gold mineralization and thus provide a more reliable explo-
logistic regression (Agterberg 1992) was developed for GIS ration tool for gold exploration within the belt.
applications, in which predictors (evidence maps) are weighted
according to area. This version of logistic regression was Gold occurrences
incorporated into SDM. In this analysis, the predictor vari-
ables are expressed as binary evidence maps, and the coeffi- A database of gold deposits, compiled for the Red Lake
cients (b) determined from the regression model reflect the greenstone belt by Durocher et al. (1987) and refined in digital
importance of each evidence map in the regression process, form by Panagapko et al. (2000), has been used for this
comparable to the C value in WofE. study. The database contains basic geological information on
407 gold deposits, prospects, and occurrences, of which 352
lie within the limits of the area used for GIS analysis. For
GIS modeling process the purposes of this GIS study, the database was subdivided
according to four groups: (1) current and past producers (n =
The first steps in the GIS modeling process are to estab- 12); (2) developed prospects (n = 26); (3) raw prospects (n =
lish the details of the exploration model (in this case lode 71); and, (4) occurrences (n = 243) (Fig. 3).
gold), which includes determination of the most sensitive pre- The first category includes the two currently producing
dictors for gold mineralization in the Red Lake gold camp. gold mines (Campbell and Red Lake mines) and 10 past-
Toward this aim, various geological and geochemical factors producers (see Table 1; Fig. 3). Producers are defined by
(described in this section) were used to predict gold in areas size, based on a cut-off of 19 290 oz of Au produced Minis-
around known ore deposits. The most sensitive predictors try of Northern Developments and Mines (MNDM) Mineral
were later applied to the entire belt to help delineate other Deposit Inventory cut-off based on a production threshold of
areas of potential gold mineralization. 100 000 t at 6.0 g/t (A. Lichtblau, personal communication,
The creation of gold prospectivity maps for the Red Lake 2004). Developed prospects include properties where surface
greenstone belt is based upon the selection of useful predictors exploration, extensive drilling, and underground development
(evidence maps) for Archean lode gold deposits (Fig. 5) in have been undertaken. Raw prospects include showings that
general (Colvine et al. 1988; Robert 1990; Hodgson 1993) have been evaluated by surface trenching, rock analysis, and
and for the Red Lake camp in particular. The predictors that surface exploration drilling and have returned anomalous
constitute key exploration criteria deemed favorable for lode gold values. Typically, these are quartz–carbonate vein zones
gold mineralization in the Red Lake camp (Andrews et al. that were discovered in the early days of exploration in the
1986; Sanborn-Barrie et al. 2000) and, accordingly, used in belt and have seen subsequent sporadic exploration efforts.
this study, are as follows: Occurrences have reported anomalous gold values from sur-
(1) Presence of mafic to ultramafic volcanic rocks (primarily face sampling (outcrops and trenches) and drill holes. Gold
Balmer assemblage) with a tholeiitic geochemical affinity; prospectivity maps were generated for these four deposit
(2) Advanced hydrothermal alteration of mafic, intermediate types.
and felsic volcanics, particularly;
(i) Potassic enrichment Lithogeochemical data
(ii) Sodium depletion Whole-rock and trace-element geochemical analyses of
(iii) Aluminum enrichment over 1350 rock samples from the Red Lake greenstone belt
(iv) Carbonatization have been compiled from a variety of sources (Fig. 6). These
(v) Silicification include samples from the Ontario Geological Survey ERLIS
(vi) Geochemical alteration indices (Franklin 1997; Lithogeochemical Database; field samples collected by
defined later in the text) including: sericite index, T. Skulski, M. Sanborn-Barrie, J. Harris, and D. Panagapko
alkali index, chlorite index, Spitz-Darling index, from the Geological Survey of Canada; and field samples
peraluminosity index, and Hashimoto index; collected by J. Parker from the Ontario Geological Survey
(3) Proximity to a belt-scale unconformity between the Meso- (Parker 2002). All data were combined into a standard spread-
archean Balmer assemblage and Neoarchean Confedera- sheet format that included location coordinates (Universal
tion assemblage; Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 15, North American datum
(4) Anomalous concentrations of Au and associated path- (NAD)27), sample descriptions (where available), sampling
finder elements (Ag, Sb, As, Cu, Zn); geologist, and major oxide and trace element geochemistry.
(5) Proximal and distal alteration zones identified through This spreadsheet was exported to the GIS for further querying
field mapping; and spatial processing.
(6) Lineament corridors defined by a high density of linea- Several alteration indices (cf. Franklin 1997) based on the
ments, as interpreted from Landsat, magnetic data, and a oxide data were used to quantify the nature and extent of
digital elevation model (DEM). alteration related to gold mineralization in the greenstone
The thresholds used to create the binary evidence maps belt. These include the following:

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Fig. 6. Location of altered and unaltered rock samples for which geochemical analyses contributed to this GIS analysis (see text for discussion).

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(1) Sericite index 2001, 2004). The spatial relationship of this interface to gold
K2O/(K2O + Na2O); marks the replacement of feldspar by mineralization in the Red Lake belt was investigated using
sericite. WofE to better understand the potential role of this belt-
scale break.
(2) Alkali index
(Na2O + CaO)/(Na2O + CaO + K2O); relates to destruc- Regional alteration
tion of feldspar leading to loss of CaO and Na2O. The proximal and distal alteration zones characterized by
(3) Chlorite index Parker (2000, fig. 4) were assessed in the GIS analysis, in-
(MgO + Fe2O3)/(MgO + Fe2O3 + 2CaO + 2Na2O); dependently of the alteration determined through oxide
chloritization, via addition of Mg and Fe. abundances derived from the whole-rock lithogeochemical
(4) Spitz-Darling index database (described previously).
(Al2O3/Na2O); Na depletion and (or) Al2O3 enrichment.
(5) Hashimoto index Structure
(MgO + K2O)/(MgO + K2O + CaO + Na2O); chloritization Lineaments interpreted from magnetic, Landsat, and DEM
and (or) sericitization via addition of Mg and K. data were assessed in the GIS analysis to determine whether
(6) CO2/CaO molar ratio these structures play a role in Au localization. A number of
A general measure of the intensity and type of carbonate corridors with a high density of lineaments and (or) a high
alteration and relative proportion of individual carbonate proportion of linked lineaments were identified by the linea-
species is provided by the CO2/CaO molar ratio (Davies et ment analysis (Fig. 7) and were tested for a spatial associa-
al. 1982). This ratio, calculated as (%CO2/44.010)/ tion with the gold data.
(%CaO/56.08), will be <1.0, where calcite is the predomi-
nant carbonate species; will range between 1.0–2.0 for a
mixture of calcite and dolomite (ankerite); and will exceed Preparation of evidence and prospectivity
2.0, where dolomite (ankerite) is the predominant carbonate maps
species. For greenstone belts, such as Red Lake, that have
undergone extensive carbonate alteration, this ratio helps To generate gold prospectivity maps, input data that serve
focus on sectors where dolomite–ankerite predominate. This as important gold predictors of the gold exploration model are
molar ratio was applied to all rock types to assess carbonate required (Fig. 5). In this study, three types of data were pro-
alteration, with the exception of ultramafic rocks, for which cessed into evidence maps using this GIS: (1) discrete points
it is not reliable because of it’s strong dependence on the (geochemical data); (2) polygons (lithology–assemblages and
MgO/CaO ratio of the whole rock (Davies et al. 1990). proximal–distal alteration zones); and (3) vectors (tectono-
(7) Peraluminosity index (PAI). stratigraphic elements, such as the belt-scale unconformity
This index measures the effect of aluminous alteration in and lineaments).
the volcanic rocks along with associated sodium and calcium
depletion (cf. Mathieson and Hodgson 1984), and is calculated Gold occurrences
as follows: mol% Al2O3/(Na2O + CaO + K2O). Five gold prospectivity maps generated in this paper were
based on non-weighted past and present producers, weighted
Trace elements past and present gold producers, developed and raw prospects,
Gold and associated pathfinder elements for mesothermal and gold occurrences. Past and present producers were weighted
gold, such as arsenic, antimony, silver, and copper, were according to troy ounces of gold produced (Table 1) so that
used in the GIS modeling procedures. In assessing the associ- the size and tenor of the deposits mined would be factored
ation between pathfinder trace-element distribution and gold into the modeling process. Gold mines that produced <1 million
deposits, all samples, irrespective of whether the sample was troy ounces of gold, long considered by the exploration in-
altered or unaltered, were used to create evidence maps. dustry to be a minimum reserve threshold for mine develop-
ment, were assigned a weight of 1. Mines that produced >1
Lithology million troy ounces of gold, were weighted by scaling each
The Balmer volcanic assemblage and granodiorite–diorite producer to a percentage of the total production and then
of the Dome and Mackenzie Island stocks contain the majority rescaling the weights from 100% to a value of 20. For example,
of Red Lake’s past and present producers, as well as many the Campbell Red Lake Mine accounts for 54% of the total
developed and raw Au prospects. Nevertheless, all assem- production shown on Table 1. When rescaled to 20 it accounts
blages (Fig. 2) were used in GIS modeling to assess all other for 11% of gold produced, thus a weight of 11 was assigned
potential associations. to this producer (see Table 1). The assigned weights were
incorporated into the analysis by repeating the geographic
Unconformity coordinates (eastings and northings) in the database propor-
The interface between the Mesoarchean Balmer and Neo- tional to the weight assigned to each producer in SDM.
archean Confederation assemblages was previously interpreted
as a tectonic contact (Andrews et al. 1986; Hugon and Geochemical data — oxides
Schwerdtner 1988; Stott and Corfu 1991); however, recent A number of filters were applied to the compiled Red
work has established constraints that highlight the strati- Lake geochemical data to facilitate rock type classification
graphic nature of this interface and its correlation with a and to distinguish between altered and unaltered analyses
belt-scale angular unconformity (Sanborn-Barrie et al. 2000, (Fig. 6). These include field observations relevant to rock

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Fig. 7. Lineament corridors interpreted from lineaments identified on enhanced Landsat TM imagery, shadow enhanced magnetic data, and shadow enhanced digital elevation
data (DEM) – Au producers, prospects, and occurrences are also shown. Lineament corridors are defined by continuous zones of long lineaments or high density groups of
shorter lineaments that appear to transgress various lithological units. “Mine Trend” defines the Balmertown–Cochenour gold-producing corridor.

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Fig. 8. Processing, interpolation, and integration (modeling)

methodology applied to the lithogeochemical data. The
lithogeochemical data, collected at point locations, were interpo-
lated using a inverse-distance weighted (IDW) algorithm with a
fixed search radius of 1 km (see text for further discussion).
SDM, Spatial Data Modeler; WofE, weights of evidence.

type, such as presence, morphology, extent and style of

alteration, and major- and trace-element composition. Sam-
ples were first assigned to the appropriate supracrustal assem-
blage and, if applicable, stratigraphic position within the
assemblage to group rocks of similar age and geochemical
affinity. Volcanic fragmental and chemical sedimentary rocks
were identified and treated separately. Rocks interpreted
during bedrock mapping as highly altered were flagged
appropriately. In general, field descriptions were compared
against chemical compositions to look for inconsistencies
with accepted chemical classification criteria such as SiO2
and MgO abundance.
As a primary chemical screen for alteration, mafic rocks
with >7% loss on ignition (LOI) and ultramafic rocks with
>11% LOI, >1% S, or >2% CO2 were classified as altered.
A secondary carbonate alteration filter was applied following
the methods of Davies et al. (1982, 1990) that takes into
account molar CO2/CaO, as a more sensitive carbonate alter-
ation index for mafic rocks, and molar CO2/(CaO + MgO +
FeO) in ultramafic rocks. For the remaining samples, rock
names assigned in the field were compared with a simple
rock type classification based on SiO2 content and, in the
case of ultramafic rocks, MgO, and considered in an iterative
fashion. Samples with <55% SiO2 were classified initially as
basalt, 55%–68% SiO2 as andesite, 68%–72% SiO2 as
dacite, 72%–75% SiO2 as rhyodacite, and 75%–79% SiO2 as
rhyolite. Felsic rocks with SiO2 > 79%, the natural upper
limit for silica content in published analyses of unaltered
high silica rhyolites, were identified as silicified and classified
as altered. Rocks with <53% SiO2 and MgO > 18% were
classified as komatiite, 18%–11% MgO as komatiitic basalt,
and <11% as basalt. To account for possible MgO meta-
somatism, mafic and ultramafic rocks were considered in
light of the less mobile, geochemically compatible Ni and Cr
abundances. Rocks with excellent textural preservation of
primary features, such as colour index, morphology, and quench
textures (spinifex), were chosen as representative of the Balmer
and Ball assemblages. From these, natural ranges of Ni and
Cr abundance were identified. An arbitrary filter was devised
from natural ranges in Ni and Cr abundances to help identify
carbonatized and silicified mafic and ultramafic rocks, in the
absence of diagnostic MgO abundances. In the Balmer and
Ball assemblages, least-altered komatiite generally has
>3000 ppm Cr and >500 ppm Ni, komatiitic basalt has 1000–
3000 ppm Cr and 150–500 ppm Ni, basalt has 10–1000 ppm
Cr and 10–375 ppm Ni, andesite has 0–200 ppm Cr and 5–
150 ppm Ni, and felsic volcanic rocks have 0–75 ppm Cr
and 0–50 ppm Ni. High Ni and Cr abundances persist in
ultramafic rocks that have sustained intensive carbonate
alteration, as these elements reside in relatively refractory
phases, such as chromite, or have sustained in situ alteration
and reside as fuchsite. Chromium, Ni, and Zr contents were
useful in identifying the protoliths of highly silicified and

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878 Can. J. Earth Sci. Vol. 43, 2006

bleached volcanic rocks (e.g., altered basalt) that may have relationship is the strongest. The proximity maps were re-
high SiO2, but low Zr (e.g., <60 ppm) and high Cr (e.g., classified into binary maps using the WofE contrast value to
>200 ppm). determine the most significant distance at which the gold
Altered samples based on oxide data, as well as calculated producers, prospects and occurrences are most strongly asso-
alteration indices, were interpolated using a fixed radius (zone ciated with the unconformity.
of influence) of 1 km to produce continuous surface maps For the lineament analysis, a heads-up process was used,
required for modeling (Fig. 8). One kilometre was chosen as in which interpretations of the enhanced magnetic and Landsat
a maximum zone of influence with respect to the effects of Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery were made on the computer
alteration observed in the field. This distance may be on the screen creating digital interpretations that could be directly
liberal side, as field observations indicated that apparent incorporated into the GIS database without scanning or
effects of alteration were generally <1 km; however, a 1 km manual digitization. Lineament corridors defined by a high
distance allows one to better assess the regional (vs. outcrop- density of lineaments (Fig. 7) were visually interpreted and
scale) influence on mineral potential. Each of the interpo- then compared with the gold data using WofE.
lated maps were reclassified, based on standard deviations
such that each class represented one half standard deviation
about the mean. An upper threshold determined from a plot Results
of WofE C values was used to separate the population into
anomalous and background creating a binary evidence map. Analysis of evidence maps used for modeling
The spatial association between each of these geochemical Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 show the results of the WofE analysis
binary maps and the gold producers, prospects and occur- for each evidence map, based on non-weighted producers,
rences was tested using WofE. The binary maps that showed weighted producers, developed prospects, raw prospects, and
a significant association with the various gold deposit types occurrences, respectively. The evidence maps were ranked
were used in the modeling process to produce gold pros- using the WofE contrast (C) values in association with the
pectivity maps. studentized value where a contrast value of >1 indicates a
moderately strong spatial association between evidence map
and gold deposits, and a studentized value of >1.5 indicates
Geochemical — trace elements a significant association. Only the top 20 predictors based on
Trace-element data were processed in the same manner as the highest contrast values (shown in bold on each of the
oxide data except that all samples, altered and unaltered, above tables) were used to generate the gold prospectivity
were used for interpolation. Binary maps were created using maps.
upper thresholds determined from plots of the WofE C value The strongest predictors (highest C values) of gold potential
and then tested for spatial association with the gold data are associated, as one would expect, with the weighted and
using WofE. non-weighted producers, followed by the developed and raw
prospects, and occurrences. For non-weighted producers, very
Lithological data strong predictors (e.g., significant C values in excess of 3.0)
Each assemblage (Fig. 2) was tested for a spatial association include the McKenzie Lake stock and its contact aureole,
between weighted past and present gold producers, prospects Au, As, Sb, and SiO2 abundances, and the PAI (Table 2). For
and occurrences using WofE. Assemblages found to be spa- weighted producers, very strong predictors with C values in
tially associated with the gold data were used to produce the excess of 3.9 include Au, As, Sb, S, chlorite, and Spitz-
gold prospectivity maps. This included lithologies for which Darling alteration indices, and the proximal alteration zone
C values >2 were indicated, as well as the Balmer assem- (Table 3). In addition, strong predictors of the producers
blage which hosts major gold deposits but typically yielded (both weighted and non-weighted) are the Balmer assem-
lower C values between 1 and 2 in this analysis (see Discus- blage and proximity to the hanging wall and footwall of the
sion section). Given the apparent importance of the Balmer belt-scale unconformity (Tables 2, 3). Strong predictors of
assemblage with respect to gold mineralization, individual developed prospects, with C values in excess of 3, are the
lithologies (i.e., mafic versus ultramafic) composing this McKenzie Island stock and the surrounding contact zone,
assemblage were also assessed with WofE. proximal alteration, and the Hashimoto, alkali, peraluminous
alteration indices (Table 4). The top predictors of the raw
Structure prospects are the Ball assemblage, CO2 molar ratio, and
The interpreted Mesoarchean–Neoarchean unconformity proximal alteration (Table 5); whereas, the strongest predic-
(Fig. 2) was treated using two analytical approaches to cre- tors of gold occurrences include the alkali index and the Ball
ate proximity maps to better assess its potential role in fluid plutonic assemblage (Table 6).
migration and gold localization. One approach was to buffer It is interesting to note in this analysis that the Balmer as-
the unconformity at 200 m intervals on both its stratigraphic semblage on its own does not rank consistently as a strong
footwall and hanging wall to investigate a potential late- predictor of gold mineralization. This presents somewhat of
stage (i.e., post-Confederation) role as a fluid conduit. The a paradox, since the Balmer assemblage is host to all major
second approach involved buffering only its stratigraphic gold deposits in the belt. On the other hand, proximal alter-
footwall, to test for a synvolcanic (i.e., syn-Confederation) ation, which is manifested largely in Balmer assemblage
hydrothermal influence. Each interval was tested cumula- rocks does rank highly, as do other alteration types as reflected
tively using WofE to determine if gold prospects are spa- by the whole-rock oxide data. The somewhat lower rank of
tially associated with this interface, and at what distance this the Balmer assemblage in this GIS analysis may be an indi-

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Table 2. Results of WofE analysis using non-weighted past and present producers.
WofE contrast
Evidence map value (C) Significance Threshold (anomalous vs. background)
McKenzie Lake Stock 5.3 4.7 Stock + 500 m proximity
Trace—Au 4.01 4.54 >130 ppb
Trace—As 3.72 5.13 >110 ppm
Peraluminous index (PAI) 3.72 4.34 >5.2
Oxide—SiO2 3.42 2.98 >71.5%
Trace—Sb 3.17 5.25 >2.05 ppm
Spitz-Darling index 2.9 4.83 >149.0
Hashimoto index 2.78 2.53 >0.72
Unconformity 2.72 4.41 Both sides—1.3 km proximity
Chlorite index 2.65 4.21 >0.58
Trace—S 2.64 3.28 >4.1 ppm
Unconformity 2.56 4.09 Footwall—1 km proximity
Proximal alteration zone 2.54 4.27
Oxide—Na2O 2.43 4.08 <1.7%
Alkali index 2.42 2.24 <0.34
Trace—Cu 2.33 3.79 >54.5 ppm
Dome stock 2.3 3.4 Stock + 500 m proximity
Faulkenham Lake stock 2.27 2.1 Stock + 600 m proximity
Balmer assemblage 2.16 3.7 Middle tholeiitic flows and associated gabbroic rocks
Howey diorite 2.1 2 Intrusive + 400 m proximity
Oxide—CO2 2.07 3.49 >3.6%
Oxide—K2O 1.93 3.26 >0.51%
Oxide—CaO 1.58 1.5 >13.9%
Huston assemblage 1.53 1.44
Distal alteration zone 1.46 2.51
Lineament corridor 1.43 2.43 Variable width
Balmer assemblage (total) 1.43 2.46
Oxide—total Fe (altered samples) 1.38 1.77 >6.8%
Trace—Ag 1.32 1.96 >1.15 ppb
Oxide—Al2O3 (altered samples) 1.14 1.7 >13.3%
Trace—Zn 1.05 1.57 >52.8 ppm
Post to syntectonic intrusives 0.97 1.44
Note: Oxides and alteration indices used altered samples only.

cation that Balmer assemblage rocks are not significantly Darling index, chlorite index, decreased concentration of Na2O,
more prospective for gold mineralization than other low- proximity to the unconformity (both sides), and the Howey
ranking lithologies, unless they have sustained various types diorite (Fig. 9b). The highest ranked criteria of the top 20
of hydrothermal alteration and (or) are proximal to important predictors for all gold deposits are proximal-style alteration,
structural breaks. The lower rank of the Balmer assemblage elevated Sb, the Spitz-Darling alteration index, and proximity
may also be a function of the weighting method used for to the McKenzie Lake Stock (Fig. 9c).
gold producers in this study and may reflect the significant
aerial extent of the Balmer assemblage across the study area, Prospectivity maps
relative to the aerial extent of Red Lake’s gold deposits. Five gold prospectivity maps were generated using logistic
From this WofE analysis, evidence maps which fall into regression based on the top 20 predictors (Tables 2–6) (1) for
the top five predictors (measured by high C values) for all of the non-weighted producers (Fig. 10a), (2) weighted producers
Red Lake’s gold deposit types are (1) proximity to the (Fig. 10b), (3) developed prospects (Fig. 10c), (4) raw pros-
McKenzie Island stock and its contact zone; (2) elevated Au pects (Fig. 10d), and (5) gold occurrences (Fig. 10e). The
and As; (3) proximal-style alteration; (4) alteration expressed prospectivity maps generated using the producers and past
by whole-rock oxide data (Hashimoto, PAI, alkali, CO2 molar producers are characterized by higher posterior probabilities
ratio); (5) and the Ball assemblage (Fig. 9a). These are rep- and are generally the strongest predictors.
resented in the top 10 predictors (Fig. 9b) with the addition The prospectivity maps based on the non-weighted and
of elevated concentrations of Sb, SiO2, total iron, K2O, Sptiz- weighted gold producers (Fig. 10a, 10b) highlight a number

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Table 3. Results of WofE analysis using weighted past and present producers.
WofE contrast
Evidence map value (C) Significance Threshold (anomalous vs. background)
Trace—Au 6.16 14.06 >130 ppb
Trace—As 5.46 13.1 >110 ppm
Trace—Sb 4.83 10.57 >2.05 ppm
Trace—S 4.82 9.86 >4.1 ppm
McKenzie stock 4.3 1.51 Stock + 500 m proximity
Chlorite index 4.24 9.93 >0.58
Proximal alteration zones 4 9.1
Spitz-Darling index 3.9 9.4 >149.0
Oxide—CO2 3.64 8.14 >3.6%
Unconformity 3.6 7.29 Both sides—1 km proximity
Balmer assemblage 3.57 7.6 Middle tholeiitic flows and associated gabbroic
Oxide—K2O 3.48 7.81 >0.51%
Oxide—Na2O 3.34 8.27 <1.7%
Peraluminous index (PAI) 3.34 4.59 >5.2
Trace—Cu 3.23 6.48 >54.5 ppm
Trace—Ag 2.97 7.45 >1.15 ppb
Balmer assemblage (total) 2.79 5.99
Oxide—Al2O3 2.78 7 >13.3%
Oxide—SiO2 2.51 2.24 >71.5%
Unconformity 2.4 5.45 Footwall—1 km proximity
Lineament corridor 2.22 5.05 Variable width
Hashimoto index 1.87 1.74 >0.72
Alkali index 1.51 1.43 >0.34
Oxide—CaO (altered samples) 1.44 1.9 >13.9%
Faukenham Lake stock 1.36 1.29 Stock + 600 m proximity
Howey diorite 1.36 1.29 Stock + 400 m proximity
Dome stock 1.29 2.06 Stock + 500 m proximity
Huston assemblage 0.62 0.6
Oxide—total Fe (altered samples) 0.42 0.56 >6.8%
Distal alteration zone 0.35 0.8
Trace—Zn 0.02 0.03 >52.8%
Note: Oxides and alteration indices used altered samples only.

of common prospective areas that contain known past and of the belt (area E, Middle Narrows) indicated as prospective
present producers, as well as a few moderately prospective on the map produced from weighted producers, corresponds
areas that do not. Areas A (Cochenour) and B (Balmertown) to Balmer assemblage rocks in close proximity to the regional
are identified on both maps for their high prospectivity as unconformity. No known past or present producers occur in
well-known gold-producing areas (“mine trend,” see Fig. 7 this area.
and Sanborn-Barrie et al. 2000; Dubé et al. 2003). Area C The prospectivity map based on developed prospects
(Madsen corridor) also appears on both maps, although the (Fig. 10c) also highlight the Cochenour (area A) and
corridor is more extensive toward the northeast on the pros- Balmertown (area B) areas as prospective, as well as three
pectivity map based on the weighted past and present pro- additional regions not well highlighted by the producers.
ducers. This is, in part, because of the greater influence of These include the western part of the belt (area F) centred on
the Madsen mine for the weighted analysis, as well as greater the Ball assemblage; an area of exposed Balmer assemblage
influence from the unconformity (compare C value of uncon- rocks, south of the Dome Stock (area G); and a northeast-
formity on Tables 2 and 3). The Dome stock (area D), and striking corridor of Balmer assemblage rocks northeast of
surrounding contact zone, is highlighted as prospective on Cochenour (area H, East Bay). These areas are highlighted
the map based on the non-weighted producers only, since based on elevated Sb, Ag, and Zn contents, depleted sodium
small past producers, such as the Red Lake Gold Shore and values, and enhanced Al2O3, K2O, and CO2 values. Area E
Gold Eagle mines (Fig. 3, locations 12 and 11), have the (Middle Narrows) is again highlighted in the analysis as pro-
same influence in the analysis as do the large producers of spective.
Balmertown and Cochenour. An area in the west-central part Prospectivity maps generated from raw prospects (Fig. 10d)

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Table 4. Results of WofE analysis using developed prospects.

WofE contrast
Evidence map value (C) Significance Threshold (anomalous vs. background)
McKenzie Lake stock 4.4 4 Stock + 500 m proximity
Hashimoto index 4.35 6.39 >0.72
Alkali index 3.77 6.21 <0.34
Peraluminous index (PAI) 3.34 4.69 >5.2
Proximal alteration zone 3.1 7.6
Oxide—K2O 2.98 7.08 >0.51%
Oxide—Na2O 2.68 6.57 <1.7%
Oxide—total Fe 2.64 6.25 >6.8%
Oxide—SiO2 2.59 2.3 >71.5%
Ball assemblage 2.5 5.62
Oxide—CO2 2.47 6.11 >3.6%
Oxide—Al2O3 2.31 5.75 >13.3%
Spitz-Darling index 2.26 4.9 >149.0
Trace—As 2.23 2.86 >110 ppm
Trace—Au 2.23 2.04 >130 ppb
Trace—Ag 2 4.83 >1.15 ppb
Sericite index 1.89 1.77
Trace—Sb 1.77 3.14 >2.05 ppm
CO2 molar ratio 1.74 1.64
Trace—Zn 1.72 4.18 >52.8 ppm
Lineament corridors 1.42 3.5
Dome stock 1.37 2.1 Stock + 500 m proximity
Bm_pl_g 1.14 1.09
Trace—Cu 1 2.4 >54.5 ppm
Trace—S (altered samples) 0.98 0.94 >4.1 ppm
Balmer assemblage (total) 0.96 2.36
Chlorite index 0.81 1.08 >.58
Unconformity 0.8 1.71 Both sides + 1.3 km proximity
Oxide—CaO (altered samples) 0.75 0.72 >13.9%
Distal alteration zone 0.65 1.5
Post to syntectonic intrusives 0.63 1.26
Balmer assemblage 0.09 0.15 Middle tholeiitic flows and associated gabbroic rocks
Note: Oxides and alteration indices used altered samples only.

and gold occurrences (Fig. 10e) highlight more extensive correlation coefficients, which are in excess of 0.8 (Table 7).
regions of moderate to high prospectivity, in part, because Some of the more important differences with respect to gold
of the greater number of raw prospects (n = 71) and occur- prospectivity that arise from this GIS treatment of different
rences (n = 243) used to generate the maps. Many of the deposit types are illustrated in Fig. 11. For example, the
same regions are identified as either strongly prospective Dome and Faulkenham stocks are considered very prospec-
(areas A, B, F, G) or moderately prospective (areas E and tive on the map based on the non-weighted past and present
H), with two additional focal points. The raw prospect map producers (Fig. 10a), but designated as low prospectivity on
defines a prospective area on the southwest shore of Red the map based on weighted producers (Fig. 10b). The differ-
Lake (area I, Wolf Narrows) where highly carbonatized and ence between the two maps is reflected in Fig. 11a by a
bleached Balmer basalts are exposed (Sanborn-Barrie et al. maximum (18-rank) difference, shown in red, in this area. In
2004). The occurrence map highlights a region of moderate contrast, blue areas on the difference map (Fig. 11a) depict
prospectivity that coincides with the northern Howey diorite regions that are indicated as less prospective on the map
stock (area J). based on the non-weighted producers compared with that
based on weighted producers. No significant (dark blue)
Evaluation and comparison differences of this type are indicated. Important differences
The five gold prospectivity maps (Fig. 10) highlight a between developed prospects and weighted producers are
number of common highly prospective corridors, with expressed in Fig. 11b, where regions considered more pro-
important local spatial differences for each deposit type. spective based on developed prospects than on weighted
The high degree of commonality is indicated by Spearman producers are shown in red, while regions considered more

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Table 5. Results of WofE analysis using raw prospects.

WofE contrast
Evidence map value (C) Significance Threshold (anomalous vs. background)
Ball assemblage 2.9 9.2
CO2 molar ratio 2.83 4.67
Proximal alteration zone 2.8 10.27
Oxide—total Fe 2.57 8.87 >6.8%
Trace—As 2.38 4.26 >110 ppm
Hashimoto index 2.28 3.22 >0.72
Alkali index 2.24 3.67 <0.34
Oxide—Na2O 2.22 7.92 <1.7%
Oxide—K2O 2.12 8.2 >0.51%
McKenzie Lake stock 2.1 1.78 Stock + 500 m proximity
Trace—Ag 2.05 7.68 >1.15 ppb
Oxide—CaO 1.97 4.36 >13.9%
Spitz-Darling index 1.96 5.93 >149.0
Trace—Zn 1.93 7.5 >52.8 ppm
Trace—Sb 1.92 5.25 >2.05 ppm
Oxide—CO2 1.87 6.92 >3.6%
Oxide—Al2O3 1.7 6.3 >13.3%
Sericite index 1.66 2.08
Chlorite index 1.47 3.82 >0.58
Ball assemblage plutonic suite 1.24 1.93
Balmer assemblage (total) 1.18 4.7
Trace—Au 1.17 1.08 >130 ppb
Distal alteration zone 1.14 4.57
Peraluminous index (PAI) 0.91 0.86 >5.2
Trace—Cu 0.86 3.25
Dome stock 0.84 1.74 Stock + 500 m proximity
Trace—S 0.67 0.89 >4.1 ppm
Unconformity 0.65 1.35 Footwall + 1 km proximity
Balmer assemblage 0.46 1.35 Middle tholeiitic flows and associated gabbroic rocks
Faulkenham Lake stock 0.38 0.36 Stock + 600 m proximity
Lineament corridors 0.15 0.56
Balmer assemblage–plutonic suite 0.07 0.07
Unconformity 0.06 0.18 Both sides + 1.3 km proximity
Note: Oxides and alteration indices used altered samples only.

prospective based on weighted producers than reflected by highest to lowest potential) versus the number of gold
the distribution of developed prospects are shown in blue. mines, developed prospects, raw prospects and occurrences
The former (red areas) highlight those regions which host a were produced (Fig. 12) to determine how well the various
number of prospects but contain no current or past-producing gold populations were predicted by each potential map. The
mines. The latter (blues areas) include on-strike extensions highest potential areas generally comprise only a small por-
of the “mine trend” and Madsen corridor: high potential areas tion of each map (<5%) and if the map is reasonably predic-
that are the focus of current exploration activity. Major tive and thus useful for gold exploration, one would expect
differences between prospectivity based on occurrences and that a higher number of gold deposits would be predicted in
that based on weighted producers (Fig. 11c) highlight regions a relatively small area (see Fig. 12a, curve of past and pres-
considered more prospective based on occurrences than on ent producers). The prospectivity map generated from the
weighted producers (red), from regions considered more past and present producers (mines) (Fig. 10a) is very predic-
prospective based on weighted producers than reflected by tive of the mines themselves, as might be expected
the distribution of occurrences (blue). Again, this reflects, in (Fig. 12a). For example, 75% of the mines are predicted in
red, those regions that contain prospects but no current or the top 1% (highest prospectivity) of the area of the
past producing mines, and reflects, in blue, high potential prospectivity map. However, this map is a very poor predic-
corridors on strike from producers, which currently have few tor of the developed and raw prospects and occurrences, as
occurrences. <10% of these are predicted in 15% of the area. This again
Plots of area for each prospectivity map (ordered from is expected as the mines are geographically restricted to the

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Table 6. Results of WofE analysis using occurrences.

WofE contrast
Evidence map value (C) Significance Threshold (anomalous vs. background)
Alkali index 2.83 4.43 <0.34
Ball assemblage 2.8 8.54
Hashimoto index 2.68 3.7 >0.72
CO2 molar ratio 2.13 3.52
Howey diorite 2 3.95 Intrusive + 400 m proximity
McKenzie Lake stock 1.96 1.82 Stock + 500 m proximity
Bruce Channel assemblage 1.94 4.2
Proximal alteration zone 1.89 8.26
Peraluminous index (PAI) 1.82 2.78 >5.2
Sericite index 1.68 2.65
Oxide—total Fe 1.61 6.62 >6.8%
Oxide—K2O 1.56 8.5 >0.51%
Spitz-Darling index 1.55 5.8 >149.0
Trace—Sb 1.53 5.19 >2.05 ppm
Distal alteration zone 1.52 10
Oxide—CO2 1.39 7.14 >3.6%
Chlorite index 1.38 4.9 >0.58
Balmer assemblage (total) 1.37 8.83
Oxide—Al2O3 1.31 7 >13.3%
Oxide—CaO 1.21 3.1
Balmer assemblage 1.19 6.5 Middle tholeiitic flows and associated gabbroic rocks
Oxide—SiO2 1.11 1.25 >71.5%
Loss on ignition (LOI) 1.1 4.9 >30.0%
Oxide—Na2O 1.08 4.72 <1.7%
Trace—Ag 0.99 4.86 >1.115 ppb
Unconformity 0.84 3.2 Footwall + 1 km proximity
Trace—S 0.83 1.84 >4.1 ppm
Trace—Zn 0.79 4.1 >52.8%
Ball assemblage—intrusives 0.75 1.51
Trace—Cu 0.72 4.39 >54.5 ppm
Trace As 0.65 1.12 >110 ppm
Lineament corridors 0.64 4.3
Unconformity 0.45 2.3 Both sides + 1.3 km proximity
Faulkenham Lake stock 0.38 0.36 Stock + 600 m proximity
Balmer assemblage–plutonic suite 0.29 0.52
Trace—Sb 0.27 0.45
Oxide—MgO 0.15 0.24
Trout Bay assemblage 0.14 0.25
Dome stock 0.13 0.36 Stock + 500 m proximity
Note: Oxides and alteration indices used altered samples only.

eastern portion of the belt, whereas prospects and occurrences (Fig. 12b). The prediction rate of the maps based on the raw
are found throughout the belt (Fig. 3). The map based on de- prospects (Fig. 10d) and occurrences (Fig. 10e) is poorer.
veloped prospects (Fig. 10c) predicts the developed pros- Only 25% and 10% of the raw prospects and occurrences, re-
pects reasonably well, although not nearly as well as the spectively, are predicted in the top 2% of the map area
prospectivity map generated from the mines predicts the (Figs. 12b, 12c). The maps based on the raw prospects and
mines. Only 55% of the developed prospects are predicted in occurrences are at best moderate predictors of the various
the top 1% of the map area (Fig. 12b). However, this map is gold populations. Only between 40% and 50% of the mines
a better predictor of the developed and raw prospects and and developed and raw prospects are predicted in the top 5%
occurrences than the map generated from the mines. Forty of the area of the map based on the raw prospects (Fig. 12c).
percent of the mines are predicted in the top 2% of the area The prediction rate falls to 15% from 40% for the map based

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Fig. 9. Plot of top 5 (a), top 10 (b), and top 20 (c) predictors (evidence maps). The evidence maps (predictors) are plotted along the x
axes and the number of times that the individual evidence map was found to be a strong predictor of the (1) weighted and (2) non-weighted
past and present producers, (3) developed and (4) raw prospects, and (5) occurrences is plotted along the y axes. For example, with
reference to 9a, arsenic was found to be one of top five predictors of three of the above five gold populations. The gold populations
include weighted and non-weighted past and present producers, developed and raw prospects, and occurrences.

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on occurrences (Fig. 10e) for the top 5% of the area belt-scale unconformity recently recognized (Sanborn-Barrie
(Fig. 12d). It is interesting to note that the prospectivity map et al. 2001, 2004) between Meso- and Neoarchean volcanic
based on the developed prospects may be the best overall rocks (Fig. 2). A strong spatial association between past and
predictor of all the gold populations (Fig. 12b). present producers (weighted and non-weighted) and this
structural break was indicated (Tables 2, 3), both in the
footwall to the unconformity, where Balmer assemblage rocks
Discussion host the prolific Campbell Red Lake deposit (Dubé et al.
2004), and in its hanging wall (e.g., the site of the former
WofE analysis indicates a number of strong predictors of
Howey and Hasaga mines (Fig. 2). Close proximity of a
gold within the Red Lake belt. The elevated trace elements
number of gold producers to this lithostratigraphic boundary,
Au, As, and Sb are strong predictors for all gold populations
point to a role of this interface in gold localization, likely as
(producers, prospects, and occurrences). The importance of
a permeable conduit for localizing alteration and (or) gold-
elevated levels of these trace elements to gold mineralization
bearing fluids. Channeling of gold-bearing fluids relatively
has been recognized across the belt in general (Pirie 1980)
late in the volcano-magmatic evolution of the belt is sug-
and has been documented in the Madsen area (Durocher
gested by the fact that some associated hanging-wall deposits
1983; Dubé et al. 2000). A number of alteration indices
(i.e., the Howey and Hasaga deposits) occur in quartz
including the PAI, Spitz-Darling, alkali, and Hashimoto
porphyry dykes that cut undifferentiated intermediate Con-
indices are particularly strong predictors, and they reflect the
federation assemblage volcanic rocks. These dykes were
strong spatial association between various alteration styles
emplaced after ca. 2.74 Ga, possibly synchronous with the
and gold mineralization in the Red Lake belt. The impor-
2.73 Ga Graves or ca. 2.72 Ga Dome and McKenzie Island
tance of aluminous alteration accompanied by sodium and
plutons, and provide a maximum age for gold localization in
calcium depletion, as well as seritization (potassic alteration)
this area. Channeling of fluids after Confederation volcanism
and chloritization, have been well-documented vectors for
does not rule out an earlier episode of fluid localization at
Au exploration within the belt (Hodgson and MacGeehan
this interface synchronous with Confederation volcanism, when
1982; Hodgson 1993; Colvine et al. 1988; Robert 1990;
hydrothermal circulation in its footwall (“Balmer basement”)
Dubé et al. 2003). The importance of these alteration styles
would have been most profound. The long-lived role of the
is reflected by high levels of K2O and Al2O3 and reduced
unconformity may best explain both scavenging of metals
levels of Na2O, which are also found to be good predictors
and intense hydrothermal alteration of footwall Balmer rocks.
for all gold populations. The importance of Fe-carbonate
WofE analysis has indicated that both the footwall and
alteration is reflected by the fact that both total Fe, CO2, and
hanging wall show a relatively strong association with gold
the CO2 molar ratio are fairly strong predictors of all gold
deposits, which adds support to a potential late-stage (i.e.,
post-Confederation) influence, in addition to a potential
Proximal-style alteration, which is characterized by strong
synvolcanic Confederation influence.
to intense ferroan-dolomite and potassic alteration, is a
particularly strong predictor of all gold populations. GIS An important association reflected by the WofE analysis
analysis reveals that the majority of Fe, CO2, CO2 molar ra- is the link between gold deposits and proximity to the
tio, and K2O anomalies fall within this proximal zone. The Mackenzie Island stock, and to dioritic phases of both the
proximal alteration zone encompasses prospective regions Dome and McKenzie Island stocks. Considered together, these
south of the Dome Stock (area G, Fig. 10c), the Balmertown– indicators may help in guiding exploration strategies in various
Cochenour areas (areas A and B, Fig. 10a) and the western parts of the Red Lake camp, and elsewhere, where mafic–
portion of the belt (area F, Fig. 10c). ultramafic volcanic rocks are proximal to younger, rheo-
The association of past and present gold producers with logically strong intrusions that may have introduced or
tholeiitic basaltic ± ultramafic flows and associated gabbroic remobilized gold to structural sites generated through com-
rocks of the Balmer assemblage is a first-order relationship petency contrasts.
in the Red Lake camp, with gold production from the four The lineament analysis pointed to a moderate to weak as-
largest mines being derived from this assemblage. The rela- sociation between interpreted lineament corridors and gold
tionship to gold is particularly strong where these rocks are deposits. These interpreted lineament corridors appear to rep-
highly ferroan-carbonate (±potassic) altered and silicified, resent a higher density of semi-brittle to brittle faults and
with elevated Au, As, Sb, Cu, and S. Balmer assemblage fractures. Although it is interesting to note that some of
rocks are strong predictors of the past and present producers these lineament corridors parallel shear zones mapped by
(Tables 2, 3) and only weak to mild predictors of the prospects Hugon and Schwerdtner (1988), subsequent workers have
and occurrence. Prospects and occurrences do not occur concluded that rocks within these belt-scale corridors are
exclusively in Balmer rocks (see Fig. 3) so, from a statistical highly altered but not generally highly strained (Sanborn-
point of view, other assemblages, particularly ca. 2.94–2.92 Ga Barrie et al. 2000; Dubé et al. 2003). The lineaments in
volcanic rocks of the Ball assemblage may be an important these corridors may have acted as conduits for late-stage
vector for gold exploration. The fact that this assemblage gold fluid migration and accumulation. Brittle or semi-brittle
appears to play a strong role in predicting developed and faults, including “black line faults” show a close spatial rela-
raw prospects needs to be assessed. tionship with gold in the Balmertown area, although in many
The WofE analysis highlighted several other important cases, they are shown to offset and displace mineralization
criteria that provide new strategies for exploration activity in (cf. Dubé et al. 2003).
the camp. Particularly notable is the effect of proximity to a The Dome Stock (2718 Ma), is a syn- to late-D2 intrusion

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Fig. 10. Gold prospectivity maps producing using logistic regression and the top 20 binary evidence maps listed in Tables 2–6 (shown
in bold letters). (a) Non-weighted past and present gold producers, (b) weighted past and present producers, (c) developed prospects,
(d) raw prospects, and (e) occurrences. Legend shows posterior probabilities calculated from the logistic regression. The higher the
probability (displayed as warmer colours) the higher the gold prospectivity. The white ellipses demarcate prospective regions discussed
in the text.

Fig. 10 (concluded).

which postdates volcanic activity and contains foliated mafic analysis using the GIS indicates that of all the units composing
xenoliths, carries an S2 foliation and is host to several gold the Balmer assemblage that have a sufficient number of
prospects. This stock, along with the McKenzie stock and samples for a robust estimate of the mean value (>30 sam-
mafic plutonic rocks (Fig. 13a) have the highest mean Au ples), this unit has the highest mean concentration of Au
values (>200 ppb) in the belt. These rocks may have pro- (20.6 ppb), As (106 ppm), and Sb (2.76) (Fig. 13a, 13b, and
vided a minor source of gold or more importantly may have 13c, respectively). This unit also contains the highest gold
had a role in remobilizing gold from the altered rocks in the value (3669 ppb) of any of the units composing the Balmer
Balmer assemblage along the regional unconformity and assemblage. With respect to all assemblages analysed, the
other D2 structures particularly in dilatational zones of F2 Balmer has the highest average As content (82.5 ppm), sec-
folds (Dubé et al. 2003). Tholeiitic basaltic flows of the ond highest Sb content (2.13 ppm), and third highest Au
Balmer association may be a source of gold, as supporting content (11.8 ppb).

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Fig. 11. Difference maps between (a) prospectivity maps based on the non-weighted past and present producers (LR-PP in legend) and
weighted past and present producers (LR-PPW), (b) developed prospects (LR-DP) and weighted past and present producers (LR-PPW),
and (c) weighted past and present producers (LR-PPW) and occurrences (LR-OCC). The bright red and dark blue areas represent the
maximum difference (> or <18 ranks) between the map pairs. With reference to (11c), the western portion of the belt over Ball assem-
blage rocks is identified as being highly prospective on the map produced using the occurrences but not by the map produced using
the weighted producers. Therefore, a very large difference between prospectivity exists between the two maps and thus is shown with a
maximum difference (red).

Table 7. Spearman correlation coefficients can provide useful predictors that can assist in the explora-
between potential maps based on the tion for new deposits in an established gold camp such as
mines (PP), developed (Dp) and raw the Red Lake greenstone belt. Prospectivity maps generated
prospects (Rp), and occurrences (Occ). through this GIS modeling, have highlighted (validated) well-
known Au exploration districts, and more importantly have
PP Dp Rp Occ identified less explored areas with no known gold producers.
PP 0.829 0.822 0.866 These include, in order of importance, an area in the west-
Dp 0.986 0.921 central portion of the belt (area E, Fig. 10b), which has similar
Rp 0.915 signatures to that found over the past and producing mines
Occ in the eastern part of the belt, three areas that have similar
signatures to those associated with developed prospects
(Fig. 10c, areas F, G, and H), an area on the southwest shore
Confederation assemblage volcanic rocks are not known of Red lake (Fig. 10d, area I) that has similar signatures to
to be gold bearing; however, the region indicated to be pro- areas containing known raw prospects, and lastly, an area
spective (area J, Fig. 10e) is cut by porphyry dykes that appear that coincides with the Howey diorite stock (Fig. 10e) that
to have localized gold mineralization (Howey and Hasaga has similar signatures to areas of known gold occurrences.
mines; Fig 3). The proximity of these two deposits to mafic These areas are worthy of exploration follow-up.
and ultramafic volcanic rocks of the Balmer assemblage, and WofE provides a method for testing the spatial association
proximity to the regional unconformity, which here trends between mineral prospects and various predictors of a par-
northeast (Fig. 2), is notable and warrants consideration in ticular type of mineralization. Since the gold prospectivity
understanding all elements of gold localization in the Red maps generated in this study using logistic regression were
Lake camp. The Dome, McKenzie, and Faulkenham stocks very similar to prospectivity maps produced using WofE (not
may have provided possible heat engines to remobilize gold shown), logistic regression appears to offer a method for
in Balmer rocks post or syn 2.72 Ga. producing a data-driven gold prospectivity map, without the
The GIS analysis used here has identified gold exploration conditional independence problem. The prospectivity maps
factors that successfully predict proximity to well-known, based on weighted and non-weighted past and present pro-
heavily explored gold deposits from which significant gold ducers are the strongest predictors of gold within the belt,
reserves continue to be recognized. When these same factors consistent with the industry adage that the best place to look
are applied to the Red Lake belt, a number of new areas are for gold is where it has already been found. In addition,
highlighted that may warrant exploration follow-up. These however, the gold prospectivity map based on the developed
areas include the western part of the belt within Ball Assem- prospects also appears to represent the best overall predictor
blage rocks, an area of Balmer assemblage rocks south of of all categories of gold deposits (producers, prospects, and
the Dome stock, and an area northeast of the Cochenour– occurrences), suggesting that this type of analysis can provide
Balmertown (“mine trend”) in the Balmer assemblage. an important means of exploration targeting in prospective
WofE is a method that tests the spatial association between regions that have not seen production.
mineral prospects and various predictors of a particular type Finally, mineral prospectivity maps are a dynamic entity.
of mineralization. However, violations of the conditional As new data are collected and added to the model, and as
independence assumption between evidence maps with re- new deposit models or variations of existing models are
spect to the population of mineral prospects can result in a developed, mineral prospectivity maps can change apprecia-
prospectivity map in which posterior probabilities are over- bly. One only has to consider the case of the Hemlo area in
estimated. In this study, it was found that gold prospectivity Ontario that was considered an area of lower gold potential
maps produced using logistic regression were very similar to until discoveries over the past decade highlighted the impor-
prospectivity maps produced using WofE (not shown). This tance of disseminated gold in this region. The GIS readily
supports results from other studies (Wright 1996, Harris et allows new data to be incorporated into existing models so
al. 2001), thus offering a method for producing a data-driven that the mineral potential of deposits, mining camps, and
gold prospectivity map, without the conditional independ- underexplored or frontier regions can be reassessed.
ence problem.
The authors thank Don Desnoyers, Danny Wright, and
The GIS analysis of geological and geochemical factors John Broome from the Geological Survey of Canada for
that form part of an Archean lode-hosted gold deposit model thorough reviews of this manuscript. The Associate Editor F.

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Fig. 12. Plot of prediction curves for each of the prospectivity maps shown in Fig. 10. The plots show the area (expressed in %) of
each prospectivity map (with exception of maps based on weighted mines, Fig. 10b) versus the number of mines, developed prospects,
raw prospects and occurrences (expressed in percent of the total). (a) Area vs. prediction for map generated from the mines, (b) area
vs. prediction for map generated from the developed prospects (DP), (c) area vs. prediction for map generated from the raw prospects
(RP), (d) area vs. prediction for map generated from the occurrences (OCC).

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Fig. 13. Plots of lithologic units with highest mean values of (a) Au, (b) As, and (c) Sb. Also shown is concentration of Au, As, and
Sb in rock displayed as dots proportional to concentration.

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Canada: new constraints from U–Pb geochronology at the Gold-
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