Dec 09
Dec 09
Dec 09
Anti-Social Behaviour
Noise problems
Investigation Team
Support and Advice
No 192 December 2009 Office 8:45am – 4:45pm
Every day 9am – 10pm Tel: 0141 840 2163
Tel: 0800 169 1283
Have you tried the totally refurbished and fabulous Elliston Grill ?
If the answer is no, why not come along and try one of our delicious menus. We cater for your every need,
be it a quiet coffee and scone in our lounge or a full night’s dining in our stunning, comfortable and relaxing
restaurant. Serving afternoon tea, senior citizens, high tea, children, lunch and a la carte menus. We also
cater for all occasions from funerals to weddings and all celebrations. We cook everything fresh; from our
bread, pasta, scones, desserts and sauces. We have full disabled access, ample parking and a small private
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Haven`t booked your festive night out? Elliston Grill is the answer.
Christmas menus
Christmas eve 8 course feast £39.95
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Festive Christmas 4 course dinner £26.50
Selected menus
Main course £9.95,2 course lunch £12.95 or 3 course 15.95
Senior citizens menu from £8.95 including tea or coffee
High tea & afternoon tea
Tea, coffee and scones
A la carte menu available
TEENAGE CANCER Vanda’s Mobile Hairdressing
Ladies and Gents.
The TCT Yorkhill Unit opened "for
business" on Monday 23rd November, LOCHWINNOCH, BEITH,
with the full staff in place and the first KILBIRNIE and HOWWOOD
patients being admitted.
Write to: 2014 Mile End Mill, 12 Seedhill Road, Paisley, PA1 1JS
Tel: 0141 561 0333. E-mail:
Friday or come to one of my advice surgeries.
Band - FREEDOM We hope to have the artist and Tutor, Neil MacDonald, back with us on March
1st to demonstrate landscape painting. Not to be missed if you have not seen
Neil's demonstrations before.
Tickets £9 from
The Corner Bar, January 22nd sees the opening of Art in the Park again at Castle Semple Visitor
Garthland Arms Centre.
And Brown Bull The Art Group meets again on December 7th and January 18th in the McKillop
Institute at 7.30 pm. Everyone welcome.
Organised by Christine Brown
Julie, Laura and Fiona ( Chairperson )
Belvoir understands that its continued success is dependent on a premier lettings experience i.e. satisfied quality tenants
providing maximum occupancy for landlords. The company therefore aims to build long term relationships with both.
Although part of a national chain, Belvoir Paisley is owner-managed, bringing you the guarantee of absolute commitment
to quality of service and direct accountability.
For more information on what Belvoir can do for you,
visit them in their new premises at 8 Silk Street Paisley PA1 1HG, or telephone 0141 848 0333.
at Calder UF Church
and Lochwinnoch
Parish Church
11 am Calder Church -Morning
Worship + Gift Service. An opportu-
nity to donate a wrapped gift for a
child or an adult (gifts should be la-
belled girl / boy and approx age or for
a lady or gentleman).
Parish Church - morning worship
Lochwinnoch Choral Society 6.30pm Carol Service in Calder
Church - joint service with tea and
mince pies etc afterwards.
Christmas Concert SUNDAY 13TH DECEMBER
11 am Joint Service to include Boys
Tuesday 22nd December Brigade Battalion Junior Section Pa-
in the Parish Church at 7-00pm rade to Lochwinnoch Parish Church
Junior Choir – conducted by Laura Sands THURSDAY 17TH DECEMBER
Senior Choir conducted by Gordon Rigby 7 pm Christingle Service in the
With members of the Scottish Philharmonic Orchestra Parish Church This is a short service
which allows us to explore the true
This year’s Christmas Concert will be a little different from our usual meaning of Christmas.
format. As usual, we will be singing a wide variety of Christmas music
with many favourite carols for all to sing along to. However, this year the SUNDAY 20TH DECEMBER
concert will also include the highly acclaimed ‘La Befana’ which was writ- 11 am Joint Nativity Service in
ten by two of our own villagers: Gordon Rigby and Adrian Wiszniewski. Calder Church.
'La Befana' is the Italian version of a Father Christmas story. No one
10 am School Service-Crèche available
(including the Italians) seems to know the details of how La Befana came
about, except that she's an old lady/hag who delivers presents into the THURSDAY 24TH DECEMBER
hung up stockings of the good children and sticks a lump of coal into the 7 pm Christmas Eve Family Worship
stockings of the naughty ones. Adrian created and wrote a history for the in the Parish Church
character to which Gordon then wrote the musical score. La Befana had 11.15 for 11.30pm – Watchnight
its début at ‘A Play, A Pie and A Pint’ in Glasgow’s Oran Mor earlier this Service, with Carol Singing - in
year and received 4 star reviews from the national press. 'La Befana' is a Calder Church.
one-person show acted by Danielle Stuart and accompanied by members
of the Scottish Philharmonic Orchestra. It is a captivating story told by FRIDAY 25TH DECEMBER
Danielle while the orchestra plays Gordon’s haunting and beautiful 11 am Christmas Morning Worship
score. The music and text blend together to create a fantastic, energetic in Calder Church.
Christmas story.
11 am Morning Worship in both
This is a great opportunity to see one of the ‘best new works this year’ at
its Lochwinnoch debut as part of our traditional Christmas concert. The
choir is committed to keeping our ticket prices as low as possible. An THURSDAY 31ST DECEMBER
adult ticket will cost £7 with concession tickets £5 and family tickets £15. 7 pm Walk of Faith Around the
The ticket price includes seasonal refreshments. Churches - meet at Auld Simon with
tea/coffee etc in the last church visited
To accommodate the inclusion of La Befana into this year’s concert we
will start the concert earlier at 7-00pm and have a short interval, where SUNDAY 3RD JANUARY 2010
we hope to serve mulled wine and Christmas pies. The second half of the 11 am Joint Communion Service in
concert will be La Befana followed by more community carols for all to Calder Church.
A warm invitation
Tickets from any Choir Member, The Brown Bull & The Junction. is extended to all to join us
Please get your tickets early to avoid disappointment. at any of the above services.
The Lochwinnoch Liz Callaghan DTM. ADCMC.
Mystery Play Therapeutic Massage Therapist
Therapeutic Massage will directly help with Stress and
The Lochwinnoch Writers’ Group have Anxiety It will alleviate muscle pain, in particular back
now completed the script for our Mys- pain, frozen shoulder and sciatica.
tery Play. We have still to decide on a
final title – “Wet, Wet, Wet,” “Love is Massage assists with all circulatory problems including varicose veins.
All Around” and “Singing in the Rain” It plays a crucial role in the treatment of Sports Injuries and the maintenance of fitness.
are among the contenders. There are fewer better treatments for the promotion of General Health and Well-Being.
The performance will be on Sun- • Fully qualified and experienced Massage Therapist.
day 28th March in the afternoon. • Able to visit you at home or in treatment rooms in
Lochwinnoch or Glasgow.
Rehearsals begin on Tuesday 5th Janu- • Introductory Massage Workshops are also run monthly.
ary in the Guild Room of the Parish
Church at 8pm. This is a very differ- Contact Liz Callaghan: 01505 842 052
ent kind of production and with the or email:
exception of the two main characters,
the parts are very short.
It’s never too late. tightened. The following day I
So, if you have never tried acting be- was totally peg-legged, unable to
fore, this could be your chance to de-
velop new skills. There are also some It was an early evening in May walk down stairs, fit for nothing.
non-speaking parts. Below is a list of when I arrived back from a day’s What was I thinking! Dreading
all the characters – those in italics work. Too tired to venture any- the following Wednesday I went
have speaking parts: where near the kitchen, I decided along regardless.
upon the inevitable fish supper.
The Radio Reporters: I didn't feel as bad as that again.
Adam Hope - Radio reporter I was returning to my car, fish and
chips in hand, when my two I was a bit stiff but it got easier
Eve Faith - Radio reporter
friends staggered round the corner each week and I managed to actu-
The three wise men: ally run more than I was walking.
Will Turner, Billy Piper and joyfully exhilarated, 'Liz, we've
Ian Summer just been running, we've joined I have been running with Jogging
Jogging Buddies.' Buddies for over 18 months now.
Good Shepherd 'What, running?' I could hardly I ran my first 10k in September
A volunteer believe it - Lyndsay and Helen, and ran my first half marathon
Davina this year. Next year I am aiming
Goliath running!
'You will have to come next week.' for my first marathon; a marker
Ticket seller
Man with ticket for Ark My mind raced ahead. What, for a very prominent birthday.
Noah running, could I?
Booking Clerk
Jogging Buddies have over 250
The following Tuesday I shot off members in the west of Scotland,
Mrs Struthers to TK Maxx and bought a pair of 16 of which meet in the Mac-
Mr Struthers running shoes and the appropriate killop on a Wednesday evening at
3 wedding guests attire. I joined Jogging Buddies the 6.30pm, so why not come along.
The Joiner following day.
Some extra non-speaking
wedding guests
We are a friendly group of mixed
A jester I hadn't done any form of exercise abilities from virgin runners to
Issy for about 15 years but had been full the more accomplished but, to
Issy’s gang of good intentions. You know what tell the truth, some nights you
Phil’s gang I mean! As I am in my mid 40's wouldn't know the beginner from
An Usher
Bride and Groom I thought, if not now then when? the rest. But, most importantly,
People to make up the crowd I remember that night. The first everyone looks after one another.
run; run for 5 minutes then walk
We hope to involve as many people in for 1 minute. I am not sure how So take the plunge and join us -
our community as possible in this play
far we went, 2 or 3 miles, but it it’s a good laugh believe it or not!
which has been written for the com-
munity. Having read through the seemed a long way at the time. My Interested, contact Ellen on
play, it contains some wonderful legs felt like lead weights, my 07947 763704 or just drop in
Lochwinnoch jokes! groin tightened so much that I on Wednesday. See you there!
Please do come along and share could hardly lift one leg in front of
in Lochwinnoch’s own play.
the other, and then my calves Liz Callaghan
Get the new BBC Freesat system - also available in HD
Call now for a FREE quotation
Tel: 01505 842200
On 18th November, members who
It’s been a fun year getting to know braved the stormy weather were re-
you all in Lochwinnoch and I'd just
warded with an excellent diaporama
like to take this opportunity to USEFUL
thank all patients and staff for making presentation by Hugh Kerr and Bob
me feel very welcome. I hope we will Douglas of Gryffe Camera Club. CONTACT NUMBERS
spend many more happy years getting The presentation took us from the
to know each other better. Bass Rock to Monet’s Garden and Strathclyde Police –0141 532 5900
many other interesting places, each Johnstone Police –01505 404000
We have faced certain challenges this accompanied by appropriate music. Johnstone Community Safety
year, the biggest being H1N1 flu (I pre- Office – 01505 404023
fer that to the fear-engendering Competition winners were: Trading Standards 0141 840 3233
"swine" term). Our vaccination pro- 3 Cherry Scones Care and Repair – 0141 812 4111
gramme is going ahead as planned 1. K Brunton Renfrewshire Council -
and the good news is that this particu- 2. R Gould
lar strain of flu has proved no more Tel: 0141 842 5000
3. L Benzie Anti-social Behaviour Investigation
dangerous than previous seasonal
strains. I would urge all eligible pa- Christmas Decoration Team (ASIST) - 0141 840 2163
tients to take up the offer of vaccina- 1. E Richmond Victim Support – 0141 887 0328
tion where it arises. Nuisance Support & Advice
2. R Gould
3. L Benzie Helpline – 0800 169 1283
It can be a stressful time of year and Crimestoppers – 0800 555 111
people’s moods can dip in the dark
nights and long evenings. I would like The next meeting is on -
to draw people’s attention to the web- Wednesday 20th January 2010, The Strathclyde Police website con-
site which can when our guest speaker will be local tains information on all of the local
give great advice, not just for those of poet Jim Carruth. Jim, who is this Community Policing Teams, which
us who are struggling, but also those aims to increase the visibility of the
year’s winner of the James McCash
of us who are coping well but can do officers within their communities.
Scots Poetry Competition, will read
with a little self-help.
his poetry which reflects a celebra- Take a look at our website -
We wish you all a Merry Christmas tion of rural life. www.
and a Happy New Year. The competitions are: for contact details of officers in your
Dr McLaughlin (Dr Waterston, Carrot Soup and local Policing Team. You can also
Dr Kirk and all the staff) e-mail us from this website.
a Favourite Teaspoon.
What’s On
(Regular clubs,
classes and local
Advice Works - Tuesdays
10am -12.30 at the Library. *
Linda Margaret School of
Dancing - Tuesdays from 4pm-
8.45pm, McKillop Institute. For
J Quinn & son
Memorials Q
details, Tel: 0141 581 9104.
groups) Personal Service &
• TaeKwon-Do Fitness and Self- Quality Guaranteed
defence classes for youths and
• Healing and Creativity Work- adults. Tuesdays from 5-6pm,
shops on Sundays & Classes McKillop Institute. For details
on Mondays. For details or to Tel: 01259 210716.
book a place, please call Becky on:
0141 8816700 or Libby on: 015105 • Lochwinnoch Scottish
842604. Venue: Lochwinnoch. Country Dance Club Every
Tuesday, from 7.30-9.30pm,
• Lochwinnoch Community McKillop Inst. New Memorials
Walks - Mondays (ex. Public
Holidays), meet at 10.30 am at • Jogging Buddies - Wednes-
The McKillop Inst. day evenings. Meet at McKillop Additional Inscriptions
Inst. at 6.30pm. For details, Tel:
• Lochwinnoch Playgroup - For 0141 887 1357 or 07947 763704. Cleaning & Renovations
under 5’s, every Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday from 9.30- • Girls Brigade - 1st Loch-
11.30am at the McKillop Institute. winnoch Company Wednesday
evenings from 6pm-9.15pm at
• Lochwinnoch Toddlers - Mon- the Parish Church Hall for vari- 42 MAIN STREET,
days and Wednesdays from 9.30 -
11.30am, McKillop Institute.
ous age groups. KILBIRNIE
• Boys Brigade - Anchor Boys Please Call 01505 685 455
• Lochwinnoch Gymnastics and Junior Sections meet on
Club - For primary school-age Tuesday nights and Company Monday & Friday 10am-5pm,
children every Monday,5-8pm at Section on Friday evenings, Tuesday-Thursday 10am–2pm
the Annexe. Phone Coby for de- Parish Church Hall. Saturday 10am - 1pm
tails on: 0772 9051615.
• Yoga Classes - Wednesday
• Lochwinnoch Writers evenings - 2 classes - at 6pm &
Group—Monday mornings from at 7.30pm. * Yoga, breathing
9.30-11.30am in the Library.
practice, intro. to meditation.
• Morag’s Keep Fit - Mondays For details Tel Mary: 01505 842877. CLUB
and Thursdays from 7pm, in the • Happy Harminis - Fun for pre Burnfoot Road
McKillop Institute. -school children. Thursdays Lochwinnoch
• Lochwinnoch Choral Society. from 10am-11am in the McKillop (01505) 842153
Rehearsals on Monday evenings, Institute. Contact Frankie Plater
Parish Church/ Hall. Juniors 7- for details: 01505 612248. BECOME AN ASSOCIATE
7.30pm, Intermediates 7.30- • Slinky Strollers - on Thursday MEMBER TODAY!!
8.30pm and Seniors from 8pm. mornings (details on back page).
• Club Latino - weekly Merengue, • ROAR Lunch Club - every
Salsa and Mambo classes for Thursday at 12 noon at the JOIN AS AN ASSOCIATE MEMBER
adults on Monday evenings at McKillop Institute. Please TODAY FOR JUST £15 & GET £10
Lochwinnoch Bowling Club from Note - the last sitting is at 12.15 WORTH OF FOOD AND DRINK
8.30-9.30pm. Details from Hazel ABSOLUTELY FREE
on: 07812 023343. • TaeKwon-Do Little Tiger
Cubs. Classes are for 3-5 year ASSOCIATES GET FULL USE OF OUR
• Lochwinnoch Art Group olds, held on Thursdays from CLUBHOUSE FACILITIES…
Meet fortnightly on Monday eve- 4.15pm-5pm at McKillop Inst. EXCELLENT CATERING
nings, 7.30pm, McKillop Inst. * Tel: 01259 210716 for details. WONDERFUL VIEWS
Keep Fit - Improving With • Calder Drama Club—
Age classes, every Tuesday from Thursdays, from 8pm-10pm
10am-11am at the Annexe building McKillop Institute.
in the Park. (See separate notice.)
• Scottish Slimmers - Thurs-
• Drop-in T Bar - Lochwinnoch days, 7/7.30pm, McKillop Inst.
Elderly Forum. Every Tuesday
and Thursday from 10am-1pm, • Lochwinnoch Pre-School WHAT’S ON AT LGC ?
McKillop Inst. For details, Tel Gymnastics ( for children from Saturday 19th December – Annual Dance
Reta: 01505 842054.* 18 mths to 5 yrs). Fridays, from Entertainment & Buffet - £12 per ticket
10.15am - 1.45pm at the Annexe.
• Baby and Toddler Rhyme- Further details from Coby on Thursday 31st December –HogmanayDisco
time - every Tuesday, 2.15pm at Tel: 0772 9051615. 9 pm till 3am – Tickets £8 Adult £4 Child
Lochwinnoch Library. *
Dates for A
your diaries “VICTORIAN”
• Saturday 5th December - CHRISTMAS
Councillor Neil Bibby’s Advice Sur-
gery, at 9am, McKillop Institute. FAYRE
(Cllr Bibby Tel: 0141 840 3653)
• Saturday 5th December -
Lochwinnoch Parish Church LOCHWINNOCH
Victorian Christmas Fayre from PARISH CHURCH HALLS
10am—12 noon. * Joinery: All including kitchens,
• Saturday 5th December—Krafty bathrooms, flooring, tiling,
Kids class 10am-11.30am for Pri- Saturday garages, sheds, etc.
mary School children at Space th Painting/Decorating/
Rooms, McKillop Inst. 5 December Paperhanging.
Tel Katharine on: 01505 844944.
from 10am-12 noon Fencing: wooden and metal.
• Saturday 5th December -
Christmas Lights Switch On Parade Ornamental metalwork.
- starts at Auld Simon at 6.30pm. Baking, Tombola and Welding.
All welcome. * Usual Stalls Gardening/Landscaping.
• Sunday 6th December - Craft Tea & Coffee DIY Disasters put right.
Fair, Barrmill Community Centre, *Hot* Mince & Apple Pies
Beith from 12 noon—4pm. *
and Shortbread All jobs considered.
• Monday 7th December -
Lochwinnoch Art Group meeting at Orders for Christmas FREE estimates/Best prices.
7.30pm, Lesser Hall, McKillop Inst *
• Friday 11th December - Prize Wreaths can be taken
Bingo Night, starts 7.30pm at the
Phone: 01505 682027
Masonic Club. * Tickets available at the Door Mobile: 07917 654857
• Saturday 12th December - Adult - £1.50: Child £1
Brown Bull Annual TCT Auction, E-mail:
from 9.3opm at the Brown Bull pub* All Welcome.
• Sunday 13th December - Fund-
raising Sale for Ally Bhatia’s Expe-
dition to Costa Rica and Nicaragua
from 2-5pm at 23 Main Street,
Lochwinnoch. *
• Sunday 13th December -
Christmas Fair to raise funds for
Howwood School and St Vincent’s
Hospice. Event will be run from
12.30-4pm at Bowfield Hotel & SPECIAL OFFERS ON MEAT EVERY WEEK
Country Club. *
• Wednesday 16th December -
7.30pm at Barrmill Community SEASONAL GAME - PARTRIDGE, PHEASANT,
Centre, Beith. *
• Saturday 19th December —
Councillor Arthur’s Surgery from
11.30am, the McKillop Institute. * Beat the credit crunch, Shop Local and visit us at:
• Saturday 19th December— 39 High Street, Lochwinnoch PA12 4AB Tel: 01505 844941
Krafty Kids class from 1.30-3pm for
Primary School children at Space or e-mail your order to us at:
Rooms, McKillop Inst. To book,
Tel Katharine on: 01505 844944.
• Friday 1st January 2010 - New
Year Dance with band “Freedom” Name ……………………………………………………………………………..
from 7.30pm at the McKillop Inst. *
Address …………………………………………………………………………..
* For further details about these events
………………………………………….. Contact Tel No: …………………….
and activities, see separate notices
inside this issue of Chatterbox.
These new utensils marked a huge And for modern mystics searching for
step in human history in the Loch- their higher selves and a deeper mean-
winnoch area and heralded the arri- ing to their lives in a materialistic
val of the Bronze Age in Ren- world, the centuries-old mines remind
frewshire. us that, when our goals are attained,
we shall emerge from spiritual dark-
Deep within the mine, one experi- ness into light and self-knowledge.
ences a mystic aura of peace and
tranquillity. It's a rocky reminder
that sages and mystics of earlier ages NOTE: Old mines like the workings at
spent several days sealed up alone in Kaim are dangerous and MUST not be
deep caverns in the quest for self- entered. Although the writer of this
knowledge. article explored the mines 25 years
ago, he was equipped with special-
The ritual entombment was regarded ised protection gear and working un-
as the return of the candidate for the der the guidance of a highly-qualified
prehistoric priesthood into the mining engineer and pot-holer.
womb of the Earth who was his
Mother. Derek Parker worked as a country-
There, in the awesome stillness and side ranger at Clyde Muirshiel
silence, communing with his own Regional Park from 1985 until 1999.
SKY AT NIGHT Meteors - Geminids peak about 5am 1,000 times bigger than our Sun, it
LOCHWINNOCH on 14th but the Gemini Radiant, the would occupy the space held by all of
area of sky from which the meteors the inner planets, Mercury, Venus,
December 2009 appear to emerge, rises about Earth Mars, and would swallow up the
6pm. You will find it at the top of orbit of Jupiter.
the Constellation Gemini- the Twins.
The MOON is Full on the 2nd and The UK is ideally placed for viewing One day, our Sun will also be a red
31st(Hogmanay), New on the 16th. At and the radiant is visible all night. giant and the Earth as we know it, will
around 2am on the 29th, the Moon The nearly new Moon is per- be no more.
passes below Pleiades, a challenging fect. Active between the 7th and
shot for photographers. 17th December, the peak is on the Around Orion's belt and sword is a
13th/14th. The meteors tend to be large nebulous area which is visible to
PLANETS bright. the naked eye. Put the sword off-
centre of vision for best results. Got a
Jupiter is still visible in the west Constellation of the Month: Orion digital camera? Try a shot of 15 sec-
throughout evening. Despite its low - the Hunter. onds or more and you will start to see
position, good views of the cloud the nebula.
bands and moons are still possible. As winter approaches, the constella-
tion Orion, the Hunter, fills the Follow the line of the belt to the right
Mars can be seen in the east after southern sky above the Braes by and you will come to a red star Alde-
9pm. Look to the right of Leo. Saturn 10pm and is easily picked out by his baran, the eye of Taurus the Bull. Be-
is in Virgo and visible by 1am. Belt and Sword which some see as a yond that is a cluster of very blue stars
big arrowhead. The red star top left - -Pleiades.
Venus and the Moon may just be visi- his right shoulder is Betelgeuse.
ble together over Howwood just be- This is a super-giant red star nearing This and more appear Online at
fore sunrise on the 15th. the end of its life. It’s immense!
International Aid Fairtrade Activities
Appeal The Lochwinnoch Campaign marked the passing of its first year
of Fairtrade status by applying for a renewal of this recognition.
Please set an extra place at your table this Christmas. To achieve this, we collected evidence of continuing support for
Fairtrade ideas and products as well as good press coverage. We
Christmas is an expensive time but we, Lochwinnoch In- hope that the increased level of support across the village for Fair-
ternational Aid, ask you to think about children who will trade will convince the Fairtrade Foundation to renew our status
not have a meal at this time. LIA is sending its next dona- for a further two years and we wish to thank the many folk who
tion of money to Mary’s Meals this Christmas. Mary’s have assisted us in getting this far.
Meals is a very simple idea, ‘one meal, every day to a
In the run up to Christmas, there will be two Fairtrade stalls in the
hungry impoverished child in school’. Nothing more.
village selling a wide range of goods supplied by the Rainbow
Nothing less. They work in many poor countries around Turtle. The first will be at the Lochwinnoch Farmer’s Market on
the world. £5 will provide a child with a Mary’s meal for a Sunday 6th December, from 11am to about 2pm at Castle Semple
whole year! 99% of money raised goes to fund the feed- Centre. The following weekend, On Saturday 12th December, we
ing programme directly. will be at the RSPB Festive Fun event that takes place from 1pm-
4pm at the RSPB Centre, Lochwinnoch. These will both be great
If you could just ‘imagine’ an extra person at your table opportunities to buy some special Christmas presents and help
this Christmas and donate the money you would have producers in poorer countries make a living for themselves. We
spent on them to LIA, we will send ALL the money col- hope to see you there and would welcome your support.
lected to Mary’s Meals. Unlike some national charities,
Finally, plans for Fairtrade Fortnight 2010 'The Big Swap' are
Lochwinnoch International Aid has no high administrative
underway. We'll be asking Lochwinnoch folk to swap their usual
costs. We have collecting tins in The Junction, The Corner stuff for Fairtrade stuff; your usual wine, sugar, or oranges for
Bar, Heritage Meats, or you can pay in money to our ac- Fairtrade wine, sugar or oranges. Each swap will be proof that the
count at the Royal Bank. Thanks from LIA. village wants developing world producers to get a better deal.
A READER WRITES... Great Fall Ball ! Lochwinnoch
I see from the November issue of A good crowd enjoyed a great night on Library
Chatterbox that the final step in the 14th November. The charity for the
evening was the Lochwinnoch Samba
the consultation process on the Band who played at the interval. £200 ADVICE WORKS
management proposals for was donated to the band to purchase
Parkhill Wood (Castle Semple) new drums. Tuesdays 10am –12.30pm
has now started and that these
Kirsty Davidson, a visitor from Orkney
proposals are open for comment who was at the dance, said - “It was Advisors are on hand to help fill in
until 31 December. the best ceilidh she had ever been to.” claim forms, check and advise on wel-
And they know in Orkney how to have fare benefits/money problems, etc.
I understand that one of these a ceilidh up there! Advisors can provide expert advice on
proposals is the removal of ALL a wide range of debt related topics,
The ‘Last Tram tae Auchenshuggle’ such as credit card, mortgage arrears,
the Sycamore trees which border were also in great form, with some
council tax, etc. The service is
Courtshaw Hill. These are the new and fun music.
FREE, confidential and open to all
trees which lie on the slope be- Renfrewshire residents.
The next ceilidh is the Gala Ceilidh on
tween the "Maze" (Fifty Pas- the 20th February 2010. Don’t miss a
sages) and the path which leads great night! Please note - with effect from 11th
from the Black Ditch towards the January 2010, the surgery will be
area of the Collegiate Church. held on Mondays from 2pm-4.30pm.
Wildlife viewing all year round, nature trails and hides
open at all times, Visitor Centre open from 10am-5pm
daily, Bird Feeding Station and Treetop Tower, daily activi-
ties for families, school holiday activities, drinks, snacks
and a superb RSPB Shop.
For bookings and information, Tel: 01505 842663
or e-mail us at:
or visit:
HINGES, LOCKS AND MISTED Tel: 01505 614654
(PDFCreator Version 0.9.5)