Baseline Forecasting Report: A Report For HS2
Baseline Forecasting Report: A Report For HS2
Baseline Forecasting Report: A Report For HS2
February 2010
This report was produced by Atkins limited for High Speed Two Limited for the specific purpose of High
Speed Two Modelling Framework Development.
This report may not be used by any person other than High Speed Two Limited without High Speed Two
Limited’s express permission. In any event, Atkins accepts no liability for any costs, liabilities or losses
arising as a result of the use of or reliance upon the contents of this report by any person other than High
Speed Two Limited.
Document History
Section Page
1. Overview 4
Background 4
Overall Approach 4
Future Year Network Assumptions 6
Forecasts of Future Year Demand by Mode 6
Structure of this Report 7
2. Rail Demand Forecasts 8
Demand Growth – Exogenous versus Endogenous 8
EDGE Growth Outputs 13
Rail Network Changes 15
Summary of Rail Growth Forecasts 19
3. Highway Forecasts 26
Background and Inputs to Future Year Highway Matrices 26
Methodology for Highway Modelling 26
Highway Schemes 27
Summary of Growth in Highway Trips 28
4. Air Forecasts 29
Future Year Demand for Domestic Flights 29
Air Network Growth 30
Summary of Growth in Domestic Air Journeys 30
Summary of Growth in Access to Heathrow Airport 31
5. Impacts on Capacity Utilisation 33
Overview 33
Rail Network Capacity Utilisation 33
Impact of Growth on Highway Network 42
List of Tables
Table 2.1 – PLANET South Gateway Zones 12
Table 2.2 – PLANET South Gateway Demand Factors 13
Table 2.3 – Key PLD Flows: Growth Factors for 2021 13
Table 2.4 – Key PLD Flows: Growth Factors for 2031 14
Table 2.5 – Committed and Planned Rail Schemes (Network Rail CP4 2009-2014) 17
Table 2.6 – Committed and Planned TfL Rail Schemes (2010-2019) 18
Table 2.7 – PLANET Long Distance: Growth in Total Weekday Journeys 20
Table 2.8 – PLANET Midlands and PLANET South: Growth in AM Peak Journeys 20
Table 2.9 – Passenger Kilometres by Long Distance Train Operating Company (PLD) 23
Table 2.10 – Growth in Daily Journeys into London by Main North-South Route 23
Table 2.11 – Passenger Kilometres by LSE Train Operating Company (PLANET South) 23
Table 2.12 – Passenger Kilometres by Train Operating Company (PLANET Midlands) 24
Table 2.13 – Comparison Between PLD and NMF Predicted Daily Demand 25
Table 3.1 – Highway Matrix Totals and Growth 28
Table 3.2 – Growth in Long Distance Highway Journeys (PLD) 28
Table 4.1 – Forecast Average Single Fare for UK Domestic (Non-Transfer) Air Journeys (2004 prices) 29
Table 4.2 – Domestic Air Passenger Demand (2021 and 2033 Reference Case) 30
Table 4.3 – Daily domestic passenger volumes (2021 and 2033 Reference Case) 30
Table 4.4 – Growth in Surface Journeys To/From Heathrow (plus Domestic Interlining) 32
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 – Sub-regional GVA forecasts for EDGE Runs 1 and 2 11
Figure 2.2 – PLD: Growth in Journeys To/From Central London (%) 21
Figure 2.3 – PLD: Growth in Daily Journeys To/From Central London (Absolute) 22
Figure 5.1 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2021 Reference Case (PLD) 34
Figure 5.2 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2033 Reference Case (PLD) 35
Figure 5.3 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2021 Reference Case (PLANET South) 37
Figure 5.4 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2033 Reference Case (PLANET South) 38
Figure 5.5 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2021 Reference Case (PLANET Midlands) 40
Figure 5.6 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2033 Reference Case (PLANET Midlands) 41
Figure 5.7 – Modelled Average Highway Speeds (PLD, 2007/8) 43
Figure 5.8 – Modelled Average Highway Speeds 2021 (PLD, HS2 reference case) 44
Figure 5.9 – Modelled Average Highway Speeds 2033 (PLD, HS2 reference case) 45
Appendix A – Inputs to HS2 PDFH rail demand forecasting (EDGE modelling) 46
A.1 EDGE Demand Driver Inputs 47
Appendix B – NMF rail network improvements transferred to HS2 model 49
Appendix C – Highway schemes included in PLD future year network 52
1. Overview
1.1 Atkins was commissioned by High Speed Two (HS2) to develop an analytical and appraisal
framework for examining options for high speed rail between London and the West Midlands, with
extensions to the North and Scotland. The framework is used to assess the demand and
economic effects of providing additional rail capacity both on a new high speed line and better use
of the capacity released on the West Coast Main Line (WCML) corridors into London and
1.2 As set out in its remit from government, the main driver for development of options for high speed
rail is the expectation that the rail network, and in particular the WCML route, will run out of
capacity over the next 10 to 20 years. There is also a wider policy context of increasing road
congestion on the strategic road network through growth in road travel, and large increases in
domestic air travel over the same period.
1.3 This policy context means that robust future year forecasts are required to understand:
The extent of forecast capacity pressures on the rail network and, to a lesser extent, on the
highway network which need to be addressed by HS2, and assist in developing high speed
rail options to meet those pressures; and
The benefits of capacity release, both on the rail and highway networks, which could be
provided by high speed rail options.
1.4 The forecast horizon for high speed rail scheme implementation is notionally between 2026 and
2036, which in turn means that future year baseline forecasts are needed for 15-25 years into the
future. Forecasts are inherently more uncertain as horizons extend further into the future: longer-
term forecasts are evidently more uncertain than shorter-term forecasts.
1.5 The approach taken in this work has been to take an unbiased view towards forecasting. This
recognise that the risks of under-forecasting demand growth, thereby failing to plan for sufficient
demand growth, are as great as the risk of over-forecasting and overstating the business case for
high speed rail. Sensitivity tests are able to show the robustness of both the capacity provided and
benefits generated by various high speed rail options.
1.6 It is also important to emphasise that only limited time was available for development of forecasts
for HS2, driven by the need to identify a preferred option and associated business case by the end
of 2009. More detailed forecasts of demand growth and capacity constraints for road, rail and air
have been developed independently by DfT using individual models such as the Network
Modelling Framework (rail), National Transport Model (road and rail) and SPASM (air). However
these models do not have the functionality required to test high speed rail options in sufficient
detail; hence the need for this separate forecasting exercise.
Overall Approach
1.7 Modelling and appraisal is based on the multi-modal PLANET Long Distance (PLD) rail demand
forecasting model, a development of the previously existing PLANET Strategic Model (PSM), that
includes the simultaneous running of local PLANET South (PS) and PLANET Midlands (PM)
models. This model structure allows detailed modelling of the knock-on capacity release effects of
HS2 on the London & South East and West Midlands local rail networks. Further details of the
model are contained in a separate model development report.
1.8 PLANET models are only mode choice models. They do not include functionality to forecast
exogenous future year growth, i.e. the effects of demographic and economic changes on rail, road
and air use. This means that background exogenous travel demand growth forecasts for each
mode are produced outside of the PLANET models, and input into the models to create future
year baseline scenarios to test the impact of high speed rail options.
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Capacity Constraint
1.12 Alongside exogenous demand growth, planned improvements to the road, rail and air networks
form part of the future year baseline forecasts, and are discussed in more detail below. This leads
to several difficulties in forecasting consistently:
The development and estimation of exogenous forecasts assume capacity is available on the
mode in question. However, many schemes which enable increase capacity to unblock
demand which would otherwise be suppressed also tend to increase capability of networks
as well. This, in turn, also increases demand forecasts.
Although demand forecasts for each of road, rail and air are designed to be independent,
there is some degree of overlap between growth forecasts, particularly for long-distance
leisure and business journeys where all modes may be viable for the same trip. This means it
is difficult to guarantee that exogenous forecasts for each mode do not assume some
improvement or worsening of alternative modes.
1.13 In single mode forecasting the concept of “capacity constrained” forecasts is used. This involves
adjusting exogenous forecasts by the effects of increased congestion or crowding on the relevant
road, rail or air network. Typically, the demand model is used to estimate reductions (or
“suppression”) in demand associated with the difference in generalised costs between the base
and unconstrained future year forecast demand on the base year network. Further do-minimum or
planned enhancement schemes are then put through the demand model to see how much of the
suppressed demand is then “released” by the corresponding improvements in generalised cost.
1.14 In theory, it is possible to adopt a similar approach for multi-modal forecasts as part of the HS2
baseline forecasts. However, this approach has not been followed for the following reasons:
Previous experience has shown that constraining demand between modes can lead to large
shifts between rail and road, depending on congestion effects and mode share. This can lead
to significant uncertainty in the validity of forecasts where large levels of mode shift occur;
While road and rail networks have congestion and capacity constraints, airport congestion is
not captured in the PLANET model, which assumes that airlines will provide sufficient seats
to meet capacity.
Rail Industry Forecasting Framework.
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‘More Than Likely’, characterised as ‘the outcome is likely to happen but there is some
uncertainty’. This category includes interventions where planning has been submitted or a
consent application is imminent;
‘Reasonably Foreseeable’, characterised as ‘the outcome may happen, but there is
significant uncertainty. This includes schemes that (a) are identified within a development
plan (b) reflect committed policies but face further testing (e.g. deliverability), and (c)
complementary schemes whose delivery is conditional upon the transport strategy/scheme
‘Hypothetical’, characterised as ‘there is considerable uncertainty whether the outcome will
happen’, and including schemes that are policy aspirations.
1.18 The WebTag Core Scenario is expected to include those schemes categorised as either ‘near
certain’ or ‘more than likely’. Given that HS2 is not anticipated to open until 2026, excluding all
other schemes is likely to underestimate investment in transport infrastructure between 2021 and
2031. Thus, for HS2 purposes, the modified Reference Case (Baseline) should also include
‘reasonably foreseeable’ schemes. The rest of this report provides a cross-check of schemes on
this basis.
1.21 After summarising the approach taken for each mode, the remainder of this report then looks in
greater detail at particular elements of future year forecasting.
Demand growth
1.22 The core of the baseline rail forecasting was the use of the EDGE software (or Exogenous
Demand Growth Estimator software, which was recently developed by Atkins for DfT; it is more
fully described in Chapter 2 below) to apply demand drivers to a base demand matrix.
1.23 It should be noted that the HS2 Central Case appraisal is based on an EDGE run for 2021 with
recession, and that for 2031 without recession, where the latter is acting as a proxy for 2033
demand levels.
1.24 In the reference case, long distance rail demand to/from London is forecast to grow by typically
around 50% to 2021 and 150% to 2033 (EDGE/PLD) for key long distance movements. Growth in
rail demand between the wider south-east and London is forecast to rise by around 30% to 2021
and 50% to 2033 (EDGE/PS). Growth in rail demand on the Midlands network is forecast to rise
by only 18% to 2021, rising to 43% to 2033 (EDGE/PM).
Future timetable and capacity changes
1.25 Future rail infrastructure enhancements, and their associated improvement to timetables and peak
capacities, reflect Network Rail’s plans for Control Period 4 (2009-2014) and TfL’s Business Plan
2009/10 to 2017/18.
Demand Growth
1.26 Trip-end forecasts from the DfT’s TEMPRO software are used to estimate local growth in highway
trips (on an average weekday). Within TEMPRO, journey growth is driven by planning policies that
affect future employment and population.
1.27 Overall growth in vehicle kilometres within PLD is then constrained to match forecasts for 2025
from the DfT’s National Transport Model (NTM), which overarches TEMPRO.
1.28 This methodology produced a forecast rise in long distance highway trips of 26% to 2021, and
44% to 2033.
Future changes to highway network
1.29 Changes to the future year highway network in PLD were based on the Highways Agency’s
Business Plan 2009-10. Given the strategic nature of the highway network within PLD, coding was
confined to major schemes affecting motorway or trunk road links.
Demand growth
1.30 Forecasts of growth in domestic air journeys use the DfT’s SPASM model, as discussed in
Chapter 4. These assume a third runway at Heathrow, and a second runway at Stansted (as per
the Department’s central constrained demand scenario).
1.31 The PLD reference case shows growth in demand for domestic flight between 2007/8 and 2033 of
drivers to the TEMPRO zone structure. The latter is highly granular with approximately 2.5k
zones, and provides a detailed picture of rail demand growth. To produce matrices of
demand uplifts with 2007/8 as the base year, forecasts of absolute demand in 2021 and 2033
were divided by corresponding forecasts for 2007/8.
Step 2: The first bespoke application applies a zone correspondence to each of the
TEMPRO demand matrices; i.e. for each journey purpose in each forecast year (and with car
available versus non-car available for PLD and PM). Output from this application is a matrix
of actual demand in the PLANET zone systems (PLD, PS and PM) for each of the base and
future years.
Step 3: The second bespoke application takes the forecasts of absolute output from step 2
and generates growth factors. This process is run for each future year divided by the 2007/8
demand thus the 2004-2008 growth is removed from the final output. Finally, for PLD only,
the growth factors are compiled into a demand weighted origin-destination format, rather than
retaining the production- attraction basis adopted in EDGE.
Assumptions in EDGE
2.10 In keeping with WebTAG fares elasticities are from PDFH edition 4.0. However, all exogenous
(i.e. socio-economic and cross-modal) elasticities are from PDFH edition 4.1.
2.11 The interaction effects required by PDFH 4.1 between flow distance and Gross Value Added
(GVA) elasticities on intercity flows to/from London results in prevents implausibly high GVA
elasticities on the longest flows; e.g. an elasticity of 3.7 for Aberdeen to London. To overcome this
effect, and as normally required by DfT Rail, the elasticities were estimated at the relevant
midpoint of the PDFH 4.0 distance bands. In the case of the 200+miles category, a value of 250
miles is applied.
2.12 EDGE uses 2004 Network Modelling Framework (NMF) base data for demand and revenue. With
EDGE output currently only available in the form of forecasts of absolute levels of journeys
(demand) and revenue by flow, rather than as year-on-year indices, an additional stage of
processing was required. That is, it was necessary to estimate the 2007/8 to 2021 and 2007/8 to
2031 growth factor matrices by first producing matrices of absolute demand in 2007/8. Dividing
demand in 2021 and 2031 by corresponding 2007/8 demand, the required demand uplifts were
produced. The accuracy of the 2004 to 2007/8 forecasts is not important because the factoring
applied to this period cancel out from the numerator and denominator.
Forecast Year Development
2.13 Two (sets of) EDGE runs have been undertaken, each producing (PLD/PS/PM) growth factors for
2021 and 2031 that combine exogenous and fares effects. With the future macroeconomic series
supplied by DfT ending in 2029, figures for 2031 were estimated by extrapolating growth between
2028 and 2029 to 2031 for key variables; for less significant variables no change from 2029 to
2031 was assumed.
2.14 The HS2 Central Case is based on a combination of:
Forecasts for 2021 that include the effects of the recent recession (‘Run 2’ below);
Forecasts for 2031 with exogenous inputs that predate the recent recession (‘Run 1’); and
used as a proxy for demand in 2033; and
An assumption that classic rail fares rise at 1% per annum, in real terms.
2.15 2031 Run 2 is used as a proxy for demand in 2033, on the assumption that the recent recession
will postpone by 2 years rail demand levels that would have otherwise have been achieved in
2.16 A brief description of the two (sets of) EDGE runs – i.e. the inputs and forecasting parameters -
follows in the next two subsections.
Adapting EDGE for use in the HS2 PLANET framework
Converting to PLANET zoning
2.28 The EDGE output provided demand in the TEMPRO zone system for 2007, 2021 and 2029 (the
latest year for which data were available).
2.29 To convert this to the three PLANET zone structures, a post-processing step was made using a
trip-based zone conversion weighting. ArcGIS was used to get a count of postcode points to the
TEMPRO and PLANET zone systems to generate a weighting file.
2.30 The weights were calculated in MS Access via the following formula:
Weight = (OrigPC_Both / OrigPC_TEMPRO) * DestPC_Both / DestPC_TEMPRO
OrigPC_Both = the number of postcode point in both TEMPRO & PLANET origin zones.
OrigPC_TEMPRO = the number of postcode points in the TEMPRO origin zone
DestPC_Both = the number of postcode point in both TEMPRO & PLANET destination zones.
DestPC_TEMPRO = the number of postcode points in the TEMPRO destination zone.
2.31 A .NET application used was developed to convert the EDGE forecasts of demand and revenue to
the three PLANET models using the weight files described above. The application splits or
aggregates the demand and revenue at TEMPRO level for each origin and destination pair to a
corresponding PLANET model origin destination pair using the appropriate weight.
Impact of Car Ownership
2.32 PLANET Midlands and PLANET Long Distance both have separate matrices for car available
(CA) and non-car available (NCA) journeys, in each of the three journey purpose segments. For
the two future years - 2021 and 2033 (as proxied by pre-recession forecasts for 2031) - this
means a total of six input matrices per model.
2.33 In edition 4.1 of the Passenger Demand Forecasting Handbook (PDFH), the negative impact on
rail demand of widening car ownership is modelled using an exponential function that is applied
without dividing the market into CA and NCA segments. The strength of the PDFH car ownership
effect varies by flow type and ticket type, with most sensitivity felt in leisure markets.
2.34 With no disaggregation between CA and NCA demand in the rail guidance, it was necessary to
apply the joint CA+NCA forecasting parameters to estimate overall growth factors for each HS2
journey purpose. The latter include the negative impact of future increases in car ownership, and
to ensure consistency, it is necessary to transfer some future demand from the NCA to CA
matrices according to the change in TEMPRO car ownership in the trip producing zones.
2.35 For example, if household car ownership is forecast to rise from 80% to 90% in a particular zone
between the base and forecast years, then 50% of the originating NCA trips will be transferred to
the corresponding cells in the CA matrices.
Production of Growth Factor matrices
2.36 Another bespoke application was written to convert forecasts of absolute demand into matrices of
growth factors. The latter use the 2007/8 demand in PLANET zone system as a base and
2021/2031 as a future year (i.e. this is run twice for each PLANET Model).
2.37 Each cell has its growth factor calculated by the following formula:
Growth Factor = Future Demand / Base Demand
Bilateral O-D pairings for the PLD triangular matrix
2.38 PLANET Midlands and PLANET South are AM peak models where travel is dominated by outward
travel from the point of trip production. By contrast, PLD is an all-day model. The P-A (Production
to Attraction) matrix created using LENNON data for 2007/8 is transposed to create an A-P matrix,
and hence an all day (O-D) matrix when P-A is summed with A-P.
2.39 As an O-D matrix cannot reveal where trips are produced, and as socio-economic factors and
elasticity values may vary at each end of a bilateral flow, it was necessary to produce growth
factors for each pairing of PLD zones, weighted according to the share of trips produced at each
2.40 For PLD growth factors were calculated for a bilateral flow and a triangular matrix produced such
that if there is no growth factor for zone A to zone B, we should apply the factor for B to A.
2.41 The calculation using output from EDGE being as follows:
Growth Factor =
(Future A-B Demand + Future B-A Demand) / (Base A-B Demand + Base B-A Demand)
‘International gateway’ zones in PLANET South
2.42 Before Run 2, an issue was discovered with regard to ‘international gateways’ in PS. That is,
forecasts of rapid air passenger growth were found to be inflating demand growth on all flows
to/from PS zones containing airport zones, rather than confined only to the airport (gateway)
zones themselves.
2.43 The following PS gateways were affected: Gatwick Airport, Heathrow Airport, Stansted Airport and
Luton Airport. Separation of gateway growth from surrounding zonal growth allowed the rapid
growth in airport demand to apply only to the gateway zone.
Table 2.1 – PLANET South Gateway Zones
2021 No recession (EDGE Run 1) growth factors for Business (B), Commuting (C) and
Leisure (L) journey purposes
PLD zone Name B’ham Manchester Leeds Glasgow
B: 1.617 B: 1.694 B: 1.88 B: 1.961 B: 1.882
117 C: 1.333 C: 1.321 C: 1.754 C: 1.745 C: 1.912
L: 1.517 L: 1.694 L: 1.848 L: 1.909 L: 1.852
B: 1.287 B: 1.453 B: 1.401
5 B’ham - C: 1.156 - C: 1.451 C: 1.37
L: 1.332 L: 1.4 L: 1.35
B: 1.463 B: 1.35 B: 1.486 B: 1.423
130 Manchester - C: 1.519 C: 1.277 C: 1.568 C: 1.429
L: 1.41 L: 1.387 L: 1.431 L: 1.37
B: 1.332 B: 1.412
105 Leeds - - - C: 1.239 C: 1.353
L: 1.367 L: 1.362
B: 1.223
37 Glasgow - - - - C: 1.029
L: 1.256
2021 With recession (EDGE Run 2, used in HS2 Central Case) growth factors for
Business (B), Commuting (C) and Leisure (L) journey purposes
PLD zone Name
London Bham Manchester Leeds Glasgow
B: 1.561 B: 1.381 B: 1.518 B: 1.486 B: 1.583
117 C: 1.299 C: 1.174 C: 1.536 C: 1.441 C: 1.692
L: 1.427 L: 1.466 L: 1.606 L: 1.573 L: 1.671
B: 1.202 B: 1.246 B: 1.239
5 Bham - C: 1.122 - C: 1.269 C: 1.242
L: 1.28 L: 1.265 L: 1.258
B: 1.257 B: 1.255 B: 1.264 B: 1.258
130 Manchester - C: 1.319 C: 1.208 C: 1.349 C: 1.25
L: 1.277 L: 1.328 L: 1.285 L: 1.279
B: 1.248 B: 1.249
105 Leeds - - - C: 1.204 C: 1.239
L: 1.32 L: 1.269
B: 1.212
37 Glasgow - - - - C: 1.081
L: 1.282
2031 No recession (EDGE Run 1, used in HS2 Central Case as proxy for 2033) growth
factors for Business (B), Commuting (C) and Leisure (L) journey purposes
PLD zone Name Bham Manchester Leeds Glasgow
B: 2.127 B: 2.326 B: 2.742 B: 2.875 B: 2.77
117 C: 1.579 C: 1.606 C: 2.427 C: 2.448 C: 2.827
L: 1.9 L: 2.328 L: 2.682 L: 2.768 L: 2.705
B: 1.488 B: 1.761 B: 1.677
5 Bham - C: 1.262 - C: 1.774 C: 1.632
L: 1.555 L: 1.675 L: 1.593
B: 1.781 B: 1.569 B: 1.804 B: 1.702
130 Manchester - C: 1.858 C: 1.428 C: 1.957 C: 1.653
L: 1.695 L: 1.631 L: 1.715 L: 1.62
B: 1.554 B: 1.689
105 Leeds - - - C: 1.385 C: 1.592
L: 1.605 L: 1.608
B: 1.37
37 Glasgow - - - - C: 1.035
L: 1.416
2031 With recession (EDGE Run 2) growth factors for Business (B), Commuting (C)
and Leisure (L) journey purposes
PLD zone Name Bham Manchester Leeds Glasgow
B: 2.229 B: 2.068 B: 2.443 B: 2.411 B: 2.629
117 C: 1.592 C: 1.464 C: 2.408 C: 2.2 C: 2.829
L: 1.907 L: 2.202 L: 2.588 L: 2.552 L: 2.77
B: 1.432 B: 1.578 B: 1.549
5 Bham - C: 1.236 - C: 1.63 C: 1.549
L: 1.54 L: 1.58 L: 1.552
B: 1.599 B: 1.514 B: 1.608 B: 1.575
130 Manchester - C: 1.747 C: 1.372 C: 1.818 C: 1.541
L: 1.603 L: 1.62 L: 1.613 L: 1.582
B: 1.504 B: 1.562
105 Leeds - - - C: 1.365 C: 1.525
L: 1.601 L: 1.566
B: 1.406
37 Glasgow - - - - C: 1.094
L: 1.496
Network Rail
2.54 Details of all future Network Rail schemes have been extracted from the Network Rail Strategic
Business Plan Update (Section 6 – Our Plan for Control Period 4), with coding from the Network
Modelling Framework. Table 2.5 lists all relevant Network Rail schemes (2009-2014), and
indicates which of the PLANET models is affected.
TfL Schemes
2.55 Table 2.6 repeats the exercise for TfL sponsored schemes. Coding is based on TfL’s Business
Plan 2009/10 to 2017/18.
2.56 It should be noted that although the strategic network in PLD includes key LUL links, this is only to
allow interchange between National Rail services. The LUL network is represented in more detail
in PLANET South, so underground improvements are not directly incorporated in the strategic
High Level Output Specification
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Table 2.5 – Committed and Planned Rail Schemes (Network Rail CP4 2009-2014)
(for model inclusion)
Expected Work
Committed /
Strategic London / SE
Jubilee Line Committed 2012 Near Certain
Northern Line Committed 2012 Near Certain
Improvement –
Phase 1
Victoria Line Underway 2012 Near certain
Stratford Underway 2010 Near Certain
DLR Extension
Northern Line Planned 2020 More Than
Improvement – Likely
Phase 2
Piccadilly Line Planned 2014 More Than
Improvement Likely
3 Car Trains on Underway 2012 Near certain
Docklands Light
East London Underway 2012 Near certain
North London Underway 2012 Near certain
Crossrail Committed 2018 More Than
District Line Planned 2018 More Than
Improvement Likely
Circle Line Planned 2018 More Than
Improvement Likely
Hammersmith & Planned 2018 More Than
City Line Likely
Metropolitan Planned 2018 More Than
Line Likely
West Coast Mainline (WCML) December 2008 timetable and additional Pendolino vehicles
2.60 The Do Minimum (baseline) scenarios for 2021 and 2033 are estimated by applying the EDGE-
based exogenous growth factors to the 2007/8 base demand matrices in PLD, PM and PS.
2.61 The underlying 2007/8 LENNON (rail sales) data do not include the demand response to the
December 2008 ‘Very High Frequency’ (VHF) timetable, and the Do Minimum scenario does not
model the effect on demand in 2021 and 2031 of reduced West Coast headways and extra
capacity (i.e. release of suppressed demand).
2.62 The effects of the improved WCML infrastructure are included in the Do Something scenario, and
the mode choice modelling, with assumptions applied on the reuse of the classic rail capacity
released by the diversion of services from the WCML to HS2.
2.63 This approach was preferred by HS2 because the modelling of crowding suppression, and
especially released suppression, may be inconsistent in the context of a multi-modal model.
Highways and aviation also suffer capacity constraints, and feedbacks to their demand, but PLD
cannot allow for these effects. Whilst forecasts of constrained and unconstrained air travel are
available from DfT, growth in car journeys is based on the National Trip-Ends Model (NTEM) and
effectively limited to demand influences; i.e. without allowance for step-change increases in
demand induced by specific improvements to the highway network, such as improvements to the
2.64 With this in mind, the 2021 and 2033 Do Minimum matrices for rail (and road) are estimated by
uplifting constrained (i.e. ex-post / observed) 2007/8 demand for exogenous influences only, with
no attempt to estimate levels of underlying unconstrained demand, or the effects of changes in
supply/congestion occurring after 2007.
2.65 The overall effect on scheme benefits of this assumption is the sum of 3 underlying components:
Higher classic rail demand in the future year Do Minimum would increase the benefits of HS2
by raising the number of existing rail users relative to new users. ‘New users’ - making their
rail journey only if HS2 is available - receive an average saving in generalised cost that is
only 50% of the saving to each ‘existing user’.
Crowding relief benefits will be increased; and
Incremental revenue from HS2 will be increased.
2.66 Given the discussion above and the balance between supply led demand increases and capacity
constraint demand reductions, the baseline forecasts should be viewed as central estimates, with
similar views on HS2 scheme benefits: actual levels of demand and benefits will vary depending
on scheme implementation between now and 2031.
Table 2.8 – PLANET Midlands and PLANET South: Growth in AM Peak Journeys
1520237 1973582 29.8% 2269642 49.3%
(AM peak)
34436 40507 17.6% 49384 43.4%
(AM peak)
2.71 Growth in long distance journeys to/from Central London (2007/8 to 2033) is shown in Figure 2.2
and Figure 2.3, as a proportion of base demand, and in absolute terms, respectively.
2.72 Figure 2.2 shows that the fastest rates of growth are found in South Wales, the North of England
and Central Belt of Scotland. Figure 2.3 shows that when translated into additional daily demand,
the largest increases are found in the major conurbations.
Figure 2.3 – PLD: Growth in Daily Journeys To/From Central London (Absolute)
2.74 Table 2.10 focuses on growth in weekday demand into London on the 3 principal North-South
mainlines. Rows in italics include journeys within the south-east transferred to PLD from the HS2
version of PLANET South.
Table 2.10 – Growth in Daily Journeys into London by Main North-South Route
2008 2021 % growth 2033 % growth
WCML 21470 34334 60% 52984 147%
M ML 9381 12178 30% 19974 113%
ECML 16007 24120 51% 41053 156%
WCML 20283 31804 57% 50780 150%
MML 7864 10971 40% 18988 141%
ECML 14797 22870 55% 39934 170%
2.76 The effects of the Thameslink upgrade are clearly apparent, including abstraction from West
Comparison of HS2 Reference Case (PLD) against NMF forecasts for 2026
2.78 To sense-check PLD Do Minimum volumes on the West Coast mainline in 2021 and 2031, a
comparison was made against corresponding 2026 forecasts from the Network Modelling
Framework (NMF).
2.79 Using the post-budget (Run 2) EDGE inputs for GVA, employment, population and fuel costs (as
supplied by DfT in summer 2009), and interpolating 2021 and 2031 for 2026, PLD volumes
exceeded NMF volumes on the West Coast mainline by 6,200 or 18%.
Table 2.13 – Comparison Between PLD and NMF Predicted Daily Demand
Average weekday 2007 2011 2021 2026 2031
Demand (journeys, k)
MOIRA Wednesday loads (2008/9) 19.7 23.1
PLD - Milton Keynes from North 21.8 24.5 33.1 40.3 49.2
NMF - Milton Keynes from North 20.1 28.7 34.2
PLD-NMF 4.4 4.4 6.2
Demand indices
PLD - Milton Keynes from North 1.00 1.13 1.52 1.85 2.26
NMF - Milton Keynes from North 1.00 1.42 1.70
Capacity (seats, k)
Including growth in Pendolino fleet 60.9 68.3 68.3 68.3
PLD - Milton Keynes from North 42.9 67.2 67.2 67.2
NMF - Milton Keynes from North 58.5 58.5 58.5 58.5
2.80 As this 18% disparity against NMF arose without the inclusion in PLD of an impact of the
December 2008 timetable, further checks were made on the EDGE growth factors. For selected
key WCML flows, the overall EDGE factors were disaggregated to reveal the contributions of
individual demand drivers. With the decision to proxy 2033 demand using 2031 ‘pre-recession’
EDGE factors, checks were needed on EDGE runs dating from May/June 2009, as well as on the
subsequent runs for 2021 that used the revised (i.e. recessionary) inputs.
2.81 These checks revealed no problems with the calculation of demand factors for rail travel between
London and the West Midlands in either of the EDGE runs.
3. Highway Forecasts
Background and Inputs to Future Year Highway Matrices
3.1 The highway model in PLD contains two elements of trip-making: long distance highway trips
(over 50 miles) are included in the model as a highway matrix. This matrix essentially contains
car trips, is then assigned in the model, and these trips have the potential to switch mode, to either
rail or air. Local trips (less than 50 miles) are included in the model as pre-loads on the highway
links. These trips are not eligible to switch modes, but instead are included to ensure that the
correct levels of congestion are recorded, so that the trip generalised cost is accurate.
3.2 The DfT’s TEMPRO software allows interrogation of forecasts from the National Trip End Model
(NTEM). These forecasts include trip ends (with disaggregation by mode including car driver and
car passenger), population, employment, and car ownership.
3.3 NTEM relates the number of trip ends in each zone to a range of economic, demographic and
land use factors, such as employment and rates of car ownership. Trips are categorised by
journey purpose (including visiting friends and relatives, and employer’s business) and are either
home-based, having one end of the trip at the place of residence, or non-home based.
3.4 The distribution of trips between trip-attracting zones is based on land-use indicator statistics. For
example, for commuting trips, the statistic used is total employment whilst for shopping trips, it is
retail employment.
3.5 In order to make best use of the available TEMPRO data in constructing the future year highway
matrices, TEMPRO factors were applied to the Base Year Matrices to produce initial forecast year
matrices for both 2021 and 2033 (based on 2031, the last year available). It was assumed that the
2031 TEMPRO forecasts were appropriate to represent 2033 following the recent recession. This
process involved changing the Trip Ends and then using the Furness procedure to produce new
matrices. This methodological approach ensured that future planning policy is reflected in the
future year highway matrices.
3.6 The forecasts include the implicit assumption that road journeys will grow at a similar rates across
all journey lengths, including the longer-distance trips (over 50 miles) that are included in PLD.
3.7 The other element of the highway demand is the pre-loads that are applied on links to ensure that
the correct congestion levels are achieved. These flows were factored up directly by the National
Transport Model (NTM) forecasts. NTM forecasts are available by road type and by region. All
links were allocated to a region, and a road type, and the appropriate factor allocated. The factors
applied are for vehicle kilometres, but this is thought to be sufficient for the level of detail required.
3.8 PLD highway matrices for 2033 are based on the latest year for which TEMPRO forecasts are
available; i.e. 2031. This represents a conservative assumption as there will be fewer trips to
switch modes to HS2. The equivalent pre-loads, representing local short distance traffic, are
based on the latest year for which NTM forecasts are available, i.e. 2025. Whilst this may be
slightly under-estimating local traffic growth, the small impact on journey times is an acceptable
approximation. It is likely that the highway speeds will be slightly too high and hence PLD will tend
to marginally under-estimate the potential transfer to HS2 – again, a conservative assumption.
comparison table used to transfer these to the PLD zoning system. The growth in number of trips
by PLD zone was then calculated.
3.12 The calculated growth factors were applied to the trip ends in each zone, and the Furnessing
procedure carried out to ensure the matrix balanced.
3.13 The matrix excludes trips less than 50 miles in length, as it is assumed that these will not transfer
to a strategic rail network. To compensate for this, the network includes a number of vehicles as
preloads on each link, representing the local trips made on that link. As these are simply trip
numbers, with no start or end point, regional NTM growth factors were used instead of TEMPRO.
3.14 Manipulation of the NTM data was necessary in order to obtain growth factors for 2007/8-2021
and 2007/8-2031 since only certain data is presented for certain years up to 2025. After
calculating actual traffic volumes for all of the years given using the percentage growth values and
2003 actual data, growth for 2021 was calculated by interpolating at a constant rate between 2015
and 2025. For 2033, the data given for year 2025 was used, since factors are only given up to
future year 2025. Then a simple percentage calculation was applied to obtain growth factors. This
was carried out for all regions.
3.15 All assumptions made when using the NTM data to calculate growth factors for 2008-2021 and
2008-2033 are listed below:
All links in the network have been classified as either motorway or trunk road;
With the exception of London, rural factors were used. Limited data given for London
therefore used urban data and also used principal road values to calculate trunk road factors
for this region;
Due to the data only being available for England and Wales, it was assumed that Scotland
has the same growth factors as Wales; and
All access and egress links were considered as trunk roads.
3.16 Each link was classified and allocated to an appropriate English region, Scotland or Wales. The
growth factor for traffic in each region was calculated as described above, and then applied to all
links in that region to give forecasts of preload volumes for future years.
Highway Schemes
3.17 Assumptions of future changes to the inter-urban highway network provided by DfT, as included in
the National Transport Model, were cross-checked against the Highways Agency Business Plan
2009-10, which also provided more detail of the exact nature of upgrade schemes.
3.18 The Highways Agency classifies its schemes as (a) ‘Committed’, (b) at ‘Programme Entry’ status,
and (c) ‘Planned’, depending upon the firmness of funding and progress within the planning
process. It is assumed that this classification maps directly to the first three WebTAG categories;
e.g. Committed = Near Certain.
3.19 The highway element within PLD includes only a simplified and strategic highway link model, so
only relatively major schemes affecting the motorway and/or trunk road network are included in
the future year coding. Many of these are schemes to allow hard shoulder running on the
3.20 In order to ensure consistency with the Scottish and Welsh government policy, the latest
committed schemes have also been included from the relevant authorities.
3.21 Appendix C lists all of the schemes coded into PLD. Most of the interventions relate to “Hard
Shoulder Running” on the motorway network, with some widening schemes and bypasses. All of
the schemes defined as ‘near certain’, ‘more than likely’ or ‘reasonably foreseeable’ are included
within the Reference Case.
3.26 Across all the links reported above, growth in long distance highway journeys is 31% to 2021 and
59% to 2033.
3.27 Differences between northbound and southbound traffic volumes and growth can arise during
route assignment, especially when pre-loads are added. To test the balance between total traffic
flows at each of the five locations above, pre-loads and long distance trips from the 2021 highway
modelling in PLD were summed together. This test showed that at each of these locations, total
northbound and southbound journeys were within 15% of each other.
4. Air Forecasts
Future Year Demand for Domestic Flights
4.1 Base year air demand matrices were derived directly from the Government’s air forecasting
model, SPASM. These matrices had a base year of 2004, and contained the current position with
regard to air demand from the SPASM validated matrices.
4.2 The future year air matrices developed for use within PLD are consistent with the DfT’s UK Air
Passenger Demand and CO2 Forecasts reported in January 2009. The matrices were developed
based on the DfT’s central constrained scenario (s12s2), which assumes new runways at
Stansted and Heathrow.
4.3 Future year air demand has been produced for the forecast years of 2021 and 2030. (The latter is
the final year of SPASM forecasts.) Theoretically, with PLD set up for mode choice in 2033, there
will be an underestimation of future year air demand. However, with relatively large year-on-year
variations in demand for domestic flights, this disparity is unlikely to be significant, and
consistency is maintained with Government aviation forecasts.
4.4 Future year air supply assumptions were also based on the latest Government position from the
Aviation White Paper and January 2009 forecasts. This means that all supply assumptions are
consistent between HS2 work and the modelling underpinning the Government aviation reports.
4.5 The matrices contain forecast end-to-end trip data only, excluding transfer passengers (on two-
legged air journeys such as Manchester – Heathrow – New York). The potential for abstraction of
such journeys by HS2 is modelled in the Heathrow access model, based on LASAM.
4.6 The matrices were broken down into business and leisure passengers, and split between the
Full service (scheduled) domestic passengers; and
No frills carriers (NFCs) including Easyjet, Ryanair, bmibaby etc.
4.7 Within SPASM the future year full service passenger data was developed and modelled at a
district level, whereas the NFC passenger data was added in as airport to airport movements
which are suppressed in line with airport constraints. For NFC flights, a single growth rate was
applied for each future year scenario as the data was not disaggregated by business and leisure
4.9 The 2007/8 base year fares were factored down accordingly, based on the percentage changes
shown above.
4.13 The following new NFC routes were assumed to operate in both the 2021 and 2033 future year
Edinburgh - Birmingham Teesside - Gatwick
Inverness - Bristol Inverness - Liverpool
Glasgow - Cardiff Newquay - Manchester
Manchester - Edinburgh Teesside - Newquay
Manchester - Gatwick Stansted – Blackpool.
4.15 The Full Service and NFC matrices were summed together and divided by 365 to estimate
average daily matrices for the Reference Case future year scenarios. In dividing the NFC
forecasts by journey purpose, it was assumed that 43% of passengers on domestic NFC flights
are making business trips.
Table 4.3 – Daily domestic passenger volumes (2021 and 2033 Reference Case)
4.16 Within PLD, the estimated growth in air trips between 2007/08 and 2033 is 178%. The
comparable figures, from Table G3 of the DfT report show growth in terminal passengers of 131%
between 2005 and 2030. There are a number of reasons why there are differences between
these figures, including:
The DfT report presents forecast growth between 2005 and 2030. Domestic air travel
declined slightly between 2005 and 2007/ 08, such that the overall growth rate between
2007/08 and 2030 will be higher than that of 2005;
The 2005 figure showing 42m terminal passengers, as summarised in Table G3 also includes
those passengers flying to airports in Northern Ireland. These are not included in PLD.
Growth in air demand between Northern Ireland and the British mainland is forecast to be
below the average for other domestic routes.
London Airport Surface Access Model
DfT's 'UK Air Passenger Demand and CO2 Forecasts, January 2009, scenario "s12s2" with new runways assumed at
Heathrow and Stansted.
5082342/5083242 - Baselining Report (26-02-10).doc` 31
HS2 Baseline Forecasting Report
Heathrow Airport in the future for international flights from areas outside London and the South
Table 4.4 – Growth in Surface Journeys To/From Heathrow (plus Domestic Interlining)
Growth Growth
Market segment PLD Zone 2033 volumes
2007/8 - 2021 2007/8 - 2033
99.8m (incl.
All All 53% 122%
short distance)
All 46.2% -0.9% 256.2k
(zone 5)
All -44.2% -16.4% 301.4k
(zone 37)
All -34.7% -26.9% 128.9k
(zone 130)
Foreign Leisure -9% -11% 37.7k
(zone 5)
Foreign Leisure -45% -17% 116.1k
(zone 37)
Foreign Leisure -42% -37% 32.2k
(zone 130)
Foreign Business All 40% 101% 14.6m
Foreign Business -12% 7% 50.1k
(zone 5)
Foreign Business -36% -11% 58.2k
(zone 37)
Foreign Business -50% -35% 26.9k
(zone 130)
5.4 Comparing 2007/8 with 2021, it can be seen that growth in demand on the main North-South
routes outstrips additional capacity, causing a rise in average load factors. The main increase is
on the WCML route is north of Warrington: this is caused by the relatively fast growth in Scotland /
North West England – London rail demand.
5.5 Further crowding exists elsewhere on the network on the southern / eastern approaches to
Birmingham, caused by crowding on London – Birmingham and Cross-Country services. There is
also increasing crowding conditions on the ECML route north of Doncaster and Cross-Country
services between Sheffield and York via Leeds.
5.6 By 2033, the WCML, ECML and Midland Mainline all have significant issues with average
weekday load factor exceeding 80% (black links).
5.7 The most crowded services on the WCML in 2033 are forecast to be the London to Birmingham
and London to Glasgow services. ECML services between London and Newcastle and MML
services between London and Leicester are also likely to come under severe pressure.
5.8 It should be noted that these figures represent what would happen if no additional capacity
measures beyond those included in the do-minimum scenario were to be implemented. In reality,
a range of incremental interventions are available which could alleviate crowding pressures –
however this work does not consider such alternative measures or whether those alternative
measures would provide better or worse value for money than high speed rail options.
Figure 5.1 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2021 Reference Case (PLD)
Figure 5.2 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2033 Reference Case (PLD)
5.10 The figures do not show capacity pressures on longer distance services operating into London
during the morning peak period – pressures are known to exist at present on these services, and
the all-day seat utilisation figures given previously suggest severe crowding problems on some
routes by 2021 without further interventions.
5.11 It should also be noted that the figures represent all services including outer suburban and inner
suburban services. Each route has a different mix of services, and the aggregate figures shown
hide variations between those service groups. Generally, higher seat utilisation ratios are more
acceptable on inner suburban services and closer to London, where standing for short periods is
generally accepted as a cost efficient way to move large numbers of passengers.
5.12 The graphs show how seat utilisation is forecast to increase on the WCML route into London by
2021, with pressures on other lines generally no worse or improved over the same time period.
This reflects the planned upgrades such as Crossrail and the Thameslink Programme providing
additional capacity on other lines. The WCML has little capacity increased planned beyond that
provided by the December 2008 timetable.
5.13 By 2031, capacity pressures increase on all routes, with no further upgrades assumed beyond the
2021 scenario. Again, the WCML route is forecast to have the highest seat utilisation levels, from
Northampton through to London.
5.14 It should be noted that the extra capacity to be provided by Evergreen 3 (i.e. services from Oxford-
Bicester Town - Marylebone) is not included in the HS2 Reference Case.
Figure 5.3 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2021 Reference Case (PLANET South)
Figure 5.4 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2033 Reference Case (PLANET South)
Figure 5.5 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2021 Reference Case (PLANET Midlands)
Figure 5.6 – Rail Load Factor: 2007/8 versus 2033 Reference Case (PLANET Midlands)
95 - 115kph
75 - 95kph
55 - 75kph
35 - 55kph
15 - 35kph
Figure 5.8 – Modelled Average Highway Speeds 2021 (PLD, HS2 reference case)
95 - 115kph
75 - 95kph
55 - 75kph
35 - 55kph
15 - 35kph
Figure 5.9 – Modelled Average Highway Speeds 2033 (PLD, HS2 reference case)
95 - 115kph
75 - 95kph
55 - 75kph
35 - 55kph
15 - 35kph
Fare RPI+1% growth assumed for all years.
DfT / Riff-Lite Supplied by DfT from RIFF-LITE spreadsheet model as
Fuel Cost
v1.2d part of core EDGE development (2009).
Based on TEMPRO 5.4 employment growth + 2% per
annum for productivity growth. (As stipulated by DfT.)
Extracted from TEMPRO 5.4 by Atkins (2009). 26 August
Population TEMPRO 5.4
2009 13:25
DfT / Riff-Lite Supplied by DfT from RIFF-LITE spreadsheet model as
UG Cost
v1.2d part of core EDGE development (2009).
Table A.2 - Sources of inputs for EDGE Run 2 (Includes effects of recession)
The following timetable and capacity improvements have been summarised in the NMF. For ease
of reference, the NMF schemes are listed below as per the control periods -2009, 2014 and 2019.
CrossCountry – Arriva CrossCountry – 35% more capacity through Birmingham;
Thameslink Key Output 0;
First Capital Connect HLOS 1 & 2 – timetable and capacity improvements for London Kings
Cross – Cambridge/ Peterborough and Letchworth/ Royston;
Southern New Franchise & Stock Transfer – new timetable changes to incorporate TfL
specified East London Line service extensions;
South Eastern – Stock Transfer – updated timetable provided by TOC including HS1 to St
Pancras; and
National Express East Coast SLC2 – including extra services to York and Lincoln, with
improved journey times to Leeds and Edinburgh.
National Express East Anglia HLOS – scheme as provided by Booz Allan and DeltaRail;
Northern HLOS – scheme option HLOS operating plan dated 13 Mar 09 was used;
FGW – West of England Plan B – strengthening Bristol locals, Bristol Long Distance, Cardiff-
Portsmouth, Other West of England and Exeter Services;
FGW Thames Valley – improved capacity of some London Paddington services;
Arriva CrossCountry HLOS – improved capacity on Birmingham New Street to Leicester/
Stansted airport and Cardiff to Nottingham;
London Midland HLOS – Silverlink – improved capacity on London Euston-Milton Keynes-
Northampton services;
Southern Franchise Commitments – capacity and timetabling improvements along Gatwick
Express, London Sussex Coast, Rugby-Brighton and South London Lines;
Thameslink Key Output 1- including four Brighton to Bedford trains per direction, per peak.
Thameslink services are diverted from London Bridge;
Virgin West coast – including increased capacity on Birmingham and Manchester to London
Euston services;
TransPennine Express HLOS – based on Timetables 9x4 car Jan09;
Chiltern Railway Chiltern Peak Strengthening – based on Mega HLOS option subfolder LSE
Chiltern Option v1;
C2C – the Mega HLOS options subfolder LSE c2c Option v1;
South West Trains Suburban – as per mega options timetable;
South West Train – Mainline – adopted AMD model 081024 SWT;
First Capital Connect HLOS 3 – additional peak services on Moorgate/ Kings Cross-Hertford
North Stevenage;
Midland Mainline – mega HLOS timetable assumed;
East Midland – increased capacity on Norwich to Liverpool Lime Street services;
Arriva Trains Wales HLOS (omitted as per NMF);
Scottish schemes – including Gogar interchange, GARL, Highland Mainline upgrade, Borders
Railway Project and Airdrie Bathgate Rail link.
Thameslink Key Output 2 – new timetable specification and increased capacity for
Thameslink and Great Northern services;
Intercity Express Programme (IEP) – new rolling stock enabling capacity increase and
associated timetable changes as per IEP business case. This includes IEP replacement
services running on the East Coast Main Line, the Great Western Main Line and the West
Coast Main Line; and,
Crossrail – including service amendments between Reading and Paddington and Liverpool St
and Shenfield.
Committed /
Expected Work Uncertainty
Scheme Programme Entry /
Start Classification
Hard Shoulder Running M6 J8-10a Programme Entry 2009/10 More Than Likely
A14 Ellington to Fen Ditton widening Programme Entry 2010/11 More Than Likely
2010/11 &
Widen A14 Kettering J7 - J9 Planned Reasonably Foreseeable
M54 to M6 (toll) link along A460 Planned 2012 Reasonably Foreseeable
Hard Shoulder Running M1 J10-13 Programme Entry 2009/10 More Than Likely
Committed /
Expected Work Uncertainty
Scheme Programme Entry /
Start Classification
Committed /
Expected Classification Uncertainty
Scheme Programme
Work Start Classification
Entry / Planned
2021 2031
Hard Shoulder Running M3 J9 to J14 Planned 2015
Hard Shoulder Running M5 J4a – J6 Planned 2015
Hard Shoulder Running M6 J2 – J4 Planned 2016
Hard Shoulder Running M6 J13 – J19 Planned 2015
Hard Shoulder Running M20 J3 – J5 Planned 2016
Hard Shoulder Running M23 J8 – J10 Planned 2019
The Welsh office projects have been taken from the WAG website:
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HS2 Baseline Forecasting Report
Committed /
Expected Classification Uncertainty
Scheme Programme
Work Start Classification
Entry / Planned
2021 2031
M25 J30 widening Planned 2014
Hard Shoulder Running M27 J4 – J11 Planned 2014
A1 Gateshead/ Newcastle Bypass Planned 2020
Hard Shoulder Running M5 J2 – J4 * Planned 2019
Planned Reasonably
A57/ A628 Mottram - Hollingworth 2017
A120 Braintree to Marks Tey Planned 2015-16