Tamil Nadu Government Gazette: Part III-Section 1 (A)
Tamil Nadu Government Gazette: Part III-Section 1 (A)
Tamil Nadu Government Gazette: Part III-Section 1 (A)
[G.O. Ms. No. 206, Health and Family Welfare (Z2), 1st June 2018,
Vaikasi 18, Vilambi, Thiruvalluvar Aandu - 2049.]
No. SRO A-30(b)/2018.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 14 of the Tamil Nadu Clinical Establishments (Regulation)
Act, 1997 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 1997), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following Rules, namely: -
1. Short title.- These rules may be called the Tamil Nadu Clinical Establishments (Regulation) Rules, 2018.
2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) “Act” means the Tamil Nadu Clinical Establishments (Regulation ) Act, 1997 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 1997);
(b) “Advisory Committee” means the Committee constituted at State Level under clause (1) of section 2-A
of the Act;
(c) “clinic” means a place where treatment for illness is offered without or with injections, minor operations,
dressing etc., to the patients for observation. It may include endoscopic clinic, AYUSH Clinic or any
other establishment offering treatment for illnesses by use of Medicines or any therapy under Allopathy,
Siddha,Unani, Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy or Homeopathy (AYUSH) or any other Government
recognised systems of Medicine,;
(d) “clinical laboratory” means a place where bio-medical or bio-chemical or clinical pathology or biopsy or
bacteriological or genetic investigations or any diagnostic tests or investigative services are carried out;
(e) “consulting room” means a place where consultation, which includes examination of the patients and
issue of prescription is done and advice is given;
(f) “Dental clinic” means a clinic where treatment for dental ailments is given;
(g) “Dental hospital” means a place where patients are treated as inpatient and treatment is given
for dental ailments;
Ex-III-1a(199) [1]
(h) “District Committee” means the Committee constituted in each district under clause (1) of section 2-D
of the Act;
(i) “Doctor” means and includes a Registered Medical Practitioner offering consultations or treatment under
Allopathy or AYUSH;
(j) “Form” means a Form specified in Annexure-II to these rules;
(k) “hospital” means and includes a Nursing Home or Health Centre or Treatment Centre or any other place
where facilities for admission as in-patients for treatment of illness with or without surgery or conduct
of delivery etc., with or without out-patient facilities and diagnostic facilities like laboratory etc., in any
recognised system of medicine;
(l) “maternity hospital” means a hospital where delivery and other maternity services with or without
surgeries and Gynaecological services including surgeries like Hysterectomy, Ceasarean operations are
(m) “patient” means a person who reports himself or brought to any hospital including a dental hospital for
treatment or consultation or seeking any other services rendered by the hospital;
(n) “polyclinic” means a clinic where more than one doctor offers consultation with or without treatment for
illness in any recognised system of medicine;
(o) “Registered Medical Practitioner” means a person who possess any of the Government recognised
medical qualification and who has been enrolled in the register of the respective Council viz., Medical,
Dental, Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani or Homeopathic Councils or the Board of Indian Medicine or any such
Council, Board or any other statutory body recognised by the Government of Tamil Nadu;
(p) “Staff Nurse” means a person who possess the required qualification from any of the Nursing Teaching
Institutions, recognised by the Government of Tamil Nadu and that person must have enrolled in the
Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council under the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947 (Central Act XLVIII
of 1947) or any of the State Nursing Council in India recognised by the Indian Nursing Council and those
who have completed the Diploma in Integrated Nursing in Indian System of Medicine Colleges and
registered in the Directorate of Indian Medicine for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and
Homoeopathy establishments.
(2) Words and expressions used in these rules and not defined shall have the same meaning assigned to
them in the Act.
3. Procedure, Quorum and Minutes of State Level Advisory Committee meeting.- (1) Every notice, calling for
meeting of the State Level Advisory Committee shall,-
(a) specify the place, date and hour of the meeting;
(b) be served upon every member of the State Level Advisory Committee not less than seven clear days before
the day appointed for the meeting.
(2) The Chairperson shall prepare and circulate to the members along with the notice of the meeting, an agenda for such
meeting showing the business to be transacted.
(3) The quorum for the meeting shall be not less than four. If within half-an-hour of the time appointed for the meeting,
quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day in the following week at the same time and place and
the presiding officer of such meeting shall inform this to the members present, and the notice to the other members shall be
communicated by speed post.
(4) The minutes of the meeting shall be communicated to the Government .
4. Procedure, Quorum and Minutes of District Committee meeting.- (1) Every notice, calling for meeting of the District
Committee shall,--
(a) specify the place, date and hour of the meeting.
(b) be served upon every member of the District Committee not less than seven clear days before the day
appointed for the meeting.
(2) The chairperson shall prepare and circulate to the members along with the notice of the meeting, an agenda for
such meeting showing the business to be transacted.
(3) The quorum for the meeting shall be not less than four. If within half-an-hour of the time appointed for the meeting,
quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day in the following week at the same time and place and
the presiding officer of such meeting shall inform this to the members present and the notice to the other members shall be
communicated by speed post.
(4) The minutes of the meeting shall be communicated to the Government and the Competent Authority.
5. Duties of District Committee.- In addition to the duties and responsibilities specified in the Act, the District Committee
shall also perform the following duties, namely.-
(1) scrutinise the applications received as directed by the competent authority;
(2) inspect clinical establishment under the direction of the competent authority;
(3) examine the complaints, if any received pertaining to the implementation of the Act and refer the same to the
Government through the competent authority.
(4) any other duties as may be directed by the competent authority or by the Government from time to time.
6. Minimum facilities of a clinical establishment.- The floor space and other facilities, the minimum number of staff and
their minimum qualification, the minimum equipment and other conditions required for a clinical establishment of different systems,
for providing different medical services including specialized services shall be in accordance with the norms and conditions
specified in Annexure-I to these rules.
7. Application for registration.- (1) Every application for registration of a clinical establishment shall be made, either in
person or by Registered Post with acknowledgement due to the competent authority in Form-I, accompanied by a fee for a sum
of rupees five thousand in the form of demand draft or treasury challan drawn in favour of the competent authority.
(2) If a clinical establishment is offering services in more than one recognised system of medicine separate application
shall be made for each such system of medicine.
8. Certificate of registration.- On receipt of an application for registration of a clinical establishment, the competent
authority shall, after satisfying itself that the applicant fulfils all the requirements of the Act and these rules, grant a Certificate in
Form-II within one eighty days from the date of receipt of the application. The Certificate of Registration is non-transferable.
9. Time limit for renewal.- Every application for renewal of Certificate of Registration shall be submitted to the competent
authority ninety days before the expiry of its validity.
10. Duplicate certificate.- An application for issue of a duplicate Certificate of Registration shall be made to the competent
authority accompanied by a fee for a sum of rupees three hundred.
11. Duties of clinical establishment.- In addition to the duties and responsibilities specified in the Act, every clinical
establishment shall,-
(a) display a copy of the Certificate of Registration in a prominent place of the premises open to the public;
(b) maintain records in electronic form showing the names, addresses and the qualifications of its employees and the
equipments maintained by it;
(c) record and preserve all changes in the employment of the staff and the equipments and intimate the same to the
competent authority;
(d) maintain clinical records (i.e any paper, film, printout, slide, solution, medium which can be deciphered or used to
indicate and diagnose the condition of the human body or a part of it or any material taken out of it and the course
of treatment administered to or undergone by the person), of its activities relating to a patient.
(e) keep every record open for inspection by the competent authority;
(f) surrender the Certificate of Registration and apply for fresh registration on change of ownership of the clinical
establishment, on change of system of medicine for treatment;
(g) surrender the Certificate of Registration, on ceasing to function as a clinical establishment.
12. Maintenance of medical records.- Every clinical establishment shall maintain records with particulars relating to the
clinical observation, test, investigation, diagnostic opinion advice and treatment given to the person, who has visited the hospital
either as an in-patient or out-patient in Form III.
13. Annual Publication of list of clinical establishments.- The competent authority shall, during the month of January of
every year, publish the list of clinical establishments in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette in Form IV.
14. Appeal.- (1) An appeal against an order of the competent authority rejecting an application for registration under sub-
section (2) of section 4 or an order of suspension or cancellation of registration under sub-section (2) of section 5 or any direction
of the competent authority under section 6, shall lie to the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services, within thirty days from
the date of receipt of that order or direction.
(2) The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services on receipt of such appeal, if he considers that, an interim order
is necessary in the matter, he may pass such an order.
(3) The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services may within sixty days from the date of receipt of such appeal,
after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard, pass such order, as he deems fit.
(4) The decision of the appellate authority shall be communicated to the person concerned within seven days from the
date of passing of such order.
(5) The decision of the appellate authority shall be final and binding.
(see rule 6)
(1) Infrastructure.- Consulting room shall have a space of not less than 100 square feet with sufficient light and
ventilation. Separate space for the patients waiting for consultation have also to be provided.
(2) Staff.- The examination of the patient and prescription of the treatment shall be done only by a registered medical
practitioner as required under the Indian Medical Council Act.
(3) Equipment.- The following equipment and hospital accessories shall be available in the consulting room, namely:-
(a) Examination couch
(b) Blood Pressure Apparatus
(c) Stethoscope
(d) Torch light
(e) Tongue depressor
(f) Thermometer
(g) Weighing Machine for Adult and Paediatrics
(h) Knee hammer
(i) Measuring tape
(j) Special examination trays like proctoscopy, Pelvic Exam Tray(P.V. Tray), Eye testing screen and Ear
Nose Throat examination trays as the case may be, and
(k) Besides screen or sufficient privacy for examination of the patient;
(4) Records.- Every Clinical Establishment shall maintain a register having the details regarding the name, age, sex and
address of the patient, date of examination, date of admission. The patient shall be given a slip containing name, age, sex and
date of consultation, diagnosis (either provisional or final) and treatment advised, the investigation result shall be entered, if it was
(5) Prescription slip.- The Doctor shall sign the prescription slip with date and seal.
In addition to the norms prescribed for a consulting room, the following norms are required to be fulfilled, namely:-
(1) Building.- Sufficient space for two cots shall be available for keeping the patient under observation in case of anaphylaxis
or for giving intravenous drip or for observation etc.,
(2) Staff.- Minimum of a Doctor and a paramedical staff.
(3) Equipments.- (a) Steriliser or autoclave;
(b) Arrangement for getting autoclaved or sterilised syringes / instruments or shall use only disposable
(c) Sterile Gloves;
(d) Cheetles Forceps;
(e) Scissors surgical;
(c) X-Ray (Radiograph).- X-Ray department shall confirm to the norms prescribed and X-Rays shall be taken by a qualified
radiographer with a Clinical Research Associate (CRA) qualification.
(e) Catering and Canteen.- If catering arrangements are available, the Kitchen shall be clean and the cooks shall be
periodically medically examined. Clean practices shall be carried out in the canteen and kitchen.
(f) Blood Bank.- If a blood bank is maintained by a hospital, it shall confirm to the directions issued by the Government of
India from time to time.
(g) Ambulance.- It is desirable that, all Hospitals having more than hundred beds shall have an Ambulance with a
driver available or alternatively they shall have tie up arrangement with another Hospital having Ambulance or some Ambulance
service unit.
(i) Waste disposal.- Waste disposal shall be as per the Government of India norms and Guidelines issued by Pollution
Control Board. Proper segregation of the waste at the point is to be ensured.
(ii) Record Keeping.- (a) A separate record shall be maintained in the form of a register, of all surgical operations, performed
in the clinical establishment, which include, among others, the name of the medical practitioner who performed the operation and
the name of the anaesthetist in attendance. All patients either discharged or referred to other Hospitals shall be given a discharge
advice card / slip.
(b) A medical case record shall be maintained for a period of not less than ten years in the form of a register in the
clinical establishment in respect of each patient, which shall include the following particulars, namely:-
(ii) details of any investigations made, surgical operations carried out and treatment given and
(iii) records of all medical prescriptions, X-Ray reports, laboratory reports or any other report with full name,
qualifications of the doctor.
(iv) in the case of a maternity home or a maternity case, the said person shall keep a case record of each child
born to a patient. Full and detail record of pregnancy must be maintained for at least a period of ten years
(iii) Medico Legal Cases.- Every Hospital which treats medico legal cases in accordance with Government
Order, all such records and registers pertaining to such cases shall be preserved as per the Government
orders from time to time and police shall be intimated regarding their admission, discharge, death etc.,
(4) Mortuary room.- An hospital having more than hundred beds shall have a mortuary room or room with freezer box
facilities for the dead bodies.
(5) Water Supply.- Potable water supply shall be made available. Hot water supply also to be provided.
(6) Clothing and Linen.- Bed sheets and other linen used for the patients shall be changed daily.
(7) Fire Fighting.- Fire fighting equipments shall be installed as per rules in force. Only ISI marked equipments to be
provided. Adequate precautions against the risk of fire, including provisions for fire escape, fire extinguishers and system of giving
warnings and for evacuation of all persons in nursing home or clinic or hospital shall be taken in the event of fire.
(8) Quality Assurance.- The names of the doctors working in the hospital and the facilities made available in the hospital
shall be written and exhibited in the hospital. The Hospital shall strive to maintain quality in each of it with the patients.
(9) Communication.- Telephone shall be made available for the communication of the patients with the relative and for
(10) Security.- Due protective measures shall be under taken by the Hospital to ensure safety of the patients, their properties
and to prevent child lifting etc., Every Clinical establishment must exhibit relevant provisions of the Tamil Nadu Medicare Service
Persons and Medicare Service Institutions (Prevention of Violence and Damage or Loss to Property) Act, 2008 (Tamil Nadu Act
48 of 2008) in conspicuous places.
(11) Hospital accessories.- Sufficient number of wheel chairs, trolleys, and stretchers shall be made available in the
(12) Generator.- A generator shall be provided to maintain essential services during power failure.
(13) Labour Room.- If the Hospital is maintaining a labour room and is conducting deliveries it shall have the following
norms, namely:-
(a) Building.- There shall be a room for preparation of the patient for delivery, giving enema etc., with sufficient water
supply. The Labour room shall be not less than 120 square feet well ventilated with sufficient light. Space for
keeping the newborn baby and for its resuscitation is essential.
(b) Staff.- Labour shall be conducted by a qualified Doctor, Staff Nurse, Auxiliary Nurse Midwife or a trained dais.
Untrained persons shall not be entrusted with the Job. Even if a Staff Nurse / Auxillary Nurse Midwife conduct the
delivery, a doctor shall be on call for any emergency or newborn resuscitation. If the labour ward is in a maternity
hospital and deliveries are taking place regularly, a duty doctor shall be available for all the 24 hours. It is desirable
to have a Paediatrician on call, wherever possible.
(c) Equipment.- The following equipments and hospital accessories shall be made available, namely:-
(i) Labour Board with lithotomic stand
(ii) Saline Stand
(iii) Oxygen Cylinder with Vent mask
(iv) P.V. Tray with equipment
(v) Dilation & Curettage (C & A) Set
(vi) Focus Lamp
(vii Trolleys for instrument and to receive the baby
(viii) Vaccine extractor / Forceps delivery set
(ix) Sterile core clamp
(x) Antiseptic lotions
(xi) Suction apparatus
(xii) Baby resuscitation set
(xiii) Baby Warmer (a light may also do)
(xiv) Baby mucus sucker (disposable)
(xv) Paediatric ambu bag
(xvi) Suturing tray for episiotomy and suturing.
(d) Drugs.-
- Injection Methergin 5 adenosine monophosphate
- Injection Pitocin 5 adenosine monophosphate
- Injection Carboprost 5 adenosine monophosphate
- I.V. Fluids 5% dextrose 2 bottles.
- 5% dextrose or Saline
- Ringer lactate.
- Inj.Diazepam 2 amp
- 2% Lignocane Vial – 1
- Disposable Syringe 10 Numbers
- Injection Vitamin K
- Injection Eptoin
(e) Records. -
(i) Birth Register
(ii) Birth intimation slip
(iii) Case sheets and notes to be recorded
(iv) Register for babies and mothers to prevent child changing.
(14) Operation Theatre.-
(a) Minor Operation Theatre.-
Where septic cases and minor surgeries like abscess, Incision and Drainage (I&D) and septic cases like amputations etc.,
are carried out.
(i) Space.- Sufficient space – not less than 100 square feet with adequate lighting and ventilation.
(ii) Staff.- All surgeries in minor operation theatre shall be carried out by qualified doctor only. However dressings can
be done by a Nurse or a Nursing Assistant.
(iii) Equipments.- Operation table.
- Focus light
- Sterilizer
- Auto clave
- Bins
- Saline Stand
- Minor surgical equipments
- Regional Anaesthesia equipment
- Sterile gloves
- Sterile syringes
- Drugs as required
- Drugs for emergency tray
- Boyle’s apparatus with Oxygen cylinder, Nitrous Oxide Cylinder (Desirable)
- Suction apparatus
- Baby resuscitation set
(iv) Records.- Records of all surgeries done in minor operation theatre shall be entered in a register.
(b) Main Operation Theatre.-
(i) Space.- Shall have sufficient space with a minimum of 150 square feet is essential, well lit preferably air-conditioned.
Other than the operating room, there shall be provision for patient waiting and a cot provided for postoperative
recovery. Sufficient space shall be available for autoclave and sterilization and for scrubbing. Running water from
the tap shall be available in the scrub room. Ultra violet lamps shall be fitted in the operation theatre. Sufficient
arrangements for formalisation of operation theatre. Swab for culture to be taken from operation theatre at least
once a month.
(ii) Staff.- A qualified nurse shall be the head of nursing staff in the Operation Theatre. Anaesthesia to be provided by
a qualified Anaesthetist or by a doctor only who is trained in anaesthesia. Surgeries shall be performed by qualified
doctors only.
(iii) Equipments.-–Operating table
- Focus Light preferably wall mounted
- Boyle’s apparatus with sufficient cylinders
- Monitoring devices like
(a) Cardiac monitor – must
(b) Pulse Oximeters – must
- Suction apparatus preferably two
- Sterilizer, Autoclave
- Surgical equipments for surgery
- Sterile bin
- Stretcher for shifting of patient
- Anaesthesia Kit.
(iv) Records.- Record of all surgeries performed shall be available in a register duly with name, age, sex, address of patient,
Surgeon, Anaesthetist and Staff Nurse also to be entered. Biopsy reports also shall be entered.
(15) Intensive Care Unit.- An Intensive Care Unit may be maintained in all Nursing Homes / Hospital having more than
hundred beds. The following norms are to be maintained, namely:-
(a) Space.- A well ventilated preferably air conditioned room with sufficient lighting is essential. If four Cots are there, a
minimum space of 240 square feet is needed. Sufficient space for keeping ventilators and monitors to be available. Space for duty
doctor and nurse shall also be available. There shall be provision for attendants outside the Intensive Care Unit.
(b) Staff.- One doctor for every ten beds for day time. If there are more than ten beds, one additional doctor for every
additional five beds. Similar provision shall be made for night time.
(c) Nurse.- One qualified nurse for up to six beds for day time. An another qualified nurse for every additional three beds.
This similar arrangement shall be made for night time.
(d) Equipments.-
- Intensive Care Unit Cots
- Saline Stands
- Ventilators
- Cardiac Monitor
- Pulse Oximeter
- Defibrillator
- Suction apparatus
- Oxygen supply (either Cylinder or central supply)
- Incubation equipments
- Drugs
- Generator
(e) Records.- A record of in-patients in Intensive Care Unit shall be available in a register as to their illness, treatment
offered, specialists visited – Out come etc.,
(16) Medical Record Maintenance in a Hospital.- The following records shall be maintained, namely:-
(i) Admission and Discharge Register.
(ii) Case sheets
(iii) Referrals
(iv) Infectious and Communicable disease Register.
(v) Immunisation particulars
(vi) Family Welfare Services
(vii) Medico Legal Records
(viii) Maternal Death Record
(ix) Infant Death record
(x) 1 to 5 years Child Death records
(xi) any other record as may be required by the Government, from time to time.
In addition to facilities/ Norms specified for Nursing Homes / Hospitals, a labour room and an operation theatre is preferable
facilities for transport of patients like an Ambulance or tie up arrangement with a Central Ambulance Service is desirable.
(1) Building.-The consulting room if it accommodates the Dental Chair also shall be having sufficient space not less
than 100 square feet. The room shall be well ventilated and shall have sufficient lighting arrangements. Space
for keeping the Sterilizer and Trays to be provided. Sufficient space for patient waiting to be provided outside the
consulting room.
(2) Staff.- Dental Surgery, Consultation and prescription shall be performed by a qualified Dental Surgeon only as per
the Indian Dentist Act, 1948 (Central Act XVI of 1948). Injections and administration of anaesthesia shall be done
by the dental surgeon himself. X-Ray shall be taken by a qualified Radiographer or by the Dentist.
(3) Equipments.- (a) Dental Chair
(b) Provision of water for surgery
(c) Steriliser
(d) Bin for sterile cotton gauze etc.,
(e) Trays with instruments
(f) Dental instruments
(g) X-Ray (desirable)
(h) Disposable (optional) / autoclaved syringes.
(4) Records.- A record of the patients treated along with name, age, sex, disease and treatment given shall be
available. A slip shall be given to the patient with all the above particulars.
Out-patient department.- The outpatient department of a dental hospital shall confirm to the norms prescribed to a Dental
Clinic. In addition, sufficient waiting room shall be provided to the patients. Wards, Operation Theatre and other aspects shall be
as per the norms prescribed to the nursing homes and hospitals.
VIII. CLINICAL LABORATORIES.- They shall include clinical laboratories, pathological laboratories, genetic laboratories etc.
(1) Building.- A minimum of space for sample collection, First Aid Room, Processing, Report preparation etc., 500 Square
feet in Rural, 700-1500 Square feet in Urban should be available. There shall be lavatories for the patients use at least one shall
be available with sufficient water. There shall be sufficient space for Microscopy and for Biochemical tests. The room shall be well
ventilated with sufficient light. Space for keeping a cot for the use of patient shall be available. If x ray is also functioning norms as
for an X ray centre shall be followed. The laboratories shall ensure adequate space in relation to the following:-
(a) Patient’s reception
(b) Sample collection
(c) Isolation for Bio hazardous materials
(d) Radioisotope related work as per the regulatory agency Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) requirement.
The Laboratories shall ensure standards prescribed by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration of
Laboratories for the personal, qualification etc., Quality assurance in Lab Service, Internal Quality and External Quality should be
(2) Staff.- (a) The Biopsy examination and reporting shall be done by a Pathologist or by a Trained Doctor. When culture
and sensitivity tests are carried out, a Microbiologist either Medical or non-Medical shall be available, Cytology reports shall be
given by a Pathologist only.
(b) Qualification for technical staff .- The staff performing the technical tests shall have the following qualifications,
(i) Graduate in Medical laboratory Technology; or
(ii) Two years Diploma course in Medical Laboratory Technology; or
(iii) One year Certificate course in Medical Laboratory Technology with two years experience; or
(b) Nurse.- A qualified nurse shall be available at the ratio of one nurse and two Nursing Assistant for upto thirty
(c) Pharmacist/Therapist.- Pharmacist/Therapist qualified in the respective system of medicine shall be employed for
dispensing of medicines. If the hospital has more than thirty beds, for less than thirty beds the doctor himself can
dispense the medicines or employ a qualified pharmacist/Therapist.
(d) Other Staff.- Other staff like Mazdoor etc. shall be employed as per need. Sufficient number of cleaning staff shall
be available at least one for every thirty beds.
4. Equipment.-(a) The following Exercise Therapy equipments shall ordinarily needed for all Siddha Hospitals, namely:-
(i) Traction Kit
(ii) Walker
(iii) IR light
(iv) TFT and Ultrasound Therapy Instrument
(v) Vibrator (Manual and Electronic)
(b) The following equipments ordinarily required for all Siddha Hospitals, namely:-
(i) Thokkanam table
(ii) Vedhu Chamber
(iii) Wax bath machine
(iv) Karanool
(v) Kazhichal endhiram
(vi) Vaanathi maruthuvam Chair
(vii) Nasiyam Chair
(viii) Peetchu endiram-Disposal Packs
(ix) Kidney Tray
(x) Motion tray
(xi) Nebuliser Set
(xii) Moving Stretcher
(xiii) Disposable Syringes
(xiv) Surgical instruments for common procedures, First Aid
(xv) Parenteral drugs and infusion related equipments
(xvi) Equipments needed for specific Aga maruthuvam, puramaruthuvam procedures.
(c) Equipments for Yoga and Naturopathy.-
Yoga Therapy.-
(i) Carpets /coir mats
(ii) Jala neti pot
(iii) Eye wash cup
(iv) Yoga charts
(v) Sutra neti rubber catheter
(i) Enema can
(ii) Steam bath cabin with Automatic steam generator
(iii) Facial sauna
(iv) Fomentation bag
for various diseases. In addition to above, first aid and emergency management need to be provided. Sufficient number of Wheel
Chairs, Stretchers shall be available at least one per every thirty beds.
7. Records.- (1) A record of all patients admitted / treated shall be available along with the investigations diagnosis and
treatment. The patient shall be provided with a discharge slip containing the details of investigation, diagnosis, treatment and
follow up etc.,
(2) The following register shall be maintained. It is the duty of the clinical establishment to give all the relevant particulars to
the patients on demands.
(i) Admission and Discharge Register
(ii) Contagious and infectious disease register.
(iii) Medico legal cases register (in case medico legal cases are brought there for treatment at any stage)
Records with full address shall be kept ready for verification by the District Committee.
1. Communication.- A telephone connection shall be available for use by patients (on payment)
2. Security.- Sufficient security shall be provided for the safety of inmates and to prevent theft.
3. Fire Fighting:- Fire fighting equipment with I.S.I. mark shall be provided as per rules in the hospital.
4. Kitchen.- If food is provided to inmates, the kitchen shall be clean and the cook(s) shall be periodically, medically
examined for any infection or contagious diseases.
5. Clothing and Linen.- It shall be clean and changed daily.
6. Water Supply.- The potable water shall be provided to the patient.
7. Waste Disposal.- It shall be as per the Government of India norms and shall follow the guidelines of Tamil Nadu
Pollution Control Board.
8. Record Maintenance.- (a) Every Clinical Establishment shall maintain the permanent records pertaining to details
of the employees as well as the clinical records pertaining to the patients. The records shall be kept open for inspection by the
competent authority or any other officer authorized in this behalf.
(b) Every Private Clinical Establishment shall make available a copy of list of observation, treatment etc., pertaining to
the patient on payment of necessary charges within the reasonable time. Every Clinical Establishment shall display
at a prominent place the charges for obtaining such information.
(c) Every Clinical Establishment may refuse to furnish such information, if such information is likely to cause injury to
the person or his family members or if the treatment has been conducted on the direction of a public authority.
1 Name of the Clinical Establishment: 1. Registration No:
2. Address:
Village/Town: Taluk
District: State: Pincode
Telephone No.(with STD code) Mobile: Fax:
Email ID: Website (if any)
3. Year of starting:
(From 4 to 11, Mark all whichever is applicable)
4. Location:
Metro State Capital City Town
5. Ownership of Services.-
Public Sector
Autonomous organization Society/Not for profit Companies Any other (please specify)
Private Sector
Corporation (including a society) registered under a Central, Provincial or State Act (Please specify)
Trust (including Charitable) registered under a Central, Provincial or State Act (please specify)
Branch of a Foreign Service provider (please specify)
Any other (please specify)
Village/Town: Taluk
District: State: Pincode
Telephone No.(with STD code) Mobile: Fax:
Email ID:
(Please specify)
Primary Health Centre Community Health Centre Urban Health Centre
Dispensary Day Care Centre Counselling centre
Physiotherapy Centre Yoga Centre In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Centre
Dialysis Hospice Centre Any other (like Audiometry, Prosthetic & or-
thotic etc., (please specify)
General Practice Services Maternity Home
Single speciality Services Multi Speciality Services
Super speciality Services Operation Theatre
Emergency Causality Intensive Care Unit
ICCU Any other please specify
If answer to (a) above is yes, the following details may be furnished, namely:-
-- Tests that it proposes to carry out
-- List of equipments available
-- A list of technical staff (both technical and supervisory)
-- List of personnel who are going to sign test reports.
(b) is attached with Imaging Centre (if so, please tick whichever is applicable)
12. Services offered (please tick whichever is applicable)
(a) Allopathic
(e) Homeopathy
(f) Naturopathy
(g) Yoga
I / We hereby declare that the statement stated above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and I/We
shall abide by the Tamil Nadu Clinical Establishments (Regulation) Act, 1997 and the Rules made thereunder.
Name :
Date with Seal:
(see rule 8)
Competent Authority
Date: Seal:
Date :
S. Name of Mobile Age Sex ID Referring Provisional Investigations Investi- Method of Result Additional Initial of
No the No. No. Doctor Diagnosis Specimen gation Investiga- infor- the Medical
Patient performe tion and mation if Officer
and Equipment any
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
Note: If electronic records are maintained and / or exisƟng registers capture this informaƟon, a monthly print outs / copy shall be taken and signed by
the authoriƟes concerned.
Register for Imaging techniques USG/X Ray/ CT/MRI/PET etc. Laboratory Test Conducted
Date :
S. Name of Mobile Age Sex ID Refer- Provision- Investigations Investi- Method of Re- Additional Initial of
No the Pa- No. No. ring al Diagno- Specimen gation Investiga- sult informa- Medical of-
tient and Doctor sis per- tion and tion if any ficer
addres formed Equiment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
Note: If electronic records are maintained, and / or existing registers capture this information, a monthly print outs / copy shall be taken and
signed by the Medical Officer.
System of Medicine _ Hospital / Nursing Home Tamil Nadu Clinical Establishment Regu-
lation Act Registration no. :
S. Name of Mobile Age Sex Hospital Date of Provisional Investi- Final Treat- Date of Result Addi-tional Initial
No the Patient No. IP No. Admission Diagnosis gations diagno- ment Discharge Cured / information of the
and ad- if any sis Same if any medi-
dress condition cal
/ Referred officer
/ Expired
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Note: If electronic records are maintained and / or existing registers capture this information, a monthly print outs / copy shall be taken and
signed by the Hospital authorities.
2. The hospital shall maintain individual case sheets for the patients
System of Medicine Clinic / Consulting Room Tamil Nadu Clinical Establishment Regula-
tion Act Registration no. :
Serial Name of the Pa- Mobile Age Sex Provisional Inves ga ons Final Treatment Result Addi onal Ini al of
ent and address No./ Con- Diagnosis if any diagnosis Cured / Same informa on the Medi-
No tact No. if condi on / if any cal
available Referred / officer
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Note: If electronic records are maintained and / or existing registers capture this information, a monthly print
Operation Register
Operation Theatre (Please specify the OT either Maternity / General / Ortho etc., as the case may be)
S. Name Mo- Age Sex Date of Hospital Provi- Inves Opera on Opera ng Anaeth- Staff Opera on- Oera- Trans Addi- Ini al
No of the bile Admis- IP No. sional ga ons performed Surgeon e st Nurse Time on ferred onal of the
Pa ent No. sion Diag- if any and Assisted Notes to which infor- Medi-
and nosis Assistant (From to) ward ma on cal
address if any officer
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Note: If electronic records are maintained, and / or existing registers capture this information, a monthly print outs / copy shall be taken and it shall be authenticated by the
Hospital authorities.
Validity Period
Name and (6)
Serial Address TNCERA No. Type of
No. of Clinical and Date Establishment
Establishment From To
[G.O. Ms. No. 206, Health and Family Welfare (Z2), 1st June 2018,
Vaikasi 18, Vilambi, Thiruvalluvar Aandu - 2049.]
1997Ý‹ ݇´ îI›ï£´ ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùƒèœ (º¬øŠð´ˆ¶î™) ê†ìˆF¡ (îI›ï£´ ê†ì‹ 4/1997) 14Ý‹ HKM¡ (1)-‹
à†HKM™ õöƒèŠð†´œ÷ ÜFè£óƒè¬÷‚ ªè£‡´, îI›ï£´ ÝÀï˜Üõ˜èœ W›‚è£μ‹ MFè¬÷ ߃Aîù£™ ÞòŸÁAø£˜.
1. °Á‰î¬ôŠ¹.- Þ‰î MFèœ, 2018Ý‹ ݇´ îI›ï£´ ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùƒèœ (º¬øŠð´ˆ¶î™) MFèœ âù
2. ªð£¼œ õ¬óò¬øèœ.- (1) Þ‰î MFèO™, îÁõ£Œ «õÁªð£¼œ °Pˆî£ô¡P, ñŸøð®
(a) “ê†ì‹” â¡ð¶, 1997Ý‹ ݇´ îI›ï£´ ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùƒèœ (º¬øŠð´ˆ¶î™) ê†ì‹ (îI›ï£´ ê†ì‹
4/1997) â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹.;
(b) “Ý«ô£ê¬ù‚ °¿” â¡ð¶, Þ‰î„ ê†ìˆF¡ HK¾ 2-A â‹ HKM¡ ÃÁ (1)Þ¡ ð®, ñ£Gô Ü÷M™
ܬñˆ¶¼õ£‚èŠð†ì °¿ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹.;
(c) “ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñò‹” â¡ð¶ «ï£ò£Oè¬÷‚ è‡è£EŠH™ ¬õˆ¶, Üõ˜èÀ‚° áC ñ¼‰¶èœ, CPò
Ü÷Mô£ù ÜÁ¬õ CA„¬êèœ, è£òƒèÀ‚°‚ 膴 è†´î™ ºîLòõŸÁì¡ Ü™ô¶ Þ¬õ â¬õ»I¡P
«ï£ŒèÀ‚°„ CA„¬êòO‚èŠð´Aø å¼ Þì‹ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹. Þ¬õ à쟰ö£Œ àœ«ï£‚è™
(⇫ì£v«è£ŠH) ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñò‹, Ý»w (AYUSH) ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñò‹ Ü™ô¶ ñ¼‰¶è¬÷Š ðò¡ð´ˆF
Ü™ô¶ ݃Aô ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬ø, Cˆî ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬ø, »ù£Q ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬ø, Ý»˜«õî ñ¼ˆ¶õ
º¬ø, «ò£è£ ñŸÁ‹ ÞòŸ¬è ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬ø Ü™ô¶ æI«ò£ðF ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬ø (Ý»w) Ü™ô¶ Üó꣙
܃WèK‚èŠð†ì ã¬ùò ò£ªî£¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬øJ¡ W›, «ï£ŒèÀ‚° CA„¬ê ÜO‚°‹ ã¬ùò ò£ªî£¼
ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùº‹ ÞF™ Ü샰‹.;
(d) “ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê º¬ø ÝŒõè‹” (Clinical Laboratory) â¡ð¶ àJK ñ¼ˆ¶õ ÝŒ¾ Ü™ô¶ àJK
«õFŠªð£¼œ Ü™ô¶ «ï£Œ‚°PJò™ Ü™ô¶ àì™ F² ÝŒ¾ Ü™ô¶ ¸‡μJKò™ ÝŒ¾ Ü™ô¶
ñóHò™ ÝŒ¾èœ Ü™ô¶ ò£ªî£¼ «ï£Œ è‡ìPî™ ðK«ê£î¬ùèœ Ü™ô¶ HE ÝŒ¾ º¬øèœ
«ñŸªè£œ÷Šð´‹ æ˜ Þì‹ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹;
(e) “ñ¼ˆ¶õ Ý«ô£ê¬ù ܬø” â¡ð¶ «ï£ò£Oè¬÷ ðK«ê£î¬ù ªêŒ¶, Üõ˜èÀ‚° ñ¼‰¶„Y†´ ñŸÁ‹
Ý«ô£ê¬ù õöƒèŠð´‹ æ˜ Þì‹ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹.;
(f) “ð™ ñ¼ˆ¶õ G¬ôò‹” â¡ð¶ ð™ ê‹ð‰îŠð†ì «ï£ŒèÀ‚° CA„¬ê ÜO‚°‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ G¬ôò‹ â¡Á
(g) “ð™ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù” â¡ð¶ «ï£ò£Oèœ àœ«ï£ò£Oè÷£è‚ «ê˜‚èŠð†´ 𙠫‚è£è CA„¬ê ÜO‚èŠð´‹
Þì‹ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹.;
(h) “ñ£õ†ì °¿” â¡ð¶, Þ„ê†ìˆF¡ HK¾ 2-D â‹ HKM¡ ÃÁ (1)-Þ¡ W›, 嚪õ£¼ ñ£õ†ìˆF½‹
ܬñˆ¶¼õ£‚èŠð†ì °¿ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹.;
(i) “ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜” â¡ð¶ ݃Aô ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬ø Ü™ô¶ `Ý»w’ ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬øJ™ Ý«ô£ê¬ù õöƒ°Aø Ü™ô¶
CA„¬ê ÜO‚Aø ðF¾ ªðŸø ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜ å¼õ˜ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹.;
(j) “ð®õ‹” â¡ð¶ Þ‰î MFèO¡ HŸ«ê˜‚¬è II-™ Þ¬í‚èŠð†ì å¼ ð®õ‹ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹;
(k) “ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù” â¡ð¶ ò£ªî£¼ ܃WèK‚èŠð†ì ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬øJ™ ÝŒ¾‚Ãì‹ ºîLò ¹ø«ï£ò£O
õêFèœ ñŸÁ‹ «ï£Œ‚°P ÜPõîŸè£ù õêFèÀì¡ Ü™ô¶ Þ‰î õêFèO¡P, ÜÁ¬õ CA„¬êJ¡P
Ü™ô¶ ÜÁ¬õ CA„¬ê»ì¡ «ï£Œ‚è£ù CA„¬ê ÜO‚Aø Ü™ô¶ Hóêõ‹ 𣘊ð àœ«ï£ò£Oè÷£è„
«ê˜ŠðîŸè£ù õêFèœ ªè£‡ì CPò ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù Ü™ô¶ ²è£î£ó ¬ñò‹ Ü™ô¶ CA„¬ê
¬ñò‹/ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹.;
(l) “ñ芫ðÁ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù” â¡ð¶ ÜÁ¬õ CA„¬ê ªêŒ¶ Ü™ô¶ ÜÁ¬õ CA„¬êJ¡P Hóêõ‹ ïìˆ¶î™ ñŸÁ‹
Hø ñ芫ðÁ «ê¬õè¬÷»‹ 輊¬ð c‚è‹, 輊¬ð «ñŸFøŠ¹ (Caesarean Section) Íô‹ ñ芫ðÁ‚è£ù
ÜÁ¬õ CA„¬êèœ à†ðì ñèO˜ «ï£Œ‚è£ù ñ¼ˆ¶õ «ê¬õè¬÷»‹ õöƒ°A¡ø ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù â¡Á
(m) “«ï£ò£O” â¡ðõ˜ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùò£™ ÜO‚èŠð´Aø CA„¬ê Ü™ô¶ Ý«ô£ê¬ù Ü™ô¶ ã¬ùò ò£ªî£¼
ñ¼ˆ¶õ «ê¬õè¬÷Š ªðÁõîŸè£è, ð™ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù à†ðì ò£ªî£¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù‚°‹ î£ù£è Ü™ô¶
Høó£™ ªè£‡´ õóŠð´‹ ïð˜ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹.;
(n) “ðô«ï£Œ ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê ¬ñò‹” â¡ð¶ ܃WèK‚èŠð†ì ò£ªî£¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬øJ™, CA„¬ê»ì¡
Ü™ô¶ CA„¬êJ¡P å¡Á‚°‹ «ñŸð†ì ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜èœ Ý«ô£ê¬ù õöƒ°Aø ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñò‹ âùŠ
(o) “ðF¾ ªðŸø ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜” â¡ðõ˜, Üó² ܃Wè£ó‹ ªðŸø ãî£õ¶ ñ¼ˆ¶õˆ î°F ªðŸÁœ÷ ܶ ªî£ì˜ð£ù
ܬñŠH™ Üî£õ¶, ñ¼ˆ¶õ‹, ð™ ñ¼ˆ¶õ‹, Cˆî£, Ý»˜«õî£, »ù£Q ñŸÁ‹ æI«ò£ðF èöèƒèœ ñŸÁ‹
Þ‰Fò ñ¼ˆ¶õ õ£Kò‹ Ü™ô¶ îI›ï£´ Üó꣙ ܃WèK‚èŠð†ì ܈î¬èò ò£ªî£¼ èöè‹, õ£Kò‹
Ü™ô¶ ã¬ùò ò£ªî£¼ ê†ìŠð®ò£ù ܬñŠH™ (Statutory) ðF¾ ªêŒî å¼ ïð˜ âùŠð´õ£˜.;
(p) “ªêMLò˜” â¡ðõ˜, îI›ï£´ Üó꣙ ܃WèK‚èŠð†ì ò£ªî£¼ ªêMLò ðJŸC GÁõùƒèOL¼‰¶
«î¬õò£ù î°FJ¬ù ªðŸP¼‰¶ ܉î ïð˜ 1947Ý‹ ݇´ Þ‰Fò ªêMLò °¿ ê†ìˆF¡ W› (ñˆFò
ê†ì‹ 48/1947) îI›ï£´ ªêMLò˜ ñŸÁ‹ î£Fò˜ °¿ñ‹ Ü™ô¶ Þ‰Fò ªêMLò °¿õ£™ ܃WèK‚èŠð†ì
å¼ ñ£Gô ªêMLò˜ °¿M™ ðF¾ ªêŒî™ ñŸÁ‹ Þ‰Fò ñ¼ˆ¶õ ܬñŠ¹ è™ÖKèO™ 弃A¬í‰î
ªêMLò˜ ð†ìò ð®ŠH¬ù º®ˆ¶, Ý»˜«õî£, «ò£è£ ñŸÁ‹ ÞòŸ¬è, »ù£Q, Cˆî£ ñŸÁ‹ æI«ò£ðF
GÁõùƒèÀ‚è£ù Þ‰Fò ñ¼ˆ¶õ Þò‚°ïóèˆF™ ðF¾ ªêŒ¶œ÷ ïð˜ å¼õ˜ â¡Á ªð£¼œð´‹.;
(2) Þ‰î MFèO™ ðò¡ð´ˆîŠð†´ Ýù£™ ªð£¼œ õ¬óò¬ø ªêŒòŠðì£î ܬùˆ¶ ªê£Ÿèœ ñŸÁ‹ ªê£Ÿªø£ì˜èÀ‹,
ê†ìˆF™ ÜõŸÁ‚° °PˆîO‚èŠð†´œ÷ Ü«î ªð£¼¬÷‚ ªè£‡®¼‚°‹.;
3. ñ£Gô Ü÷Mô£ù Ý«ô£ê¬ù‚ °¿M¡ ï¬ìº¬ø, Ã†ì‹ ïìŠð «î¬õò£ù G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì ïð˜èO¡ °¬ø‰î
â‡E‚¬è ñŸÁ‹ Æì ïìõ®‚¬è °PŠ¹èœ.- (1) ñ£Gô Ü÷Mô£ù Ý«ô£ê¬ù‚ °¿ ÆìˆFŸ° ܬöŠ¹ M´‚A¡ø
嚪õ£¼ ÜPMŠH™ H¡ õ¼ð¬õ °PŠHìŠð†®¼‚°‹,-
(a) Ã†ì‹ ï¬ìªðÁ‹ Þì‹,  ñŸÁ‹ «ïó‹.
(b) Ã†ì‹ ï¬ìªðÁõ G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì ï£À‚° º¡ùî£è, º¿ 㿠èÀ‚° °¬øò£î è£ô Ü÷M™,
ñ£Gô Ü÷Mô£ù Ý«ô£ê¬ù‚ °¿M¡ 嚪õ£¼ àÁŠHù¼‚°‹ ÜPMŠ¹ õöƒèŠð´‹.
(2) î¬ôõ˜, ÆìˆFŸè£ù ÜPMŠ¹ì¡, ªêò™ð´ˆîŠðì «õ‡®ò ðEèœ °Pˆî ܈î¬èò ÆìˆFŸè£ù G蛄C Gó™
°PŠ¹ 塬ø îò£Kˆ¶, àÁŠHù˜èÀ‚° ²ŸøP‚¬èò£è ÜŠ¹õ£˜.
(3) Ã†ì‹ ïìŠð «î¬õò£è G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì ïð˜èO¡ °¬ø‰î â‡E‚¬è, ° àÁŠHù˜èÀ‚° °¬øò£ñ™
Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. Ã†ì‹ ï¬ìªðÁõ G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì ܬó ñE «ïóˆF™, Ã†ì‹ ïìŠð «î¬õò£è G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì
°¬ø‰î â‡E‚¬è ïð˜èœ Þ™¬ôªòQ™, Æì‹, Ü´ˆ¶ õ¼A¡ø õ£óˆF™, Ü«î «ïó‹ ñŸÁ‹ ÞìˆF™, Ü«î ï£À‚°
åˆF ¬õ‚èŠð´‹. ܈î¬èò ÆìˆF¡ î¬ô¬ñ ܽõô˜ ܃° ÷ àÁŠHù˜èOì‹ Þ¬î ªîKMŠð£˜. ã¬ùò
àÁŠHù˜èÀ‚°, M¬ó¾ Ü…ê™ õ£Jô£è îèõ™ ªîKM‚èŠð´‹.
(4) Æì ïìõ®‚¬è °PŠ¹èœ Ü󲂰 ªîKM‚èŠð´‹.
4. ñ£õ†ì °¿ ÆìˆF¡ ï¬ìº¬ø, Ã†ì‹ ïìŠð «î¬õò£è G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì ïð˜èO¡ °¬ø‰î â‡E‚¬è
ñŸÁ‹ Æì ïìõ®‚¬è °PŠ¹èœ.- (1) ñ£õ†ì Ü÷Mô£ù Ý«ô£ê¬ù‚ °¿ ÆìˆFŸ° ܬöŠ¹ M´‚A¡ø 嚪õ£¼
ÜPMŠH™ H¡õ¼ð¬õ °PŠHìŠð†®¼‚°‹,-
(a) Ã†ì‹ ï¬ìªðÁ‹ Þì‹,  ñŸÁ‹ «ïó‹.
(b) Ã†ì‹ ï¬ìªðÁõŸ° G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì ï£À‚° º¡ùî£è, º¿ 㿠èÀ‚° °¬øò£î è£ô Ü÷M™,
ñ£õ†ì Ü÷Mô£ù Ý«ô£ê¬ù‚ °¿M¡ 嚪õ£¼ àÁŠHù¼‚°‹ ÜPMŠ¹ õöƒèŠð´‹.
(2) î¬ôõ˜, ÆìˆFŸè£ù ÜPMŠ¹ì¡, ªêò™ð´ˆîŠðì «õ‡®ò ðEèœ °Pˆî ܈î¬èò ÆìˆFŸè£ù
G蛄C Gó™ °PŠ¹ 塬ø îò£Kˆ¶, àÁŠHù˜èÀ‚° ²ŸøP‚¬èò£è ÜŠ¹õ£˜.
(3) Ã†ì‹ ïìŠð «î¬õò£è G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì ïð˜èO¡ °¬ø‰î â‡E‚¬è, ° àÁŠHù˜èÀ‚°
°¬øò£ñ™ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. Ã†ì‹ ï¬ìªðÁõ G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì ܬó ñE «ïóˆF™, Ã†ì‹ ïìŠð
«î¬õò£è G˜íJ‚èŠð†ì °¬ø‰î â‡E‚¬è ïð˜èœ Þ™¬ôªòQ™, Æì‹, Ü´ˆ¶ õ¼A¡ø õ£óˆF™,
Ü«î «ïó‹ ñŸÁ‹ ÞìˆF™, Ü«î ï£À‚° åˆF ¬õ‚èŠð´‹. ܈î¬èò ÆìˆF¡ î¬ô¬ñ ܽõô˜
܃° ÷ àÁŠHù˜èOì‹ Þ¬î ªîKMŠð£˜. ã¬ùò àÁŠHù˜èÀ‚°, M¬ó¾ Ü…ê™ õ£Jô£è îèõ™
(4) Æì ïìõ®‚¬è °PŠ¹èœ Ü󲂰‹ î°Fø‹ õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠ¹‚°‹ ªîKM‚èŠð´‹.
5. ñ£õ†ì °¿M¡ èì¬ñèœ.- Þ‰î ê†ìˆF™ °PŠHìŠð†´œ÷ ðEèœ ñŸÁ‹ ªð£ÁŠ¹èÀì¡, ñ£õ†ì‚ °¿ W›‚è£μ‹
èì¬ñè¬÷ «ñŸªè£œÀ‹. Üî£õ¶:-
(1) î°Fø‹ õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠð£™ àˆîóMìŠð†ìõ£ø£è, ªðøŠð†ì M‡íŠðƒè¬÷ ؉¾ ªêŒî™;
(2) î°Fø‹ õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£KJ¡ àˆîóM¡ W›, ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùƒè¬÷ ÝŒ¾ ªêŒî™;
(3) Þ‰î ê†ìˆ¬î ªêò™ð´ˆ¶õ¶ ªî£ì˜ð£è ã«î‹ ¹è£˜èœ ªðøŠð†®¼ŠH¡, ÜõŸ¬ø ÝŒ¾ ªêŒ¶, î°Fø‹
õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠH¡ õ£Jô£è ÜóC¡ 𣘬õ‚° ÜŠ¹î™;
(4) ÜšõŠ«ð£¶ î°Fø‹ õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠð£™ Ü™ô¶ Üó꣙ àˆîóMìŠð†ìõ£ø£ù ò£ªî£¼ ã¬ùò
6. ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùƒèO¡ °¬ø‰î÷¾ õêFèœ.- CøŠ¹ CA„¬ê à†ðì ÞìõêF ñŸÁ‹ ã¬ùò õêFèœ, ªõš«õÁ
ñ¼ˆ¶õ «ê¬õèÀ‚° õ¬è ªêŒõ ªõš«õÁ º¬øJô£ù ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê GÁõùˆFŸ° «î¬õŠð´‹ ðEò£÷˜èO¡
°¬ø‰î÷¾ â‡E‚¬è ñŸÁ‹ Üõ˜èO¡ °¬ø‰î÷¾ è™Mˆ î°F, °¬ø‰î÷¾ è¼Mèœ ñŸÁ‹ ã¬ùò ðEG¬ô¬ñèœ,
ÞšMFèO¡ ެ특-I Þ™ °PŠHìŠð†®¼‚°‹ Ü÷¾«è£œèœ (Norms) ñŸÁ‹ Gð‰î¬ùèÀ‚«èŸð Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
7. ðF¾ ªêŒõîŸè£ù M‡íŠð‹.- (1) ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõù‹ 塬ø ðF¾ ªêŒõîŸè£ù 嚪õ£¼ M‡íŠðº‹, î°Fø‹
õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠH¡ ªðòK™ â´‚èŠð†ì Ï𣌠ä‰î£Jó‹ ªî£¬è‚è£ù «è†¹‚ 裫꣬ô Ü™ô¶ è¼×ô ªê½ˆ¶„
Y†´ì¡ ð®õ‹ I-Þ™, 効¬è Y†´ì¡, î°Fø‹ õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠHì‹ «ïK¬ìò£è«õ£ Ü™ô¶ ðFõ…ê™ õ£Jô£è
ÜO‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.
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8. ðF¾„ ꣡Pî›.- ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùˆ¬î ðF¾ ªêŒõîŸè£ù M‡íŠð‹ ªðøŠð†ì¾ì¡, Þ‰î ê†ì‹ ñŸÁ‹ MFèO™
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꣡Pî› ñ£Ÿøˆî‚èî™ô.
9. ¹¶ŠHŠðîŸè£ù è£ôõ¬óò¬ø.- ðF¾„꣡Pî¬ö ¹¶ŠHŠðîŸè£ù 嚪õ£¼ M‡íŠðº‹, Üî¡ ªê™Fø¡ è£ô
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10. ꣡Pî› ïè™.- ðF¾„ ꣡PîN¡ ïè™ õöƒ°õîŸè£ù 嚪õ£¼ M‡íŠðº‹, º¡ÛÁ Ï𣌂è£ù è†ìíˆ
ªî£¬è»ì¡ î°Fø‹ õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠHì‹ ÜO‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.
11. ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùˆF¡ èì¬ñèœ ñŸÁ‹ ªð£ÁŠ¹èœ.- Þ‰î ê†ìˆF™ °PŠHìŠð†´œ÷ èì¬ñèœ ñŸÁ‹ ªð£ÁŠ¹èÀì¡,
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(a) ªð£¶ ñ‚èœ ð£˜¬õJ™ ð´‹ ÞìˆF™, õ÷£èˆF¡ º‚Aò ÞìˆF™ ðF¾„ ꣡PîN¡ ïè™ å¡¬ø 𣘬õ‚°
¬õ‚è «õ‡´‹;
(b) GÁõùˆF¡ ðEò£÷˜èO¡ ªðò˜èœ, ºèõKèœ ñŸÁ‹ è™Mˆ î°Fèœ ñŸÁ‹ Üîù£™ ðó£ñK‚èŠð†´ õ¼‹
ê£îùƒèœ ÝAòõŸ¬ø ªè£‡ì ðF¾¼‚è¬÷ I¡ùμ õ®M™ ðó£ñK‚è «õ‡´‹;
(c) ܬùˆ¶ Ýõíƒèœ ñŸÁ‹ ðEò£÷˜èœ «õ¬ôJ™ ܬùˆ¶ ñ£Ÿøƒèœ ñŸÁ‹ ê£îùƒèœ ðF¾ ªêŒ¶,
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(d) «ï£ò£O ªî£ì˜ð£ù Üî¡ ªêò™ð£´èœ °P¢ˆî ñ¼ˆ¶õ ðF¾¼‚è¬÷ (Üî£õ¶, ñQî àìL¡ Ü™ô¶ Üî¡
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CA„¬ê º¬ø) ðó£ñK‚è «õ‡´‹;
(e) î°Fø‹ õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠð£™ ÝŒ¾ ªêŒò 嚪õ£¼ ðF¾¼¾‹, 𣘬õ‚° ¬õˆ¶ õó «õ‡´‹;
f) ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùˆF¡ à¬ì¬ñ àK¬ñ ñ£ÁA¡ø «ð£¶ Ü™ô¶ ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê º¬ø ñ£ÁA¡ø «ð£¶, ðF¾„
꣡Pî› F¼‹ð åŠð¬ìŠ¹ ªêŒòŠð†´, ¹¶ ðFMŸ° M‡íŠH‚è «õ‡´‹;
g) ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùñ£è ªêò™ð´õ¶ ÜŸÁŠ «ð£J¡, ðF¾„ ꣡Pî¬ö F¼‹ð åŠð¬ìŠ¹ ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹.
12. ñ¼ˆ¶õ ðF¾¼‚è¬÷ ðó£ñKˆ¶ õ¼î™.- 嚪õ£¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùº‹, ð®õ‹ III-Þ™ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù‚°
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ðó£ñKˆ¶ õó «õ‡´‹.
13. ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùƒèO¡ ð†®ò¬ô ݇´«î£Á‹ ªõOJ´î™.- î°Fø‹ õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠ¹, 嚪õ£¼
݇´‹ üùõK ñ£îˆF™, ð®õ‹ IV-Þ™ ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùƒèO¡ ð†®ò¬ô, îI›ï£´ ÜóCîN™ ªõOJ´î™ «õ‡´‹.
14. «ñ™º¬øf´.- (1) î°Fø‹ õ£Œ‰î ÜFè£ó ܬñŠ¹ HK¾ (4) à†HK¾ (2)¡ W› ðF¾ ªêŒõîŸè£ù M‡íŠðˆ¬î
Gó£èKˆî™ Ü™ô¶ HK¾ (5) à†HKM¡(2) W› ðFM¬ù îŸè£Lèñ£è GÁˆF ¬õˆî™ Ü™ô¶ ðFM¬ù óˆ¶ ªêŒ»‹ ݬí
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(2) ܈î¬èò «ñ™º¬øf´ ªðøŠð†ì¾ì¡, ñ¼ˆ¶õ ñŸÁ‹ áóè ïôŠ ðEèœ Þò‚°ï˜, Þ‰î Mõè£óˆF™
Þ¬ì‚è£ô Ý¬í «î¬õ â¡Á è¼Fù£™, ܈î¬èò ݬí¬ò Üõ˜ HøŠH‚èô£‹.
(3) ñ¼ˆ¶õ‹ ñŸÁ‹ áóè ïôŠ ðEèœ Þò‚°ï˜, «ñ™º¬øf´ ªðŸø ï£OL¼‰¶ 60 èÀ‚°œ, Mê£ó¬í
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(4) ܈î¬èò ݬí HøŠH‚èŠð†ì ï£OL¼‰¶ 㿠èÀ‚°œ ê‹ð‰îŠð†ì ï𼂰, «ñ™º¬øf†´ ÜFè£KJ¡
º®¾ ªîKM‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(5) «ñ™ º¬øf†´ ÜFè£KJ¡ º®¾ ÞÁFò£ù¶ ñŸÁ‹ 膴Šð´ˆ¶õ‹.
HŸ«ê˜‚¬è I
[MF 6 ä‚ è£‡è]
(j) «ï˜MŸ«èŸð, ¹«ó£†«ì£v«è£Š, (Protoscope) H.M. , (P.V. Tray) è‡ ðK«ê£î¬ù F¬ó ñŸÁ‹ è‡, Í‚°,
ªî£‡¬ì ÝŒ¾‚°Š ðò¡ð´Aø î†´èœ «ð£¡ø CøŠ¹ ÝŒ¾‚°Š ðò¡ð´Aø èœ
(k) Þ¬îˆ îMó, «ï£ò£O¬ò ðK«ê£FŠðîŸè£è F¬ó õêF Ü™ô¶ «ð£Fò Ü÷M™ îQ¬ñ õêF
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«õ‡´‹. «ï£ò£OJ¡ ªðò˜, õò¶, ð£Lù‹, ñŸÁ‹ èô‰îP»‹ , è‡ìPòŠð†ì «ï£Œ‚°P (îŸè£Lè‹
ñŸÁ‹ ÞÁF) ñŸÁ‹ ÜP¾ÁˆîŠð†ì CA„¬ê º¬ø, ðK«ê£î¬ùJ¡ º®¾ (â´‚èŠð†®¼‰î£™) ªè£‡ì Y†´
å¡Á «ï£ò£OJì‹ õöƒèŠð´î™ «õ‡´‹.
(5) ñ¼‰¶„Y†´.- ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜, ñ¼‰¶„Y†®™  ñŸÁ‹ ºˆF¬ó»ì¡ ¬èªò£ŠðI´î™ «õ‡´‹.
II ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñò‹.- ñ¼ˆ¶õ Ý«ô£ê¬ù ܬø‚° õ¬óòÁ‚èŠð†ì MFº¬øèÀì¡ H¡õ¼‹ MFº¬øèÀ‹
G¬ø¾ ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹..
(1) è†ìì‹ .- åšõ£¬ñ °Pˆî «ï˜M™ Ü™ô¶ ïó‹¹ õNò£è Fóõ‹ ªê½ˆ¶õîŸè£è Ü™ô¶ ؉¶
èõQˆî™ «ð£¡øõŸPŸè£è, «ï£ò£O¬òŠ ð´‚è ¬õŠð Þ¼ 𴂬èèÀ‚° «ð£¶ñ£ù ÞìõêF
Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
(2) ðEò£÷˜.- Iè‚ °¬ø‰î Ü÷õ£è å¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜ ñŸÁ‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ‹ ꣘‰î ðEò£÷˜ å¼õ˜.
(3) ê£îùƒèœ.- (a) ¸‡μJ˜ c‚A Ü™ô¶ ªî£ŸÁ c‚A
(b) ¸‡μJ˜ c‚èŠð†ì Ü™ô¶ ªî£ŸÁ c‚èŠð†ì ñ¼‰ÉCèœ/ê£îùƒèÀ‚è£ù õêF Ü™ô¶
ñÁðò¡ð£†´‚° åšõ£î ñ¼‰ÉCèœ ñ†´«ñ ðò¡ð´ˆîŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(c) A¼I c‚è‹ ªêŒòŠð†ì ¬è»¬øèœ
(d) Þ´‚Aèœ (Cheetles Forceps)
(e) ÜÁ¬õ„ CA„¬ê‚è£ù èˆFK‚«è£™
(f) 冴‹ ñ»¬ìò H÷£vFK
(g) ñ¼ˆ¶õ ê£îùƒèÀì¡ Ã®ò ¬îò™ «ð£´õîŸè£ù ªð£¼†è¬÷‚ ªè£‡ì 
(h) CÁcóè õ®Mô£ù 
(i) Y›è†®¬ò WP, Y¬ö ªõOªò´ŠðîŸè£ù ÜÁ¬õCA„¬ê ê£îùƒèœ
(k) ñ¼‰¶Š ªð£¼†èœ
(4) èN¾è¬÷ ÜèŸÁî™.- Þ‰Fò Üó² ñŸÁ‹ îI›ï£´ ñ£² 膴Šð£†´ õ£KòˆF¡ õ¬óò¬øèÀ‚«èŸð, èN¾èœ,
膴 «ð£ì ðò¡ð´ˆFò ð¼ˆFˆ ¶Eèœ «ð£¡øõŸ¬ø îQˆîQ«ò HKˆ¶ ¬õŠðîŸè£ù õêFèœ
(5) ñ¼‰¶ õöƒ°î™.- ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñò‹ «ï£ò£OèÀ‚° ñ¼‰¶ õöƒ°õF™ ß´ð†®¼‰î£™, î°F õ£Œ‰î
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W› ñ†´«ñ ñ¼‰¶ õöƒèŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(6) ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñòˆF™ àœ÷ ðK«ê£î¬ù‚Ãì‹ .- ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñò‹ ÝŒ¾‚Ãì «ê¬õè¬÷ õöƒ°ñ£J¡, Üó꣙
܃WèK‚èŠð†ì ñ¼‰îè ÝŒõè ªî£N™¸†ðMò™ ð†ìò‹ / ñ¼‰îè ÝŒMò™ ªî£N™¸†ðMò™ (DMLT / CMLT)
꣡Pî¬ö ¬õˆF¼‚°‹ î°Fõ£Œ‰î ªî£N™¸†ðŠ ðEò£÷ó£™ ÝŒ¾‚Ãì ðEèœ «ñŸªè£œ÷Šðì «õ‡´‹
Ü™ô¶ ñ£Ÿø£è ñ¼ˆ¶õ ÜFè£Kò£™, ÜõK¡ «ïó® «ñŸð£˜¬õJ¡ W› ðJŸC ªðŸø ðEò£÷ó£™ ÝŒ¾èœ
«ñŸªè£œ÷Šðì «õ‡´‹. âQ‹, ªõ‡ ¹óî ꘂè¬ó‚è£ù (Albumin) CÁcóè„ «ê£î¬ù ñŸÁ‹ ÞóˆîˆF™
q«ñ£°«÷£H¡ â‡E‚¬è «ð£¡ø¬õ °Pˆî ðK«ê£î¬ùèœ ðJŸC ªðŸø ïðó£™ «ñŸªè£œ÷Šðì«õ‡´‹.
(7) á´èF˜ ðì‹ (¸‡èF˜ i„²).- ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñòˆF™ Ü„ ªê£‰îñ£ù á´èF˜ HK¾ Þ¼ŠH¡, Üó꣙
܃WèK‚èŠð†ì CRA ꣡Pî› (Clinical Research Associate Certificate) ¬õˆ¶œ÷ î°F õ£Œ‰î ¸‡èF˜
i„ê£÷ó£™ á´èF˜ðì‹ â´‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(8) CPò ÜÁ¬õCA„¬êèœ.- c˜‚膮¬ò ÜèŸÁî™, ñ¼ˆ¶õ gFJô£ù 輂è¬ôŠ¹, D & C «ð£¡ø CPò
ÜÁ¬õ CA„¬êè¬÷ «ñŸªè£‡ì£™, Ü‰î «ï£‚èƒèÀ‚è£è ²ˆîñ£ù ܬø ñŸÁ‹ CPò ÜÁ¬õ ÜóƒAŸ°
«î¬õŠð´‹ õêFèœ ÜìƒAòî£è Þ¼ˆî™ «õ‡´‹.
III ð™õ¬è «ï£ŒèÀ‚° CA„¬êòO‚°‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù.-
1. ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê ¬ñò‹ ñŸÁ‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ Ý«ô£ê¬ù ܬø‚° õ¬óòÁ‚èŠð†ì MFº¬øèÀì¡ ð™«õÁ
CA„¬êŠ HK¾èœ Þ¼ŠH¡, 嚪õ£¼ CøŠ¹ CA„¬ê HK¾‚°‹ îQ ܬø õöƒè ãŸð£´ ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹.
2. «ï£ò£OèÀ‚°, 裈F¼ŠðîŸè£ù ܬø ñŸÁ‹ ²ˆîñ£ù °®c˜ õöƒè õ¬èªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹. 裈F¼‚°‹
ܬøJ™, ð™«õÁ HK¾èO™ ðE¹K»‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜èO¡ ªðò˜èœ 𣘬õ‚° ¬õ‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.
IV. ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù.-
(1) àœè†ì¬ñŠ¹.- ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñò‹, Ý«ô£ê¬ù ܬø ñŸÁ‹ ð™õ¬è «ï£ŒèÀ‚° CA„¬êòO‚°‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù‚°
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«ð£¶ñ£ù ÞìõêF ªè£‡ì 裈F¼Š«ð£˜ ܬø‚° õ¬è ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(2) õ£˜´èœ Ü™ô¶ àœ «ï£ò£OèÀ‚è£ù ܬøèO¡ ªî£°Š¹.- (a) ÞìõêF.-
(i) àœ«ï£ò£Oèœ ÜÂñF‚èŠð´‹ õ£˜´èœ Ü™ô¶ àœ«ï£ò£O ܬøèœ, ÞìõêF»ì¡ îò ï™ô
裟«ø£†ìñ£ù, ªõO„ê‹ ªè£‡ìî£è Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. 嚪õ£¼ ܬø‚°‹ I¡MCP õöƒèŠðì
«õ‡´‹. ªð£¶ ܬøèO™, °¬ø‰î¶ Þó‡´ ð´‚¬èèÀ‚° å¼ I¡MCPò£õ¶ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
(ii) èNŠð¬øèœ ªð£¶õ£ùî£è«õ£ Ü™ô¶ îQò£è«õ£ Þ¼‚èô£‹. Ýù£™, ܬõ ²ˆîñ£è¾‹, î‡a˜
õêF»ì‹ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
(iii) A¼I ï£CQ ªè£‡´ «î£Á‹ õ£˜´è¬÷ˆ ¶¬ìŠð ãŸð£´èœ ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(iv) Hó£íõ£» (Oxgyen), àŠ¹ c˜ GÁˆF (Saline Stand) «ð£¡ø ÜõCòñ£ù ê£îùƒèÀì¡, 暪õ£¼ 20
ܬøèÀ‚°‹ å¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õŠ ðEò£÷˜ ܽõ™ ܬø Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
(b) ðEò£÷˜èœ.- (i) ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜èœ.-
- 嚪õ£¼ 30 𴂬èèÀ‚°‹, å¼ î°F õ£Œ‰î ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜
- Þó¾ «ïóˆF™ ñŸÁ‹ ܽõ™ Þ™ô£î «ïóƒèO™, ܬö‚°‹ «ð£¶ õ‰¶ CA„¬ê ÜOŠð
30 𴂬èèÀ‚° å¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
- ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ 30 𴂬èèœ ñŸÁ‹ Ü «ñô£ù 𴂬èèœ àœ÷ ªð£¶ ñ¼ˆ¶õŠHKM™ 24
ñE «ïóº‹ å¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜ «ïó®ò£èŠ ðEJ™ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
- ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù 30 𴂬èèÀ‚°‹ °¬øõ£è ªðŸP¼‰¶, Ýù£™ ܃° Üõêó CA„¬êŠHK¾
ªêò™ð†´õ¼ñ£J¡ 24 ñE «ïóº‹ å¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜ ðEJ™ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
(ii) ªêMLò˜èœ.- å¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ 30 𴂬èèœ õ¬ó‚°‹ å¼ î°Fõ£Œ‰î ªêMLò˜ ñŸÁ‹ Þó‡´
ðJŸCªðŸø ªêMLò˜ àîMò£÷˜èœ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. ôîô£è àœ÷ 嚪õ£¼ 30 𴂬èèÀ‚°‹
å¼ î°Fõ£Œ‰î ªêMLò˜ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
- «ñŸªê£¡ù ðEò£÷˜ â‡E‚¬èò£ù¶, ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ ðE¹K‰¶õ¼‹ ðJŸCªðŸø ðEò£÷˜èœ
â‡E‚¬è âšõ÷õ£è Þ¼ŠH‹ °¬ø‰î÷¾ «î¬õŠð´Aø â‡E‚¬è Ý°‹.
(iii) ªêMLò àîMò£÷˜.- 𴂬èèO¡ â‡E‚¬èè¬÷Š ªð£Áˆ¶, «ð£¶ñ£ù Ü÷M™, è£òƒèÀ‚° 膴
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ªêMLò˜èœ ß´ð´ˆîŠðì «õ‡´‹. Ýù£™ áC«ð£´î™ Ü™ô¶ ¬îò™ «ð£´î™ «ð£¡ø ðEèœ
Üõ˜èÀ‚° õöƒè‚Ã죶, î°Fõ£Œ‰î ªêMLòK¡ W› Üõ˜èœ ðE¹Kî™ «õ‡´‹.
(iv) ²ˆî‹ ªêŒ»‹ ðEèœ.- ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê G¬ôòˆF™ / ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ «ð£¶ñ£ù â‡E‚¬èJ™
²ˆî‹ ªêŒ»‹ ðEò£÷˜èœ (ªð¼‚°ðõ˜ / ¶Š¹ó¾Š ðEò£÷˜) Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. °¬ø‰î÷õ£è
20 𴂬èèÀ‚° å¼ ¶Š¹ó¾Š ðEò£÷˜ â¡ð¶ °¬ø‰îð†ê «î¬õò£ù â‡E‚¬è Ý°‹.
3. Hø «ê¬õèœ.-
(a) ñ¼‰îè‹.- ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ «ï£ò£OèÀ‚° ñ¼‰¶èœ õöƒ°õîŸè£è ñ¼‰îè‹ ªêò™ð†´ õ¼ñ£J¡,
ðF¾ªðŸø î°Fõ£Œ‰î ñ¼‰î£Àïó£™ ñ†´«ñ ñ¼‰¶èœ õöƒèŠðì «õ‡´‹. Üõ˜ â‰î ñ¼‰¶è¬÷»‹
ðK‰¶¬ó‚è‚ Ã죶.
(b) ÝŒõè‹.-ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùò£™ ÝŒõè‹, ïìˆîŠð†´ õ¼ñ£J¡ ªõ‡¹óî ꘂè¬ó‚è£ù (Albumin) CÁcóè
«ê£î¬ù, ÞóˆîˆF™ àœ÷ q«ñ£°«÷£H¡ Ü÷¾ ÝAòõŸ¬øˆ îMó ñŸø ܬùˆ¶ ðK«ê£î¬ùèÀ‹
܃WèK‚èŠð†ì ñ¼‰îè ÝŒõè ªî£N™¸†ðMò™ ð†ìò‹ / ñ¼‰îè ÝŒMò™ ªî£N™¸†ðMò™ (DMLT/
CMLT) ꣡Pî› ªðŸÁœ÷ î°Fõ£Œ‰î ÝŒõè ªî£N™¸†ðMòô£÷ó£™ ñ†´«ñ ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(c) â‚v«ó (á´èF˜ GöŸðì‹).- (X-ray) á´èF˜ HKõ£ù¶, õ¬óòÁ‚èŠð†´œ÷ Ü÷¾«è£œèÀ‚° (Norms)
åˆF¬êõ£è Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹, «ñ½‹ C ݘ â (CRA) è™Mˆî°FªðŸø î°Fõ£Œ‰î (Radiographer) èF˜
õ¬óðìŠ ðìŠ ðFõ£÷ó£™ â´‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(d) v«è¡ (¸‡èF˜ i„²).-ñ¼ˆ¶õó£™ ñ†´«ñ Ü™†ó£ «ê£«ù£Aó£‹ (eªò£Lõ¬óM) ðK«ê£î¬ù ªêŒòŠðì
(e) àí¾ ê¬ñˆî™ ñŸÁ‹ àíõè‹.-àíõè õêFèœ Þ¼ŠH¡, ê¬ñò™ Ãì‹ ²ˆîñ£è Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
ê¬ñŠðõ˜èœ è£ôº¬øŠð® ñ¼ˆ¶õŠ ðK«ê£î¬ù‚° à†ð´ˆîŠðì «õ‡´‹. àíõè‹ ñŸÁ‹
ê¬ñòô¬øJ™ ²ˆîñ£ù ï¬ìº¬øèœ H¡ðŸøŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(f) Þóˆî õƒA.- Þóˆî õƒA ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùò£™ ðó£ñK‚èŠð†´ õ‰î£™ Þ‰Fò Üó꣙ ÜšõŠ«ð£¶
ªõOJìŠð´Aø àˆîó¾è¬÷ ܶ H¡ðŸÁõ¬î àÁF ªêŒò «õ‡´‹.
(g) Üõêóè£ô á˜F.- 100 𴂬èèÀ‚° «ñ™ ªè£‡´œ÷ ܬùˆ¶ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùèÀ‹ 憴ï¼ì¡
îò «ï£ò£÷˜ á˜F¬ò ¬õˆF¼Šð¶ àè‰î‹. Ü™ô¶ ñ£Ÿø£è, «ï£ò£÷˜ á˜F ¬õˆ¶œ÷ ñŸªø£¼
ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù»ì¡ Ü™ô¶ Cô «ï£ò£÷˜ á˜F «ê¬õ HK¾ì¡ åŠð‰î‹ ªêŒ¶ªè£œ÷ «õ‡´‹.
(h) ªð£¶ õêFèœ.-
(i) èN¾è¬÷ c‚°î™.- Þ‰Fò ÜóC¡ Ü÷¾«è£œèœ (Norms) ñŸÁ‹ ñ£²‚膴Šð£†´ õ£Kòˆî£™
õöƒèŠð†´œ÷ õN裆´î™èO¡ð®, èN¾èœ c‚°î™ ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹ ܉î ÞìˆF«ô«ò èN¾èœ
º¬øò£èŠ HK‚èŠð´õ¶ àÁF ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(ii) ðF«õ´è¬÷ ðó£ñKˆî™. (a) ÜÁ¬õ CA„¬ê¬ò ªêŒî ñ¼ˆ¶õK¡ ªðò˜ ñŸÁ‹ ÜŠ«ð£¶ ðEJ™
Þ¼‰î ñò‚èñ¼‰¶ ÜO‚°‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õK¡ ªðò˜ à†ðì ñ¼ˆ¶õ GÁõùˆF™ ï¬ìªðŸø ܬùˆ¶ ÜÁ¬õ
CA„¬êèœ °Pˆî Mõóƒèœ ðF«õ†®¡ õ®Mô£ù å¼ îQ ðF¾¼M™ ðó£ñKˆ¶ õóŠðì «õ‡´‹.
CA„¬ê º®‰¶ ÜŠH¬õ‚èŠð´‹ Ü™ô¶ «õÁ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùèÀ‚° ðK‰¶¬ó‚èŠð´‹ ܬùˆ¶
«ï£ò£OèÀ‚°‹, Üõ˜èÀ‚° ÜO‚èŠð†ì CA„¬ê ðŸPò ÜP‚¬è ܆¬ì õöƒèŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(b) ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê G¬ôòˆF™, 嚪õ£¼ «ï£ò£O °Pˆî H¡õ¼‹ Mõóƒè¬÷‚ ªè£‡ì ðF¾¼
õ®Mô£ù ñ¼ˆ¶õ ðF«õ´, ðˆ¶ Ý‡´èÀ‚°‚ °¬øò£ñ™, ðó£ñKˆ¶ õóŠðì «õ‡´‹,
(i) «ï£ò£OJ¡ àì™G¬ô °Pˆî MKõ£ù Ü¡ø£ì ÜP‚¬è.
(ii) «ñŸªè£œ÷Šð†ì ò£ªî£¼ ðK«ê£î¬ùèœ, ªêŒòŠð†ì ÜÁ¬õCA„¬êèœ ñŸÁ‹ ÜO‚èŠð†ì
CA„¬êèœ °Pˆî Mõóƒèœ ñŸÁ‹
(iii) ñ¼ˆ¶õK¡ º¿ ªðò˜ ñŸÁ‹ î°FèÀì¡ Ã®ò ܬùˆ¶ ñ¼‰¶„ Y†´èœ, á´èF˜
ÜP‚¬èèœ, ÝŒõè ÜP‚¬èèœ, Ü™ô¶ ã¬ùò ò£ªî£¼ ÜP‚¬èèœ ªè£‡ì ðF¾¼‚èœ.
(iv) ñ芫ðÁ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù Ü™ô¶ ñ芫ðÁ °Pˆî «ï˜M™ «ñŸªê£¡ù ïð˜, 嚪õ£¼ ‚°‹
Hø‰î °ö‰¬î °Pˆî ðF¾è¬÷ ¬õˆ¶õó «õ‡´‹. ñ芫ðÁ °Pˆî º¿¬ñò£ù ñŸÁ‹
MKõ£ù ðF¾G¬ô °¬ø‰î÷õ£è 10 ݇´èÀ‚«è‹ ðó£ñKˆ¶ õóŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(iii) ê†ì‹ ꣘‰î ÞùƒèO™ ñ¼ˆ¶õ„ CA„¬ê ÜO‚°‹ «ï˜¾èœ.- ÜóC¡ ݬíŠð®, ê†ì‹ ꣘‰î ÞùƒèO™
ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê ÜO‚°‹ 嚪õ£¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù»‹, ܈î¬èò ÞùƒèÀì¡ ªî£ì˜¹¬ìò Ü ¬ ù ˆ ¶
ðF¾¼‚èœ ñŸÁ‹ ðF«õ´èÀ‹, ÜšõŠ«ð£¶ Üó² HøŠH‚A¡ø ݬíèO¡ð® ð£¶è£ˆ¶ õóŠðì
«õ‡´‹. «ñ½‹, Üõ˜èœ CA„¬ê‚è£è ÜÂñF‚èŠð´î™, Üõ˜èœ CA„¬ê º®‰¶ ÜŠðŠð´î™,
Üõ˜èO¡ ÞøŠ¹ °Pˆ¶ è£õ™¶¬ø‚° ªîKM‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(4) êõ‚A샰 .- 100 𴂬èèÀ‚° «ñô£ù 𴂬èõêFè¬÷‚ ªè£‡´œ÷ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù, Þø‰îõ˜èO¡ àì™è¬÷
¬õŠðîŸè£è å¼ êõ‚A샰 Ü™ô¶ °O˜ê£îùŠ ªð†®»ì¡ îò ܬø¬ò‚ ªè£‡®¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
(5) °®c˜ õöƒè™.- ²ˆîñ£ù °®c˜ A¬ì‚è„ ªêŒò «õ‡´‹. «ñ½‹ Åì£ù °®c¼‹ õöƒèŠðì «õ‡´‹.
(6) ¶Eèœ ñŸÁ‹ Lù¡.- «ï£ò£OèÀ‚è£è ðò¡ð´ˆîŠð†ì «ð£˜¬õèœ ñŸÁ‹ Hø ¶Eèœ ï£œ«î£Á‹ ñ£ŸøŠðì
(7) bò¬íŠ¹ õêF .- ªêò™ð£†®½œ÷ MFèO¡ð® bò¬íŠ¹ ê£îùƒèœ GÁõŠðì «õ‡´‹. Þ‰Fò îó„꣡Á
ªðŸø ê£îùƒèœ ñ†´«ñ õöƒè õ¬èªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹. b Mðˆ¶ ãŸð†ì£™ bJL¼‰¶ îŠHŠðîŸè£ù õNõ¬èèœ,
b ܬíŠð£¡èœ ñŸÁ‹ º¡ªù„êK‚¬è ªêŒ»‹ è¼Mèœ ñŸÁ‹ b MðˆF¡ «ð£¶ ܬùˆ¶ ïð˜è¬÷»‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê
Þ™ô‹ Ü™ô¶ ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê ¬ñò‹ Ü™ô¶ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJL¼‰¶ ªõO«òŸÁõîŸè£ù õNõ¬èèœ à†ðì «ð£Fò
º¡ªù„êK‚¬è ïìõ®‚¬èèœ «ñŸªè£œ÷Šðì «õ‡´‹.
(8) îó„꣡ÁÁF.- ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ ðE¹K»‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜èO¡ ªðò˜èœ ñŸÁ‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ àœ÷ õêFèœ
ÝAò¬õ â¿F¬õ‚èŠð†´, 𣘬õ‚° ¬õ‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹. ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùò£ù¶ «ï£ò£OèÀìù£ù Üî¡ åšªõ£¼
ªêò™ð£´èO½‹ îóˆF¬ù è¬ìŠH®‚è ð£´ðì «õ‡´‹.
(9) ªî£ì˜¹õêFèœ.- «ï£ò£Oèœ Üõ˜èÀ¬ìò àøMù˜èœ ñŸÁ‹ CA„¬ê‚è£è ðK‰¶¬ó‚èŠð´Aø ÞìƒèÀì¡
ªî£ì˜¹ªè£œõîŸè£è, ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ ªî£¬ô«ðC õêF ªêŒòŠð†®¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
(10) ð£¶è£Š¹ .- «ï£ò£Oèœ ñŸÁ‹ Üõ˜èO¡ à¬ì¬ñèO¡ ð£¶è£Š¹ ñŸÁ‹ °ö‰¬îèœ èìˆî™ «ð£¡ø¬õ
ï¬ìªðø£ñ™ Þ¼Šð¬î àÁF ªêŒ»‹ Mîñ£è àKò ð£¶è£Š¹ ïìõ®‚¬èèœ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùè÷£™ â´‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.
嚪õ£¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê õöƒ°‹ GÁõùº‹, 2008Ý‹ ݇´ îI›ï£´ ñ¼ˆ¶õŠð£¶è£Š¹ «ê¬õ õöƒ°Aø ïð˜èœ
ñŸÁ‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ ð£¶è£Š¹ «ê¬õ õöƒ°Aø GÁõùƒèœ (õ¡º¬ø ñŸÁ‹ ªê£ˆ¶èÀ‚° «êî‹ Ü™ô¶ ÞöŠ¹ ãŸð´õ¬îˆ
î´ˆî™) ê†ìˆF¡ (îI›ï£´„ ê†ì‹ 48/ 2008) ªî£ì˜¹¬ìò õ¬èº¬øè¬÷ 𣘬õ‚°Kò ÞìˆF™ 裆CŠð´ˆî «õ‡´‹.
(11) ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù ¶¬í„ê£îùƒèœ.- ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ «ð£¶ñ£ù â‡E‚¬èJ™ ê‚èó è£Lèœ, îœÀõ‡®èœ
ñŸÁ‹ É‚°Šð´‚¬èèœ (Stretchers) ÝAò¬õ Þ¼ˆî™ «õ‡´‹.
(12) I¡ Ý‚A ê£îù‹:.- I¡ î¬ìJ¡«ð£¶, ÜõCòñ£ù ðEè¬÷ «ñŸªè£œ÷ I¡ Ý‚A ê£îù‹ å¡Á‚°
õ¬èªêŒòŠð†®¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
(13) Hóêõ ܬø.- ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù Hóêõ ܬø¬ò ðó£ñKˆ¶, ܃° Hóêõ‹ ï¬ìªðÁñ£J¡, ܶ H¡õ¼‹ Ü÷¾«è£œè¬÷
(Norms) ªè£‡®¼‚è «õ‡´‹; ܬõò£õù:-
(a) è†ìì‹.- ñ芫ðÁ‚è£è ÜÂñF‚èŠð†´œ÷ ªð‡¬í HóêõˆFŸ° Ýòˆî‹ ªêŒî™, ñô‚°ì™ ²ˆî‹ ªêŒî™
«ð£¡øõŸPŸè£è, «ð£¶ñ£ù î‡a˜ õêF»ì¡Ã®ò å¼ Ü¬ø Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. Hóêõ ܬøò£ù¶ 120 ê¶ó
Ü®‚°‚ °¬øò£ñ™ ï™ô 裟«ø£†ìˆ¶ì‹ «ð£Fò ªõO„ꈶì‹ Þ¼ˆî™ «õ‡´‹. ¹Fòî£èŠ Hø‰î
°ö‰¬î¬ò ¬õŠð‹ Üî¬ù ï¡° ²õ£C‚è ¬õŠð‹ ÞìõêF Þ¼ˆî™ Þ¡Pò¬ñò£î‹.
(b) ðEò£÷˜èœ.- î°Fõ£Œ‰î ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜, ªêMLò˜, «ðÁè£ô ¶¬í„ ªêMLò˜ Ü™ô¶ ðJŸCªðŸø î£F
ÝA«ò£ó£™ Hóêõ‹ ïìˆîŠðì «õ‡´‹. ðJŸC ÜO‚èŠðì£î ïð˜èOì‹ ÞŠðE åŠð¬ì‚èŠðì‚Ã죶.
ªêMLò˜ Ü™ô¶ «ðÁè£ô ¶¬í ªêMLò˜ Hóêõˆ¬î ïìˆFù£½‹Ãì, Üõêó Åö™èO™ ¹Fî£èŠ Hø‚°‹
°ö‰¬î¬ò ²õ£C‚è ¬õŠðîŸè£è, ܬöˆî¾ì¡ õ‰¶ CA„¬ê ÜO‚°‹ õ¬èJ™ ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜ å¼õ˜ îò£ó£è
Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. Hóêõ õ£˜´ ñ芫ðÁ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù å¡P™ Þ¼‰¶ Hóêõƒèœ õö‚èñ£è ï¬ìªðÁªñQ™,
ðEJ™ Þ¼‚°‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜ å¼õ˜ 24 ñE «ïóº‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. ⃪胪è™ô£‹ º®»«ñ£
ܬöˆî¾ì¡ õ‰¶ CA„¬êòO‚°‹ õ¬èJ™ °ö‰¬î ñ¼ˆ¶õ õ™½ï˜ å¼õ˜ Þ¼ˆî™ M¼‹ðˆî‚è¶.
(c) ê£îùƒèœ.- H¡õ¼‹ àðèóíƒèœ ñŸÁ‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù ¶¬í‚è¼Mèœ Þ¼ˆî™ «õ‡´‹. ܬõò£õù:-
(i) HóêõŠð´‚¬è G¬ô»ì¡ îò HóêõŠðô¬è
(ii) àŠ¹c˜ GÁˆF (Saline Stand)
(iii) ¶õ£ó ºèÍ®»ìù£ù Hó£íõ£» ༬÷
(iv) àðèóíˆ¶ì¡ Ã®ò H.M.  (P.V. Tray)
(v) ® & C (¬ìô«ìû¡ & AÎó«ìx) (C&A) C & ⠪F
(vi) °MŠ¹ M÷‚°
(vii) àðèóíƒèÀ‚è£ù ñŸÁ‹ °ö‰¬î¬ò ¬õˆ¶‚ ªè£œõîŸè£ù õ‡®
(viii) «õ‚°õ‹ â‚v†ó£‚ì˜ / Þ´‚A (Vaccum Extractor / Forceps)
(ix) ªî£Š¹œ ï´Šð°F‚è£ù ÉŒ¬ñò£‚èŠð†ì èšM (Sterile cord Clamp)
(x) Y› âF˜ŠH °ö‹¹ (Antiseptic Lotion)
(xi) àP…²‹ è¼M (Suction Apparatus)
(xii) °ö‰¬î‚è£ù ²õ£ê ܬñŠ¹ (Baby resuscitation kit)
(xiii) °ö‰¬î‚è£ù ªõŠðŠð´ˆF (M÷‚°‹ Ãì ðò¡ð´ˆîô£‹)
(xiv) °ö‰¬î‚è£ù êO àP…C (disposable)
(xv) °ö‰¬î ñ¼ˆ¶õ Ý‹¹ ¬ð (Ambu bag)
(xvi) èóMìõ£ŒˆFøŠ¹ ñŸÁ‹ ¬îò™ ͆®Ÿè£ù ¬îò™ ͆´ˆî†´ (Suturing tray for episiotomy and suturing)
(d) ñ¼‰¶èœ.-
- ªñˆî˜T¡ áC ñ¼‰¶ 5 CI›
- H«ì£C¡ áC ñ¼‰¶ 5 CI›
- 裘«ð£¹«ó£v† áC ñ¼‰¶ 5 CI›
- ä.M. Fóõƒèœ 5% ªì‚v†«ó£v 2 °´¬õèœ
- 5% ªì‚v†«ó£v Ü™ô¶ àŠ¹c˜
- K¡ü˜ «ô‚«ì† (Ringer Lactate)
- ¬ìò£Tð‹ áC ñ¼‰¶ 2 amp.
- 2% L‚«ù£«è¡ 1 CÁ°ŠH (vial)
- ÜŠ¹øŠð´ˆîˆî‚è ñ¼‰ÉCèœ 10 â‡E‚¬è (Disposable syringes)
- ¬õ†ìI¡ «è áC ñ¼‰¶ (Inj. Vitamin-K)
- âŠì£J¡ áCñ¼‰¶ (Inj. Eption)
(e) ðF¾¼‚èœ.-
(i) HøŠ¹ŠðF«õ´
(ii) HøŠ¹ îèõ™ Y†´
â‚v èF˜ (X-ray) — CRA î°F»ì¡ îò èF˜ i„² åOŠðìõ¬óM¬ò Þò‚°ðõ˜
eªò£L õ¬óM (Ultra — 1994 Ý‹ ݇´ è¼¾Á° º¡ ñŸÁ‹ HøŠð º‰¬îò è¼M¡
Sonogram) ñòP»‹ ªî£N™¸†ð º¬øèœ (ð£Lù «î˜¬õ î¬ì ªêŒî™)
ê†ì‹, 1994 Þíƒè, eªò£L õ¬óMJ™ ðJŸC ªðŸø î°Fõ£Œ‰î å¼
ñ¼ˆ¶õó£™ Ü™ô¶ èFKò‚è ê£îù‹, Þò‚°ðõó£™ (Radiologist) Ü™ô¶
ÞŠHK¾ ꣘‰î ñ¼ˆ¶õ G¹í˜.
Þîò I¡ù¬ô (ECG) õ¬óM — Þîò I¡ù¬ô â´ŠðF™ ðJŸC ªðŸø Þîò I¡ù¬ô õ¬óî™ G¹í˜
ͬ÷ I¡ù¬ô õ¬óM (EEG) — ͬ÷ I¡ù¬ô õ¬ó¾ â´ŠðF™ ðJŸC ªðŸø G¹í˜.
I¡ åL Þîò õ¬óM (Echo — î°Fõ£Œ‰î å¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õó£™, Üõ˜ Þîò«ï£Œ ꣘‰î ñ¼ˆ¶õó£è Þ¼ŠH¡
Cardiograph) Üõ¼‚° º¡ÂK¬ñ .
I. ñ¼ˆ¶õ Ý«ô£ê¬ù ܬø / ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñò‹ / ð™õ¬è «ï£ŒèÀ‚° CA„¬ê ÜO‚°‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùèœ
1. è†ìì‹.-Ý«ô£ê¬ù õöƒ°‹ ܬø, ï™ô 裟«ø£†ìˆ¶ì‹ «ð£Fò ªõO„ꈶì‹ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
ÜîŸè£ù Þì‹ 100 ê¶ó Ü®‚°‚ °¬øò£ñ™ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. «ï£ò£Oèœ è£ˆF¼ŠðŠ «ð£¶ñ£ù
ÞìõêF Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. ð™õ¬è «ï£ŒèÀ‚° CA„¬ê ÜO‚°‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùò£è Þ¼‰î£™, 嚪õ£¼
ñ¼ˆ¶õ¼‚°‹ îQˆîQ ܬø Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. 𣘬õJ´‹ ð™õ¬è ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜èO¡ ªðò˜èœ ñŸÁ‹
Üõ˜èO¡ ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬ø °Pˆîˆ îèõ™ ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñòˆF¡ º¡¹ 𣘬õ‚° ¬õ‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹.
2. ðEò£÷˜èœ.-Ý»˜«õî£, «ò£è£ ñŸÁ‹ ÞòŸ¬è ñ¼ˆ¶õ‹, »ù£Q, Cˆî£ ñŸÁ‹ æI«ò£ðF ñ¼ˆ¶õ
¬ñòƒèœ ðF¾ªêŒòŠð†ì ñ¼ˆ¶õŠ ðJŸCò£÷˜è÷£™ G˜õA‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹. ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñòˆF¡, ñ¼‰îè‹
Þ¬í‚èŠð†®¼‰î£™, º¬øò£ù ܬñŠH¡ W› î°FªðŸø ñ¼‰î£Àï˜ Ü™ô¶ Ü‹ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜ î£ñ£è«õ,
ñ¼‰¶è¬÷ õöƒè «õ‡´‹.
3. ñ¼ˆ¶õ àðèóíƒèœ.- (a) ܬùˆ¶ `Ý»w’, Þ‰Fò ñ¼ˆ¶õº¬ø ñŸÁ‹ æI«ò£ðF ñŸÁ‹ «ò£è£ ñŸÁ‹
ÞòŸ¬è ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñòƒèÀ‚°‹ ªð£¶õ£èˆ «î¬õŠð´‹ «ï£¬ò‚ è‡ìP»‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ àðèóíƒèœ:
(i) ªî˜«ñ£e†ì˜ / ªõŠðñ£Q (裌„ê™ ñ£Q) (Thermometer)
(ii) vH‚«ñ£ñ£«ù£e†ì˜ / Þóˆî Ü¿ˆîñ£Q
(iii) Þ¼îò ¶®Š¬ð ÝŒ¾ ªêŒ»‹ è¼M (Stethescope)
(iv) ͆´ «ê£î¬ù‚è£ù ²ˆF (Knee Hammer)
(v) ¬è Ü¿ˆF (Tongue depressor)
(vi) 죘„ / AK«ì£v«è£Š ªô¡²¬ìò 죘„ (Torch with Iridoscope lens)
(vii) â¬ìŠ 𣘂°‹ Þò‰Fó‹ / àòó‹ 𣘂°‹ Ü÷¬õ
4. ñ¼‰¶èœ.-«ï£ò£OèÀ‚° õöƒèŠð´‹ ñ¼‰¶èO¡ e¶, ñ¼‰F¡ ªðò˜, Þ‹ñ¼‰¶ ÜO‚èŠð†ì «ï£ò£OJ¡
ªðò˜, ªè£´‚èŠðì «õ‡®ò Ü÷¾ «ð£¡ø îèõ™èœ ÜìƒAò ºèŠ¹„Y†´ å†ìŠð†®¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
õöƒèŠð´‹ ñ¼‰FŸ°‚ ðò¡ð£†´‚ è£ô‹ º®¾Á‹  Þ¼ŠH¡, ܉î  ºèŠ¹„ Y†®™ °PŠHìŠð†®¼‚è
«õ‡´‹. à†ªè£œ÷ õöƒèŠð´‹ ñ¼‰¶ ñŸÁ‹ ªõOŠ ðò¡ð£†®Ÿè£ù ñ¼‰¶èO™ º¬ø«ò, ªõœ¬÷
ñŸÁ‹ CõŠ¹ õ‡íŠ ð†®èO™ “àœ ðò¡ð£†®Ÿ°” Ü™ô¶ “ªõOŠ ðò¡ð£†®Ÿ°” âù õ†ì£ó ªñ£NèO™
ªîOõ£è‚ °PŠHìŠð†®¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
5. ðF¾¼‚èœ.-«ï£ò£OèO¡ ªðò˜, õò¶, ð£Lù‹, «ï£Œè£‡ Mõóƒèœ ñŸÁ‹ CA„¬ê Mõóƒè¬÷‚ ªè£‡ì
ܬùˆ¶‹ «ï£ò£OèO¡ ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê ðF¾¼‚èœ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. «ï£ò£OJ¡ ªðò˜, õò¶, ð£Lù‹
ñŸÁ‹ CA„¬êòO‚èŠð´‹ Mõóƒè¬÷‚ ªè£‡ì ¶‡´Y†´ å¡Á «ï£ò£OJì‹ õöƒèŠðì «õ‡´‹.
II. CA„¬ê ¬ñòƒèœ ñŸÁ‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùèœ.-
1. è†ìì‹.- ݃Aô õN ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬øJ™ °PŠHìŠð†®¼‚°‹ õ¬óò¬øè¬÷ G¬ø¾ ªêŒ»‹ õ¬èJ™,
ñ¼ˆ¶õ Ý«ô£ê¬ù ܬø Ü™ô¶ ¹ø «ï£ò£Oèœ HK¾ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. «ï£ò£Oèœ è£ˆF¼ŠðŠ
«ð£¶ñ£ù Þ캋, ªõš«õÁ ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜èœ ðE ¹KõîŸè£ù îQˆîQ ܬøèÀ‹ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
ñ¼ˆ¶õ˜èO¡ ªðò¼‹ Üî¬ùˆ ªî£ì˜‰¶ Üõ˜èœ ÜO‚°‹ CøŠ¹ CA„¬ê º¬øèœ ñŸÁ‹ ܉î
ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ½œ÷ ð™«õÁ õêFèœ / «ê¬õèœ ªè£‡ì Mõó ðô¬è å¡P™ °PŠHìŠð†®¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
4. ñ¼ˆ¶õ ê£îùƒèœ.- (a) ܬùˆ¶ Þ‰Fò º¬ø ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùèÀ‚°‹ W›‚è‡ì àìŸðJŸC ꣘‰î CA„¬ê
ê£îùƒèœ «î¬õŠð´A¡øù ܬõ:-
«ò£è£ CA„¬ê.-
c˜ CA„¬ê.-(Hydrotherapy)
(i) °ì™è¿¾‚ °õ¬÷ (Enema Can)
(ii) î£QòƒA có£M ê£îùˆ¶ì¡ îò có£M‚ °Oòô¬ø.
(iii) ºè„ ²ˆFèKŠ¹ ܬø
(iv) åˆîìŠ ¬ð (Fomention bag)
(v) ðQ‚膮Š ¬ð
(vi) ªð£Fèœ(Packs)-ñ£˜¹, 裙, ºöƒ¬è, ºöƒè£™, õJÁ, õJŸÁ Þ´Š¹Š ªð£F, CÁcóè‹ ªî£ì˜ð£ù¬õ,
º¿ àì™ ßó MKŠ¹Š ªð£F
(vii) Ü¿ˆî‹ ªè£´ŠðîŸè£ù ˆ¶E
(viii) âŠê‹ àŠ¹„ CŠðƒèœ
(ix) Þ´Š¹‚ °Oò™ ªî£†®
«êŸÁñ‡ CA„¬ê.-
(i) «êŸÁñ‡ «êIŠ¹‚ èô‹-100 L†ì˜ dŠð£Œ-2
(ii) ˆ¶E- «êŸÁñ‡ªð£F¬ò ªêŒõîŸè£è
(iii) ñ‡ èœ
(iv) õ£O ñŸÁ‹ °õ¬÷-2
裉î CA„¬ê.-
(i) G¬ô GÁˆFèÀì¡ Ã®ò àò˜, ï´ˆîó, °¬ø‰î÷¾ ÝŸø™ ªè£‡ì 裉îƒèœ
(ii) 裉î õ£˜-迈¶, õJÁ, ºöƒ¬è, ñE‚膴
(i) «ñ£‚ê£ °„C
(ii) I¡ùμ Ü‚°- ɇ®
(iii) âF˜M¬÷Mò™ M÷‚èŠ ðì‹ (Reflexology)
(iv)Ü‚°-²öL (Accu-Roller)õì‹. àœ÷ƒ¬è, àœ÷ƒè£™èœ .裙èœ, Mó™èœ
(v) Ü‚°ð…ê˜ áCèœ-î£Ió‹(Copper)-(0.25*25)
5. àìŸ î°F.-
(i) G¬ôò£ù IFõ‡®
(ii) ï¬ìŠ ðJŸC â‰Fó‹
(iii) ¶´Šð¬ê¾ â‰Fó‹
(iv) «ñ™ G¬ô ༬÷èœ.(Overhead Pulleys)
6. àœè†ì¬ñŠ¹.- ªõO«ï£ò£OèÀ‚° CA„¬êòOŠð ñ¼ˆ¶õ Ý«ô£ê¬ù õ¬èJùƒèÀ‹, °¬ø‰î÷¾
ÜîŸè£ù ê£îùƒèÀ‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ ¬ñòˆF™ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. ð™«õÁ «ï£ŒèÀ‚è£ù ð²¬ñ êK àí¾,(Bland Diet)
ÞòŸ¬è êK àí¾, ÍL¬è„ ê£Á ÝAòõŸ¬ø îò£KŠð‹ ã¬ùò CøŠ¹ êKàí¾ CA„¬êòOŠð‹ îò êKàí¾
¬ñòˆ¶ì¡ ܬùˆ¶ ê£îùƒèÀ‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹. «ñŸªê£¡ùõŸÁì¡ Ã´îô£è ºî™ àîM ñŸÁ‹
Üõêóè£ô «ñô£‡¬ñ «î¬õèÀ‹ õöƒèŠðì «õ‡´‹. 嚪õ£¼ ºŠð¶ 𴂬èèÀ‚°‹ °¬ø‰î÷¾ å¡Á â¡ø÷M™,
ê‚èó è£LèÀ‹ É‚°Šð´‚¬èèÀ‹ «ð£¶ñ£ù â‡E‚¬èJ™ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
C. Ü«ô£ðF ñŸÁ‹ Ý»w ÝAòõŸP¡ W›, ªêò™ð´‹ ܬùˆ¶ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùèÀ‹ ̘ˆF ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡®ò ªð£¶õ£ù
3. bò¬íŠ¹ õêF.- ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ùJ™, MFèO¡ð®, Þ‰Fò îó GÁõù ºˆF¬ó»ì¡ îò bò¬íŠ¹ ê£îùƒèœ
Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
5. ¶E ñŸÁ‹ ˆ¶E (Linen) . ܬõ ÉŒ¬ñò£è ðó£ñK‚èŠðì «õ‡´‹ ñŸÁ‹ Ü¡ø£ì‹ ñ£ŸøŠðì «õ‡´‹.
7. èN¾è¬÷ ÜŠ¹øŠð´ˆ¶î™.- ñˆFò ÜóC¡ õ¬óò¬øèœ ñŸÁ‹ îI›ï£´ ñ£²‚ 膴Šð£†´ õ£KòˆF¡ õN
º¬øè¬÷»‹ H¡ðŸP Þ¶ ªêŒòŠðì «õ‡´‹.
8. ðF¾¼ ðó£ñKŠ¹.- (a) 嚪õ£¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ G¬ôòº‹, ðEò£÷˜èœ Mõóƒèœ ªî£ì˜ð£ù G¬ôò£ù Ýõíƒèœ
ñŸÁ‹ «ï£ò£Oèœ ªî£ì˜ð£ù ñ¼ˆ¶õ CA„¬ê Mõóƒèœ ªè£‡ì Gó‰îó Ýõíƒè¬÷ ðó£ñKˆ¶ õó
«õ‡´‹. àKò ܽõôó£™ Ü™ô¶ Þ¶ ªî£ì˜ð£è ÜFè£óñO‚èŠð†´œ÷ «õÁå¼ Ü½õôó£™ ÝŒ¾
ªêŒòŠð´õîŸè£è ܉î ðF¾¼‚èœ îò£ó£è Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.
(b) 嚪õ£¼ îQò£˜ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù»‹, «ï£ò£O ªî£ì˜ð£ù ñ¼ˆ¶õ è‡è£EŠ¹, CA„¬ê «ð£¡ø
MõóƒèO¡ ïèL¬ù, °PŠH†ì è£ôˆFŸ°œ, «î¬õò£ù è†ìíƒè¬÷ ªê½ˆFòF¡ «ðK™ õöƒè
õNõ¬è ªêŒF¼‚è «õ‡´‹. ܈î¬èò îèõ™è¬÷Š ªðÁõîŸè£ù è†ìí Mõóƒè¬÷, ܬùõ¼‹
ÜPò‚ îò ÞìˆF™ 嚪õ£¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù G¼õ£èº‹ 裆CŠð´ˆî «õ‡´‹.
(c) ܈î¬èò îèõ™èœ, CA„¬ê ªðŸø ïð¼‚«è£ Ü™ô¶ Üõ¼¬ìò °´‹ð àÁŠHù˜èÀ‚«è£ bƒ°
ãŸð´õ è£óíñ£è ܬñ»‹ âù è¼Fù£™, Ü™ô¶ å¼ Üó² ÜFè£ó ܬñŠH¡ àˆîóM¡ «ðK™
CA„¬ê ÜO‚èŠð†®¼‰î£™, ܈î¬èò îèõ¬ôˆ ªîKMŠð 嚪õ£¼ ñ¼ˆ¶õ G¬ôòº‹ ñÁ‚èô£‹.
2. ºèõK:
Aó£ñ‹/ïèó‹: õ†ì‹:
ñ£õ†ì‹: ñ£Gô‹: Ü…ê™ °Pf†´ â‡
ªî£¬ô«ðC â‡. (STD °Pf†´ì¡) ܬô«ðC: GèK:
I¡ù…ê™ ºèõK: õ¬ôˆî÷‹ (ã«îÂI¼ŠH¡)
3. ªî£ìƒAò ݇´:
(4L¼‰¶ 11 õ¬óJ™ ªð£¼ˆîñ£ù¬õ ܬùˆ¬î»‹ °PJ쾋)
4. ܬñMì‹:
ªð¼ïèó‹ ñ£Gôˆ î¬ôïèó‹ ñ£ïèó‹ ïèó‹
ÜPM‚¬èJìŠð†ì ð°F Aó£ñ‹ ã¬ùò ò£ªî£¼ Þì‹ (îò¾ªêŒ¶ °PŠH쾋)
5. «ê¬õ õöƒ°Aø ܬñŠH¡ àK¬ñò£÷˜
(Ý) 裉î ÜF˜¾ ܬô õ¬ó¾ G¬ôòˆ¶ì¡ Þ¬í‚èŠð†®¼‚Aøî£ (Ý‹ âQ™, ªð£¼ˆîñ£ùõŸ¬ø 9°PJ쾋)
¬èòì‚è â‚v èF˜ ð¬öò º¬øJ™ â‚v â‡Iò º¬øJ™ â‚v èF˜ ðìªñ´‚°‹
ðìªñ´‚°‹ ê£îù‹ èF˜ ðìªñ´‚°‹ ê£îù‹ ê£îù‹ (Digital X-ray)
(Portable X-ray) (Conventional X-ray)
裉î ÜF˜¾ ܬô ð£C†ó£¡ âIû¡ ⽋¹ (c˜ñ) Ü예F Ü÷¬õ‚ è‡ìP»‹
õ¬ó¾ (MRI) «ì£«ñ£Aó£H (PET) v«è¡ ê£îù‹ (Bone Densitometry)
A. ܬñMì Ü®Šð¬ìJ™
îQŠð†ì Þóˆî «êIŠ¹‚è£ù Þì‹
ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù»ì¡ Þ¬í‰î Þóˆî«êIŠ¹ õƒA Ü®Šð¬ìJ™
ñ¼ˆ¶õ º¬ø
12. õöƒèŠð´‹ «ê¬õèœ (îò¾ªêŒ¶ ªð£¼ˆîñ£ùõŸ¬ø 9 °PJ쾋)
CøŠ¹ ñ¼ˆ¶õ‹ ÜÁ¬õ CA„¬ê «ðÁè£ô ñèO˜ «ï£Œ ñŸÁ‹ °ö‰¬î ñ¼ˆ¶õ‹
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îQ ެ특 Þ¬í‚èŠðìô£‹.
18. ðF¾ è†ìíƒèÀ‚° ªî£¬è ªê½ˆ¶‹ º¬øèœ:
«è†¹‚ 裫꣬ô è¼×ô ÞóY¶
ªî£¬è (Ïð£J™)
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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
°PŠ¹: I¡ùμ º¬øJ™ ðF¾¼‚èœ ðó£ñK‚èŠð†´ õ‰î£™ ñŸÁ‹ / Ü™ô¶ ðF«õ´èO™ îèõ™è¬÷‚ ªè£‡®¼‰î£™ , Üî¡ ñ£î£‰Fó ÜP‚¬è /ïè™ â´‚èŠð†´,
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ºèõK ⇠ ðK‰¶¬ó‚èŠ
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
°PŠ¹: I¡ùμ º¬øJ™ ðF¾¼‚èœ ðó£ñK‚èŠð†´ õ‰î£™ ñŸÁ‹/ Ü™ô¶ 𣶜÷ ðF«õ´èO™ îèõ™è¬÷‚ ªè£‡®¼‰î£™ , Üî¡ ñ£î£‰Fó ÜP‚¬è /ïè™
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2. «ï£ò£OèÀ‚è£ù îQîQ «ï£ŒMõó‚°PŠ¹ˆî£O¬ù ñ¼ˆ¶õñ¬ù ðó£ñK‚è «õ‡´‹.
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Principal Secretary to Government.