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Package ‘Rcrawler’

November 11, 2018

Type Package
Title Web Crawler and Scraper
Version 0.1.9-1
Date 2018-11-11
Description Performs parallel web crawling and web scraping. It is de-
signed to crawl, parse and store web pages to produce data that can be directly used for analy-
sis application. For details see Khalil and Fakir (2017) <DOI:10.1016/j.softx.2017.04.004>.
License GPL (>= 2)

URL https://github.com/salimk/Rcrawler/

BugReports https://github.com/salimk/Rcrawler/issues
LazyData TRUE
Imports httr, xml2, data.table, foreach, doParallel, parallel,
selectr, webdriver, callr, jsonlite
RoxygenNote 6.1.0
NeedsCompilation no
Author Salim Khalil [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7804-4041>)
Maintainer Salim Khalil <khalilsalim1@gmail.com>
Repository CRAN
Date/Publication 2018-11-11 22:00:16 UTC

R topics documented:
browser_path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ContentScraper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Drv_fetchpage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Getencoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
install_browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
LinkExtractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
LinkNormalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Linkparameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 browser_path

Linkparamsfilter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
ListProjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
LoadHTMLFiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
LoginSession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Rcrawler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
RobotParser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
run_browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
stop_browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Index 29

browser_path Return browser (webdriver) location path


After installing webdriver using install_browser, you can check its location path by running this




path as character


salim khalil


## Not run:


## End(Not run)
ContentScraper 3

ContentScraper ContentScraper


ContentScraper(Url, HTmlText, browser, XpathPatterns, CssPatterns,
PatternsName, ExcludeXpathPat, ExcludeCSSPat, ManyPerPattern = FALSE,
astext = TRUE, asDataFrame = FALSE, encod)

Url character, one url or a vector of urls of web pages to scrape.
HTmlText character, web page as HTML text to be scraped.use either Url or HtmlText not
browser, a web driver session, or a loggedin session of the web driver (see examples)
XpathPatterns character vector, one or more XPath patterns to extract from the web page.
CssPatterns character vector, one or more CSS selector patterns to extract from the web page.
PatternsName character vector, given names for each xpath pattern to extract, just as an indi-
cation .
character vector, one or more Xpath pattern to exclude from extracted content
(like excluding quotes from forum replies or excluding middle ads from Blog
post) .
ExcludeCSSPat character vector, one or more Css pattern to exclude from extracted content.
ManyPerPattern boolean, If False only the first matched element by the pattern is extracted (like
in Blogs one page has one article/post and one title). Otherwise if set to True all
nodes matching the pattern are extracted (Like in galleries, listing or comments,
one page has many elements with the same pattern )
astext boolean, default is TRUE, HTML and PHP tags is stripped from the extracted
asDataFrame boolean, transform scraped data into a Dataframe. default is False (data is re-
turned as List)
encod character, set the weppage character encoding.

return a named list of scraped content

salim khalil
4 ContentScraper


## Not run:

#### Extract title, publishing date and article from the web page using css selectors
CssPatterns = c(".entry-title",".published",".entry-content"), astext = TRUE)

#### The web page source can be provided also in HTML text (characters)
txthml<-"<html><title>blah</title><div><p>I m the content</p></div></html>"
DATA<-ContentScraper(HTmlText = txthml ,XpathPatterns = "//*/p")

#### Extract post title and bodt from the web page using Xpath patterns,
# PatternsName can be provided as indication.
DATA<-ContentScraper(Url ="http://glofile.com/index.php/2017/06/08/athletisme-m-a-rome/",
XpathPatterns=c("//head/title","//*/article"),PatternsName=c("title", "article"))

#### Extract titles and contents of 3 Urls using CSS selectors, As result DATA variable
# will handle 6 elements.
DATA<-ContentScraper(Url =urllist, CssPatterns = c(".entry-title",".entry-content"),
PatternsName = c("title","content"))

#### Extract post title and list of comments from a set of blog pages,
# ManyPerPattern argument enables extracting many elements having same pattern from each
# page like comments, reviews, quotes and listing.
DATA<-ContentScraper(Url =urllist, CssPatterns = c(".entry-title",".comment-content p"),
PatternsName = c("title","comments"), astext = TRUE, ManyPerPattern = TRUE)
#### From this Forum page e extract the post title and all replies using CSS selectors
# c("head > title",".post"), However, we know that each reply contain previous Replys
# as quote so we need to exclude To remove inner quotes in each reply we use
# ExcludeCSSPat c(".quote",".quoteheader a")
DATA<-ContentScraper(Url = "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2334331.0",
CssPatterns = c("head > title",".post"), ExcludeCSSPat = c(".quote",".quoteheader"),
PatternsName = c("Title","Replys"), ManyPerPattern = TRUE)

#### Scrape data from web page requiring authentification

# replace \@ by @ before running follwing examples
# create a loggedin session
LS<-LoginSession(Browser = LS, LoginURL = 'https://manager.submittable.com/login',
LoginCredentials = c('your email','your password'),
cssLoginFields =c('#email', '#password'),
XpathLoginButton ='//*[\@type=\"submit\"]' )
#Then scrape data with the session
Drv_fetchpage 5

XpathPatterns = c('//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[3]',
'//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]' ),
PatternsName = c("Article","Title"), astext = TRUE, browser = LS )
browser = LS)
DATA<-ContentScraper(HTmlText = page$Info$Source_page,
XpathPatterns = c("//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[3]",
"//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]" ),
PatternsName = c("Article","Title"),astext = TRUE )

To get all first elements of the lists in one vector (example all titles) :
VecTitle<-unlist(lapply(DATA, `[[`, 1))
To get all second elements of the lists in one vector (example all articles)
VecContent<-unlist(lapply(DATA, `[[`, 2))

## End(Not run)

Drv_fetchpage Fetch page using web driver/Session

Fetch page using web driver/Session

Drv_fetchpage(url, browser)

url character, web page URL to retreive
browser Object returned by run_browser

return a list of three elements, the first is a list containing the web page details (url, encoding-type,
content-type, content ... etc), the second is a character-vector containing the list of retreived internal
urls and the third is a vetcor of external Urls.

salim khalil
6 install_browser

Getencoding Getencoding

This function retreives the encoding charset of web page based on HTML tags and HTTP header


url character, the web page url.

return the encoding charset as character

salim khalil

install_browser Install PhantomJS webdriver

Download the zip package, unzip it, and copy the executable to a system directory in which web-
driver can look for the PhantomJS executable.

install_browser(version = "2.1.1",
baseURL = "https://github.com/wch/webshot/releases/download/v0.3.1/")

version The version number of PhantomJS.
baseURL The base URL for the location of PhantomJS binaries for download. If the
default download site is unavailable, you may specify an alternative mirror, such
as "https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads/".
LinkExtractor 7

This function was designed primarily to help Windows users since it is cumbersome to modify
the PATH variable. Mac OS X users may install PhantomJS via Homebrew. If you download the
package from the PhantomJS website instead, please make sure the executable can be found via the
PATH variable.
On Windows, the directory specified by the environment variable APPDATA is used to store ‘phantomjs.exe’.
On OS X, the directory ‘~/Library/Application Support’ is used. On other platforms (such as
Linux), the directory ‘~/bin’ is used. If these directories are not writable, the directory ‘PhantomJS’
under the installation directory of the webdriver package will be tried. If this directory still fails,
you will have to install PhantomJS by yourself.

NULL (the executable is written to a system directory).

LinkExtractor LinkExtractor

Fetch and parse a document by URL, to extract page info, HTML source and links (internal/external).
Fetching process can be done by HTTP GET request or through webdriver (phantomjs) which sim-
ulate a real browser rendering.

LinkExtractor(url, id, lev, IndexErrPages, Useragent, Timeout = 6,
use_proxy = NULL, URLlenlimit = 255, urlExtfilter, urlregexfilter,
encod, urlbotfiler, removeparams, removeAllparams = FALSE,
ExternalLInks = FALSE, urlsZoneXpath = NULL, Browser,
RenderingDelay = 0)

url character, url to fetch and parse.
id numeric, an id to identify a specific web page in a website collection, it’s auto-
generated byauto-generated by Rcrawler function.
lev numeric, the depth level of the web page, auto-generated by Rcrawler function.
IndexErrPages character vector, http error code-statut that can be processed, by default, it’s
IndexErrPages<-c(200) which means only successfull page request should be
parsed .Eg, To parse also 404 error pages add, IndexErrPages<-c(200,404).
Useragent , the name the request sender, default to "Rcrawler". but we recommand using a
regular browser user-agent to avoid being blocked by some server.
Timeout ,default to 5s
8 LinkExtractor

use_proxy, object created by httr::use_proxy() function, if you want to use a proxy to re-
treive web page. (does not work with webdriver).
URLlenlimit interger, Maximum URL length to process, default to 255 characters (Useful to
avoid spider traps)
urlExtfilter character vector, the list of file extensions to exclude from parsing, Actualy,
only html pages are processed(parsed, scraped); To define your own lis use
urlregexfilter character vector, filter out extracted internal urls by one or more regular expres-
encod character, web page character encoding
urlbotfiler character vector , directories/files restricted by robot.txt
removeparams character vector, list of url parameters to be removed form web page internal
boolean, IF TRUE the list of scraped urls will have no parameters.
ExternalLInks boolean, default FALSE, if set to TRUE external links also are returned.
xpath pattern of the section from where links should be exclusively gathered/collected.
Browser the client object of a remote headless web driver(virtual browser), created by
br<-run_browser() function, or a logged-in browser session object, created
by LoginSession, after installing web driver Agent install_browser(). see
examples below.
RenderingDelay the time required by a webpage to be fully rendred, in seconds.

return a list of three elements, the first is a list containing the web page details (url, encoding-type,
content-type, content ... etc), the second is a character-vector containing the list of retreived internal
urls and the third is a vetcor of external Urls.

salim khalil


## Not run:

###### Fetch a URL using GET request :

## Very Fast, but can't fetch javascript rendred pages or sections

# fetch the page with default config, then returns page info and internal links

LinkExtractor 9

# this will return alse external links

page<-LinkExtractor(url="http://www.glofile.com", ExternalLInks = TRUE)

# Specify Useragent to overcome bots blocking by some websites rules

page<-LinkExtractor(url="http://www.glofile.com", ExternalLInks = TRUE,

Useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64)",)

# By default, only HTTP succeeded page are parsed, therefore, to force

# parse error pages like 404 you need to specify IndexErrPages,

ExternalLInks = TRUE, IndexErrPages = c(200,404))

#### Use GET request with a proxy

use_proxy = proxy)

#' Note : use_proxy arguments can' not't be configured with webdriver

###### Fetch a URL using a web driver (virtual browser)

## Slow, because a headless browser called phantomjs will simulate
## a user session on a website. It's useful for web page having important
## javascript rendred sections such as menus.
## We recommend that you first try normal previous request, if the function
## returns a forbidden 403 status code or an empty/incomplete source code body,
## then try to set a normal useragent like
## Useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64)",
## if you still have issue then you shoud try to set up a virtual browser.

#1 Download and install phantomjs headless browser


#2 start browser process (takes 30 seconds usualy)

br <-run_browser()

#3 call the function

page<-LinkExtractor(url="http://www.master-maroc.com", Browser = br,
ExternalLInks = TRUE)

#4 dont forget to stop the browser at the end of all your work with it

###### Fetch a web page that requires authentication

## In some case you may need to retreive content from a web page which
10 LinkExtractor

## requires authentication via a login page like private forums, platforms..

## In this case you need to run \link{LoginSession} function to establish a
## authenticated browser session; then use \link{LinkExtractor} to fetch
## the URL using the auhenticated session.
## In the example below we will try to fech a private blog post which
## require authentification .

If you retreive the page using regular function LinkExtractor or your browser
The post is not visible because it's private.
Now we will try to login to access this post using folowing creditentials
username : demo and password : rc@pass@r

#1 Download and install phantomjs headless browser (skip if installed)


#2 start browser process

br <-run_browser()

#3 create auhenticated session

# see \link{LoginSession} for more details

LS<-LoginSession(Browser = br, LoginURL = 'http://glofile.com/wp-login.php',

LoginCredentials = c('demo','rc@pass@r'),
cssLoginFields =c('#user_login', '#user_pass'),
cssLoginButton='#wp-submit' )

#check if login successful

LS$session$takeScreenshot(file = 'sc.png')

#3 Retreive the target private page using the logged-in session

page<-LinkExtractor(url='http://glofile.com/index.php/2017/06/08/jcdecaux/',Browser = LS)

#4 dont forget to stop the browser at the end of all your work with it

################### Returned Values #####################


# Returned 'page' variable should include :

# 1- list of page details,
# 2- Internal links
# 3- external links.

#1 Vector of extracted internal links (in-links)


#2 Vector of extracted external links (out-links)

LinkNormalization 11



# Requested Url

# Sum of extracted links


# The status code of the HTTP response 200, 401, 300...


# The MIME type of this content from HTTP response


# Page text encoding UTF8, ISO-8859-1 , ..


# Page source code


Page title

Other returned values page$Info$Id, page$Info$Crawl_level,

page$Info$Crawl_status are only used by Rcrawler funtion.

## End(Not run)

LinkNormalization Link Normalization

To normalize and transform URLs into a canonical form.

LinkNormalization(links, current)

links character, one or more URLs to Normalize.
current character, The current page URL where links are located
12 Linkparameters

Vector of normalized urls

salim khalil


# Normalize a set of links


links<-LinkNormalization(links,"http://glofile.com" )


Linkparameters Get the list of parameters and values from an URL

A function that take a URL _charachter_ as input, and extract the parameters and values from this


URL character, the URL to extract

This function extract the link parameters and values (Up to 10 parameters)
Linkparamsfilter 13

return the URL paremeters=values

salim khalil


# Extract all URL parameters with values as vector

Linkparamsfilter Link parameters filter

This function remove a given set of parameters from a specific URL

Linkparamsfilter(URL, params, removeAllparams = FALSE)

URL character, the URL from which params and values have to be removed
params character vector, List of url parameters to be removed
boolean if true , all url parameters will be removed.

This function exclude given parameters from the urls,

return a URL wihtout given parameters

salim khalil
14 ListProjects


#remove ord and tmp parameters from the URL

#remove all URL parameters
Linkparamsfilter(url,removeAllparams = TRUE)

ListProjects ListProjects


List all crawling project in your R local directory, or in a custom directory




DIR character By default it’s your local R workspace, if you set a custom folder for
your crawling project then user DIR param to access this folder.


ListProjects, a character vector.


salim khalil


## Not run:

## End(Not run)
LoadHTMLFiles 15

LoadHTMLFiles LoadHTMLFiles @rdname LoadHTMLFiles


LoadHTMLFiles @rdname LoadHTMLFiles


LoadHTMLFiles(ProjectName, type = "vector", max)


ProjectName character, the name of the folder holding collected HTML files, use ListProjects
fnuction to see all projects.
type character, the type of returned variable, either vector or list.
max Integer, maximum number of files to load.


LoadHTMLFiles, a character vector or a list;


salim khalil


## Not run:
#show all crawling project folders stored in your local R wokspace folder
#Load all HTML files in DataHTML vector
DataHTML2<-LoadHTMLFiles("glofile.com-301010",max = 10, type = "list")
#Load only 10 first HTMl files in DataHTML2 list

## End(Not run)
16 LoginSession

LoginSession Open a logged in Session

Simulate authentifaction using web driver automation This function Fetch login page using phan-
tomjs web driver(virtual browser), sets login and password values + other required values then clicks
on login button. You should provide these agruments for the function to work correctly : - Login
page URL - Login Credentials eg: email & password - css Or Xpath of Login Credential fields - css
or xpath of Login Button - If a checkbox is required in the login page then provide provide its css
or xpath pattern

LoginSession(Browser, LoginURL, LoginCredentials, cssLoginFields,
cssLoginButton, cssRadioToCheck, XpathLoginFields, XpathLoginButton,

Browser object, phatomjs web driver use run_browser function to create this object.
LoginURL character, login page URL
login Credentials values eg: email and password
vector of login fields css pattern.
the css pattern of the login button that should be clicked to access protected
the radio/checkbox css pattern to be checked(if exist)
vector of login fields xpath pattern.
the xpath pattern of the login button.
the radio/checkbox xpath pattern to be checked(if exist)

return authentified browser session object

salim khalil
LoginSession 17


## Not run:

#This function is based on web browser automation, so, before start,

make sure you have successfully installed web driver (phantomjs).
# Run browser process and get its reference object
br<- run_browser()

brs<-LoginSession(Browser = br, LoginURL = 'http://glofile.com/wp-login.php',

LoginCredentials = c('demo','rc@pass@r'),
cssLoginFields =c('#user_login', '#user_pass'),
cssLoginButton='#wp-submit' )

# To make sure that you have been successfully authenticated

# Check URL of the current page after login redirection
# Or Take screenshot of the website dashborad
brs$takeScreenshot(file = "sc.png")

brs$takeScreenshot(file = NULL)
brs$findElement(css = NULL, linkText = NULL,
partialLinkText = NULL, xpath = NULL)
brs$findElements(css = NULL, linkText = NULL,
partialLinkText = NULL, xpath = NULL)
brs$executeScript(script, ...)
brs$executeScriptAsync(script, ...)
brs$setTimeout(script = NULL, pageLoad = NULL, implicit = NULL)
brs$moveMouseTo(xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0)
brs$click(button = c("left", "middle", "right"))
brs$doubleClick(button = c("left", "middle", "right"))
brs$mouseButtonDown(button = c("left", "middle", "right"))
brs$mouseButtonUp(button = c("left", "middle", "right"))
brs$readLog(type = c("browser", "har"))

## End(Not run)
18 Rcrawler

Rcrawler Rcrawler

The crawler’s main function, by providing only the website URL and the Xpath or CSS selector
patterns this function can crawl the whole website (traverse all web pages) download webpages,
and scrape/extract its contents in an automated manner to produce a structured dataset. The process
of a crawling operation is performed by several concurrent processes or nodes in parallel, so it’s
recommended to use 64bit version of R.

Rcrawler(Website, no_cores, no_conn, MaxDepth, DIR, RequestsDelay = 0,
Obeyrobots = FALSE, Useragent, use_proxy = NULL, Encod,
Timeout = 5, URLlenlimit = 255, urlExtfilter, dataUrlfilter,
crawlUrlfilter, crawlZoneCSSPat = NULL, crawlZoneXPath = NULL,
ignoreUrlParams, ignoreAllUrlParams = FALSE, KeywordsFilter,
KeywordsAccuracy, FUNPageFilter, ExtractXpathPat, ExtractCSSPat,
PatternsNames, ExcludeXpathPat, ExcludeCSSPat, ExtractAsText = TRUE,
ManyPerPattern = FALSE, saveOnDisk = TRUE, NetworkData = FALSE,
NetwExtLinks = FALSE, statslinks = FALSE, Vbrowser = FALSE,

Website character, the root URL of the website to crawl and scrape.
no_cores integer, specify the number of clusters (logical cpu) for parallel crawling, by
default it’s the numbers of available cores.
no_conn integer, it’s the number of concurrent connections per one core, by default it
takes the same value of no_cores.
MaxDepth integer, repsents the max deph level for the crawler, this is not the file depth in
a directory structure, but 1+ number of links between this document and root
document, default to 10.
DIR character, correspond to the path of the local repository where all crawled data
will be stored ex, "C:/collection" , by default R working directory.
RequestsDelay integer, The time interval between each round of parallel http requests, in sec-
onds used to avoid overload the website server. default to 0.
Obeyrobots boolean, if TRUE, the crawler will parse the website\’s robots.txt file and obey
its rules allowed and disallowed directories.
Useragent character, the User-Agent HTTP header that is supplied with any HTTP requests
made by this function.it is important to simulate different browser’s user-agent
to continue crawling without getting banned.
use_proxy object created by httr::use_proxy() function, if you want to use a proxy (does
not work with webdriver).
Rcrawler 19

Encod character, set the website caharacter encoding, by default the crawler will auto-
matically detect the website defined character encoding.
Timeout integer, the maximum request time, the number of seconds to wait for a response
until giving up, in order to prevent wasting time waiting for responses from slow
servers or huge pages, default to 5 sec.
URLlenlimit integer, the maximum URL length limit to crawl, to avoid spider traps; default
to 255.
urlExtfilter character’s vector, by default the crawler avoid irrelevant files for data scrap-
ing such us xml,js,css,pdf,zip ...etc, it’s not recommanded to change the default
value until you can provide all the list of filetypes to be escaped.
dataUrlfilter character’s vector, filter Urls to be scraped/collected by one or more regular
expression patterns.Useful to control which pages should be collected/scraped,
like product, post, detail or category pages if they have a commun URL pattern.
without start ^ and end $ regex.
crawlUrlfilter character’s vector, filter Urls to be crawled by one or more regular expression
patterns. Useful for large websites to control the crawler behaviour and which
URLs should be crawled. For example, In case you want to crawl a website’s
search resutls (guided/oriented crawling). without start ^ and end $ regex.
one or more css pattern of page sections from where the crawler should gather
links to be followed, to avoid navigating through all visible links and to have
more control over the crawler behaviour in target website.
crawlZoneXPath one or more xpath pattern of page sections from where the crawler should gather
links to be followed.
character’s vector, the list of Url paremeter to be ignored during crawling. Some
URL parameters are ony related to template view if not ignored will cause du-
plicate page (many web pages having the same content but have different URLs)
boolean, choose to ignore all Url parameter after "?" (Not recommended for
Non-SEF CMS websites because only the index.php will be crawled)
KeywordsFilter character vector, For users who desires to scrape or collect only web pages that
contains some keywords one or more. Rcrawler calculate an accuracy score
based of the number of founded keywords. This parameter must be a vector
with at least one keyword like c("mykeyword").
integer value range bewteen 0 and 100, used only with KeywordsFilter parame-
ter to determine the accuracy of web pages to collect. The web page Accuracy
value is calculated using the number of matched keywords and their occurence.
FUNPageFilter function, filter out pages to be collected/scraped by a custom function (condi-
tions, prediction, calssification model). This function should take a LinkExtrac-
tor object as arument then finally returns TRUE or FALSE.
character’s vector, vector of xpath patterns to match for data extraction process.
20 Rcrawler

ExtractCSSPat character’s vector, vector of CSS selector pattern to match for data extraction
PatternsNames character vector, given names for each xpath pattern to extract.
character’s vector, one or more Xpath pattern to exclude from extracted content
ExtractCSSPat or ExtractXpathPat (like excluding quotes from forum replies or
excluding middle ads from Blog post) .
ExcludeCSSPat character’s vector, similar to ExcludeXpathPat but using Css selectors.
ExtractAsText boolean, default is TRUE, HTML and PHP tags is stripped from the extracted
ManyPerPattern boolean, ManyPerPattern boolean, If False only the first matched element by
the pattern is extracted (like in Blogs one page has one article/post and one
title). Otherwise if set to True all nodes matching the pattern are extracted (Like
in galleries, listing or comments, one page has many elements with the same
pattern )
saveOnDisk boolean, By default is true, the crawler will store crawled Html pages and ex-
tracted data CSV file on a specific folder. On the other hand you may wish to
have DATA only in memory.
NetworkData boolean, If set to TRUE, then the crawler map all the internal hyperlink connec-
tions within the given website and return DATA for Network construction using
igraph or other tools.(two global variables is returned see details)
NetwExtLinks boolean, If TRUE external hyperlinks (outlinks) also will be counted on Net-
work edges and nodes.
statslinks boolean, if TRUE, the crawler counts the number of input and output links of
each crawled web page.
Vbrowser boolean, If TRUE the crawler will use web driver phantomsjs (virtual browser)
to fetch and parse web pages instead of GET request
LoggedSession A loggedin browser session object, created by LoginSession function

To start Rcrawler task you need to provide the root URL of the website you want to scrape, it could
be a domain, a subdomain or a website section (eg. http://www.domain.com, http://sub.domain.com
or http://www.domain.com/section/). The crawler then will retreive the web page and go through
all its internal links. The crawler continue to follow and parse all website’s links automatically on
the site until all website’s pages have been parsed.
The process of a crawling is performed by several concurrent processes or nodes in parallel, So, It
is recommended to use R 64-bit version.
For more tutorials check https://github.com/salimk/Rcrawler/
To scrape content with complex character such as Arabic or Chinese, you need to run Sys.setlocale
function then set the appropriate encoding in Rcrawler function.
If you want to learn more about web scraper/crawler architecture, functional properties and imple-
mentation using R language, Follow this link and download the published paper for free .
Link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352711017300110
Rcrawler 21

Dont forget to cite Rcrawler paper:

Khalil, S., & Fakir, M. (2017). RCrawler: An R package for parallel web crawling and scraping.
SoftwareX, 6, 98-106.

The crawling and scraping process may take a long time to finish, therefore, to avoid data loss in the
case that a function crashes or stopped in the middle of action, some important data are exported at
every iteration to R global environement:
- INDEX: A data frame in global environement representing the generic URL index,including the
list of fetched URLs and page details (contenttype,HTTP state, number of out-links and in-links,
encoding type, and level).
- A repository in workspace that contains all downloaded pages (.html files)
Data scraping is enabled by setting ExtractXpathPat or ExtractCSSPat parameter:
- DATA: A list of lists in global environement holding scraped contents.
- A csv file ’extracted_contents.csv’ holding all extracted data.
If NetworkData is set to TRUE two additional global variables returned by the function are:
- NetwIndex : Vector maps alls hyperlinks (nodes) with a unique integer ID
- NetwEdges : data.frame representing edges of the network, with these column : From, To, Weight
(the Depth level where the link connection has been discovered) and Type (1 for internal hyperlinks
2 for external hyperlinks).

salim khalil


## Not run:

######### Crawl, index, and store all pages of a websites using 4 cores and 4 parallel requests
Rcrawler(Website ="http://glofile.com/", no_cores = 4, no_conn = 4)

######### Crawl and index the website using 8 cores and 8 parallel requests with respect to
# robot.txt rules using Mozilla string in user agent.

Rcrawler(Website = "http://www.example.com/", no_cores=8, no_conn=8, Obeyrobots = TRUE,

Useragent="Mozilla 3.11")

######### Crawl the website using the default configuration and scrape specific data from
# the website, in this case we need all posts (articles and titles) matching two XPath patterns.
# we know that all blog posts have datesin their URLs like 2017/09/08 so to avoid
# collecting category or other pages we can tell the crawler that desired page's URLs
# are like 4-digit/2-digit/2-digit/ using regular expression.
# Note thatyou can use the excludepattern parameter to exclude a node from being
# extracted, e.g., in the case that a desired node includes (is a parent of) an
22 Rcrawler

# undesired "child" node. (article having inner ads or menu)

Rcrawler(Website = "http://www.glofile.com/", dataUrlfilter = "/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/",

ExtractXpathPat = c("//*/article","//*/h1"), PatternsNames = c("content","title"))

######### Crawl the website. and collect pages having URLs matching this regular expression
# pattern (/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/). Collected pages will be stored in a local repository
# named "myrepo". And The crawler stops After reaching the third level of website depth.

Rcrawler(Website = "http://www.example.com/", no_cores = 4, no_conn = 4,

dataUrlfilter = "/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/", DIR = "./myrepo", MaxDepth=3)

######### Crawl the website and collect/scrape only webpage related to a topic
# Crawl the website and collect pages containing keyword1 or keyword2 or both.
# To crawl a website and collect/scrape only some web pages related to a specific topic,
# like gathering posts related to Donald trump from a news website. Rcrawler function
# has two useful parameters KeywordsFilter and KeywordsAccuracy.
# KeywordsFilter : a character vector, here you should provide keywords/terms of the topic
# you are looking for. Rcrawler will calculate an accuracy score based on matched keywords
# and their occurrence on the page, then it collects or scrapes only web pages with at
# least a score of 1% wich mean at least one keyword is founded one time on the page.
# This parameter must be a vector with at least one keyword like c("mykeyword").
# KeywordsAccuracy: Integer value range between 0 and 100, used only in combination with
# KeywordsFilter parameter to determine the minimum accuracy of web pages to be collected
# /scraped. You can use one or more search terms; the accuracy will be calculated based on
# how many provided keywords are found on on the page plus their occurrence rate.
# For example, if only one keyword is provided c("keyword"), 50% means one occurrence of
# "keyword" in the page 100% means five occurrences of "keyword" in the page

Rcrawler(Website = "http://www.example.com/", KeywordsFilter = c("keyword1", "keyword2"))

# Crawl the website and collect webpages that has an accuracy percentage higher than 50%
# of matching keyword1 and keyword2.

Rcrawler(Website = "http://www.example.com/", KeywordsFilter = c("keyword1", "keyword2"),

KeywordsAccuracy = 50)

######### Crawl a website search results

# In the case of scraping web pages specific to a topic of your interest; The methods
# above has some disadvantages which are complexity and time consuming as the whole
# website need to be crawled and each page is analyzed to findout desired pages.
# As result you may want to make use of the search box of the website and then directly
# crawl only search result pages. To do so, you may use \code{crawlUrlfilter} and
# \code{dataUrlfilter} arguments or \code{crawlZoneCSSPat}/\code{CrawlZoneXPath} with
#- \code{crawlUrlfilter}:what urls shoud be crawled (followed).
#- \code{dataUrlfilter}: what urls should be collected (download HTML or extract data ).
#- \code{crawlZoneCSSPat} Or \code{CrawlZoneXPath}: the page section where links to be
crawled are located.
Rcrawler 23

# Example1
# the command below will crawl all result pages knowing that result pages are like :
# so they all have "s=sur" in common
# Post pages should be crawled also, post urls are like
# which contain a date format march regex "[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}

Rcrawler(Website = "http://glofile.com/?s=sur", no_cores = 4, no_conn = 4,

crawlUrlfilter = c("[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]d{2}","s=sur"))

# In addition by using dataUrlfilter we specify that :

# 1- only post pages should be collected/scraped not all crawled result pages
# 2- additional urls should not be retreived from post page
# (like post urls listed in 'related topic' or 'see more' sections)

Rcrawler(Website = "http://glofile.com/?s=sur", no_cores = 4, no_conn = 4,

crawlUrlfilter = c("[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]d{2}","s=sur"),
dataUrlfilter = "[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}")

# Example 2
# collect job pages from indeed search result of "data analyst"

Rcrawler(Website = "https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=data+analyst&l=Tampa,+FL",
no_cores = 4 , no_conn = 4,
crawlUrlfilter = c("/rc/","start="), dataUrlfilter = "/rc/")
# To include related post jobs on each collected post remove dataUrlfilter

# Example 3
# One other way to control the crawler behaviour, and to avoid fetching
# unnecessary links is to indicate to crawler the page zone of interest
# (a page section from where links should be grabed and crawled).
# The follwing example is similar to the last one,except this time we provide
# the xpath pattern of results search section to be crawled with all links within.

Rcrawler(Website = "https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=data+analyst&l=Tampa,+FL",
no_cores = 4 , no_conn = 4,MaxDepth = 3,
crawlZoneXPath = c("//*[\@id='resultsCol']"), dataUrlfilter = "/rc/")

######### crawl and scrape a forum posts and replays, each page has a title and
# a list of replays , ExtractCSSPat = c("head>title","div[class=\"post\"]") .
# All replays have the same pattern, therfore we set TRUE ManyPerPattern
# to extract all of them.

Rcrawler(Website = "https://bitcointalk.org/", ManyPerPattern = TRUE,

ExtractCSSPat = c("head>title","div[class=\"post\"]"),
no_cores = 4, no_conn =4, PatternsName = c("Title","Replays"))
24 Rcrawler

######### scrape data/collect pages meeting your custom criteria,

# This is useful when filetring by keyword or urls does not fullfil your needs, for example
# if you want to detect target pages by classification/prediction model, or simply by checking
# a sppecifi text value/field in the web page, you can create a custom filter function for
# page selection as follow.
# First will create and test our function and test it with un one page .

encod=encod, ExternalLInks = TRUE)

# put your conditions here
if(pageinfo$Info$Source_page ... ) ....
# then return a boolean value TRUE : should be collected / FALSE should be escaped

return TRUE or FALSE

# Finally, you just call it inside Rcrawler function, Then the crawler will evaluate each
page using your set of rules.

Rcrawler(Website = "http://glofile.com", no_cores=2, FUNPageFilter= Customfilterfunc )

######### Website Network

# Crawl the entire website, and create network edges DATA of internal links.
# Using Igraph for exmaple you can plot the network by the following commands

Rcrawler(Website = "http://glofile.com/" , no_cores = 4, no_conn = 4, NetworkData = TRUE)

network<-graph.data.frame(NetwEdges, directed=T)

# Crawl the entire website, and create network edges DATA of internal and external links .
Rcrawler(Website = "http://glofile.com/" , no_cores = 4, no_conn = 4, NetworkData = TRUE,
NetwExtLinks = TRUE)

###### Crawl a website using a web driver (Vitural browser)

## In some case you may need to retreive content from a web page which
## requires authentication via a login page like private forums, platforms..
## In this case you need to run \link{LoginSession} function to establish a
## authenticated browser session; then use \link{LinkExtractor} to fetch
## the URL using the auhenticated session.
## In the example below we will try to fech a private blog post which
## require authentification .

If you retreive the page using regular function LinkExtractor or your browser
The post is not visible because it's private.
Now we will try to login to access this post using folowing creditentials
username : demo and password : rc@pass@r
RobotParser 25

#1 Download and install phantomjs headless browser (skip if installed)


#2 start browser process

br <-run_browser()

#3 create auhenticated session

# see \link{LoginSession} for more details

LS<-LoginSession(Browser = br, LoginURL = 'http://glofile.com/wp-login.php',

LoginCredentials = c('demo','rc@pass@r'),
cssLoginCredentials =c('#user_login', '#user_pass'),
cssLoginButton='#wp-submit' )

#check if login successful

LS$session$takeScreenshot(file = 'sc.png')
LS<-LoginSession(Browser = LS, LoginURL = 'https://manager.submittable.com/login',
LoginCredentials = c('your email','your password'),
cssLoginFields =c('#email', '#password'),
XpathLoginButton ='//*[\@type=\"submit\"]' )

# page<-LinkExtractor(url='https://manager.submittable.com/beta/discover/119087',
LoggedSession = LS)
# cont<-ContentScraper(HTmlText = page$Info$Source_page,
XpathPatterns = c("//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[3]",
"//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]" ),
PatternsName = c("Article","Title"),astext = TRUE )

## End(Not run)

RobotParser RobotParser fetch and parse robots.txt

This function fetch and parse robots.txt file of the website which is specified in the first argument
and return the list of correspending rules .

RobotParser(website, useragent)
26 run_browser

website character, url of the website which rules have to be extracted .
useragent character, the useragent of the crawler

return a list of three elements, the first is a character vector of Disallowed directories, the third is a
Boolean value which is TRUE if the user agent of the crawler is blocked.


#Return robot.txt rules and check whether AgentX is blocked or not.

run_browser Start up web driver process on localhost, with a random port

Phantomjs is a headless browser, it provide automated control of a web page in an environment
similar to web browsers, but via a command-line. It’s able to render and understand HTML the
same way a regular browser would, including styling elements such as page layout, colors, font
selection and execution of JavaScript and AJAX which are usually not available when using GET
request methods.

run_browser(debugLevel = "DEBUG", timeout = 5000)

debugLevel debug level, possible values: ’INFO’, ’ERROR’, ’WARN’, ’DEBUG’
timeout How long to wait (in milliseconds) for the webdriver connection to be estab-
lished to the phantomjs process.

This function will throw an error if webdriver(phantomjs) cannot be found, or cannot be started. It
works with a timeout of five seconds.
If you got the forllwing error, this means that your operating system or antivirus is bloking the
webdriver (phantom.js) process, try to disable your antivirus temporarily or adjust your system
configuration to allow phantomjs and processx executable (browser_path to know where phantomjs
is located). Error in supervisor_start() : processx supervisor was not ready after 5 seconds.
stop_browser 27

A list of callr::process object, and port, the local port where phantom is running.

## Not run:

#If driver is not installed yet then



## End(Not run)

stop_browser Stop web driver process and Remove its Object

At the end of All your operations with the web river, you should stop its process and remove the
driver R object else you may have troubles restarting R normaly. Throws and error if webdriver
phantomjs cannot be found, or cannot be started. It works with a timeout of five seconds.


browser the web driver object created by run_browser

A list of process, the callr::process object, and port, the local port where phantom is running.

## Not run:

#Start the browser


#kill the browser process

#remove the object reference
28 stop_browser

## End(Not run)

browser_path, 2, 26

ContentScraper, 3

Drv_fetchpage, 5

Getencoding, 6

install_browser, 2, 6

LinkExtractor, 7, 19
LinkNormalization, 11
Linkparameters, 12
Linkparamsfilter, 13
ListProjects, 14
LoadHTMLFiles, 15
LoginSession, 8, 16, 20

Rcrawler, 7, 18
RobotParser, 25
run_browser, 5, 16, 26, 27

stop_browser, 27


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