7 Clean Energy-Feb 2017 PDF
7 Clean Energy-Feb 2017 PDF
7 Clean Energy-Feb 2017 PDF
The world has achieved remarkable gains in human development over the past two decades. Extreme poverty
has significantly reduced, access to primary education and health outcomes has improved, and substantial
inroads have been made in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. The pursuit of the eight
Millennium Development Goals has contributed to this progress and enabled people across the world to improve
their lives and future prospects. Yet, despite these significant gains, extreme poverty remains a key challenge, in
2013, 767 million people lived on less than $1.90 per day (purchasing power parity). Inequalities are either high
or widening, especially within countries. Unemployment and vulnerable employment levels are high in many
countries, particularly among youth. Unsustainable consumption and production are pushing ecosystems beyond
their limits – undermining their ability to provide services vital to life, development and their own regeneration.
Shocks associated with macroeconomic instability, disasters linked to natural hazards, environmental degradation
and socio-political unrest impact negatively on the lives of millions. In many cases, these shocks hold back, if not
reverse, progress already achieved in meeting national and internationally agreed development goals. Preserving
the gains that have been made and addressing the current development challenges the world faces cannot be
accomplished by tinkering at the margins.
There is an imperative today to foster sustainable development. A vision for what this encapsulates is laid out in the
new sustainable development agenda that aims to end poverty, promote prosperity and people’s well-being while
protecting the environment. As the United Nations' global development network, the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) has a key role to play in supporting countries to make this vision a reality – guiding societies
towards a sustainable development pathway, managing risk and enhancing resilience, and advancing prosperity
and well-being. Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a top priority for UNDP.
UNDP has outlined a vision in its Strategic Plan 2014-17, which is focused on making the next big breakthrough
in development: to help countries achieve the simultaneous eradication of poverty and significant reduction of
inequalities and exclusion. This vision builds on UNDP's core strengths: a large country network in more than 170
countries and territories, a principal coordination role within the United Nations system and proven ability in
supporting efforts to reduce poverty, inequalities and exclusion and protect vital ecosystems.
UNDP has worked with the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) in developing a strategy for effective
and coherent implementation support of the new sustainable development agenda under the acronym ‘MAPS’
(Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support). The Mainstreaming component of MAPS aims to generate
awareness amongst all relevant actors; help governments land the agenda at national and local levels; and,
ultimately, mainstream the agenda into their national plans, strategies and budgets. The Acceleration component
aims to help governments accelerate progress on SDG targets by providing tools to identify critical constraints and
focus on development objectives relevant to the country context. The Policy Support component aims to provide
coordinated and pooled policy support to countries working to meet their SDG targets. To support the MAPS
strategy, UNDP offers an integrated package of policy support services that align with its programming priorities.
These services cover a wide range of areas: poverty reduction, inclusive growth and productive employment,
gender equality and the empowerment of women, HIV and health, access to water and sanitation, climate change
adaptation, access to sustainable energy, sustainable management of terrestrial ecosystems, oceans governance,
and promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies.
Well-equipped with this integrated package of policy support services, UNDP stands ready to support country
partners to effectively implement the new agenda for sustainable development and make this plan of action for
people, planet and prosperity a reality.
Energy is central to sustainable development. It accelerates The urban poor in many developing countries, who
social progress and enhances productivity. Over the typically have some access to energy, also face a
centuries, energy has transformed economies and societies, number of challenges. They often experience irregular
spurring industrialization and raising living standards – and electricity supply, frequent blackouts, and quality
proving indispensable for fulfilling numerous basic human problems associated with the electrical grid such as low
needs including nutrition, health, education, warmth, or fluctuating voltage. Affordability is another factor, and
cooling and lighting. Despite these critical interlinkages, households may be forced to remain without electricity
1.1 billion people remain without access to electricity1 due to high connection fees and tariffs.6 Informal or illegal
and those who continue to rely on wood, coal, charcoal, connections, a common practice in many urban centres,
agriculture residues or animal dung to cook their meals and strain the electrical supply and often pose significant safety
heat their homes number some 2.9 billion people. Progress hazards due to poor wiring and lack of safety devices.7
is slow; meanwhile, the world’s electricity demand will grow
by more than 70 percent by 2040.2 The centrality of energy to economic growth, social
progress and environmental sustainability is recognized
Affordable and clean energy is a complex goal. Choices in the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as
around energy resources, with their different production Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable
and consumption patterns, impact the climate. Over two and modern energy for all. Progress towards many of
thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) come the Sustainable Development Goals seeking poverty
from the energy sector alone.3 This rise in greenhouse gas eradication, better health and education, gender
emissions is contributing to increased intensity and severity equality, clean water and food security also depend on
of extreme weather events, affecting vulnerable and poor the achievement of the energy goal. Without sustainable
communities the most. Access to energy also directly energy, other commitments also will remain unfulfilled,
affects people, communities, cities and countries in terms such as addressing climate challenges and stabilizing the
of economic growth, food production, health, clean water, global increase in average temperature to well below two
security, well-being, education, employment and gender degrees Celsius, as called for in the Paris Agreement.
equality. In these and other areas, the world faces urgent
and complex challenges related to access, sustainability Energy access is defined as reliable and affordable access
and efficiency of modern energy services. Energy crises to clean modern energy carriers and end-use services
also have the potential to generate massive economic for households and communities. It is crucial for people’s
and political crises, with far-reaching social consequences. livelihoods and countries’ economic growth. Energy
Lack of energy solutions in crisis and post-crisis contexts access has many benefits. Households will improve their
can undermine community and government responses, livelihoods when they have access to sustainable, clean and
delaying recovery and undercutting resilience. affordable energy. With continuous access to affordable
energy, access to basic public services such as education
Often, energy-related impacts add to the burdens of and health will improve. Small and medium enterprises will
the poor. Solid fuels and inefficient cooking and heating be more competitive and with increased productivity can
devices expose households to smoke and fumes causing contribute more to job creation and economic growth.
serious health problems, resulting in more than 4
million premature deaths per annum globally, mostly Energy efficiency is key to the transformation of energy
of women and children.4 Moreover, the poor devote a and production systems. It is a proven, immediate and cost-
disproportionately large portion of their time to energy- effective option that can provide long-term benefits. Energy
related activities such as gathering fuel wood and water, efficiency is regarded by many as a "first fuel" or source of
cooking and agro-processing. This burden falls mainly on energy in its own right in which countries can invest ahead
women and children, who can spend up to six hours per of other more complex or costly energy sources. It offers a
4 day on such tasks.5 unique opportunity to reconcile economic competitiveness
with sustainable development by reducing or delaying the and the impetus of private sector investments. Renewable
need for new energy supplies. It provides the added benefits energy can help reduce dependence on imported fuels and
of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, local air pollution and vulnerability to fossil fuel price fluctuations. It contributes to
the cost of energy while increasing energy productivity. The improving local air quality and reduces the energy sector’s
IEA estimates that energy efficiency can potentially contribute dependence on water for energy extraction and production,
almost 40 percent of the reductions in energy sector GHG thus reducing conflicts with agriculture and other end-uses
emissions required by 2050 to limit global temperature while contributing to vital economic activities in the water
increase to 2 degrees Celsius or less, if the right enabling supply chain such as irrigation, desalination, pumping and
policies and investments are in place.8 Efficiency measures heating.11 In addition, investments in renewable energy
can also yield benefits of up to 2.5 times the avoided energy technologies and supply systems create new economic
costs and can create up to three times the number of jobs opportunities generating new jobs. In 2014, it is estimated
per million dollars of investment compared with investment that renewables had created 7.7 million direct and indirect
in fossil fuels.9 Energy efficiency improvements, in particular jobs worldwide, compared to 3 million in 2004, and this can
in residential and public sectors, have proven to deliver a potentially grow to 24 million by 2030.12
wide range of social, environmental and economic benefits,
including energy security, job creation, poverty alleviation, Universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable
improved health, and GHG emissions reduction. and modern energy is a development enabler that
has multifaceted benefits; its achievement is not an end
Renewable energy offers an immediate opportunity to in itself but a means to achieving all other sustainable
remove carbon from the energy sector to meet climate development goals.
targets. It also provides viable and cost-effective options for
expanding access to the energy poor through decentralized The conclusion is clear: sustainable energy delivers
solutions, particularly for those in rural and remote areas. It sustainable development. Hence, early progress on Goal
is estimated that 70 percent of the 1.3 billion people without 7 is of critical importance and an integrated approach that
electricity can have access only through decentralized off- embeds sustainable energy in efforts aimed at addressing
grid solutions where renewables provide a more rapid and the intertwined development and climate challenges must
viable win-win solution.10 This requires the right policies be considered at all times.
What do we offer?
UNDP will focus on a sector-wide transformation of UNDP’s market transformation approach seeks to
energy systems in developing countries, one that is assist governments to put in place packages of public
based on market principles, but which takes into account instruments that systematically target these barriers
the needs of the poor, and pays specific attention to and investment risks, with the aim of cost-effectively
gender equality, social inclusion, and protection of the achieving risk-return profiles that attract investment
environment. It will promote equity, fairness, affordability in sustainable energy at scale. The end objective
and robust policy through supporting countries to put in is to create the investment conditions in which
place the needed regulatory and institutional enabling developing countries can access large quantities of
environment and attract private sector investment. low-cost financing for sustainable energy.
In its support to countries, UNDP advocates for moving UNDP’s theory of change for sustainable energy identifies
away from stand-alone technology and engineering three ways through which government measures can
interventions to comprehensive solutions where energy improve an investment’s risk-return profile: through
plays a key role as one among several enablers of reducing risk, transferring risk or compensating for risk.
sustainable development and poverty eradication. The Measures that reduce or transfer risk result in lower
focus of UNDP’s support is on enhancing development financing costs. Any residual risk may then be addressed
gains through delivery of modern energy services by measures that compensate for risk. All public
rather than supply of energy technologies; energy is interventions to promote sustainable energy act in one
seen as a means and not an end in itself. or a combination of these three ways.
Sustainable energy in developing countries often UNDP’s comparative advantage lies with assisting
faces technical, informational, financial, and regulatory developing countries with the first approach, reducing
barriers. In pre-market conditions, as is the case in many risk, typically involving policy and programmatic
of the poorest countries and communities, these barriers interventions that remove the underlying barriers that
can act as an immediate setback. Under these conditions, create investment risk. UNDP will work with its partners
special attention is given to early market creation, through to coordinate its support in reducing risk with necessary
piloting new business models, promoting productive
uses of energy and providing business development and
incubation support. This support can lay the foundation
for an emerging, functioning energy market, and has the
greatest potential for poverty reduction and economic
and human development.
interventions in the other two areas: transferring risk Efforts to transform energy systems will need to focus
(typically involving financial products by development on several areas: significantly scale-up and accelerate
banks) and compensating for risk (typically involving action to achieve universal access; drastically increase the
subsidies and financial incentives for sustainable energy). share of renewable energy in the global energy mix; and
UNDP’s experience is that instruments that reduce or considerably improve the global rate of energy efficiency.
transfer investment risks are the most cost effective.13 The investment needs are enormous and can only be
achieved by transforming markets.
A combination of all three instrument types is often
needed, and can be supported by different development UNDP’s work on sustainable energy is aligned with the
and public actors. UNDP’s role is in supporting the design Sustainable Development Goal 7 on ensuring access to
and implementation of public instruments. Through well- affordable, reliable, modern, and sustainable energy and
designed public instrument packages, governments can is structured around three action areas: energy access,
achieve their objectives in attracting investment, and in energy efficiency and renewable energy. This work
this way they can provide their citizens with access to focuses on three interrelated challenges: social, economic
affordable and sustainable energy. and environmental.
UNDP is committed to intensifying and accelerating its • Social challenges include the disparities in access to
work on sustainable energy at local, national, regional reliable energy services, including in conflict-affected
and global levels. UNDP will embed sustainable energy and fragile settings.
as part of comprehensive and integrated development
solutions. Building on its proven ability to influence policy • Economic challenges include the lack of affordable and
and strengthen capacity, its worldwide country presence reliable energy services, and energy's importance as a
and a long-standing role as a trusted partner working with key input to job creation and economic growth.
multiple stakeholders across sectors, UNDP will support
countries to transform their energy systems. • Environmental challenges include the threat to the
planet's ecological balance, biodiversity and climate.
Guiding principles for UNDP's work Climate and disaster risk-informed: UNDP will work with
on sustainable energy countries to integrate climate and disaster risk into energy
sector interventions to build resilience and to safeguard
Context matters: UNDP recognizes that each country future gains.
faces unique energy challenges to its development
objectives and offers a suite of services tailored to each Technical excellence: UNDP will provide governments with
county’s context. best-in-class technical support and expertise, with thought-
leadership and high-quality methodologies.
Deployment policies for technologies and applications:
From global to local: With decades of implementation
UNDP focuses on creating the conditions for scaling up the
experience, supported by its convening role and
use of technologies, covering the full range of clean energy
responsibility that stretches from local to global levels, UNDP
technologies. UNDP recognizes that the technology mix
will continue to facilitate sharing of knowledge and lessons
needed to decarbonize the energy sector will evolve as
learned across regions including through South-South and
technological innovations mature and move to market
triangular cooperation.
readiness, and as social and environmental concerns
associated with some solutions (e.g. nuclear energy) are UNDP's three action areas
met with proper response measures.
UNDP’s policy and programme support in the area of
Promotion of sustainable energy sources: UNDP sustainable energy for the period of 2017-2021 encompasses
promotes the use of renewable sources such as wind, three interlinked action areas: reducing the energy access
solar, biomass and small hydro as well as energy gap, increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy
efficiency and switching fuels towards a zero-carbon mix and improving the rate of energy efficiency. Across all
energy system in the future. three areas, UNDP’s support to national governments will
include a comprehensive package of technical assistance at
Integration of social, economic and environmental the policy and institutional levels as well as on-the-ground
dimensions: UNDP’s work ensures inclusion of the most investments ranging from local community-level support to
vulnerable groups and protection of the environment. nationwide efforts.
• Promoting access to clean, affordable and reliable energy • Supporting households and communities to enhance
services for households, communities and businesses. access to efficient thermal biomass, biogas and LPG
Energy access, combined with renewable energy and solutions for cooking, heating, lighting and productive
energy efficiency, often results in the most appropriate uses. Activities include implementing improved cook
and affordable technology solutions. stoves and biogas projects, sustainable charcoal value
chains, renewable production of biomass, and integrative
• Providing project and programme design support systems combining agriculture with renewable and
through integrated solutions that combine access to efficient energy solutions.
distributed renewable electricity services with measures
that generate cash incomes or improve livelihoods. • Supporting countries in preparedness and recovery
processes in disaster and conflict-affected states.
Promoting off-grid and mini-grid renewable Increasingly, UNDP is being requested to address
energy solutions. UNDP engages in the design the energy access needs and challenges of affected
and implementation of programmes and projects, communities. Preparedness measures are especially
the mobilization of financial resources, and the important to ensure uninterrupted access to energy in
documentation and sharing of good practices. crisis settings and allow for the continuity of health and
Renewable energy technologies most suitable for education services as well as business and livelihoods
distributed generation include solar PV, mini-hydro activities. Off-grid and portable technologies such as
power plants, solar water heaters, hybrid renewable solar lamps are particularly effective.
The promotion of energy efficiency across sectors and The increased adoption of sustainable on- and off-grid
the creation of strong market demand and incentives for renewable energy technologies and delivery services and
public and private investment. de-risking investment.
Key UNDP services include policy and programme Key UNDP services include policy and programme
support on: support on:
• Promoting energy efficiency in households, public • Assisting governments in transforming their renewable
and municipal facilities, residential and commercial energy markets by identifying and implementing policy
buildings, small and medium enterprises, industry and and financial de-risking instruments that catalyze public
the transport sector. and private sector investment in renewable energy
technologies. Energy technologies under this segment
• Assisting government partners to address barriers to include on-grid and off-grid renewable electricity
investment via a combination of policy and financial de- generation from wind, solar PV, biomass (including
risking instruments and targeted financial incentives to biogas), geothermal and small hydro power plants.
consumers and key energy market players, such as the
providers of appliances, equipment and services. • Supporting governments in development and
adoption of renewable energy policies and legislation
• Supporting national and local governments to design to integrate renewable energy capacity in the current
and adopt efficiency policies and legislation, building power market structure.
codes, energy rating systems and deploying energy
management information systems and capacity building • Supporting governments in developing clear, simplified
for policy enforcement among authorities and relevant and transparent renewable electricity license and
market stakeholders. permits processes.
• Assisting governments with integrated solutions to energy • Enhancing energy governance and support for grid
efficiency and disaster risk reduction. Where appropriate, management and energy sector planning, including in
UNDP’s experience elevates opportunities and building post-disaster and post-crisis situations to strengthen
code development to combine energy efficiency and the capacities and resilience of energy managers in
disaster resistance solutions, such as double-paned maintenance and restoration of energy supply for
windows and seals on exterior openings. Combining affected populations.
these two goals within UNDP programmes creates more
cost-effective solutions for home hazard mitigation and • Supporting business and entrepreneurial skills
energy conservation, addressing exposures to natural development, and enhancing access to small-scale
hazards such as earthquakes, windstorms and floods and financing for renewable energy solutions, particularly for
establishing whole-building performance standards. women. Involving women in the design, maintenance
and dissemination of locally appropriate renewable
• In partnership with international and national financial energy technologies and services can increase their
institutions and the private sector, UNDP also supports employment opportunities and provide other socio-
implementation of business models and financing economic benefits.
mechanisms for energy efficient investment and provides
targeted financial assistance to vulnerable groups when the • Promoting integrated solutions. UNDP seeks to integrate
affordability of up-front investment is a particular concern. risk-informed sustainable energy solutions across other
Taken collectively, these measures lay the foundation for development arenas, for example, supporting solutions
transforming the market, ensuring that demand for energy that combine sustainable energy and agriculture. These
efficiency is in place along with required technical capacity initiatives are targeted at improving resilience and
and affordable financing to realize and scale-up energy productivity as well as reducing drudgery for small-
saving measures in priority sectors. holder farmers and larger agricultural cooperatives.
UNDP is an accredited multilateral development agency In Egypt, through a bioenergy for sustainable rural
of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and is recently development project, UNDP helped promote the use
accredited to the Green Climate Fund. In this capacity, UNDP of agricultural waste to replace the use of kerosene and
offers countries specialized integrated technical services for LPG, by introducing 200 community-size biogas digesters
eligibility assessment, programme formulation, mobilization and more than 1,000 household-size units. The initiative
of co-financing, implementation oversight, results introduced Bioenergy Service Providers in a new business
management and evaluation, and knowledge management. and operational model, created new jobs and improved
consumer satisfaction; the programme is being expanded to
Over the past two decades, UNDP has supported more than many other parts of the country.
150 countries on sustainable energy, through a portfolio
of $2 billion in grant financing for sustainable energy In Iraq, where ongoing crisis has reduced power generation,
projects in addition to more than 4,000 community-level UNDP supports the emergency supply of equipment,
small grants projects, amounting to more than $130 and training on electrical systems planning and network
million in grant financing. construction to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry
of Electricity. This has facilitated the installation of 440
As of mid-2016, UNDP is implementing 260 sustainable transformers, 700 low voltage distribution cabinets and
energy projects in more than 110 countries, representing 2,700 moulded case circuit breakers for urgent operation
a portfolio of more than $1 billion in grant financing from and maintenance of electricity distribution networks
UNDP, the GEF and other partners, and leveraging close to countrywide. Also, 106 diesel generators and ancillary
$6 billion in co-financing from the public and private sectors. equipment were installed in hospitals and health facilities for
emergency energy access. Water pumping stations were also
Energy Access established benefiting some 900,000 residents in Baghdad.
UNDP’s active portfolio includes close to 100 energy access In Nepal, UNDP’s Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihoods
projects in 70 countries worldwide, with a total of $410 Programme has helped install and operate 445 micro-hydro
million in grant financing and leveraging a further $1.5 power plants, providing access to electricity for 98,000
billion in co-financing. About 90 percent of UNDP’s energy households. The project has improved lighting, increased
access portfolio consists of renewable energy projects. enrollment of children in schools from 63 to 75 percent
(especially girls); reduced kerosene consumption by 90
In Chile, more than 10,300 households gained electricity percent and diesel usage by 23 percent; and established 670
access through 250 small power projects using PV micro-enterprises creating more than 1,500 jobs. The project
systems, mini hydro plants, wind, micro hybrid systems also assisted recovery efforts following the 2015 earthquake.
and biomass gasifiers.
The UNDP Africa Regional Energy Programme for
In Nicaragua, UNDP helped provide communities with a Poverty Reduction focuses on decentralized energy
clean, sustainable source of energy, as well as opportunities solutions that go beyond the basic energy needs of
to generate income for their families, through microturbines, communities. Targeting productive uses of energy,
which built upon abundant renewable hydropower in it provides advocacy, policy advisory and country
remote areas. By 2012, this support had leveraged $20 million programming support to 12 countries (Benin, Burkina Faso,
in co-financing for up to 28 microturbines. The initiative also Chad, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Madagascar, Mali,
spurred new legislation for the promotion of renewable Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Togo). The key is the multi-
energy and influenced the design of fiscal incentives in rural functional platform, a machine (often run on diesel fuel)
electrification planning. Today around 70 percent of the that powers devices such as pumps and grain mills. MFPs
population has access to electricity, including 48,000 people quickly perform tasks that would otherwise take women
in rural communities. Micro-enterprises are emerging as hours to complete. These MFPs are now serving more than
4 million people, notably women, in more than 3,400 villages in Small Scale Steel Industry Project. This led to a reduced
across sub-Saharan Africa. MFPs have been instrumental energy consumption of 15 percent per year, equivalent to
in providing a wide range of decentralized energy services, a savings of $15 million per year or enough energy saved
including job creation for rural women. In Mali alone a 2011 to light nearly 300 villages.
external study estimated that MFP projects helped create
some 28,000 jobs. In Ghana, new refrigerators save energy for thousands of
households. Introducing minimum energy performance
Energy Efficiency standards for refrigerators, combined with an appliance
labeling regime and buyer rebates upon turning in old
UNDP’s active energy efficiency portfolio includes 120 appliances, is transforming the market in Ghana, the
projects in 63 countries worldwide, mobilizing a total of $456 first country to do so in West Africa. The annual energy
million in grant financing and leveraging an additional $3.2 savings achieved are enough to power more than 11,000
billion in co-financing. households for a year and result in average savings of
$50 to $100 per household on their annual energy bill, a
In Croatia, UNDP with support from the GEF enabled the significant sum of money in a country where the average
Government to reduce its energy costs by $20 million through annual income is $1,900.
implementation of energy efficiency measures in buildings.
By law, every public building is now obliged to record their In Armenia, building on an earlier GEF-funded project,
energy consumption. As part of this work, UNDP developed UNDP aims at creating a favorable market environment and
a unique energy management information system (EMIS) to scalable business model for investment in energy efficient
monitor actual energy consumption in 8,400 public buildings building retrofits with recently approved funding from the
and facilities. This work was further promoted in other Green Climate Fund. Direct beneficiaries include: 30,000
Western Balkan countries, including Russia and Turkey. The people living in single-family individual buildings and 52,200
EMIS now covers thousands of buildings across the region. living in multi-family apartment buildings (with some 6,000
members of women-headed households); and 23,000 users
In India, 300 secondary steel mills were made energy of large public buildings and 105,000 users of small public
efficient as part of the Upscaling Energy Efficient Production buildings (including at least 90,000 women).
UNDP has supported building code reform in Armenia, scheme provides financial incentives to both commercial
Belarus, Kazahkstan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. and residential owners, managed by the Development
The codes now contain stringent energy performance Bank of the Seychelles. The PV rebate scheme exceeded
requirements. In Uzbekistan, UNDP is supporting the its target. In Mauritius, a Feed-in-Tariff was developed and
development of green mortgages for rural housing to introduced for smaller rooftop PV systems, which reached
improve energy performance and help future homeowners 4 MW of installed capacity by 2014. UNDP is helping the
save money on energy costs. Comoros develop its geothermal resources. UNDP is also
assisting many Caribbean SIDS (e.g. Barbados, Dominica,
Renewable Energy Jamaica and St. Vincent) and Pacific Island Countries (e.g.
Cook Islands, Fiji, Palua and Samoa) in country-led efforts
UNDP’s active renewable energy portfolio includes 46 to develop their renewable energy resources and introduce
renewable energy projects in 35 countries worldwide, energy efficiency measures.
mobilizing a total of $154 million in grant financing while
leveraging another $1 billion in co-financing. These are In Moldova, the EU-UNDP Energy and Biomass Project
all projects that follow a market transformation approach aims to establish a sustainably functioning biomass market.
using UNDP’s ground breaking de-risking methodology. More than 100 briquette and pellet-production companies
have been established producing an estimated 120,000
The ARECA initiative (Accelerating Renewable Energy tons of briquettes and pellets a year, avoiding an equivalent
in Central America) is a good example of collaborating 80,000 tons of coal. Some 620 boilers have been installed in
with a sub-regional development bank, the Central households and microenterprises throughout the country.
American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), which More than 170 schools, kindergartens and community
provides support to design, capitalize, and operationalize centres have been connected to biomass heating systems.
a partial credit guarantee mechanism. This effort has Around 100 new jobs have been created.
catalyzed new investments estimated at some $156
million, funding 23 small renewable energy projects for In Uruguay, the wind power market development
a combined installed capacity of 56 megawatts (MW) in programme introduced a package of policy de-risking
several Central American countries. measures to address a range of energy market, institutional,
technology, connectivity and financial barriers. In 2015, more
UNDP has a very active presence in many Small Island than 4,000 potential investors participated in Uruguay’s
Developing States (SIDS). In the Seychelles, a PV rebate first initial public offering for a renewable-energy project,
tendering more than $100 million for a wind farm project,
$85 million more than expected. By 2014, Uruguay had 490
MW of wind capacity installed and is anticipated to reach
1,300 MW in 2016, for an estimated combined investment
of $2.8 billion, and covering a third of the nation’s energy
needs. The GEF-funded programme was initiated by UNDP
in partnership with the Government.
Photo credits:
Page 5: Women of the Adra family have gained access to Page 10: Energy efficient steel mills in India are reducing
energy through solar. Photo: UNDP Lebanon. energy consumption. Photo: UNDP India.
Page 7: Solar heating system in India. Photo: Prashanth Page 13: Women in rural Nepal attend to adult literacy
Vishwanathan/UNDP India. classes in Pinthali village, where micro-hydro provides
Page 8: Windmills provide electricity to remote electricity. Photo: UNDP Nepal.
communities. Photo: UNDP Galapagos, Ecuador. Page14: Children pose in front of the new solar lighting
Page 9: Family trying the new biomass stove for the first pole. Photo: UNDP Lebanon.
time. Photo: UNDP Lebanon.