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Chapter: 7 Marketing of banking services with Reference to

ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

7.1 Introduction
c 7.2 Application of Marketing in Banking Services.
7 .2.1 Characteristics of Services.
7.2.2 Marketing Concept in Banking Services.
7.3 Marketing of ICICI Banking Services.
7.4 Marketing of HDFC Banking Services.
7.5 Problems in Marketing of Banking Services.
7.6 Problems Associated with Marketing of ICICI Bank

7.7 Problems Associated with Marketing of HDFC Bank

7.8 Comparison of Marketing of ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank.

7.9 Conclusion

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank


Marketing Of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank &


7.1 Introduction

Before 1950's, the banks were not aware of marketing concept

relating to banking services in India. The marketing concept in banking

industry emerged in the late fifties in the Western countries in the form of

"advertising and promotion" concept. Banker's outlook and notion about

marketing profession changed considerably in 1970. Marketing was

accepted as an organizational imperative. In India the marketing concept in

banking industry, began in the early 80s, the concept went through drastic
changes in the 90s because of modernization & introduction of sophisticated

technology in banking sector.

Gradually, the banks started advertising and efforts were made

by branch managers to increase the deposit, sometimes even by moving in

the fields. Due to severe competition, it became difficult to attract new

customers with advertising only, so banks started other promotional

activities. By this time, all the banks were in some way or the other, engaged
Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
in the promotional activities. Gradually, a saturation point came when it lost

its sheen for the customers. Actually, with promotional schemes, it was easy

to attract new customers, but to maintain their loyalty was a difficult task.

So, all the banks realized the importance of walking the extra yard of
friendliness and courtesy while providing their services.

C By 1974, the environment became more serious and during this

period the bank, picked up the idea of 'marketing'. A few marketing

practices were introduced, replacing the earlier practices which were found

to be successful in positioning their products and meeting the needs of, the

diverse market segments.

In banking services, there is a very little scope for innovation of

f banking products. Due to sever competition, the banks started adding,

innovative services to their products to differentiate the same from the

competitors. Developing new product, especially when the environment is

regulated was a difficult task. Though product development or innovation of

financial product requires very little or no additional investrnent, the flipside

is that, no brand can claim of a unique selling proposition for long, as it can

be copied immediately. So there was a need of constant change. ICICI Bank

and HDFC Bank are applying various marketing strategies to make their

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
services popular in the market. Though HDFC bank has been popular in

their home loan services and ICICI Bank is more successful in retail banking


Marketing has increase significantly in banking sector in India,

because of a number of market-correlated developments that had taken place

o in the recent years. Banks have become are important financial

intermediaries, which accept deposits from public for the purpose of lending

and investment. Through this function they are also involved in related
business or ancillary services like remittances, demand draft issue, mail

transfer, collection of bills, sale and purchase of foreign exchange, safe

custody and safe deposit vault, guarantee facilities, sale of travelers'

cheques, merchant banking, leasing and hire purchase, etc. These are the few

l services that have been added in recent years. Commercial banks, whose

main resources came from public deposits, face stiff competition from other

financial players. There is competition for deposit not only among banks but

also from and non-banking institutions. As public sector and private sector

companies are colleting, deposits directly from public. Corporate sector also

has the access to the capital market and can raise funds through equity and

debentures. In addition Public sector banks can raise funds from public

directly by way of bonds on affractive terms. Last but not the least, the

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Government sponsored saving schemes such as PPF, NSC, Indira Vikas

Patra, etc was quite successful due to their tax saving benefits and secured

returns. All these factors were adversely affecting banking system in their

efforts to increase deposit mobilization.

The three most important features of the Indian Economy has

experienced in the 20th century, was as follows:8e

I) Seventies, as the decade of banking system, in resource mobilization

through branch network.

il) The eighties, as the decade of capital market.

ilI) The nineties, as the decade of financial services serving the investors,

entrepreneur in a fair way.

The development of a sophisticated and matured financial

) system in the country, particularly since nineties was due to the emergence

of an articulate financial services sector. Financial service sector gained

importance, not just for its financial resources and employment generation,

but also in its paramount impact on other spheres of economy. In late 70's

and earlier part of 80's, the Indian Industry used to depend heavily on

nationalized banks and financial institutions for financing the projects. It was

Dash Ashutosh, "Marketing of Financial Services-A Strategic Approach" Financial
Services ( Text, Cases, Stratgies) Deep & Deep Publications
Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi, 2002 Pp.l29 -139
Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

due to the fact that, the financial services sector during that period was

dominated by them and in fact the capital market played a secondary role.

However, during the last decade, the emergence of different other financial

institutions and regulatory agencies have transformed the Indian financial

services sector from being a conservative industry to a very dynamic one. In

fact, the efficiency of the emerging financial system primarily depends upon
the quality and wide rang of the package of financial services largely

provided by the non-banking financial companies. Although some of these

services in India are at emerging stage, they infact represent the

development of considerable significance for the financial system.

After nationalization of 14 commercial banks in 1969, the

services of public sector banks started degrading in quality of customer

services. This degradation, reached its height and the level of dissatisfaction
of the customers of public sector commercial banks was at a peak.

Meanwhile, the foreign banks and a few of private sector banks started

developing and adopting themselves in such an environment with greater

speed, efficient staff and technology based delivery system. Due to these

qualitative services, the private sector banks had a clear edged over the

public sector commercial banks. Though the restrictions put by RBI

demotivated private sector banks, they were successful in operating their

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

business in banking sector. This success of private sector banks can be

credited to their successful application of marketing principles, which they

used to market the services of banks innovatively. This vouches for the,

success of marketing of services in bank. This appears to be the answer to

many of the problems faced by, public as well as private sector banks.

e Application of marketing principles to bank marketing is the need of the

hour. Thus the banks which not only understand the customers' needs and

frame their policies accordingly, but also successfully apply these principles,

will be able to survive and grow in the current competitive environment.

7.2 Application of Marketing in Banking Services.

I) Services

The term service can be defined as "A service is an activity or

series of activities of more or less intangible nature that normally, not
necessarily, take place in interaction between the customer and service

employee and /or physical resources or goods and/ or systems of the service

provider, which are provided as solution to customer problems"e0 According

to the above definition, followingare the main Features of the services:

Chrirti*Gronross, Services Management and Marketing, ( Massachusetts:
Lexington Books) 1990 P g.27
Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

o Services are by and large "activities" or they are series of activities

rather than things.

As a result, the services are intangible

They take place in the interaction between the customer and the


e o Provider, which means that service are produced and consumed


o Customer has a role to play in the production process as the services

are provided in response to problems of customers as solution.el

The concept of 'Bank marketing' or marketing of banking

services implies the delivery (maintaining existing demand and creation of

3 new demand) of wants -satisfring i.e. right services at right price, at right

time, at right place and to the right customer. Thus, marketing management

in banks, aim not only at delivering the services to present and new
customers, but also creating new services for existing and potential

customers.e2 This real change in the perception and concept of bank

marketing was felt in the beginning of the decade of 80. Stiff competition

nt Shu;uh* S., Services Marketing, Concepts, Practices and Cases, Himalaya Publishing
House Pg.60
H,.rg*,S.S., Marketing strategies for bank management, Deep & Deep Publications,
New Delhi,200l.
Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
and technological innovations are the main factors for such a change. New

generation banks with their latest information technology to serve the

customers created the quality gap. People noticed the significant quality gap

between the banks using upgraded technology and banks working manually.

Over the last decade, there had been a growing interest in the field of

c services marketing in general and in the financial service sector in particular.

The extent to which the marketing of financial service differs from the

marketing of goods is subject to a considerable debate. The marketing of

services requires a separate approach from the marketing of physical goods

to deal with the problems faced by the unique characteristics of services.

Services are typically distinguished from goods on the grounds of

intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity and Perishability are few of the

) other characteristics which are likely to dominate as well as create problems

for services marketing.

In the next few years, the banking environment is in for further major

changes as the banks have to reshape their operations and methods, to

emerge as user-friendly and viable orgarization, in order to be successful.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
7.2.1 Characteristics of services


This feature of service is one of the major problems faced by he

professionals while marketing the banking services, because unlike the

goods which are produced, sold and them consumed, the services are sold,

produced and then used. Service are usually produced and consumed
concurrently. This is not the case with goods, as goods are not consumed and

produced at the same time. After production, they are put to quality check,

inventory and distribution of goods is done through multiple channels.

However in case of services, they cannot be separated from the company or

person giving it. A person providing services has to be present to provide the


3 Heterogeneity:

The human factor is the most important part in providing

services which makes it difficult to standardize the services. The quality of

services can't be standardized because of human factor as the customers rate

the services in different ways each time. For example a woman may rate the

satisfaction level differently, even though she visits the same beautician all

the time. The heterogeneity factor makes it difficult to maintain the same
quality level & market the services efficiently.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

Another factor, which makes the task of marketing

professionals difficult, is perishability of services unlike goods services,

cannot be stored. If the services are not sold today, it is a loss not for today

alone but even for future which is not the case of goods which can be sold

c the next day or in future or even if it is not sold it is not a total loss.
Underutilization of services is another factor which found to be waste. A

building unoccupied, a person unemployed, credit unutilized, vacant bed in

the hospital are economic waste.e3

Apart from the fact that if a service is not fully utilized represents a total

loss; the other dimension of this perishability aspect is that, most services

may face a fluctuating demand. For example there is a peak demand time for

buses in morning and evening (office hours), certain train routes are always
more heavily booked than others. Another example is financial product is

aggressively marketed highlighting the tax benefit and if the tax benefit is

removed in the subsequent budget, the product becomes perishable and less

attractive to the customers. This fluctuating demand pattern aggravates the

perishability characteristics of services.

Jhu, S.M., Services Marketing, Himalaya Publishing, Mumbai,2004.Pp 8-24.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

In case of a product, a person buying a product also makes him

the owner of the product. But this is not the case with services. For services

one has to pay for its use but he can never own it. More over ha has to pay

each time for its usage.

c A service is purchased for the benefits it provides. If we closely examine the

reasons why products are purchased, w€ find that they are bought not

because of their physical, tangible features but because they provide certain

intangible benefits and satisfaction.

Detergent powder provides the primary benefit of cleanliness,

air-conditioner provides the benefit of a cool, comfortable environment or

mixer-cum-grinder provides convenience. The only difference between

I products and services is that in the case of latter, the intangible component is

greater than the former. Thus, services can be treated as a special kind of


From a marketing viewpoint, the same concepts and techniques

are applicable for both product and services. The successful marketing of

both requires market research, product design, product planning and

development, pricing, promotion and distribution.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

Intangibility is an important aspect that further complicates the

process of marketing of services. The goodsr which are tangible in nature,

can be displayed to promote, view, test or make a trial before making buying

decisions. Customer, can't touch the services, they can't smell them. It is not

c a physical object. It is the professional excellence of decision makers that

count here. While selling or promoting services, we need to concentrate on

the benefits and satisfaction, which a buyer can derive after buying. As a

bank promote the sale of credit card by visualizing he convenience and

benefits the holder of the credit cards are likely to get from the same.

However, for marketing of services, the marketing manager must understand

the nature of the above mentioned five characteristics of services and the

manner in which they impinge on the marketing strategy.


7.2.2 Marketing concepts in Banking Services.

Manufacturer produces products whereas bankers produce

services. Marketing, of financial services like banking is the process mainly

concerned with creating, delivering and satisffittg customer's demands.

Customer Satisfaction means identifring customer needs, developing

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
suitable ways and means of customer satisfaction. Marketing involves

establishing cornmunication channels among management, employees and

customers. Application of marketing concepts to banking services marketing

services presupposes market segmentation, assessment of marketing

organization and marketing control. Some of the areas, which require

c specific attention, may be enumerated as advertising management, pricing

policy, data processing marketing research and public relations.

Though there are differences in products and services in reality there is not

much of a differences in the concepts, used in the marketing of products and

services. Designing and developing marketing strategies and plans brings to

the fore concepts of marketing Mix. This covers- product, price, promotion

and place (place of rendering service). In addition, for services marketing,

l we can have people, process and physical appearance. Designing a

marketing mix for marketing of banking services required a professional

who can, with his creativity and experience, make any scheme and service a

profitable one.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

The product:

Bank's products are its services. In the formulation of product

mix the banks have to consider rising income, expectations of customers,

changing lifestyle etc. The product mix of the banks under study has the

following in its product mix. Deposits, loans, credit, debit cards, various

C loans.

The Promotion:

In formulating the promotion mix, banks have to form a

promotion mix taking into consideration various factors such as the schemes

to be promoted, timing of the schemes, close competitor, etc. The different

components of promotion used by banks include advertising, sales

f promotion, personal selling, tele-marketing, sponsoring events, exhibitions,


The Price:

The price mix consists of interest charged by the banks on

various services, fees charged by banks for providing various services. In

case of banking products, the prices are regulated by RBI .This component

plays important part of product mix. ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank (as per

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
customer survey) have maximum dissatisfaction with respect to interest

charges, fees charged etc.

The place:

This component of marketing mix is related to distribution of

product. It involves selection of place for branch of bank. In respect of place

mix, ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank have done tremendous job. These two

private sector banks have 601 and 531 branches and around 2000 and 1000

ATMs respectively. This shows the importance of place mix in distribution

of banking services.

The people:

I Latest technology and sophisticated techniques increases the

value and image of banks, but it has no value if the human resources are not

managed in right fashion. This mix is important component of marketing

mix. In ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank we find that this factor is given more

importance. In these banks importance is given to quality of work force.

Training at various entry levels is given in these banks to their employees

especially the employees who handle front-desk.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
We have reviewed different marketing mix undertaken by the

banks. This marketing mix consists of price, promotion, people, and place.

All these components are important to successfully market the banking

services. Lack of any one of the factor will make it difficult for the banks to

achieve the desired result.

As per the survey result, the researcher has concluded that

ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank are the two most successful banks in using

promotional activities to promote their products. ICICI Bank is aggressively

marketing all its retail products through advertising media. Lately, HDFC

Bank started concentrating on sponsoring events.

f 73 Marketing of ICICI Banking Services.

To study the problems faced by the marketing staff of ICICI

Bank in marketing the banking services, sample of 100 marketing staff were

administered with questionnaire to find out their responses.

While studying the responses of the field staff of ICICI Bank,

who are involved in the actual implementation of marketing policies such as

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
marketing executives' direct sales associates, etc were contacted to find out

their responses. On analysis of the responses the following financial

products were identified by the researcher in the form of marketing of

banking services. These products marketed by ICICI Bank marketing staff is

presented in the table 7.1

c Iable 7.1

Financial products marketed by ICICI Bank

Sr.No. Financial Product Percent

I Savine A/C 23
2 Fixed Deposit A/C 4
J Recurring Account J-
4 Current Account l5
5 Home Loans l4
6 Personal Loans 5
7 Credit Cards 34
8 Others 2
) Total 100

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

Graph 7.1

Financial products marketed by lclGl Bank

Credit Gards

Persoanl Loans

c percent Home loans -14

Current 15
Saving A/c
a 27,

0 40 20 30 40

l Efforts were made to include all the categories of services

marketed by executives. The respondents contacted for survey included

marketing executives, direct sales associates and other such as ICICI Bank

home loan councilors etc. Out of the surveyed 100 respondents, there were

55 marketing staff, 39 direct sales associates and 6 were other employees.

The financial product marketed by these executives are saving account 23

percent, fixed deposit account 4 percent, recurring 3 percent, home loans 14

percent, current account 15 percent, personal loans 5 percent, credit cards 34

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
percent and others 2 percent which included auto finance, insurance, foreign

exchange etc.

The marketing executives who are the respondents for above

study have working experience ranging from 6 months to 5 years. Number

C of years a marketing staff is working for ICICI Bank is shown in the

following table.

Table 7.2

Working experience of marketing staff of ICICI Bank

No of Years working with Percent


l. Less than I year 56

l 2. I to 3 Years 40

3 3 to 5 Years 2

4 More than 5 vears 2


Source: Field Study

The total bifurcation of the number of years working as

marketing professional with ICIO Bank is as follows: working with ICICI

Bank less than I year 56 percent, between I to 3 year 40percent and 3 to 5


Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
years 2percent and the marketing staff who have completed more than 5

years with the bank is 2 percent. From above data, the conclusion can be

drawn, that the number of executives working for less than I year are more

i.e. 56 percent, and number of executives working between 3 to 5 years is 40

percent whereas 2 percent between 3 to 5 years and above 5 years is 2

C percent. All the executives working in the category of marketing executives

for less than I year are, fresh graduates, or sometimes just l2th standards

Pass with good communication and convincing skills. These candidates

make perfect marketing executives with the aid of training from ICICI Bank

about their range of services. Since most of these openings are on temporary

basis as soon as some better prospects come, the executives leave ICICI

Bank for greener pastures. The executives who achieve the monthly targets
with handsome commission are, lured to stay in the job in spite of its

temporary position; this is our second category i.e. I to 3 years working. The
other categories of employees are, those working directly under ICICI Bank

on a permanent basis. These categories of employees are more secure and

has shown more positive attitude towards the bank.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDI'C Bank
As the researcher made an attempt to study the marketing of

services by ICICI Bank, it was found pertinent to assess the customer

satisfaction as assessed by marketing staff of ICICI Bank. In this connection

ICICI Bank's marketing staff was asked the questions with questionnaire

and their responses about innovative services are given in the following table

Table 7.3

Responses of Marketing staff about innovative services of ICICI Bank.



Can't say

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7 .2

Responses of Marketing staff about Innovative Services of lclCl




q) 60
c q)



The responses from customers have been found out about the

innovative nature of ICICI Bank services. Along with customers the

marketing staff of ICICI Bank i.e. marketing executive, direct sales

) associates have been interviewed to ask about their views on the innovative

nature of ICICI Bank services. Around 83 percent of the ICICI Bank

marketing employee is of the opinion that the services offered by ICICI

Bank are innovative. Whereas 72 percent of the employees feel that the

services are not innovative. There are employees in ICICI Bank who could

not answer whether the services are innovative or no such percentage has

come to 5 percent

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Similarly the researcher had contacted marketing staff of ICICI

Bank to understand the customer satisfaction from marketing staffs

perspective, in this connection their responses are presented in the following


Table 7.4

Customer Satisfaction with the Services Offered By ICICI Bank



\ Source: Field Studv

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.3
customer satisfaction with the services offered bv ICICI

q) 40
(, lalways
o tr 30 ENever

As per marketing staff, the customers of ICICI Bank are

satisfied most of the times. Around 58 percent said they are satisfied with

) the services sometimes, 4l percent said they are always satisfied with the

services and 1 percent said they are never satisfied with the services.

The researcher made an attempt to find out thb awareness

about the customer services provided by ICICI Bank among the customers.

For this purpose marketing staff was probed by way of questionnaire survey.

The responses received from marketing staff about the awareness of services

among the customers are given in the following table.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Table 7.5

Awareness of services provided by ICICI Bank


e Can't say


Source: Field Study

Graph 7.4
Awareness of services offered bv ICICI Bank

) 70

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDI'C Bank

As shown in table 7.5 and graph 7.4, out of total sample

marketing staff 58.2 percent responded that are informed about the

services, 39.8 percent said they are not informed about the services and 2

percent can't say anything about it. There are 58.2 percent customers who

are fully aware of the services offered by ICICI Bank; this indicates the

strength of ICICI Bank assessed by marketing staff.

ICICI Bank has been always a leader in innovative banking

services. It identifies new banking services as per the changing period of

times. The researcher made an attempt to identifu the awareness about new

services offered by ICICI Bank, during the study period. This attempt was

made through the marketing staff which has been analyzed in the following

table no 7.6 and presented in Graph 7.5

Table 7.6

Information about New Services of ICICI Bank

Sr. No. Response Percent

I Excellent 44

2 Verv good 3l
3 Good l5
4 Satisfactory 7
sl il l3

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.5
Information about New Services of ICICI Bank


30 I Very good
I E Good
o €)
20 E Satisfactory



When the researcher analyzed the responses of marketing staff about

awareness of new services, it was found that 44 percent said that the

information about new services is excellent, 31 percent said it is very good,

) 15 percent said it is good, 7 percent said it is satisfactory and 3percent said it

is poor.

The researcher also tried to find out the responses of marketing

staff about awareness of changes in charges. These responses of the

respondents are presented in the following table'

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Table 7.7

Awareness about changes in charges of ICICI Bank

Response ll Percent


Very good

Satisfactory 18

Poor 7

Source: Field Studv.

t Graph 7.6
Awareness about changes in charges.


30 IVery good
I E Good
Fr 20 E Satisfactory

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
The purpose of survey of marketing people was also to find out

about the satisfaction of the customers .From marketing staffs point of

view, they were asked to rate the ICICI Bank in terms information to its

customers about changes in service charges: 5 percent said it is excellent,46

percent said it is very good, 28 percent said it is good, 28 percent said it is

satisfactory and 7 percent said it is poor.


Similarly the researcher attempted to find out the responses of

marketing staff about changes in interest rates, these responses have been

presented in the following table 7.8 and presented in graph7.7

Table 7.8

Awareness about changes in interest rates of ICICI Bank

Sr. No.

I I Excellent

2 33

lLil 35
f4@ 18

f5f 5


Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.7
Awareness about changes in interest rates.


30 lExcellent
IVery good
E Good
c E Satisfactory
10 IPoor


'About awareness of changes in interest rates 9 percent said it

is excellent, 33 percent said it is very good, 35 percent said it is good, and 18

percent said it is satisfactory whereas 5 percent said it is poor.

The attempt is also made in the study to understand the

satisfaction with information about opening of new branches. In,this regards,

the responses of the marketing staffare listed in the following table.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Table 7.9

Information about opening of new branches of ICICI Bank



Very good

c Good




Source: Field Study

Graph 7.8

l Information about opening of new branches.


30 IExcellent
IVery good
I 20 E Good
Fr E Satisfactory
10 lPoor

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

As far as opening of new branches is concern ICICI Bank's

communication with customers is rated by marketing staff as follows: 28

percent said it is excellent, 34 percent said it is very good, 2l percent said it

is good, l3 percent said it is very good and 4 percent said it is poor.

To evaluate the customer satisfaction from marketing staffs

point of view, their responses have been taken into consideration to come to

conclusion. One of the aspects which were taken into consideration was

redressal of customer complaints. The following table shows the reply to

customer complaints from ICICI Bank to its customers.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Table 7.10

Reply to customer complaints of ICICI Bank


Very Good

Sotuce: Field Study

Graph 7.9

Reply to customer complaints of ICICI Bank

) 30
25 IExcellent
IVery good
E Good
i15 E Satisfactory

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

As far as reply to customer complaints from marketing staffs

point of view , ICICI Bank stands as follows: 6 percent said it is excellent,

10 percent said it is very good, 26 percent said it is good, 32 percent said it is

satisfactory and 26 percent said it is poor.

n 7.4 Marketing of HDFC Banking Services.

For studying the responses of the field staff of HDFC Bank,

who are involved in the actual implementation of marketing policies,

marketing executives' direct sales associates, have been contacted to find out

their Reponses. The respondents include 70 percent marketing executives,

28 percent, direct sales associates and 2 percent includes others for HDFC


Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Table 7.11

Financial Product Marketed bv HDF C Bank

Financial Product

I Savi NC
Fixed Deoosit A/C

Source: Field Study

Graph 7.10
Financial Products Marketed bv HDFC Bank.
60 lSaving A/C
lFixed Deposit A /C
ERecurring Acount
E40 E Current Account
lMutual Funds
830 lHome Loans
20 lPersonal Loans
10 @Car Loans
I Credit Cards
0 llnsurance

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
The respondents contacted for HDFC Bank included their

marketing executives, direct sales associates and other. Efforts were made to

include all the categories of services marketed by these executives. The

financial services marketed by these executives are, saving account 52

percent, fixed deposit account 48 percent, recurring34 percent, home loans

19 percent, current account 43 percent, personal loans 23 percent, car loans

10 percent, credit cards 19 percent, insurance 15 percent and others 2

percent which included auto finance, insurance, foreign exchange etc.

The respondent marketing executives for above study has experience

ranging from 6 months to 5 years.

Table 7.12

Working experience of marketing staff of HDFC Bank

\ Sr.No. No of Years working with Percent


1. Less than I vear 49

2. I to 3 Years 33

3 3 to 5 Years l0

4 More than 5 years 8

Total 100

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

The total bifurcation of the number of years working as

marketing professional with HDFC Bank is as follows: Less than 1 year 49

percent, between 1 to 3 year 33 percent and 3 to 5 years l0 percent and the

marketing staff who have completed more than 5 years with the bank is 8

percent. From the above data it can be said that number of executives

C working for less than 1 year is more i.e. 49 percent, and number of

executives working between 3 to 5 years is 33 percent whereas 10 percent

between 3 to 5 years and 8 percent above 5 years. All the executives

working in the category of marketing executives less than I year are fresh
graduates or sometimes just 12th standards pass with good communication

and convincing skills. These candidates make perfect marketing executives

with training from HDFC Bank about their range of services. Since most of

these openings are on temporary basis as soon as some good prospects come
executives leave HDFC Bank for better prospects. The executives who

achieve the monthly targets and earn handsome commission are lured to stay

in the job in spite of its temporary position; this is our second category i.e. I

to 3 years working. The other categories of employees are those working

directly under HDFC Bank on a permanent basis. These categories of

employees are more secure and has shown more positive attitude towards the

\. )'

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
bank. The direct sales associates of HDFC Bank recruit marketing

employees. Some employees have position in bank's call centre.

The researcher made an attempt to study the marketing of

services by HDFC Bank; it was relevant to review the customer satisfaction

as assessed by marketing staff of HDFC Bank. Therefore HDFC Bank's

- marketing staff was asked the questions with questionnaire and their

responses about innovative services are given in the following table 7.13

Table 7.13
Responses of Marketing staff about innovative services of HDFC Bank


Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.11

Responses of Marketing staff about Innovative Services of HDFC




c 60 lYes
e o
o lNo
o 40
(L D Can't



The responses from customers have been found about the

innovative nature of HDFC Bank services. Along with customers, the

marketing staff of HDFC Bank i.e. marketing executive, direct sales

associates have been interviewed to ask about their views on the innovative

nature of HDFC Bank services. Around 93 percent of respondent of the

HDFC Bank marketing employee is of the opinion that, the services offered

by HDFC Bank are innovative. Around, 4 percent of the employees are of

different view about the innovative services. They feel that the services are

not innovative. There are employees in HDFC Bank who could not answer

whether the services are innovative or no such percentage has come to 3


Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
The researcher had contacted marketing staff of HDFC Bank to

understand the customer satisfaction from marketing staffs perspective, in

this connection their responses are presented in the following table 7.14 and

presented in graph7.l2

Table 7.14
Customer Satisfaction with the Services Offered By HDFC

Sr. No. Response

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.12
Customer Satisfaction With Various Services offered bv HDFC Bank



60 lSometimes
I always
40 ENever


As per the marketing staff, the customers of HDFC Bank are

satisfied most of the times. Around 78 percent said they are satisfied with

the services iometimes, 20 percbnt said they are always satisfied with the

services and2 percent said they are never satisfied with the services.

The researcher made an attempt to find out the awareness about

the customer services provided by HDFC Bank among the customers. For

this purpose marketing staff was probed by way of questionnaire suwey.

The responses received from marketing staff about the awareness of services

among the customers are given in the following table.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Table 7.15

Awareness of services provided by HDFC Bank

[- [*

Can't say

-Graph 7.13

Awareness of services offered bv HDFC Bank



Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

According to the survey of marketing staff, the customers of

HDFC Bank are well informed about the services by various mean of

communication. 60 percent said they are informed about the services, 38

percent said they are not informed about the services and 2 percent could not

say anything about it.

The researcher made an attempt to identiff the awareness about

new seryices offered by HDFC Bank, during the study period. This attempt

was made through the marketing staff this has been presented in the

following table no 7.16 and presented in Graph 7.14

Table 7.16

Information about New Services of HDFC Bank

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

Graph 7.14

Information about new services of HDFC Bank

I Excellent
c lVery good
c $so
tr Good
n20 trSatisfactory
I Poor


When the marketingstaffs were asked to rate the information

about new services by HDFC Bank to customers, their responses were as

follows: 49 percent said they are excellent, 34 percent said it is very good, 9

percent said it is good, 6 percent said it is satisfactory and 2 percent said it is


The study also attempted to find out the awareness of customers

about changes in interest rates. To find out this marketing staff of HDFC

Bank were contacted and their responses are presented in following table

and graph.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

Ttble 7.17

Awareness in changes in charges of HDFC Bank

Sr. No. Response Percent

Sr.No Responses

I Excellent
a 2 ilV
3 ll Good
4 ll Satis
5 ll Poor

Source Field Studv

Graph 7.15

Awareness about changes in charges of HDFC Bank.


40 IExcellent
o 30
I Very good
E Good
E Satisfactory

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

The survey of marketing people was intended to find out the

satisfaction of customers form marketing staffs point of view. The

marketing staff was also asked to rate the HDFC Bank in terms of awareness

about changes in charges. 25 percent respondent said it is excellent, 39

percent said it is very good, 17 percent said it is good, 13 percent said it is

satisfactory and 6 percent said it is poor.

Similarly the researcher attempted to find out the responses of

marketing staff about changes in interest rates, these responses have been

presented in the following table and presented in graph

o Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

Table 7.18

Awareness about changes in interest rates of HDFC Bank

Sr. No. Response

1 Excellent

Source: Field study

Graph 7.16

Information about changes in interest rates of HDFC Bank

f 60

@Very good
30 E Good
E Satisfactory
20 IPoor

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

The survey of marketing people also tries to find out the

satisfaction of customers from marketing staff s point of view, the marketing

staff also asked to rate the HDFC Bank in terms information about changes

in interest rates said: 9 percent said it is excellent, 28 percent said it is very

good, 48 percent said it is good, 11 percent said it is satisfactory and 4

percent said it is poor.

The researcher also attempted to find out the responses of

marketing staff about opening of new branches. These responses are shown

in following table and presented in graph.

Table 7.19

Awareness about opening of new branches of HDFC Bank

Sr. No. ll Response

1 ll Excellent

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.17

Awareness about oepning of new branches of HDFC Bank.

3 25
I Very good
E Good
E Satisfactory
I Poor

The survey of marketing people also tries to find out about the
satisfaction of customers from marketing staffs point of view, the marketing

staff also asked to rate the HDFC Bank in terms information about opening

of new branches, 27 percent said it is excellent, 26 percent said it is very

good, 35 percent said it is good, 5 percent said it is satisfactory and7 percent

said it is poor.

Customer satisfaction is comprises of many factors such as

services, staff offering services, image of the bank , charges charged ,

communication undertaken bv bank with customers and last but not the least
Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
, the way bank handles the customer complaints. To find out more about the

way HDFC Bank handles the complaints of customers marketing staff were

asked to respond about handling customer's complaints. Their responses are

put in following table and presented in graph 7.18

Table 7.20

Replay to customer complaints of HDFC Bank

Sr. No. Response

2 Very good

3 I Good

4 j Satisfactory

a 5

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.18

Reply to customer complaints of HDFC Bank


40 IExcellent
30 I Very good
L E Good
20 E Satisfactory
10 IPoor

The survey of marketing personnel also tries to find out about

the satisfaction of customers from marketing staffs point of view, the

marketing staff'also asked to rate the HDFC Bank in terms of information

about reply to customers complaints, 12 percent said it is excellent, 6 percent

said it is very good, 45 percent said it is good, 16 percent said it is

satisfactory and 2l percent said it is poor. The number of marketing staff

replied it as poor is more i.e.21 percent. This is area where HDFC Bank

needs to concentrate to improvise the customer services.

7.5 Problems in Marketing of Banking Services.

Today, the biggest problem before banks is how to maintain

their existing customer base? And how to attract new customers? No

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

organization can survive if it is not dynamic in its approach. It cannot run
business without changing in some or the other form. If organization has to

survive, it has to adapt to the changing environment. This not only applies to

manufacturing industry, but also to all other sectors including banking. No

bank alone has the privilege to collect deposit from the public, because not

a only banks, but also private and public companies are directly collecting

large sum of deposit from public.

In the olden days banks were not aware of marketing of

banking services. The marketing concept in banking industry emerged in the

late fifties in the western countries. Banker's attitude and comprehension

about marketing profession changed dramatically in 1970. Marketing was

accepted as an organizational essential. Earlier marketing was recognized

with production industry only. However after nationalization of 14 major

commercial banks in 1969 the approach of banks towards customers
underwent a change and the focus was gradually shifted to marketing their

products. The state bank of India initiated the first major set-up in the

direction of marketing in 1972 when, it updated it self on the basis of major

market segments. However at the end of eighties and the beginning of the

nineties liberalization, deregulation, new entrants and severe competition

transformed the financial market towards professionalism. During this

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

period to withstand competition banks seriously began to adopt the

marketing concept and strategies like product development, market

concentration, and market development. The banking services have

undergone considerable change since 1991 and this trend looks to continue

with the ever-growing authority of banking products. In the changed

scenario, marketing has become pertinent to banking industry also because

of many factors such as profitability of banking business, need of innovative

product development, emergence of new range of banking services,

optimum use of vast banking infrastructure, better appreciation of long term

prospects, expanding world market, resources crunch and poor recovery.

Banks have to think of marketing their services not only in terms of their

deposit mobilization and related activities but also innovating new ways and

techniques. Banks could not only face an asset liability mismatch in the
coming days due to an over exposure in retail, the actual and final cost to the

bank from operations could actually be well over the low cost reflected in

the loan interest. Second will it trigger the kind of overspending and

subsequent defaults that some of the developed markets have had to deal

with Technology, new products and services have virnrally changed entire

banking experience in the country. Issues facing most Indian Banks recently


Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDF'C Bank
l. Enterprise risk management - Understanding new opportunities.

2. Existing IT System- Island of information

3. Human resources- Re-skill retain and reward.

4. Organization and structure- Hierarchical and slow tumaround time.

5. Existing process and procedures- Internally focused with manual


6. Customer retention and management- know your customers.

7. Transaction, processing and reconciliation - speed, control and security.

8. Brand building and management - Corporate, product, internal, external.ea

The Indian banking sector is faced with multiple and current challenges such

as increased competition, rising customer expectations and diminishing

customer loyalty. The banking industry is also changing at a phenomenal

speed. While at the one end we have millions of savers and investors who
still do not use bank, another segment continues to bank with physical

branch and at the other end of the spectrum the customers are becoming

familiar with ATM, E-banking and cashless economy. This shows the

immense potential for market expansion. With technology occupying a

pivotal role in delivery of banking services, the expectation of the customers

has also been growing. These expectations are

'o Rudhuk ishnan, Y., Managing Director SBI Mumbai, Banking in new millennium,
Proceedings of the bank Economists' conference 2000.
Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Swift services with minimal response time, efficient service delivery, tailor

made and value added product to suit specific needs, hassle free procedure

and minimum transaction cost and pleasant and personalized serviceses. Till

the reform process got underway banks competed more or less amongst

themselves, that too essentially for deposits and occasionally for good

advances. The first impact of the reform process has been the entry of a

number of new players. The services depend on the collaboration of the

customers and producers. The services, is highly labour intensive industry

cannot always be repeated with uniform quality. Service quality can vary

overtime, place and even from customer to customer. Last a given service is

consumed as it is produced. Hence a direct contact can be perquisite for

many services. Indian banks offered more or less identical services and

packaging became a significant differentiating factor.

" Kuppur*u*y, P.T., Chairman and CEO The Karur Vysya Bank.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
7.6 Problems Associated with Marketing of ICICI Banking Seruices

In a vast country like India with its highly varying cultural

diversity, the needs of customers, spread across different geographical

locations are unique. Customer needs and their expectation from banks are

determined on the basis of factors like age, sex, proportion of population

employed, family size, number of young people in employment, economic

growth etc. There is also a difference in the level of literacy. The urban area

is dominated by industries and service sector whereas the rural areas are

being dominated by agricultural sector. All these factors have an affect on

the financial needs of the people. The banks have to undertake great deal of

research to find out the exact needs of the people and to design products and

services suitable to Indian conditions.


The researcher made an attempt to assess the satisfaction

among the marketing professionals with marketing of banking services of

ICICI Bank by asking responses which has been put in the table 7.21 and


Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Table 7.21

Satisfaction with Marketing of ICICI Bank Services

Sr. No. Response Percent

I Yes 94

2 No 6
Total 100

Source : Field Study

draph 7.19

Satisfaction wiht Marketing of ICICI Bank Services





Before evaluating the problem faced by ICICI Bank marketing

staff, the researcher felt it was necessary to find out their satisfaction level

while marketing the ICICI Bank services. It was clear that 94 percent

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
marketing staff was satisfied with the marketing of ICICI Banking services

whereas 6 percent marketing staff not satisfied with the marketing of ICICI

Bank services.

The marketing professionals of ICICI Bank were probed further

to find out whether they are facing any problems while marketing the ICICI

O Bank services. Their responses with this regards are mentioned in the

following table 7.22 and graph7.20

Table 7.22

Problems in marketing of ICICI Bank services

t. *"_ll *"'o*'. eercent

I 2lffif
All the time 5


3 Sometime 76

4 Never 8

Total 100

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.20

Problem in Marketing of ICICI Bank Services


c gt
€) lNever
EMost of the time
40 IAll The the time


The marketing staff of ICICI Bank faces problem while

marketing of banking services. The researcher tried to analyze the problems

faced by ICICI Bank marketing staff. Their responses are as follows:

a) 5 percent of the marketing staff has problems in marketing the banking

Services of ICICI Bank all the times.

b) 11 percent of the marketing staff has problem in marketing the banking

Services of ICICI Bank most of the times.

c) 75 percent of the marketing staff has problems in marketing the banking

Services of ICICI Bank only sometimes.

d) 8 percent of the marketing staff never had the problems in marketing the

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Banking services of ICICI Bank

From the above findings we can conclude that he marketing

staff, which includes direct sales associates, marketing executives, marketing

managers (75%) of ICICI Bank face problems in marketing of banking

services only sometimes. Whereas we can say that around 16 percent

marketing staff face problems in marketing ICICI Bank services either all
the times of most of the times. But this percent is negligible we can say that

ICICI Bank marketing staff does not face marketing problems all the times.

As per the responses of marketing staff it is clear that they face

problems in marketing the banking services of ICICI Bank. The researcher

wanted to find out the reasons for the marketing problems faced by

marketing staff. These problems as replied by the marketing staff are put in
the following table and graph.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Trble 7.23

Reasons for problems in marketing of ICICI Bank

Banking staff

Source: Field Study

) Diagram 7.1

IBanking product
I Marketing stategies
E Service charges
E Banking staff
I Others

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
From above data it is observed that the marketing problems

faced by marketing staff is related to banking products 9 percent, marketing

strategies 10 percent, Service charges 63 percent, banking staff 10 percent

and other 8 percent. Thus the researcher has concluded that major reason for

the marketing problem is service charges. Whenever the marketing

executive approaches the existing customer for any new schemes, the first

reason they complained about is service charges charged by the ICICI Bank.

The reasons which emerged from the survey for marketing

problems are service charges, banking staff, banking products, marketing

strategies. The researcher wanted to probe funher to find out the intensity of

each problems faced by marketing staff. The frequency of problems faced by

marketing staff about the product is presented in following table.


Intensity of Problem related to Product of ICICI Bank.


Most of the time

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

lAll the tme

EMost of the time
ISome time

The researcher wanted to find out the frequency of the reasons,

which are faced by the -urkrJing persons while marketing the banking

services of ICICI Bank. To probe further all the respondents were asked to

tick mark the frequency. It was observed that out of 100 respondents only 1

percent said that they face problems related to products i.e. schemes all the

times, 5 percent of the respondents said they face problem related to

products most of the times, and 33 percent respondents said they face

problems related to products sometimes and finally 61 percent said they

never faced problem related to products of the ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank has

strong fundamentals in its schemes, because the customers as well as

marketing staff have responded very strongly about its schemes.

The following table gives the details of frequency of marketing

strategies as a problem in marketing of ICICI Bank services.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Table 7.25

Frequency of Problem related to Marketing Strategies of ICICI Bank

All the time

Most of the time

Source: Field Studv

Figure 7.1

Fhequency of prcblems related to marketing strategies.

The frequency about problems of marketing strategy faced by

marketing staff of ICICI Bank is as follows around 3 percent respondents

Manketing cf Sanking $emiee With Referenee T* {CXCtr Ennk & XI}FC Snnk

&el tllat they have n:arketing problems all the time abeiut marketing

strategies adopted by {e{Cf Rank, around E pereent said thnt marketing

strategies affeet them tq: cmnvinee the custnmer mcst erf tl:re tirnes. And 37

pereenl m;irketing stafY said th*t scmetimes they fuee problems in

eonvineing the eustermers beeaus* of the marketing stratcgies ad*pted by

xe{Cl Sank. Fina}ly 52 pereent field staff said t}:ey had the problerx beenuse

qlf tl'!e rn*rleeting stnategies *f {fletr Bank. This shows that aetualtry }e}el

Bank's marketing strategles are eustermer frienclly and rnarket frienelly.

{ClC{ Rank, seleet marketing strategies aiter studying eompetitor, marlqet

anel erestorners"

Tai:le 7.2$ sherws the resp*nses o{ markeling staff abollt prcblems fa*ed by

them relateei t* service sharges"

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Ttble 7.26
Frequency of problem related to service charges of ICICI Bank

Most of the time

Source: Field Study

Diagram 7.3

IAll the tme

EMost of the time
I Some time

The respondents were asked to put down the frequency at which

they face problems in marketing ICICI Bank's services to customers because

of service charges. The results are quite eye opening because only 8 percent

&{arXrcting of E*mki:rg Senviee With Refe}"ence Y* nCnCI Kank & H$SC &anlE

hslve replied that tl:ey never had problems beeause cf service el"larges,

rvhereas rxost other had replled that they had preblems 4 pereent said they

have prnhlem all the time, 4l pereent st:me times and 4? pereent m*st erf tl:e

tirnes" it emerging frem the above sludy that the major problei:r marketing

staff faee while marketing their serviees is serviee eharges eharged }:y {ete{


Similarly, the researeher tried to llnel out th* frequ€mey *f probtrems related

to banking staff, by {C{eI Sank r:narketing staff" Their respCInses &}e

presented in table 7.27 and graph 7"21

Tab[e ?"?7

Frequeney of l\{ark*ting Frobler"n relateei to staffof ICICI Bank

m Respeinse

All ths time

Most of tlle tirne


I: $ouree: Fielet Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Grtph 7.21

Frequency of Problems related to staff of CCI Bank

50 I All the tme
q) 40 I Most of the time
30 tr Some time
c 20 E Never

When, the researcher probed marketing staff about banking

staff as reason for marketing problems. The replies given by the staff has

been grouped a,s follows; 2 percent have problem all the times, 1l percent

have problems most of the times, 69 percent have problems sometimes and

only 18 percent never had problems because of the staff of the ICICI Bank.

As per the study conducted for the customer the major reason that emerged

for their dissatisfaction is bank staff. The same problem cannot be ruled out

about marketing staff also after seeing their responses.

7.7 Problems Associated with Marketing of HDFC Banking Services

HDFC Bank is one of the successful private sector banks is providing

innovative services to its customer. It applies all the modern methods to

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
provide services with prompt product delivery. The customers of HDFC

Bank are also satisfied with the way bank markets its products, bank

communicates with its customers and bank handle the customers. One aspect

of HDFC Bank remains to be studied and that is marketing aspect. To study

marketing aspect of HDFC Bank it was felt necessary to study the problems

faced by theses private sector banks.

The researcher made an attempt to assess the satisfaction

among the marketing professionals with marketing of banking services of

HDFC Bank by asking responses which has been put in the table 7.28 and

graph 7 .21

Table 7.28

Satisfaction with marketing of HDFC Bank services

Source: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.22

Satisfiction with Marketing ofHDFC Bank services

9 60

o 40

Along with the customers of HDFC Bank the marketing staff

who are directly involved with the marketing of HDFC Bank schemes are

surveyed for the purpose of study. It is found that 98 percent of the

marketing personnel satisfied with the marketing of HDFC Bank are
marketing services. Only 2 percent are not satisfied with the HDFC Bank's

marketing services.

After, finding out the satisfaction of marketing staff, while

marketing HDFC Bank services. The researcher wanted to find out whether

the marketing staff faces any problems in marketing the banking services.

To find out this the researcher asked questions related to marketing problems

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
to the marketing staff. Their responses are listed in following table and same

is presented in graph7.23

Table 7.29

Problems in marketing of HDFC Bank services

All the time

Most of the time



Source: Field Study

Graph 7.23
hroblerm in Marheting of HDFC Bank Seryices

I Never
tr Sonrctinres
tr Most of the tirre
I All The the time

&{*rketing of'E*lnkixrg Serviee Wlth R.*f'eremec To XeICX $ank & HX}FC Banla

The marketing personncl asked to list down the problerns faced

by thern whitre marketing HnFe Bank seruiees the findings, Rre as {i'rileiws:

a) 6 Bercent of tl:e marketing staff &eed problems in marketing the banking

serviees cf K&Fe Eank all t}:re times.

b) 4 pereent eif the rnarketing stafThad prcblem in marketing the banking

senviees of filFC $ank mCIst CIf the ti:n*s"

*) S5 perc*nt of the marketing staff had problen:s in rnarketing the banking

serviees of F{SFC Eank only solr}ctimes.

d) 5 percent of the rnarketing stafr never l"rad the problems in marketing ttrre

banking serviees clt H$FC Bank

Fron: the abcve findings the researeher has serneluded that the

rnarketing staff, whieh inenueles dircei sales assq:eiates, marketing exeeutives,

anetr marketing managers ef F{SFC Bank, faees prohlems in rnarketing of

banking serviees only scmetimes, 1{} pereent relarketing staff fbee pnoblems

in marketing {{OFe Eank serviees either all the times or most *f t}re times.

But this percent is negligible therefore I:lSFe Eank marketing stafF eloes neit

faee ntarketing problerns ail the tin:es"

The marketing personnel faeed problems while n:arketing

$npe Sank senriees" The researeh*r wanted to find cut the reasons feir sueh

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
problems. The reasons for which HDFC Bank marketing staff faces the

problems are listed in the following table 7.30 and Figure 7.4

Table 7.30

Reasons for Marketing Problems of HDFC Bank

Sr. No. Reasons Percent

o I Banking product 8

2 Marketing strategies t2

3 Servicg charges 55

4 Banking stays 20

5 Others 5

Total 100

Source: Field Studv

Dirgrtm 7.4

IBanking product
IMarketing stategies
E Service Charges
EBanking staff
I Others

&Ianleeting erf Kxxkimg Serviee With Reference To IC{CI K*n[< & XSSC SaxrXc

The ab*v* tabie anel figure givcs us an idea about the reasons cf

marketing probler::ls &ced by n:arketing stafX Thc re&scn given by

manketing staff as banking preiduet is Spereent , marketing strategies 12

pereent, Serviee eharges 55 peneent, banking staf,f, 20 pereent and clther 5

n:ercent. l["he {inelings e*nelude that major reasCIn fcr the marketing probiem

is ser"r.'iee eharges fullcwed by staff at 20 pereent whcnever the marketing

executive apprerael'les the existing eustelmer ferr any new sehemes, the first

reason the3i eomplained about is serviee eharges eharged by the HDFC

&ank. Feople also eerrnplained about staff at their eaXl eenters.

The rnarketing personnel of HnFe Eank had prcblen:s related

tc produeis. But unless the intensity of probl*m &eed by rnarketing staff ,

the researeher wnutrd net be in a pasition to eome to any eonclusion so the

respCInses of marketing staff about frequeney of markcting problem abelut

Broduet are iisted in the fcllowing table"

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Table 7.31

Frequency of problem Related to Products of HDFC Bank

All the time

Most of the time

Source: Field Study

Diagram 7.5

IAlt the tme
HMost of the time
I Some time

It was found that out of 100 respondents only 2 percent had

products i.e. schemes all the times, 3 percent of the respondents faced

problem related to products most of the times, 20 percent respondents said

&{*rleeting of Rxxr}ring $ex'viee &1itk Ref,cre*ce Ter }etrCX Eank & K$FC $an}c

they face problerns related tCI produets soi"netimes and finally 74 perce:rt said

th*y never hael Broblem rclated t* prcduets t:f the F$)FC Bank. Thus it is

ssneluded by the res*are]:er that {-{nF'C }3ank strarng fundamentals in its

prcduets ancl sstrrernes, beealrse the eustclmers as well as marketing staff trrave

resp*nded v*ny strongly aberut its produets.

The f,requenay cf rnarketing pr*blem faeed by marketing staff

ab*eit rnarketing strategies adnpted by F{n}Fe Sank is listed deiwn in t}re

followins tabtre"

T'nhle ?.33

Iirequeney *f Fr*}:lem Related to &{arketing Strategies cf Htr}Fe Eank

Llm15 Scuree: llleld Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
Graph 7.24

r Al the frne
I ltlostof the time
ISome time
I Never

The frequency abouj problems of marketing strategy faced by

marketing staff of HDFC Bank is as follows: 2 percent respondents feel that

they faced marketing problems all the time about marketing strategies

adopted by HDFC Bank, around 2 percent faced the problems in marketing


of banking services because of marketing strategies adopted by HDFC Bank,

3 most of the times. And l6 percent marketing staff feels that sometimes they

face problems in convincing the customers because of the marketing

strategies adopted by HDFC Bank. Finally 80 percent field staff never had

the problem because of the marketing strategies of HDFC Bank. This shows

that actually HDFC Bank's marketing strategies are customer and market

related. HDFC Bank, select marketing strategies after studying competitor,

market and customers.

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank
When the researcher was conducting customer survey about

reasons for dissatisfaction of the services of HDFC Bank, the major reason

which emerged was service charge. In case of marketing staff survey, there

are also charges as a reason for marketing problem. This problem can be

evaluated form the table below

o Table 7.33

Frequency of Problems Related to Service Charges of HDFC Bank


All the time

Most of the time


) Sotuce: Field Study

Diagram : 7.6

IAll the tme

EMost of the time
I Some time

&{xrketing of Sanking Servi*e With R.eferenee T'o ienCl Sank & KSSC K*nk

The resperndents were asked to put dowr: the f:equeney at rvhiel:

they faec prerblcms in marketing H$Fe Bank's serviees ter eust*tners

beeause of serviee eharges" The fullCIwing rvas the result :5 pereent have

replicd that they never had problems beeause erf serviee eharges, whereas

mq:st other had rcplied that tl"rey had prcbiems 45 pereent all the time, 2S

pereent sCIine times anei 30 pereent m*st of the times. Thus it is e*neluded by

the researeher tl:at the ma"]cr re&son f*r r"nanketing problem is senriee ehanges

eharged by I{I}FC Bank"

The fbllowing table gives the frequer:ey e"rf problern fa*ed by

n"rarketing staff about banking stafY.

Table ?.34

Frequency of Prclblem Related To Sanking Staff of F{DFC Eank

Response I Fereent

All the tirne 25

l\,{ost *f t}re time '




Souree: Field Study

Marketing of Banking Service With Reference To ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank

Graph 7.25

Frequency ofProblem ficed by nnrketig staffofHDFc Bank abotfr

Banlcing Staf


I Allthe tme
20 I Most of the tire
er tr Some tirre
10 E Never


When marketing staff of HDFC Bank asked to give banking

staff as a reason for marketing of banking services, the replies are as

follows: 25 percent faced problem all the times, 33 percent had problems

most of the tim'es, 39 percent had problems sometimes and only 3 percent

) never had problems because of the staff of the HDFC Bank.

As per customer's survey conducted by researcher the major reason was

banking staff, the same reason has emerged out of marketing staffs survey.

The major question remains whether all these problems affect

the marketing staff in convincing the customer about other products. We can

see from above table that only lpercent feel that they have problem in

convincing the customers all the times because of all these problems stated

above, 36percent have problems most of the time and 5lpercent have
Mar}<efing cl'Eanking Senviae \&iith R.efer€nee T* trCnCI Bank & HSfe Baxrk

problerns s*me tirnes end 12 pereent never have prcblems because *f all

tl:rese reason to e*nvinee ttre eus{orners.

7.8 Comparison of foIarketing of ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank

For studying the responses nf the field staff of HIIFC Eank

and {e{e{ Bar:k who are invo}ved in the aetual irxplem*ntaticn of marketing

pnlieies, marketing exeeutives' direet sales assoeiates were eeinta*ted to find

qlut their responses. The rcsperndents inelude 7{i pereent marketing

exeeutives 28 pereent direet sales assoeiates and 2 percent ineluded cthcrs

for $OFC Eank and 55 pereent marketing exeeutives 39 percent direet sales

assoeiates and 6 pereent ineluded others fur ICICI Bank. The marketing staff

elf HIIFC Kanlc and {etrC1 Eank asked ts} rate the serviees of bot}r t}re banks

in terms q:f, innCIvative nature. H$FC &ank rnarketing staff seems to be mCIre

pesitiv* about the innovative nature clf banking seruiees by XIIFe Rank at

93 pcreent whereas in ease of IeICI Eank the pereentage is E3 pereent. trn

terms of negative response for ttrre innovative nature 12 pereent IeIeI Kar:k

marketing empleryees saiel it is not inn*vative and 4 pereent cf Ktr]FC Eank

n:arketing stafY said the serviees are ne:l inneivative.

&{*rketing of Snnking $ewice With Refe!'enee To ICXCI Saxrk & Kl}P'e $erm}<

In *ompnrison tei other private sectCIr banks iCIC{ Eank is better in ternxs of

eustomer satis&etion at 79.6 pereent and HSFC Bank at 6X pereent" {t ls

eoneiuded that in tems of eustermer satisfuetion {eIe{ Eank ranks first

emong ali the private sector banks at 7S.6 pereent as per the rating cf Xelel

Rank marketing slatTand F{SFe Eank markc{ing staff" Only lE.4 pereent *f
ncfel Eank n:ark*ting staff differs i:l :rb*ve opinion cf their enileagues and

they {be} that trCfe{ Sank is the s&me as other private seetor bnnks t}rere is

ncl eiifkrence between new generati*n private seetor banks and {elC{ Bank.

In ease of HtrFC banks 35 percent marketing statTfeetr strongly that there is

nc diffbrenee in the priv*t* seetor banks; HnFe Sank is same as either

privnte seetcr banks" On tl':c *tLrer hanel 2 percent iCICi Bank employees are

negative about banks sezuices and they said Ie{C{ Bank's serviees are not ns

g*od as *ther privat* seet*r banks" HnFe Bank employees eeny out same

*pinien at 4 percent.

?. $ Csnelusion

The attempt made by researeher to find arut. respon$cs sf

n:arketing staff *f IC{C{ Sank and X$}le Sank about t}re satisfaetieir: of

eust*mers es pereeived by marketing staff was sueeessful" It was quite

&uitfl"rl attempt in tenns *f understanding eustorner satisfaetion, marketing

Marketing of Sanking $er-vice With R.eferexee Tc ICICI llank & HSPC S*mle

*f banking serviees of both the banks, ttre problems faced by marketing staff

ab*ut marketing the serviees, tr"easons for such prcblems, ctc.

The marketing stnffs were surveyed by way e:f questicnnaires to

flnd cu{ t}:eir viernrs about er.lst*mcn sntisfaetion" T}re marketing stafft
inelueied marketing exeeutives, marketing manager, sales executives,

e*unail*rs with nSA {Sireet Sales Assc}eistesi, field stalY" The experienee eif

these marketing pens*nnel rnras between S months to 5 years and above"

The et:nelusicn ef the rnarketing staffs survey is as finllerws: ICICI Sank's

rnarkeling staffs 83 pereent of thern feel that IeIeI Bank serviees are

imrovative" About nwarencss of serviees provided by IeIe{ Rank, 58 pereent

**m the totai sample respelndents rvere &w&re of ali the serviees prcvided. ln

ease of informatiqln aberut new serviees, rnost of thc respondents were found

positive nbout it. As fur as &wareness *f ehanges in eharges is esneemed ?5

pereent of the total respondents were persitive about awareness *f th*

el:arg*s. F*r ehanges in interest r*tesu 77 pereent of ttrre total respnndents fbel

that fetre{ Bank aiways infonns t}rem about sue}r e}ranges in advanee.

Spening erf ner,v branehes is enneerned E3 pereent of the total respcndents

were positive abcut it. As far as reply to eustomer eermplaint is eoneerx, it is

fclund that 58 pereent resp*neients, said it is satisfuetary CIr pCIor, where as 42

pereent said exeellent, good and very gemd. Arour:d E2 pereent responefents

&{nrketing of &*mXcixrg Sewiee With Refer&mce To {eIeI Sank & K$$"C &an[*

were not hapBy with ttr1e banking staff. This elearly sheiws tl:nt XCIC{ Bank

needs to eonecntrate *n redressnl *f eustq:mer eomplaints and banking staf{-

Anottrer rs&ssns whieh w&s em€rged **m the e*st*ners survey erf IetC{

Kank, is tire serviee charges eharged by ICICX Bank" The eust*mers as well

as rnarketing staff fbel that it is very liigh"

$imilarly this suwey was also condueted ern marketing staff of

!"{nFe Eank tei finel sut the resp$nses erf marketing staff about eustomer

satisfoction a:lql marketing statYs satisfuetion while marketing the services

c)f HSFC Bank"

Abcut reply t* eustomer's eornplaints cnly 63 pereent

respondents w*re positive" As far as innovative serviees of HnFe Ka:rk is

enneerxed nimost 93 percent respondents were pcsitive" The researeher

wanted tn flnd cut the &w*reness c"!f eustomers about new serviees, opening

ot" branehes* ehanges in interest rates, reply tq: euston:er eon:plaints et*. It

was nbserved by the researeh*r that in all the abcve eeses exeept reply to

sustomer enmplalnts more than ES pereent respondents were positive.

nelel Bnnk and ISFC Rank, b*th market their produets in very innnvative

ways! eustomers are satisfied with the wa5' both these banks market tireir

servie*s. Sut {}"lese l:anles alsc faee ee:tair: prablem while marketing t}re

Mar!*eting of Sanhi:rg Senviae Wiflr ld.efcrenee To nCXCi Snnk & KIS'C Xnxk

serl/iees. The maj*r problems whieh emerged frcr:n the study anc high

eharges, banking staff ar:d reply {er eustomer eomp}aints. Rank s}rauld

ecne*:rtrate E:n these three faetors whieh are ereating eXissatisfbetiein emong

custeimers as well as marketinE staff"


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