Postharvest Handling Systems
Postharvest Handling Systems
Postharvest Handling Systems
California is a major producer of apple and European pear fruit for U.S. and export
markets. California produces a more limited volume of Asian pears and quince.
The apple industry in California has increased greatly over the past 10 years. New
plantings in the Central Valley, in addition to older plantings along the coast and
in the foothills, have increased California's production such that it is generally the
third largest producing state in the United States after Washington and Michigan.
Granny Smith, Gala, and Fuji have dominated these new plantings. The pear
industry in California is more than 90% Bartlett pear, with approximately half the
volume diverted to processing, while the fresh volume remains substantial.
Maturity changes in apples include skin color, seed color, flesh firmness, soluble
Elizabeth J. Mitcham and F. solids content, starch content, titratable acid content, respiratory rate, ethylene
production, and production of other flavor and odor constituents. Suggested
Gordon Mitchell maturity indices have included all of these as well as time (days from full bloom),
accumulated heat units (e.g., degree-days above 7°C [45°F]), fruit size, and various
combinations of these.
Most possible maturity indices have limitations. For example, ethylene
production and respiratory rate changes may occur too late or are too variable to
be useful for timing of harvest. Some other changes are too subtle to be effective.
Most commercial applications of maturity indices use days from full bloom as the
rough guide, with fine tuning using mostly starch index and flesh firmness.
Maturity standards must take into account whether fruit is to be stored (and for
how long) or shipped immediately. The goal is to determine a reliable index that
can predict the best harvest date for long-term controlled atmosphere storage or
for short-term air storage. Harvesting immature fruit results in smaller fruit with
greater susceptibility to water loss and storage disorders, such as bitter pit and
scald. Overmature fruit have greater susceptibility to softening, mealiness, decay,
and controlled atmosphere-related disorders.
Many apple-growing regions have developed maturity standards that guide
the start of harvest. These standards may be voluntary or legally binding. In
California, Granny Smith apples are released for harvest by county according to
the California Granny Smith Starch Iodine Chart. Inspectors rate a 30-apple sample
from the orchard for starch degradation pattern, and the average for the orchard
must meet the minimum level of starch degradation (a score of 2.5 on the Starch
Iodine Chart). A similar starch score is used to determine the start of Granny Smith
harvest in New Zealand. While starch disappearance is also used to guide the start
of Granny Smith harvest in Washington, the scale is quite different from that used
in California and New Zealand. Unfortunately, the starch disappearance charts
used in different apple growing regions are not uniform. Scales can range from 0 to
6, 0 to 7, or 0 to 10. The higher number always indicates more starch
Starch is a useful index of harvest maturity because starch is degraded into
sugars as the apple matures and begins to ripen. The
be used to determine a starch score
Starch Iodine Solution (0.1% iodine, 1% potassium iodide)
based on the percentage of the cross-
Dissolve 1 0 grams (1 tsp) of potassium iodide crystals in 265 milliliters {Yk cup) section clear of staining.
clean water in a 1-1 (1-qt) container. Gently swirl until the crystals dissolve. Add
2.5 grams ( ] M tsp) iodine and swirl until iodine dissolves (this may take a while). HANDLING
Dilute this solution with clean water to make 1 I (1 qt). The solution is sensitive to
light and should be stored in a dark container or wrapped in aluminum foil. Fresh
solution should be made each season. These chemicals are available at most drug
Apple fruit are hand-picked into bags,
stores. gently transferred into field bins, and
transported to the packing facility.
Care must be taken during harvest of
starch content is measured at the center cross-section apples to avoid impact bruising. Solid-
of the apple. Starch disappearance is visualized by
framed, padded picking bags into
staining the cut surface of the apple with an iodine-
which pickers can place, rather than
potassium iodide solution (see recipe above). The
drop, harvested apples are ideal.
iodine solution turns starch black and provides a
Careful training and supervision of
view of the starch clearance pattern. Starch charts can
334 CHAPTER 27
STORAGE _____________________________
As a general rule, pome fruits respond best to rapid cooling and
storage at as low a temperature as possible without danger of freez-
ing or low-temperature injury. Many apple varieties can be safely
stored at 0°C (32°F); however, there are exceptions, some of which
are shown in table 27.1. Low-temperature injury can be manifested
as internal flesh browning. Specific recommendations for varieties
may require confirmation under localized conditions. For example,
California-grown Yellow Newtown apples are recommended to be
stored at 3.5° to 4.5°C (38° to 40°F), while Yellow Newtown apples
from other growing areas have been safely stored at 0°C (32°F).
Cooling delays are associated with shortened storage life, flesh
softening, increased physiological disorders, and diseases. Thus,
fruit should be cooled as soon after harvest as possible. However,
for fruit with severe
Figure 27.3
Pack ----------- Storage Storage
Pack Warm fruits lose water faster than cold fruits,
especially if the RH of the air is less than 95%. Loss of
Dump (dry, wet, Immersion dump water is loss of saleable weight and can result in fruit
P resize Presort
I shrivel and loss of gloss. Water loss is cumulative
from the time the fruits are harvested until
consumption. Visible shrivel is not apparent until a
critical amount of water is lost, usually 3 to 5% of the
Wax application Hand-sort original weight. Rapid transport of fruits from the
Hand-sort field to the cooler, rapid cooling and maintenance of
90 to 95% RH in storage are essential to reduce fruit
Tray packing
V. J
Truck Loading --------- Storage Truck Loading * — Storage
Table 27.1. Recommended temperatures and CA for storage of selected apple Fruit groymjn hot, dry^chmates. such as California,
varieties are more~su^c^pTibTeTThT"disorder appears as
Temperature o2 C02 Storage life brown patches on the fruit surface that may not
Cultivar °C CF) concentration concentration (months) develop until the fruit are warmed after storage (fig.
Braeburn 0-1 (32-34) 1.5-2.0 s1.0 6-9 27.2). In very severe cases, browning will be seen on
Fuji 0-1 (32-34) 1-2 <1.0 7-9 the fruit in cold storage and will intensify when the
Gala 0-1 (32-34) 1.5-2.0 1-2 4-6
fruit are warmed after storage. Thorough cooling
Golden Delicious 0-1 (32-33) 1-2 1-3 7-10
Granny Smith 0-2 (32-35) 1-2 s1.0 7-11 and maintaining a low storage temperature are
Mcintosh 2-3 (36-38) 1.5-2.5 1.5-4 5-8 important in scald control. Often, an antioxidant
Mutsu 0-1 (32-34) 1.5-2.0 1-3 6-9
such as diphenylamine (DPA) is applied as a bin
Pink Lady 0(32) 1.5-2.0 1 9
Red Delicious 0-1 (32-34) 1-2 1-3 7-11 drench (fig. 27.3), according to label directions,
before storage to reduce the incidence and severity of
scald. Controlled atmosphere storage can signifi-
cantly delay scald development. Very low 02
concentrations in CA storage (less than 1%) can
provide control similar to DPA in some cases,
Source: Kupferman 1997. although care must be taken to avoid low-02 injury to
the fruit.
Figure 27.2
Apple fruit in bins being drenched with diphenylamine (DPA) just after harvest for control
of storage scald.
Figure 27.5
Development of internal browning as a result of C02 injury has been
reported in Fuji, Cox's Orange Pippin, Braeburn, and Jonathan apples.
Brown discoloration occurs in the flesh, usually originating in or near
the core, and the discoloration is firm, but moist. The brown areas have
well-defined margins and may include dry cavities resulting from
desiccation. Symptoms can range from a small spot of brown flesh up
to nearly the entire apple's flesh being affected in severe cases.
Symptoms develop during the first month of CA storage. This disorder
is associated with later harvested, large fruit stored with high C02
concentrations; however, the incidence varies season to season and
orchard to orchard. Because internal browning is not visible externally,
the disorder may be detected by buyers and consumers.
Nondestructive means of detection are currently under development.
Apples can be damaged by bruising. Roller bruising affects the surface
of the fruit, resulting in brown areas or bands where rolling, rubbing,
or vibration occurred, and damage is usually not apparent below the
surface. Impact bruising affects the flesh, resulting in brown spots
under the skin that may or may not be visible from the surface. The
browning results from oxidation of phenols in the presence of an
oxidizing enzyme, primarily polyphenoloxidase. Climatic differences
in severity are apparently related to the level of phenols or the relative
activity of the browning enzyme. Any mechanical injury can stimulate
ethylene production, and thus speed fruit ripening and deterioration.
fruit. Gray mold can be quite common after long-
term storage. Sanitation in the field and
packinghouse (especially water systems) and careful
handling of fruit to avoid wounding are the best
means of control. Temperature management will
slow the growth of fungi that might be present.
Fungicides added to the drench water can provide
some protection; however some fungi have
developed resistance to commonly used
thiabendizole-type fungicides.
Mucor rot has become a serious problem in Granny
Smith and Fuji apples grown in California. The
fungus, Mucor piriformis, lives in the orchard soil.
Fruit collected from the orchard floor and soil
attached to field bins transport the fungus into
drench systems and dump tanks where healthy fruit
can become infected. Mucor causes a very soft rot
that can liquify fruit tissue, resulting in dripping of
spores onto healthy fruit in the bin and thereby
spreading of the disease in storage. While low
temperatures greatly
reduce its growth, this fungus continues to grow
slowly at 0°C (32°F). Chlorine and most fungicides
are not very effective against this organism. The best
means of control are orchard sanitation and
preventing orchard soil from entering the drench or
dump tank water. Leave ground fruit in the orchard,
place field bins on trailers in the field, and use a
fresh water prerinse of loaded bins and trailer prior
to the drench system.
Core rot is a disease in which one or more of a series
of fungi attack the core area of the apple fruit. The
disease may begin in the field or during storage.
Inoculation of the core area can occur during petal
fall in the orchard or during drenching of the fruit.
The disease may be restricted to the seed cavity or
may involve the apple flesh and eventually the
entire apple. Core rots present a marketing challenge
because they are not visible externally, unless very
severe. Efforts are under way to develop
nondestructive methods for sorting out defective
fruit during packing.
lose little flesh firmness during the treatment and do
not become more subject to handling damage, but
they ripen quickly and uniformly when warmed
during marketing. d'Anjou pears are treated with
MATURITY ___________________________
prior to recooling and shipping, and these pears are
not intended for long storage.
Maintaining 95% RH in the storage room will
prevent loss of moisture from the fruit during
storage. In many commercial cold storages, this level
of humidity is difficult to
maintain. Humidity should be considered in the
design and sizing of the refrigeration system. Even
with the best system design, supplemental humidity
may need to be added. During bin storage, wetting of
wooden bins prior to loading, use of plastic bins, and
use of plastic bin liners can help to reduce water loss
from fruit during storage.
Using perforated polyethylene bags or liners
within the packed box to maintain humidity, once a
common practice, is now seldom done in California
because it interferes with temperature management;
but it is still used in many other growing areas. Wax
or plastic coatings on corrugated containers are
extensively used, when polyethylene liners are not
used, to provide a moisture barrier for pear fruit.
Pears are second only to apples in the volume stored
under controlled atmospheres (CA). Although CA
storage of pears is used to a limited extent in
Source: Adapted from Hardenburg et al. 1986; Richardson and Preharvest calcium sprays are beneficial, especially
Kupferman 1997. late in the season, but there is a risk of phytotoxicity.
*Ya Li may show chilling injury at temperatures less than 5°C (41
Pears are much less tolerant of C02 than apples. C02
areas. CA storage can reduce the injury is evident as browning in the core area.
incidence of storage scald, especially Cavities may develop in the browned tissues. The
when low 02 is used (1%), but with susceptibility of pears to C02 injury increases with
low 02, care should be taken to keep advanced maturity, delayed storage, and low 02
C02 below 0.5%. More research is levels in the atmosphere. Fruit grown in a cool
needed to address fruit tolerance season have a greater susceptibility to C02 injury.
issues as well as the effectiveness of Low-02 injury can occur at less than 1% 02 and is
low-02 CA for scald control. manifested as a browning in the core area that may
be tinged with pink. Fruit with advanced maturity
S E N E SC EN T S CA LD are more susceptible.
Senescent scald develops in pears
that have been stored beyond their C OR E B RE A KDO WN
potential postharvest life. The Pears can suffer losses due to various core
background color of scalded fruit breakdown problems (sometimes called internal
changes from green to yellow during breakdown or brown core). Symptoms are browning
storage, and the fruit lose their and softening of the tissue in and around the fruit
capacity to ripen. Fruit from very core (fig. 27.5). Late-harvested fruit are most
early or late harvest, fruit suffering susceptible to these disorders. Symptoms may
delayed cooling, and fruit held at too develop in storage or during subsequent ripening. A
high a storage temperature are all range of similar symptoms associated with specific
more susceptible to senescent scald. cultivars or handling and storage treatments have
Symptoms begin on the fruit surface been described by various researchers.
but can progress into the flesh Flesh breakdown that develops during storage
during ripening. Proper harvest and ripening can be reduced by good postharvest
maturity, good temperature temperature management. This should include rapid
management, and avoiding storing movement from tree to cooler, rapid cooling, and
for too long are all important in maintenance of the proper low storage temperature.
minimizing senescent scald of pears. When climatic, cultural, or maturity factors predis-
CA storage can delay fruit pose the fruit to breakdown, the problem may be
senescence and thus delay develop- unavoidable; however, storage life may be
ment of senescent scald. lengthened and intensity of the disorder can be
C OR K SP OT reduced by good temperature management. In some
Similar to bitter pit in apples, cork spot occurs in tests with watery breakdown of Bartlett pears in
tissue low in calcium or with a high potassium to California, late-season, high-maturity pears
calcium ratio. Patches of corky brown tissue, usually developed no breakdown if fruit was cooled within 1
near the calyx end, occur either just beneath the skin
or deep in the flesh. Affected pears become partly
yellow and exhibit premature ripening, dAnjou and
Packham's Triumph pears are highly susceptible.
342 CHAPTER 2 7
Figure 27.10
day of harvest, as compared with 5% breakdown injury. Data on other cultivars are unavailable.
Avoidance of roller bruising involves prevention of
Core breakdown in senescent Bartlett pear.
fruit rubbing or vibrating at all stages of handling
from harvest to market.
Injuries can follow any impact of the fruit, and
incidence and severity of bruises increase with
increasing height of drop of the fruit. Impact bruising
is important because of its effect on fruit appearance,
and because the injury induces higher respiratory
activity of the tissue, thus reducing storage life. Some
reports suggest that symptoms are less apparent in
fruits that are impacted after CA storage.
/ / / . Asian Pears
Asian pears comprise a large group of pears (Pyrus
serotina) that are crisp in texture and ready to eat at
harvest. Asian pears do not markedly change texture
after harvest or storage, as do European pears.
with 2-day cooling, and over 10% breakdown with 3- Hundreds of varieties are grown in Asia, and more
day cooling. In other tests with similar pears that than 25 varieties are known in California. Asian
were cooled within 1 day of harvest, stored for 5 pears are also called apple pears, salad pears, Nashi
weeks, and then ripened, breakdown incidence was (Japanese for "pear"), and Oriental, Chinese, or
0% after -1°C (30°F) storage, almost 2% after 0.5°C Japanese pear.
(33°F) storage, and about 3.5% after 2°C (36°F) In the United States, most Asian pears are grown
storage. in California, Oregon, and Washington. There are
three basic types: round or flat fruit with green to
P R E MA T UR E RI PE N IN G yellow skin (20th Century), round or flat fruit with
Reports from cool-climate production areas describe bronze-colored skin and a light bronze russet
a fruit breakdown in Bartlett pears caused by (Shinko, Hosui), and pear-shaped fruit with green or
premature ripening. In Oregon, this problem can russet skin (Ya Li).
develop when daytime high temperatures do not
exceed 21°C (70°F) and night temperatures are no HARVEST
higher than 7°C (45°F) for 2 days, 10°C (50°F) for 9
days, or 13°C (55°F) for 21 days. Affected fruit devel- Asian pears are harvested in California from mid-
op a pink color around the calyx (blossom) end. July through September, depending on the variety.
Night temperatures above 13°C (55°F) or day Harvest maturity is usually assessed by background
temperatures above 32°C (90°F) prevent premature color and soluble solids content. Studies have shown
ripening. Bartlett pears grown in cool climates also that background color is best related to the storage
tend to soften faster and be more susceptible to core potential of the fruit. Other studies have indicated
breakdown. By contrast, d'Anjou pears grown in that a combination of starch index, firmness, and
warm climates have a higher incidence of mealy soluble solids would provide a good index.
breakdown of the flesh. Immature fruit usually have poor flavor quality,
while overmature fruit are more susceptible to
W A TE RY BR E A KD O WN surface marking and storage disorders.
A problem associated especially with Bartlett pear, Asian pears appear highly susceptible to surface
watery breakdown involves soft, watery breakdown damage from abrasions to the skin. Careful handling
in portions of the fruit, usually without brown from harvest to consumption is necessary to avoid
discoloration during its early stages. This enzymatic unsightly fruit damage manifested as brown or black
softening can affect any part of the fruit and markings on the fruit surface. Pickers may need to
probably results from severe physiological stress on wear rubber or soft cotton gloves to avoid fruit
the fruit. In some seasons in California, this disorder injury. Padded, clean picking buckets are essential,
is responsible for loss of as much as 10% of fruit and efforts must be made to avoid stem punctures.
destined for processing. Fast cooling and low storage Often, stems are clipped close to the stem bowl. It is
temperatures (avoiding freezing) are effective in recommended that Asian pears be handled similarly
minimizing the problem. to tree-ripened soft fruit. Handling steps should be
minimized. Often, fruit are sized by eye and packed
R OLL E R B RU I SIN G ( BR U S H B U RN , by hand. Many Asian pears are wrapped, using
F RI CT ION D IS CO LOR AT ION ) paper or plastic materials, and some are packed into
This can occur whenever fruit have freedom to plastic
move, rub, or vibrate against a hard surface such as
trays or foam punnets. Fruit are often packed one or
bins or package surfaces, packing belts, or other
two layers deep, and padding is added to the box to
fruit. Pears are generally more susceptible to roller
secure the fruit and prevent movement during transit
bruising damage than are apples. As Bartlett and
which would result in roller bruising.
d'Anjou pears remain in storage, they normally
become more susceptible to roller bruising injury,
and if packaging does not occur within 1 to 2 weeks STORAGE
of harvest, special care must be taken to avoid fruit
Some varieties can be stored 1 to 3 months at 0°C slightly increases softening at 20°C (68°F). The effects
(32°F) without problems. Hosui and Shinko became of ethylene at 0°C (32°F) are minimal.
spongy and developed storage rots after 2lfimonths
of storage at 0°C (32°F). After 4 months of storage, PHYSIOLOGICAL DISORDERS
core browning developed.
Based on limited studies, it appears that the L OW O XYG EN I N JU RY
magnitude of CA benefits for Asian pears is cultivar- Discolored surface depressions resulting from
specific and is generally less than that for European exposing 20 th Century pears to 1% 02 for 4 months at
pears and apples. CA may extend the storage life of 0°C (32°F) and from exposing Ya Li and Tsu Li pears
some Asian pear cul-tivars by about 25% relative to to 1% 02 for 2 months, 2% 02 for 4 months, or 3% 02
storage in air. Recommended CA conditions are for 6 months at 0°C (32°F).
shown in table 27.4. Care should be taken to avoid
low-02 or high-C02 injury as described below. H IG H C AR BO N DIOX ID E IN JU R Y
Some cultivars, such as 20th Century, Kosui, and Exposure to high levels of C02 can cause fruit to
Niitaka, produce very little ethylene and are develop core or medial flesh browning, which may
nonclimacteric. Other cultivars, such as Tsu Li, Ya Li, contain cavities in severe cases as a result of tissue
Chojuro, Shinsui, Kikusui, and Hosui, are climacteric death and subsequent desiccation. Ya Li pears may
and produce between 1 and 14 ul/kghr ethylene. exhibit C02 injury after exposure to 5% C02 for 6
Exposure of climacteric cultivars to greater than 1 weeks at 0°C (32°F).
ppm ethylene accelerates loss of green color and
342 CHAPTER 2 7
Figure 27.12
Promjene zrelosti u jabukama uključuju boju kože, boju sjemena, čvrstoću mesa, sadržaj topljivih
krutina, sadržaj škroba, sadržaj titrirane kiseline, brzinu disanja, proizvodnju etilena i proizvodnju
drugih sastojaka okusa i mirisa. Predloženi indeksi dospijeća uključivali su sve te, kao i vrijeme (dani
od punog cvatnje), akumulirane toplinske jedinice (npr., Dani stupnjeva iznad 7 ° C [45 ° F]), veličinu
ploda i različite kombinacije ovih.
Najveći mogući indeksi dospijeća imaju ograničenja. Na primjer, proizvodnja etylenela i promjene
brzine disanja mogu se pojaviti prekasno ili su previše varijabilne da bi bile korisne za određivanje
vremena žetve. Neke druge promjene su previše suptilne da bi bile učinkovite. Većina komercijalnih
primjena indeksa maturiteta koristi dane u punom cvatu kao grubi vodič, s finim podešavanjem
koristeći uglavnom indeks škroba i čvrstoću mesa. Standardi zrelosti moraju uzeti u obzir hoće li se
voće skladištiti (i koliko dugo) ili odmah otpremiti. Cilj je utvrditi pouzdan indeks koji može
predvidjeti najbolji datum berbe za dugoročno skladištenje kontrolirane atmosfere ili za kratkoročno
skladištenje zraka. Žetva nezrelog voća rezultira manjim plodovima s većom osjetljivošću na gubitak
vode i poremećaje u skladištenju, kao što su gorka jama i opekline. Previše plodovi imaju veću
osjetljivost na omekšavanje, bruhanje, propadanje i poremećaje povezane s atmosferom.
Mnoge regije u kojima se uzgaja jabuka razvile su standarde zrelosti koji vode do početka berbe. Ti
standardi mogu biti dobrovoljni ili pravno obvezujući. U Kaliforniji, jabuke Granny Smith puštene su
za žetvu po županijama prema Kalifornijskoj tablici jodova s brašnom Smith. Inspektori ocjenjuju
uzorak od 30 jabuka iz voćnjaka za uzorak degradacije škroba, a prosjek za voćnjak mora zadovoljiti
minimalnu razinu degradacije škroba (ocjena 2,5 na škrobnom jodnom dijagramu). Sličan rezultat
škroba koristi se za određivanje početka berbe Granny Smith na Novom Zelandu. Dok se nestanak
škroba također koristi za vođenje početka berbe Granny Smith u Washingtonu, ljestvica se prilično
razlikuje od one koja se koristi u Kaliforniji i na Novom Zelandu. Nažalost, karte nestanka škroba
korištene u različitim područjima uzgoja jabuka nisu ujednačene. Vage mogu biti u rasponu od 0 do 6,
0 do 7 ili od 0 do 10. Veći broj uvijek označava više nestanka škroba.
Škrob je koristan indeks zrelosti žetve, jer se škrob razgrađuje u šećere dok jabuka sazrijeva i počinje
dozrijevati. Sadržaj škroba mjeri se u središnjem presjeku jabuke. Nestanak škroba vizualiziran je
bojanjem rezane površine jabuke s otopinom jod-kalij jodida (vidi gore navedeni recept). Otopina joda
pretvara škrob u crno i daje pogled na uzorak klirensa škroba. Karte skroba mogu se koristiti za
određivanje rezultata škroba na temelju postotka poprečnog presjeka bez bojenja.
Berba jabuke
Plodovi jabuke ručno se ubiru u vrećice, lagano se prenose u kante za otpatke i transportiraju u objekt
za pakiranje. Potrebno je paziti tijekom žetve jabuka kako bi se izbjeglo stvaranje udarca. Idealne su
čvrste uokvirene vrećice za skupljanje u koje berači mogu staviti, a ne spustiti, ubrane jabuke. Pažljivo
vježbanje i nadzor nad skupljanjem posade je neophodno kako bi se izbjeglo prekomjerno modrice na
Jabuke, koje se često čuvaju u kontejnerima, čekaju kasnije pakiranje, mogu se natopiti inhibitorom
opekotina i fungicidom i ponekad se tretiraju s kalcijevim kloridom za kontrolu gorke jame prije
Voće jabuke može imati koristi od prethodnog hlađenja prije hladnog skladištenja. Predhlađenje se
može postići hlađenjem na zraku ili hidro-hlađenjem. Dok je hlađenje hlađenje brže od hlađenja
prisilnim zrakom, postoji mogućnost širenja bolesti organizama iz oboljelog voća ili tla na zdravo
voće. Ako se tekući klor koristi za smanjenje potencijala za širenje bolesti, mora se voditi računa da se
dnevna voda za pranje promijeni kako bi se spriječilo nakupljanje natrija, što dovodi do opeklina
ploda. Isto vrijedi i za sustave za ispuštanje vode iz spremnika.
Voće koje se pakira istovareno je iz spremnika pomoću deponija za flotaciju vode, oprano, prethodno
izrađeno kako bi se uklonilo podvodno voće i sortiralo. Sortiranje je uglavnom kombinacijom
elektroničkih i ljudskih sortera. Elektronski sorteri za boju i veličinu su vrlo česti u većim
pakiranjima. Elektroničko razvrstavanje za nedostatke koristi se u vrlo ograničenoj mjeri, ali će se
vjerojatno povećati u bliskoj budućnosti. Većinu sortiranja defekata u ovom trenutku obavljaju ljudski
sorteri. Voće se često odvaja u nekoliko svježih vrsta, kao i za preradu i nusproizvode.
Većina jabuka na svježem tržištu je pakirana u tacnu, dok se niže ocjene mogu popuniti. Vreće voća
jabuke koriste se češće, ne samo za manje jabuke, već i za velike plodove namijenjene za skladišta
potrošačkih skladišta. Mutnja je i dalje briga za voće u vrećama, ali noviji modeli strojeva donekle su
smanjili taj problem.
Pakirane kutije su razdvojene po veličini voća i složene na palete s oznakama. Konačno hlađenje ovih
paletnih opterećenja događa se nakon pakiranja. Hlađenje može uključivati prisilno ili statično
hlađenje prostora. Većina danas korištenih kartona za jabuke nije ventilirana ili nije dovoljno
ventilirana, što ozbiljno otežava hlađenje nakon pakiranja.
Dijagram toka za rukovanje jabukama (sl. 27.1) pokazuje korake uključene u rukovanje svježim