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Government of The United States of America

Rural Free Delivery Route 1

office of the Secretary of State

Box #2
The United States of America
Global Postal Code-NAC: 850H2 MR7C8

Office hours: 9:00 - 9:00 UTC-6 Monday - Friday

Phone: (951) 389-0313
Email: secretaryofstate@theunitedstatesofamerica1781.com


AS AMENDED November 29, 2013;
AS AMENDED May 19, 2014;
AS AMENDED February 12, 2018

By the authority of the faith of the assembly of American Nationals, in Union under the Law of Nations, and all
Acts, petitioned, accepted and acknowledged by the current United States, in Congress assembled, are hereby
ordained for the safety and security of our posterity, enact the following:

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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BE IT ENACTED, by the United States, in Congress assembled the UNIFORM NATURALIZATION ACT OF 2013; AS
AMENDED November 29, 2013; AS AMENDED May 19, 2014; AS AMENDED February 12, 2018 IS HEREBY
ESTABLISHED, ACCEPTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED on the 12th day of February, 2018




BE IT ENACTED, by the United States, in Congress assembled, that any Alien on Americas Plantation, having
declared exile and proclaimed the existence of The United States of America in accordance with International
law and the Law of Nations, being a free person and in Good Standing, may be admitted to be known as an
American National thereof on resident declaration to the General Post Office for The United States of America.
The free person shall take the oath or affirmation as prescribed by law to support the Articles of Confederation,
as amended, for The United States of America. The Oath or Affirmation shall be administered by a General Post
Master under oath or affirmation for said office with two witnesses. The General Post Office for The United
States of America shall record such resident declaration and oath or affirmation and the proceedings thereon;
and thereupon, such man or woman shall be considered as one of the people; and thereby is accepted and
acknowledged with the Nationality as American National within The United States of America,

FURTHER BE IT ENACTED, the children of one of the people so naturalized, dwelling within The United States of
America, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as
American National for The United States of America upon oath or affirmation when reaching the age of 21

FURTHER BE IT ENACTED, the infants of American Nationals for The United States of America that may be born
beyond the Seas, or out of the limits and metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of
America, shall have the right to take an oath or affirm as having the status of an American National within the
sphere of The United States of America, outside of the sphere of the United States:

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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FURTHER BE IT ENACTED, that The United States of America shall withdraw from the General Postal Union
Treaty of 1874 for reasons of fraud in the factum and fraud in the inducement as stated in the MEMORANDUM
not bar the Universal Postal Union from offering a more acceptable Treaty with The United States of America
and its people.

So enacted on the 19th day of May, in the year, 2014,




For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

Registered with the IP Rights Office

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BE IT ENACTED, by the United States, in Congress assembled the UNIFORM NATURALIZATION ACT OF
2013; AS AMENDED November 29, 2013; AS AMENDED May 19, 2014; AS AMENDED February 12,
2018 IS HEREBY ESTABLISHED, ACCEPTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED on the 12th day of February, 2018


1. Enter the full name of the applicant into the Book of Life on http://www.generalpost.org;
2. Contact the general post office on the contact page of said http://www.generalpost.org expressing the
desire to take an oath or affirmation to The United States of America;
A. The declaration of exile and proclamation shall be required with the oath or affirmation to The
United States of America which shall be furnished by the general post office;
3. Make an appointment with the Governor for The United States of America to take the oath and
affirmation to The United States of America. Email: governorfortusa@generalpost.org.”

By the authority of the assembly of affirmed American Nationals and the reign of the heavens World
Government, and all Acts signed by the current United States, in Congress assembled are recognized by the
assemblies in the various townships on ________________________.

1. RESIDENT DECLARATION at: http://theunitedstatesofamerica1781.info/residentdeclaration/

2. Contact the general post office on the contact page of said http://www.generalpost.org expressing the
desire to take an oath or affirmation to The United States of America.
A. The declaration of exile and proclamation shall be required with the oath or affirmation to The
United States of America which shall be furnished by the general post office through the office of
the registrar of The United States of America because of the presumption you are a subject of the
UPU Treaty and the Bank of New York Mellon power of attorney.
3. Make an appointment with the Governor for The United States of America to take the oath and
affirmation to The United States of America. Email: governorfortusa@generalpost.org.”
4. File a Quit Claim Deed of Real Property over to an Independent Holding Trust within the ROH TRUST.
5. The United States, in Congress assembled, in the capacity as trustees for the ROH TRUST, shall send an
order to the agents for the ROH TRUST to issue a Tax Exempt Title, (hereinafter “Title”) on behalf of the
6. The agents for the ROH Trust, upon issuing the Title, shall forward the Title to the office of the Treasury
for The United States of America. The office of the Treasury for The United States of America shall posit

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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the Title into the Treasury for the purpose of declaring jurisdiction and venue for the Government of
The United States of America. For at no time shall the office of the Treasury for The United States of
America create an obligation or commitment for the Trustee assigned the Title in accordance with the
charter of the Temple of YHWH.
7. The office of the Treasury for The United States of America shall forward the Title to the office of the
Governor and the office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America affirming the posit
into the Treasury for The United States of America. The affirmation shall include but not limit the
wording declaring the Trustee assigned to the Title. The Title shall be recorded within the office of the
registrar for The United States of America.
8. The office of the Treasury for The United States of America shall deliver the Title back to the Title Holder
being the Naturalized American National. The American National shall have already been declared the
Trustee for the Title, and the beneficiary is declared in the charter of the Temple of YHWH.
9. The assigned Trustee, (hereinafter “Trustee”) shall notify the following parties of the transfer and delivery
of the Title to the Trustees possession. Furthermore, shall order the former Trustees to perform the
following acts:
A. Notify the Bank of New York Mellon with a Certified copy of the Notice of Transfer of the Deed to
the original Title holder and Order. Further, send a certified copy to the International Criminal
Court, the Permanent Bureau on private International Law at the Hague and the Universal Postal
Union of the Notice of Transfer and the Order for International Service purposes. The Order
included with the Notice of Transfer to remove all foreign securities from the Deed of the foreign
Title for the cause written in the Cancellatura of Foreign Instruments Act of 2013.
C. The wording in the Order referenced in paragraph 9 of this Title shall be as follows:

IT IS ORDERED, that the Property Deed of the foreign Title to real property is hereby null and void.

Mailing Location:


10. A fee schedule shall be furnished by the office of the Treasury for The United States of America for the
services rendered by the various offices and the central bank.

AMENDED ON 05-19-2014

By the authority of the assembly of affirmed American Nationals and the reign of the heavens World
Government, and all Acts signed by the current United States, in Congress assembled are recognized by the
assemblies in the various townships on the 19th day of May, 2014.

1. RESIDENT DECLARATION at: http://theunitedstatesofamerica1781.info/residentdeclaration/

2. Contact the general post office on the contact page of said http://www.generalpost.org expressing the
desire to take an oath or affirmation to The United States of America.

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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A. The declaration of exile and proclamation shall be required within the oath or affirmation to The
United States of America which shall be furnished by the general post office through the office of
the registrar of The United States of America.
3. Make an appointment with the Governor for The United States of America to take the oath and
affirmation to The United States of America. Email: governorfortusa@generalpost.org.”

The previous paragraphs numbered 4 through 10 have been omitted from this Act.

4. The original oath and affirmation for American Nationals for The United States of America:

Declaration and Affirmation of National for The United States of America

I, __________________, promise to be without fear in the face of The United States of America’s enemies,
foreign or from within The United States of America. I will be brave and upright and do all righteous rulings,
that Yahweh may love me. I promise to follow and uphold these three simple rules:

1. Love my neighbor as myself,

2. Do unto others as I would have them do unto me, and
3. I will seek first the reign of the heavens with all of my heart, mind and soul, and

Furthermore, I will safeguard the helpless and ignorant and teach them to stand on their own. I speak these
words in the name of Yahweh, not in conflict with his testimony Yahshua, and before my neighbors, so that I
shall have standing among all other Nations and States, The United States of America or otherwise.

All these words I speak, I promise, and So solemnly affirmed, declared and promised on the 19th day of May,
two thousand and fourteen,

Sign Here:

Witness: Witness:

The original oath and affirmation for American Nationals for The United States of America shall be amended to
the following wording to combine the Declaration of Exile, Proclamation and the oath (or affirmation) into one
paragraph for simplicity purposes:


4. The oath (affirmation) for American Nationals for The United States of America

I, ____________________________(state your name) hereunto Subscribed Do solemnly and sincerely Declare

and Swear, {or affirm,) that The United States of America is and of right ought to be a free Sovereign and
Independent Nation—and I do forever renounce all Allegiance, Subjection and Obedience to the Three-City
Empire which consists of the City of Washington D.C., City of London, and Vatican City, and I do further swear
[or solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm) that I never have since the declaration of Independence,
directly or Indirectly aided, assisted, abetted or in any wise countenanced the Three-City Empire consisting of
For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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the City of Washington D.C., City of London, and Vatican City, its Generals, fleets or armies; Allegiance or their
adherents in their claims upon these United States, and that I have ever since the declaration of the
Independence thereof demeaned myself as a faith full citizen, subject or resident of this or some one of the
United States, and that I will at all times maintain and support the freedom, sovereignty and Independence
thereof, on my honor, and

Further, I, ____________________________________, will also abide by the original organic laws for The United
States of America and The Articles of Confederation, as amended on May 20th 2013; and

Further, I, ____________________________________, hereby accept and acknowledge that my particular

Nationality carries with it separate and equal station with Nationals in “one of the United States” within the
original Union, so that my Nationality shall have standing among all other Nations and States in The United
States of America or otherwise; and

Further, I, ____________________________________, hereby accept and acknowledge that the status of my

Nationality carries with it the aforementioned established current condition, even in the event that some other
“one of the United States” is populated with a particular National of a particular “one of the United States” within
the original Union,; and

Further, I, ____________________________________, hereby accept and acknowledge that “One of the United
States” includes all fifty States, entitled to equal footing with the original 13 States, ratified and in force July 13,
1787 through the Northwest Ordinance, brought forward to the present time; and

Therefore, I, __________________________________, hereby accept and acknowledged that my particular

Nationality is counted as one of a permanent population of all fifty “one of the United States” within the metes
and bounds of The United States of America.

All these words I speak, I promise, and So solemnly affirmed, declared and promised on the __ day of
____________________, two thousand and ________,

Ending with:
(so help me God or Yahweh: optional)

Sign Here:

Witness: Witness:

5. The Oath (or affirmation) shall be recorded and published in the Claims Office within the Third
Continental Congress also known as the United States, in Congress assembled by the office of the
registrar for The United States of America.
6. All American Nationals shall be entitled to all Government Services and possess voting rights within the
Government of The United States of America.

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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AMENDED ON February 12, 2018

By the authority of the faith of the assembly of American Nationals, in Union under the Law of Nations, and all
Acts, petitioned, accepted and acknowledged by the current United States, in Congress assembled, are hereby
ordained for the safety and security of our posterity, enact the following:

1. RESIDENT DECLARATIONS are required to be declared and further all mapping, and publishing of the
Natural Area Code shall be administered at the General Post Office, and
2. Business entity registrations are required to be registered at the office of the Secretary of State for the
Government of The United States of America, and
3. Business entity publications are required to be published at THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY
POST or the American Herald under publication of record, and
4. All Continental Dollars are issued by the Continental Public Bank, and
5. All Naturalization Processes are required to be administered by the office of the registrar for the
Government of The United States of America, and
6. All oaths or affirmations are required to be administered by the General Post Master Council for the
Government of The United States of America, and
7. All processing fees are required to be paid to the office of the Treasury for the Government of The
United States of America, and

Authorized Processing Fees are as follows and subject to be amended at any time by the National assembly by
motion within the National assembly as the economy dictates and shall be published as follows at the office of
the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America website:

The following information informs the new resident of the States of the Union of the cost associated with
concluding the process. Where it reads "Vendor currency", this means USD and where it reads Continental
Dollars, it means Continental Dollars; CLICK HERE! for declaration of value for the Continental Dollar.

There are many people that work tirelessly to make sure your person is delivered back to the States of the Union
within The United States of America and that proper evidence and credentials are provided to insure your
Nationality Claim is processed correctly.

Therefore, in order to help those people that are helping you, there are two packages that have been created
by the National assembly in order to cover vendor costs and compensate for time away from their families while
doing this part time. The following is an itemized list of what to expect as far as costs for this naturalization

Further, there are small businesses doing business within The United States of America that can further assist
you with more information and services to help in this transition process.

There is a minimum 60 day waiting period between the resident declaration and taking the oath or affirmation
thereby claiming your American National status.
For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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1. Department of Transportation: Processing fees

A. International Drivers license: 80.00 vendor currency

B. Drivers License: 50.00
C. 750,000.00 Continental Dollar Surety Bond: 50.00
D. Vehicle Registration: 50.00
E. Plate: 50.00 vendor currency

Total: 280.00 vendor currency

2. Naturalization: Processing fees

A. resident declaration: Free

B. Address Mapping and Publishing: 25.00 vendor currency
C. Name publication at National Status Claims Office: 25.00 vendor currency
D. Proof of life: 60.00 vendor currency
E. State resident: ID and Certificate: 85.00 vendor currency
F. American National ID: 85.00 vendor currency
G. Oath and affirmation: 100.00 vendor currency
H. Passport: 175.00 vendor currency

Total: 555.00 vendor currency

All residents receive 50.00 Continental Dollars sent to home.

Total COMBINED: 835.00 vendor currency


1. Department of Transportation: Processing fees

A. International Drivers license: 80.00 vendor currency

B. Drivers License: 50.00
C. 750,000.00 Continental Dollar Surety Bond: 50.00
D. Vehicle Registration: 50.00
E. Plate: 50.00 vendor currency

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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Total: 280.00 vendor currency

2. Naturalization-Processing fees
A. resident declaration: Free
B. Address Mapping and Publishing: 25.00 vendor currency
C. Name publication at National Status Claims Office: 25.00 vendor currency
D. Proof of life: 60.00 vendor currency
E. State resident: ID and Certificate: 85.00 vendor currency
F. American National ID: 85.00 vendor currency
G. Oath and affirmation: 100.00 vendor currency
H. Passport: 175.00 vendor currency

Total: 555.00 vendor currency

The Government of The United States of America service fee for Package B: 765.00 vendor currency

1. Everything in package A;
2. All work is done for the resident through the whole process;
3. Entity registration regardless of type;
4. publication of entity with Publisher’s affidavit;
5. T-ROH SHOW Stickers;
6. Flag Set: 1: 3X5 and 1 Handheld;
7. Ambassador emergency contact card;
8. PDF copy of Anderson Law Dictionary and Law of Nations;
9. Government Bitrix account;
10. Email address from General Post Office;
11. Upon qualification a concealed weapons permit;

Minimal input waiting for processing to complete sent to your home;

All American Nationals receive Continental Dollars with exchange value of one Continental Dollar to one vendor
currency sent to home which equals in exchange value to: 27,200.00 vendor currency ($)

Total: 1650.00 vendor currency ($)

NOT AMENDED ON 02-12-2018


The oath (affirmation) for American Nationals for The United States of America

I, ____________________________ (state your name) hereunto Subscribed Do solemnly and sincerely Declare
and Swear, {or affirm,) that The United States of America is and of right ought to be a free Sovereign and
Independent Nation—and I do forever renounce all Allegiance, Subjection and Obedience to the Three-City
For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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Empire which consists of the City of Washington D.C., City of London, and Vatican City, and I do further swear
[or solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm) that I never have since the declaration of Independence,
directly or Indirectly aided, assisted, abetted or in any wise countenanced the Three-City Empire consisting of
the City of Washington D.C., City of London, and Vatican City, its Generals, fleets or armies; Allegiance or their
adherents in their claims upon these United States, and that I have ever since the declaration of the
Independence thereof demeaned myself as a faith full citizen, subject or resident of this or some one of the
United States, and that I will at all times maintain and support the freedom, sovereignty and Independence
thereof, on my honor, and

Further, I, ____________________________________, will also abide by the original organic laws for The United
States of America and The Articles of Confederation, as amended on May 20th 2013; and

Further, I, ____________________________________, hereby accept and acknowledge that my particular

Nationality carries with it separate and equal station with Nationals in “one of the United States” within the
original Union, so that my Nationality shall have standing among all other Nations and States in The United
States of America or otherwise; and

Further, I, ____________________________________, hereby accept and acknowledge that the status of my

Nationality carries with it the aforementioned established current condition, even in the event that some other
“one of the United States” is populated with a particular National of a particular “one of the United States” within
the original Union,; and

Further, I, ____________________________________, hereby accept and acknowledge that “One of the United
States” includes all fifty States, entitled to equal footing with the original 13 States, ratified and in force July 13,
1787 through the Northwest Ordinance, brought forward to the present time; and

Therefore, I, __________________________________, hereby accept and acknowledged that my particular

Nationality is counted as one of a permanent population of all fifty “one of the United States” within the metes
and bounds of The United States of America.

All these words I speak, I promise, and So solemnly affirmed, declared and promised on the __ day of
____________________, two thousand and ________,

Ending with:
(so help me God or Yahweh: optional)

Sign Here:

Witness: Witness:

8. The Oath (or affirmation) shall be recorded and published in the National Status Claims Office within
the Third Continental Congress also known as the United States, in Congress assembled by the office of
the registrar for the Government of The United States of America.

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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Paragraph 6 is omitted by the amended Articles of Confederation, as amended August 5th, 2015,

6. All American Nationals shall be entitled to all Government Services and possess voting rights within the
Government of The United States of America.
9. The Government of The United States of America is under force of arms to trade in British American
Union currency and therefore claims international immunity from any obligations legislated upon it nor
shall accept any responsibility to support said unauthorized Union script, and
10. All temporary compensation in British American Union currency shall be deducted from normal General
Post Master pay in Continental Dollars to avoid unjust enrichment, and

So enacted on the 19th day of May, in the year, 2014, as amended on the 12th day of February, 2018,




For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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AS AMENDED February 12, 2018


The office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America,

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

Registered with the IP Rights Office

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May 19, 2014; AS AMENDED February 12, 2018

The office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America,

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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STATES OF AMERICA ON May 19, 2014; AS AMENDED February 12, 2018,

The office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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AS AMENDED February 12, 2018,

Post Master General of the General Post Office

of the Government of The United States of America,

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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Government of The United States of America
Rural Free Delivery Route 1

office of the registrar

Box #4
The United States of America
Global Postal Code-NAC: 850H2 MR7C8

Office hours: 9:00 - 9:00 UTC-6 Monday - Friday

Phone: (602) 845-0473
Email: registrar@generalpostoffice.org

I, Alice Ceniceros, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of The United States of
America that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of my current
information, knowledge, and belief.

The office of the registrar accepts and acknowledges the document:


AS AMENDED November 29, 2013; AS AMENDED May 19, 2014; AS AMENDED February 12, 2018

and is recorded on:

330th day in the year of Yahweh, 6019 11:40 UTC-6 RH-20180212-5E7C-414E-90CD-7Z163VC6E4M2

Document Date Time Record File Number
Translated Date: February 12, 2018

File Name: 20180212-ICA-NATURALIZATION ACT-AS AMENDED 02-12-2018-


This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially recorded
and placed on file in the office of the registrar for The United States of America.

Date Issued: 330th day in the year of Yahweh, 6019

Translated Date: February 12, 2018

This copy is not valid unless displaying the Record File Number, Seal, and signature of the registrar for The United States of

For this document does not affect the validity of any previous act in a negative manner by the United States, in Congress
assembled nor does it make those previous acts null and void for not having this wording in the titles and enactment clauses. For
this document is evidence of a complete structure working in harmony with one another and is evidence of the expansion of a
Government into an independent sphere.

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