ISRIC Report 2007 01 Web
ISRIC Report 2007 01 Web
ISRIC Report 2007 01 Web
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3 authors:
Jan Verhagen
Wageningen University & Research
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Correct citation
Mantel S, Wösten H, and Verhagen J 2007. Biophysical Land Suitability for Oil Palm in
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Report 2007/01, ISRIC – World Soil Information, Alterra, Plant
Research International, Wageningen UR, Wageningen
c/o Director, ISRIC – World Soil Information
PO Box 353, 6700 AJ Wageningen, The Netherlands
Telefax: +31-(0)317-471700
Corresponding authors
Stephan Mantel, ISRIC – World Soil Information. E-mail:
Henk Wösten, Alterra - Centrum Bodem, Wageningen UR. E-mail:
Jan Verhagen, Plant Research International, Wageningen UR. E-mail:
Front cover: The image within the boundaries of the Island of Borneo (including the
Indonesian provinces of Kalimantan) is an artistic edit of a remote sensing image of an oil
palm plantation (IKONOS 1-m resolution pan-sharpened color image). The image is 300 m
across. In the altered image the area in the left part with red background and green dots is
the oil palm plantation with matured palm trees (green dots). The other area (green with
some red) is outside the plantation and represents trees, shrubs and grasses. [Prepared by
Jan Huting, ISRIC]
SUMMARY ...................................................................................................iii
1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1
2 DATA AND METHODS ............................................................................. 3
2.1 Background.................................................................................. 3
2.2 Approach ..................................................................................... 3
2.3 Data Processing............................................................................ 4
3 RESULTS .............................................................................................. 9
3.1 Environmental factors.................................................................... 9
3.2 Land suitability mapping .............................................................. 16
3.3 Management levels and land suitability .......................................... 18
3.4 Spatial planning and forest management zonation ........................... 20
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 23
REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 25
APPENDIX - PLANTGRO LAND SUITABILITY MODEL ......................................... 27
Table 1. Summary of steps involved in land evaluation ................................... 3
Table 2. Main soil types of Kalimantan and their distribution.......................... 12
Table 3. Area of problems soils and steep lands........................................... 16
Table 4. Extent of suitability classes for oil palm .......................................... 16
Table 5. Unsuitable land systems for oil palm.............................................. 16
Table 6. Soil and climate factors used by PLANTGRO for site assessment ........ 27
Figure 1. Elevation derived from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ............. 5
Figure 2. View on karst landscape in a rainforest area in Berau, East
Kalimantan .................................................................................. 6
Figure 3. Kalimantan land systems (RePPProT 1990) ....................................... 7
Figure 4. Slope map derived from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
interpreted for suitability for oil palm cultivation .............................. 10
Figure 5. Soil erosion risk for bare soils modelled using Universal Soil Loss
Indicator ................................................................................... 11
Figure 6. Peat, poorly drained and potential sulphate acid soils in Kalimantan ... 14
Figure 7. Shallow soils and soils with poor anchorage (dominant soils shown
only) in Kalimantan ..................................................................... 15
Figure 8. Physical suitability for oil palm under low input and technology (base
management), (map representation for dominant soils only)............. 17
Figure 9. Physical land suitability for oil palm under high levels of input and
technology ................................................................................. 19
Figure 10. Zonation for forest management planning and their legal land status . 20
Figure 11. Forest protection status ............................................................... 21
On request of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV),
Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR) partners, including ISRIC –
World Soil Information, Alterra and Plant Research International, conducted a
biophysically-oriented study on land suitability for oil palm in Kalimantan,
• About half the area of Kalimantan is considered highly to moderately
biophysically suitable for the cultivation of oil palm (~51% or 272 779 km2).
In about a third of Kalimantan (~37% or 198 405 km2), the growth of oil
palm is not possible/productive
• The dominant constraints are slope steepness and poor soil drainage. The
latter can partly be overcome by management interventions
• Spatial planning including other factors than biophysical land suitability,
such as legal status of land, actual land use, biodiversity conservation
should also be considered
• Only limited areas are considered both physically suitable and without land
use (land status) restrictions
• The land in Kalimantan adjacent to the border with Sarawak and Sabah is
dominantly unsuited for oil palm cultivation.
Outlook/further research
• Methodology development/testing for regional planning of sustainable oil
palm production (criteria and decision support system development)
• Assess sustainability issues (people, planet, profit)
• Consider management implications of land suitability/biophysical constraints
at the plantation level vis-à-vis current exploratory scale of 1:250 000.
Indonesia is a major producer of palm oil. World palm oil consumption is expected
to grow considerably in the coming years and it is projected that Indonesia will be a
major supplier. Growth in production will be both by expansion and intensification.
The debate on oil palm expansion or intensification receives broad attention; there
is public concern about the expansion of oil palm plantations in Kalimantan with
regards to environmental and social issues. Expansion of oil palm to marginal lands
increases investment and production costs and affects sustainability. Land
suitability should therefore be taken into account in the decision making process.
The objective of this assessment was to provide a biophysical basis for the
discussion on large scale expansion of oil palm plantations or intensification of
existing palm oil plantations in Kalimantan and to identify knowledge gaps.
Although the assessment focused on Kalimantan, the developed methodology can
be applied in other areas in Indonesia.
2.1 Background
Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) grows in tropical lowlands and is one of the main
vegetable oil crops in the world. Oil palm is assumed to have its origin in West
Africa. The earliest record of oil palm in the Far East is the planting of four
seedlings in the Botanic Gardens at Bogor in 1849. The first large commercial
plantations were established around 1910 in Sumatra. Oil palm starts to yield about
3 to 4 years after planting and is in full production at an age of 8 to 10 years. The
average economic lifetime is about 25 years. Oil palm yields vary. Well-managed
plantations in Peninsular Malaysia have achieved yields of up to 30 t/ha (fresh fruit
bunches, FFB), the average peak yield is in the order of 25–28 t/ha (Gurmit, 1999).
2.2 Approach
Kalimantan land suitability was assessed in five steps (Table 1). Land suitability was
assessed irrespective of current land use, land status, or accessibility. The
suitability assessment considered soil properties and geographic location (supply
side), matched with crop and land management (e.g. level of inputs used, degree
of mechanization) requirements (demand side). Suitability was assessed for a basic
management level and adaptive (high-level) management.
The determination of land suitability for oil palm was computerized, but not
automated because it relied on expert inputs at each stage of data processing.
To map areas with legal and environmental restrictions for use, an additional
analysis was done to indicate the protected forest areas, the forest reserves, and
the fragile lands. Overlay of this map with the land suitability map yielded a map
that indicates the land area with potential for expansion for oil palm.
1. Environmental data
Maps and data files were obtained from various sources. The land systems and land
and forest status data were collected from the Regional Planning Programme for
Transmigration project (RePPProT 1990) and the National Master Plan for Forest
Plantations (NMFP 1994a). Additional information on land systems and soils in East
Kalimantan was available from Berau regency, East Kalimantan (Mantel 2001). We
followed the methodology and data structures for the land evaluation from the
National Master Plan for Forest Plantations were followed (NMFP 1994a).
The climate database was compiled from using data from a variety of sources,
including the Bureau of Meteorology and the NMFP data sets (NMFP 1994a).
Monthly averages of nine climate factors have been extracted from the data sets:
1. Rainfall
2. Evaporation
3. Day length
4. Solar radiation
5. Temperature - Mean of daily maximum
6. Temperature - Mean of daily minimum
7. Temperature - Lowest, defined as the mean minimum and calculated as (mean
minimum - absolute minimum) divided by 2
8. Average wind speed
9. Extreme wind speed
Land units
The base map was created from land systems maps (RePPProT 1987a, b, c, 1990).
The available soils information varies in quality and there is no direct link between
the land facet and soil components.
The Soils Data Base is an extract from data prepared for the National Masterplan
for Forest Plantations (NMFP 1994a). Much of this information was derived from the
reports by the Land Resources Department of the Overseas Development
Administration for the Regional Physical Planning Program for Transmigration
(RePPProT, 1987 a, b and c), with additional field checks. The land system concept
is used to map the areas; a land system being an area, or group of areas, with a
similar pattern of landform, soils and vegetation. For each land systems, RePPProT
provides information on the resources including landforms, soils and vegetation.
NMFP verified the land to soil correlation and assembled soils, climatic and
topographic information from different sources, such as from the Land Resources
Evaluation Project (LREP 1990), Department of Transmigration, and the Centre for
Soil and Agroclimatic Research.
The database attributes are further subdivided into three land resource attributes
(slope, % rock outcrop and flooding risk) and seventeen soils attributes such as soil
reaction, and cation exchange capacity. The latter are further subdivided into
chemical and physical attributes. The land systems are classified in four broad
1. Flat land
2. Sloping land
3. Steep land
4. Mountains
Within each category, subcategories are identified (Figure 3). Landform and, to a
lesser degree, undisturbed vegetation are major differentiating criteria. Within the
land systems, smaller land facets are identified which, in turn represent one or
more soil types. Figure 2 shows a view on a karst land system in East-Kalimantan
(rugged limestone ridges and mountains).
Riverine sediments
SLOPING LAND PLN - Steep hills over basic and metamorphic rock (steep)
Sloping land over basic parent rock SST - strongly dissected hills over ultrabasic rocks (steep)
SMD - Rolling volcanic plains over igneous basic rock (rolling) STB - Hillocky basaltic plain (steep)
RGK - Undulating to rolling plains over metam./ultra-basic rock (undulating to rolling) JLH - Metamorphic, sub-parallel ridge systems (very steep)
BTK - Moderately dissected intermediate/basic lava flows (v. gently sloping, mod.steep)
HJA - Hillocky plains over metamorphic/basic volcanic rock (moderately steep)
Limestone mountains
Sloping land over sedimentary rock
OKI - Rugged karst ridges and mountains (extremely steep)
LWW - Rolling plains over sedimentary stone (undulating to rolling)
steep GDG
KRU - High sandstone plateaus (rolling)
Mountains over sedimentary rock
SPG - Very gently sloping terrace remnants (very gently sloping)
BWN - Rolling sedimentary plains with sandy terrace remnants (gently sloping) GDG - Extremely long karstic mountain ridges over marble
PKU - Undulating, sandy terraces developed over old sands (undulating) PDH - Mountains over sedimentary and metamorphic rock (very steep)
PST - Marine terraces developed over old clays (gently) undulating Mountain systems over (ultra) basic and metamorphic rock
SMI - Undulating to rolling riverine terraces (undulating to rolling) BTA - Dissected volcanic cones over basic volcanic rock and tuff (very steep)
TDR - Sandstone cuestas with relatively gentle dipslopes (moderately steep) LNG - Mountains over ultra-basic/volcanic rocks (very steep)
TWH - Hillocky sedimentary plains (moderately steep) BPD - Non-sedimentary mountain ridge systems (very steep)
Sloping land over limestone with outcrops LPN - Eroded, moutainous stratovolcanoes (extremely steep)
KPR - Undulating karstic plain with hums over limestone (undulating) Mountains over granite rock
GBJ - Hillocky karstic plain over limestone (mod. steep) TWI - granite mountain ridge systems (steep)
Optimum conditions for the cultivation of oil palm are given by Hartley (1988) and
DID (2001). The environmental requirements of oil palm are available in PLANTGRO
files (Hackett 1991). The plant files contain information on the optima and
limitations for a range of environmental conditions.
3. Data integration
Matching of the land and soil information with the plant requirement information
produces ratings that indicate the adequacy of land qualities for oil palm cultivation
under predefined conditions of management and inputs. The most limiting factor
was assumed to determine the overall suitability rating in accordance with Liebig’s
law of the minimum that states that crop growth is controlled not by the total of
resources available, but crop performance is limited by the scarcest resource.
PLANTGRO soil and climate datasets were matched with the plant requirement files.
This analysis identified biophysical constraints for oil palm production and their
degree of limitation. Decision rules were used based on expert knowledge to adjust
the land suitability analysis by assessing how plant growth can be enhanced, or
constraints can be overcome through management interventions. Two management
levels were considered; a base management level and a high management level. In
chapter 3.3 the management levels and their implications for land suitability are
discussed. The plant growth and management analysis were combined to give an
overall rating of development potential.
Maps of land suitability and development potential were prepared. The analysis was
based on complex mapping units; each component of which was assessed
individually. This allowed for an estimate of the area covered by each land type.
The maps represent associations of land types. Maps of suitability and ratings of
development potential are for the dominant land type in a mapping unit. This
provided an adequate indication of the potential, but the tabulated areas provide
more details of development potential. Table 1 summarizes the steps used to arrive
at the suitability assessment and soil limitation indications.
Oil palm is adapted to a wide range of climates with rainfall varying from 1500 to
4000 mm per annum with both a marked or no dry season, and abundant sunshine.
Ideally oil palm requires some 2000 mm of rainfall per annum, well distributed over
the year. Cool temperatures, as observed at higher altitudes, will result in reduced
yields. At altitudes higher between 500 to 1000 m sea level oil palm production is
constrained, and at heights above 1500 m no or extremely low production can be
expected. Figure 1 shows that the central core of steep lands that stretches almost
from Pontianak in West Kalimantan up to the border with Sabah is at altitudes
above 500 m and is therefore too cold (high altitudes) for oil palm production.
Temperature/elevation lapse rates were used to modify the temperature values
values (-6°C per 1000 m).
Land systems
Oil palm is grown commercially on a wide range of soils and landforms, with flat to
steep slopes. Flat to gently undulating land is preferred for oil palm cultivation.
Nonetheless, satisfactory yields can be obtained from hilly terrain; however, road
construction and maintenance, harvesting and field maintenance, which are crucial
for regular harvesting, are more expensive in hilly terrain. Management-related
factors are thus important considerations when selecting land for the establishment
of an oil palm plantation. Before considering soil related constraints, slope and
erosion hazard are evaluated first which can pose clear limitations to the
construction and exploitation of oil palm plantations.
Figure 4. Slope map derived from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
interpreted for suitability for oil palm cultivation
Terrain with slopes steeper then 40-45% is considered unsuitable for oil palm
cultivation. Slopes less than 8% are optimal. For terrain with slopes between 9 and
30%, higher additional costs will be involved for land preparation. The slope map
shows that the central (Iran) mountain range and Meratus and Sangkulirang
mountain ranges and steep hills are not suitable oil palm plantations. Land above
500 and above 1000 m overlap with much of the areas with slopes steeper than 15
and 30% respectively.
(1999) and NMFPb (1994b). If forest is cleared to be replaced by oil palm, then the
period between vegetation clearing and oil palm establishment is critical. Soil
erosion is a risk in that period; it may lead to irreversible decline in soil quality.
Modelled soil loss over 180 t ha y-1 are considered too high; it renders these lands
unsuitable for oil palm (Figure 5). The values for potential erosion hazard are
almost exclusively found in the mountain and very steep land units.
Figure 5. Soil erosion risk for bare soils modelled using Universal Soil Loss
Oil palm can grow on a wide variety of soils. Sufficient water supply to the roots is
the most important requirement for crop development and production. The most
unfavourable soil conditions for oil palm cultivation according to Hartley (1988),
• Low water holding capacity. Gravelly and ironstone-rich soils are likely to
have a low available moisture retention capacity and/or a lower effective soil
depth, resulting in water stress during dry periods.
• Adverse chemical conditions. Oil palm does not grow very well on
nutrient poor or acid soils.
• Poor anchorage. Oil palm requires a soil deep enough to develop a root
system that can support the above-ground biomass.
The dominant soil types in Kalimantan (Table 2) are Tropudults (Soil Survey Staff
1996): strongly weathered, very acid, often overlying sedimentary rocks, found in
upland areas. Tropudults have a dense clay subsoil and are moderately well to well
drained, very deep, infertile and saturated with plant toxic aluminium. In general,
they are not suitable for smallholder agriculture with low-input management. The
only exception may be the traditional and nowadays almost non-existing, slash-
and-burn system with long fallows. The undulating to hilly plains over Tertiary
sediments can be planted with oil palm successfully if properly managed with
adequate lime and fertilizer application.
Special attention was given to peat soils as they are particularly important in the
discussion on expansion of oil palm and impacts on biodiversity and soil organic
carbon stocks. Oil palm can be grown successfully –in agronomic terms- on 90 to
120 cm of peat overlying clayey subsoils. It is difficult to establish oil palm on deep
peats (> 250 cm thick). Upon drainage, the peat shrinks and palms are unable to
develop a root system for anchoring; palms lean in all directions and fall over. Deep
peat soils cover several mapping units in Kalimantan and are particularly common
in Central Kalimantan (Figure 6). There are several sustainability issues related to
the cultivation of peat soils. These are discussed in paragraph 3.3.
The Mahakam, Berau, and Bulungan estuarine/deltaic swamps are located in East-
Kalimantan. Inland riverine plains and peat soils are found in places such as along
the Mahakam River and on the fringe of the footslopes of the Kapuas and Mueller
mountains on the border with Malaysia.
Heavy textured (high clay content) soils may be difficult and costly to drain.
Medium and coarse textured soils may also be poorly drained, particularly when
found in low lying topographic positions, but these soils can be improved by shallow
Oil palm is sensitive to drought. Yields in areas with a moisture deficit of 400 mm
per annum have been reported to be only half of yields obtained in zero-deficit
areas. Because of the low-to-zero capillary rise in peat soils, dry spells lasting
longer than 10 days will result in significant yield reductions on these soils.
Peat soils are found in the flooded and poorly drained plains and swamps. With
appropriate management, oil palm can be grown on shallow peats. On deeper peat
soils, there is not sufficient anchorage possible for oil palm tree roots and these
soils are therefore not suitable for oil palm planting. Successful water management
is the key to the productive cultivation of oil palm on peat soils. This demands
systematic planning, organization and close control of drainage to maintain water
levels. Peat decomposes when drained, resulting in CO2 greenhouse gas emission to
the atmosphere –often aggravated by peat fires- and irreversible soil loss.
However, in deforested and already drained and degraded peatlands, agricultural
cropping has the potential to reduce fire risks and annual greenhouse gas
emissions. The case for sustainable agriculture on peats where the water levels are
carefully regulated remains to be proven (Sargeant 2001).
Figure 6. Peat, poorly drained and potential sulphate acid soils in Kalimantan
Due to poor anchorage, oil palm on peat soils tends to lodge. Practices such as
compacting the planting row prior to planting and using the ‘hole-in-a-hole’ method
of planting help to minimize this problem. Only the top layer above the water table
can be compacted. Compaction does not cause a loss in material, but it does
contribute substantially to the initial peat subsidence.
Figure 7. Shallow soils and soils with poor anchorage (dominant soils shown only)
in Kalimantan
Based on the available information the oil palm suitability map (Figure 8) was
created. Table 3 shows the total area of land in Kalimantan with constraints for oil
palm cultivation. Peat soils, steep lands, poorly drained conditions, shallow soils,
and presence of acid-sulphate soils are the dominant limitations. Table 5
summarizes the land systems that have been classified as unsuitable for oil palm
About half the area of Kalimantan is considered highly to moderately suitable for oil
palm (Table 4, Figure 8). About 11% of the total area is considered marginally
suitable, implying that oil palm can be produced but severe constraints exist and
these may partly be overcome by management. In about a third of Kalimantan the
growth of oil palm is not economic under any likely circumstances.
Dominant constraints are slope steepness and soil drainage (Figure 4 and Figure 6).
The latter can partly be overcome by management interventions.
Figure 8. Physical suitability for oil palm under low input and technology (base
management), (map representation for dominant soils only)
Management levels greatly influence crop yields. Smallholders who provide few
external inputs will achieve lower yields than large-scale developers that provide all
required inputs in a timely manner. Taking these factors into account, management
shifts have been created, which are related to the levels of input defined under the
different management systems and indicate how well a particular management type
could overcome a given constraint. Two levels of management have been applied:
Base, where management refers to the cultivation of a site in its natural state with
no management inputs other than clearing. Basic land qualities such as the natural
soil fertility and drainage status of the soil will thus be very important in ensuring
reasonable yields. Similarly, block size will be much less relevant to a traditional
farmer than a large-scale developer.
Slope conditions are relevant in the planting phase mainly. After planting no further
land preparation is required and harvesting can be carried out by hand. Slope
criteria are less stringent under base management. However, sloping land is more
limiting for high-level management because of machinery accessibility. Similarly,
strongly dissected land (small blocks) is a limitation for a high management level
since it implies high costs for road and bridge construction.
For maintenance (e.g. weeding, fertilization, pest and disease control) and
harvesting, one 4- or 5-tonne farm tractor is usually required for every 250 ha. In-
field collection means transporting the FFB (Fresh Fruit Bunches) from field roads to
the ramp alongside the main road, from where a 10-tonne lorry will transport them
to the mill. The transportation needs have significant implications for the
Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the physical suitability of oil palm assuming different
management levels: base (Figure 8), and high (Figure 9). With sloping land being
more limiting for high-level management, more land in the central mountains is
considered suitable under base management than under high-level management.
The figures show that some of the poorly drained lands -otherwise unsuitable- are
potentially suitable under high management with the application of drainage works
(although increasing input costs). Draining peat soils for oil palm production is not
sustainable because peat decomposes when drained, resulting in CO2 greenhouse
gas emission to the atmosphere and irreversible soil loss. Also with drainage, there
is a possibility that all peat is lost before the minimum of production years required
for an oil palm plantation to be economic. Peat fires have contributed to the
Southeast Asian haze pollution. Biodiversity values and rare flora and fauna on peat
swamps are additional arguments for conservation of peat forests and peat
Figure 9. Physical land suitability for oil palm under high levels of input and
To estimate the potential area of expansion for oil palm that is both physically
suitable and has no other restriction, an analysis was made that included a range of
additional criteria. A zonation was made for forest and land management planning.
The zonation is the result of a multi-layered analysis of the constraints on forest
land management. It considers legal and policy constraints, environmental
constraints concerning soil erosion and land degradation, social constraints through
land use and tenure issues, and recent proposals contained in the spatial plan
(RUTR or RTRWP) for biogenetic diversity conservation and protection. Each of the
mapped classes represents a unique combination of these factors, which provide a
basis for a sustainable management strategy and spatial planning. The land cover
was obtained from RePPProT (1990). Figure 10 is based on Tyrie and Gunawan
(1999) and RePPProT (1990) and presents the zonation for forest and land
management planning.
Figure 10. Zonation for forest management planning and their legal land status
The legend of the map of the land status and forest management zonation was
simplified to highlight the protected forest areas, the forest reserves, and the
fragile lands, to reveal areas with legal and environmental restrictions for use (see
Figure 11). The remaining land area (visualized in orange), when overlaid with the
land suitability map for oil palm, then indicates the area with potential for
expansion for other uses, such as estate crops (oil palm). Yet, even within these
areas there will be limitations not taken into account in this analysis.
Possibilities for and the desirability of oil palm expansion and intensification depend
on many factors, including biophysical conditions. Other key factors relate to the
socio- economic and legal contexts. The biophysical land suitability study for oil
palm was restricted to soil, terrain, and climate. About half the area of Kalimantan
was classified as highly to moderately suitable for oil palm (base management
Recently, there has been considerable discussion about the plans for large-scale
expansion of oil palm plantings in Kalimantan, along the Kalimantan-Sarawak-
Sabah border. Definitions vary between Ministries, of the width of what is called the
‘Border oil palm mega-project’; between 5 kilometres up to 100 kilometres. Judging
from the land suitability maps, the land in Kalimantan adjacent to the border with
Sarawak and Sabah is dominantly unsuited for oil palm cultivation. Minor areas are
considered suitable, but severely constrained, with the exception of an area in
Bulungan (N-NE of East Kalimantan) and part of the West-Kalimantan border area
in which oil palm establishment is biophysically possible.
Other land suitability studies done for the border area, although based on different
assumptions and different methodologies, also found the major part of the border
area to be unsuitable for oil palm cultivation (Bappenas 2006; IOPRI 2006; Wakker
The heart of Borneo, which is largely the Iran Mountains and the Schwaner and
Mueller mountains in South and central Kalimantan, is largely overlapping with the
‘mega-border area’.
For planning and land negotiation, biophysical suitability is but one aspect of
potential quality of land use. Foremost, other factors are to be considered such as
the legal status of land, actual land use, biodiversity conservation, and social and
tenural aspects. Indonesia has clear rules and regulations related to the use of
forestland and which areas are eligible for exploitation, but these are not always
then they are best managed with controlled estate crops (acid and aluminium
tolerant species/varieties), properly managed, with adequate soil cover, lime and
fertilizer application.
Peat soils should receive a priority in conservation. Draining peat soils for oil palm
production is not sustainable because peat decomposes when drained, resulting in
CO2 greenhouse gas emission to the atmosphere –often aggravated by peat fires-
and irreversible soil loss. However, in deforested and already drained and degraded
peatlands, agricultural cropping has the potential to reduce fire risks and annual
greenhouse gas emissions.
The methodology presented in this study can be applied using recent land cover
information, more detailed soil maps, and district spatial plans.
On request of the Department of International Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture,
Nature and Food Quality (LNV), a study was conducted on Land Suitability for Oil
Palm in Kalimantan, Indonesia. The study was carried out by Ir. Stephan Mantel,
Mr. Jan Huting (ISRIC – World Soil Information), Mr. A. Gunawan (short term
consultant), Dr Henk Wösten (Alterra, Wageningen UR, project leader) and Dr Jan
Verhagen (Plant Research International, Wageningen UR). Contact persons at LNV
were Ir. Karin Olsthoorn, Drs. Marcel Vernooij, Drs. Petra van den Hende and Dr.
Leo Hagedoorn.
We thank Mr. A. Gunawan for support in database analysis and PLANTGRO model
runs, Mr. Jan Huting for map compilations, and Ms. Yolanda Karpes for assistance in
report layout. Valuable comments on a draft of this report were received from Mr.
Niels Batjes and Mr. David Dent.
PLANTGRO (Hackett 1991) is a simple model that matches crop requirements with
environmental (climate and soil) conditions (see Table 6). The relationship between
the environment and crop are depicted using simple graphs, are empirical and can
easily be adjusted. Crop requirements are matched against the environmental
conditions to establish the land suitability for a specific crop. The model determines
yield reduction based on the most limiting factor. Limitations are rated on a scale of
0 to 9, 0 being optimum and 9 lethal for the crop. In general scores of 0 to 5 are
considered optimal to moderately suitable, for 6 and 7 production is possible, for
score 8 production is strongly limited and 9 indicates that the crop can not grow
given the environmental conditions.
Table 6. Soil and climate factors used by PLANTGRO for site assessment
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