Brochure PWA
Brochure PWA
Brochure PWA
Commercial Properties
CORFAC International
Tenant representation
Patterson-Woods listens! Our in-depth
market knowledge and honed negotiating
skills bring results for companies that are
growing or relocating. We excel in finding
office, medical, retail and warehouse space.
We look at all primary and sublease oppor-
tunities to find the best available properties
to meet our client's needs. After we identify
the available properties, negotiations begin
which cover the financial terms, and extends
throughout all facets of the transaction to
up. You don't get anything off the deliver the best result for the client.
shelf. Patterson-Woods is Property & Asset
staffed with a group of dedicat- Management Services Business brokerage
ed and highly qualified real In business since 1961, the company has PWA Acquisition Partners, a division of
estate professionals working invested significant time and resources to Patterson-Woods, is staffed by business
as a team that is committed establish an extensive range of property transfer specialists that handle the appraisal
to creating value in both services. Our clients enjoy this multi-disci- and sale of small to medium size closely
new and existing proper- plined approach and can choose from held businesses ranging in value from
ties. among the services, depending on their $50,000 to $20,000,000. It is affiliated
As an industry needs. It is the matching of our unparalled with the International Business Brokers
leader in integrated managerial and technical skills with our Association (IBBA), with over 1,300
business brokers, which greatly expands
the opportunity to make the appropriate
business connection.
Specialists within the Patterson-Woods
organization have acquired the vast knowledge
of available properties as well as the savvy
necessary to put buyer and seller together to
consummate win-win transactions for all
parties. Because of our large marketplace
presence we are involved in many investment
situations not privy to the normal broker. usually work with one of our CORFAC
We specialize in the “under 20 million” partners. CORFAC International is an
price range but are not challenged by the organization of leading, privately held
larger transactions. entrepreneurial commercial real estate firms,
serving 100 major markets in North
National Services America and internationally through its
The procedures we follow in our corporate King Sturge CORFAC International
facilities program provide efficiency and alliance.
cost savings for our clients with multiple, This broad market reach is further
wide ranging facilities, and help them extended with contact with one of our
manage their real estate leases and assets in fellow members of the Society of Industrial
a disciplined manner. Our clients are able and Office Realtors (SIOR) The members
to reduce or eliminate the time spent by of this society represent the top ten percent
their staff in managing large numbers of of commercial real estate practitioners
locations and contracts, as well as cancel nationwide. Our shared database of
the need to work with a large number of contacts with this group assures fast
dissimilar agents. We creatively connect response and the best possible coordination.
landlords, tenants and properties with an
integration of services that is designed to Why our clients
improve the bottom line. We provide the rely on us
opportunity for our clients to do what Our clients rely on us because we
they do best. produce. The depth of
our market knowledge
Affiliations extend as well as the
our reach breadth of technical skills ensures success. Our broad
We are experts on regional our array of integrated services provides a
markets, yet our reach extends valuable asset to the differing requirements
worldwide through our of each client transaction.
affiliations. With
each corporate
program, we
Delaware Appraisal Group Patterson Osborn
Our appraisers have earned the real estate Exchange Services
community's respect for sound, objective A free-standing company offering a spe-
advice. Our continued success is a result of cialized product to investors that offers a
our offering diversified services and candid, convenient tax-code compliant way to han-
well-supported conclusions to value -- all dle a real estate transaction with a 1031 tax-
with the utmost confidentiality. deferred exchange.
CORFAC International
Baltimore Patterson-Woods
Washington DC Home to Corporate America
Domestic Offices: Anaheim, Arlington, Atlanta, Baltimore, Birmingham, Boston, Burlington, Central Valley, Charlotte, Chatham, Chicago, Chula Vista, Cleveland, Columbia, Dallas, Danbury, Denver, Detroit, Edmonton,
Ft. Lauderdale, Franklin Lakes, Houston, Huntsville, Irvine, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Leigh Valley, Los Angeles, Memphis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Montreal, New Orleans, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia,
Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Princeton, Richmond, San Antonio, San Diego, San Jose, Seattle, Toronto, Torrance, Vancouver, Washington, White Plains, Wilmington International Offices: Austria, Belgium, China, Czech
Republic, England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Kuala Lumpur, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Northern Ireland, Poland, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Wales