Tyles Work Book
Tyles Work Book
Tyles Work Book
Finance Management
Finance Management Bite-Sized TrainingTM | Mind Tools
What is Finance
Management? Bite-Sized
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Version 1.3
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Key Points.................................................................................................................................... 12
1. Introduction
Finance is something of a mystery to those who manager is anyone responsible for making an
have little or no experience in the field. investment or financing decision. And if you think
about it, these types of decisions are made
It’s all about numbers and dollars, pounds, or everyday throughout an organization.
euros and quite frankly that’s often a little
intimidating. This Bite-Sized Training™ feature will help you to
appreciate the breadth and depth of finance
It’s comforting to know that someone is managing management. Over the next hour you will:
the purse strings, though. Otherwise you might
not be able to expand your team, or upgrade to Learn how finance impacts an
that new and much better version of the software organization.
you rely on. Understand how financial management is
But what exactly do the finance people do? Are Learn about specific deliverables the
they simply the gatekeepers of the bank account, finance department provides.
or is their job more strategic than that?
2. Finance 101
Defining finance management is not an easy feat. shareholder value then, is key to financial
There are so many aspects to financial decision- management.
making that terminology can sometimes get in the
way of a good definition. Specifically, finance management is about:
Now, think about your role and how it relates to the financial management of the organization. Answer
the following questions:
How will understanding the finance function help you perform better?
Financial planning duties are often referred to as needs include covering payroll, funding sales
“Corporate Finance.” This is the branch of made on credit, and investing in equipment or
financial management that addresses investment market securities.
decisions and financing decisions.
In the longer-term financial planning is also
The goal here is to ensure that enough funding is needed to ensure that funds are available for
available to meet operational needs. Short-term capital investments in the business and other
business opportunities like mergers and Finding assets that are worth more than
acquisitions. they cost, and which give a sufficient
return on that cost.
Investment decisions are related to how much
the organization should invest and what specific Financing decisions are related to how to raise
assets to invest in. Activities include: the cash required for the desired investments.
Activities include:
Capital budgeting – deciding, from a
financial perspective, whether it’s worth Determining capital structure.
going ahead with projects. Raising both debt and equity financing.
Determining interest or dividend policies
Valuing assets using present value, for investors.
opportunity cost of capital, and future Working capital management.
value, to make sure that money is well
spent. Action: What decisions has your organization
made in the past year under each of the main
Assessing the risk of a project, to make functions of financial planning?
sure that the project is likely to return
enough of a profit to justify that risk.
Investment decisions:
Financing decisions:
This statement captures a company’s financial This statement records inflows and outflows of
position at a specific point in time. The Balance cash during a period of time. Essentially it
Sheet has three sections: converts “accrual based accounting” (don’t worry
if you don’t know what this is), which are used for
1. Assets – the things of future value that the the above statements, to cash. There are three
company owns including items like trucks, sections:
computers, cash, accounts receivable,
and goodwill and trademarks. 1. Cash flow from operations – inflow,
converted to cash, from sale of product
2. Liabilities – the obligations to pay or and/or services, and so on.
provide goods or services at some later
date. Items include loans and accounts 2. Cash flow from financing – inflow from,
payable. and outflow to, investors.
3. Equity – the amount of net assets (assets 3. Cash flow from investing activities –
– liabilities) owing to the owners of the purchase and sale of long-term assets.
business. The total equity is the sum of
the owner’s contributions to the company The other main function of financial accounting is
and the earnings (or losses) that the budgeting. In most organizations, this is a
company records. responsibility that is pushed down to each
department. Using previous year’s data and trying
Tip: to forecast changes in the financial environment,
The balance sheet gets its name because total a budget is created for each department. Those
assets must equal total liabilities and equity. What are then amalgamated into an operational budget.
a company owns must be equal to what it owes to The budgets are closely monitored with “actual”
its creditors and owners. versus “budget” figures analyzed to control
expenditure and support better forecasting in the
2. The Income Statement/Profit and Loss future.
The financial process can’t run smoothly without
This statement shows the inflow of revenue and quality information to base decisions. Financial
the outflow of expenses for a specific period of accounting is tasked with providing that quality
time. through reliable financial data.
Financial accounting:
Management accounting:
5. Key Points
Finance isn’t just about finance. It’s a function that grasp. In the age of global competition and a
reaches into the nooks and crannies of an need to streamline processes, finance can take
organization. Managers in all departments employ the lead and show other departments how add
many of the skills used by financial experts. value rather than simply providing service. By
Financial decisions have wide reaching impact so combining financial expertise and strategic
it’s important that finance professionals use their thinking, finance management adds significant
expertise to support good decision-making value to an organization and ensures continued
throughout the organization. profitability.