Why Using A Rule Engine ?: Discovering Jboss Drools
Why Using A Rule Engine ?: Discovering Jboss Drools
Why Using A Rule Engine ?: Discovering Jboss Drools
Today most enterprise Java applications can be split into three parts: the front-end interface to
the user, the service layer which is connected to Enterprise information systems and the
business layer.
In the last years we've seen a growing number of framework which handle both the front-end
and the service layer (Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Enterprise Java Bean, JDO just to mention a
few). Yet is missing a standard way to handle your business logic. This was until JBoss
The term Rule Engine can be referred to any system that uses rules, in any form, that can be
applied to data to produce outcomes; it may refer to simple systems like form validation or
more complex systems like dynamic expression engines. In a few words a Rule engine allow
you to say "What to do" and not "How to do it"
Breaking your domain objects from business rules can lead to a mach easier to maintain
application as it can shield from changes in the future, since the logic is all laid out in rules.
Many times we apply "if" conditions that we didn't really need. The Rete algorithm, as
implemented by Drools, replaces all of the if ... then statements with an optimized network.
Centralization of Knowledge
Tool Integration
Writing rules means also to get accustomed with Rule language, validation and debugging.
Eclipse provide an excellent tool to deliver and test your Rules.
Understandable Rules
JBoss Drools rules can make it easy to express solutions to difficult problems and
consequently have those solutions verified (rules are much easier to read then code).Often,
business users are more comfortable with expressing things that they know to be true, than to
express things in an if...then format. Examples of things that you might hear from a business
expert are:
"We need to buy that estate if the price is not over 1000000 $ and estate agency doesn't claim
more then 5000 $"
"We buy shares when the price goes over 15 Euro before next week"
By focusing on what we know to be true, rather than the mechanics of how to express
it in Java code, the above statements are much more clean than exposing it with
traditional "if...then" clause
The authoring process involves the creation Rules files (.DRL) which contain the rules which
are fed into a parser. The parser checks for correctly syntax of the rules and produces an
intermediate structure that "describes" the rules. This is then passed to the Package Builder
which produces Packagesand undertakes any code generation and compilation that is
necessary for the creation of the Package.
On the other hand, the RuleBase is a runtime component made up of one or more Packages.
A RuleBase can instantiate one or more WorkingMemories at any time.
The Working Memory consists of a number of sub components, including Working Memory
Event Support, Truth Maintenance System, Agenda and Agenda Event Support.
The Working memory is a key point of the Drools engine: it's here that Facts are inserted.
Facts are plain Java classes which rely on the Java Bean pattern( your Java beans
from your application). Facts are asserted into the Working Memory where they may
then be modified or retracted.
When facts are asserted into the working memory, it will result in one or more rules being
concurrently true and scheduled for execution by the Agenda - we start with a fact, it
propagates and we end in a conclusion. This method of execution for a Production Rule
Systems is called Forward Chaining - it's depicted in this picture:
At this point I guess you're eager to see JBoss Drools in action, let's take a look how to install
The rule workbench (for Eclipse) requires that you have eclipse 3.2 or greater, as well as
Eclipse GEF 3.2 or greater. You can install it either by downloading the plugin or, or using
the update site
JBoss IDE has GEF already, as do many other "distributions" of Eclipse, anyway if you don't
have GEF installed, you can install it : open the Help->Software updates->Find and install
from the help menu. Then you choose the Calisto update site:
In order to install JBoss Drools download it from JBoss site the Api
As with other Eclipse plugin, copy the plugin .jar file in the "plugin" directory of your
Eclipse. Last thing to do, copy the directory org.drools.eclipse.feature_4.0.7 (containing the
feature.xml file) in the features directory.
Now restart Eclipse, you should see a new wizard in the "New..." Menu
Create a new Project, then add a new Rule Resource to the project.
You'll switch your editor to the Rule Editor which looks like this:
package drools
import drools.Message;
This example is provided with 2 Rules: the first Rule ("HelloWorld") checks the value of the
field status in the class Message,
if the value equals to the constant Message.HELLO then a new value for status is setted and a
goodbye message is printed.
On the other hand the "Good bye" Rule will check as well the value of field status. If it's
equal to Message.GOODBYE then we've reached the bottom of our Rules and we exit
printing a message.
Everything clear ? maybe not. Let's see closer a few pieces of this Rule:
This is the Pattern element: the most important Conditional Element. It consists of
zero or more constraints and has an optional pattern binding. A constraint can be
either a Field Constraint, Inline Eval (called a predicate in 3.0) or a Constraint Group.
Constraints can be separated by the following symbols ',', '&&' or '||'.
So this simply says that the Rule will be activated for each Message object inserted into the
working memory whose status is Message.HELLO. Besides that, two variable binds are
created: "message" variable is bound to the message attribute and "m" variable is bound to
the object matched pattern itself
When writing Rules you have the option to use Java Language and MVEL sytnax to modify
objects passed to the Working memory. MVEL's syntax allows you to apply a block of setters
in one statement, with the engine being automatically notified of the changes at the end of the
modify ( m ) {
Ok, so we've our Rule. In order to execute them we'll create a Java Class, in this example
we'll use a simple Servlet as front end for our Rules.
Inside our Servlet class the first step is building the rule package and add it to the rulebase.
(This step is a low level Api which will be almost identical in any application)
This method will be used in the invokeRule method, which actually fires our rules:
your object is asserted into the Working Memory where they may then be modified or
retracted. This means all of the work is done during insertion; however, no rules are executed
until you call "fireAllRules()". You don't call "fireAllRules()" until after you have finished
inserting your facts.
This is a very trivial example just to get accustomed with JBoss Drools environment: in the
following articles we'll see how a rules engine can significantly reduce the complexity of
components that implement the business-rules logic in your Java applications. By expressing
your rules using JBoss Drools declarative approach your application has higher chance of
being more maintainable and extensible than one that doesn't.