HDPE Pipe Thickness Calculations
HDPE Pipe Thickness Calculations
HDPE Pipe Thickness Calculations
Calculation Methods
Pipe calculation formula in ISO 161-1 is used in order to calculate wall thickness.
Pipes that are laid under the ground are exposed to loads other than earth load. Those are, as it is the case in sea discharge when pipes
are laid straight into the sea, extra loads such as loads that ground water creates, although the pipes are laid under the ground.
Apart from these, stability calculation must be done in projects that have overstress such as sleeve concrete made for filling the gap in
pipes that engage by sleeve method or additional loads in vacuum pipes that have absorption function.
Stability Pressure Calculation for PE Pipes
Q=0.0036 . A . v
Q : Amount of Load
A : Pipe Section
V : Flow Rate
If the passage flow rate at the gas and vapour passageway is constant, continuity balance is established. And the formula below is used:
m=0.0036 . A . v . ρ
m : Passage flow rate
ρ : Density of the material carried
In order to calculate the high energy loss or pressure loss due to passage amount, flow rate and pressure decrease in HDPE pipes, the
formulas below are used:
a)Darc-Weisbach Formula
di : Internal Diameter of the Pipe (mm)
I : Length of the Pipe Line (mm)
V : Average Fluid Flow Rate (m/s)
p : Fluid Density (kg/m3)
I : Coefficient of Friction (-)
High energy loss stands for the elevation differences intended for the desired flow rate in the line.
b)Colebrook-White Formula
Re : Reynold’s Number
v : Kinematical Fluidity of Water
k : Hydraulic Smoothness Value of Internal Pipe Surface
When the previous formula is transformed;
Ps value can be positive or negative in practice. Positive value is observed while the armatures are switched off and the pump is switched
on. Ps negative value is observed while the pump is switched off or hydraulic property suddenly changes. Spreading speed of press wave is
calculated by the formula below:
Em : Elasticity Module of the Fluid (Esu)
p : Fluid Density (kg/m3)
Er :Elasticity Module of the Pipe (N/m2)
Dm: Pipe Mid-Diameter(m)
e : Pipe Wall Thickness (m)
Short-term changes in pressure and the effect of pressure impact do not cause harm in HDPE pipes.
Elongation ratio dependent on heat variability must be taken into consideration while the HDPE pipes are laid. At high temperature, there will
be an increase, and at low temperature there will be a decrease in the length of the pipe. There will be 0,18 mm increase or decrease in
length of 1m. part of the PE pipe, for every ‘K’ amount of temperature change.
PP 0.15
PVDF 0.14
PB 0.12
PVC 0.07
GFK 0.02
For instance, in a line made of PE pipes, when there is an increase or decrease in pipe length depending on temperature, there will be a
dislocation in the pipe line, not at the fixed point but at the turning point of the pipe. Let us assume that, for a 12m. pipe, normal working
temperature Tv=20 0C, maximum working temperature T1=65 0C and minimum working temperature T2=10 0C. Thus, length changes
depending on temperature are calculated as follows:
Increase in length depending on temperature rise :
PE 63 5
PE 80 6.3
PE 100 8
The possibility of breaking is the critical point while calculating the bending diameter for thin-walled pipes. For thick-walled pipes, while
calculating the bending diameter, stretching-shrinking limit is the critical point. The formula below is used while calculating the acceptable
bending radius for thin-walled pipes:
rm : Average pipe radius (mm)
s : Wall thickness(mm)
The formula below is used while calculating the acceptable bending radius for thick-walled pipes:
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