Chapter 1-5
Chapter 1-5
Chapter 1-5
People in the world communicate in two ways, in oral or spoken and written
writing, and the purpose of this communication is giving and getting information
to each other. Writing is a communication competence between the writer and the
readers. Here, the writer has to express her/his ideas with a good writing to reach a
goal of writing. The goal of writing here is having a clear and effective written
communication between the writer and the readers. To write well or to get a good
Writing is one of the English skills which have been the English teaching
writing, the students can express their idea, thought, feeling, and giving the
information to the others. Therefore, the students are expected to have a writing
competence. In IAIN Tulungagung, writing is one of the main subjects for the
students. Naturally, the students got the Writing materials since the first until the
fourth semester. In the first semester, the students got a “Writing-1” lesson. Here,
the students might be able to make a good sentence. In the second semester, the
students are taught “Writing 2” by the lecturer. They learned about how to make a
good paragraph, and tried to know the kinds of the paragraph, such as Narrative,
students, and it is about writing “Essay”. After completing this course, hopefully
the students have a good competence in the writing skills, especially in “Essays
contains of five paragraphs, but many other types of essays are longer or shorter,
easy job. In writing, the writer always concerns how to use the grammatical and
structure correctly, what the topic will be written, creating the ideas to get a good
writing, limited vocabulary, and etc. Those are the factors why the people or the
students might feel difficult when they write something. Actually, there are many
problems faced by the students when they write an essays writing. They have to
course many errors might appear in their written work, such as their organization,
content of the writing, grammar, vocabulary rich, and teaching mechanics. In this
research the researcher concerned in the teaching mechanic especially in the using
of “punctuation marks”.
punctuation has seen as a little thing, but actually it has a big effect which
to make the reader understand about what we write. When we write, the thing that
helps us to express our idea is the punctuation marks. Punctuation marks help our
The researcher here found that the using of punctuation marks gives a big
rule in the learners’ writing, because a good punctuation is essential in clear and
effective writing. It was correlated to Jeremy’s theory (2004:49) which states that
writing. Misused punctuation, for instance, a question mark (?) instead of a full
stop (.) at the end of a sentence may convey the different message, namely a
The examples above have a different meaning. The first example shows a
question sentence by putting a question mark (?) in the end of the sentence. It
means that the sentence emphasize a question. The second example is a statement.
Contrary with the first sentence, it ends with a period (.). It means that the
writer. It proves that a punctuation mark has a semantic meaning to your writing.
From the opinions above, surely using right punctuation marks is necessary
to be done in writing. Using correct punctuation can determine the quality of your
writing. Correct punctuation marks makes your writing work more clear, and
expresses your real ideas by knowing when to slow down, stop, or emphasize. But
in contrast, when you don’t put the punctuation marks correctly, the reader will
clauses and join with a coordinating conjunction, we should put a comma before
clauses without any conjunction, we should not to put a comma between them in a
comma incorrectly. Actually, there are two independent clauses on the sentence.
We all knew that an independent clause can stand alone to be a complete sentence.
It can’t join with the other independent clauses in a sentence, except there was a
correct the sentence, we can add a period to end each complete sentence, or we
can add a coordinate conjunction by putting a comma before. We can correct the
sentence, as below,
I got up late this morning. I didn’t have a time for breakfast. Or,
From the two examples above, it shows that punctuation marks also give a
big effect to our writing semantically and grammatically. The first example
using of the punctuation marks in those two of functions. The researcher analyzes
the errors based on the surface strategy taxonomy by Dulay, et al, such as
Based on the explanation above, it’s needed to use right punctuation in our
writing. People sometimes think that punctuation marks are little thing, but
actually it has a big effect to our writing. If we do an error in our writing, for
means that you couldn’t reach the goal of your writing to make your writer
understand with what you have written. Using correct punctuation marks also
paragraphs and need a detailed correction. So, the researcher here tries to write the
thesis under the title “Errors Made by The Third Semester Students at IAIN
Tulungagung in Using Punctuation Marks in Writing Essay”. This thesis has the
essays, and analyze the dominant errors made by the third semester students at
IAIN Tulungagung.
earlier, the primary problems that the writer wants to investigate in this study
1. What are the errors made by the third semester students at IAIN
2. What are the dominant errors made by the third semester students at
Consciously, the writer studies the problem in order to reach some purpose
determined. From the statement of problems above, the writer has some goals
as the follows:
1. To know what are the errors made by the third semester students at IAIN
2. To know the dominant errors made by the third semester students at IAIN
Referring to the research problems, the result of this study hopefully can give a
1. English Students
The research findings are expected to support the students’ writing skill
by realizing their errors of using punctuation marks when they make essays
writing. The students can learn from their errors and know how to correct
it. It is expected that this research is able to stimulate and make a better
2. English Lecturer
As a feed back to the English Lecturer that this research can give the
information the process and the result of the writing essays among the
students in the third semester. At least, the lecturers know the students’
This research is as the feed back to the institution for improving the
system of education and facilities about what the lecturer and the students’
need, especially the lecturer and the students of English education program.
4. The writer
The result of the study expected to help the writer enrich her
understanding about English skill especially in writing skill. The writer also
can discover the errors made by the students of using punctuation. It can be
have enough time to check them all this study will only use on comparison
contrast essay type, and in this research would like to focus on the errors made
by students of using punctuation mark, and the dominant errors which is the
1. Error: a mistake
in writing essays
In this case, the researcher analyzes the errors made by the students in
3. Essay writing: a group of paragraphs about one topic which has three main
parts, the introductory paragraph, the body paragraph, and the concluding
4. Punctuation marks: several marks in English that has functions to help the
purpose of the study, definition of the key terms, and organization of the study.
concerned with the following aspects, such as: the nature of error analysis, the
step of error analysis, the using of punctuation marks, the errors in using
punctuation mark, the theories of essay writing, and the review of preview related
presents result and discussion. It includes the description of the research on data
The last chapter is Chapter Five. It presents conclusion and suggestion. This
This chapter presents the nature of error analysis, the step of error analysis,
the role of punctuation marks, the using of punctuation marks, the errors in using
punctuation mark, the theories of essay writing, and the review of preview related
writing skills. Brown (2000:217) states that learning language is like the other
learning. It can’t be separated from making errors because they actually have
significance for both teacher and students. According to Dulay (1982: 139)
errors are those parts of conversation or composition that deviate from some
language have the norm of language performance. When the learners break that
Error can be analyzed, as Lado (1974:166) says that the fact that learners
do make errors that these errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to
reveal something of the system operating within the learner, let to surge of
study of learners errors, called error analysis. So, error analysis is the process
of observing, analyzing, and classifying the learner’s errors. Errors that are
teacher. Brown (2000: 218) states that while errors indeed a system at work,
the classroom language teacher will be preoccupied in noticing errors that the
proficiency, as the main goal of learning the second language. Thus, error
analysis can be defined the process of identifying the errors made by the
According to Brown (2000:220) there are some steps analyzing the errors:
1. Identifying errors
can identify what errors which the learners made. Here, the researcher
identifies what errors which the student made in using punctuation marks.
2. Classifying Errors
After the errors have been identified, the next step is classifying them
into their types. According to Dulay (1982:146), there are some types of
explanation below:
1. Omission
2. Addition
the contrary from omission. In this type, the students put an item or
3. Misformation
4. Misordering
item that must not appear), misformation (the use of the wrong
3. Tabulating Errors
roles. The first is grammatical, and the other is rhetorical or also can be called
as semantical.
relate to each other. So, it means that punctuation mark has a function in
at all).
Those two sentences have same typically words, but it has different
the first student which graduated perfectly, while in the second sentence
emphasize to the first mentioned that state the students can graduate
Punctuation marks are little things, but they are essentials in writing as
interest in our writing. When we speak, we can use hand gestures, eye
movement, and voice intonation to convey our ideas, but when writing, we
must rely on punctuation to tell the reader when to slow down, stop, or
emphasize. So, we can conclude that punctuation is a little thing but it brings a
big impact to our writing. According to Bram (1995:92), states that using
punctuation is necessary indeed to make our writing right and clear. Here, the
researcher focuses in to ten kinds of punctuation, there are; Comma (,), full
stop or period (.), question marks (?), exclamation mark (!), quotation
marks (“ ”), semi colon (;), colon (:), hyphen (-), apostrophe (’), and stroke
(/.). These punctuation marks have chosen, because they were often used by
1. Comma (,)
words, phrases, and clauses from the main part of a sentence. It means that
the keys for using the right comma started by understanding the placing of
comma in the words, phrases, and the clauses as the main parts of a
a. Words
1. We can put the comma to separate a series of items from the same
From the example above, comma put after shirts, trousers and
skirts. It means that shirts, trousers and skirts are in the same category
as the nouns. So, we can put the comma after the noun as the example
2. We can put the comma after the word as the transitional expression in a
From the example above, a comma put after the word surprised. It
b. Phrases
For the example above, there is a comma after the phrase hoping
for the best. As we know that the phrase is a group of words that
express the concept, and it is used as a unit within a sentence. From the
2. We can put the comma to separate a series of items from the same
human being.
live, to die, to win, and to lose. It deals with the theory above that state a
comma put to separate a series item in a same category, and here is the
verb phrase.
c. Clauses
and so nor or
I have studied English for six years, yet I cannot speak English very well.
IC (,) CO IC
2. DC, IC
independent clause.
DC (,) IC
The examples above deals with the theory, that a comma put
after the dependent clause, then joining with the independent clause.
clause (IC).
After Since
Although Though
As Unless
Because Until
Before When
If Where
Once While
The example above shows that a comma put after a dependent clause
Or this one:
Olson (2000:59), when year is specified in a date including the month and year,
surround it with commas. If only the month or the season is listed, commas are
no need:
Jody came to Fargo on June 1, 1997, right after she graduated from high
From the example above, the data contains of date, month, and year. So,
we can separate them with put the commas. But, the contrary happens with the
example below:
Jody came to Fargo in June 1997 after graduating from high school.
The example above just shows the month and the year, so we don’t need a
The example above includes a further identify a city, so we can put the
The other functions of comma explained by Bram (1995: 95) that a comma
also used to introduce adverbs of frequency, place, and time at the beginning of
a sentence, as in:
Bram (1995:93) showed the using of full stop or period (.) in the two
Or this one,
Those two sentences above are given a period (.) in the end of the
a question mark, but you can put a period to end the sentence. If in the
direct question, the statement will be “How did you know what to
is optional, as in:
b. R.I.P
3. Exclamation marks
c. Go to hell!
4. Quotation marks (“ ”)
many writers, but a few simple rules can make them easy to use. Look at
the rules:
the term quotation and tag. The words quoted are called quotations,
and the words explaining who said quotations are called tags. Look at
the example:
Nina answered, “I’m hungry, but I don’t have any cash. Do you have
From the example above, the bold utterances are namely tags. If
ending with a period, use a coma instead. The period comes at the end
of the tag. But, any differences when the tags are a question or
Place a period after the tag, but don’t use the comma.
c. Using quotation marks to set off the nicknames and words uses slang.
mark. It shows that the word speed demon is slang. Slang itself is the
Name of TV program
Title of poem
Title of song
What do you think about the term ‘love at the first sight’?
From the both examples above, they called as the direct utterances or
From the statement above, the writer seems unsure with the information
contained. He is doubt with the time when John Lennon was dead, so he
put a question mark in the bracket (?) to show his doubtful. This rule is
From the examples above, both of them have closely connected. The
first example explains that the writer likes Metallica very much, so he states
I admire Metallica very much, and then he put a semicolon as the bridge
with the sentence I like all of their song. The two utterances have closely
connection, so the writer can put a semicolon after the first utterance. While
in the second example, the same thing occurs. Don’t be impolite and talk to
her politely have closely connection. So, the writer can put the semicolon
between them.
Swans can fly, swim, and dive; ducks can also swim and dive though they
cannot fly as well as swans do; but chickens are good at none of these
three skills.
explains about the list of skill of swans, duck, and chickens. Because the
comma is already used in a list in items before, in the Swans can fly, swim,
and dive, it will be confusing if we put a comma again after that utterance,
7. Colon (:)
Newstead (bass), Kirk Hammet (lead guitar), and James Hetfield (vocal
and rhythm).
From the example above a colon put to explain a series of things, they
are the members of Metallica. The sign is the phrase as follows. A colon
put after the phrase as follow, and then explains a series of the member of
following example:
theory, we can’t blame someone’s written work if he/she does the same
8. Hyphen (-)
new words or new phrases. Olson (2000:92), explained that there are some
a. Use a hyphen to join two words working together as one. For the
Mark is a singer-dancer.
consist of two words. The first sentence, singer and dancer are two
b. Use a hyphen to join more than two words in to a single word. Look at
the example,
looks simpler.
c. Use a hyphen to join prefixes such as self, ex, all, great, post, pro,and
The bold words are connected by hyphens. It deals with the theory
above that the prefix self, ex, and post are connected by hyphens.
The bold words above are begun by a capital letter. We can put a
hyphen after the capital letter, like T-square, T-shirt, and S-curve.
9. Apostrophe (’)
the possession. There are three major rules in using the apostrophe to form
the possessives.
The nouns Maurice and A person is all singular. In the first sentence,
the noun is Maurice, and the second sentence, it is A person. When the
The words in bold type are all plural. In the first sentence, it is
enemies’, and the second sentence it is those teachers’. The word those
preceding the noun tell us it is plural. When the noun is plural, and
c. Rule three: plural nouns not ending in S form the possessive by adding
In these sentences, the words in the bold type are plural. Each of
team of the men, and the second sentence, it is the league of the
second sentence, it is couldn’t from the word could not. And the third
sentence, it is who’s from the word who is. It all has the omission
The lecturer wrote in his grammar book that the verb depend can be
The words in the bold type show the alternatives or an option. In the
first sentence, we are able to choose one of the options Sir and Madam to
begin a formal letter. In the second sentence, we are able to choose the
option or the alternative word, we can use the stroke mark (/) as the
examples above.
There are some errors which the learners made in order to use the right
punctuation marks in their writing work. Firstly, the explanation is about the
omission because the omission is often made by the learners. The omission itself
is the absence of an item well-formed sentence. Here are the explanations about:
There are many errors of comma usage found in the learners’ writing. Most
Independent clause is Eta wanted to order Italian food, and the second one is
Jenna wanted Japanese. The conjunction above is and. If we see at the theory
conjunction, we should put a comma before the conjunction. Look at the correct
example below:
IC (,) IC
The sentence above is a correct one, because a comma put before the
conjunction, and.
error. The sentence above is a complete thought that must be ending with a
period (.). We can see the correct sentence in the sentence below.
The question mark generally uses in the direct question. When the
sentence started by a question word (what, who, when, where, why, how),
the learners must put a question mark in the end of the sentence. The error
The sentence started by a question word, who. It should put a question mark
4. Omission of Apostrophe
Based on the theory above, the apostrophe mark uses to show the
possession. Here, the noun is the boy, and it’s singular. If the noun is
The next example is the omission of apostrophe in the plural noun, look
Many students winter coats were hung across the back of the classroom.
the apostrophe mark. The noun above is students, and it’s plural. From the
sentence above, the phrase many students winter coats means the winter
adding the apostrophe (’) in the end of the sentence. We can repair the
Many students’ winter coats were hung across the back of the classroom.
From the theory above, generally the quotation mark uses to set off a
following example:
The sentence above is a direct sentence. As the theory above, Tita said is a
tag, and I’m really thirsty, but there is no water is a quotation. In a direct
Tag Quotation
Secondly, in using the punctuation mark the learners often made the
addition error. The addition error itself is the presence of an item that must
not appear. So, it means that the explanation below will explain the
1. Addition of Comma
complete thought, and the period put in the end of the sentence. We
can replace the period with the comma, and the correct one is,
When the sentence starts with a question word (who, what, when,
where, why and how), we should put a question mark in the end of
Contrary with the question sentence, the statement which started with a
word. It supposes with to be put in the end of the sentence. So, it can
singular and also plural sentence. We can see the errors in addition of
apostrophe below:
The addition of apostrophe above caused by the plural noun, and the
adding of ‘s (apostrophe and s). From the theory above, when the
The addition colon here means that the presence of colon mark (:)
in the sentence, that must not appear. The addition of colon can be seen
in the following:
and sunflowers.
The function deals with the theory, but the phrases there are above
can join with the phrases in the following, as follows, or as in. so, the
using punctuation marks. Here, the learners use the wrong from in
conjunction, such as: and, so, yet, but, nor, or, and for. In the two
first sentence, the first independent clause is I live in the town, and
The new bridge is useful for the people. Especially for the people on
the town.
useful for the people, and a dependent clause Especially for the people
The new bridge is useful for the people, especially for the people on
the town.
group of paragraphs based on a topic which has three main parts, there are
(1983) the part of Essay writing can be seen on the chart below:
General Statement
Thesis Statement
II. topic sentence
A. Support
B. Support
(concluding sentence)
Topic Sentence
III. topic sentence
A. Support
a. Support
B. Support
b. Support
C. Support
c. Support
(concluding sentence)
A. Support
B. Support
C. Support
(concluding sentence)
Restatement or summary of
the main points: final
From the chart above, has been clearly visible that essay is just longer than
a. Introduction.
be discussed and the central idea (the thesis statement) of the essay. The
1. General statements
It introduces the main idea of the essay. It states the specific topic
and lists the major sub topics that will be discussed in the body of
f. Developmental paragraph
and the central idea. It can be said that development paragraph is a heart
prove the thesis statement. The main points about the developmental of
g. Conclusion
the closing word. Here, the learners are able to close their essay by
fully understand the difference between each type. There are many kinds of
essay writings. According to Alice (1983:91), there are four kinds of essay.
scientific writing. The emphasize thing in this type is the time order. We
can write many things by basing on the process, such as the process of
making cake, the process of the Independence Day of Indonesia, and etc.
can explain the reason of something to answer why question, and the
information by our logical division. The only rule is that your dividing
the topics and list them into many classes and subclass. Then, we can
choose a topic and arrange all of the information into an outline. Then,
In writing this thesis, the researcher read many studies that relate with
this research. The researcher found some references from the previous studies.
These references also can be used by the researcher to know how to conduct
Firstly, the researcher read about the thesis of Setiawan, a learner of State
Polytechnic of Surabaya. This thesis was made in 2011, under the title “The
thesis, Setiawan concerns in the errors of punctuation mark, and the use of
ellipsis mark. The data taken from the random sampling technique, and choose
20 students from the sixth semester students. Here, the researcher finds some
differences between the researcher’s study and Setiawan’s study. The first
writing, here the researcher analyzed the essay writing. The second difference
marks, parentheses, hyphen, and ellipsis mark) that used in the free-writing,
while the researcher chose seven punctuation marks (comma, full stop or
Setiawan used random sampling technique to collect the data, but here the
The next preview study that related to this research is an article from
English Text”. This study conducted in the six semester students of English
Department Program. Nurhayati stated that there are two problems of her
study; how the students’ errors of using punctuation in English text are, and
what cause of error in using punctuation. In conduct her research, she used
quantitative method. Punctuation marks that are presented in her research are
mark. As the preview statements, the researcher also finds some differences
quantitative method, differ from the researcher’s study that used a descriptive
with quantitative data research that will be explained in the next chapter.
Secondly, Nurhayanti only analyzed the six kinds of punctuation marks; differ
from the researcher that analyzed seven kinds of punctuation marks as the
English text are, and what cause of error in using punctuation, the researcher
here states the problem what the punctuation errors in writing essay are, and
what the dominant errors. The last, the result of Nurhayati’s study showed that
the errors made by students in using punctuation marks were classified into
addition and omission. While in this research, the errors will be classified into
three types; there are omission, addition, and misinformation which will be
This chapter presents research design, population, sampling and sample, data
A. Research Design
method. Ary (1985:32) explains that descriptive research studies are designed
is not generally directed toward hypothesis testing, the aim is to describe what
method because it describes the data that is taken from the sample, and the
results of the data were tabulated in the form of percentage. This research
There is no treatment given to the students. This research only describes what
the errors are and the dominant error in using punctuation marks in writing
essay made by the third semester students in IAIN Tulungagung based on the
1. Population
On the other hand, Arikunto (2006:13) states that “Population is the entire
researcher would take the population all of the third semester students of
smaller group, and them generalizing the findings to the large population”.
technique of choosing sample. Here, the researcher chose all of the students
in A class, because this class known as class in a good writing work. The
researcher knew this class in a good writing work by comparing the writing
work of A class with the other classes. The recommendation of the lecturer
also supported the researcher to choose this class. The researcher would
investigate whether the students in good writing skill also concerned in the
represent it, because population is too large to study in its entry. As the
The data collecting method and instrument are needed to obtain the data in
get the materials needed. The materials must relate to each other and to the
problem to be solved.
The method that is used to collect the data is documentation. The data itself
is the 27 writing works of A class with the topic Type of Off-Campus Housing.
By analyzing the data, the researcher wants to know the types of errors, and
what the dominant errors made by the students in using punctuation marks in
writing essay
D. Research Instrument
collect the data in order the research can be easily collected and get netter,
name of the instrument is also same with the method itself”. This
documentation used to get information about the types of errors, and what the
dominant errors of using punctuation marks in writing essay made by the third
semester students at IAIN Tulungagung are. The data are taken from the
students’ document. The students’ document here was their essay written work.
collecting data. That are the steps used to collect until interpret the data. In
analyzing the data, one thing that we should not be forgotten is applying
procedures how the data will be collected until interpreted. There are some
Firstly, the researcher asked the permission to English Lecturer that taught
the third semester at IAIN Tulungagung. Here, the researcher asked the
permission, the researcher copied those data. After that, the researcher
analyzed the students’ essay writing works one by one. The researcher
researcher determined what types of errors that occurred in the data. Then,
the researcher calculated them, and knew what the dominant errors that
F. Data Analysis
arrange the data sources and other materials that have been collected to
enable the researcher to come up with finding. There were some steps in
applying the error analysis to analyze the data. The following steps are based
explained below:
1. Identification of Errors
Here, the researcher identified what errors which the student made in using
punctuation marks.
2. Classification of Error
After the errors have been identified, the next step is classifying them
into their types. The classification of error was done based on surface
identified and classified. The errors are then counted and tabulated, and the
This chapter explains the result of data analysis which the procedures has
been reported in the previous chapter. This chapter is going to be divided in to two
error, and tabulation of error, while discussion is related to the findings gotten
A. Research Findings
a) Identification of Error
The documentation here was the third semester students’ essay written
contrast between two issues, under the title “Type-Off Campus Housing”.
The data gotten was 27 essays written work with the various ideas and
find the errors in using punctuation marks in writing essay. Here, the
b) Classification of error
their type. In this research, the errors made by the students in using
found the errors in from the data including of omission, addition, and
didn’t find it when analyzing the data. The researcher divided the
1. Grammatically
a Omission
a) Comma
3) If you break the rules you will get punishment from the
dormitory manager.
If you break the rules, you will get punishment from the
dormitory manager.
b) Period
2. Beside that, you will get many vocabulary every day you can
period was needed to put in each end sentence for avoiding the
2. Beside that, you will get many vocabularies every day. You
c) Colon
as in:
students who live there, as like they can’t go over than 9 p.m.,
they may not wear pencil pants, and they may not invite a
boyfriend there.’
should put a colon after the phrase as like. We can revise the
sentence, as below:
some students who live there, as like: they can’t go over than
9p.m., they may not wear pencil pants, and they may not invite a
boyfriend there.’
b Addition
Contrary with the omission, here the students put the punctuation
mark that should not put in a sentence. From the data analyzed by the
errors of addition.
a) Comma
the sentence that must not appear. From the data gotten, there are
It’s true function of comma done by the student when he/she put a
the coordinating conjunction ‘but’, and the other put after the word
b) Colon
The addition of colon means that the presence of colon that must
‘For the dormitory, usually there are some rules in it, like: the
In the sentence above, there was a colon after the word ‘like’.
belong to error of addition because after the colon put, there was no
explained about an activity. So, the colon should not appear in that
sentence, as in:
‘For the dormitory, usually there are some rules in it, like the
c). Period
in their house.’
period that couldn’t stand alone. It was also a unit of the previous
clause before. So, the period was not needed there, as in:
their house.’
‘You must say yes! because Stain Tulungagung facilitate you with
was not needed because it was still in a sentence. The word ‘because’
‘You must say yes because Stain Tulungagung facilitates you with a
Based on the data gotten, the researcher found the example of the
Why??? Because in there have some activities that can support the
Basically, the used of question word was true, but the used of
or scientific writing work, it has not permitted to use the double, triple
question mark after the word ‘why’ above. It’s permitted if the format
Why? Because in there have some activities that can support the
f) Apostrophe
word ‘owner’ itself had been showed a possession without the adding
c Misformation
structure. Here, the learners put the punctuation marks in the sentence,
there were three kinds of punctuation marks that occurred to the errors
of misformation.
a) Comma
not appropriate in a sentence. The comma should not put, and can
1. They need many hours to arrive at home, moreover is not good, It’s
so difficult guys.
and the second sentence was “It’s so difficult guys”. The first and
their students.
their students.
b) Period
used as follow:
‘The campus is usually far from their house, because the place
period put after the independent clause ‘The campus is usually far
from their house, because the place is in the town’. The next was
‘The campus is usually far from their house, because the place is in
c) Semicolon
From the sentence above, it was not between two sentences, but
replace the comma or colon that already used in list of items. In the
2. Semantically
and misformation.
a Omission
1. Comma (,)
Example 1:
Error Sentence:
Next you must on time when you pay rent for the owner of boarding
‘Next you’ in the error sentence above means the person next to
you, not the thing that mentioned after the word ‘next’ that explained
Correct Sentence:
Next, you must on time when you pay rent for the owner of boarding
Example 2:
Error Sentence:
from the sentence ‘In the dormitory, all of students’ activities were
Correct Sentence:
2. Period (.)
Error Sentence:
students want to pay more, boarding house also serves them the food
and necessity.
themselves if the students want to pay more” means that the students
can cook by themselves if they want to pay more. It was not deal
with the next sentence ‘boarding house also serves them food and
Correct sentence:
students want to pay more, boarding house also serves them the food
and necessity.
In the correct sentence, it put a period after the sentence ‘In the
want to pay more, boarding house also serves them food and
b Addition
1. Comma (,)
Error Sentence:
Actually, that was not the real meant of the sentence. We could
Correct Sentence:
2. Period (.)
Error Sentence:
The adding of period after the clause ‘we can imagine’ has made
complete thought feeling. In the sentence above, the clause ‘we can
sentence, it had a close relation. The meaning was the thing that we
can imagine was how many activities there. So, the adding of period
Correct Sentence:
It means that the thing that we can imagine was how many activities
there. It was a unit of clause and had a close related with the clause
3. Apostrophe (’)
Error Sentence:
The owner’s as like the second parents who have guaranteed their
Owner actually had a mean as the person who had a possession right
Correct Sentence:
The owners as like the second parents who have guaranteed their
c Misformation
and period.
1. Comma (,)
Error Sentence:
housing. It was not ended yet, then explained about dormitory. The
Correct Sentence:
The first sentence was a complete thought that explain about a need
2. Period (.)
Error Sentence:
After they do the test and know the announcement that allow to
clause that explained about after the student and doing a test, and
explained about the activity after the students doing a test. So, this
Correct Sentence:
After they do the test and know the announcement that allow to
study in university, of course the new students will move from their
because in the first clause explained about after the students doing
a test, then continued with the next clause by explaining the activity
d) Tabulation of error
From the data gotten by the researcher, the errors made by the third
frequency showed a very contrast numbers with the others with 7%.
Figure 4.1. Types and number of errors made by the third semester students
Omission, 75%
marks in writing essay. In this part, those errors in using punctuation marks
were counted based on each type of errors. The occurrence frequency of each
Table 4.2. above explains any points of errors which had caused error of
omission. The table shows that the third semester students at IAIN
kinds of punctuation marks occurred were comma, period, and colon. The
students made omission of comma 143 times. It was the highest number in
error of omission. The second frequency was the using of period in 20 times.
The last frequency was the using of colon. It was the fewer errors in omission.
marks in writing essay. The table describes that the third semester students at
punctuation marks that included in addition errors. The addition errors were
Then, it followed by addition period in 3 times. The third until fifth addition of
errors had a same frequency and percentage; they were apostrophe, question
mark, and exclamation marks. The last addition error was the using of colon
second highest error was period in 14 times. The last misformation error
in misformation error with 15%. The data was presented on the pie
diagram below.
Figure 4.1.2 Types and number of errors made by the third semester students
Table 4.2 .1 above explains any points of errors which had caused error
of omission. The table showed that the students made 32 errors of two kinds of
62,5%. It gave the semantically effect to the sentence when the students made
omission of error.
Those three kinds of punctuation marks in the table 4.3.1. above included
frequency. The highest frequency was addition of period in 44%. The second
highest frequency was addition of comma in 33%. The last frequency was
Semantically Function
punctuation marks with low frequency. The first highest frequency was
B. Discussion
This subchapter presents the result of the data that is related to the
theory used in this study. The findings of this study are matched with
punctuation marks in writing essay are divided into three types. Those
presence of the item that must not appear in the sentence. In this
mark was not appropriate in a well-formed sentence. The last error type
marks in English and Bahasa Indonesia are mostly same. Here, the
material was rarely taught in writing lesson class. The students also
Based on the data that has been analyzed by the researcher, there
the students omit the punctuation marks that were actually needed in a
writing works. So, the dominant error made by the third semester in
with the rules. A comma put to emphasize the sentence which must be
should put to separate a series of thing in the same category. From the
live there also can be more independent responsible and active in the
large community.’ From that sentence, that was a series of thing in the
the commas by not putting anything between the adjectives. The second
highest of omission was period. Here, the students didn’t put the period
in their complete thought sentence. The period itself signed of the end
of the sentence.
in writing essay that are made by the third semester students at IAIN
when the students used the wrong form in the morpheme and structure.
Here, the students used the punctuation marks, but that was not the
appropriate one. The students often put a comma that actually in the end
campus have built dormitory for their students’. Actually, that were two
the rule of comma, the sentences can be separated by the comma if they
like ‘The first is dormitory. Some campus have built dormitory for their
marks that categorized in misformation error. That was the example that
marks in writing essay was addition error. Addition errors are the errors
sentence. Here, the students put the punctuation marks that should not
often add the period in a sentence that was not appropriate. That was an
example of the sentence ‘If we know about the type of campus housing
How many activities there.’ A period that was between two clauses, the
independent clause (we can imagine how many activities there). Here,
the adding of period in the independent clause was not allowed (we can
imagine. How many activities there). That was a unit of a clause that
activities there.”
that were classified into three kinds of errors: omission, addition, and
created a different meaning with the correct one. For the example in the
sentence ‘Next you must on time when you pay rent for the owner of
comma. A comma should put after the word ‘Next’ to show the
meaning. The word ‘next’ melted with the word ‘you’. It was not a
boundary there. So, it seemed that ‘next you’ means the person next to
writing. In the error sentence, the word ‘next’ means that the person
next to you. The correct sentence ‘Next, you must on time when you
pay rent for the owner of boarding house’ put a comma after the word
of items or activities.
errors, the students often added the punctuation marks that could
change the meaning of the students’ writing work itself. For the
‘The owner’s as like the second parents who have guaranteed their
the word said ‘owner’s’, it meant that the person who had a
possession right of the owner itself. It didn’t deal with the correct
sentence that stated ‘The owners as like the second parents who have
that the person who had a possession right of boarding house that
In this chapter, the researcher wants to present the conclusion of the study
that has been discussed in the previous chapter. In this chapter, the researcher also
wants to give the suggestion for English teacher, the students, and also for other
A. Conclusion
The result of this study has been presented in the previous chapter.
three types that had been analyzed based on Dulay, et al. They are
sentence. It means that the students here made the errors by omitting the
item that must not appear in a sentence. Here, the students add the
punctuation mark that is actually not needed in a sentence. The last type is
2. The first highest frequency of error made by the third semester students at
meant that the dominant error made by the third semester students at IAIN
comma. The students omit the comma that must appear in the sentence by
not allowing any rules of the using of comma. Omission the comma also
the error sentence and the correct sentence. The second highest frequency
addition error was 19%. Addition of period was the highest frequency.
The students add a period that should not appear in a sentence, and it
that included in addition of error are the highest number. There are six
B. Suggestion
marks. As the result of this research, the highest frequency of errors made
the errors, the teacher can teach about punctuation marks before the
students starting to write. Here, the teacher can take a portion to teach
about the kinds of punctuation marks and the function. The teacher also
more detail in correcting the students’ punctuation used. These efforts can
punctuation marks.
2. For Students
and they do not put a punctuation mark at all in their ‘fused sentence’.
Many students also made many errors that can change the meaning of the
sentence itself. Firstly, the researcher suggests that the students can learn
from their error. They can know what their errors, and they can learn from
those errors. Secondly, lack of understand is the big factor that influence
those errors. After finishing this research, hopefully the students can learn
more about the kinds of punctuation marks and the function of them. They
would not ignore the punctuation marks in their writing, because the use
collect the data of their research. He/she should present the findings better
and more systematically, so that it can be understood well, and have more
his/her research, but also he/she should add the other aspect of writing