Mike FM MT Step by Step
Mike FM MT Step by Step
Mike FM MT Step by Step
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mike_fm_mt_step_by_step.docx/PSR/AJS/2017-02-09 - © DHI
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Mud Transport Module
Step-by-step training guide
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Objective .............................................................................................................................................. 3
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
1 Introduction
This Step-by-step training guide relates to Ho Bay in the Grådyb tidal area located in
western Jutland, Denmark. See Figure 1.2.
Figure 1.1 The Grådyb tidal area, Denmark. View towards south with the island Langli in the
foreground. Photo: Morten Pejrup
Figure 1.2 Map of the Grådyb tidal area, which is located in the western part of Jutland,
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
1.1 Background
Ho Bay is situated in the northernmost part of the European Wadden Sea forming the
northern part of the Grådyb tidal area (Figure 1.2). This is a unique area with the Varde
River being the only major waterway to the Wadden Sea, which has not been regulated or
altered through straightening.
The tidal estuary has a very dynamic morphology due to the significant and complicated
sediment transport in the area. The surrounding widespread meadows constitute a very
special type of nature. The meadows are flooded from time to time, and for the sections
near the coast, the floods contain both saltwater and brackish water. This creates
conditions for a very special flora and fauna. Because of these very particular natural
conditions, the Varde River valley and the meadows around Ho Bay have attracted a
great deal of attention, especially with regard to nature conservation.
Today, the area is intensively cultivated, mainly for the production of dried fodder pellets
from grass. This intensive type of production conflicts with the wish to preserve the natural
ecosystems in the area.
From a scientific point of view the area is also interesting, and therefore the area has
been investigated with numerical models in several research projects.
Figure 1.3 View of Varde River from Ho Bay, Denmark. Photo: Thorbjørn Joest Andersen
1.2 Objective
The objective of this Step-by-step training guide is to set up a mud transport MIKE 21
Flow Model with Flexible Mesh (MIKE 21 Flow Model FM Mud Transport Module) for the
Grådyb tidal area from scratch and to calibrate the model to a satisfactory level.
Attempts have been made to make this exercise as realistic as possible although some
short cuts have been made with respect to the data input. This mainly relates to quality
assurance and pre-processing of raw data to bring it into a format readily accepted by the
MIKE Zero software. Depending on the amount and quality of the data sets this can be a
tedious, but indispensable process. For this example the 'raw' data has been provided as
standard ASCII text files.
The files used in this Step-by-step training guide are a part of the installation. You can
install the examples from the MIKE Zero start page.
Please note that all future references made in this Step-by-step guide to files in the
examples are made relative to the main folders holding the examples.
User Guides and Manuals can be accessed via the MIKE Zero Documentation Index in
the start menu.
If you are familiar with importing data into MIKE Zero format files, you do not need to
generate all the MIKE Zero input parameters yourself from the included raw data. All the
MIKE Zero input parameter files required to run the example are included and the
simulation can be initiated right away.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
The mesh file couples water depths with different positions and contains the following
1. Computational Grid
2. Water Depths
3. Boundary Information
Creation of the mesh requires a xyz file(s) for positions of land-boundaries and a xyz
file(s) that couples geographical positions with water depths. A dfs2 bathymetry can also
be used as an alternative to an xyz file with water depths.
Creation of the Computational Mesh typically requires numerous modifications of the data
set, so instead of explaining every mouse click in this phase, the main considerations and
methods are explained in the HD Step-by-step training guide, which can be accessed via
the MIKE Zero Documentation Index in the start menu:
When creating the computational mesh you should work with the mdf file, which contains
information about settings for the mesh. The focus in Step-by-step training guide is on
Mud Transport, so both the necessary xyz files and the mdf file and a mesh file are
already supplied with the example, so that the training time can be spent on specific Mud
Transport subjects.
The mesh that is used in the example is shown in Figure 2.1, and Figure 2.2 shows a
graphical presentation of the mesh of the Grådyb tidal area as it can be displayed with
MIKE Animator.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 2.1 The Grådyb tidal area computational mesh as it can be presented with the Data
Viewer tool
Figure 2.2 The Grådyb tidal area computational mesh as it can be presented with the MIKE
Animator tool
Preparation of input data is made by using various tools in MIKE Zero. Therefore
reference is also made to the MIKE Zero User Guide, which can be accessed via the
MIKE Zero Documentation Index in the start menu:
MIKE Zero Pre- and Postprocessing, Generic Editors and Viewers, User Guide
The Grådyb tidal area model is forced with water level boundaries. Unfortunately, there
are no measurements at the boundary, so the correct variation along the boundary is not
known, and therefore the boundary is specified as a time series (dfs0 type file) constant
along the boundary. An empirical method has been used to generate the water levels at
the boundary based on the water levels measured in Esbjerg Harbour. The difference
between the instant water levels and the average value of water levels in Esbjerg Harbour
in the simulation period are multiplied by 110% and applied at the boundaries. The
manipulated water levels at the boundary are also phase-shifted a half-hour forward in
time relative to the water levels in Esbjerg Harbour to include the phase difference
between the positions.
The physical explanation of the above empirical approach is that it describes the phase
difference and also the general loss of energy from the boundary to Esbjerg Harbour. This
approach has successfully been used in previous studies in the area.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 3.1 Map showing the positions of the water level station at Esbjerg Harbour, the current
and turbidity monitoring station RCM9, and the source positions
Table 3.1 Measurements in the Grådyb tidal area. Projection UTM-32 (datum WGS-84)
Open the Time Series Editor in MIKE Zero (File New MIKEZero Time Series),
see Figure 3.2. Select the ASCII template. Open the text file waterlevel_esbjerg.txt
(Figure 3.3). Change the time description to 'Non-equidistant Calendar Axis' and press
OK, see Figure 3.4. Save the data in waterlevel_esbjerg.dfs0 and the Time Series Editor
will show the imported water levels from station Esbjerg Harbour (Figure 3.5).
Figure 3.3 ASCII file with water level recordings from station Esbjerg Harbour
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 3.5 Time Series Editor with imported Water Levels from station Esbjerg Harbour
To make a plot of the water level time series open the Plot Composer in MIKE Zero, see
Figure 3.6. Select 'plot' 'insert a new plot object' and select 'Time Series Plot' (see
Figure 3.7).
Figure 3.7 Insert a new Plot Object as Time Series in Plot Composer
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Right click on the plot area and select properties. Add the actual time series file to the Plot
Composer by clicking and selecting the file, see Figure 3.9. It is possible to add more
than one time series to the same plot. In the property dialogue it is possible to change
some of the properties for the plot, such a colours, etc. (see Figure 3.8).
Figure 3.8 Plot Composer Time Series Plot Properties dialogue for selecting time series files and
adjusting scales, curves, etc.
Figure 3.10 Time series of water levels in the Esbjerg Harbour as it can be viewed with the Plot
Composer tool
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
The next step is to create the boundary water level time series from the generated time
series in Esbjerg Harbour. Open the MIKE Zero Toolbox time series interpolation tool:
New MIKE Zero Toolbox Time series Interpolate Time Series, see Figure 3.11
and Figure 3.12.
Please note that time series must have equidistant time steps in the present version of
MIKE 21 & MIKE 3 Flow Model FM. That means if the raw data has a Non-equidistant
Calendar Axis, it must be converted to Equidistant Calendar Axis first before applying it as
model input. Therefore we start by creating a time series similar to the one we created in
Section 3.1.1, but with Equidistant Calendar Axis.
Follow the tutorial and specify the input file name: waterlevel_esbjerg.dfs0 on the first
page. On the next page choose 'Linear' interpolation method, and select a time interval of
1800 seconds.
Finally, specify output file name for the new interpolated time series file. Save it as:
On the final page you click , and the new time series with Equidistant
Calendar Axis will be generated.
Open waterlevel_west.dfs0. Find the average value for the simulation period:
15-4-2004 to 22-4-2004
Go to: Tools Statistics. Specify the period in the Sub-series dialogue. Go to the
Statistics dialogue and read the mean value: -0.118635 m, see Figure 3.13.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 3.13 Statistics Tool for Time Series: Reading mean value of water levels in Esbjerg
Harbour in the period 15-4-2004 to 22-4-2004: -0.12 m
(-0.118635 m)
Figure 3.14 Calculator Tool for Time Series: Adding 0.118635 to the Time Series
Next you should use the calculator to multiply the time series by 1.1:
Finally, the time series should be phase-shifted by ½ hour. You do that by marking row 1
(4/1/2004 12:30) to row 2928 (6/1/2004 00:00) with the mouse. Then type Ctrl+C and click
row 0 (4/1/2004 00:00), type Ctrl+V.
The time series has now been adjusted and can be used as boundary condition for the
western boundary. The difference between the measurements in Esbjerg Harbour and the
manipulated time series at the boundary can be seen in Figure 3.15.
Figure 3.15 Comparison of water levels at Esbjerg Harbour and at the Western Boundary
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 3.16 ASCII file with wind speed and direction from Esbjerg Harbour
Figure 3.17 Wind speed and direction from Esbjerg Harbour, as it can be illustrated in the Plot
Composer (Time Series Direction plot control)
A more descriptive presentation of the wind can be given as a wind speed (or wind rose)
diagram. Start the 'Plot Composer' insert a new plot object, and select 'Wind/Current Rose
Plot' and then select properties and select the newly created file 'wind_esbjerg.dfs0' and
change the properties of the plot as you prefer with respect to appearance (colours, etc.).
The result is shown in Figure 3.18.
Figure 3.18 Wind rose from Esbjerg Harbour as it can be illustrated in the Plot Composer. The
dominating wind direction is northwest
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 3.21 Specifying the ASCII file to import for creation of dfs2 file
Figure 3.22 Manning number distribution in the Grådyb tidal area, given in the file
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
There are 3 sources in the Grådyb tidal area model domain: water discharge from Varde
River and also sediment discharge at two artificial dumpings. The best thing is to get the
source data as frequent measurements of discharge, or as model results of the stream in
question, but sometimes no data exists and you have to make estimates of the
discharges in a stream or other source. In this case there are measurements of the
discharge flows in Varde River. The raw data is supplied in the ASCII file:
Generate the source file with the Time Series Editor by importing the ASCII files and
saving it as:
The discharge from the sediment dumping discharge is fictive, because the loading of
mass is actually dry without a real hydrodynamic discharge. We have chosen to use a
discharge of 0.001 m 3/s.
Based on the data for M and discharge Q (see Section 3.5.1), the sediment concentration
C can be estimated as: C=M/Q.
The mass flux M of 'Fraction 1 mud concentrations' in the dumping sources is measured.
For dumping location E and F the data is available in the ASCII file:
. \Ho_Bay\Data\Ascii\dumping_mass.txt.
Import the ASCII file with the Time Series Editor. Save the file as:
Divide the mass flux with the discharge: 0.001 m 3/s. Now the discharge [m 3/s] and the
mass flux have been used to estimate a corresponding concentration [kg/m 3] in the file
The time series of the mass flux from the dumping E and F can be seen in Figure 3.24.
Figure 3.24 The time series of mass flux of dumped sediment [kg/s] at location E and F
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
1. computation time
2. user wishes for the specific fractions
3. available data
In this example, the data is only supporting 1 fraction, and there is not a user wish to
simulate specific fractions, so only 1 fraction will be applied.
1. computation time
2. length of simulation and how dynamic the morphology in the area is
3. available data
In this example, the model will consist of 1 fraction of mud and 2 sediment layers. The top
layer of the sediment (Layer 1) is considered to be soft mud, and Layer 2 is considered to
be more consolidated mud. When only simulating 1 week it is assumed that 2 layers are
The critical shear stress is an important factor that influences the resuspension of
sediment. The value for critical shear stress depends on how consolidated and dense the
sediment is. It is a parameter for calibration. From another study data exists that contain
the spatial distribution of critical shear stress in layer 2 in the Grådyb tidal area.
with the Grid Series Editor, and save the file as:
This generated dfs2 file can be used directly in this study, see Figure 3.25.
Run the wave model with artificial wind covering 4 directions and a wind speed of 5 m/s
and 15 m/s. Run with static boundary conditions, so that a situation with water levels
around –1 m is obtained. For each situation you should save an output file. Repeat the
exercise with a water level of 2 m.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
This exercise has already been done and the 16 wave output files are ready to use in the
example, see the list of files in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 List of wave output files for different wind direction, wind speeds, and water levels
N 5 -1 n5--1.dfsu
N 5 2 n5-2.dfsu
N 15 -1 n15--1.dfsu
N 15 2 n15-2.dfsu
E 5 -1 e5--1.dfsu
E 5 2 e5-2.dfsu
E 15 -1 e15--1.dfsu
E 15 2 e15-2.dfsu
S 5 -1 s5--1.dfsu
S 5 2 s5-2.dfsu
S 15 -1 s15--1.dfsu
S 15 2 s15-2.dfsu
W 5 -1 w5--1.dfsu
W 5 2 w5-2.dfsu
W 15 -1 w15--1.dfsu
W 15 2 w15-2.dfsu
Each picture (dfsu file) illustrates typical wave patterns that can be expected at specific
wind and water level conditions, see Figure 3.26.
Figure 3.26 Example from database of wave height in situation with easterly wind of 5 m/s and a
water level of 1 m
1. The initial conditions are first based on sedimentological maps of the area.
2. Afterwards some test model simulations indicate where deposition can take place.
3. From these results the maps are adjusted.
This exercise has already taken place in another study of the area. A first guess of a set
of initial condition files are therefore already supplied for the first calibration simulation
with this example as dfs2 files:
Initial conditions must be specified for 'Fraction 1 mud concentrations', and 'Thickness of
Layer 1 and Layer 2'.
The supplied dfs2 files are shown in Figure 3.27, Figure 3.28, and Figure 3.29. The files
can be generated from the corresponding ASCII files included in the example using the
Grid Series Editor.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Fraction 1
Layer 1
Figure 3.28 Thickness of Layer 1, initial condition given as dfs2 file [mm]
Layer 2
Figure 3.29 Thickness of Layer 2, initial condition given as dfs2 file [m] Set-Up of MIKE 21 Flow
Model FM
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Parameter Value
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
In the following screen dumps, the individual input pages are shown and a short
description is provided.
Additional information about the Mud Transport Module can be found in the MIKE 21 Flow
Model FM Mud Transport Module User Guide in the Manuals folder.
Figure 4.3 In the Data Viewer it is also possible to view the code values of the boundaries
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Specify the overall time step in the 'Time' dialogue to 60 s. The time step range must be
specified to 10080 time steps in order to simulate a total period of 7 days. See Figure 4.4.
Include the 'Mud Transport Module' in the 'Module Selection' dialogue, see Figure 4.5.
In this example, the Hydrodynamic Module and the Mud Transport Module will be used.
The minimum time step is set to 0.01 to ensure that the CFL number always is lower than
the critical CFL number, here defined as 0.8. The maximum time step is set to the overall
time step of 60 s.
In this example the flooding and drying should be included, because many areas in the
Grådyb tidal area will dry out during the simulation. If you choose not to include flooding
and drying, the model will blow up in situations with dry areas.
In the 'Flood and Dry' dialogue it is possible to include flood and dry, see Figure 4.7. In
our case select a Drying depth of 0.005 m and a Flooding depth of 0.05 m. The Wetting
depth should be 0.1 m. These are default values.
As the density variation is not taken into account in this example the density should be
specified as 'Barotropic' in the 'Density ' dialogue, see Figure 4.8.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
The default setting for the Horizontal Eddy Viscosity is a Smagorinsky formulation with a
coefficient of 0.28, see Figure 4.9.
The Bed Resistance will be given as a map with Manning numbers varying in the domain,
see Figure 4.10. Use the format 'Varying in domain' and specify the dfs2 file
‘manning_number.dfs2’ that was generated earlier.
Coriolis is most often included in real applications. Only for laboratory type of simulations
Coriolis is most often ignored, see Figure 4.11.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
To use the generated wind time series specify it as 'Variable in time, constant in domain'
in the Wind Forcing dialogue, and locate the time series wind_esbjerg.dfs0.
Please note that an easy way to see the wind data file is to simply click in the
Wind Forcing dialogue, see Figure 4.12.
It is a good practice to use a soft start interval. In our case 7200 s is suggested. The soft
start interval is a period at the beginning of a simulation where the effect of the wind does
not take full effect. At the beginning of the soft start period the effect of the specified Wind
Forcing is zero and then it increases gradually until it has full effect on the model at the
end of the soft start interval period. Specify the Wind Friction type as 'Constant' and use
the default values for the Wind Friction: 0.001255. See Figure 4.13.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
In this example
The discharge and velocity for each source and sink should be specified in the 'Sources'
dialogue. There are 3 sources in this example: Varde River, Dumping E and Dumping F.
Varde River is specified with a time series discharge, and the two dumping sources with
constant discharges of 0.001 m 3/s. See Figure 4.14.
The location of the sources must also be specified. Use the coordinates in Table 4.2.
When you have specified the source coordinates, you should see a graphical map
indicating the positions of the sources, cf. Figure 4.15.
Now you should check the boundary conditions at the simulation start time to estimate the
initial surface level. In this case we will use a constant level of 0.2 m, which is the
measured value in Esbjerg harbour at the start of the simulation, see Figure 4.16.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 4.15 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Position in domain of specified sources
In the Boundary Conditions dialogue, the boundary conditions should be specified for the
boundary names, which were specified in the Domain dialogue. There is a North
Boundary and a West Boundary, and the time series that were generated in Chapter 3
should be used on both boundaries.
In this example the boundary type is 'Specified Level' (Water Level), because only Water
Level measurements are available. 'Specified Level' means that the Water Levels are
forced at the boundaries, and the discharge across the boundary is unknown and
estimated during simulation.
The boundary format must be set as 'Varying in time, constant along boundary' in order to
specify the boundary as a time series file (dfs0).
Click and select the appropriate data file in the Open File window that appears,
see Figure 4.17.
For the North Boundary select the waterlevel_west.dfs0, and also for the West Boundary
select waterlevel_west.dfs0. The files are the same because the water levels are
assumed to be the same along the two boundaries.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Use a soft start interval of 7200 s and a reference value corresponding to the initial value
of 0.2 m. The soft start interval is a period in the beginning of a simulation where the
effect of the boundary water levels does not take full effect. At the beginning of the soft
start period the effect of the specified Boundary Condition is zero. The effect increases
gradually until the boundaries have full effect in the model at the end of the soft start
interval period. See Figure 4.18.
Please note that an easy way to see the boundary data file is to simply click in
the Boundary dialogue.
Figure 4.18 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM. The Boundary Conditions for the West Boundary are
specified as constant along the boundary: waterlevel_west.dfs0
Then you may specify one output as an area series (2D) and also specify the resulting
output file name, see Figure 4.19. Specify the file name hd.dfsu for the first simulation.
Make sure the required disk space is available on the hard disk. Reduce the output size
for the area series to a reasonable amount by selecting an output frequency of 3600 s,
which is a reasonable output frequency for a tidal simulation. As our time step is 60 s then
the specified output frequency is 3600/60 = 60. As default, the full area is selected.
Figure 4.19 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Results can be specified as point, line or area series
Also specify an output file as point series at the monitoring stations in RCM9 and Esbjerg
Harbour, see the positions in Table 4.3. You might consider saving other time series from
neighbouring points, so that you can see how much the results vary in the area near the
monitoring station.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
1. Sand fractions
2. Transition between layers
3. Dredging
4. Morphology
In the Parameter Selection dialogue, you must specify how many particle size fractions
and mud bed layers that the model shall contain, see Figure 4.21.
Figure 4.21 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Parameter Selection in the Mud Transport dialogue
The solution technique defined in the next dialogue is set to the same as for the
hydrodynamic calculations, namely 'Low order, fast algorithm'.
The water column parameters must be specified in a way, so that properties relating to
processes in the water column can be covered, i.e. settling and deposition.
In the Settling dialogue the general settling properties and the specific settling properties
of each particle size fraction (in this case only one) must be specified. Flocculation should
be included with a flocculation criteria of 0.01 kg/m 3, which means that flocculation as a
function of suspended sediment concentration will start when SSC>0.01 kg/m 3. See
Figure 4.22. The sediment density is specified as 2650 kg/m3.
The settling velocity coefficient must also be specified. As only one fraction is modelled it
must cover a range of grain sizes.
As flocculation is included, the settling velocity of the suspended sediment is not given
directly, but as a coefficient from which the actual settling velocity will be derived. We will
use the default value of 5 m/s for Fraction 1 mud concentrations specified with a constant
format, see Figure 4.23.
Figure 4.22 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specification of settling properties in the Mud Transport
Figure 4.23 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Settling velocity coefficient in the Mud Transport dialogue
Please note that the magnitude of a Settling Velocity Coefficient is not directly
comparable with Settling Velocity, because factors are multiplied by the coefficient to
estimate the resulting settling velocity.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
In order to describe the distribution of suspended matter in the water column, a profile
equation must be picked:
1. Teeter Profile
2. Rouse Profile
We will use the default Teeter profile. The Critical Shear Stress for Deposition uses the
default value 0.07 N/m 2, see Figure 4.24 and Figure 4.25.
Figure 4.24 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Deposition specification in the Mud Transport dialogue
Figure 4.25 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specifying Critical Shear Stress for deposition for of
Fraction 1 suspended matter in the Mud Transport dialogue
The Bed Parameters must be specified, so that properties relating to processes in the
sediment layers may be described including erosion and density of the layers.
For erosion the maximum concentration allowed due to erosion is specified as 50 kg/m 3.
See Figure 4.26. If the limit is reached the erosion process stops.
Figure 4.26 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Erosion specification in the Mud Transport dialogue
Select the erosion description as ‘Soft mud’ for layer 1 and ‘Hard mud’ for layer 2.
For each layer the erosion coefficient must be specified. Use a constant value of 0.00005
kg/m2/s in layer 1 and layer 2. See Figure 4.27.
Figure 4.27 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Erosion parameters for Layer 2 in the Mud Transport
For layer 1 the critical shear stress is specified as constant: 0.1 N/m2.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
For layer 2 the critical shear stress should be specified as varying in domain with the file
generated in Chapter 3: critical_shear_stress_layer2.dfs2
The density of the sediment layers must also be specified. The more consolidated, the
denser the layers are. For Layer 1 specify a density of 180 kg/m 3, and for the denser layer
2 a density of 300 kg/m3. See Figure 4.28.
Figure 4.28 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specifying density for Layer 1 in the Mud Transport
Set the bed roughness is specified as constant with a value of 0.001 m, see Figure 4.29.
Forcings include the impact from waves. These shall be included with a database with 16
wave patterns representing different wind and water level conditions. MIKE 21 Flow
Model FM Mud Transport Module interpolates the patterns during simulation with respect
to simulated water levels and the wind conditions based on the wind file given in Chapter
3.3. There are 2 wind speed situations, 4 wind direction situations, and 2 water level
situation. Thus, they can be combined in 16 different ways. The files to specify are shown
in Table 3.2.
The minimum water depth is set to 0.1 m and the shear stress formulation is selected as
Max (Soulsby), see Figure 4.30.
Figure 4.30 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specifying the Wave database parameters in the Mud
Transport dialogue
The dispersion properties are specified with a scaled eddy viscosity formulation using a
scaling factor of 1. See Figure 4.31.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 4.31 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Dispersion coefficient specifications in the Mud Transport
The source concentrations of Fraction 1 suspended matter must be specified, see Figure
4.32. For Varde River the concentration is not known, but use an estimate of a constant
concentration 0.01 kg/m 3.
For the dumping sources specify the time series related to the time series generated in
Chapter 3.5:
Please note that a shortcut to see the location of the source is to click ‘View location ...’
Figure 4.32 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specifying Mud concentrations of Fraction 1 in sources in
the Mud Transport dialogue
Initial conditions for Fraction 1 concentration and the thickness of the sediment layers
must be specified. Use the dfs2 file that was generated in Chapter 3:
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 4.33 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specifying initial conditions for the Fraction 1 mud
concentrations in the Mud Transport dialogue
Figure 4.34 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specifying initial condition of Layer 2 thickness in the Mud
Transport dialogue
Figure 4.35 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specifying boundary conditions for the Fraction 1 mud
concentrations in the Mud Transport dialogue
Finally, the output files must be specified. See Figure 4.36, and Figure 4.37.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 4.36 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specifying output file in the Mud Transport dialogue
Figure 4.37 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM: Specifying an Area Series output file in the Mud Transport
Now we are ready to run the MIKE 21 Flow Model FM. (Run Start simulation…).
The specification file for this example has already been made:
Please note that if you experience an abnormal simulation, you should look in the log file
to see what causes the problem. The log file is displayed in the lower simulation window
of the main GUI, but is also accessible from a list in the file drop-down menu 'File
Recent log files'.
After the simulation is finished, use the Plot Composer (or Data Viewer) to inspect and
present the results.
The simulation data can be manipulated and extracted directly from dfsu result files by
use of the Data Manager or the Data Extraction FM tool:
The Post Processing Tools (data extraction, statistics, etc.) developed for the dfs2 and
dfs3 formats can also be used for dfsu files. It requires a conversion of the dfsu file to a
dfs2 or dfs3 file first. There is a tool available for that conversion:
In order to calibrate the model some measurements are required inside the model
domain. Measurements of water level, current velocities and turbidity are available, see
Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Measurements in the Grådyb tidal area. Projection UTM-32 (datum WGS-84)
Station Data Files
Easting Northing
(m) (m)
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Measurements of current speed are given for station RCM9 (currents_rcm9.txt). Import
this file with the Time Series Editor.
The turbidity has been measured 4 metres above the seabed (approximately in the middle
of the water column), so the depths of the measurements vary with the tides from 2 m to
5.2 m. The measurements are compared directly with the results from the depth-
integrated model.
This means that a vertical profile is assumed with an average value 4 metres above the
seabed. This is of course an approximation to the real conditions.
Import this file with the Time Series Editor. A plot of measured turbidity is shown in Figure
Use the Plot Composer to plot the simulated and measured water levels, currents and
For this example, Plot Composer files have already been made. The files are found in the
following folder:
1. waterlevel_esbjerg.plc
2. current_speed_rcm9.plc
3. turbidity_rcm9.plc
If your simulation is successful, plots as shown in Figure 4.41, Figure 4.42, and Figure
4.43 will appear.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 4.41 Comparison of measurements and model output of water levels at Esbjerg Harbour,
Calibration 1
Figure 4.42 Comparison of measurements and model output of currents at monitoring station
RCM9, Calibration 1
Figure 4.43 Comparison of measurements and model output of turbidity at monitoring station
RCM9, Calibration 1
The comparisons between measured and calculated water levels and current speed
indicate that the calibration is good for the hydrodynamic conditions.
The comparison of measured and simulated values of turbidity (Figure 4.43) shows that
the simulated values are reasonable in the beginning of the calculation but decrease too
much as the simulation continues. Also, it seems that the additional mud, which was
dumped during the last two days of the simulation - and probably contributed to the
increased turbidity in the measurements at the end of the period – is not giving any effect
in the modelled data. This result can be improved by calibration.
The dominance of the tidal cycle in turbidity during the simulation indicates that the basic
physical processes of the sediment (settling and resuspension) are not resolved correctly
by the parameters.
Calibration simulations concerning various parameters are given in the following sections.
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
The first simulation showed that the hydrodynamic results need no further calibration.
However, it can save time in future calibration runs if the basic flow information is read
from a file instead of calculating the flow information during the simulation. This is
possible when running a simulation in decoupled mode.
The decoupled data for use in future simulations are defined in the Decoupling dialogue in
the Hydrodynamic Module, see Figure 4.44.
The decoupled data are generated and saved every 5 minutes, i.e. with a time step
frequency of 5. The data files and specification file are defined by default names.
The results from Calibration 1 showed the turbidity values to be far too dominated by the
tidal process. This could be due to many factors, e.g. the mud settling too slowly or the
calculation of the erosion and deposition rates being underestimated.
Furthermore, as the results in the first calibration showed a general trend towards a
decrease in turbidity, a number of parameters have been changed in Calibration 2. All
parameters have been modified in order to increase the moveability of mud to and from
the bed.
The set-up for Calibration 2 is similar to Calibration 1 with the exception of the parameters
listed in Table 4.4.
Parameter Value
CPU Simulation Time About 100 minutes with a 1.8 GHz PC, 1 GB RAM
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 4.45 Comparison of measurements and model output data of turbidity at monitoring station
RCM9, Calibration 2
The simulated results are more comparable with the measured turbidity values, but there
is still room for improvement. Generally, when calibrating you should only change one
single parameter at a time and track the changes in a log.
The decoupled model data were saved during the simulation of Calibration 2. Now you
should copy the two files 'Ho_DecouplingFlux.dfsu' and 'Ho_DecouplingArea.dfsu' to the
folder 'Calibration_3' (the set-up file has already been installed).
When using a decoupled set-up you cannot change the basic parameters in the Time,
Domain or Hydrodynamic dialogues, but you are allowed to change the parameters in the
Mud Transport Module.
The good results in the end of Calibration 2 indicate that the basic physical processes of
the sediments (settling and resuspension) now have reasonable parameters. In this case
the problem is that too little sediment is transported to the monitoring station from
neighbouring points. Therefore, Calibration 3 will concern the initial conditions only and
not the parameters for settling and resuspension. In this phase it is often a good practice
to run a sensitivity analysis for the parameters that you want to change in your calibration.
If you run 3 sensitivity simulations as follows, you will find that the initial conditions of
Fraction 1 is very important in the simulation results, Layer 1 thickness is not so
important, and Layer 2 has some effect (a longer lasting effect, however):
For Calibration 3 we want to keep the good results in the start of the simulation, but
increase the simulated concentrations in the end. Therefore, the initial conditions of Layer
2 has been changed by adding 1 mm to the layer thickness in the entire area in order to
increase the amount of material transported to the area of interest.
Try replacing the file for the initial conditions in Calibration 1 (mt_version1.dfs2) with
mt_version2.dfs2 and run the set-up.
The resulting turbidity at station RCM9 is shown in Figure 4.46. Now the model output
turbidity is increased, but it does not improve the results. Changing the initial conditions in
a 2D varying map is difficult, because the exercise is to guess the distribution at a
previous time step, which is a difficult task. In this situation you should look at the results
in an area series, see Figure 4.47.
Try to calibrate further by changing the initial conditions more. For each calibration
simulation compare the results with the measurements. You should only change a single
parameter at a time and track the changes in a log. Also be careful not to give values
outside a realistic range.
Please note the way the folders are organised in the example: You can simply copy the
Calibration_3 folder and rename it to Calibration_4. This way the Plot Composer file will
also work for the new calibration simulation, because the path to the files in the Plot
Composer file is relative to the present folder. If you are making many simulations this
trick can save a lot of time.
Figure 4.46 Comparison of measurements and model output of turbidity at monitoring station
RCM9, Calibration 3
MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
Figure 4.47 Area Series of output from the MIKE 21 Flow Model FM Mud Transport Module