Islamization of Knowledge (Critical Studies On Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas' Thought)
Islamization of Knowledge (Critical Studies On Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas' Thought)
Islamization of Knowledge (Critical Studies On Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas' Thought)
Submitted to Ushuluddin and Humaniora Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of S-1 of Islamic Philosophy on Theology and Philosophy Department
NIM: 114111041
“Behold all that isIn the heavens and on earth”; But neither Signs nor Warners Profit those
who believe not.”1
“Katakanlah: “Perhatikanlah apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi. Tidaklah bermanfaat
tanda (kekuasaan Allah) dan rasul-rasul yang memberi peringatan bagi orang-orang yang
tidak beriman. ” (QS Yunus : 101).
Ali Yusuf, Abdullah, The Holy Qur’an, New Delhi:Goodwork Books, 2003, p.437
My Country, Indonesia
Academic World
To you, Kurnia Dwi Bintoro, Puspa Indah, Unggul Bintoro, Muammar Bintoro
For Laela, mbk Nurul, Novi, Faris, mas Fadil, mas Fatur, Ijam, Fikri Amarullah,
Saerur Oji, Burdin, Naufal, Fajrina, Junda.
Praise to Allah SWT, essence of the most entitled to receive all the praise. Although
without our praise, His majesty as Creator will not be reduced at all. The Lord of hosts, the
God who is created the universe by His will with all kinds of abilities and potential. So as a
small example, my weak creatures can complete this initial research as a process of learning
to become a better human being useful to others. And unto Him shall all return. Ṣolawāt and
greetings also due to the Prophet Muhammad along with relatives and companions who have
guided and set an example to mankind in order to be the best of creatures of God.
On the other hand, this thesis is dedicated to fulfillment of the requirement for the
Degree of S-1 of Islamic Philosophy on Theology and Philosophy. Researcher fully aware
that this study would never have been possible without their cooperation, supports, helps and
prayers from various parties, either directly or indirectly. For that infinity great thanks
researcher says to:
1. Dr. M. Muhsin Jamil, M.Ag as the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Theology or Ushuluddīn
beloved, and especially for the two supervising researcher by: Dr. Abdul Muhayya, M.A
and Prof. Dr. H. Yusuf Suyono, MA who have directed this thesis to be work that should
be donated as academic work to obtain a degree at the same S1 efforts researcher in
answering the problems that occur as a form of academic social responsibility.
2. Dr. Zainul Adzvar, M.Ag as the chief of Theolgy and Philosophy Department and Dra.
Yusriah, M.Ag as the secretary who have given any facilities to researcher for study in
Ushuluddin Faculty, especially in my Major: Theology and Philosophy.
3. All of Lecturers, Mr. Dr. H. Abdul Muhayya, MA, Ust. Dr. Fakhruddin Aziz, Lc., PgD.,
MSI and the others who cannot be mentioned. Including all of Ushuluddin official who
help the researcher to fulfill administration, especially library official who serves in
searching references this thesis.
4. My beloved parents, Sugiantoro and Siti Warisi, for all your loving, sacrifice, guidance
and prayers are never absent for the sake of researcher's success, thus encouraging
researcher to constantly strive to be better person and useful. As well as for my brother and
sister dear: Kurnia Dwi Bintoro, Puspa Indah Bintoro, Unggul Bintoro and Muammar
Bintoro, you are really my spirit. For my beloved grandparents, Alm. KH. Abdul Manan
Yasir, no more words to describe my big thanks to you who taught me what religion is. I
will always pray for your rest in peace. For my grandma Hj. Mangisah, my graduation is
one of my gifts to you.
5. For the big family of Pondok Pesantren Rudloututh Thalibin, Banjarnegara, especially for
Abah Mujtahidi Thablawi. If there is a wise word than thank you, I will say it to you.
Thank you for everything that you gave to me. Umi, you are the greatest price. I will not
forget to all my teachers, my friends and also for mbak Nayla Alawiya who always
support me in every activity.
6. My second life, RGM (Radio Gema Mahasiswa) One FM. Big thanks to Abah Nadhief
and ibu Neni, thank you for the knowledge and an amazing experience that gave to me. I
am the lucky one to have you. I can be the good announcer, good journalist, have many
knowledge about broadcasting, it is because of you. My affection is always for you,
friends. Lela, mbk Nurul, Farisi, Ijam, bang Fadil, Novi, mas Fatur so many experience,
happiness, sadness, we through it together. My young boys and girls, Fajrina the talkative
girl and Junda the plain girl, thank you for the lunch and dinner. Daciel the smarter one,
thank you for your helping. To Saerur Oji the naughty boy, you are the uniqe man. Burdin
an absurd boy, your absurd story make me laugh and Nopal there will always make me
annoying. Thank you, thank you very much for every lesson and memory you made. You
all an irreplaceable and unforgettable besties in my life. Thank you, thank you and thank
7. All of my best friends, mbk Lina, mbk Emil, mbk Latif, Baihaqi, Arif, Ali, every steps you
made are so valuable for me. To my friends from PMII, Gopal, Rasyid, Emi, Muksit, gus
Zaim, mas Gigih, Adib, Raga, Falah, mbk Ika, mbk Fitroh, mbk Jannah and everyone that
include into it, do not separated our relationship. LPM IDEA, thank you for the knowledge
you shared to me, LSM Graha Mitra Semarang as an organization that was involved in the
dig, cultivate and hone soft skill, leadership and good social communication in order to
add and complement the capabilities of my commpetence and intellectual insight.
8. And for everyone who help and pray for me, May God give grace and ease in every step us
until the end of the day later. Amen.
Mustika Bintoro
NIM. 114111041
Table 1: Transliteration Table: Consonants
ب B ط ṭ
ت T ظ ẓ
ث Th ع ʿ
ج J غ Gh
ح ḥ ف F
خ Kh ق Q
د D ك K
ذ Dh ل L
ر R م M
ز Z ن N
س S ه H
ش Sh و W
ص ṣ ء ʾ
ض ḍ ي Y
Table 2: Transliteration Table: Vowels and Diphthongs
َ A ًى،ًَ ا An
َ U َو Un
َ I َي In
َو Ū َي Ay
Retrieved on 20 November 2016 from
uww, ū
َي Ī َو (in final
iyy, ī
َي (in final
RATIFICATION ………………………………………………………………….. iv
MOTTO ……………………………………………………………………………. v
DEDICATION …………………………………………………………………….. vi
TRANSLITERATION …………………………………………………………...... ix
A. Background ………………………………………………………………… 1
B. Research Questions…………………………………………………………. 6
1. Type of Research………………………………………………………... 9
2. Data Sources…………………………………………………………….. 9
C. Type of Relationship between Religion and Other Sciences……………… 27
A. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….. 81
B. Suggestion ………………………………………………………………….. 83
BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………… 85
Phenomenon of religion and science has already happened around the scholars.
Moreover on modern sciences, especially on natural sciences which is considered as a factor
the emergence of theological crisis and give the impact on the rise on secularism and
positivism. Al-Attas was not from a scientist and it seems like he is the outsider, yet he brave
to criticize the western science. Automatically, he has formulation and unique thought about
Islamic science. This research focuses on natural sciences of al-Attas theory and has three
research questions. First, how is the correlation between metaphysics and physics as the
basic of science? Second, how is the concept of natural science epistemologically? Third,
how is about the implementation of Islamization of science, especially on natural science?
This research is qualitative research with using descriptive-analytic method. The kind of this
research is library research; the researcher collects the data from some literature and analyzes
it. The method of this research is Content Analysis used to evaluate the statement and
understand the components of the concept.
Finally, this research has three conclusions. First, human science-for this, is physics-
must being equal with vertical knowledge contemplative to the absolute of reality. Second,
the concept of natural sciences in the discipline of epistemology is divided into physics,
chemist, biology, and also other science that are including technology. Intuition which is
given as a source of additional methods in science, giving the impression of protecting one
party only, that are Muslims. It is because how to obtain intuition can not be done by
scientists or non-scientists of Islam and it is impossible to do by them. The last conclude of
this research is explain about the scheme of al-Attas theory. Scheme of Islamization of al-
Attas has a simplistic and exclusive impression that only directed to the Muslims only.
In the end, this theory also looks stiff for their support to the only Muslims and look at
the values and ethics belongs only to Islam, so emerge the view knowledge Islamization, by
Islam either for Islam. It will give the impression of force if it should be juxtaposed or labeled
natural sciences Islam. It would be wise if the natural sciences-which in this case included in
the science farḍu kifāyah according to al-Attas-adapted to Islamic values is not Islam labeled.
Science is a measure that is based on religious values, applied to objective measures that are
accepted by all people, across religious, ethnic, cultural and others. Thus, Islam became the
values and ethics as well as being home with or graces of human civilization.