Middle school students will have the opportunity to participate in an Exploratory Period once a week during school hours. Parents,
please review and discuss with your student their preferences and then sign below for permission. An effort will be made to accommodate
students’ interests in classes that have a limited number. Once classes are filled, we will try to place you into other preferences.
If you do not rate all preferences and other preferences are filled, one will be chosen for you.
7TH and 8TH Grade Exploratory Period - Wednesday 4th Bell 11-11:45
_______ READING ENRICHMENT (7th GRADE ONLY—7 – 2nd SEMESTER) with supply fee
Please return the signed form below by or before Friday, August 24th at 9am in the Music Mailbox.
If form is not received by 9:00 a.m. Friday morning, a preference will be chosen for your student. Thank You!
Student Name (Print): __________________________________________________ Homeroom: _____________