Eritage Management of Temple Tanks in An Urban Scenario - A Case Study of Thirupporur, A Traditional Town in The State of Tamilnadu, India
Eritage Management of Temple Tanks in An Urban Scenario - A Case Study of Thirupporur, A Traditional Town in The State of Tamilnadu, India
Eritage Management of Temple Tanks in An Urban Scenario - A Case Study of Thirupporur, A Traditional Town in The State of Tamilnadu, India
Kubilay Kaptan●1
Disaster Education, Application and Research Center
Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey
1. Introduction
Water has played an important role in the architectural heritage of India from early
times. In India, traditional methods for water harvesting systems and water manage-
ment systems have also been used successfully from ancient times. Each region has
its own unique system depending on its topography, rainfall and the local needs of the
community. In areas where the rivers were not snow-fed and therefore not perennial,
particularly true of the lower peninsular regions, different kinds of tanks served multiple
purposes - aesthetic, spiritual and practical. There were two main kinds of tanks: vil-
lage ponds used as common property for a range of everyday chores like bathing or
washing clothes, and temple tanks that were sanctified and served the vital purpose of
recharging the ground water table.
One of the most characteristic features of the early South Indian cities and towns
are the temple tanks which form part of the temple. Temple tanks (Figure 1) were
powerful tools in town planning and served a very practical purpose - that of maintain-
ing ground water tables and replenishing community water supplies - besides serv-
ing spiritual needs. Temple tanks were constructed to the east of every village, and
multipurpose tanks to the west, on raised land, so that the harvested water would flow
naturally to the fields. The temple tank has many historical and spiritual references. By
linking a natural resource to a divine objective, temple tanks were protected by a code
of conduct that bound everyone in their vicinity. The waters remained safe, recharging
the ground water table, ensuring that wells in an entire circular radius of several kilom-
eters did not run dry even during the hottest summer.
Today, many of the temple tanks in Tamilnadu have fallen into a state of disrepair.
The main cause is urbanization, leading to the reduction of ground water level which
resulted in the drying of temple tanks. The network of inlets and outlets that nourished
the tanks is blocked either by unauthorized construction or with debris and litter. Sa-
line seawater has entered some tanks in the vicinity of coastal areas that have over-
exploited ground water. With unchecked withdrawal of water by private bore wells
across the state, the water has literally been sucked out of the once full tanks. Ground
water tables are under such stress that even rains have not succeeded in replenishing
the beautiful tanks. In areas where open space is scarce, dried out tanks are misused.
Chennai city, the capital of Tamilnadu, India alone has around 40 temple tanks
which are important urban elements. Looking at the vital role played by temple tanks in
the structuring and functioning of the settlement around them various NGO’s and gov-
ernment departments have come forward to revitalize these tanks and restore them to
serve the local and spiritual needs of the community.
To cite an example - the Marundeeswarar temple in Thiruvanmiyur, one of the old-
est shrines in Chennai city with a big temple tank. Sporadic and uncontrolled growth
around the tank bed led to the blocking of the inlet and outlet pipes of the tanks. The
exploitation of excess water by the neighboring community led to the reduction of
ground water level which ultimately resulted in drying of the temple tank. The tank has
been neglected for years and is covered in thriving vegetation, with its granite steps in
a state of disrepair, growing increasingly unsafe for devotees. Realizing the pivotal role
of temple tanks in maintaining a city’s hydrological balance, the Chennai Corporation,
assisted by the NGOs, has undertaken the restoration of the temple tank. However
these interventions have come a long time after the collapse of the tank and the hydro-
logical balance of this area.
K. Kaptan - Heritage management of temple tanks in an urban scenario
4.1. Introduction
In recent times, the OMR has been identified as the IT (Information Technology) cor-
ridor of Chennai city connecting the city with the Chinglepet highway and the ancient
town of Thiruporur at the southern end of the IT corridor. The Second Draft Master Plan
of the Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA) published in April 2007 has brought Thirupor-
ur within the CMA jurisdiction integrating this town with the rapid urbanization of the
OMR. Hence there is great danger for the historic, architectural and cultural fabric of
the town and its temple tank, the chief source of natural water supply to the community.
‘Thirupporiyur’ as the town has been mentioned in ancient inscriptions, was the cul-
tural capital of the ancient Kumili Nadu region. Megalithic burial sites from the Neolithic
period excavated from the surrounding hills indicate that a settlement existed in ancient
times. According to surveys done by Mr. Bernard, a British engineer between 1767
and 1774, over 275 localities contributed a share of their produce to the Kandaswamy
temple making it a cultural center and the temple in turn handed over a share to the
Vaikunta Peurmal temple at Kanchipuram, the ancient capital of the Pallava rulers [1]
Legend has it that Saint Chidambara Swamigal built this temple 400 years ago,
The annual festival of the temple draws around lakh (lakh = one hundred thousand)
devotees spread over ten days in the Tamil month ‘Maasi’ (January - February). The
deity is taken in procession through the main processional streets. In addition, other
festivals and auspicious days spread throughout the calendar year draw a large num-
ber of devotees especially in the Tamil months of ‘Aypassi’ (September - October) and
‘Maasi’ (January). During these days devotees take a dip in the sacred waters of the
Saravana Poigai before making the ritualistic passage to the temple [3].
The main streets run east- west connected at the ends by streets running north-
south. The temple car procession is taken around the four streets - N. Mada Street, E
Mada Street, S Mada Street and the W Mada Street. At the meeting of the West Mada
Street and the North Mada Street the Malayadi Varam leads to the Kailasanathar tem-
ple on the hillock to the western side of the temple and the Vembadi Vinayakar temple
at its base, thereby defining the inner sacred geography of the town (Figure 2).
The sacred topography is laid according to the principles laid down in the ‘May-
amata’ which says that the ground should rise slowly towards the south and the west,
ie. must slope towards the north and east. Thiruporur was noted for its irrigation canals
and its water supplies. The 1772 record lists five ponds and 4 tanks. However today
the only visible water bodies are the Kandaswamy temple tank - Saravana Poigai and
the Thamarai Kulam (Lotus Pond). One of the other ponds at the north eastern end of
the settlement has been converted into a sewage pond.
The temple and its gopurams (entrance gate), mandapams (pillared halls) and tem-
ple tank; the chatrams (rest houses); the traditional thinnai (verandah), houses with
pan tile roofing, are standing examples of the rich and ancient heritage. The Kan-
daswamy temple covers an area of 4 acres of land and the gopuram stands 21.5 M
tall. The temple has a 24 pillared mandapam a 16- pillared mandapam, Sarvavathiya
Mandapam where all the musical instruments are kept and played during festivals and
The unsympathetic approach to these heritage structures is evident within the tem-
ple complex itself where the granite walls are covered with ceramic tiles in a number
of places. In addition, other heritage structures are being modified or replaced by new
commercial developments which are changing the traditional town fabric into a com-
mercial urban fabric. As much of the land around the temple belongs to the Devasthan-
am (temple administrative office), it is definitely possible to lay guidelines for change
which are commensurate with the traditional setting and spiritual needs of the pilgrims.
K. Kaptan - Heritage management of temple tanks in an urban scenario
Saravana Poigai is the tank attached to the Kandaswamy temple. It measures 200’
x 200’ and has a mandapa built of granite in the geometric center of the tank. It is fed
by underground fresh water springs and it is one of the reasons the temple tank has
never dried up.
According to Stapathi Ganapathi2 temple tanks are usually square in plan and the
steps along the sides, odd in number, are constructed after the pit is excavated. The
inlet into the tank will be in higher ground and the outlet at the lower end, so that the
overflow is diverted to the ‘kanmai’ – a small pond- utilized for domestic purposes
making the entire system a unique rain water harvesting system. As the temple tank is
primarily for spiritual needs it is necessary that water is retained in the tank throughout
the year. Hence open wells are sunk in the bed of the tank and these maintain the level
of water in the tank.
The Saravana Poigai is fed by rain water collected from the hillock to the west of the
temple and conveyed to the tank by means of an underground channel with its outlet
at the higher south western end of the tank. During a monsoon the tank is filled to the
brim immersing all the steps. The excess water is conveyed to a pond to the south east
of the settlement through a drainage channel at the south eastern end of the tank. It
is said that there are nine wells sunk in the bed of the tank but no one has really seen
them as the tank has never run dry.
The Saravana Poigai therefore not only serves as an important focal point of this
traditional settlement, but also in controlling the micro climate of the place helping to
maintain the hydrological balance of the area.
1. Thiruporur (Figure 3) is at the tail end of the IT Corridor which is a 30 M wide road
and it tapers to a 12 M road – West Mada Street. A bottleneck is therefore cre-
ated where the OMR runs through the town. The 12 M wide road is sandwiched
between the hillock and the Saravana Poigai (temple tank). Therefore there is no
scope for widening the road to take the traffic of the OMR. If the hillock is cut to
accommodate the OMR then there is a danger that the temple tank will get cut off
from the source of water supply.
2. In traditional towns the temple and its tank provided a code of building, as the
buildings in the immediate vicinity of the temple and its pradakshina patha (pro-
cessional path) could not be taller than the temple gopuram. However there is a
danger that this unwritten code will get violated as the focus of development is
shifted on to the OMR.
3. Small scale commercialization is already evident on the West Mada Street and in
the case the road is widened by cutting the hillock, heavy commercialization will
take place, thus disturbing the traditional fabric and making the tank inaccessible
to the devotee on the western side. Eventually the tank and its environment will
face degradation.
K. Kaptan - Heritage management of temple tanks in an urban scenario
4. On street parking takes place in the streets around the tank which are barely 12M
wide making it inconvenient for the pedestrian and polluting the vicinity of the tem-
ple tank.
5. The North Mada Street and the East Mada Street are 18M wide streets. When
this town is integrated into the Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA), once the Master
Plan comes into force it will succumb to land pressures and multi storied structures
which are permissible under the Development Control Rules of the metropolitan
city. This will put pressure on land, infrastructure and ground water.
6. Sporadic growth and uncontrolled development may lead to the blocking of the
underground rain water drains which serve not only to replenish the water of the
temple tank but also the pond beyond which serves the domestic needs of the
4.7. Heritage Management of Thiruporur and its temple tank
Owing to the fact that the town of Thiruporur (Figure 4) has emerged as a very
sensitive zone due to the growth of the Chennai Metropolitan city there is a need for
integrated conservation and heritage management of the town as issues cannot be
examined in isolation. This will directly help in the heritage management of the temple
tank and the traditional rain water harvesting system.
Status of the town
The town of Thiruporur was a cultural center in earlier times and continues to be
one owing to the importance of the deity consecrated in the Kandaswamy temple and
the numerous activities worship generates. Hence this town has to be recognized and
declared a cultural and heritage center.
c. Traditional systems:
Rain water harvesting system linking the two outlined water bodies.
K. Kaptan - Heritage management of temple tanks in an urban scenario
d. Secular Buildings:
● Nagaveedu or Kathirikka Mudaliar Chatram
● Senguntha Mudaliar Chatram
● Thondai Mandala Vellala Aadi Saiva Vellalar Chatram
A number of other chatrams5 have fallen into a state of disrepair and are beyond
conservation and restoration.
within CMA, the town will come under the purview of other governmental agencies
such as the CMDA7, TNWSSB8; Metro Water; Corporation of Chennai; TNEB9, etc.
With the declaration of the town as a heritage settlement and cultural center, there
will be a necessity for coordination and convergence in conservation under a nodal
agency and formulation of locally based community development programs which will
include upgradation, regeneration and provision of essential infrastructure in areas
where there is a concentration of identified heritage structures.
The other tanks and ponds moreover, which are seasonal need to be identified
and protected mainly from landfill to which most low lying areas are subjected to in an
urban scenario. A comprehensive plan for water management should integrate these
tanks and ponds with a rain water harvesting system which at the grass root level deals
with implementation of rain water harvesting systems for all old and new structures to
enable the recharge of ground water and collection of surplus in the ponds and tanks.
calendar year when large numbers of devotees throng Thiruporur and its temple. Cars,
pedestrians and impromptu shops on such occasions cause congestion on the streets
around the temple tank and add to the pollution of the tank and the surrounding areas.
Delineating car parking to the east of the town just beyond the East Mada Street
and re-routing the pilgrim route to the temple will help decongest the area around the
temple tank. Much of this land is not cultivable and belongs to the Devasthanam; this
can be organized into parking lots especially during festival times.
Maintenance Plan
A maintenance plan to regularly inspect the heritage structures, resources and their
surrounding areas needs to be outlined to prevent untoward developments and dam-
age/deterioration of the heritage resources.
5. Conclusions
K. Kaptan - Heritage management of temple tanks in an urban scenario
Worship ritual
Ganapthi Stapathi is the director of the Vaastu Architecture and editor cum publisher
of ‘The Sculptor Speaks’, Chennai
Indian National Trust on Art and Cultural Heritage
Madras Craft Foundation
Accommodation for the pilgrims
Local Government
Chennai Metropolitan development authority
Tamilnadu Water Supply and Sewerage board
Tamilnadu Electricity Board
At present the settlement has open drains which pollute the ground water.
Biographical notes