Clinical Evaluation of Indirect Composite Resin Restorations Cemented With Different Resin Cements
Clinical Evaluation of Indirect Composite Resin Restorations Cemented With Different Resin Cements
Clinical Evaluation of Indirect Composite Resin Restorations Cemented With Different Resin Cements
Purpose: To clinically evaluate the performance of indirect composite resin restorations cemented with conven-
tional and self-adhesive resin cements over a 12-month period.
Materials and Methods: Ten patients fulfilled all the inclusion criteria. Twenty-four composite resin restorations
were performed using an indirect technique and cemented with a resin cement (RelyX ARC) or a self-adhesive resin
cement (RelyX U100). Two independent evaluators analyzed the restorations using modified USPHS criteria after
periods of two weeks and 6 and 12 months. Statistical significance between the cements at each timepoint was
evaluated with the Wilcoxon test and between timepoints with the Mann-Whitney test, both at a significance level
of 5%. Fisher’s exact test was used to assess the occurrence of absolute failures.
Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the groups at the same timepoint nor between
groups at different timepoints. The only significant difference was found for color match for both groups after
12 months.
Conclusion: After 12 months, indirect composite resin restorations cemented with self-adhesive resin cement per-
formed similarly to those cemented with conventional resin cement.
Keywords: clinical trials, composite resin, resin cements, self-adhesive resin cements.
J Adhes Dent 2016; 18: 59–67. Submitted for publication: 02.06.14; accepted for publication: 01.11.15
doi: 10.3290/j.jad.a35519
studies3,26 have indicated that this new category of cements formed consent form. Twenty-four restorations were per-
does not represent a single entity, as the characteristics of formed: 8 patients received 2 restorations and 2 patients
their bond to the dental substrate differ by brand. The litera- received 4 restorations, 12 in premolars and 12 in molars.
ture clearly demonstrates the superiority of RelyX U100, These included 6 inlays (two pairs of three surfaces [MOD]
which, in addition to being the first product in this category, and one pair of two surfaces [DO]) and 18 onlays all of
has also been the most studied and shows the most promis- similar size, as described in Table 2. A single experienced
ing results.1,17,26 This self-adhesive resin cement is dual operator carried out all restorative procedures.
curing, resulting in extensively cross-linked cement mono- At the first appointment, local anesthesia was adminis-
mers and the creation of high molecular-weight polymers. The tered and all carious tissue and/or existing restoration ma-
pH increases from 1 to 6 through the reaction of phosphoric terial were removed. Preparations were finishing using dia-
acid groups with alkaline filler. Phosphoric acid groups also mond burs (Kit inlay/onlay KG Sorensen; Cotia, SP, Brazil),
react with the tooth apatite, and the adhesion obtained relies and no lining materials were used. Impressions were taken
on micromechanical retention and chemical interaction.26 using a polysiloxane vinyl putty and regular body (Express XT,
Although in vitro studies have shown promising results in 3M ESPE; St Paul, MN, USA) in a partial plastic tray (Moldex,
terms of the bond of self-adhesive resin cements to den- Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brazil). Provisional restorations were
tin3,4,28 and to restorative materials such as composite resin fabricated using a light-cured temporary restorative material
and ceramic,3,11 in vivo studies are essential to confirm the (Bioplic, Biodinamica; Ibiporã, PR, Brazil). The color of the
results of laboratory studies and to validate the quality of restoration was selected using the Vitapan Classical color
these new cements in a clinical setting. To date, only one scale (Vita Zahnfabrik; Bad Säckingen, Germany).
clinical study27 has compared the use of self-adhesive resin The impressions were sent to a commercial dental labora-
cement to conventional materials for the cementation of tory. There, the restorations were built from a composite resin
indirect restorations. It is thus imperative that further clinical (Filtek Supreme XT, 3M ESPE; St Paul, MN, USA) in incre-
trials be conducted to better assess the clinical efficacy of ments on the stone cast. Adoro pigments (Ivoclar Vivadent;
the self-adhesive resin cement RelyX U100 for the cementa- Schaan, Liechtenstein) were used to add characterization to
tion of indirect restorations. the resulting restorations. Each increment was light cured
Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical for 10 s using an LED device (Ivoclar Targis Quick, Ivoclar
performance of two resin cements – one conventional (con- Vivadent). After completing the restoration, its marginal ad-
trol group) and one self-adhesive (experimental group) – 2 aptation, proximal contacts, and occlusion were checked on
weeks, and 6 and 12 months after the luting of indirect resin models positioned in a semi-adjustable articulator. Finishing
composite restorations. The null hypothesis tested was that and polishing were completed with fine cross-cut tungsten
there would be no difference between the experimental and carbide burs and rubber silicon carbide. Afterwards, an ad-
control groups at any timepoint evaluated, as assessed ac- ditional polymerization step was performed in an external
cording to the modified USPHS criteria. photoactivator unit (Ivoclar Targis Power Oven, Ivoclar Vi-
vadent) in which the pieces were coated in glycerol and
placed in the oven under vacuum for 22 min. The restoration
MATERIALS AND METHODS was then polished with a goat-hair polisher, a rouge polishing
bar (Shofu; San Marcos, CA, EUA), and a cotton wheel.
This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee The patients attended a second appointment two weeks
of the Pontifical Catholic University of Brazil (PUCRS; CAAE later, during which the prepared restorations were cemented
0263.0.002.000-10). Ten patients (6 women, with an aver- as follows: 1. Teeth were randomly assigned to receive the
age age of 47 years, and 4 men, with an average age 46 conventional resin cement RelyX ARC (3M ESPE; Seefeld,
years) were selected from the Operative Dentistry Clinic at Germany), shade A3, or the self-adhesive resin cement Re-
the PUCRS Dental School. All patients were in need of at lyU100 (3M ESPE; Seefeld, Germany), shade A2 (Table 3); 2.
least two esthetic Class II posterior restorations and met either absolute or relative isolation was achieved, depending
the requirements of the inclusion criteria described in on the clinical case; 3. the provisional restoration was removed
Table 1. All patients gave their consent by signing an in- and the preparation was cleaned with pumice and water;
ARC: resin cement RelyX ARC; U100: self-adhesive resin cement RelyX U100; MOD: mesio-occluso-distal; MO: mesio-occlusal; DO: disto-occlusal; B: buccal; L:
lingual; DB: disto-buccal; DL: disto-lingual. *Patients 8 and 9 received two pairs of restorations. Data on pair of restorations were included in the statistical
analyses instead of the number of patients.
RelyX ARC Paste A: bis-GMA, TEG-DMA, silane treated silica, functionalized dimethacrylate polymer, 3M ESPE;
(resin cement) 2-benzotriazolyl-4-methylphenol, 4-(dimethylamino)-benzeneethanol Seefeld,
Paste B: silane treated ceramic, TEG-DMA, bis-GMA, silane treated silica, functionalized Germany
dimethacrylate polymer, 2-benzotriazolyl-4-methylphenol, benzoyl peroxide (72 wt%)
Bond (Scotchbond Bis-GMA, HEMA, tertiary amines (both for light-curing and self-curing initiators), photo-initiator 3M ESPE; St
Multi-Purpose ) Paul, MN, USA
Filtek Supreme XT Type of filler: ZrO2/SiO2 (clusters of 0.6–1.4 μm, individual particle size of 5–20 nm) 78 wt% 3M ESPE; St
(composite resin) Resin matrix: bis-EMA, UDMA, bis-GMA, TEG-DMA Paul, MN, USA
4. the internal surface of the restorations was treated with was used for evaluations between different timepoints
airborne particle abrasion using 50-μm aluminum oxide at (baseline, 6 months, and 12 months). Fisher’s Exact Test
4-bar pressure and a distance of 10 mm for 5 s, washed with was used to assess the occurrence of absolute failures
air and water for 30 s, and coated with a silane layer (Dent- between the groups. All tests were performed at a signifi-
sply; York, PA, USA); 5. the restorations were cemented with cance level of α = 0.05.
either RelyX ARC or RelyXU100. For RelyX ARC cementation,
the Scotchbond Multi-Purpose adhesive system (3M ESPE)
was applied. The tooth cavity was conditioned with 37% phos- RESULTS
phoric acid for 15 s, rinsed with water for 10 s, and the excess
water was removed with cotton buds. A layer of primer was A total of 12 pairs of restorations were evaluated (n = 12),
applied, followed by gentle air drying for 5 s. Then, the bond and one patient failed to attend the 6-month recall appoint-
was applied and light cured with a quartz-tungsten halogen ment (n = 11). A predominance of Alpha 1 scores was
light-curing unit (Optilight Plus, Gnatus; Ribeirão Preto, SP, noted for all categories (Table 5) except Color Match, for
Brazil) for 10 s. Irradiance levels of the light were monitored which Alpha 2 was more common (Fig 1). This finding rep-
periodically with a radiometer (Demetron Model 100, Kerr; resented a significant difference (p < 0.05) from baseline
Orange, CA, USA) to ensure that the range was between 500 to 12 months for the 2 groups (Table 6). Although no sig-
and 550 mW/cm2. RelyX ARC’s base and catalyst pastes nificant difference was observed in any criteria when com-
were hand mixed for 20 s according to the manufacturer’s paring the experimental and control groups at different
instructions, and were immediately placed in the cavity, and timepoints (α = 0.05; Mann-Whitney test), a tendency for
held in place with strong finger pressure for 3 min. Excess Alpha 1 to become Alpha 2 was observed in the categories
cement was removed, and the restoration was light cured for of surface roughness and marginal integrity (Table 5). All
60 s on each side (occlusal, buccal, and lingual). Occlusal failures that appeared over the 12-month period occurred
adjustments were made prior to finishing and polishing with in the restorations cemented with RelyX U100; however,
Soflex disks (3M ESPE), and a #12 scalpel blade was used no significant difference was found between the groups in
to remove excess cement from the proximal areas. For RelyX terms of the frequency of absolute failure occurrences
U100 cementation, the base and catalyst pastes of the self- (p = 0.109; Fisher’s exact test). At baseline, one patient
adhesive resin cement were mixed for 20 s according to the who had constant, unbearable pain was referred for end-
manufacturer’s instructions, and placed on the internal side odontic treatment. The restoration was preserved and the
of the indirect restoration; the restoration was immediately pulp chamber was restored with composite resin Filtek Su-
positioned in the tooth and held in place with strong finger preme XT after endodontic treatment. However, this restor-
pressure for 3 min. Excess cement was removed and light ation was considered to be an absolute failure, ie, there
cured for 60 s on each side (occlusal, buccal, and lingual). was a loss of restoration. At the 6-month follow-up, an-
Occlusal adjustments were made, the completed restoration other absolute failure occurred. This patient also had con-
was finished and polished using Soflex disks, and a #12 stant, unbearable pain and required endodontic treatment,
scalpel blade was used to remove the excess cement from during which the onlay was lost. At the 12-month recall,
the proximal areas. there was one relative failure (a small fracture of the
At recall visits performed at 2 weeks (baseline), 6 and enamel that was repaired with Filtek Supreme XT compos-
12 months after the cementation, follow-up examinations ite resin) and one absolute failure (radiography revealed
were performed. The patients received oral hygiene instruc- secondary caries in the proximal gingival floor via radio-
tion and periodontal cleaning (supragingival scaling and root graphy).
planing for all teeth) when they entered the study and at 6
and 12 months. Two calibrated, blinded, independent exam-
iners with mirrors, probes, and dental floss evaluated the DISCUSSION
restorations and completed a questionnaire according to
modified USPHS (United States Public Health Service) cri- Study Design
teria22 (Table 4). When there was disagreement on any cri- The USPHS7 clinical criteria for assessing restorations are
terion, the investigators reached a consensus. At the base- the instruments of choice of most researchers because
line and 12-month appointments, periapical radiographs they are simple and build on the quality parameters (accept-
were taken with standardized positioning and irradiation able or not acceptable) of restorative materials and/or
parameters for each restored tooth. These radiographs were treatments. However, with the evolution of restorative ma-
also analyzed by the evaluators. terials, modifications of these criteria have been proposed.
In 2007, Hickel et al16 made recommendations for conduct-
Statistical Analysis ing controlled clinical studies of dental restorative materials
The twelve pairs of restorations were considered the sam- based on Ryge modified criteria in order to improve and
ple size of the study to increase the power analysis. The standardize them. Incorporating these guidelines, Peumans
ordinal classifications of USPHS for the comparison be- et al22 proposed modified USPHS criteria to evaluate the
tween groups at the same timepoint were analyzed using cementation of indirect ceramic restorations. These were
the Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks test. The Mann-Whitney test the criteria used in the present study.
Hickel et al16 suggested several criteria that should be had to be placed in the same type of tooth with a compa-
adopted in clinical studies. Some of them were followed in rable cavity size, and whenever possible, the restorations
this study, eg, the sample had to include one test and one had to be placed during the same appointment. It was not
control group, the patients had to be from the general com- easy to recruit patients who fulfilled all these inclusion cri-
munity rather than dental students, the study had to include teria; thus, the number of available patients was limited.
paired restorations, both groups – test and control materials – However, the comparison of very similar restorations in the
Prospective studies that have control and test in the same
patient have been reported to be highly appropriate for com-
12 months (n = 12 / 12)
paring treatment modalities,27 because patient factors that
influence the longevity of restorations, such as oral hygiene
and diet, are the same for the test and control groups. The
sample size of this study was reduced due to the strict inclu-
sion criteria adopted, which were much more demanding than
the inclusion criteria of clinical studies.2,8,19,31 Despite the
sample size, the design, observations, and analysis of the
Clinical Evaluation
cant differences either among themselves or at different
timepoints (baseline, 6 and 12 months), except in the color
match category.
6 months (n = 11 / 11)
resin matrix, its interaction with the fillers, the filler size, the
water sorption and the degree of conversion from monomers
Baseline (n = 12 / 12)
Marginal integrity
Tooth integrity
a b c
d e f
Fig 1 Images of restorations evaluated at three periods of time. In this patient, old amalgam restorations in the right maxillary first molar
and the right mandibular first molar were replaced by indirect resin composite restorations. In a, b, and c, the onlay was luted with RelyX ARC.
a) Baseline: Alpha 1 for color match and marginal integrity. b) 6 months: Alpha 1 for marginal integrity, and Alpha 2 for color match.
c) 12 months: Alpha 1 for marginal integrity, Alpha 2 for color match. In d, e, and f, the onlay was luted with RelyX U100. d) Baseline: Alpha 1
for color match and marginal integrity. e) 6 months: Alpha 2 for color match and marginal integrity (arrow). f) 12 months: Alpha 2 for color
match and marginal integrity (arrow).
Table 6 p-values of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for comparison between times
Time Cement Surface Color Marginal Inlay Tooth Proximal Sensi- Complica- Patient Radio-
rough- match integrity integrity integrity contact tivity tions satis- graph
ness faction
Baseline ARC 0.125 0.008* 0.250 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
and 12
months U100 0.125 0.031* 0.250 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Baseline ARC 1.000 0.031* 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 N/a
and 6
months U100 1.000 0.625 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 N/a
ARC 0.125 0.500 0.250 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
6 and 12
U100 0.125 0.250 0.500 1.000 0.500 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
composite resin with spherical particles that are responsible of the evaluation times. This also indicates that removable
for its polishing quality and increased fracture resistance, or deep pigmentation was not observed. This finding is in
because the mechanical stresses, which tend to focus on accordance with the considerations of failure in the interme-
the angles and protuberances of the filler particles, are diate time frame (6 to 18 or 24 months) proposed by Hickel
minimized in this material.25 It must be mentioned that one et al.16 However, there was a Delta score at 12 months re-
loss of a restoration in the experimental group at 6 months lated to an absolute failure caused by the development of
occurred as a result of endodontic treatment, necessitating secondary caries in the experimental group. Interestingly, for
the partial removal of the restoration, resulting in its weaken- this particular restoration, the baseline score for marginal
ing and fracture. integrity was recorded as Alpha 2 by radiographic examin-
In order to standardize the wear of the restorations, only ation (ie, negative step < 100 μm). A possible explanation
teeth with sound or composite-restored opposing teeth were is that an increase in the size of the marginal gap results in
selected, because the marginal integrity of indirect restor- the degradation of the bonding system, allowing microleak-
ations is influenced by the material of the opposing dentition. age and secondary caries.19 It is therefore interesting to
Generally, excellent (Alpha 1) or very good (Alpha 2) scores consider the study of Peumans et al,23 who used SEM to
were achieved for the marginal integrity criterion, and no evaluate replicas of indirect ceramic restorations cemented
significant differences were observed between groups at any with RelyX U100 with and without prior acid etching on the
enamel. They noted that although the marginal integrity was shown that a constant pressure (20 to 40 g/mm2) should
clinically acceptable, microscopic analysis showed that the be applied at the time of cementation to reduce the viscosity
harmonious outline decreased from 70% at baseline to 5% of the cement. In addition to reducing any air bubbles, this
after four years. However, when the marginal integrity is pressure promotes the adaptation of the cement to the walls
evaluated clinically and by SEM, most studies have not of the cavity by optimizing physical interactions, such as van
shown a clear correlation between the results.16 Another der Waals forces, hydrogen bridges, and charge transfers.13
possible explanation is given in a review15 which suggested It is therefore believed that applying pressure contributes to
that a gap of up to or over 400 μm in easy to clean areas is the retention of restorations cemented with RelyX U100.
necessary for the development of secondary caries. However, Many cases of post-operative sensitivity resolve a few
in difficult to access areas, such as the proximal gingival weeks after the placement of the restoration. However, some
floor of Class II restorations, the presence of cariogenic teeth require endodontic treatment to address hypersensitiv-
plaque is enough to enable the development of caries, re- ity symptoms that are unrelated to simple sensitivity, but
gardless of the size of the gap. To date, there is no evidence instead to irreversible pulp inflammation. These complica-
that the size of the marginal discrepancy and the develop- tions are related to premature failures that occur within six
ment of caries is correlated.15 However, while a discolored months, as described by Hickel et al.16 Two such failures
margin is not itself indicative of secondary caries, the dete- were observed in this study: one at baseline and another at
rioration and discoloration of the marginal seal can be predic- the 6-month recall. Both failures occurred in the experimen-
tive of future failures.14 Thus, any marginal changes deserve tal group. These two teeth did not show any signs or symp-
the attention of dentists, as these may affect the prognosis toms of pulp inflammation during the treatment procedures.
of the restoration, and radiographic examinations are es- Many factors could have contributed to the irreversible pulp
sential for assessment of the marginal adaptation of inter- inflammation, such as the depth of the cavities, dental pro-
proximal areas. cedures, and the inherent immune reaction of the pulp to
Another important factor related to marginal integrity is attack.5 Finally, a small enamel fracture near a restoration
the ability of the cement to bond both the tooth and the re- in the experimental group occurred after one year. This rela-
storative material. In relation to the dental substrate, the tive failure, related to the integrity of the tooth, may have
mechanism of bonding between RelyX U100 and the tooth happened due to patient characteristics (chewing force, in-
structure appears to be more chemical than micromechanical trinsic properties of the enamel), the material used (adhesive
in nature.10 This chemical bond is established by the specific cement failure), or some combination of both. Therefore, as
multifunctional phosphoric-acid methacrylate, which is ion- there was no significant difference for any criterion when
ized at the time of mixing and reacts with the hydroxyapatite comparing the two groups at different times (α = 0.05; Mann-
of the mineral tissues of the tooth.12 Self-adhesive resin Whitney test), this failure is believed to have occurred by
cements superficially interact with dentin and enamel, with- chance.
out forming a true hybrid layer,9,33 which is observed when It is important to emphasize that a follow-up of 12 months
an adhesive system is applied previously to the resin ce- is a short period of time. Little or no differences are expected
ment.9 Studies on the marginal adaptation of ceramic res- in short evaluations such as this, when materials are con-
torations luted with RelyX U100 showed similar results in sidered to be of good quality. However, it is an initial evalu-
dentin and worse results in enamel.3,4,11 In vitro studies9,10 ation and more differences can be expected after a longer
have evaluated the use of acid etching enamel with bond follow-up. Therefore, future evaluations are needed to eluci-
strength tests prior to cementation with RelyX U100. The date the long-term performance and determine possible
results of such studies suggest a better prognosis for res- differences between the materials.
torations cemented with RelyX U100 with prior acid etching.
However, when clinical studies on this issue were performed
using indirect resin2 and ceramic23,30 restorations, the au- CONCLUSION
thors concluded that there were no significant differences
between the treatments. Therefore, in this study, it was It can be concluded that indirect composite resin restor-
decided not to etch the enamel before the application of ations cemented with the self-adhesive resin cement RelyX
RelyX U100, as the current evidence is inconclusive regard- U100 had an acceptable clinical performance similar to that
ing the effectiveness of this procedure. of restorations cemented with resin cement RelyX ARC after
No restorations were lost due to a loss of retention during one year.
the period of the study. This finding suggests that both resin
cements produced an adequate bond to the dental substrate.
The retention of inlays and onlays depends on the ability of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the resin cements to bond effectively with the surrounding This study was partially supported by 3M ESPE. The authors are
enamel and dentin. In the case of RelyX ARC, this union is grateful to CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de
promoted by the formation of a hybrid layer caused by the Nível Superior) for the scholarship.
adhesive system, whereas for RelyX U100, the resin cement
promotes its own retention. Due to the thixotropic behavior
of RelyX U100, both in vitro9,13 and in vivo30 studies have
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