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Machine tool

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 1

 Machine tools are metal cutting machine tools, factory equipments for
producing machines, instruments, and tools of all kinds
 Metal part manufacturing

 Definite form, dimension

 History: The first is the wood lathe.
 The wood lather:

 XIV, in China: Grinding, Milling machine machining sword,

 XVII, in Russia: designed the lathe

 Machine Tools win 30% national economic with many kind of

machines, different accuracy
 In Vietnam: HN Mechanical Factory, Duyen Hai Mechanical Factory…
 Lathe machine: T616, T620

 Milling machine: P623…

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 Designation:

 Vietnam:
T - turning, K - drill, P - milling, M - grind…
The first number all purpose
The following one is base dimension and degree
improvement. T620, T812A

 Soviet Union:
1 - Turning, 2 - Drill, 3 - Grind, 6 - Milling.. (1K62,
3B12, 6H82..)

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Chapter I
Introduction of machine tools

1.1 Metal cutting theory

1.2 Machine tool Classification
1.3 Auxiliary Motions in Machine
1.4 Gearing diagrams of machine
1.5 Cutting speed equation diagrams
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1.1 Metal cutting theory

 Forming by geometric method
- Machining general cylindrical
- Machining shaped cylindrical surfaces


T T2
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 5

1.1. Metal cutting theory

 Surfaces used in machining technology:
 Circular baseline surfaces
 cylinder, cone, threads …
§ö êng chuÈn (C)
Baseline §ö êng sinh
Generator (S) (S)
line C1 C2 S

a) - Cylinder
(a) H×nh trô b) Cone
(b) - H×nh c«n

(c)- H×nh
a) Shaped
tang trèng b)(d) Thread
- H×nh d¹ng ren
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1.1. Metal cutting theory

 Straight baseline surfaces
Generator line: straight line; curve line, spline , ...

a. b. c.
 Special surfaces:
Cam, balding, involutes curve… C

a) b)
* To define generator line and baseline is relative.
* Choose generator line, baseline  kinematic diagram of the machine is completely
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1.1. Metal cutting theory

 Forming surface in machine using two generator
 Generator: line, cylinder, involutes curve, acsimet helical
 Need movement: rotating and straight reciprocating.
 Generator: hyperbolic, ellipse, helical, etc

 Need movements: un-uniform rotary and straight

 To make the process of surfaces  to make baseline
and generator  Forming motions

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1.2 Part surface forming methods

2.1 Surface forming motions on Machine tools: the way to create generator and
 Definition: Surface forming motions are all relative motions between cutting
tool and work piece which
directly create the surface
of part.
 Classification:
 Simple surface forming
motions: Forming motions I Q
are independent
 Complicated surface a. b. II
forming motion: T t
Forming motions are regular
related each other.
Example: I I
For thread surface forming: Sd
Q1 rotate 1 revolution,
T2 moving a distance t II II
S Sng
Machine-tool and Tribology
a. b. 9

1.2 Part surface forming methods

 Simple and complicated integrated forming motions :
Example: cone forming motions
Q1: Simple motion, T1 & T2: Complicated forming motions

 Forming motions can be performed by cutting tool or work piece  when

designing a machine, need to well arrange the mechanisms which perform
the surface forming motions, let the mechanisms are simplest and get
highest accuracy

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1.2.3 Surface forming on machine tool

3.1 Surface copy method:
Cutting edge is the same as generator line and always tangle with
Shaving cutting disk

Dao ®Þnhcutting
Shaped h×nh tool Indexing

Cutting edge is also generator line, creating the part surface when moving
base on the baseline
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1.2.3 Surface forming on machine tool

3.2 Surface generation cutting method :
Cutting edge and surface generator line
can be different but cutting edge always
tangle to part surface
QuÜ tÝch of tangled points is generator line
of part surface
Surface and cutting edge is independent
Note: With the same cutting method, cutting tool, but different relative
position between cutting tool and work piece will result different surface

a. b. c.
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1.3 Basic motions in Machine tool

 To obtain a part of the required shape and size on a machine
 The shaped surface is depend upon the motions imparted
 The work
 Cutting tool
 The shape of the tool

 Basic motions in machine tool include the following

 Working motions: may be imparted either to the workpiece being
machined or to the cutting tool.
 Auxiliary motions: can be per formed either manually or automatically.

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1.3 Basic motions in Machine tool

 Working motions:
 Primary cutting motion: provides cutting speed for
removing the chip
 Lather, grind, drill...The cutting speed of a rotary cutting
motion is
V= dn/1000 m per min
 Plane, broach, mortise...The cutting speed of translational
motion is
V=2.l.nhtk /1000 m per min
 Feed motion
 Lather: l(m), s (mm/v), time _ T
n.T=l/s  s=l / (n.T)
 Longitudinal (traverse), cross, radial etc...

 Auxiliary motions: indexing, surface generating motions, control

motions, setting up motions...
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1.4. Gearing diagrams of machine tools

 It is conventional representation of interconnections of
its separate mechanisms and elements transmitting
motions to various machine members.
 Kinematic chains: motion is transmitted to the
operating units, also serve to change the speeds and
direction of motion of the operation units, to coordinate
the motions of various units of the machine tool, etc.
 Gearing diagrams or Kinematic diagrams: the
conventional representation of the kinematic chains of a
machine tool in a single plane.

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1.4. Gearing diagrams of machine tools

 Principal conventional symbols used in gearing
Spindle nose Chain drive

Milling shaft
Loose cylindrical gear

Lead sreww Floating cylindrical gear

Flat belt drive Stationary cylindrical gear

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1.4 Gearing diagrams of machine tools

 Kinematics diagram of turning machine

§C 1

iv Ph«i
Work part
ôTail stock
is V Cutting tool
6 Tooldao
Bµn port
7 Lead
VÝt me screw

 Speed chain: Motor -1-2-iv-3-4-part
 Feed chain: Part-4-5-is-6-7-lead screw

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1.4 Gearing diagrams of machine tools

 Chain equation: is equation of transmission calculation beginning
the first chain to the end chain:
 Speed chain equation: n®c.i12.iv.i34.k=ntc
 Feed chain equation:
 i12,, i34, const
 k, correction index
 tx, lead screw pitch
 n®c, ntc,1revtc, Sm: change
 Adjusting:
 Adjustment device: i v, i s

 Formula:

 Iv= ntc / (n®c.i12.i34.k)

 Is= S / (i45.i67.tx)
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Chapter two
Typical parts and the mechanisms of machine tool

§1 Driving systems of machine tool

§2 Kinematics calculation of gearbox
§3 Feed box

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Chapter two
Typical part and the mechanisms of machine tool

§4 Mechanisms for Straight

§5 Ratchet and Geneva_type
§6 Shaft couplings
§7 Planetary Transmissions

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2.1 Driving systems of machine tool

 A driving system is a system of mechanisms used to
actuate the operate members of the machine tool. It may
include: include step pulley drives, gearing mechanism
servo motor.

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2.1 Driving systems of machine tool

 Example:
 Kinematic chain equation:
n®c . i® . ibr = nTC
Z1 Z2 Z3 Ii
The transmission ratio
nB §
i Iii
nC §
i ® = D1 / D2 I
ibr= ZC® / ZB® D1

Z'1 Z'2 Z'3

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 22

2.2 Actuating mechanisms

2.1 Classification:

The transmission form:

 Centralized transmissions: using 1 motor, flat belts, driving step

 Grouping transmissions: using 1 motor for 1 machine group
 Independent transmissions: using 1 motor for 1 machine, 1
motor for 1 motion  common.

The following level:

 Step transmissions:
For limit the speed or the feed - The lathe T616 - 12 speeds from
44 rpm  1980 rpm.
 Stepless transmissions:
For continuously varying the speed or the feed rate - Grinding
machine , CNC machine.
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2.2 Actuating mechanisms

2.2 Mechanisms in the speed-box
1. Infinitely Variable - Speed Transmission
a. Variable –pitch sheave drive: (Variable speed belt drive)

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2.2 Actuating mechanisms

2.2 Mechanisms in the speed-box
1. Infinitely Variable - Speed Transmission
a. Variable –pitch sheave drive: (Variable speed belt drive)

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2.2 Actuating mechanisms

2.2 Mechanisms in the speed-box
1. Infinitely Variable - Speed Transmission
b. A toroidal stepless transmission:

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2.2 Actuating mechanisms

4 5
c. Hydraulic system V

1 – oil filter
2 – Pump
3 – Throttle valve 3

4 – Piston
5 – Cylinder
Change the speed:
- Change pump delivery 2
- Change the volume of the
discharged oil
d. Using Servo Motor

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§éng c¬ Servo

2.2 Actuating mechanisms

2. Stepping mechanisms.
a. Step pulley transmission: Motor  belt  Shaft I  pulley
- Direct:
Close plug  Shaft II I
- Indirect:
Open plug  Intermediate shaft Z4
 Shaft III  shaft II i 1 Z1
chèt nTC


Ii i
H¸c - ne Shaft

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2.2 Actuating mechanisms

b. Sliding – gear transmissions:
From Shaft I  III to 2 sliding gear group:
Sliding 2 - speed: Z1/Z1’ - Z2/Z2’
Sliding 3 - speed: Z3/Z3’ - Z4/Z4’ - Z5/Z5’
Changing for 6 speeds: Z1 Z2
 nTC1= nI .. Z1/Z1’ . Z3/Z3’ Z4
nI I Z5
 nTC2= nI . Z2/Z2’ . Z3/Z3’ Z3

 nTC3= nI . Z1/Z1 ’. Z4/Z4’

 nTC4= nI . Z2/Z2’ . Z4/Z4’
 nTC5= nI . Z1/Z1’ . Z5/Z5’ Z'1 Z'2
Ii i
 nTC6= nI . Z2/Z2’ . Z5/Z5’
Z'3 Z'5
The number of spindle speeds: Z= p1.p2..pi
With pi - the product of the transmission numbers
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2.2 Actuating mechanisms

C. Changing – gear
To provide for the appropriate i®ai
mesh of pick -- off gears.

ic«n nTC
n®c . i® . a/b . ic = nTC

b a
 Change speed  change transmission ratio a/b
 Using in automatic machines and single purpose
 In normal machines using change - gear

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2.3 Feed boxes

Task: To provide the required feed rates and feeding forces
machining different work pieces.
a. Norton gearboxes:
B¸nh r¨ng
gearthay thÕ b c

C¬ cÊu

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 31

2.3 Feed boxes

Z0: Carrying tumble gear,
Satellite rotate along shaft II A Zi


B¸nh r¨ng
®Öm Z0


Ii i

Za, Z0 sliding gear Ii

Za, Z0, Zi mesh together. A Za

The values of gear ratio:
Z1/Za; Z2/Za; … Zi/Za
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2.3 Feed boxes Z1 Z2

b. Mechanism with sliding - key: n
Z4 Sliding
Ii Then
key kÐo
To provide four different ratios: Ii
1 2 3 4
 Gear wheels are keyed
on the drive shaft (I) i
and mesh respectively with gear wheel
on the driven key shaft (II) Z'1 Z'2
Z'3 Z'4

3 1
1 - Driving key
2 - Gear
3 - Space
(these feed gearboxes are used in
small , medium – size drilling machines and turret lathe)
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2.3 Feed boxes Z1 Z2

c. Meander – type mechanism

Z1 Z2 (I )

(I )
(II )

(II ) Z3

(III )
(III )


Type 1: * Shaft I (the drive shaft): 3 gear clusters.

* Shaft II (the intermediate shaft): 4 gear clusters.
* Shaft III (the driven shaft): sliding gear Z5 mesh 4 gear Z3  for four
Type 2: Carries tumbler gear Z0 (as Norton – type gearbox), and move sliding
gear, meshed with the latter  for more rations.
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2.3 Feed boxes

d. Changing gear
- This type provides for
a a 1
the appropriate mesh of pick off gears. I 4

c b b A c

- The transmission ratio can be up to 1/8 A

d d


- Commonly two pairs of pick off gears are

sufficient to obtain the required feed rates. AA b
c 1

1 8 8


7 2

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2.3 Feed boxes

d. Changing gear

 Shaft I to change - gears a/b, c/d  Shaft III:

itt = a/b . c/d
 Change itt by changing a, b, c, d  change radius of
A0 = Const  Use Quadrant

 Quality mesh with changing a, b, c, d

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2.4 Special mechanisms B

1. Reversing Mechanisms C
 Combining gears
 The schemes of reversing mechanisms
with sliding spur gears (a, b).
 The schemes of reversing mechanisms
with bevel gears and a duplex claw clutch (c)
I Z1 Z2
Z1 Z2
Z2 M
Z0 Ii I
Z4 Ii Tay g¹t
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2.4 Mechanisms for Straight Movement

Rack and pinion transmissions
Using for the principal movement, the feed movement, and
various auxiliary movements l2

l1+l0 = l1/ (z.t) + l2 / (z.t)
= (l1+l2)) / (z.t)

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2.4 Mechanisms for Straight Movement

b. Worm and pinion gears,

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2.4 Mechanisms for Straight Movement

b. Lead screw and nut assembly

c. Ball screw and nut transmissions

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2.4 Mechanisms for Straight Movement

Cam mechanism:
- Converting rotating movement into straight movement

- There are disc cams and cylindrical cams

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2.5 Ratchet and Geneva_type Gearings

To produce single-way movements
In its forward stroke, the pawl
engages a tooth of the ratchet
wheel, which is fastened to the
table. This causes the ratchet
wheel and lead screw to rotate
a fraction of a revolution. On the
return stroke, the pawl slips over
the ratchet teeth

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2.5 Ratchet and Geneva-stop

Geneva - stop
The main relations between the parameters
 Z= 3  8
 2 = 2/Z
  +  = /2
 R = l.sin  = l.sin /z
with z – being the number of slots
 - half the angle between starwheel slots
 - half the central angle of the disc rotation

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2.7 Planetary Transmissions

Combining 2 separate motions

Any two members can be driving members, the third one is driven member
 The differential contains central gear Z1 and Z4 and satellites (an additional wheel) rotated by
worm gear 2
 Z4 is a driving member, the carrier is a
driven member, and worm gear 2 is
 The carrier is a driving member, gear Z4 is
a driven member, and worm gear 2 is
 Gear wheel Z1 is a driving member
(rotated by worm gear 2), gear wheel Z4
is a driven member, and the carrier is fixed.
 The carrier is a driving member, so gear Z1,
and gear wheel Z4 are driven member.
 Gear wheels Z1 and Z4 are driving members
and the carrier is a driven member.

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Chapter Three
Kinetics of lathes Engine and milling machines

§1 Lathes Engine
§2 Milling machines
§3 Gear - cutting machines

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3.1 Lathe Engine

1.1 Purpose
– Are the most popular machine tool, account for 2550% in
mechanical factory.
– Are designed for various jobs: turning external cylindrical, tapered,
and contour surfaces, boring cylindrical and taper holes, machining
face surfaces, cutting external threads, drilling, counterboring,
countersinking, and reaming holes, counter facing, cutting off, etc

– Accuracy: level 6, 7.
– Gloss level 8: Ra= 0,63m
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3.1 Engine Lathes

1.2 Main Unit of the Engine Lathe:

 Permanent Units:  Control Units:

 Handwheel, hand lever
 Speed gearbox(1)
 Rack and pinion screw
 Feed gearbox(3) threads
 Movable Units:  Cross slide transverse
 Carriage (5)  Control panel (8)
 Apron (6)  The others:
 Tailstock (7)  Luynet
 Guideways (4)
 Headstock
 Change – gear (2)

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3.1 Engine Lathes

Main Unit of the Engine Lathe

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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

Safety glass Electrical
Speed gearbox Chuck Tailstock
Tool post

Feed gearbox
Lead screw
Machine Frame Gear bar Carriage Chip pan Shaft
Machine Frame

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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

2.1 Specifications:
 Maximum diameter of work piece: 400mm.
 Number of spindle speeds 23: speed range,
12,5  2000 rpm.
 Feed range:
Longitudinal: 0,07  4,16 mm per rev
Cross traverse: 0,035  2,08 mm per rev.
 Pitch of screw threads cut:
Metric: tp= 1  192 mm.
Inch thread: 24  2 revolutions per inch.
Module thread: 0,5  48 mm.
Pitch thread: 96  1
 Driver: N= 10kW; n= 1450 rpm.
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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

2.2 Kinematics machine:
There are two kinematic chains:
 Speed chain: from motor to the spindle.
 Feed chain: - From the spindle to the lead screw
(thread cutting) or the feed shaft (transmitting rotation)
- It consists of
- The pitch – increasing gear train
- Reversing mechanism
- Pick off gear train with quadrant feed gearbox
- Apron gear transmission

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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

Kinematic diagram of 1K62 engine lathe

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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

1. The speed chain:
Friction Clutch
Ly hîp ma s¸t


iii v
Low speeds
Motor vi
High speed
There are two kinematic chains:
Low speeds

High speeds
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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

 The short kinematic chain: provides six higher speeds
Z = 2x3x1 = 6
 The long kinematic chain: provides 18 more lower speeds
Z = 2x3x2x2x1 = 24
However Actually, form 3rd shaft 4th shaft is only three ratios

 18 low speeds n1, n2,..n18

 6 high speeds: n19, n20.. n24
 Actually n18 n19 total 23 speeds

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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

2. The feed chain
a. Thread cutting:
Metric, module, inch, diametrical –pitch thread cutting, cutting threads
of higher accuracy, extra- coarse screw thread…

 From the spindle VIVII, VIII, the change gear  the feed
gearbox the feed shaft:
1 rev  pitch tp (mm)

 The change gear – VII&IX includes: itt = 64/97 or 42/50

 Norton Cone includes two main kinematic chains (ics)
 One chain, for inch and diametrical – pitch thread cutting, 28 pitch
IXC2XI (NT quay)XC4XIIXIIIXIVC5 the lead screw
 The other chain, for metric and module thread cutting, 28 pitch values
IX35/35X28/25(NT)XI 35/35XIIXIIIXIV C5the lead
 The multiplying transmission, XII, XIII, XIV (igb)

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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

 To cut the left thread:
From VII  though gear train: i®c = 35/28 x 28/35 VIII
 The kinematic diagram:
1rev tp



ics igb

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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

 Equation of thread cutting in general
1 rev x i®c x itt x ics (OR 1/ ics) x igb x tx = tp
 Metric threads: standard pitch tp; itt = 42/50; The Norton is driver

tp = KQT.Zn.igb  tp ~ Zn, igb

 Module threads: m = tp/ - itt= 64/97; the Norton is driver

tp = K1.Zn.igb  m.= K1.Zn.igb  m= Km. Zn. Igb; Km= K1/

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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

 Inch thread: K: 1 inch - 25,4 mm.
K=25,4/tp  tp=25,4/K - itt= 42/50; the Norton is driven.

K2.igb/Zn = tp = 25,4/K  K = KA.Zn/igb

 Diametrical – Pitch Thread: Dp: is a calculated value in toothed gearing.

 Dp=25,4/m, m=tp/   Dp=25,4./tp  tp= 25,4./Dp
 itt= 64/97; the Norton is driven.

K3.igb/Zn = tp = 25,4./Dp  Dp = KP.Zn/igb

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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

 Extra- coarse screw thread: machining thread with huge step
 Enlarge 4 standard thread types up to 2, 8, 32 times.
 Motion chain: spindle VIV III VI VII Enlarge module

 High accurate thread cutting: Requiring the shortest motion chain (used directly
change-gear box as feed gear box): spindleVIIVIIIittIX  C2XI
C3XIV C5 Lead screw
 Plane thread: machining plane - Acsimet on the 3 jaw chuck:
Feed cutting motion chain is the same as cutting normal thread, however from
CX to XIV  28/56 (Skip friction clutch) XV (shaft) Tool carriage crossing
lead screw (tx=5)
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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

b. The transmitting rotation:
NThe same cutting thread, to XIV (C5 disengaged)  Overrunning
clutch(C0) - 28/56  (feed shaft)  27/20.20/28 worm gearing
4/20Shaft XIX
 the cross traverse feed: Engaging clutches C8, C9, to the cross
slide feed screw though 40/61.61/20 xix
 the longitudinal feed
Engaging clutches C6, C7, though 14/66 Z=40 Z=45

to XXI and pinion z10

Z=37 Lång kh«ng
xx xx i i


Z=37 xix
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 60

3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

2.3 Special Mechanisms.
1. Overrunning Clutch.
To one shaft two diverse motions:
A slow working motion, A rapid idle motion
 Figure presents a roll –type overrunning clutch
 Body 1 keyed on a shaft, Outer ring 2
 Several rolls 3 placed in recesses of body 1
 Pins 4 (up to 3), Springs 5
To rapid motor
To motor
xv xvii The feed shaft
Overrunning clutch

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N=1KW 61
n=1410 v/p

3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

The movements of the saddle and the cross slide .

(2) (4) (6)


 There are two halves 1 and 2 of a split nut

 Power feed is engaged by closing half nuts
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3.2 1K62 - Engine Lathe

3. Overload Protection

Safety friction clutches

Drop- worm devices,

T630 (1A62)

Ratchet tooth claw clutches:


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3.3 Milling Machines

Milling Machines: 16th century , 1/10 in machines
 1815: Horizontal knee - type milling machines
 1884: Bed - type milling machines
In VN: P623, P613
2.1 General Purpose:
Are used for machining flat surfaces, contoured surfaces (die impression,
punches, cams, ..), external and internal surfaces thread, surfaces of
revolution, helical grooves, cutting gear, etc..

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3.3 Milling Machines

2.2. Classification of Milling Machines (MM)
- Following purpose:
+ General purpose MM
+ Copying MM
+ Continuous MM

- Following groups :
+ Knee - type MM: plain horizontal, vertical, ram head

+ Planer - type: single column, open side, ..

+ Specialized MM: thread, keyway, spline - shaft…

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3.3 Milling Machines

Vertical knee type MM, model Ram head knee type MM

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 66

3.4 6M82 Milling Machines

 Horizontal Spindle axis
 Spindle speed: 18 level (from 30 - 1500 rpm)
 Feed rates: 18 level (SL,a = 23,5-1800mm/min)
 Working table: 320 x 1250 mm
 Maximum table travel:
 Longitudinal : 700 mm
 Cross : 240 - 260 mm
 Vertical : 380 mm
 Maximum angle of table swivel:  450
 Spindle motor: N = 7 kW , n = 1440 rpm
 Feed motor: N = 1,7 kW, n = 1420 rpm
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 67

3.4 6M82 Milling Machines

06 07 08 09 10 11 12







22 22


04 26

30 29 28 27


16/10/2018 01 Machine-tool and Tribology 68

3.4 6M82 Milling Machines

 Main Units:
 Column, speed gearbox 1

 Over-arm 2:

 Tool 3

 Spindle 4

 Working Table 5: Sd

 Working Table 6: Sn

 Feed gearbox

 Bearing Brackets 8

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 69


3.4 6M82 Milling Machines

38 82 71

26 37 47 30 15 M7 t=6x1 t 2=6x1 xii
t 1=6x1 t=6x1
18 xi
iv 33 M5
22 33 22 16 18 x 13
39 36 19 ix 37 20
40 M 2 44 M4 vii Viii
iii M3 33 M6 26

28 33 18 vi 35 18
ii 13 M1 34 28
v 43
54 16 22 19 21
N= 7 kW iv 40 57
n=1440 27
vg/ph 36 18
26 iii 64
45 18 40 24 18 27 44
36 ii
t=6x1 t=6x1 24
t 3=6x1 26

N= 17 kW
n=1420 rpm

The kinematic diagram

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 70

3.4 6M82 Milling Machines

The kinematic machines

 Primary movement chain:

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 71

3.4 6M82 Milling Machines

 The feed movement chain:
 The longitudinal, cross and vertical feeds:

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 72


3.4 6M82 Milling Machines

4 2


40 M1 1
45 2 3 1

a) b) c)

a. Idle position
b. Indirect transmission: 1234
c. Direct transmission: 12

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 73

3.4 6M82 Milling Machines

 Rapid traverse: 3 axis

Special Mechanisms
 Clutches on output shaft VI:
+ Ball type safety clutch M2 (1)
+ Claw clutch M3 (7)
+ Disk friction clutch M4 (6)

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 74

3.4 6M82 Milling Machines

A single handwheel pre-selector control mechanism
disc Dial


stop sleeve lock

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 75


3.5 Gear cutting Machines

3.1 Gear - Cutting Methods
– There are two principal methods
– The form-cutting method
 The edges of cutting tool formed
to the shape of the tooth space to be cut
 Each cutter in the set is designed for cutting a limited
range of numbers of teeth.
 By this method: not very accurate since, errors
associated, errors inherent in the cutting tool.
 It is used, in repairs, in making single gears, in some
cases for cutting herringbone gear, and in roughing the
tooth spaces.

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 76

3.5 Gear Cutting Machines

– The generating method
 Is base upon the meshing of the cutter with the gear by the
relative rolling motion of the cutter and the work
 The cutting tools: a gear, gear rack or worm, shaping cutter.
 This method: cannot compare in output with form cutting
 Can cut gears with any number of teeth of the same
module, including modified gears

Helical gear


16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 77

3.5 Gear Cutting Machines

3.2 Classification of Gear Cutting Machines
 Purpose
 Spur and helical gears
 Straight bevel gears and curved tooth bevel
 Worm wheels, gear racks..…
 Type of machining and tool
 Gear – hobbing machines
 Gear shaping, gear planing, gear broaching...
 Machining accuracy
 Roughing the teeth
 Finishing the teeth, micro-finishing the teeth

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 78


3.6 Gear - Hobbing Machines, Model 5E32

A general purpose machines, cutting
spur gear, helical gears, worm
2. Main Units
1 - bed (body)
2 - Column
3 - Control panel
4 - hob slide;
5 - Motor ;
6- Work table
7- Work piece;
8- Part back head
9,10- change gearbox.
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 79

3.6 Gear - Hobbing Machines, Model 5E32

N=0,18kW Extended tool shaft
t=5x1 §4 9 77 72
120 78
16 79 vii vi
k=1 25
18 t=10x1 25
vii vi 80 v
25 25 35 16
v xxx
25 10 xxiv t=5x1 xxxii 16
20 20
50 xxix
iv 20 xxxi
xiv xxviii
k=5 k=1 35
d1 c1 b1
30 10
xxv a1
xv 24 d
M3 xxvi xiii k=2
30 f c
t=10x1 20 46 82
96 k=1 viii 30 x M5 xii b
xxvii xi a
25 e
25 d =240
xxiii 2 iii 30 81 M4 xi ix
20 32 B B
46 30 i 30 k=1
25 N=1kW
M1 35 A ii a
M2 K=4 n=1440vg/ph 42
xxii DS A
§2 xix
34 36 k=16 ii b

xxi 19 xvii 35 48
The kinematic diagram: §1
36 xx
16/10/2018 Machine-tool n=1440vg/ph
and Tribology d1=126 80
a2 b2 c2 d2

3.7. Gear - Shaping Machines

Machining external and internal spur
gears, gear clusters, helical gears..
D = 20 - 1600mm ;
= 300 ,
mmax = 12mm
Designation: 512, 5A12, 514,
5A14, …

• Principle: Repeat movement matching

gears (1 is tool& 1 is gear blank)

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 81


3.7. Gear - Shaping Machines

3.2 Gear Shaping Machines 514

 Main Units
1 - Bed
2 - Working table
3 - Spindle head
4 - spindle radial
- infeed mechanism

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 82

3.7. Gear - Shaping Machines

16/10/2018 The kinematic diagram,

Machine-tool model 514
and Tribology 83

3.7 Gear - Shaping Machine

Symbolic mechanisms of the machine
 Cutting infeed mechanism with counting and switching - off device

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 84


3.7 Gear - Shaping Machine

 Mechanism for
table oscillation

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 85

3.7 Gear - Shaping Machine
• Cutting spindle for cutting helical gears.
 Movable part of helical guide - 1
 Shaping cutter - 2

• Mechanism for adjusting cutter travel length

relative to gear blank

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 86

Chapter four
basic structures of CNC machine tool

§1. Introduction to CNC Machine Tool

§2. Major elements in a CNC Machine Tool
§3. Working and Auxiliary Motions in CNC Machine Tool
§4. Work piece clamping and automatic tool change
§5. Spindle drives and Feed Drives
§6. Guide ways and ball screw – nut
§7. Measuring Systems

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4.1. Introduction of CNC Machine Tool


16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 88

4.1. Introduction of CNC Machine Tool

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 89

§1. ofCNC
1.2. CNC machines
 1947: J.Parson began experimenting for 3 – axis curvature date to
control. machine tool motion for the production of aircraft
 1949: Parson awarded a US Air Force contract to build the first NC
 1951: MIT was involved in the project
 1952: NC achieved when MIT demonstrated that simultaneous 3 –
axis movements were possible using a laboratory – build
controller and a Cincinnati HYDROTEL vertical spindle
 1955: after refinements NC become available to industry.

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 90


§1. Introductionto
1.2. CNC machines
 1947: J.Parson began experimenting for 3 – axis curvature date to
control. machine tool motion for the production of aircraft
 1949: Parson awarded a US Air Force contract to build the first NC
 1951: MIT was involved in the project
 1952: NC achieved when MIT demonstrated that simultaneous 3 –
axis movements were possible using a laboratory – build
controller and a Cincinnati HYDROTEL vertical spindle
 1955: after refinements NC become available to industry.

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 91

4.1. Introduction of CNC Machine Tool

a. Structure:
 The basic motions is the same as conventional machine tool.
 Difference:
o The design and construction of CNC greatly differ from that of
convention machine tool
o The computer controls all operator of machine
o Movements on CNC are driven by a separated servo motors
and controlled directly by CNC controller (computer), located
on a coordinate and machine axes.
o Each movement is always inspected by measuring system
then feedback to controller

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4.1. Introduction of CNC Machine

Feature Machine tool NC CNC
Change clamp, NC program input NC program read to
blank, tool by controler by hole controller via keyboard,
Input hand paper band disk, communicated
port then saved to
Technology Controller processes Computer processes all
index of the information of the input data and
manufacturing motion of the cutting feedback signals to
process (v,s,t) tool then give control actuators (may
was controlled controlled signal to use error analysis and
by hand wheels actuators compensative software)
Offline manual Automatic online Automatic online
measuring, measure and feedback measure and feedback
Inspecti checking (if to controller to online to controller, integrated
on error, adjust manufacturing online tool wear
remanufacture) process detection and tool wear
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology adaptive 93

4.2. Major elements of a CNC machine

Machine structure

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 94

4.2. Major elements of a CNC machine

Machine structure

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 95

4.2. Major elements of a CNC machine

Machine structure – motion transmission
1. Spindle and feed rate motions:
Feed rate motions are driven by separated servo motors which are
controlled directly by computer
Hand manual motions are disappear
 CNC Turning machine:
There are at least two feed rate motions always be controlled: X and Z

 Beside that there may have more motions such as A, B, C

rotation along X, Y, Z axes
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 96

4.2. Major elements of a CNC machine

Machine structure – motion transmission
 CNC Milling machine
There are at least 3 feed rate motions which are driven
directly by servo motors: 3 translations along X, Y, Z

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 97

4.2. Major elements of a CNC machine

Machine structure – motion transmission
2. Spindle and feed rate motions:
 Motion transmission mechanism:
 Servo motor and electronic controlled clutchs, safety mechanisms
 Lead ball screw – nut with tiny backlash which helps to reduce
load, gaps…
 Each motion has its own inspection device
 Spindle motion:
 Consist with cutting required power
 Against friction, loss energy in mechanisms
 Stability at every cutting conditions.
 Enough power for high acceleration without vibration
 Actuators can be DC motor, DC servo motor, AC motor or
hydraulic servo motors, etc
 Spindle speed up to 12000 - 20000 rpm

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4.2. Major elements of a CNC machine

Machine structure – motion transmission
 Feed rate motions:
 Standardization axes, rigid mechanism
 Feed rate ranging from 18m/min to 42m/min, acceleration from
10m/s2 to 40m/s2
 Lead ball screw – nut helps to change from rotation into
translation motion with leak of backlash, loss energy
 Actuators can be hydraulic servo motor, (step motor), AC or
DC motor

Motion Working table


Servo motor
Ball screw Measuring
Nut system

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 99


4.2. Major elements of a CNC machine

Work piece holder and Tool changer
1. Work piece holder:
 Functions:
 Accurate positioning work piece
 Fasten work piece and against cutting force
 High accuracy, fast and rapid work piece change, easy operation
 Position: on the spindle of Turning machine, on working
table of Milling machine
 CNC Turning machine:
 Self centered chuck, against centrifugal force at high speed rotation

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 100

4.2. Major elements of a CNC machine

Work piece holder and Tool changer
 CNC Milling machine:
 Mechanical work piece holder: đòn kẹp, gối đỡ, bulông kẹp với đầu chữ T
 Mechanical Vice fasten by hand
 Pneumatic Vice, automatically fasten and automatically adjust fastening
force, self-centered
 Magnetic work piece holder table.
 Special Jig
 Multi pallets system
 Integrated robot and chuck, automatic hydraulic fastener
(fastening force depend on weight, material, dimension and
cutting depth, etc)

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 101

Work piece clamping – Tool changer

2. Tool changer (device):
 In general, CNC machine has an Automatic Tool changer
module which allow the CNC machine automatically change
cutting tools
 Depending on machining type and working area, automatic
tool change module may include:
 Automatic tool changer
 Magazine
 Tool register
 ATC can be turret, or magazine
a) Turret: When a tool change NC
command is executed, the turret will
fast rotate let the new cutting tool is
in right possition (with in from 7s to 0,2s)
Illustration of Turret on
 Turret may store up to 8 or 16 tools, Lathe CNC machine
 even more than that
 A large CNC Milling Center may have up to 3 Turrets used
simultaneously Machine-tool and Tribology 102

Work piece Clamping – Automatic Tool change

Turret ATC
Turret ATC

Lathe CNC Machine

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 103

Work piece clamping – automatic Tool change

b) Tool magazine (Often used for
more than 48 cutting tools)
 Chain magazines used
together with tool changer
Robot arm

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 104

Work piece clamping – Automatic Tool Change

 Tool changer arm
 Moving tool called by NC
program, spindle moves
to tool change position
 Arm moves to tool
change position, rotates
90o grips tool in
magazine and spindle
 Tools are pushed out of
spindle and magazine
 Arm rotates 180o to
change tool
 Tools are pushed in to
spindle and magazine
 Arm rotates 900 then
moves back to starting
position (all happens in

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 105


Work piece clamping – Automatic Tool change

 Self operated magazine:
 Spindle is moved to tool changing position

 Magazine gets in and grips tool in spindle

 Spindle moves up to push out the cutting tool

 Magazine moves the tool called by NC program to the spindle position

 Spindle moves down to push in and fasten tool

 Magazine moves back to starting position

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 106

Work piece clamping – Automatic Tool change

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 107

Spindle and guide ways

1. Spindle: produce the cutting motion
 Lathe CNC machine: the structure is Cylinder ATC
similar to it of lathe machine with Piston
hydraulic chuck but manufactured at Pulley
higher accuracy
 Milling CNC machine: the spindle Bearing
integrated with automatic pneumatic
tool fastener
 Release Tool: compressed air Disk spring
pushes the piston moves down ->
spring is compressed -> release
(nhả mỏ kẹp), by the way, Limitation Gripper
compressed air get into gripper
then push out tool from spindle Bearing
 Tool fastening : tool has been push
into spindle, compressed air Standard
pushes piston to move upward, Cone
make gripper moves upward that Tool post
fastens the tool (kẹp chặt đuôi
dụng cụ) Rack pinion
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 108

Spindle and guide ways

2. Guide ways: using rolling friction instead of sliding
 Reduce friction, backlash, Improve responsibility
 Standardizing: improving quality and accuracy
 Lubricating: oil mist or direct injection regular lubricating
 Satisfying the requirement of high acceleration, small
displacement, discrete displacement against stick slip in
sliding guide ways

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 109

Spindle and guide ways

3. Ball screw – Nut: transmitting motions “without”
backlash, high responsibility
 Translation transmission: each moving axis has its own driving
and measuring system which is directly controlled by CNC
 Nut is often made in 2 parts then assembled in order to reduce
backlash. There are 2 type of nut assembly
 Longitudinal assembly: used in motion transmission which requires high
accuracy, tiny backlash

Left ball screw Right ball screw


Left ball screw

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 110

Spindle and guide ways

 Radial assembly: Used in motion transmission which requires smooth
and easy for displacement

 The backlash and other errors of ball screw can be

inspected and save in memory of the machine for automatic

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 111


Measuring system

1. Functions and classification:

 Function: collecting the status of all the
parts of the machine during working
 Classification:
 Base on motion:
 Translation measuring system
 Rotation measuring system
 Measuring signal:
 Digital measuring system
 Analogue measuring system
 Measuring method:
 Absolute measuring system
 Incremental measuring system
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 112

Measuring system
2. Direct and indirect measuring system:
 Direct measuring system
 The displacement is directly inspected by measuring
device. This measuring type ignores the errors of every
motion transmission. The sensor can be optical ruler or
induction ruler

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 113

Measuring system
 Incremental:
 The displacement is inspected through a related
displacement. Then from measured result, the expected
displacement can be calculated based on the regular
relationship between that 2 displacements
 Sensor normally is optical disk

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 114


Measuring system

3. Absolute and Incremental measurements:

 Absolute measurements:
 Ruler is encoded in the way let it can tell directly the
position of the reader without any calculation from
previous position so every time power on the machine, the
measuring system can say immediate the position of the
object on the ruler
 Measuring range depends on the working area and coding
area. There are 2 types of ruler
 Rotational ruler: Ruler is a disk mounted on the rotational
objects. This type is often used for indirect measuring system
 Linear ruler: Ruler is a bar (Optical or induction) and mounted
directly on the linear moving object. This type is often used
for direct measuring system.

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 115

Measuring system
 Incremental measuring system:
 Thang đo là lưới vạch đơn giản hình thành từ các vạch sáng tối
xen kẽ nhau, có khoảng cách bước là Δs.
 Đầu đo đếm số vạch sáng tối, và chuyển cho bộ ĐK tính toán vị trí
tức thời của bàn máy dựa vào vị trí trước đó.
 Hệ ĐK phải được nhận biết một lần vị trí tuyệt đối, sau đó mới có
thể tính được vị trí tức thời với sự hỗ trợ của đo vị trí tương đối.
 Điểm tuyệt đối được gọi là điểm tham chiếu của máy R
 L = số xung đo x Δs

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 116

2.5 Đặc điểm cấu trúc máy CNC - hệ thống

 Hệ thống đo dùng thước chắn có 2 hệ thống của
sổchiều đếm
 Có 1 nguồn sáng với hệ thống quang học phát ra chùm sáng
 Bố trí 2 tế bào quang điện cho 2 xung cảm nhận f1 và f2

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 117


2.5 Đặc điểm cấu trúc máy CNC - hệ thống đo

4. Đo tương tự: Resolver
 Đo theo nguyên tắc cảm ứng điện từ
 Điện áp tỷ lệ vào tốc độ quay
 Cấu tạo gồm:

 Stato: 2 cuộn dây vuông góc với nhau

 Cấp điện áp cùng biên độ, tần số nhưng lệch pha nhau 90 độ:
U1=Uscosωt và U2=Ussinωt
 Sinh ra từ trường tuỳ thuộc điện áp được cung cấp
 Rôto: thường có 1 cuộn dây có góc φ với từ trường
 Điện áp cảm ứng trên cuộn dây RT phụ thuộc vào vị trí của nó
trong từ trường Ur=Ussin(ωt+φ)
 Ur=O khi mặt phẳng cuộn dây vuông góc với từ trường, nó
được sử dụng làm điểm cân bằng cần thực.

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 118


6.1 Lập trình thủ công & lập trình máy
1. Lập trình thủ công:
 Chương trình NC được viết trực tiếp theo một hệ
điều khiển CNC
 Thời gian lập trình tuỳ thuộc vào độ phức tạp hình
học của chi tiết và khả năng của hệ điều khiển.
 Khả năng mắc lỗi dễ xảy ra và rất khó nhận biết,
hiện nay thường sử dụng các phần mềm mô phỏng
để kiểm tra chương trình.
2. Lập trình bằng máy (phần mềm)
 Sử dụng hệ thống phần mềm đồng bộ từ thiết kế
đến tạo lập chương trình NC, với phần mềm mô
phỏng quá trình gia công.
 Hỗ trợ việc tính toán toạ độ, tính toán các thông số
công nghệ

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 119

6.1 Lập trình thủ công & lập trình máy

 Có thư viện về các thông số của dụng cụ cắt,
thiết bị gá kẹp...
 Có hỗ trợ tối ưu hoá quá trình gia công.
 Có thư viện về các loại máy công cụ CNC, cùng
các hệ điều khiển tương thích
 Các bước lập trình máy:
 Thiết lập hình dáng hình học của chi tiết và phôi
 Xác định các bước gia công, Phần mềm hỗ trợ lựa
chọn dụng cụ và các thông số công nghệ tương
ứng, phụ thuộc vào vật liệu lựa chọn gia công.
 Mô phỏng quá trình gia công, lựa chọn máy công
cụ, lựa chọn hệ điều khiển sau đó xuất ra file NC,
đưa sang máy CNC.(CAM)

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 120


6.2 Lập trình CNC

1. Tiêu chuẩn hoá lập trình NC (ISO)
 Chương trình NC chứa các thông tin về hệ lệnh
đường đi và hệ lệnh đóng ngắt
 Chương trình NC hình thành từ một chuỗi các câu
lệnh, nó được dùng để điều khiển máy công cụ
 Các lệnh được mã hoá dưới dạng chữ số, chữ cái
và các ký tự đặc trưng.
 Tiêu chuẩn ISO-6983 đã qui định giới hạn chung
của các lệnh cũng như cấu trúc cơ bản của một
chương trình NC.
 Các nhà sản xuất hệ điều khiển đã mở rộng phạm
vi mã hoá các lệnh NC đặc thù cho hệ điều khiển
mình trên cơ sở các qui định chung của ISO-6983.
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 121

6.2 Lập trình CNC

2. Cấu trúc cơ bản chương trình NC
 Bắt đầu chương trình: (VD: %PHAY018)
 Có các ký tự đặc trưng do nhà sản xuất hệ ĐK qui định: %
 Tiếp theo là tên của chương trình do người lập trình đặt, có
tối đa 6 ký tự, bao gồm các chữ cái và chữ số
Đảm bảo để dễ dàng quản lý, lưu trữ và truy nhập khi cần thiết.
 Thân chương trình:
 Bao gồm các câu lệnh đựơc sắp đặt theo trình tự nhất định
để gia công chi tiết tối ưu nhất.
 Các câu lệnh chứa các thông tin về hình dáng hình học,
công nghệ và kỹ thuật của chương trình.
 Thông thường một câu lệnh cung cấp đủ thông tin cho mỗi
bước gia công.
 Kết thúc chương trình:
 Chương trình được kết thúc bởi lệnh M30 hoặc M02.
Các chú thích diễn giải đặt trong ngoặc đơn sẽ được bộ ĐK
bỏ qua.
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 122

6.2 Lập trình CNC

2. Cấu trúc câu lệnh, từ lệnh
 Cấu trúc câu lệnh:
(VD: N0035 G01 X10.01 F100 S2000 M08 LF)
 Đầu tiên là số thứ tự của câu lệnh N0035, chỉ được cấp
một lần trong một câu lệnh. Nó không làm ảnh hưởng
đến tác động của từng câu lệnh.
 Điều kiện hành trình dịch chuyển của dụng cụ cắt “G01”
cùng với 2 chữ số quyết định quĩ đạo chuyển động của
dụng cụ cắt.
 Toạ độ điểm đích: X10.01, Y_, Z_cùng với các con số là
toạ độ của điểm đích mà dụng cụ di chuyển đến.
 Các tham số nội suy: I_, J_, Z_ cùng với các con số là
toạ độ của tâm cung tròn theo giá trị tương đối với điểm
xuất phát.
 Lượng chạy dao F100 cùng với các con số nó dùng để
điều khiển tốc độ Machine-tool
dịch chuyển của dụng cụ cắt, Mặc123
and Tribology
là mm/ph, hoặc mm/vòng.

6.2 Lập trình CNC

 Tốc độ quay của trục chính: S2000 đựoc sử dụng để điều
khiển số vòng quay của trục chính theo v/ph
 Chức năng phụ trợ M08 là chức năng cuả máy dùng để
ĐK các thông số công nghệ, được nhậpvào sau các từ
lệnh F, S, T trong một dòng lệnh có không quá 3 chức
năng máy
 Chức năng dụng cụ cắt T06 dùng để chỉ đinh dụng cụ cắt
được sử dụng, ý nghĩa của địa chỉ này không giống nhau
trong các hệ ĐK và thuờng có hai nhiệm vụ cơ bản sau:
 Gọi dụng cụ được chỉ định trong ổ chứa dao
 Truy cập kích thước hiệu chỉnh dụng cụ cắt trong bộ nhớ của
 Cần lưu ý các con số tuỳ thuộc vào các chữ cái địa chỉ sẽ
có ý nghĩa là một mã lệnh hoặc là một giá trị khi đó nó có
thể có giá trị âm, dạng của con số tuỳ thuộc vào qui định
của từng hệ điều khiển khác nhau
 Thông thường có 3 nhóm từ lệnh trong một câu lệnh: Điều
kiện hành trình, CácMachine-tool
toạ độandđích,Các
chức năng công124
và phụ trợ

6.2 Lập trình CNC

 Cấu trúc của từ lệnh
 Từ lệnh được hình thành từ một chữ cái địa chỉ và
các con số,
 Ý nghĩa và trình tự của các từ lệnh được qui định
trong từng hệ điều khiển (do nhà sản xuất quyết
 VD: N0035 G01 X10.01 F100 S2000 M08 LF
 N0035: Mô tả số của câu lện NC cho địa chỉ N
 G01: Ý nghĩa mã lệnh 01 cho địa chỉ G, dịch chuyển
của dụng cụ cắt là đường thẳng với lượng chạy dao
tương ứng
 X10.01: Số 10.01 có ý nghĩa là một giá trị cho địa
chỉ Z trong mối tương quan với địa chỉ G01, cho biết
dụng cụ cần dic chuyển đến toah độ X10.01 với
lương chạy dao đã cho và trong hệ toạ độ tức thời
16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 125

6.3 Mã lệnh cơ bản theo ISO- 6983

 Chuyển động chạy dao nhanh G00
 C/đ nội suy đường thẳng với lượng chạy dao xác định G01
 C/đ nội suy cung tròn cùng chiều kim đồng hồ G02
 C/đ nội suy cung tròn ngược chiều kim đồng hồ G03
 Thời gian dừng chuyển động chạy dao (s) G04
 Dừng chính xác G09
 Đổi đơn vị đo ra mm G20
 Đổi đơn vị đo ra inch G21
 Gọi chương trình con G22
 Lặp lại đoạn chương trình G23
 Huỷ hiệu chỉnh bán kính dụng cụ cắt G40
 Hiệu chỉnh bán kính bên trái đường biên dạng G41
 Hiệu chỉnh bán kính bên phải đường biên dạng G42
 Vào và ra dụng cụ song song với biên dạng G45
 Vào và ra dụng cụ theo một nửa đường tròn G46

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6.3 Mã lệnh cơ bản theo ISO- 6983

 Vào và ra dụng cụ theo một phần tư đường tròn G47
 Huỷ dịch chuyển điểm không tương đối G53
 Dịch chuyển điểm không G54,... G59
 Lập trình theo kích thước tuyệt đối G90
 Lập trình theo kích thước tương đối G91
 Lượng chạy dao mm/phút G94
 Lượng chạy dao mm/vòng G95
 Chu trình khoan (phay) G81
 Chu trình tiện rãnh G79
 Toạ độ theo trục X, Y, Z X_,Y_, Z_
 Toạ độ tâm cung tròn theo toạ độ tương đối X, Y, Z I_, J_, K_
 Số vòng quay của trục chính (vòng/phút) S_
 Lượng chạy dao F_
 Chỉ định dụng cụ T_
 Thay dụng cụ M06
 Mở trục chính quay phải M03
 Mở trục chính quay trái M04
 Mở dung dịch trơn nguội M07, M08
 Tắt dung dich trơn nguội M09
 Kết thúc chương trình M30

16/10/2018 Machine-tool and Tribology 127

6.3 Mã lệnh cơ bản theo ISO- 6983

Ví dụ chương trình NC

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