Name ID Number
Getachew Beyecha PGR/18421/11
Figure 2 discretization
function U =DirichletPDE(x,y,f,uleft,uright,ubottom,utop)
% DirichletPDE numerically solves an elliptic PDE with Dirichlet boundary
% conditions over a rectangular region.
% U =DirichletPDE(x,y,f,uleft,uright,ubottom,utop), where
% x is the 1-by-m vector of mesh points in the x direction,
% y is the 1-by-n vector of mesh points in the y direction,
% f is an anonymous function representing f(x,y),
% ubottom(x),utop(x),uright(y),uleft(y) are anonymous functions
% describing the boundary conditions,
% U is the solution at the interior mesh points.
y = y 0 ; m = size(x, 2); n = size(y, 1); N = (m − 2) ∗ (n − 2);
A = diag(−4 ∗ ones(N, 1));
A = A + diag(diag(A, n − 2) + 1, n − 2);
A = A + diag(diag(A, 2 − n) + 1, 2 − n);
v = ones(N − 1, 1); % Create vector of ones
v(n − 2 : n − 2 : end) = 0; % Insert zeros
A = A + diag(v, 1); % Add upper diagonal
A = A + diag(v, −1); % Add lower diagonal
[X, Y ] = meshgrid(x(2 : end − 1), y(end − 1 : −1 : 2)); % Create mesh
h = x(2) − x(1);
% Define boundary conditions
f ori = 2 : m − 1,
utop bound(i − 1) = utop(x(i));
ubottom bound(i − 1) = ubottom(x(i));
for i =1:n,
uleft bound(i) =uleft(y(n+1-i));
uright bound(i) =uright(y(n+1-i));
b =0; % Initialize vector b
for i =1:N,
b(i) = h2 ∗ f (X(i), Y (i));
b(1 : n − 2 : N ) = b(1 : n − 2 : N ) − utop bound;
b(n − 2 : n − 2 : N ) = b(n − 2 : n − 2 : N ) − ubottom bound;
b(1 : n − 2) = b(1 : n − 2) − ulef t bound(2 : n − 1);
b(N − (n − 3) : N ) = b(N − n + 3 : N ) − uright bound(2 : n − 1);
u = A \ b0 ; % Solve the system.
U =reshape(u, n-2, m-2);
U =[utop bound; U; ubottom bound];
U =[uleft bound’ U uright bound];
[X, Y ] = meshgrid(x, y(end : −1 : 1));
surf (X, Y, U ); % 3D plot of the numerical results.
xlabel(‘x0 ); ylabel(‘y 0 );
x = 0 : 0.5 : 2; y = 0 : 0.5 : 1;
f = @(x, y)(0); ubottom = @(x)(sin(π ∗ )); utop = @(x)(0);
ulef t = @(y)(0); uright = @(y)(0);
U = DirichletP DE(x, y, f, ulef t, uright, ubottom, utop)
0 0 0 0 0
0 0.2735 0.3867 0.2735 0
0 0.7071 1.0000 0.7071 0