Assignment Curricullum Evaluation
Assignment Curricullum Evaluation
Assignment Curricullum Evaluation
MPPC 1303
What is curriculum?
Types Definitions
Is simply that which is written as part of formal instruction of schooling
experiences. It may refer to a curriculum document, texts, films, and
supportive teaching materials that are overtly chosen to support the
explicit or
intentional instructional agenda of a school. Thus, the overt curriculum is
usually confined to those written understandings and directions formally
designated and reviewed by administrators, curriculum directors and
teachers, often collectively.
That which is implied by the very structure and nature of schools, much of
what revolves around daily or established routines.
Longstreet and Shane (1993) offer a commonly accepted definition for this
. . . The "hidden curriculum," which refers to the kinds of learning children
derive from the very nature and organizational design of the public school,
as well as from the behaviours and attitudes of teachers and
administrators.... "
The hidden Examples of the hidden curriculum might include the messages and lessons
or covert derived from the mere organization of schools -- the emphasis on: sequential
curriculum room arrangements; the cellular, timed segments of formal instruction; an
annual schedule that is still arranged to accommodate an agrarian age;
disciplined messages where concentration equates to student behaviours
were they are sitting up straight and are continually quiet; students getting
in and standing in line silently; students quietly raising their hands to be
called on; the endless competition for grades, and so on. The hidden
curriculum may include both positive and negative messages, depending on
the models provided and the perspectives of the learner or the observer.
That which we do not teach, thus gives students the message that these
elements are not important in their educational experiences or in our society.
Eisner offers some major points as he concludes his discussion of the null
The major point is that schools have consequences not only by virtue of
what they do not teach, but also by virtue of what they neglect to teach.
The null
What students cannot consider, what they don't processes they are unable to
use, have consequences for the kinds of lives they lead. 103
Eisner (1985, 1994) first described and defined aspects of this curriculum.
He states:
There is something of a paradox involved in writing about a curriculum that
does not exist. Yet, if we are concerned with the consequences of school
programs and the role of curriculum in shaping those consequences, then it
seems to me that we are well advised to consider not only the explicit and
implicit curricula of schools but also what schools do not teach. It is my
thesis that what schools do not teach may be as important as what they do
teach. I argue this position because ignorance is not simply a neutral void; it
has important effects on the kinds of options one is able to consider, the
alternatives that one can examine, and the perspectives from which one can
view a situation or problems. ...
From Eisner's perspective the null curriculum is simply that which is not
taught in schools. Somehow, somewhere, some people are empowered to
make conscious decisions as to what is to be included and what is to be
excluded from the overt (written) curriculum. Since it is physically
impossible to teach everything in schools, many topics and subject areas
must be intentionally excluded from the written curriculum. But Eisner's
position on the "null curriculum" is that when certain subjects or topics are
left out of the overt curriculum, school personnel are sending messages to
students that certain content and processes are not important enough to
study. Unfortunately, without some level of awareness that there is also a
well-defined implicit agenda in schools, school personnel send this same
type of message via the hidden curriculum.
Elements from the rhetorical curriculum are comprised from ideas offered
by policymakers, school officials, administrators, or politicians. This
curriculum may also come from those professionals involved in concept
formation and content changes; or from those educational initiatives
resulting from decisions based on national and state reports, public speeches,
or from texts critiquing out-dated educational practices. The rhetorical
curriculum may also come from the publicized works offering updates in
pedagogical knowledge.
Those things that students actually take out of classroom; those concepts and
content that are truly learned and remembered.
Processes, content, knowledge combined with the experiences and realities
of the learner to create new knowledge. While educators should be aware of
The internal
this curriculum, they have little control over the internal curriculum since it
is unique to each student.
• Educational measurement
instrument or tools
commonly used are test,
questionnaire, quiz or
What is Curriculum Evaluation?
Curriculum plays crucial role in achieving educational purposes. There are four main
roles, namely, curriculum, curriculum objectives of curriculum content, teaching and learning
and evaluation of curriculum. The fourth role the curriculum should be balanced and aims to
achieve optimum educational purposes. Component of the evaluation is inseparable part of
the curriculum. The term “evaluation” generally applies to the process of making a value
judgment. In education, the term “evaluation” is used in reference to operations associated
with curriculum, programs, and interventions, methods of teaching and organizational factors.
Curriculum evaluation aims to examine the impact of implemented curriculum on student
(learning) achievement so that the official curriculum can be revised if necessary and to
review teaching and learning processes in the classroom. Curriculum evaluation establishes:
Specific strengths and weaknesses of a curriculum and its implementation;
Critical information for strategic changes and policy decisions;
Inputs needed for improved learning and teaching;
Indicators for monitoring.
Secondly, in schools where the administrator can evaluate the quality of teaching of
the teachers, students ' achievement and at the school itself. The administrator is able to
assess their leadership. In addition, assessment in schools is able to help the school
administrators to improve the quality of teaching his teachers. Assessing the curriculum itself
can assess its effectiveness as a whole so that improvement could be done on the basis of
pupils’ development. Experience-the experience gained at the time of the curriculum
implemented will provide maturity to find innovation new and appropriate according to the
circulation of the times.
In addition, the evaluation of the curriculum can help the Government to make
decisions about curriculum, curriculum plan components, namely, infrastructure, labour, time
and cost, implementation of the curriculum, such as teaching and training activities as well as
the impact on the education programmes that have been carried out.
1. Formative Evaluation
It occurs during the course of curriculum development. Its purpose is to contribute to
the improvement of the educational programme. The merits of a programme are
evaluated during the process of its development. The evaluation results provide
information to the programme developers and enable them to correct flaws detected in
the programme. Instead of waiting until the end of the school year to look
back on how well the curriculum worked, using a formative evaluation
allows you to get feedback on a consistent basis, according to the Carnegie
Mellon University. This type of assessment allows educators and
administrators to make changes as the school year progresses and adapt the
curriculum for different learning styles. Methods for formative evaluation
may include collecting student reflection papers after lessons, midterm
course evaluations or reviewing summaries that the students write on
instructional units.
2. Summative Evaluation
In summative evaluation, the final effects of a curriculum are evaluated on the basis
of its stated objectives. It takes place after the curriculum has been fully developed
and put into operations.
3. Diagnostic Evaluation
Diagnostic evaluation is directed towards two purposes either for placement of
students properly at the outset of an instructional level (such as secondary school) or
to discover the underlying cause of deviancies in student learning in any field of
Cortes, C.E. (1981) The societal curriculum: Implications for multiethnic educations. In
Banks, J.A (ed.) Educations in the 80's: Multiethnic education. National Education
Eisner, E.W. (1994) The educational imagination: On design and evaluation of school
programs. (3rd. ed) New York: Macmillan.
Longstreet, W.S. and Shane, H.G. (1993) Curriculum for a new millennium. Boston: Allyn
and Bacon.
Olive, PE. (2005). Developing the Curriculum. 6th edition. United States: Allyn & Bacon
Wilson, L. O. (1990, 2004, 2006) Curriculum course packets ED 721 & 726, unpublished.