Management of Small Mines
Management of Small Mines
Management of Small Mines
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University of Wollongong Thesis Collection University of Wollongong Thesis Collections
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Rahman, Sheikh Ateeq Ur, Management of small mines, Master of Engineering (Hons.) thesis, Department of Civil and Mining
Engineering, University of Wollongong, 1993.
University of Wollongong
(ii) Why and how to manage a small mine by using different approaches,
The main objective of conducting this research was to identify the problems
faced by small-scale mining operations and suggesting probable solutions. The
research by the author indicates that in various countries very little work has been done
on the management of small mines Although attention was focussed on the small
mining industry in the Asia-Pacific region it has been attempted seriously to cite a few
examples from other countries such as India, Canada, and the US, where the small
mining industry industry plays a significant role in the economy, to prove its
Since, no experimental work was involved due to the nature of the project the
attention was focused on a desktop study. It was also decided to emphasise small gold
mines due to its importance and high unit value in theworld market . The information
collected during the process of this research showed that the areas like mine finance,
infrastructure, cost analysis, exploration, mme investment analysis, and different
mining and processing methods should be addressed.
The author believes that further research should be carried out,in such areas as
computer application, central milling facilities, labour training and education programs.
The author also believes that an owner of a small gold mine should be properly
informed by the state authorities and I or different mining agencies regarding pncmg
Table of Contents
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
The small scale mining industry has been receiving much attention during the
last two decades in various parts of the world due to its impact on the development of
industry and social culture, particularly in rural areas, and its most important impact on
national economy. Although small scale mining is considered as a forgotten partner in
most of the developed countries, because of the high labour costs and environmental
restrictions, but still examples can be found in some developed countries like Finland,
New Zealand and some states in the US which is considered as the most modem and
developed country of the world. Small scale mining is also popular in many
developing countries such as China, India, Sri Lanka, Chile, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan.
The industry is playing a significant role in the socio economic system and
development of these countries.
Minerals play important roles within the context of the individual country.
They are a source of economic growth and formation of capital which is the basic need
of every country for development and social welfare. Minerals are also an important
source of foreign exchange and a good substitute for imports. Development of mineral
resources make a country capable of saving the capital required to import other
commodity from a foreign country , some times, not by cash and accept the hard and
unacceptable terms of the supplier. This chapter presents the important contribution of
minerals to the national economy in some selected countries along with a brief
description of a small mining organisation. It has been tried in this chapter to present a
standard definition of small scale mining.
government, large mining organisations or any other relevant mining agency to extend
technical assistance to remote areas due to lack of necessary infrastructure.
During the last two decades attention has been focused on the giant mineral
extractive enterprises, the small miners (individuals and small groups) continue quietly
to make a vital contribution to world exploration for , and supply of, essential mineral
commodities. It is true that most, if not all, of the major producing mineral deposits
and districts over the globe were discovered by independent prospectors and were, in
many cases, first exploited by enterprises employing from one to fifty persons. In many
underdeveloped nations, most production of mineral wealth is currently from small
operations which constitute the discovery and initial development of mineral provinces
and mining districts that, in many cases, has become the large mines and the major
producers to supply the future requirements of expanding mineral and metal consumers.
Due to the significant role of small scale mining in national economy and social
structure, this sector of mining industry needs special attention of the policy makers and
society to become the backbone of mineral supply process and also a potential source of
future mineral wealth.
There are a large number of countries all around the world where small-scale
mining not only helps in extracting minerals from deposits considered unworkable
otherwise, it also satisfies the local demand of the consuming industries and stimulates
forward linkage in the locality thereby bringing prosperity along with it. Not only in
developing countries but a highly developed country like US has about 80 percent of
the mines categorised as small mines employing less than 20 people. In the state of
Colorado in US, 93 percent of mines are under small mine category employing fewer
than 50 people and 80 percent employing less than 10 people.
Chapter One Management Of Small Mines-An Introduction 3
Table 1.1 Average Production Per Mine In India (1985) [Ali, 1986]
In Bolivia there are 4,000-4,500 small scale mines, Brazil 4,000, Peru 2,500 to
3,000, Mexico 2,500, Thailand 1,000, Malaysia & Indonesia 500 each and Burma 200.
In China 10 percent of coal and 7 percent of iron ore comes from small-scale mining.
Half of the coal in the US is contributed by small-scale operation. Table 1.2 indicates
the percent share of small scale mining in mineral production all over the world [Ali,
1986]. Small-scale mining industry is also feasible under the following conditions:
• Small ore deposits with low value to the mineral not amenable to large scale
1 Antimony 25 percent
2 Asbestos 10
3 Barytes 60
4 Bauxite neg.
5 Beryllium 100
6 Bismuth neg.
rJ Chromite 50
8 Clays 75
9 Cobalt 10
'10 Copper 8
11 Feldspar 80
12 Fluorspar 90
13 Gold 10
14 Graphite 90
15 Gypsum r?O
16 Iron ore 12
17 Lead 11
18 Manganese 18
19 Mercury ~o
t24 Talc ~o
t25 Tungsten 80
t26 Zinc 11
Chapter One Management Of Small Mines-An Introduction 5
Small mines, unlike large mmes, do not need major infrastructure or big
organisation to run the day to day operation due to which small-scale mining operations
are finding place in economically backward, underdeveloped or remote areas rapidly.
Small mining operations are a potential source of employment to people of regions
which have lack of agriculture or industrialisation sources. Governments in most of the
countries want to develop their remote areas and this objective can be achieved either
by setting up new industry or opening new mines, especially, small mines because
smaller are more beneficial than larger. But better results can be achieved as production
starts very rapidly due to short development time, unskilled labour finds more job
opportunities, products can be sold in the local market and moreover raw material is
available in the local market.
For example, the town of Voi in Kenya grew in 1975 due to mining of rubies
and other precious stones on a small scale, and that in turn led to greater regional self-
sufficiency. The introduction of brick making in Southern Botswana eliminated the
use of expensive cement blocks for housing, and which made the local building
industry independent of imports of cement from abroad [Wells 1984].
Most people prefer to use quantitative methods of definition, while others want
to adopt some measures of material output or throughput per unit of time as a criteria.
There are different opinions about the upper quantitative limit and as to point of
measurement. Proponents of other criteria hold out for degree of mechanisation as
measured by output per man-hour or man shift, monetary units of capital investments in
productive plant per unit of output or per productive worker, number of employees, or
even continuity of operation. Some advocate a combination of the foregoing
components of small-scale mining. There are two major components of small-scale
mining, although, it is difficult to differentiate between them.
It is an old and primitive method, its techniques and technology can be traced
back in the mists of pre-history. There is no noticeable change and improvement in this
old method, which is characterised by the application of human energy directly on a
one to one ratio to the physical production of minerals without multiplying that energy
by mechanical means. It is astonishing to see that artisanal miners have devised
methods and equipment to overcome the complex technical problems.
New Guinea. Computer application is a new addition in small scale mining industry
and this application has made the miner's job very easy. Micro-Computers, which are
not beyond the limit of small enterprises, are used in various activities of small scale
mining including grade control, reserve calculation planning, scheduling and feasibility
studies etc. Most of these jobs are done on site by the help of micro-computers. There
are a few drawbacks of these modern concepts that equipment are expensive along
with high operating costs. Moreover spare parts are not available in remote areas due to
which break down time is increased which affects production and efficiency. Skilled
operators are required in order to operate modern equipment. These expenditures are
beyond the limit of the small miners due to which small reserves can not be exploited
There are different criterion on the basis of which small mmes can be
differentiated from medium to large mines. It is interesting to note that different
countries and mining agencies have adopted different definitions of small scale mining.
The following is a brief list of factors on the basis of which small scale mining can be
This is another criteria to define small-scale mining but this method too has
certain drawbacks. Number of employees can not be the basis to classify mining
operations. In most of the modem, large and most mechanised mines the labour force
is less than in labour intensive mines but production is higher. Mining operations of
certain categories of minerals are universally considered to be small operations.
Chapter One Management Of Small Mines-An Introduction 8
Examples would include mica occurring in pegmatite from which the valuable minerals
are hand sorted almost without exception.
A more specific definition would depend on local circumstances but given the
above broad definition it is estimated that over 6,000 mines in the western world are
considered small scale operations and together they make up approximately 10% of
production excluding coal [Anon, 1989].
Indian Bureau of Mines has divided the Indian mines into certain categories
based on pit's mouth value (PMV) of the mineral produced for extending concessional
rates for their technical consultancy to small operators. When the PMV is not more
than Rs. 0.5 Millions per annum, the operation is categorised as small-scale. When
PMV ranges between Rs. 0.5 to 5 Millions, the operation is medium size and for PMV
exceeding Rs. 5.0 Millions, it is categorised as large scale. The PMV is calculated by
multiplying the average of the production of the last three years by the all Indian
average of PMV per tonne of that mineral.
It is clear from the above discussion that it is not an easy task to define small-
scale mining operations, because many factors are involved in it. Most of these factors
are suitable for different situations [Anon, 1972].
Chapter One Management Of Small Mines-An Introduction 9
The main aim of writing this thesis is "Management of small gold mines", but it
is not an easy task to give a precise quantitative definition of small-scale gold mining.
Gold deposits are physically more variable than other metalliferous deposits. It is
difficult to fix a certain amount of gold as the basis of definition. It is, also, not
possible to adopt a single definition based on productive capacity and number of
Unlike the large mines, there is no need for the Board of Directors and line
management. In the case of large enterprises, decisions related to technology, finance,
planning, marketing, employment, costs and production are taken at different levels of
the mining organisation in the presence of directors, presidents, general manager and
other executives but in a small organisation the whole process is handled by one or two
persons, especially, line management plays a key role in various decisions. But small
scale mining operations can be managed effectively by a group of few people but multi
skill is the basic requirement.
It is a fact that a mining enterprise exits to extract valuable minerals from the
ground for the well being of the community, and to earn profit by extracting minerals
with its value more than input resources. Generally, this duty is performed by Board of
Directors, management at the site and the consultant engineer or his equivalent. The
consultant engineer plans the future operations of the mine with the site management,
following any guidelines laid down by the Board or General Manager. The site
Chapter One Management Of Small Mines-An Introduction 10
management observes that the plans are put into effect, the consulting engineer looks
after the progress, and suggests for further actions necessary to improve the
performance. In order to understand "why effective management is necessary for small
mines", it is important to identify the function of management. What are the duties of
the manager? What kind of characteristics a manager must possess in order to manage
a small mining organisation efficiently.
Most successful small operators are slightly conservative during the whole
process of mining, ie. including deposit selection and other phases leading up to
production. Mining probably requires a wider variety of disciplines than any other
natural resource industry. Since the small operation does not need many disciplines full
time, like larger mines, it is beneficial to retain those individuals with a special talent
only on an as needed basis. Those typically considered are geologists, surveyors, safoty
specialists, mining engineers, metallurgists, mine contractors, mineral lawyers, mine
accountants, hydrologists, electrical, mechanical and civil engineers. With recent tight
economic conditions those still in business are generally competitive, motivated and
Chapter One Management Of Small Mines-An Introduction 11
well equipped to put the small operator on the right track. They provide the small
company with the facilities, materials and technology that have been available to major
companies (Bruce, 1972). A number of marginal small operators called the do-it-
yourself have the attitude that this type of talent is too expensive and not necessary.
Just the opposite is true. A well planned venture can earn back the cost of good advice
many times over, but a misguided venture may never succeed at all (Cope, 1981).
Small mining operations are well advised to adopt the operating practices used
by mine contractors. They generally hire competent aggressive people, are quick to set
up on a job, do completion in record time, and quick out with little wasted time. They
employ very productive mobile equipment, easily erected and dismantled structure, and
maintain close control on costs and schedules.
In a small scale mining operation every-body is a multi skills and has several
areas of responsibility and tries to manage himself or herself by planning, organising,
directing, and controlling his or her skills, talents, time, and activities. It is totally
wrong to think managers only in terms of top level positions within large organisations.
But actually, managers operate at various levels of different organisation, large and
small business and non business. A bird's eye view of these different levels of
management in a small mining company is given in Fig 1.1.
Top Management
Lower Le el Management
~ ,
First Line
Wo kers
Operating Personnel
Production Manager
General Manager .. Typist
Figure 1.2 Management of small mining enterprise [Adopted from Solan, 1983]
Successful gold mines are run lean and mean with flat structures and minimum
employees. As mentioned above, multi skill is one of the most important component of
the management in small scale mines. All the orders and memorandums are usually
hand written and copied on photocopier in order to reduce double handling. Most
successful small gold mines are heavily dependent on computer application which
increases efficiency, profit and production. Production is scheduled together with
required development and expected cost to produce a general chart and anticipated
production schedule, cash flow and manning levels which are compared to actual on a
monthly, three monthly, year to date and floating year average.
It is wrong to judge a manager on the basis of short term output. It is not correct
to consider a manager effective if his or her unit is earning profit, or reducing cost,
although it is one of the most important factors in small mining industry, or increasing
the market share for the company's products, or other such measurable results.
Although, these accomplishments are important to a business organisation, but a major
challenge of any manager, is the development of people under his or her direction. This
factor plays a major role in the development of a small mining enterprise as mostly
mine labour is unskilled.
Chapter One Management Of Small Mines-An Introduction 14
Human skill is the ability of a manager to understand work with, and get along
with other people. Although this skill is essential at all levels of management within
the organisation but especially at lower level of management where supervisors are in
direct contact with the lower staff. A manager equipped with good human skill can
create climate for effective motivation and leadership and this skill plays a very
important role in organising small scale mining operations.
important to the success of the lower level managers and supervisors. For instance, first
level supervisors are able to refer to operating manuals to discover the capabilities of a
particular piece of equipment whereas top levels must use their conceptual skills to
determine what products will be produced with the equipment.
Professional managers recognise that they must develop and practice each of
the managerial skills to be effective in accomplishing organisational and personnel
goals. By looking at the importance of small scale mining economically and socially, it
is very important to, systematically, manage this sector of industry, in order to increase
production, efficiency and profits. There are many examples which show that many
mining companies, which started their operation on small scale, were converted to
large companies by adopting systematic management, latest technology and by the help
of extensive exploration programs, easy approach to financial institutions and discovery
of new mineral deposits in the vicinity of present ore deposits.
Small scale mining activity ranges from very small operations that provides
subsistence living (in many developing countries where small artisanal mining is
practised) to the small companies of Canada and Australia in particular which usually
discover and work relatively much larger deposits where revenue is such that
subsistence living is the prime motivation.
Small scale mmmg has not been the subject of large mmmg equipment
manufacturers in past years, because small scale mining has not been considered a
profitable business. But due to the extensive research on this sector of mining and the
innovation of mobile and modular mills together with small scale trackless mining
equipment, manufacturers have started to produce these mobile equipment and other
small units necessary for small scale mining on low prices. This policy has motivated
the miners to take benefit and use mechanised methods in small scale mining instead of
old and artisanal methods.
The availability of this type of equipment means that small scale mining is now
possible for a wide variety of minerals and is no longer restricted to certain minerals by
a simplistic approach to mining and mineral processing. Also, small mines can operate
in areas where high labour costs have inhibited their development in the past. Today,
trackless mining methods are being employed in small underground mines using load
haul dump units, diesel trucks and "mini" jumbos especially designed to operate in
confined spaces. It is hoped that as trackless small scale underground mines become
even more prolific greater demand will result in competitive pricing for this type of
small scale mining equipment [Griffith, 1990].
The significance of small scale mining activity as an exploration tool for the
mining industry as a whole has been appreciated on numerous occasions. Mackenzie
[1982] stated that in Ontario during the period from 1951 to 1974 smaller enterprises
incurred only 28% of the total mineral exploration expenditure, but were responsible for
62% of the economic deposits that were discovered. Although individual prospectors
and small mining associations have traditionally made a significant contribution to the
discovery of mineral deposits, legislation and government mineral policies are
continually being introduced in many countries that discourage their important role
[Griffith, 1990].
2.1 Introduction
Exploration is the most important and basic concept in the whole process of
mining. Feasibility studies and the later stages through development to production
depend on the results of the prospecting and exploration. Exploration proves the
occurrence of natural resources as well as the economic viability of ore deposits. There is
confusion between prospecting and exploration as these two concepts overlap each other.
It is very important for a mining company or exploration enterprise to distinguish clearly
between these two concepts in order to avoid problems in the later stages. All mineral
production ultimately depends upon the successful results of valuable mineral search by
prospecting and exploration. It has become a trend, in recent years, to apply the term
"exploration" to those steps of mineral search, where, highly sophisticated, specialised
techniques and technology is used. Generally, the modern concept of exploration is
applied to the searching for well-concealed mineral deposits. On the other hand, the term
"prospecting" has been applied to the more traditional, less technological methods,
employed by most individuals in searching for minerals.
mmmg, development and production. These two terms are closely related and
transitional when concerned with locating and defining an ore body.
A survey was conducted among the 41 major mining companies in the USA to
determine the sources of their property proposals for the period 1970 to 1975.
Approximately, 85 percent of all proposals came from individuals and small mining
companies, something in excess of 40 percent being considered sufficiently interesting to
examine and something like 5 percent in which a deal was made. Large companies both
in the past and present take proposals by small companies seriously and they are, still, an
important source of exploration projects [Yuill, 1985].
Identification of Areas oftssible Mineralisation
Field l:ow up
Identification of prospects 30
Rejection of areas for further work
showing small potential
Advanced prospects
Rejection of prospects 3
which do not meet criteria
Pre-feasibility study 1?
Feasibility study
Construction Constru~on
Prior to the middle of the nineteenth century, geologists did not involve
themselves in the search of ores. Prospectors were involved in searching for ores and
evaluation was made by panning and other simple techniques. Discoveries were by
chance or made by following a trip of gold back to its source by panning stream
sediments and it was one of the oldest and most effective techniques used by prospectors
at that time. When the gold disappeared from stream sediments prospectors moved up
the adjacent slopes, and continued panning the overburden until the load was found from
which the gold was derived. A similar technique was used in the search for tin, tungsten,
mercury and lead. The prospector used rule-of-thumb methods to locate the
concentration of valuable mineral deposits. The prospector had a remarkable eye for
landscape, colour variations and vegetation during their efforts to find mineral deposits.
The prospector usually worked in isolation and looked for the "float" from veins
in the outwash gravels of streams or in the hill side soil, and the minute flakes of gold, or
perhaps cassiterite, that had eroded from veins by weathering and stream action. It was
the important capability of the successful prospector, to recognise significant minerals, as
well as the discoloured and stained outcrops from which the metal values had been
leached by the weathering process. The prospector developed a wonderful distinct
ability, by experience, to identify minerals by scratching them with his knife or tasting
them. This enabled him to judge the distance of travel and mode of formation of gold
particles by examining their physical conditions.
A general flow chart which covers all necessary stages of prospecting and
exploration regardless of, large or small deposits, and amount of capital is given in Fig.
2.2. The accomplishment of these stages depend on various factors including type of
deposit, percentage of recovery, grade cash flow and market value of the product.
Chapter Two Exploration and Feasibility Studies 24
Stage 1 Stage 2
prospecting Exploration
Phase 1 & 2 Phase 3 & 4
mineral deposit
It can be see that whole prospecting and exploration process can divided into
two stages, each of which, is sub divided into two phases. Reconnaissance or generative
stage has been more projected and emphasised in stage 1 of prospecting stage. The first
two phases, along with the third phase, are also called grass-root exploration stages.
This is the most important and crucial stage in the whole of the prospecting and
exploration process.
This is a very risky stage due to lack of reliable data available about the ore
reserve. This process is even more complicated for the management of small deposits
which still use primitive exploration methods and are unable to prove the economic
viability of the project. In this stage broad areas of geological provinces are selected for
reconnaissance. The geological environment is explored in this phase in which details of
the target are characterised and evaluated. If results are positive, it leads to the acquisition
of land.
Chapter Two Exploration and Feasibility Studies 25
Stage 2 is the main exploration stage which is mainly related with target
investigation. As more reliable data is collected, uncertainty decreases. In this stage, the
target is subject to a series of geophysical, geological, and geochemical tests which define
and identify the host rock, alteration and mineralisation. The success of this stage results
in the discovery of viable mineral.
There are three main objectives of prospecting and exploration as we move from
left to right in the Fig. 2.2. The first objective is to narrow the search by reducing the
area under consideration from regional to areal in scope and then to target area to mineral
deposit. Typically, areas decrease from 2500-250,000 squares kilometre in phase 1 to
0.25 to 125 square kilometres square in phase 2 and 3, narrowing finally to 0.25-50
square kilometre in phase 4.
The second objective is to increase the favour ability of the target area. The
successful achievement of the above objectives give rise to the third and the most
important factor of reducing the risk.
The discoveries provide the justification for the late stage exploration, during
which approximate deposit dimensions, geometry, and tenor are established. Additional
information for early stage engineering and economic evaluation can be obtained by
delineating the ore reserve. Positive results of these evaluations lead to the pre-
development stage, in which the transition between exploration and development typically
takes place.
In the case of small scale gold deposits, it depends on the size, nature, type and
mining methods. In the case of PNG and some other neighbouring countries where,
still, primitive methods like panning are used it may not take so long to define and
delineate the deposit.
But, if the examples of other small deposits are considered which are very small
but their final products can be very useful for the market. Then, these deposits should be
defined, delineated, designed and planned well before the development stage. The time
Chapter Two Exploration and Feasibility Studies 26
required before the development stage also depends on many other factors including,
acquisition of land and finding necessary capital etc.
Every mine operates to achieve certain goals including profit, growth and
survival. Among these, profit is the most important incentive for long term or short term
projects. Profit can be characterised as the success level of the company. Growth is the
dynamic aspect of a mining company's development and in the long term, both profit and
growth depends upon survival. The survival of a mining company depends upon the
discovery of new resources because it can not survive upon its current resources which
are going to be depleted.
The incentive for the search of new mines is guided by profit expectations and a
survival need. The company may adopt some other alternatives too for its growth. It
may integrate forward to further processing and marketing or it may diversify into non-
extractive enterprises.
Management has to decide whether to spend on the new project and bring into production
or on the expansion of an existing facility or other investment opportunities. There is a
considerable difference between bringing a new mine into production or expanding an
existing facility. Expansion of the existing facility, economically and financially, is safer
than spending money on the new project, because a number of risks including, new
regulations, escalating costs, and fluctuating metal prices are associated with it.
Chapter Two Exploration and Feasibility Studies 27
A company has three main resources of capital, technical and managerial skills
and it tries to use these resources effectively to achieve its goals. The explorationist tries
to work according to the strategy put forward by a mining company and selects areas,
screens targets, acquire land positions, drills and discovers new resources.
The case is different with a small mining company due to limited resources and
the low probability of economic discovery. Discovery of an economic deposit is very
important for the survival of a small mining company. So, a small mining company uses
its limited resources effectively in order to solve its survival problems. In the future it
can shift its intention to forward processing and diversification.
The level and proportion of resources reserved for exploration by the mining
company depend on the interest of the company for exploration. Data assembled by
Mackenzie [1982] from the late 1960s indicates that the mining companies allocate from 5
to 40% of their post tax cash flow to exploration investment.
The most difficult job for a mining company, large or small, is to locate and
identify an ore deposit which has potential for development on the basis of maximum
return. In the case of a small company, this precludes grass-roots exploration with its
attendant high costs and the extended time required to develop a prospect to point of
being a project. The small mining company, therefore must limit its search to known
properties which, for various reasons, have been shut down or were never thoroughly
developed at the time of discovery.
Chapter Two Exploration and Feasibility Studies 28
Acquisition of a property, its exploration and other mining activities need a lot of
capital to fulfil all these requirements before a final decision can be taken for further
processes. Finance is one of the most important problems regardless of the size of the
mining company. Exploration is the initial stage of all mining activities due to which it is
very difficult to find funding for exploration because ore deposits are not economically
evaluated. Especially, in the case of small scale mining where tonnage is small as
compared to large mines no bank or financial institution is ready to extend loans for this
initial stage of mining.
This assessment is used as one of the various criteria to make a decision for
further development, but its results are not enough to make such a decision. Several
other technical and economic standards should be satisfied before taking a decision to
proceed towards the following stages of mining. Feasibility studies are not only useful to
measure potential profitability of project but also to identify critical areas in which further
investigation and analysis are necessary to reduce the associated risks.
The feasibility study, therefore, is the most important and useful indicator used by
the company to take appropriate course of action once a decision point has been reached.
Since a feasibility study may be carried out at almost any stage of a project's
development and since each project is unique, there can never be a standard approach to
the feasibility study.
2.5.1 Objectives
The parameters of a feasibility study are almost the same for all mining projects.
A feasibility study, in general, covers a number of activities ranging from conceptual
studies and order-of-magnitude studies through to final design studies, and so on. It
should be understood clearly that an amount of money is to be spent on such kind of a
study in order to get certain technical and financial information. This information will
become the basis of a commercial decision to proceed further with development or to
reject the project.
The resources required to spend on a feasibility study depend on the policy of the
company which in turn depend largely on the stage of development of the venture. The
prime objective of a field geologist after identifying a deposit is to identify a source which
satisfies his internal company's guidelines. Mostly these guidelines are determined by
taking into account basic parameters such as preferred size of development, minerals
sought and location.
If these criteria are satisfied then it is possible to develop a project concept and a
basic feasibility study to be undertaken. This may involve the initial assessment of
certain aspects such as tonnage and grade of the ore reserve, scale of operation, mining
method, beneficiation techniques, infrastructure, transport and market conditions. The
study would probably be based on subjective knowledge of similar projects.
At the other end of the scale, a final feasibility study will be undertaken to provide
sufficient information to enable the final decision to be taken on whether or not the
company will commit to the project becoming a commercial operation. This is the most
important and serious decision taken by management in the long sequence of events
leading to the ultimate commissioning of a venture.
Chapter Two Exploration and Feasibility Studies 30
Providing the company with adequate funds to accomplish its objectives, and
ensuring that these funds are provided on the best terms possible is a principle part of
the finance function. However, the finance job is much broader than just that of
supplying funds. The finance function is concerned with all the decisions that go into
maximising a company's values by effectively using the funds, not just supplying them.
For the mining industry, this includes such areas as mine valuation, acquisition and
divestiture strategy, managing working capital, hedging financial risk, tax planning, and
managing capital structure.
Before proceeding to the next part of this chapter which is related to "How to
raise capital for small gold mines and marketing", it is appropriate to mention major
concepts and sources of finance. Actually, finance means "management of money
matters", and in the case of the mining industry the aim is also to look for different
sources to develop different projects for which capital is required. There are two main
categories of these sources which can provide funds to the mining industry in order to
start the new projects.
most of the risk involved in the proposed business and in return receive most of the
Mining is a long, complicated and risky operation starting from the preliminary
exploration stage to the production stage, and as result the nature and sources of
funding is different for different stages. Consider the development cycle of a mining
project starting with a traditional exploration stage (Fig 3.1 ). This chart can be termed
as "Mine pipeline theory". By looking carefully at this chart it is obvious that people of
different professions are required at different stages of this development cycle.
Accordingly, as stated above different sources of finance are needed at different points
in the pipeline. Figure 3.1 also shows the general sources of funding.
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 33
Conceptual . . Reconnaissance
Very ~btainLand
Geology Survey •Core
high Position Drilling Tax Loss
I ~ ,
High Final Feasibility
• Delineation
Drilling 44 Preliminary
Economic Study
Venture Capital
Investment Decision
Mine Development
Mine Operation
Short Term
Debt financing is substantially suitable once the delineation work is finished, the
mining and metallurgical design complete, the environmental permit in place, and the
economic studies include that the project is both technically and financially viable.
Since the level of risk has been reduced at this stage due to which it is more attractive
for the investors.
insurance companies are ready to provide debt in one form or another. Each of these
categories of lenders has its own objectives and interests and tries to deal with
borrowers according to their interests.
Commercial finance companies tend to work on small and high risk credits, for
example, financing a simple bulldozer or dragline. They are "collateral-based-" lenders
which means that the finance company is more interested in the value of the single
piece of equipment as its security, regardless of the overall financial situation of the
borrower. Thus, retrievability and alternate uses of the machinery elsewhere are of
prime importance.
Leasing companies are the best sources for a small mine as owners do not have
to spend huge amounts of capital on purchasing new and modern equipment. At some
later stages there can be an agreement between the leasing company and the mining
company concerning payment of the rent, under which, the owner is allowed to pay rent
when the production starts in the mine. Under certain arrangements, leasing companies
are responsible for repairs and other breakdowns of equipment.
Various leasing structure are available in Australia for financing a range of plant
and equipment, from processing facilities and major items of mobile equipment to
small fleet vehicles. Such structures include direct leasing, leveraged leasing, and
cross-border leasing. however, leasing structures are rarely used nowadays since tax
benefits currently available do not provide sufficient justification.
Leasing has largely been replaced by innovative tax driven structure which are
designed to maximise tax benefits and to create economic advantages to the project
sponsor. Projects financed by tax driven structure include CITIC's share of Portland
Aluminium smelter in Victoria, and CMIEC's share of the Channar iron ore project in
Western Australia [Ballard, 1993].
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 35
Federal agencies are also involved in providing funds to the mining industry,
especially small scale mining in the Asia-Pacific region. The aim however is different
to those of finance agencies as these federal agencies emphasise national interests by
promoting those projects which are most suitable for the national economy. These
agencies also prefer those projects which are small and in rural areas. In many cases
the Federal agencies do not lend money, but rather guarantee the loan, so that the local
banker actually handles the loan request and disburses the funds.
Banks usually provide funding to the mining companies regardless of size and
location but emphasise the economic and technical viability of the deposit. Structuring
of a loan package can be considered once the project demonstrates an ability to generate
a cash flow, sufficient not only to repay the interest and the principal capital to the
lenders but also to provide a sufficient rate of return to the owners. Such loans are
generally offered during the development or production stages of a project.
Banks, like other lenders, need to analyse and rigorously test the financial and
technical risks of a project. This is only possible by analysing the "bankable" feasibility
study. This feasibility study represents a detailed analysis of all aspects of a project,
where technical and financial risks have been identified and a course of proper action
has been suggested for their elimination or minimisation.
Banks place strong emphasis on the capabilities and experience of both project
personnel and consultants who have been directly involved with the study's
compilation. In many cases, rather than relying upon a strong balance sheet to provide
assurance that the loan will be repaid, certain commercial banks with special expertise
will carefully examine the operation itself to determine if it is technically and
economically viable. Small mining companies lacking financial and technical
resources may not be able to fulfil the costly requirements, bankable feasibility study,
of the commercial banks in order to get sufficient funding for their projects.
Beyond the lending function, commercial banks also offer services which
should be noted. Payroll preparation, handling of accounts receivable, money market
investments, corporate trust activities such as payment of dividends and shareholders
record keeping, financial consulting, and foreign exchange transactions are some of the
day-to-day treasury activities which can be obtained at commercial banks [Ame, 1982].
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 36
Another form of debt financing canying a low interest rate is a gold loan, where
physical gold is rented, converted by the borrower to cash by selling on the physical
market with repayment to be affected in gold from future production. The interest on
this physical loan will be low, basically to cover the risk of non delivery. Depending on
terms (and the maximum term of the loan it is likely to be limited to five years) the rate
of interest will vary between 2% and 5% a year. A gold loan essentially means fixing a
portion of gold production at the gold price prevailing on the date of draw down. This
action serves to reduce volatility of the earning stream.
The way a gold loan works is that the mining company wishing to raise money
borrows gold from a bank. The company then sells the gold at as high a price as
possible, to maximise the cash value of the gold which has been borrowed (and hence
the amount of money raised). This sale is often carried out through the options and
future markets to reduce the disruption to the spot market which can occur if the loan is
for a large amount of the metal. Such phase loans are often advantageous to the
company as it would only want to finance the construction of a mine on an ongoing cost
basis rather than borrow all of the money at the outset and have to pay interest over an
extended period (Kernot, 1991). There are great advantages both for banks and the
mining companies. For banks it is a source of earning interest on a dormant asset.
While for the mining company it is a means of borrowing for the development and
production of a mine at low interest.
The best known gold loan in Australia is probably the Paddington gold project
in Western Australia which was the first project gold loan transacted in this country.
Since that time numerous gold loans have been made available for a range of projects,
both large and small, including Kalgoorlie Super Pit, Jubilee, granny Smith and Mt
McClure [Ballard, 1993].
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 37
Most small scale mining operations around the world are managed by small,
independent mining enterprises. A small, independent mining enterprise is an
independently owned and operated business involved primarily in mineral
development, from the exploration to the production stage. A small, independent
mining enterprise is not dominant in its field and has no long-term financial backing. It
is not a major producer of minerals, nor it is a petroleum company, a government
organisation or a subsidiary of such organisation. A small, mining independent
enterprise may or may not be listed on the stock exchange.
be negative but the slight possibility of a very high positive return will make a number
of financial sources available to an exploration company.
Many small, independent mining enterprises are initiated with the investment of
capital provided by an individual or a group of individuals. A small enterprise can not
exist on the basis of such limited sources of capital. In order to expand the business and
increase the activities, a time comes, when a small enterprise has to look beyond these
sources. The major sources of capital available to a small enterprise are stock issues in
the public market, investment partnerships and tax shelters, venture capital companies,
banks and leasing companies.
The level of risk is very high during these early stages due to the lack of enough
geological information which results in external capital generally only obtained through
negotiations with a small group of specialised and informed investors. This enables a
small mining enterprise to make flexible financing arrangements tailored to the
investor's financial and tax needs.
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 39
Private placements can be useful in raising funds for high risk projects. Private
placements are relatively simple and rapid way to raise capital without passing through
lengthy and costly registration process as under Federal, blue-sky and provincial
securities laws. Generally, the partnerships take place between a small mining
enterprise and a small group of high-income tax bracket investors. As a result of this
partnership, high income-tax bracket investors can transfer the tax advantages of
mineral exploration to investors in the form of tax-shelters to compensate for the high
At a later stage when enough geological information has been gathered, a small
mining enterprise can raise capital from a large mining corporation. Under certain
circumstances, it is sometimes possible for small a enterprise to submit a well-
researched proposal to a major mining corporation for financing after a limited amount
of exploration work has been done on a property. In this way, a small enterprise can
benefit on the basis of a joint-venture agreement with a major mining corporation in the
following ways. First, it can provide a small enterprise with cash flow. Second, major
mining corporations has the financial means to bring a project to completion, thus
eliminating for the small mining enterprise a major part of the problems involved in
finding more capital for subsequent exploration and development stages.
Furthermore, a small mining enterprise can benefit from the technical know-
how and operating experience of major mining corporations, which can prove to be
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 40
Stock issues are appropriate only when a small, independent mining enterprise
reaches the late exploration or development stages of a project. A few problems are
involved in this alternative. First, regulation by government agencies seriously affect
the feasibility, ease and costs of making public offerings of speculative mining stock.
In fact, the prime objective of most securities regulations is to bound a small, mining
independent enterprise to disclose complete and accurate material facts relating to a
proposed stock issuance, in order to allow investors a realistic basis for appraisal and an
informed judgement in a purchase decision.
When a mineral occurrence has been discovered but the economic viability of
the deposit is not clear and investment to be made in further exploration is still of a
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 41
speculative nature. Risk capital needed for this second phase exploratory and
delineation drilling stage can be provided by an investment partnership. This is
especially true when the general partnership (small, independent mining enterprise) puts
high priority on management control, because limited partners have no voice in the day-
to-day management of a partnership.
A venture-capital firm may be ready to invest in a project at this stage. But such
financial agreements can prove costly for a small mining enterprise due to the demand
for high return on investment. Although, the venture-capital companies do not get
involved in managerial operation of the project, they can impose restrictions with
regard to the decisions which can affect the financial status of the project.
When financial markets are in a buoyant phase and speculative capital is readily
available, a public stock issue should be considered by a small, independent mining
enterprise. In the past, small independent mining enterprises in some countries have
been able to raise funds successfully in the public market for on-site exploration
projects. Raising funds from the public is a long and complicated process compared to
negotiations with small groups of investors. The legal, engineering, accounting and
other issuance costs, as well as commission fees, can amount to a relatively high
percentage of the money raised in the public market.
mining company in its search for a partner, either to carry out exploration, or once a
deposit has been identified, to provide the right fit from both a technical and financial
perspective for the specific project's evaluation and development.
Firstly, these investors are not ready to invest the amount of money required for
these capital intensive stages. It is preferable to raise large sums of equity from a very
large group of investors, eg. through public stock issues. The main advantages of this
source is that one or a few large holders are unable to impose restrictions on
management. At this stage much of the geological uncertainty is removed overcoming
much of the speculative aspect of a venture. Access to securities exchanges is easier,
information is more readily available to investors, and the costs of public financing are
relatively lower.
from certain sources. Indeed, the novice small mining enterprise, with no proven
financial and managerial track record, with no outstanding assets or balance sheet, and
which has a firm determination of keeping control of the project may very well find the
task of securing financial backing impossible.
Banks are often appointed to act as financial adviser to a project, during the
development stage, on a fee paying basis to both identify and advise upon its various
financing alternatives, including the project's debt capability. Each mining project has
unique characteristics which should be taken into account while developing a financial
plan for the project.
Banks are, usually, very cautious with the technical and financial risks involved
in a mining project and are usually unwilling to absorb these risks in extending loans to
mining companies. These often relate to risks which can not be properly analysed, and
also to uncertainties arising from insufficient data collection, for example in reserve
estimation, metallurgical test work, potential environmental problems, unproven
technology, etc.
Banks can supply debt funding in its various form. Domestic banks lend in
Australian dollars or in external currencies such as US. dollars or Japanese Yen, where
as foreign banks are limited to external currencies. Foreign banks can, however, make
available Australian dollars through the use of a letter of credit on an Australian
institution, which provides the funds. There are advantages and disadvantages to both
domestic and foreign currency types. Withholding tax on loan interest payments is a
problem for non-Australian dollar loans. Loans in external currencies can make sense,
however, when equipment is purchased overseas, or product revenue is wholly or
partially in an external currency. This will minimise exchange risks [Legg, 1984].
Small projects can obtain off-balance sheet or project financing. This method
uses as security the assets of the operation and its cash flow expectations. There is no
hard and fast rule regarding credit. Limitations will be imposed by various factors
however, among which will be the strength of the project technically and financially,
and also the cost of structuring such a loan.
Close contacts with banks even during the production stage are very useful for a
small mining company because a bank's expertise can ensure that the project is
performing technically as per feasibility study projections on which the loan structure
was based. It can assist the bank in signalling potential problems in debt retirement, so
that ratification measures can be adopted in good time with the full knowledge and
cooperation of the lenders.
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 44
3.6 Marketing
The small operators generally lack market intelligence and marketing facilities.
They are seldom aware of all the details of specifications needed by the mineral
consuming industries. For example, very few people know the complete size ranges of
dolomite and limestone required by the different steel plants and the range of quality
and tolerance. A similar case can be seen in the gold industry. The majority of small
miners do not know the different marketable products of gold which can be sold at a
high profit and which is demanded by the refiners I smelters.
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 45
Similar comments can be made about the needs of other consumers. The major
problem with small miners is that many of them are not qualified enough to suggest
alternative specifications and to suggest the common needs of producers and
consumers. It is therefore advised that information in this regard should be collected by
state or federal authorities and pooled for dissemination. The relevant authorities
should then make them available to the mine owners.
It is a common irony that companies are often spending a great deal of time and
money to save a few cents per ton on operating costs while at the same time
overlooking equal or greater savings on marketing opportunities. It is prudent for the
small operator to acquire as much market information and expertise as he can. One aid
in doing this is to develop a formal or informal association with a group that can help
deal with some or all of the marketing problems, a small operator does not have the
time nor talent to address. Ironically, a merchant knows the market place and may
often be able to get a better price from smelters or buyers than the small operator
himself can get [Chender, 1983].
The rule for determining the mine's final product is "the higher the gold and
silver content, the greater return of metal at the lowest post-mining cost". As
mentioned previously that owners of small gold mines should know the price trends of
different marketable gold products, demand and other market conditions necessary to
sell their products profitably. In the following paragraphs, the valuable form of gold
along with its advantages and the different ways of marketing are mentioned.
Most refiners accept this material providing that the precious metal content is
high ie., 100-200 ounces per ton. However, the cost can be high, 5 to %10 or more per
ounce because refiners have to do the melting and preliminary fire-refining mercury in
the material can be a serious problem. It is best to strip or burn the carbon reducing it
to metallic dore or melt precipitates on site.
(iv) Concentrate
This is the least desirable product. It is bulky, hard to ship, difficult to assay,
and has the highest refining cost per ounce of gold. Smelters pay I return from 91 to
98% for gold and 94-95% for silver. The losses due to weight loss, assays, and assay
methods can range from one half to three percent in addition to the returnable metal
The following alternatives are available for small owners to sell their products:
Once the refiner has given management an indication of terms and management
has the other related costs of getting it to their plant, management can compare one
refiner against another. These terms can be improved by negotiation and material can
be offered to a number of refiners I smelters. The mine should try to do its own first
smelt-refine, if possible, and sell its own metal or receive early metal outturn with each
segment of the business priced out separately. However, there is a point at which it is
undesirable to do this, at about 20,000 ounces a year. The refiners can offer the
following services:
To overcome the time lag between shipment arrival and gold outturn for
payment, gold can be leased about three to five days after arrival at the refinery as given
below. For mines producing under 20,000 ounces a year, it is probably less trouble to
obtain early gold return direct from the refiner.
•From the refiner at a cost per ounce (15-30 cents per ounce).
• From a gold broker usually at a competitive cost 1.0 to 2.0 % a year.
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 48
A refinery normally requires the <lore to contain not less than 70% gold and/or
silver. The penalty charges are applied if elements deleterious to the refining process
are present within the <lore. The most common deleterious elements are iron, lead,
tellurium and nickel. The application of penalty charges or the rejection of the dore
shipment depends on the refining method used by the refiner. The customer should
enquires of the refiner to obtain a clear identification [Cotton, 1993].
Refineries return between 99.8% and 99.95% of the gold and 95% and 99% of
the silver contained in the dore bullion to the seller, with the balance required to cover
losses incurred in the refining process. The metal return offered by the refiner varies
according to the quality of the dore. A high gold content normally ensures a high gold
return and similarly for silver [Cotton, 1993].
• The mine maintains control over assaying and sampling by talking directly
to the refiner about assay I sampling techniques.
•Unusual losses can be dealt with on a one-on-one basis.
•Refiners can give advice as to the methods of refining dore at the mine for a
cleaner product.
• A relationship can be built up between refiner and mine.
If the output of a mine is small and the merchants offer is very competitive, it is
desirable to have a direct line of communication between the mine and smelter-refiner.
It is not worthwhile to over emphasise a merchant who also is an investment banker
house. There is practically no connection between the metal traders and investment
irrevocable letter of credit backed by a bank line of credit. A merchant broker can play
a useful role for the small miner knows how to utilise their services.
Merchants will approach the mining company to represent it for a fee for
marketing mine products. The market conditions should be known before any contracts
are signed with smelters or refiners. There is a lot of concentrate swapping, where a
merchant offers the company's material to a smelter at high treatment charges while
asking for an offsetting discount on his purchased material from the same smelter. This
tends to happen when large amounts of material is to be produced, ie., 10,000 tons of
concentrates or more per year.
The owners of small scale mining operations sometimes, do not, know the
marketable product of gold (bullion or concentrate) which has more demand and can be
sold at a profitable price without transporting a greater distance. Subsequently, the
owners are ready to sell products at any price, even at discount, to get cash. Another
problem faced by small mine owners is the extraction of high grade boulders or parts of
a deposit leaving low grade boulders as tailing. If owners are fully aware of the market
value of low grade boulders or nuggets, they are going to receive greater profit as low
grade boulders can be further processed by using modern processing plant.
The main aim of a business is to satisfy its customers since the customer's
satisfaction determines whether the enterprise will continue to exit. Marketing skills
are important for mining companies because competition and customer demands
Chapter Three Financing Small Scale Mines 50
require both anticipatory and reactive supplies. This task covers sales, customer
research, product planning and diversification, advertising, warehousing, and
transportation in order to attract and hold the customer.
4.1 Introduction
Once the ore reserve is discovered and economically evaluated, the next step is
the selection of a suitable and profitable mining method and deciding about the ore
dressing facilities. Selection of a mining method depends on many factors including
geographical situation of a deposit, geological and stratigraphical conditions, grade,
value of minerals, percentage of recovery, price of the product, market value and
demand of end product, changes in technology and access to mining equipment. Since,
this thesis is concerned with small gold mines so selection of a mining method for a
small gold mine predominantly depends upon the factors mentioned above plus
available capital because capital plays a unique role in the selection of mining and
mineral processing methods. If some financial institutions are available to finance the
project then it is possible to use mechanised mining methods regardless of ore reserve
and grade of the gold.
Generally, the size, geological structure and physical properties of gold deposits
are totally different than other metalliferous mines. It is not possible to explain and
discuss in this thesis all the mining techniques and mineral processing methods, in
detail, used for the extraction and dressing of small gold deposits. Moreover there is
not much difference of mining and mineral processing methods between small to
medium size gold deposits It is a good idea to discuss the different mining techniques
used in Asia-Pacific region along with the advantages and disadvantages of these
techniques. These small deposits play a very important role in the development of
these countries.
Milling facility is the last step before the product is ready to be sold out in the
market. Mineral processing for gold recovery from the gangue minerals is not as
complicated as the recovery of other metal minerals, although, some hazards are
associated with some methods of mineral processing.
4.1 Placers
Most placer deposits are formed by the weathering action. Detrital natural
material containing valuable minerals in the form of discrete grains, after weathering
from rocks, are deposited in stream beds. The mechanical sorting action of water flow
tends to layer them below the fine sand and gravel. Most placers occur as
unconsolidated sediments. Generally only the heavier minerals will be sorted and left.
It can be said roughly that the heaviest minerals are deposited first, while the
lighter in the later stages. So, it is that gold is found in the foothills, and Zircon, Rutile
and Ilmenite on the beach.
These are the deposits formed by the deposition of particles close to their parent
rocks. Eluvial deposits overlie, or are located very near to their source rocks. The
Chapter Four Mining and Milling Facilities 53
These types of deposits are those carried away to liver valleys, lakes, etc.
Placer deposits are formed by different types of natural processes ranging from
chemical weathering to fluvial, matine, wind action, and combination of these actions.
One or more cycles of erosion and deposition may have occurred. Placers formed
under sub aerial conditions subsequently may become drowned by the sea and then
covered with marine deposits.
Placers formed under sub aerial conditions, and beach and offshore placers that
have become exposed due to lowering of sea level, often subsequently are covered with
barren alluvium, eolian deposits, glacial debris and lava. In relation to mining, ban-en
or near barren material overlying placers and the underlying bedrock, must be
considered as integral parts of a deposits.
The next step after the discovery, delineation and evaluation of a mineral
deposit, is the selection of a mining method, that is, economically, physically and
environmentally adaptable to recover the mineral from the ground.
The major factors influencing the choice and characteristics of surface mining
(as most of the small to medium range gold deposits are extracted by surface mining)
Chapter Four Mining and Milling Facilities 54
(ii) The thickness, shape, configuration and structure of the mineral deposit.
(iii) Its mode of occurrence (position with regard to ground surface, angle of
(v) Feasible technical facilities for surface mining work (i.e. the types of energy
(vi) Climatic conditions prevalent in the area of mining operations. (These exert
a definite effect in working soft ground which requires no drilling and
(vii) Environmental factors, such as the preservation of the surface overlying the
The methods for mining of placer deposit, based on the method of excavation,
may be classified as follows:
Drift mining
Doze rs
• With water:
Ground sluicing
This method is most useful for mining placers which are concentrated in
relatively thin horizon at a depth that prevent excavation from the surface. The zone of
concentration may rest on and extend into bedrock, or on a false bedrock, often clay, or
be in intermediate horizon in a gravel deposit. The material mined by this method is
gravel which is concentrated in a sluice paved with riffles. This concentrate is in black
sand form from which gold is separated by dry blowing or amalgamation.
4.3.3 Dredging
• Depth of ground which affects the recovery of stepping ahead or moving from
one cut sideways to another.
or bank. This is important in on inland deposit, where there could be the shortage of
running water supply. This is necessary
• To maintain the turbidity of pond water at the pump intakes below that which
will adversely affect concentration of valuable minerals by gravity methods.
• To remove high solids pulp from near the bottom of the pond on discharge it
into tailing or other disposal areas. This factor is associated with deposits of
high slime and clay contents.
(iii) Surface topography in relation to ground water level and surface grade.
The ideal topography is a wide valley floor having a gradient less than 1%
and a vertical relief between surface and natural channel level of say 20%
of total depth of ground. Relatively high ridges or humps on the surface are
undesirable, as are piles of tailing from prior operations which must be cut
down by hydraulicking.
(v) Depth of deposit, topography of top of bed rock and character of bedrock.
The depth of deposit to be dredged, consisting of the portions that will be
above and below water level, influences the size of the bucket and its range.
The topography of the top of bedrock, and the depth to be dug into bedrock
are important related considerations. A relatively flat, undulating surface of a
weathered bedrock is an ideal situation.
(vii) Type and amount of vegetation that must be cleared from the surface.
(ix) Climatic conditions that determine length of operating season, eg. formation
of ice in cold climates and protracted periods of high water in rivers.
Chapter Four Mining and Milling Facilities 58
(x) Offshore: depth of water, storm and current conditions and character of sea
These types of dredges are designed for excavating materials lying under water
and transporting the solids in a pulp or slurry through a continuos system to a point of
discharge. They are designed to perfonn prescribed tasks under particular conditions,
at lowest possible costs, which can be very low.
The principal uses for hydraulic dredges are industrial rather than mining,
deepening and widening channels in rivers, harbours or canals; digging new canals,
creating fills, developing marines and excavating sands and gravel for industrial
purposes, principally aggregates.
The use of low water velocities in sluice boxes is a common problem and its
main reason is the lack of understanding of the mechanics of the sluicing process. This
is in part due to the very low levels of literacy prevalent in the mining communities and
the lack of effective program for the miners [Blowers, 1983a, 1983b]. Recently, new
aluminium sluices have been introduced in the market and these rely on higher wash
water velocities to function. This operation results in higher throughput for the miners
and consequently higher returns.
Chapter Four Mining and Milling Facilities 59
Although mining industry was started on small-scale basis, and still a large
portion of mineral production comes from this industry. But, there is not enough
improvement in this industry due to many factors including lack of capital and
necessary resources, size and nature of the deposit, demand of the end product,
geological conditions, etc. All of these factors result in low technology methods in
most parts of the world because most major mining companies in the world are looking
for large deposit. So, that the ore can be mined quickly by the help of large equipment
in order to sell the product at right time and in the right market.
Most of the people attached with this industry are poor, illiterate and
unskilled. Although return is not very high with these non mechanised techniques, but
still miners can produce some cash for the purchase of consumer goods. Again most of
these miners have to work in various industries in order to supplement their wages. So,
low technology techniques are very useful and profitable for miners because
expenditures on maintenance and purchasing of new equipment are negligible.
Due to the low throughput methods being used the miners must work
gravels of high grade in order to justify the hard physical effort required. According to
a recent survey in Papua New Guinea according to which the current economics of
many of the mining communities dictates that most full time miners would not work for
returns which were consistently below K 5.00 per day. This generally equates to about
0.5 to 1.0 g of alluvial gold per day (depending on gold price and fineness).
In its ores gold is usually present as the metal, alloyed with metallic silver
and perhaps copper. Its high specific gravity causes particles of gold to settle readily
from pulp. Since gold is malleable due to which a grinding treatment which breaks
gangue minerals may only flatten the metal without substantially reducing the size of its
liberated particles. This differential grinding effect, by developing size differences,
may assist gravity separation once the pulp is clear of the grinding section. Against
this, the weight and malleability of gold particles causes them to be retained in a closed
grinding circuit even after they have been adequately liberated.
pyrite and galena frequently contain inclusion of gold. Practically, it is not possible to
grind these sulphides to the fineness required to liberate this finely disseminated gold,
nor it would always be possible to trap it efficiently once it had been freed. The usual
practice in such cases is to concentrate the gold bearing sulphides at a relatively coarse
mesh-of-grind, regrind them, and then extract the gold by chemical actions. A third
class of gold has its values combined in the fonn of telluride or sulphur telluride. These
compounds are not malleable as they slime readily and their gold content is extracted
by chemical methods.
The process selected depends, therefore, on whether the gold can be freed
from its gangue at a sufficiently coarse mesh, or whether it is carried in a heavy
sulphide which can be similarly freed. If the ore contains other valuable minerals, it
may also be necessary to provide for their recovery.
While separating the base metal values the concentrate forms a significant
percentage of the ore, only a few pennyweights of gold per ton exit in the average run-
of-mine ore. Thus a large quantity must be handled in order to extract a very small
amount of extremely valuable concentrate. If all the gold is carried in a small
percentage of the ore, as is the case with auriferous pyrite, considerable handling of
economies may be made possible by using froth flotation to separate this pyrite from
the barren gangue at an early stage. If part or all of the gold is disseminated through a
siliceous gangue, all the ore must be treated.
A number of small high grade gold and silver deposits have been
uneconomical because of the high costs of mill construction, transportation and
smelting. Processing of these ores must be simple, cheap, with satisfactory recoveries
and be environmentally acceptable. Vat leach with direct electrolytic recovery satisfies
these parameters. Some of the fines which ceased production due to different reasons
are working by using this method.
Chapter Four Mining and Milling Facilities 61
During this process it is important that crushed ore should be brought to its
optimum technical condition before cyanide process is carried out. Crushed ore should
be liberated in such a way that no further grinding is required which is usually the most
expensive item in the treatment. But if the ore particles are very fine they also create
problems during the percolation process of cyanidation. The cyanide process proceeds
in four stages and these stages are important according to the sequence:
Classification (I) •8 ~
/.,o Slime
To Leach (Sand) / t~eatment
Treatment Sample Essay
1,....-----tl ~ru~i~~ I
Clllecting.-T_a_n_k_(2_)_ _ _ _ _+_... ~---------,J
T Barren
Le~achin~.'v_a_ts_(_3_) _ _'_'P_re_g_"_ _ _~
Exhaustated Sand
~ ,. __ ____
If an unclassified mass of sands were bedded , the associated slimes and fine
sand would obstruct the interstices between the large grains and thus interfere with
percolation rate. This could in part be compensated by working with a thinner bed, by
using vacuum to pull the leach liquors down through the beds, and by stirring these
liquors into the upper layers of the bed. Leach treatment continues to have value in a
variety of special application, notably with low grade ores, dump retreatment and low
capital projects where simple home-made devices aid development finance. The
general scheme of leaching treatment can be pictured as in Fig. 4.1.
The use of biotechnology for the extraction of gold has been recently introduced
in the mineral industry. This method is not only used for gold extraction but also for
other precious metals. This technology has been successfully applied in various mine
site pilot plants for the treatment of refractory gold concentrates. High grade extraction
were achieved after bacterial oxidation treatment. More than 90% of the gold could be
recovered after oxidation compared with approximately 50% for the untreated
Oxide bearing non-r:efractory ore can be treated directly with a cyanide solution
to extract gold.
The cyanide complex (Na[Au{CN) 2]) is soluble in the aqueous leach medium,
from which gold is absorbed on activated carbon, then stripped and electrowon
[Chamberlain & Pojar, 1984]. Currently, high grade non-refractory gold deposits are
becoming exhausted and lower and complex grade ore deposits have to considered for
gold production.
When ore is refractory and the submicrometre sized gold particles are finely
disseminated within the sulphide matrix, then only gold particles located on the surface
of the sulphide ore will be dissolved by the cyanide solution. Furthermore, the heavy
metals associated by the gold bearing pyrite and arsenopyrite will react with cyanide,
resulting in excessive reagent consumption.
In addition, some refractory ores have organic content, which increases cyanide
consumption and retention of gold by complexing, so that the efficiency of the leaching
process is considerably reduced. Several alternative processes have been suggested for
the treatment of these refractory ore, including nitric acid digestion [Fair & Schieder,
1987], Chlorination [Yen, Pinder & Lam, 1990], pressure leaching, roasting and
bioleaching [Lawrence, 1990]. Bioleaching has the following advantages over the
alternative processes listed above:
The metabolic oxidation of pyrite and arsenopyrite occurs by direct and indirect
bacterial activity. The direct mode of bacterial leaching proceed via the reactions.
Ferric ion has a high affinity for the arsenic acid, which results in the fonnation
of an insoluble ferric arsenate
Both the direct and indirect modes of bacterial activity are electrochemical in
nature. Therefore, it is possible to follow the process of bio-oxidation by
electrochemical methods. It was found that the oxidation of pyrite by T. ferro-oxidants
involves a number of indeterminate reactions, manifested by the peaks of a cyclic
voltammogram [Choi, Wang & Torma, 1990] as shown in Fig. 4.2. Pyrite and
arsenopyrite are semiconductors, and their activity may be dictated by the impurity
levels and crystal defects related ton or p type semi conductivity.
Chapter Four Mining and Milling Facilities 66
Leach Solution
SI L , S Cyanide
.______,,t--~~~~~~..i Leaching
SIL i--5~---+l~Leach
Cu, Zn
In some areas, where the small mines operated while there was a central mill.
Once it closed down, transportation to a more distant mill or smelter became too costly.
But good market conditions have made some of these areas attractive again, since, a
small mine can not justify its own mill but a combination of small mines in area may
justify a central mill.
Chapter Four Mining and Milling Facilities 67
Due to lack of capital and expertise small scale mining operators are not able to
establish milling facilities on the site. Therefore, the multi small mine-central mill
concept is a new and very useful idea to solve the ore dressing problem of small scale
deposits. In the following paragraph, some examples from United States are given to
understand this concept clearly.
Several companies in the US have tried to establish central toll milling in older
districts but have been unsuccessful primarily because small operations, on their own,
can not be relied on to supply consistent feed. The only way most successful central
facilities have assured consistent feed is to have control of the feed sources. Examples
are the approach taken by uranium companies during the 1950's to 1970's on the
Colorado plateau. Companies such as Climax Uranium, Energy Fuels and Union
Carbide acquired large claim blocks containing numerous small uranium deposits.
They then subcontracted or sublet these small deposits to as many as 150 individuals
small operators. Some of these small operations produced as little as 45 tonnes. The
ore was hauled on contract to central mills which were individually rated at from 306 to
1224 tpd. In some cases the mills were dependent on as much as 80% of the feed
coming from company mines [Anon., 1966; White, 1978]. The multi small mine-
central mill concept is presently more feasible in underdeveloped Asian and South
American countries where the mining, socio and political climate is more attuned to the
Another opportunity for the small miners is to seek small high grade deposits
within or near a currently active large mining companies operations. The time and cost
of discovery and exploration might be substantially reduced because current
information may be readily available. The larger company may sublet or contract these
deposits and mill the ore in its facility.
Locating a small concentrator near the deposit is only justified if the economics
are better than transporting to and processing in another facility. Several factors make a
small facility cost prohibitive in comparison to a large one:
(vii) Difficulties in finding a suitable tailing site near the mine and mill.
Before totally ruling out a mill on a small deposit there are other factors that a
prudent small operator should consider. Sometimes a good balance can be achieved by
transporting upgraded material to an established facility thus reducing transporting
costs. Some ores can be upgraded by screening, ore sorting equipment, or rough
gravity concentration. Other considerations are in-Situ and heap leaching, column
flotation, or mobile "caravan mill".
With few smelters in operation it has become more difficult for the small
operation to sell their concentrates. Recent improvements in small scale precious
metals leaching, smelting and refining have given the small operator the opportunity to
produce a more saleable finished product. Also, some smaller precious metals
refineries will take small lots of high grade concentrate and ore.
4. 7 Discussion
Many smaller gold producers are the important contributors to world production
and many of these producers produce certain precious minerals from vein type
mineralisation. The development of this type of deposit presents both technical and
financial problems. In many ways these problems are functions of the type of
mineralisation and therefore apply to all sizes of deposits. Since smaller organisations
can bring a deposit into production more quickly than large organisation, mainly due to
their greater flexibility and less efforts put on investigations that are considered
necessary by the large companies. It is also true to say, however, that the smaller
companies are usually willing and able to start production at lower levels than a large
Chapter Four Mining and Milling Facilities 69
company could justify and, hence, the amount of exploration and development can be
appreciably less.
Smaller operations do not differ much from larger operations in mining and
processing. The main object of the operation, the maximum extraction of ore and
recovery of mineral values, is the same but the methods may be different. The main
differences are probably on the management side, where the lines of responsibility in
smaller operations are usually very clear-cut, largely because of the minimal number of
professional staff and the lack of inference from in-house technical expertise or
It is very sad to say that most small scale operations are inefficient in regard to
both extraction and recovery and can be extremely wasteful as far as resources, both
human and minerals, are concerned. Basically, this type of operation represents the
worst features of high grading and, as such, can sterilise large tracts of ground that
otherwise might have given rise to a well organised mining operation or operations.
Small scale mining does not need to be primitive, even at the artisanal level, and
many small mine operations use modern techniques with a large degree of
mechanisation and observe the best safety practice. In general, the difference between
an efficient small mine and an efficient large mine lies in the size of the equipment used
and the degree of mechanisation. Some mining methods, and therefore some
equipment, are not suitable for the smaller producer or for vein type deposits as they
have designed for large tonnage, often low grade, operations.
As, it has been mentioned above that if natural mineral resources are not
exploited effectively, it is wasting of energy, capital and human resources. Since, most
miners do not use mechanised methods due to lack of capital and information, the
efficiency of operation is low and miners try to extract high grade gravels and leave low
grade gravels in the ground.
_ _,_
5.1 Introduction
Costs can be defined as resources used to achieve a given objective. Costs can
be measured in the conventional accounting way, as monetary units that must be paid
for goods and services, or in other ways such as hours of labour or litres of diesel fuel
used to attain a production goal. Total costs are a function of production activities.
Expenditures for drill bits and grinding balls are good examples of variable
costs (directly dependent on metres drilled for a given rock type, or tonnes milled for a
given ore at a certain grind, respectively). The annual salary of mining engineer and a
property tax bill are examples of fixed costs.
Every organisation has costs that may be classified as either fixed or variable
(see Fig 5.1). It is important to recognise that fixed costs are only in relation to given
time period, and within a given range of activity. A radical change in production
system usually results in a new set of fixed costs.
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 71
Variable Cost
Fixed Cost
Production Volume ....
Classification of costs is not an easy task. Costs often do not vary in direct
proportion to changes in production levels, but are instead semi variable, exponential,
or stepwise. Individual components of costs can also be influenced by more than one
factor. Historical or projected expenditures are frequently stated in terms of unit costs.
Unit costs are usually most useful to people who are directly responsible for incurring
costs, and relate to measurable production activity, that is, cost per metre drilled, tonne
mined or processed, or labour hour.
Since cost is one of the most important factors in the financial and economic
evaluation of a mining project, it is better to mention, briefly, different types of costs
together with their methods of estimation. Although the elements of cost are same for
all mining operations regardless of the size of the operation, some elements are
applicable or used more for large scale operations than small scale operations.
The major costs used in evaluation of mining projects, budgeting, and financial
analysis are.
Capital cost also depends on the selection of equipment. Open cut operations
can use draglines, shovels, bucket excavators or scrarpers. Small mines prefer to use
small equipment which are cheaper and easily available in market, although funding of
capital depends on financial institutions which are reluctant to lend due to high risk
attached with small enterprises.
It is a false concept that capital cost per unit throughput is less with large scale
equipment. Actually, smaller equipment with high sales volume can be manufactured
on production lines where automation can give cost benefits. High competition is
involved in high volume selling equipment.
Table 5.1 Capital cost summary (All Figures in A$ Millions) [Burmeister, 1988]
Operating costs are incurred only when equipment is operated. Therefore, costs
vary with the amount of equipment used and job operating conditions. Operating costs
include operators' wages, which are usually added as a separate item after other
operating costs have been calculated. The major elements of operating costs include:
The hourly cost of fuel is simply fuel consumption per hour multiplied by the
cost per unit of fuel (litre). Actual measurement of fuel consumption under similar job
conditions provides the best estimate of fuel consumption. However, when historical
data are not available, fuel consumption may be estimated from manufacturers' data.
The cost of fuel depends on the unit cost and the engine consumption rate. As a
general rule, fuel consumption can be estimated as 0.3 litres per hour per kilowatt of
engine capacity. This consumption rate in turn is dependent on age/condition of the
engine, duty cycle, idling time, operator skill and work area conditions. These
machines I site specific items are reflected by the fuel job factor [Westcott & Hall,
Service cost represents the cost of oil, hydraulic fluid, grease, and filters as well
as the labour required to perform routine maintenance service. Equipment
manufacturers publish consumption data or average cost factors for oil, lubricants, and
filters for their equipment under average conditions. Using such consumption data,
multiply hourly consumption (adjusted for operating conditions) by costs per unit to
obtain the hourly cost of consumable items. Service labour cost may be estimated
based on prevailing wage rates and the planned maintenance program.
Repair cost represents the cost of all equipment repair and maintenance except
for tyre repair and replacement, routine service, and the replacement of high wear
items, such as ripper teeth. It should be noted that repair cost usually constitutes the
largest item of operating expense for construction equipment.
Tyre cost represents the cost of tyre repair and replacement. Among operating
costs for rubber tyre equipment, tyre cost is usually exceeded only by repair cost. Tyre
cost is difficult to estimate because of the difficulty in estimating tyre life. As always,
historical data obtained under similar operating conditions provide the best basis for
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 76
estimating tyre life. Tyre costs are calculated by multiplying the number of tyres by the
purchase cost of each tyre divided by the life of the tyre. Tyre life typically ranges
between 1500 and 12,000 hours, with 4000 hours as an average. By incorporating
allowances for the following in a tyre job factor, then site specific costs are calculated:
•Travel speed
•Degree of overloading
In addition to the hourly charge for wear on tyres, costs are also associated with
ongoing tyre maintenance usually expressed as a percentage cost [Westcott & Hall,
The cost of replacing high wear items such as dozer, and scraper blade cutting
edges and end bits, as well as ripper tips, shanks, and shank protectors, should be
calculated as a separate item of operating expense. As usual, unit cost is divided by
expected life to yield cost per hour.
The final item making up equipment operating cost is the operator's wage. Care
must be taken to include all costs, such as workman's compensation insurance, social
security taxes, overtime or premium pay, and fringe benefits in the hourly wage figure.
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 77
(vii)Labour costs
Although big mines are more capital intensive, it does not necessarily lower
labour costs. With big machinery unions have the opportunity to demand multiple
manning, restrictive work practice and skill margins. It is difficult to mange a large
workforce due to more demands, problems and extra overhead expenditures. Certain
supervisors are needed to handle these matters of a large workforce which in tum can
lead to industrial relation problems.
On the other hand, a manager of a small mme does not need to appoint
supervisors in order to deal with workforce problems He, himself, deals directly with
all his employeesand there is the opportunity to work just as asmall team where every
body knows and trusts each other. In this case there is less need for supervision but
more involvement, which, results in flexible work practice and higher productivity. At
the same level of capital intensity the small mines should have an advantage. With high
labour intensity small mines may be able to offset the higher labour cost with lower
capital costs.
Even though the greatest care and effort is made in the estimation of costs in a
project, it is quite surprising to find a project which has been completed without the pre
estimated cost. Especially, in countries where the economic conjecture is quite
unreliable and unpredictable and where surprising devaluation of currency randomly
and frequently occurs. It is therefore necessary to include one cost item "unforeseen
costs" to the total project cost.
Of course the percentage of unforeseen costs compared to the project cost would
widely vary according to the period of investment. It may be reasonable to allocate 10-
20% of the total project cost as unforeseen cost in a project whose investment interval
is 1-3 years. For a project of longer investment period unforeseen cost may be taken as
15-30% of the total project cost.
Papua New Guinea and New Zealand have a very strong small scale gold
mining industry. Although the nature, size, grade, economic situation and currency rate
of these two countries are totally different. Again, it is possible to consider and
compare real capital and operating costs existing in these two countries. Typical capital
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 78
and operating costs as in August 1990 are presented in the following tables. The costs
presented are for a skid mounted, 1.65 metre diameter trommel plant with hydraulic
riffles fed by a Komatsu pc 300, 30 ton hydraulic excavator. This combination plant
has a rated capacity of 80 m per hour.
Operating weeks per year 45 48
Plant utilisation % 80 70
Operating hours per day 10 10
Shifts per week 5.5 5.5
Exchange rate to US 1.57 0.94
Fine gold price($US 380 I oz) $595 K358
Alluvial gold fines 840 700
Effective corporate tax % 35 46.05
Exchange rate KPNG I $NZ = 1.67
Average throughput and recovery
Throughput (m3 I hr) 80 80
Plant utilisation (%) 80 70
Operating days I year 288 315
Annual throughput (' 000 m3) 1184.3 1184.3
The costs presented in Tables 5.2 to 5.4 assume the operating parameters
outlined in Table 5.1.
A capital cost breakdown for the establishment of new plant on a new mine site
is presented in Table 5.2. Total capital costs are $US500,000 ($NZ785,000) and
$US527,000 (KPNG495,000) for NZ and PNG respectively. The higher PNG capital
cost is basically a function of shipping cost and import duties. It is clear from these
figures how the costs are affected by the introduction of taxes, customs and import
duties, especially, in developing countries and these factors are the main barriers in the
development of this industry.
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 79
Average annual direct operating costs are presented in Table 5.3. The main
reason for this difference is the use of experienced but expensive expatriate manpower.
This is continued for at least two years until experienced PNG operators are trained.
Manpower (men) 3 13
Wages costs 61, 150 170, 000
Accommodation 0 42,500
Fuel 30,900 41,900
Oil (at 16% of fuel) 4,950 6, 700
Repair and maintenance 25,600 50,500
Light vehicles 5, 100 5,500
Electricity 17,800 2, 100
Washup I refine 3,200 5,300
Rehabilitation 5, 700 5,300
Land use compensation 5,500 9,600
Hydrologic control 7,650 2, 100
Total operating costs 167,550 341,500
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 80
Any mine valuation requires time and judgement, and if these are limited, most
of the effort should be spent on careful analysis of capital costs, operating costs, and the
operating environment that influences such costs. A review of mine projects that have
failed to yield the profits expected from the original evaluation shows that errors in
predicting capital costs, operating costs, and mine productivity are much more
prominent than errors in predicting metal prices and markets, taxes, and financial
Accurate estimates of capital and operating costs are possible only when there is
detailed knowledge of the physical quantities, labour and productivity to be attained.
This knowledge is normally achieved only after a substantial portion of the design
engineering works has been performed.
costs, to a greater or lesser degree, are semi variable, but the variation with mine size is
exponential rather than arithmetic.
Supply Equipment
Operators Royalties
Tyres Purchase price
Maintenance Freight
Fuel spread of payment number
power demand Residual value
Tax category Shift config.
Power energy
explosives Life
Tyre life
Cost Data Base
Fig. 5.3 Build Up of a cost data base [Westcott, and Hall, 1993)
(i) A quick estimate where a "rule of thumb" is used such as dollar per tonne
erected multiplied by the weight of the machine.
(ii) Budget estimates from suppliers or manufacturers( which can have a plus or
minus 20% variation to allow for exchange rate variation and a margins for
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 84
(iii) Actual tender or contract bids which are definitive and binding.
The Method chosen should be commensurate with the type of study being
undertaken. It is often desirable or necessary to determine the hourly ownership costs
of a single item of plant and two methods are in common use. The first as proposed by
many equipment suppliers is calculated from the sum of the straight line depreciation
and a percentage of the annual average investment to cover taxes and insurance .
Depreciation cost =
Life( hours)
Annual Hours
(n + 1)
multiplied by
This calculation assumes a value of zero at the end of the machine life, and
Rate% is the interest on the invested funds in the equipment, plus an insurance amount
(typically 1-2% ), plus any property taxes levied on the valuation of the equipment.
Table 5.5 gives typical operating life of mining equipment in hours. These refer
to operating hours when the machine is manned and is consuming power. An important
distinction should be made between "accounting life" and "operating life". Accounting
life is used for tax purposes and represents how quickly the equipment can be written
off for tax purposes. The operating life is the actual life the mine expects the equipment
to operate at an availability satisfactory to meet production targets and at an economic
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 85
Crawler 10,000 15,000 20,000
Wheel 8,000 12,000 15,000
Grader 12,000 16,000 20,000
Front End Loader 10,000 15,000 20,000
Hydraulic Excavator
Construction 10,000 15,000 20,000
Mining 20,000 30,000 40,000
Scraper 8,000 12,000 16,000
Bottom Dump 30,000 40,000 50,000
Rear Dump-small 15,000 20,000 25,000
Rear Dump-large 20,000 30,000 10,000
Small 16,000 20,000 30,000
Large 60,000 120,000 150,000
Shovels 60,000 120,000 150,000
Another method is to treat the plant as if it were being leased. Lease rates
include all of the above factors but more correctly account for the higher interest
component of the cost earlier in the equipment life. For this calculation, the primary
inputs are:
(ii) Dissect the machine into cost elements such as tyres, fuel, power and labour.
(iv) Assign a life or utilisation to each component part and calculate the hourly
(v) Total all the components to achieve the total hourly operating cost.
Although, deriving costs from first principles is accurate, determining the costs
and life for all components in a machine is quite time consuming and it is often difficult
to get accurate information. In order to solve this problem, a set of factors or formulae
may be necessary to estimate the hourly cost.
In order to derive factors it is assumed that any piece of equipment is just a set
of spare parts. These parts have different operating life. By knowing the "standard"
operating life (commonly 10, 000 hours) it is possible to calculate the total cost of parts
expected to be purchased throughout this "standard" life and afterward the hourly cost
of these parts is calculated. Since the cost of spare parts is somewhat in proportion to
the original purchase price of the equipment, the above cost is calculated by multiplying
the initial cost by a "repair factor" or maintenance parts factor and then dividing by the
standard operating life to get an hourly rate.
This cost is adjusted according to the number of operating hours and operating
conditions which may incur higher than normal or average operating cost. This
method, although, provides useful derivation but reliable results depend on the
judgement of estimating the repair factor and job conditions. For estimating purposes,
operating costs are firstly estimated for typical or average conditions which are adjusted
up or down depending on:
Higher power consumption required for blasting and often the material is bulky,
irregular in shape and has poor fill factors. Machinery is often used at full capacity and
tyres fail due to rock cuts and abrasions. Wear rates are high and component life is
reduced. There are limited skills in the workforce causing higher repair costs. The
equipment is divided into cost elements in order to analyse the operating costs
correctly. Each of these cost elements are described in the following sections and listed
(ii) Fuel
(iii) Lubrications
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 88
(iv) Tyres
(v) Repair parts (maintenance supplies) such as filters and hydraulic hoses
This covers the electrical power costs required to operate the machine and can
be subdivided into an "energy component" as well as a "demand" component which
reflects the required installed capacity of the power generation facility. This demand
charge is a result of the cyclical loads of most mining machines and the electricity
authority must be able to supply high power for short period of time.
(ii) Fuel
Fuel costs are based on the unit cost of fuel, and the fuel consumption rate. The
unit cost of fuel typically falls between $0.25 to $0.35 per litre after allowing for
rebates. The fuel usage depends on conditions of the engine, the duty cycle, operator
skill and road conditions. Fuel consumption at 100% load factor approximates to 0.03
litres per hour per kW. Load factors range from 0.025 to 0.08. For example, a truck
with a 1300 kW engine hauling under average conditions has a fuel consumption of
1300*0.3*0.35= 137 litres/hour.
(iii) Lubrication
(iv) Tyres
Total tyre costs are obtained by multiplying the cost of each tyre by the number
of tyres and dividing by the hourly life. Tyre manufacturers give guidelines for
calculating hourly life. The tyre life can vary from 1,500 to 12,000 hours depending on
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 89
site conditions. This is usually a base number of hours (4,000 is a common base)
multiplied by a series of factors. These factors account for [Westcott & Hall, 1993]:
(ii) Speed
Maintenance supplies are also referred to as repair parts. Two types of methods
for estimation of maintenance supplies are presented. The first method is appropriate
for large equipment and is to multiply the capital costs by a percentage and divide this
by a number of operating hours per year. Typical values for the percentage range from
3% to 10%.
The second method uses a standard operating life of 10,000 hours and then
calculates the maintenance repair parts cost by multiplying the initial capital cost by a
repair factor and then dividing this by the standard operating life to get an hourly rate.
This is adjusted if the number of hours is greater than the standard operating life and
then further adjusted for job conditions.
A simple method is to apply the Wear Parts Cost Factor to the capital cost
(WPCF), using the same logic as deriving maintenance supplies, and adjust for job
conditions (WPJF) [Westcott & Hall, 1993].
Chapter Five Cost Analysis 90
Major overhauls cover the cost of major component exchange or rebuild. This
can be estimated as a percentage of initial capital cost (such as 15% every 12,000
hours) or as a build up of components and their life. For example, a truck could be
subdivided into engine, transmission, body, frame, electrical and so on. The cost of
each of these major components (or the cost of rebuilding them) can then be estimated
with estimated life. This gives a standard cost per hour even though the actual
expenditure may only occur when the damage or rebuild is implemented.
Infrastructure /
Project plant&
Fig. 6.1 Infrastructure relationship with other influences on a project [Groves & Gibbs,
Chapter Six Infrastructure 92
It is interesting to note that all natural resource projects need infrastructure and
this need is a function of two factors, the nature of business and the geological location
of the site. In the past provision of infrastructure formally remained the responsibility
of governments, now whole burden has fallen on the shoulders of owners. But, again,
in some developing countries, governments are responsible for the infrastructure.
Infrastructure needs for mining projects vary widely. For example, a plant
expansion project at an existing mine in a near urban area ("urban I brownfield") is
unlikely to present the same difficulties as a new mine in a remote location (''remote I
greenfield"). A typical list of infrastructure needs for a mine is given in Table. 6.1 with
comments indicating the variability of the impact, depending on the type of project.
Chapter Six Infrastructure 93
Table. 6.1 Impact of infrastructure on project costs [Groves & Gibbs, 1990]
branchline minor major
upgrading minor major
service yards mm or significant
unloading load significant significant
rolling stock significant major
Water supply
pump station significant major
pipeline mm or major
storage significant major
Power supply
transmission minor major
substation significant major
distribution minor maJor
sub-division negligible major
utility services negligible maJor
housing negligible maJor
community facilities negligible major
, Peripheral support
workshop store mm or significant
admin. amenities mm or significant
services mm or significant
Chapter Six Infrastructure 94
(i) It is preferable to combine the housing and amenities for mine employees
with an existing town rather than to build a new "mine only" town even at
the cost of additional travel.
(ii) The special circumstances of the mine staff and their families (eg. shift
work, young families) should be taken into consideration while designing
the housing facilities.
(iii) Where a choice exists, small urban type amenities are preferred to large
centralised ones.
(v) It is, socially, preferable to combine the housing and amenities for mine
employees within an existing town instead of building a new town.
Housing facilities are, generally, provided to direct employees and their families
only. For preliminary purposes, these can be assessed as follows:
(ii) 10% will be family members other than married men and will not require
separate accommodation
The mix of housing with respect to size, standard and type is generally defined
on a hierarchical basis with typically:
Chapter Six Infrastructure 95
(iv) Parks
The management of small mines can not provide all these amenities as most of
these are luxury and capital intensive for small mines. Since, a few persons are
employed to work in small mines, it is not possible to provide all of these amenities but
some of the above mentioned amenities are necessary regardless of mining operation
because the small mines are in remote areas.
If management of small mine can not provide basic amenities for its employees,
then, for example, in places where there are many small mines in the same area, it is
possible to have central amenities which can be used by the staff, employees and their
families. Generally, the costs of these facilities are provided by the mine owners. But
in some cases state governments are ready to invest in these facilities if mining is one of
the main industries of the country. On the other hand it is much better to set housing
facilities near the existing town and use the common facilities.
6.3 Transportation
(i) Personnel transportation including the provision of roads and airport and
Design standards for access roads is the most imp01tant and crucial element of
transportation and depends on the requirements, available capital and topography of the
Chapter Six Infrastructure 97
area. State authorities are generally responsible for designing the standards of access
roads. Access roads are typically design 6.8 to 7.4 metres wide, sealed with 1.8 metre
shoulders, with a typical pavement depth of 300 to 350 mm depending on the subgrade.
Road transport finds application for short hauls and low annual tonnages.
Flexibility, manoeuvrability and a greater grade capability are the main advantages of
the road transport system. Road systems are particularly exposed to inflation in view of
the high capital cost of replacement equipment and the labour intensive nature of the
operation. The major capital cost is the fleet cost, fleet sizing being a function of haul
distance and annual capacity.
6.4 Power
Where such power lines are not available for remote areas the government may
provide cash-subsidies to small entrepreneurs for purchasing generator sets. Provision
must be made for the supply of electric power to both mine and town site. The high
voltage transmission lines and associated switchgear I sub-station are design to the
standards of the local supply authority and may even be installed by them at the owner's
cost. Basic considerations in providing power for mine production and collateral
operations are [Thuli, 1973].
(i) Mining operations of any size normally use electric motors for driving all
equipment except mobile service units.
(iii) The major elements of the power system will be source, either an incoming
transmission line from a utility in the case of purchased power or power
plant itself-generated. Energy for the power plant may be water,
hydrocarbon fuels, waste heat or nuclear, which will govern the type of
prime mover selected.
(iv) At the points of use, there will be starting and protective devices for each
motor. In some instances, direct current will be needed and rectifiers of
various types can be used to provide it.
(v) The entire electrical system requires suitable switching and protective
devices to prevent damage to the equipment in case of power failures or
The decision of how to generate power can be critical to project economics and
a number of alternatives should be considered. In remote areas, there may be no
alternative to the on-site generation of power and particularly if process steam is
required, this generally proves attractive. selection of the fuel, distillate, fuel oil,
natural gas or coal will also impact on other areas of infrastructure cost.
• Power requirements
•Steam requirement, if any
• Alternative methods of power and steam generation
•fuel availability and cost
• Control, operating and maintenance philosophies
substations where the supply voltage is dropped to the required working voltage.
Selection of transmission voltage depends on electrical characteristics, transmission
distance and economics. A transmission voltage of 1 lKV is frequently used but for
long distance it can be 132 KV. However, 66 KV and 33 KV transmission lines have
also been utilised.
132KV I 90.000-100,000
66KV 45,000-50,000
33KV 20,000-25,000
llKV 12,000-15,000
Water is not only required for human consumption but is one of the most
important elements for gold concentration by small scale mining. Water is especially
needed in sluicing operations. The use of hydraulic sluicing to dislodge the gravel from
a face is very rare, mainly, because of the lack of any pumping capacity and
availability of water at most sites. Most operations occur in the river beds using natural
water flows to move gravels through the sluice box. The gravels are usually fed into
the box by shovel or spade. So, it is not possible to determine the exact amount of
water required for sluicing operations.
Potable water requirements vary with locality, with factors such as climate,
nature of soil, policy re metering and charging exerting major influences. The range of
consumption varies from 400 to 1, 600 litres per head per day, with 1, 200 litres being a
useful figure for preliminary evaluation.
Chapter Six Infrastructure 100
design well advanced, equipment items ordered, and site work has
In estimating the costs for infrastructure, the technique is basically the same as
for mining or processing equipment, ie, start with a factored estimate based on
historical costs for road, rail, township, etc., and develop project specific details.
7 .1 Introduction
All mining projects are financially evaluated to establish the value of the
operation, this may be done so that decisions can be made either to mine or not, during
take over bids, legal reasons or any operational decisions such as modifying mining
techniques, buying new machinery and mine expansion. Three basic aspects technical,
economic and financial analyses are involved in the evaluation of a mining project.
Where technical analysis is the most difficult and requires much effort. Financial
analysis involves the assessment of cash flows which are projected for the life of the
mine. It requires building a financial model to reproduce cash flows. All cash flow
models follow the same basic principles, of obtaining revenue from the commodity,
estimating operating and capital costs, royalties, depreciation and taxes resulting in cash
flows and finally making a decision as to the validity of the project. The price of the
commodity is one of the most i!,!lportant elements of project evaluation.
700 ,. -·-··--·-·-··-----·--------·-· - .. ----------·--
- ---· - --~
0 ·-· ·-·-··-- ···---·· .... -·- · ·- · .. ····-·· . .. -
~ .600
::> 500
0 400
a.. 300
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
-- Gold Price
Fig 7.1 Gold price history [From personnel communication and reports of West, 1992)
The gold market is one of the most volatile of all commodity markets. Since the
late seventies, significant and wide ranging price fluctuations have occurred over short
periods of time as shown in Fig.7 .1, creating many problems for gold producing
Chapter Seven Invesnnenl Analysis of Small Gold Mines 103
Although some parameters are within the range of management but variations in
gold price are outside the control of management. This volatility is even greater for
Australian gold producers who must also contend with a floating $A I $US exchange
rate as shown in Fig.7.2. Even though this is the case, one still has to be fully aware
and must attempt to predict the value (worth) and viability of a project.
1.6 - ---···--·· ---··-· ---··---· ·-------- ·· ----- -------- --·-···--- .
1.2 ·-··-· . ,~~~- - · - ···- - --- ........ - -- · - ··· - ·- ·· -· - ·--·· ···- ·-- .. ... .......... -- .. -·
- ·---·- ---·------·-· ·-·~·- ·-··------··-------------
"- -·
---- --· ·······. -· -····---·-· .. -····-·----- ----·--~~~~==~/-···-· ····· ·-·· -- -·-··--- ·--·- ---
·--· --
0 .6
0 .4 - · · - -- · - · ---..J.-...-- - ------'---------..&.--- - - -- ----~
It is very difficult to predict the future prices of a volatile commodity like gold
due to many factors including the effect of market supply and demand. There has been
considerable of variation in gold price during the last two decades. In the early
seventies the price of gold was below US$100 per oz, while in the late seventies the
price increased to around US$ 300 per oz, followed by an unpredictable rise in 1980
where the price doubled to an average of US$ 614 per oz. The gold price then dropped
to US$ 460 per oz in 1981, and has basically stayed around the US$ 400 per oz mark,
with 1985 price dropping to the lowest at US$ 317 per oz. Therefore, predicting of gold
price for the next ten years will be an educated guess at best, spite of attempts to use
various economic models in some instances (Gentry and O'Neil, 1984).
Investment Opportunities
Financial Evaluation
~----------Productive Activity
Fig 7 .3 Conceptual mining companies planning framework [From personnel communication and
reports of West, 1992)
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 105
The mining companies planning framework, outlined in Fig. 7.3 consists of the
setting of objectives, the development of corporate resources, the channelling of
resources through strategies to areas of environmental opportunity, and the evaluation,
selection and implementation of investment opportunities. The relationship between
objectives, resources and environmental conditions guide the development of corporate
strategies (Mackenzie, 1984). There are generally considered to be three fundamental
corporate objectives: profit, survival and growth. Corporate resources consist
essentially of capital, managerial and technical skills. The mining environment has
three basic components: exploration environment, a market environment and a
government policy environment. All these provide opportunities and constraints in
evaluating a mining project.
In many cases available experience and information provide the basis for
estimating the future condition anticipated if a decision were to be made to proceed with
the investment. Relevant estimates depend on the type of investment being evaluated
but may include, for example, geological parameters such as ore reserve tonnages and
grade, engineering plans associated with their application, mineral market forecasts of
demand and price condition, and government policies relative to such forecasts as
mining taxation, environmental controls, and provision of physical and social
Project and venture, the spending of which usually has to be justified in terms of
return or profit. Economic evaluation consists of comparing the costs of the resources
and effort needed to finance these ventures with the value of the expected benefits. In
order to make this comparison as many factors as possible are measured in the same
units, those of money or cash.
Any project (or venture) involves a certain set of payments (cash movements).
Some of these payments are made by the company to the project in order to run it.
These are called cash-out items. Other payments are made to the company as result of
the project.
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 107
Engineering Benefits
Market I
Expected Value
Fig. 7.4 The investment decision process [From personnel communication and reports
of West, 1992)
These are cash-in items. The net result of the payments for any particular
period, say, a year, will either be a cash-out or cash-in, which may be indicated by
negative or positive sign, respectively. A series of such cash deficit/surplus figures for
successive years represents cash flow of the project. Therefore, cash flow is the
difference between actual cash benefits and costs for a specific time period. While
special circumstances may require the estimation of cash flows on a monthly or
quarterly basis, an annual period is usually suitable for evaluation purposes.
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 108
The benefit and cost estimates should include all economic factors associated
with an alternative and cover the total period of the project, starting at the present time
and moving out into the uncertain future. Cash flow estimates of a project are of a great
importance during the early years of a mine life. Sunk costs which have already been
realised or incurred should not be included in the analysis since they have no direct role
in the decision process. Therefore the economic outcome of an investment alternative is
initially portrayed by the anticipated time distribution of cash flow, over its projected
future life. The cash flow distribution represents the return on investment offered by
the opportunity and, as such, a demand for investment funds.
In order to evaluate the cash flow distribution, the general estimates of metal
pnces and smelter payments, together with the individual deposit estimates of
recoverable ore reserves, mill recovery, mine and mill capacity, capital costs,
development period, and operating costs, are used to evaluate the cash flow distribution.
Recoverable reserves and production scheduling should be estimated with the help of a
computer aided orebody modelling program, using all available geological data. The
expected mill recoveries along with the ore grades are estimated from the geological
data, and possibly from bulk samples. Revenues are obtained from the sale of the
commodity but if commodities are handled in foreign currency then it is appropriated to
indicate the exchange rate.
Chapter Seven lnvesunent Analysis of Small Gold Mines 109
The selling cost, smelter payments, freight and insurance may be estimated from
existing mines working in a similar environment. All off lease selling costs are
subtracted from total revenue in order to get net revenue. Operations cash flow is
obtained by subtracting all operation costs including royalty and interests on loans from
the net revenue. Allowable tax discounts like depreciation, on going exploration, and
tax loses for the year are deducted from the operations cash flow to obtain the pre-tax
profit. A flat rate of 39% is applied to the taxable income, which is paid to the
government, yielding the net profit.
The operation cash flow is used again, where the taxation amount calculated is
deducted to obtain the actual cash flow from operations. All capital cost outlays are
deducted from this cash flow, then loan receipts if any are added to obtain the net cash
flow, from which most economic evaluations are obtained. The capital outlays are
capital expenditure, working capital, replacement capital, ongoing exploration, and any
loan repayments.
Maximising benefits or minimising costs are the basis for evaluating projects by
using normal cash flow analyses. Most mining projects are analysed from the point of
view of maximising benefits, where equipment replacement decisions or production
system alternatives are often evaluated from the point of view minimising costs. It is
more appropriate to evaluate investment decisions for the purposes of maximising
All concepts of cash flow are tied together into a table, and repeated for each
year of the project life (Table 7 .2). The costing for each year of the project is affected
by the time value of money concept which will be described later. Loan interest
calculations, net cash flows and inflation are taken into account in the time value of
money. Table 7.1 is used for each year of the project, and is commonly known as the
Discounted Cash Flow (DFC) table in this thesis.
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 110
1 TO
Total Revenue
Less Off Lease Selling Costs
Yields Net Revenue
Less operating Costs
Less Royalties
Less Loan Interest
Less Depreciation
Less Exploration
Less Taxes carried Forward
Less Taxation
It is a very basic concept in economic analysis that money has a time value-a
given amount of money now is worth more than an equal sum at some future date. The
long lead time between initial investment of funds in exploration and development of
mines and the inflow of revenue when these mines are fully operative requires the
incorporation of the time value of money concept in the analysis because of the
different time aspects under consideration. The concept of time value is used in
evaluation practice to allow for one important cost which is not considered in the
determination of cash flows, the cost associated with investment funds being demanded
[Gentry, and O'Neil, 1984].
The techniques which are commonly used to evaluate projects and compare
different alternatives require recognition of the time value of money and understanding
of the methodology for handling this concept, which is the proper use of interest
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 111
formulas and tables. Interest is the difference between the value of an earlier rather than
later availability of funds. It is the price which is paid for the use of money on loan.
The amount of the loan on which interest is paid is called the principal. The interest
rate is the fraction of the principal that is paid per unit of time.
The actual interest rate depends on a number of circumstances among which the
most important is the cost of capital which depends on
(i) Taxation
applied to the resulting taxable income, and in the case of all mining projects one
straight value of 39% of the taxable income is used.
These costs include smelting, freight, insurance and other sales charges. If the
mine does not have a smelter, then contracts must be set up with nearby smelter
facilities, they may get very involved for base metal, with different rates and penalties
for each individual mineral in the project. Other sales cost include things like
marketing and sales costs.
(iii) Royalties
In the case of mining, royalties are a payment which must be paid to the Federal
government for the removal of a mineral from the ground on a yearly basis. Some
royalties are based on rate per tonne of ore produced, others on a percentage of sales,
and, occasionally, on a percentage of profit. Rates vary depending on the state and the
mineral. For gold all states except the Northern Territory and Western Australia follow
the same rule with differing percentages. The rule is Xo/o of gross revenue refining, off
lease transport and insurance costs. The respective percentages are as follows:
NSW .4%
QLD 2%
SA 2.5%
TAS 2.5%
Vic 2.75%
WA 0
Western Australia does not charge royalties for mining gold, however in the
Northern Territory two operations are used to compute royalty payments. These are
18% of post tax profit less depreciation and 5% of gross revenue minus off lease selling
(iv) Depreciation
Depreciation is a non cash charge, deductible from the tax base, which
represents a reasonable allowance for the exhaustion, wear and tear, and obsolescence
of a fixed asset used in business or held for the production of income. This enables the
firm to recover the cost of the depreciable asset during its estimated useful life. In
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 113
general, an item can be declared depreciable if it retains a reusable value over a period
of time.
• Straight Line
The straight line depreciation rate is-.
exceed the total cost of the less its salvage value. The formula for the decli~ing balance
method is given in Equation 6.2.
F= Depreciation factor
Three main approaches are used to determine market value, a cost approach,
comparable sales and income approach, but not all are applicable or even used in
mining ventures. Using the income approach, the value of a project is determined by
estimating future costs and production. These estimations are then used to calculate the
future amount of net earnings (cash flows) that may be generated from the project,
which are then discounted to the present value using an appropriate interest rate. Using
this approach the buyers would not be justified in paying more than the present value of
the project.
If the project fulfils its estimated cash flow then the buyer would receive his
original investment plus the interest which was used in calculating the present value.
Most mining companies use the concept of cash flow analysis to evaluate their projects.
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 115
Two main evaluation techniques those of discounted Cash Flow (DFC) and non-
discounted cash flow, also known as Conventional Accounting Methods are used to
evaluated mining projects. In DFC analysis the time value of money is recognised.
Discounted cash flow rate of return, also known as Internal Rate of Return and Net
Present Value along with Net Annual Value and Net Future value are the main
techniques of DFC analysis. Accounting Rate of Return and Pay Back Period are the
two main techniques used in Conventional accounting Methods. In the mining industry,
IRR, NPV and Pay Back Period techniques are mostly used.
The net present value or present worth is probably the most common evaluation
technique in use. It requires a predetermined interest rate, representing the firm's cost
of capital and any number of other factors (for example, growth element). The term
present value simply represents an amount of money at the present time (t=O) which is
equivalent to some sequence of future cash flows discounted at a specified interest rate.
In other words this technique recognises the value of money and provides for the
calculation of an amount at the present time which is equivalent in value to a series of
future cash flow.
Expected net cash flows throughout the life of the project, either negative or
positive, are discounted at this rate to a given period (usually it is the present, or year 0)
and summed up. The rule of thumb is to accept projects that maximise NPV profit and
reject all projects having negative NPV profit.
The greater the positive NPV for a project, the more economically viable it is.
A project with a negative NPV is not a profitable proposition. If, however, a project is
not concerned with making a profit, but with meeting a necessary objective at the
minimum overall cost, for example, investment in pollution control to meet required
standards, its NPV will be negative. The economic aim is to consider alternatives in
order to reduce the negative NPV (net present cost) to as small a level as possible. NPV
may be calculated using the following Equation.
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 116
x =I (I+ r )x
n= Number of years
NPV may be calculated by adding all Present value for each of the project years.
Present Values are calculated using the following formula:
PV= Cash flow that year I (Interest Rate/ 100) /\Present Value
This is the average expected yearly return rate on investment for the estimated
life of the project. The evaluation of IRR does not require the selection of a discount
rate. The procedure is to find the discount rate which produces a net present value of
zero. This is the rate of return of the investment opportunity.
I CFx + £CFx
x = p +I (I + r )x x = 1 (1 + r )x
Fig. 7.5 Two Internal Rate of Return [From personnel communication and
reports of West, 1992)
p Oi--------------1 Interest nrte
The payout period is the oldest and simplest project indicator. It is the time
required for the cumulative net earnings to equal the initial outlay, that is the length of
time required to get our investment capital back. The payout period thus measures the
speed with which investment funds are returned to the business. It is determined by
adding together each years cash flow forming the cumulative cash flow. When this
cumulative cash flow value moves from a negative value and reaches zero, this time
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 118
period is the pay back period. This may be seen in Fig. 7.7, where the pay back period
is when the cumulative cash flow line reaches zero value.
I $10
0 Ot-~~'"::"""---~~""""--~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Pa_yback. Period-
Fig. 7. 7 Payback period [From personnel communication and reports of West, 1992)
This is a widely used technique, because it shows the investors when they will
get their money, but care must be taken in using it, as it does not consider the cash flow
beyond the pay back period. At the present time investors would be looking at a pay
back period of approximately one third the project life, so for a ten year life, three and a
bit years would be the accepted period.
When the ratio of debt to equity increases, the cost of equity capital rises. The
high leverage makes the equity in the business more risky and investors expect a higher
return on their equity investments to compensate for the higher risk. The rate of interest
increases as the proportion of debt to equity capital increases if all other things remain
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 119
equal. For this reason alone, it is not logical to consider the cost of borrowed money as
the cost of capital. The cost is usually considerably greater. Projects should earn
substantially more than the cost of borrowed capital to justify investment of capital.
7.4.6 Uncertainty
There are two principal formats, the first considers one parameter at a time and
evaluates the impact on the project of a specific percentage variation, both up and down
from the base assumption. This generates a table of say NPV's for the project, with
values above and below the base case, for each percent tested. This technique can be
done manually by varying the three escalators and also done automatically as can be
seen in the sensitivity graph in Fig.7.8.
Chapter Seven Investment Analysis of Small Gold Mines 120
....___--..,._ ____
Fig 7.8 Net present value sensitivity [From personnel communication and reports of West, 1992)
The small scale mining industry will be in a good position to play a major role
in the future if enough attention is focussed on this sector of the industry, when most of
the large mines are going to cease the production due to financial crisis and dropping of
the demand in the market. It is suggested that instead of closing large mining units due
to various reasons, they could be divided into small units, if mining methods and
technology allow, and handed over to contractors or individuals involved in
management. In other words, instead of one large lease, there will many leases. These
leases or small units can be controlled by different contractors or by the skilled labour
If small mines are managed properly, they can become a good source of earning
and can produce employment for hundreds of people. Changes in this sector can not
only bring prosperity in the rural areas but also in the national economy. One thing
which small-scale mining does quite effectively is to put funds into the hands of local
people in rural areas. Small-scale mining also does more in encouraging other
supportive activities in these areas.
There are also some negative aspects of small-scale mining which should be
taken seriously. Such mining practices often mean an inefficient use of the nation's
mineral resources. The small-scale miner's interests are short term. He may "pick the
Chapter Eight Conclusion 122
eyes" out of a deposit and thus does not recover as much value as would be possible, as
a result of such crude recovery methods the tailings could contain high levels of
valuable material.
•Government and banks should provide loans to small mine owners on low
interest rates and on easy repayment conditions.
• Large mining units in the same area should extend help to small mines in the
form of technical assistants, easy loans, milling and repairing facilities.
• There should be training and safety programs for the mine workers.
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Prof. R. N. Singh, as both the Head of the Department of Civil & Mining
Engineering and academic supervisor, for providing the facilities, his
encouragement, suggestions and guidance during the progress of this thesis.
Mr. R. F. West, owner and consulting mining engineer of Wesral Mintec for his
constructive suggestion on Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 7.
I hereby certify that the work presented in this thesis has been carried out in the
Department of Civil and Mining Engineering of the University of Wollongong and has