This document provides a cost breakdown for a construction project totaling PHP 1,206,074.26. It lists the costs of various materials and works including concrete masonry, hardware, formworks, roofing, tiling, and fencing. It then calculates the subtotal and adds costs for labor, engineering fees, supervision fees, and paper works to arrive at the grand total cost.
This document provides a cost breakdown for a construction project totaling PHP 1,206,074.26. It lists the costs of various materials and works including concrete masonry, hardware, formworks, roofing, tiling, and fencing. It then calculates the subtotal and adds costs for labor, engineering fees, supervision fees, and paper works to arrive at the grand total cost.
This document provides a cost breakdown for a construction project totaling PHP 1,206,074.26. It lists the costs of various materials and works including concrete masonry, hardware, formworks, roofing, tiling, and fencing. It then calculates the subtotal and adds costs for labor, engineering fees, supervision fees, and paper works to arrive at the grand total cost.
This document provides a cost breakdown for a construction project totaling PHP 1,206,074.26. It lists the costs of various materials and works including concrete masonry, hardware, formworks, roofing, tiling, and fencing. It then calculates the subtotal and adds costs for labor, engineering fees, supervision fees, and paper works to arrive at the grand total cost.