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A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of Laguna Northwestern College-SLRMC

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
of Bachelor of Elementary Education

Chapter 1



Education is an important means by which an organized society

achieves stability and prosperity. Through the process of Education,

the citizens are imbued with proper attitudes, values and aspirations,

necessary to gain knowledge and skills that will help them achieve

maximum self-realization. Our own Congressional Commission on

Education (EDCOM) has recognized the crucial importance of Education

when it stated in the preface to the official EDCOM report: “Education is

essential to our life as a nation. This is the truism that bears

endless repetition”

As stated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article XIV,

Section I that : “The State shall protect and promote the

right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall

take appropriate steps to make such education accessible

to all”.

Professional educators know very well that the word “Learning”

implies both teaching and learning. It is the process of

facilitating learning, Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a

group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling,

discussion, teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes

place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate

themselves in a process called autodidactic learning. Any

experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or

acts may be considered educational.

Education is commonly and formally divided into stages such

as preschool, primary school, secondary school and then college,

university or apprenticeship. The methodology of teaching is

called pedagogy.

Working students are those students who work outside the school

and having a school responsibility too. Students have so many reasons to

work outside at home. One of these is that they want to help their parents

in earning money to meet the needs of their family. These may include

their everyday needs such as food, shelter, clothing and education.

Others want to work because they feel bored at home and by means of

working they will able to amuse themselves. Somehow the others work’s

for their personal interests. That is they want to use what they have

acquired in school and feel fulfilled just to apply whatever knowledge they

have gained in the past. Money or financial gain is not the main issue but

simply expression of self-fulfillment.

Students who are engaged in a job have to carry out their duties

and responsibilities both as students and worker in order to maintain

school and company relationships Student who had stayed at home with

their parents were often eager to get any job. Some really needed extra

income and others wanted to re-establish communication skills with

adults and have something to make them busy. The successful working

students have examined their goals and priorities before they entered into

the field of work.

The researcher pushed to conduct this study because of her

curiosity on how working pupils cope their school duties and

responsibilities while having a work outside of the school.

In addition to determine the experiences and struggles self-supporting

Students in Laguna Northwestern College-SLRMC at Siniloan Laguna.

Background of the study

The level of Pupils achievement in the academic field can be

evaluated in terms of academic achievement and also from their

attendance. If they can attend to all the classes and pay full attention

while in class it can give goods results in examinations and complete their

study. However, there is one big factor that can affect their academic

achievement, attendance, and also the current focus in the classroom if

they have work.

Nowadays many students do a part-time job while studying. We

will find their attitude and the effect in their academic performance

Feden (2016) stated that the important thing is for student to learn skills

necessary for everyday living and which they understand and

appreciate. It is not enough that they memorize and repeat. An effective

teaching strategy start with specific fact or information or prior

knowledge has been identified. Then, continue with process until

generalization is reached and work an application. On the line teachers’

part, the decision on how to assist the performance of the pupils will be

the identification of the competency that has to be demonstrated by the

students. The description of the task to be performed by the students

and authentication of task reflects the partnership for improving

classroom instruction.the researchers to conduct this study.

Background of the study

One of the disadvantages of being a student while holding a job is

that they are often short on time and commonly find themselves with

limited time to study, sleep, and maintain healthy eating habits. The

extent of student’s learning in academics may be determined by the

grades a student earns for a period of learning has been done. It is

believed that a grade is a primary indicator of such learning. If a learner

earns high grades it is concluded that they may also have learned a lot

while low grades indicate lesser learning.

Working while studying could have positive effects on one thing

and negative on another, and that it would affect different kinds of

students differently.

The level of student achievement in the academic field can be

evaluated in terms of academic achievement and also from their

attendance. If they can attend to all the classes and pay full attention

while in class it can give goods results in examinations and complete

their study. However, there is one big factor that can affect their

academic achievement, attendance, and also the current focus in the

classroom there is working part-time during study. Nowadays many

students do a part-time job while studying. We will find the implication

and the effect before we distribute a few questions to the respondent

and based on that, we will know the answer from the respondents and a

researcher will evaluate the problem. I have chosen Laguna

Northwestern College-SLRMC as our setting of the study to complete

this task.

Theoretical Framework

The study was based on the Theory of Academic Performance by

Atkinson’s ( e.g., Atkinson, 1996; weiner, 1967 ) According to Atkinson,

educators generally agree that a major variable affecting the academic

performance is motivation. However, important as a motivational

variable’s may be in understanding, predicting and controlling classroom

performance, there is paucity of information and theory associated with


There are many theories of human motivation; but little attempt

has been made to extend this theories in a systematic way to

educational situations. Furthermore, the occasional application of

psychological theory to education has not typically eventuated in theory

of academic motivation a unified and coherent body of information. As a

result, there is very little in the way of motivation theory which is clearly

help to the academic performance.

This situation is not without hope, however. The work of several

theories has shown has promise of evolving postulates and hypothesis

relevant to the teaching-learning process. Prominent among these is the

theory of academic motivation, particularly as formulated by Atkinson.

This theory has provided a productive approach to a variety of

behavioral phenomena; thus it has been suggested, that it may also

gives direction to educationally relevant research.

The cited theory is relevant to the present study since it aim to

determine the Attitudinal Characteristics And Academic Achievement Of

Working Pupils In Public Elementary School In Famy-Mabitac District,

Division Of Laguna.
Conceptual Framework

This study was guided by a Coombs’ Systems Approach utilizing

the input, process and output model. The first frame refers to the input

which includes the working pupils as respondents of the study described

in terms of age, sex, and Sibling Position, parents educational

attainment, monthly family income, and academic performance and also

their attitudes as working pupils.

The second frame refers to the construction and validation of

questionnaires on the levels of academic performance of working

student. Data gathering, analysis and interpretation of data.

The third frame refers to the output of the study which is a plan of

action to enhance the academic performance of working pupils. The line

from output frame connecting process and input presents feedback. It

indicates that whatever will be the output or the response may get, this

means that there is a continuous process.

Input Process Output

Profile of the
Respondents  Construction
 Age and Validation of
 Sex Questionnaire-
 Sibling Position Checklist
 Parents  Administration of
Educational the
attainment EXPERIENCES
 Monthly Family AND
 Data Gathering
 Analysis and
Level of Academic SUPPORTING
Performance of Interpretation of
Working Students
 Class
 Task
 Comprehension
Statement of the Problem

This study aim to determine the Experiences and Struggles Self-

Supporting Students in Laguna Northwestern College-SLRMC at

Siniloan Laguna of all year levels. Specifically, it sought answers to the

following question:

1. What is the profile of the working Pupils with regard their:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;
1.4 parent educational attainment; and
1.5 monthly family incomes;

2. What is the level of performance of the working Pupils as

perceived by themselves with respect to:

2.1 class participation;
2.2 task performance; and
2.3 comprehensions?

3. Is there a significant difference on the level of performance of the

working Pupils as perceived by the respondents with respect to the

different aspects in terms of their profile?

Hypothesis of the Study

The study tested the null hypothesis that there no significant

difference on the levels of academic performance of the working

students in Experiences and Struggles Self-Supporting Students in

Laguna Northwestern College-SLRMC at Siniloan Laguna of all year

levels as perceived by the respondents with respect to the class

participation, task performance, and comprehension in terms of their

age, sex, sibling position, parents educational attainment and monthly

family income.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Curriculum Planners. They will be guided in the revision,

enrichment, and modification and strengthening of the curricula to meet

the need of the clientele.

School Administrators. It will guide them to come up with the

scheme to help students who have difficulty paying on time their tuition

fees and some school financial requirements.

Working Students. This study will serve as their guide on how to

become good and responsible students, especially to the students

having a family soon, because they will able to carry out their

responsibilities and duties as wives and possibly working.

Guidance Counselors. It will help them find way on how to

counsel and guide students who are found to be laden with problems

because they are working students.

Parents. It is important to the parent, especially to those parents

who work outside the home for they will be able to know the effects it

may bring on having a son or daughter having a part time job.

Future Researchers. The proposed study will benefits and help

the future researcher as their guide. The study can also open in

development of this study.

Scope and the Limitation of the Study

This study aims to determine the Experiences and Struggles Self-

Supporting Students in Laguna Northwestern College-SLRMC at

Siniloan Laguna of all year levels. This study will be conducting on

month of September-October 2018. The limitations of this research are

only those self-supporting students that are currently enrolled at Laguna

Northwestern College-SLRMC. Pertaining to the respondents profile,

their time in the academics and work, efficient of the respondents in their

academics and their work struggles of the self-supporting students, their


However, its findings, at least some portion and extent of it may

still hold true to other schools possessing the same characteristics or

adhering to the same educational vision, mission, objectives, and

curricula of the studies of Laguna Northwestern College at Siniloan


Definition of Terms
The following are the operational definitions used in this
study to improve the introductory statement;

Academic Performance - is the outcome of education — the

extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their

educational goals.

Education- is the process of facilitating learning, or the

acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational

methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and

directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance

of educators, but learners may also educate themselves.

Employment – is a relationship between two parties, usually

based on a contract where work is paid for, where one is the

employer and the other is the employee.

Feedback - occurs when outputs of a system are routed back as

inputs as part of a chain of cause-and-effect that forms a circuit or loop.

Class- a group of students attending a specific course or lesson

Participation- sharing something in common with others.

Profile- an activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined

period of time or by a deadline

Performance- Performance measurement is the process of

collecting, analyzing and reporting information regarding the

performance of an individual, group, organization, system or component.

Self-Esteem- it is belief in one’s self, a confidence and

satisfaction in one’s self.

Stress- it is the body reaction to any situation or events that

places unusual demand to the body.

Cope- it means to strive, to deal with and attempt to overcome

problems and difficulties.

Duty- it is an obligation task, conduct services or function that

arises from one’s position in life or in a group.

Job- a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid.

Strategy- a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major

or overall aim.

Interpretation- the action of explaining the meaning of


Chapter 2


This research study cited books, articles and laws, which are

relevant to the present investigation. It is composed of related literature

and studies, both local and foreign, which contain facts and information

on the research problem at hand. It also provides explanations and

logical connections between previous research and present work.

Foreign Literature

Demmert, William G., Jr (2016). This literature review examines

research-based information on educational approaches and programs

associated with improving the academic performance of Native American

students. A search reviewed ERIC's over 8,000 documents on American

Indian education, as well as master's and doctoral dissertations and

other sources of research on the education of Native Americans.

Selected research reports and articles were organized into the following

categories: early childhood environment and experiences; Native

language and cultural programs; teachers, instruction, and curriculum;

community and parental influences on academic performance; student

characteristics; economic and social factors; and factors leading to

success in college or college completion. The status of research and

major research findings are reviewed for each of these categories; brief

summaries of research findings with citations are included following the

review of each category. Also included are an annotated bibliography of

more than 100 research reports, journal articles, and dissertations, most
published after 1985; and a bibliography of 23 additional references to

other literature reviews and non-Native studies. (SV)

As stressed by Gilani (2015) in the works of Garcia and Pearson,

reading strategies are deliberate actions that learners select to establish

and improve their reading comprehension. He stressed that these

strategies are the mental processes involved in the reading techniques

chosen by the students while reading. Usually, these techniques are

selected consciously to facilitate reading comprehension.

Locally, based on the results of National Assessment of

Educational Progress (NAEP) exams, progress in reading

comprehension is lagging behind the improvement in mathematics over

the past two decades. Part of the difficulty is that the strategies have

been drawn by assuming that we actually know what good readers do

and that reading comprehension can be dissected into various parts,

each one necessitating a particular strategy. Reading comprehension is

really complex.

In addition, to Horowitz (2016), the reader must also be intentional

and thoughtful while reading, monitoring the words and their meaning as

reading progresses. And the reader must apply reading comprehension

strategies as ways to be sure that what is being read matches their

expectations and builds on their growing body of knowledge that is being

stored for immediate or future reference.

The aforementioned prevailing situations have inspired the

researchers believing that there is a need to conduct the current study of

Reading Strategies among the 2 nd year Bachelor in Elementary

Education students in University of Southeastern Philippines.

Krishnan (2015) conducted a study on non-intellectual factors and

their influence on academic achievement. The sample comprised of 180

students of sixth to ninth class studying in central school Tirupati and

was divided into three groups depending on their parents‟ education as

high, middle and low. The results indicated that parents‟ educational

status had significant influence on the academic achievement of their


Aggarwal (2016) conducted a study on reading ability in relation to

some cognitive and non-cognitive factors. The sample constituted 200

male and female students selected randomly from the high schools of

Bihar in India. Data were collected by administering reading ability test to

the sample .The results of the study indicated that female students had

better reading ability and higher academic achievement than male


Poropat, Arthur (2015) reports a meta-analysis of personality–

academic performance relationships, based on the 5-factor model, in

which cumulative sample sizes ranged to over 70,000. Most analyzed

studies came from the tertiary level of education, but there were similar

aggregate samples from secondary and tertiary education. There was a

comparatively smaller sample derived from studies at the primary level.

Academic performance was found to correlate significantly with

Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness. Where tested,

correlations between Conscientiousness and academic performance

were largely independent of intelligence. When secondary academic

performance was controlled for, Conscientiousness added as much to

the prediction of tertiary academic performance as did intelligence.

Strong evidence was found for moderators of correlations. Academic

level (primary, secondary, or tertiary), average age of participant, and the

interaction between academic level and age significantly moderated

correlations with academic performance. Possible explanations for these

moderator effects are discussed, and recommendations for future

research are provided.

Hill and Tyson (2016) Early adolescence is often marked by

changes in school context, family relationships, and developmental

processes. In the context of these changes, academic performance often

declines, while at the same time the long-term implications of academic

performance increase. In promoting achievement across elementary and

secondary school levels, the significant role of families, family–school

relations, and parental involvement in education has been highlighted.

Although there is a growing body of literature focusing on parental

involvement in education during middle school, this research has not

been systematically examined to determine which types of involvement

have the strongest relation with achievement. The authors conducted a

meta-analysis on the existing research on parental involvement in middle

school to determine whether and which types of parental involvement

are related to achievement. Across 50 studies, parental involvement was

positively associated with achievement, with the exception of parental

help with homework. Involvement that reflected academic socialization

had the strongest positive association with achievement. Based on the

known characteristics of the developmental stage and tasks of

adolescence, strategies reflecting academic socialization are most

consistent with the developmental stage of early adolescence

Local Literature

De Guzman, De Castro (2015) graduates need to develop

personal skills, qualities and experiences that enable to them to compete

in the labor market. The author advises the need for students to do

everything they can for them to grow as experts in their chosen field

while they are still in school. All these trainings and experiences will just

benefit them where the time comes that will be establishing their own

careers. This is related the present study as it gave suggestions to

further improve the AB Journalism curriculum which must live up to

demands and expectations of the different industries. The Philippines

may go beyond the standing of employment in the country, rights and

importance should be understood. As specified in the book Labor

Economics by Cristobal M. Pagoso, in view of low literacy rates in rising

unemployment in developing countries, it has become imperative that

greater educational opportunities should be provided for the great

proportion of adult population as well as the large number of youth

outside the formal school system to help them acquire further knowledge

and skill thereby improving their livelihood and strengthening the country.

From the book Contemporary Social Problems and Issues, it states that

the educational levels and literacy rates of workers in the Philippines are

among the highest in Asia, but technical, manual and managerial are

poorly developed and in short supply. There is an over-abundance of

college graduates that most especially in Manila area were in the field of

education, law and other professionals exceed in demand to find

employment appropriate to their educational training. This information

may be considered in the improvement

of AB Journalism curriculum to add the technical; manual and manageria

l skillswhich are said to be lacking among the Filipino graduates

Angelo Dulas (2015) Primarily, the study was conducted to

determine the relationship between self-efficacy and academic

performances on Math and English subject of science high school

students. The objectives are (a) to find what level of self-efficacy do High

school students have and (b) to explore if there is gender difference

among high school students in terms of their self-efficacy and academic

Katigbak (2015) In a comparison of Filipino and American college

students' self-reported academic motives, approval and self-

improvement ranked higher for Filipino students and motives involving

performance standards ranked higher for American students. Gender

differences - men reported more assertive and competitive achievement

modes, women stronger motives regarding performance standards

-replicated across the two cultures, suggesting generalizable

socialization differences for achievement. Intrinsic task motives-

enjoyment of school tasks, persistence, and setting of high performance

standards-were closely tied to affiliation and self-improvement motives

for Filipino but not American students; achieving and affiliating motives

may be less distinct in the Philippine setting than implied by Western


Rivera (2017) stated that the interest and goals have been

identified as two important motivational constructs that influence

student’s engagement and achievement in learning. However, the bulk of

research on motivation in physical educational pedagogy emanates from

achievement goal theories. Achievement goals have been reported to

have a weak influence in predicting both performance and motivation

outcomes. Interest, on the other hand, has been found to play a key role

in influencing student learning behavior and intention to participate in the

Foreign Studies

Scott (2016), discovered that reading comprehension is influenced

imperatively by a student’s level of word knowledge. This includes

vocabulary and spelling proficiency and also the skill to decode words in


Furthermore, Paynter, Bodrova & Doty (2015), define reading

comprehension as intricate practice that involves many levels of

processing. They additionally noted that one of the most primary aspects

of comprehension is the resistance to deal with unfamiliar words

converged in text. Readers who find it difficult in terms of word-level

tasks use up valuable cognitive space intended for deeper levels of text

analysis. It is not sufficient to depend merely on context indication to

predict the meaning of new words, since this strategy frequently results

in inaccuracy or shallow perceptions of key terms, especially in content-

area reading.

In addition, reading comprehension is a complex cognitive process

that relies upon a number of ingredient working together at once in a

synchronous, even automatic way.

The reader must be intentional and thoughtful while reading,

monitoring the words and their meaning as reading progress. Readers

must adapt reading comprehension strategies to ascertain that what is

being read corresponds to their knowledge accumulated and stored for a

sudden or future reference. Horowitz (2015).

Conley (2015) This article considers the importance of ownership

of learning as a key component of college readiness. The article is

organized around two conceptual models. The first is a four-part model

of college readiness that includes key cognitive strategies, key content

knowledge, key learning skills and techniques, and key transition

knowledge and skills. The second is a five-part model of ownership of

learning that consists of the following elements: motivation and

engagement, goal orientation and self-direction, self-efficacy and self-

confidence, metacognition and self-monitoring, and persistence. Finally,

the article concludes with a discussion of the role and importance of

ownership of learning and makes the case that these elements can and

should be taught to all students, and particularly in settings where an

achievement gap exists.

According to study of Chinn (2016), cited that Comprehending or

comprehension strategies are strategies that help students understand

and remember material such as texts and lectures. Most of the research

on comprehension strategies has focused on learning from reading

texts. Five strategies that have been found to be useful for enhancing

comprehension are monitoring, using text structure, summarizing,

elaborating, and explaining.

Moreover, Phakiti as cited by Ghafournia&Afghari (2016) states

that comprehending strategies are used by language learners to

comprehend texts and extract meaning. Good examples of

comprehending strategies are identifying main ideas, making inferences

about the implied meaning, translating, making prediction, skimming,

and scanning reading texts.

In addition, Phakiti (2016) found that retrieval strategies were found

to largely affect comprehending strategies. This means that

comprehending strategies depend largely on the effectiveness of

retrieval strategies. Perhaps in reading comprehension, the extent to

which comprehending strategies are successfully used depends on how

well one can retrieve information.

The study of Phakiti and the present study have similarity since

both dealt with students’ strategies in learning in the different subject


Darst (2017) sought to examine the effects of task design on

situational interest and the extent to which the effects were mediated by

gender, grade, individual interest, and skill levels. An important finding

that emerged from this investigation was the role of cognitive demand of

learning task in generation situational interest. It was concluded that

providing learners with “a learning task that demands relatively high

cognitive engagement is likely to be perceived as interesting and

enjoyable regardless of the intensity of the physical involvement in the

task demands”. Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) or the

tactical Approach provides students with a relatively high cognitive

demand in solving tactical problems to game play. Situational interest

was also found to be a function of learning task design and it varied

across different learning task in physical education.

The study of Darst and the present study have similarity since both

dealt with students’ interest in learning in the different subject area.

Local Studies

Torres (2015) examined the teaching effectiveness and job

satisfaction of public elementary school teachers in the Division of

Northern Samar. Among her findings are as follows: the status of the

teachers level effectiveness subject-matter, motivational teacher

behavior and personal and social characteristics. They were very

effective in classroom management as assessed by the teachers and

administration did not differ with regards to the aspects of teaching.

Dela Cruz (2015) many highly educated Filipino today, married or

unmarried, have indicated their desire to be part of national effort to build

the nation and to contribute to the national welfare. Some have shown

their need and capability to make good or even excel in some field of

national endeavor, as well as fulfill their responsibilities.

It would be bare economic necessity. To do so would equate living

to taking out the bare necessities of life and overlook the need for the

fullness of living presented by satisfaction in the family life, pride in one’s

work, joy in the culture and the arts, and pleasure in the comforts that

modern day living has to offer. There are many so-called “hazards” for

working student. Among them are neglect studies, inability to fully cope

with school duties and the physical strain being a student about by the

added responsibilities of gainful employment to that.

Perry (2016) Academic emotions have largely been neglected by

educational psychology, with the exception of test anxiety. In 5 qualitative

studies, it was found that students experience a rich diversity of

emotions in academic settings. Anxiety was reported most often, but

overall, positive emotions were described no less frequently than

negative emotions.

Mercado (2018) conducted a research on job-related stressors as

correlates to teaching performance. In their study, all faculty members of

the College of Science who have undergone evaluators of their teaching

performance of their respective students were the subjects of the study.

Based on the result of the study, the researchers concluded that

the major factors affecting the burnout inventory of teachers are:

emotional exhaustion (teachers are tired out at the end of the day);

depersonalization (teachers do not want to stay in the campus after the

class) and; reduced Personal Factor (teachers feel frustrated with their

work). Meanwhile, the major factors that affect the job-related stressors

are; physical facilities (the rooms and laboratory cannot accommodate

the students); organizational structure (funds and other benefits for

teachers are not immediately released causing them.

According to Masikip (2015) that the second year high

school students obtained a poor performance in the pretest and obtained

good performance in the posttest before and after exposure to

remediation activities. It was also found out that performance of the

respondents in algebra differ significantly before and after exposure to

remediation activities. Performance of the respondents in algebra after

exposure to remediation activities did not differ significantly in terms of

sex and monthly family income.

Alcovendas and Espares (2017) discusses that AB English honor

graduates are gainfully employed having sufficient annual income, have

a tendency of staying long in the company. The statement of Alcovendas

and Espares was relevant because in the present study conducted by

the researchers. The result shows that academic performances in school

really affect the employment status of the graduates. The honors and

awards that some graduates acquire where instrumental to attaining a

better job after graduation

The study of Alcovendas, Espares and the present study have similarity

since both dealt with academic performance of the students.

Nelita M. Lalican (2018) discussed the relevance of its

productivity with the present condition. The findings of the study revealed
that, employers prefer specialists rather than generalists and the

employers find the graduates effective, efficient and cooperative. They

also find the graduates knowledgeable, dependable and resourceful

however, many employers describe UPLB graduates as academically

inclined, having a know it-all attitude although with assertive personality.

This also has bearing to the current tracer study among AB Journalism

graduates since this present research also tried to find out whether these

graduates are effective, efficient and cooperative

The study of Lalican and the present study have similarity since both

dealt with Employment.

Chapter 3

This chapter presents the description of the research methods to

be use, the respondents of the study, the instruments to be use, the

procedures and sources of data utilized in analyzing the data gathered.

Research Design

The researchers will be use the qualitative methods in order to

attain the objectives of the study. Pertaining to the respondents profile,

their time in the academics and work, efficient of the respondents in their

academics and their work struggles of the self-supporting students, their


Shank (2002) stated that A qualitative study is defined as an inquiry

process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building

a complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views

of informants, and conducted in a natural setting To obtain facts about

existing condition or detect significant relationship between current

phenomena, there is a need for interpreting the meaning of the data

gathered.It aim to determine the experiences and struggles self-

supporting Students in Laguna Northwestern College-SLRMC at Siniloan


Respondents of the Study

The chosen respondents in this study Will be several working pupils t

in experiences and struggles self-supporting Students in Laguna

Northwestern College-SLRMC at Siniloan Laguna. The researchers will

go personally to the classroom of the respondents to explain to them the

content of the questionnaire to enable them to understand and answer

the questions will be given.

Grade/level No. of Types of par time job


The questionnaire will be the main instrument used in gathering of

data. The questionnaire was in form of checklist. In the formulation of

questionnaire items, the researchers used a simple and clear language

to enable the respondents to understand and answer the question


Part one, is the profile of the respondents, this includes the

teachers respondents' age, sex, sibling position, parents educational

attainment and monthly family income. Part two, is the levels of

academic performance of the working pupils. For part two, the

respondents will be ask to rate each item by using a 5-point rating scale

where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

The attainment of grades will utilized in order to acquire the

performance of the pupil-respondents. The following scale and verbal

interpretation will be used.

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.50-5.00 Very Good

4 3.50- 4.49 Good

3 2.50-3.49 Satisfying

2 1.50-2.49 Need Improvement

1 1.00-1.49 Not Effective

Validation of the Instrument

In testing the validity of the instruments, the questionnaire-

checklist will be presented to the research professor of the college, the

head teacher of the elementary department and thesis adviser for the

content validation. The panel of experts will be consulted in revised of

the thesis for the improvement of the studies.

Procedure of the Study

The title defense undergone and then the preparation of chapter

1, 2 and 3 had begun. Afterwards, the researchers gathered the foreign

and local literature and the foreign and local studies. When done, the

researchers undergone the Colloquium and will be preparing for the

validation of the questionnaire checklist. Letters will also be signed in

approval to conduct the study. Then comes the administration of the

questionnaire checklist. Once administered, it was retrieved and the

survey will lead.

Upon retrieval of the questionnaires, the data are tallied, tabulated,

analyzed and interpreted. This will be lead to the finalization of the

remaining chapters in the study and finally the researcher’s was started

preparing for the oral defense. Revision of the manuscript was done

based on the comments, suggestions and recommendations of the panel

to the panel members.

Statistical Treatment
For the analysis and interpretation of data, the following statistical

tools were utilized;

To determine the profile of the respondents, frequency percentage

and rank distribution were used;

To determine the level of performance of the working pupils with

respect to different aspects, weighted mean will use;

To determine the significant difference in the level of performance

of the working students with respect to the different aspects, one-way

analysis of variance (ANOVA) will use;

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