Itil Guide Cyber Resilience UpGuard

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ITIL Guide for

Cyber Resilience

Introduction 04

CONTENTS Cyber Resilience

Visibility Before Risk
ITIL for Cyber Resilience
Conclusion 22

2 3
Corporate IT has long carried the weight of the enterprise’s
infrastructure on its shoulders, but with organizations more than
ever dependent on digitized assets to remain operational and
competitive, the pressure on IT operations to maintain uptime
and strong security is at an all-time high. Whether it’s the cost
of business downtime or data breach-inflicted brand damage,
the penalties of failure on either of these fronts is dire. This is a
challenge faced by all enterprises, and many frameworks have been
laid out to help firms design infrastructures that are both robust
and secure.

4 5
The Information Technology Infrastructure Library, or ITIL® for
short, is one such leading framework to emerge. A new model for
managing IT security risk called cyber resilience has also emerged
in response to the rising threat of cyber attacks aimed squarely at
enterprises. This ebook explores the benefits at their confluence
that enable organizations to run smoother, more resilient operations
in the face of increasing digital threats.

When it comes to cyber resilience, many IT professionals
complain about a dearth of pragmatic implementation
guidelines. The fact is that resilience can be achieved using a
myriad of approaches, ITIL® being one of them. Additionally,
a great degree of implementation latitude exists within
ITIL®— the framework can be adopted either in part or full, and

processes can be chosen or adopted as needed. This makes it
ideal for laying out the groundwork for an enterprise’s cyber
resilience strategy. Later, we’ll explore how cyber resilience
can be streamlined within the scope of ITIL® and how the
framework provides enterprises with a powerful model for both
achieving a strong security posture and business continuity.

6 7
Consistency and integrity are crucial to a sound IT environment. This As its name implies, ITIL® is made up of a library of five core
premise is as true today as it was back when ITIL® was first created publications that cover each phase of the IT service lifecycle. Each of
in the 1980s. The framework’s initial goal was to allow for consistent these will be discussed later in the context of cyber resilience.
practices to be applied across increasingly disparate enterprise
IT infrastructures through the rendering of IT as a service. Today,
this view of IT from a service delivery perspective— or IT service
management (ITSM)-- is widely adopted by most enterprises. And for
Phase Purpose
most of these firms, ITIL® is the chosen way to “do” ITSM. The body
of knowledge and guidelines that comprise ITIL® are developed and ITIL® Service Lays out the foundations for adopting a
maintained by Axelos, a joint-venture company created by the U.K. Strategy service strategy, such as asking the critical
Cabinet Office and Capita PLC. “why” questions
ITIL® Service Provides guidance in developing/designing
Design service management capabilities

ITIL® Service Defines processes for bringing new or

Transition changed services live in a controlled,
predictable manner
ITIL® Service Lays out the mechanisms to support service
Operation uptime and quality on a day-to-day basis


Aligns/realigns IT services to dynamic
business needs through the ongoing
assessment of services that support

business processes

Simply put, ITIL® enables enterprises to manage their IT services

more effectively and efficiently. By using the framework’s processes
to deliver IT services to customers (i.e., the business), IT can better
align its functions with the needs of the enterprise at large. The body
of knowledge consists of process descriptions, flow charts, success
factors/metrics and best practices for helping IT improve efficiency
levels and maintain optimal operations.

8 9
You may have heard the term digital or cyber resilience discussed
in various enterprise risk management and cybersecurity circles.
If not, you’re likely to come across it soon enough, hopefully
as a preventative tactic for bolstering security as opposed to a
reactionary measure, post-data breach. Notwithstanding, data
breaches are inevitable; cyber resilience aims to lessen their
business impact and enable enterprises to bounce back from security
compromises through a combination of risk management and layered

First coined by McKinsey & Co. in Beyond Cybersecurity: Protecting

Your Digital Business, resilience entails both merging digital risk

management into strategic business initiatives and “baking in”
security into the IT environment—as well as the entire organization
at large. Companies looking to achieve resilience must “undergo
fundamental, organizational changes, including integrating
cybersecurity with business processes and changing how they

manage IT.


“ Cyber resilience is all about managing risk...

the ability to prevent, detect and correct
any impact that incidents have on the
information required to do business “
- Cyber Resilience and IT Service Management (ITSM), Axelos
10 11
McKinsey outlines the following 7 levers for achieving cyber
resilience that help integrate security into the overall business:

Lever Activity

1 Prioritize information assets based on business risks.

2 Provide differentiated protection for the most

important assets.

3 Integrate cybersecurity into enterprise-wide risk

management and governance processes.
4 Enlist frontline personnel to protect the information
assets they use.

5 Integrate cybersecurity into the technology


6 Deploy active defenses to engage attackers.

7 Test continuously to improve incident response

across business functions.

Axelos offers an alternative definition of cyber resilience that

perhaps better underscores its role as mitigator of business risk: “the
ability to prevent, detect and correct any impact that incidents have
on the information required to do business.” Firms need to strike
a balance on several fronts— between prevention, detection and
correction, as well as between people, process and technology.

12 13
A balance of risk and opportunity must be attained on a broader
business level to achieve cyber resilience, since enterprises need
IT innovation to remain competitive. For example, enterprise cloud
Proper visibility starts with discovery and continuous monitoring
adoption is at an all time high, despite its security implications.
over vital IT assets— cyber attackers certainly cannot be thwarted all
Cyber resilience enables firms to counterbalance technology’s return
the time, but having the proper visibility and validation mechanisms
on investment with inherent digital risks.
in place will expedite incident response time by quickly alerting you
of environmental changes not in line with policy. Knowing where
As an initial step, a firm grasp on exposures and deficiencies must
vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and security gaps live will paint
be achieved for assessing digital risk. Visibility is a key enabler
a clearer picture of your organization’s security fitness. And having
of cyber resilience in this context. Whether it be scaling private
a clear view of your internal and external risk posture is a critical
infrastructure to the cloud or acquiring another firm’s digital assets,
component of cyber resilience, because you can’t protect what you
organizations require comprehensive situational awareness in order
don’t understand.
to take on more digital risks.

Effective ITSM enables enterprises to continuously provide and

improve services by aligning IT closer to the needs of the business.
In the same vein, cyber resilience espouses the normalization of
cybersecurity into enterprise strategic planning and risk evaluation
measures. Instead of relegating security to IT operations, resilient
firms must treat it as a concern of the business at large. This

approach positions enterprises to thrive in a landscape of evolving
threats from both competitors and increasingly sophisticated cyber

14 15
Both ITSM and cyber resilience are about aligning people, processes,
and technology; ITIL® provides a tangible set of repeatable, reliable
processes for managing these elements. And because ITIL® is
the preeminent framework for ITSM, it can also serve as a crucial
instrument for achieving cyber resilience. Since both treat enterprise
security as a component of risk management, ITIL® is indispensable
for building cyber resilient controls that are scalable, sustainable/
efficient, and responsive to evolving threats.








Adapted from

16 17
To make the correlation even stronger, Axelos has adapted its Alternatively, UpGuard’s model for cyber resilience covers 3 distinct
ITIL-based IT Service Lifecycle into a cyber resilience framework phases: discover, control, and fortify. This condensed lifecycle
called Resilia. The following table maps ITIL®’s IT Service Lifecycles provides more actionable details that describe the transitional
to Resilia’s Cyber Resilience Lifecycles and McKinsey’s Cyber phases for a strong resilience posture. The journey starts with
Resilience Levers. visibility and ends with resilience.

Phase Purpose Cyber

Lever(s) Outage Non-Complaince Breach
ITIL® Service Cyber Resilience Strategy 1,2,3 Limited Environment Frequent Poor C-Suite Risk
Strategy Visibility Unauthorized Prioritization
ITIL® Service Cyber Resilience Design 1,2 Recurring Frequent Arduous Audits/
Design Outages Regulaed Industry Reporting
Compliance Changes
ITIL® Service Cyber Resilience Transition 5 Configuration Drift Manual Vendor Risk
Transition Inconsistent Assessments
Build Verification
ITIL® Service Cyber Resilience Operation 4,6

ITIL® Continual Cyber Resilience Continual 3,7 Discover > Control > Predict
Service Improvement Configuration Automated Runbook CSTAR Resilience
Improvement Discovery Generation Scoring

Configuration Configuration Security

Differencing Compliance Configuration
Suffice to say, ITSM and cyber resilience overlap significantly, and Automation Analysis
adopting ITIL® as a strategy for ITSM has the added benefit of Vulnerability
making the organization more resilient. For example, continuity Analytics Automated Change & Vendor Risk
management for IT services and business continuity management Release Assessment
are just different faces of the same coin. ITIL®’s principles for ITSM Reconciliation Benchmarking**
can therefore be applied to cyber resilience, enabling the faster
detection/remediation of security events and lessening of their
business impact. Operational Awareness

UpGuard Discover UpGuard Control UpGuard Resilience

18 19

Learn from the Source

A plethora of materials can be had online for learning about ITIL®
In the Discover phase, a foundation is established in gaining and cyber resilience—McKinsey’s website and Axelos’ ITIL® portal
infrastructure visibility: how systems are configured, how are good starting points. The latter provides a pragmatic body of
environments differ, what security gaps exist. This visibility sets knowledge used by leading enterprises for ITSM; these guidelines
the stage for future improvements. After determining what you can also be used to support cyber resilience efforts.
have, the Control phase allows you to bring your environment
into a desired state. By making infrastructures reproducible and
reliable, configurations can be validated on an ongoing basis to meet Prep for Collaboration
standards established by service levels or compliance measures. Because cyber resilience elevates security to an enterprise-wide
With visibility and control in place, enterprises can then build concern, collaboration between IT operations, security, and other
scalable, resilient defenses to Fortify their environments. Cyber parts of the organization is critical— without the proper information
threats are always evolving; with a strong foundation based in un-siloing, firms cannot maintain a continuously resilient posture.
awareness and validation, you can develop defenses that are layered,
adaptable, and of course— resilient. Test and Measure Regularly
Resilience needs to be measurable and regularly tested. To ensure
ongoing resilience and stability, firms needs to define integrated
end-to-end metrics aligned with the customers and business’
needs. It’s not enough to assume that your infrastructure is in
a given state— validate those assumptions continuously with
ongoing environment and configuration testing. ITIL® lays out the
groundwork for ITSM that readily translates to cyber resilience.
In parallel, UpGuard’s Discover, Control, and Fortify model offers
another pragmatic view into how enterprises can achieve
cyber resilience.

20 21
The business risks brought on by digitization continue to increase as
enterprises reap the fruits of technological innovation. To mitigate
these risks, ITSM/ITIL and cyber resilience practices have been
created to provide enterprises with a methodical, sustainable,
and adaptable approach to IT and security. The synergies between
ITIL® and cyber resilience abound, but their most important shared
quality is that they both aim for closer alignment with the needs of
the business. Cyber resilience requires that security be managed
at an enterprise-wide strategic level. Similarly, ITIL® is focused on
aligning IT services closer to the needs of the business. ITIL® can
therefore be an effective means for achieving both enterprise ITSM
objectives and cyber resilience initiatives.


22 23
Bailey, Tucker, James M. Kaplan, and Chris Rezek. “Repelling the
Cyberattackers.” Digital McKinsey. McKinsey & Co., July 2015. Web.
In the IT operations and cyber resilience arena, the two most 14 Dec. 2016. <
common recurring themes are visibility and risk. Ongoing visibility mckinsey/our-insights/repelling-thecyberattackers>.
is foundational because without it, continuous improvements
simply cannot be made. Resilience espouses treating security as a Crawford, Scott. “The Importance of ITIL to (Am I Reading This
function of enterprise risk management. UpGuard’s cyber resilience Right?) ... Security??” ITSM Solutions DITY Newsletter (7 Oct. 2008):
platform revolves around these two premises, giving enterprises n. pag. Print.
unparallelled infrastructure visibility for a complete picture of their
firm’s cyber risk profile. The CSTAR rating system is the preeminent Dobrygowski, Daniel. “Cyber Resilience: Everything You (really)
framework for gauging cyber resilience based on both internal and Need to Know.” World Economic Forum, 8 July 2016.
external measures, capturing an enterprise’s aptitude in the areas of Web. 14 Dec. 2016.
compliance, integrity, and security in a single, easy-to-understand
value. And for ensuring that resilience is continuously maintained, “Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Guide.” IT
the platform’s powerful configuration validation and vulnerability Knowledge Portal. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2016. <http://www.itinfo.
monitoring capabilities prevent inevitable security incidents and am/eng/information-technology-infrastructure-libraryguide/>.
outages from disrupting the business.
“ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library).”
SearchDataCenter. TechTarget, n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2016. <http://>.

24 25
“ITSM IT Service Management.” IT Services Management Portal. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2016. <>.

Laskowski, Nicole. “How to Survive Cyberassaults: Seven Steps to

‘digital Resilience’” SearchCIO. TechTarget, 16 July 2015. Web. 14 Businesses depend on trust, but breaches and outages
Dec. 2016. < news/4500250105/ erode that trust. UpGuard is the world’s first cyber
How-to-survive-cyber-assaults-Seven-stepsto-digital-resilience>. resilience platform, designed to proactively assess and
manage the business risks posed by technology.
Pemberton Levy, Heather. “The Six Principles of Resilience
to Manage Digital Security.” Smarter with Gartner. Gartner,
UpGuard gathers complete information across every digital
8 June 2015. Web. 14 Dec. 2016. <http://www.gartner.
surface, stores it in a single, searchable repository, and
provides continuous validation and insightful visualizations
so companies can make informed decisions.

Rance, Stuart. Cyber Resilience and IT Service Management

(ITSM) – Working Together to Secure the Information Your
Business Relies on. N.p.: Axelos, n.d. June 2015. Web. 14 Dec.

Vila-Real Vilarinho, Sarah. “Risk Management Model in ITIL.” (29

June 2012): n. pag. Print.

© 2017 UpGuard, Inc. All rights reserved. UpGuard and the 909 San Rafael Ave.
UpGuard logo are registered trademarks of UpGuard, Inc. All
other products or services mentioned herein are trademarks Mountain View, CA 94043
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without notice.

26 27
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