The Prospects and Challenges of Soil Health Card Scheme: Anam Chaudhary
The Prospects and Challenges of Soil Health Card Scheme: Anam Chaudhary
The Prospects and Challenges of Soil Health Card Scheme: Anam Chaudhary
Student, Institute of Agri-Business Management, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan
Agricultural University, Bikaner Rajasthan, India
Owing to the change in the preferences of crop production techniques over a period of time, several new
challenges have drawn attention to the food security. One such improved technology is Integrated Nutrient Management
which refers to the maintenance of soil fertility and plant nutrient supply at an optimum level. Lack of one or more
nutrients in the soil may cause reduction in the crop yield even though an adequate amount of other nutrients is
available. To maintain soil fertility Government of India has launched the Soil Health Card Scheme on 17 February
2015. The main aim behind the scheme was to find out the type of a particular soil and provide ways in which they can
improve it. This research aimed to study the awareness level of Soil Health Card Scheme among farmers in study area
i.e. Bikaner. It also discussed about the effectiveness of this scheme. This study also undertook the constraints in
Original Article
adoption and implementation of this scheme. This research would provide a way to policy makers to improve the lacunae
in the existing scheme and to make the scheme accessible to all the farmers of the country by increasing awareness and
eliminating constraints.
KEYWORDS: Constraint, Farmer, Fertiliser, Fertility, Labs, Nutrients, Scheme & Soil
Received: Sep 08, 2018; Accepted: Sep 28, 2018; Published: Oct 26, 2018; Paper Id.: IJASRDEC20183
Food security remains a worldwide concern for the next 50 years and beyond. According to the World
Bank projections, the world’s population will reach 7.5 billion by 2020. The consequences of population increase
are well known to us since we are living in a country where there is a high absolute increase in the number of
people. Since there is no much scope for expansion of agricultural land, all the necessary increase in food has to
come from the area already under cultivation, which can only happen through introducing the agricultural system
and improved technologies to increase productivity contributing not only to more food but also to more income to
the farm family. In the process of growing crops, human interventions have altered all agricultural soils from their
natural state (Lal, 2007). Due to continuous application and imbalanced use of fertilizers, soil fertility is
deteriorating. Soil quality and health change over time due to natural events or human impacts. They are enhanced
by management and land-use decisions that weigh the multiple functions of soil and are impaired by decisions
which focus only on single functions, such as crop productivity (Doran, 2002). Soils require a certain minimum
level of plant-available N and P and other essential nutrients to fulfill the soil functions of food, feed and fibre
production. However, a surplus supply of reactive N and P threatens the quality of the soil and results in the
emissions of ammonia and N oxides to the air and loss of nitrate and P to water bodies (Velthof et al. 2011).
Remediation of soil contaminated by heavy metals is necessary in order to reduce the associated risks, make the
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land resource available for agricultural production, enhance food security, and scale down land tenure problems (Raymond
A. Wayne and Felix E. Okieimen, 2011).
The soil health card scheme which was launched by the government on 17 February 2015. This scheme has been
promoted by the Department of Agriculture & Co-operation under the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India and
implemented through the Department of Agriculture of all the State and Union Territory Governments (
The scheme will monitor the soil of the farmers well and will give them a formatted report. So, they can decide well, which
crop they should cultivate and which ones they should skip. The authorities will monitor the soil on a regular basis. One in
every three years, they will provide a report to farmers. So Farmers need not to worry if the nature of soil changes due to
certain factors. Also, they will always have updated data about their soil. The work of the government does not stop at
listing down measures required to improve the quality of soil. In fact, they will employ experts to help farmers in carrying
out the corrective measures. Farmers will get a proper soil health record. Also, they can study the soil management
practices. Accordingly, they can plan the future of their crop and land. Even if a soil has some limitations they can do
something to get the most out of it. The soil health card will give the farmers a proper idea of which nutrients the soil is
lacking and hence which crop they should invest in, they will also tell which fertilizer they need. In the process of Soil
Health Card Scheme all soil samples had drawn being tested in various soil testing labs across the country. Soil samples
should be from a grid of 2.5 ha in irrigated area and 10 ha in rain- fed area with the help of GPS tools and revenue maps.
The State Government collects samples through the staff of their Department of Agriculture or through the staff of an
outsourced agency. Soil Samples are taken generally two times in a year, after the harvesting of Rabi and Kharif Crop
respectively, or when there is no standing crop in the field. A trained person collects soil samples from a depth of 15-20 cm
by cutting the soil in a “V” shape. It should be collected from four corners and the centre of the field and mixed thoroughly
and a part of this picked up as a sample. Areas with shade should be avoided. The sample chosen will be bagged and
coded. It will then be transferred to a soil test laboratory for analysis. The experts will analyze the strength and weaknesses
(micro-nutrients deficiency) of the soil and suggest measures to deal with it. The result and suggestion should be displayed
in the soil Health Cards. A Soil Health Card is meant to give each farmer, the soil nutrient status of his holding and advise
him on the dosage of fertilizers and also the needed soil amendments that he should apply to maintain soil health in the
long run. Soil Health Card is a printed report that a farmer will be handed over, for each of the land he holds. It will contain
the status of his soil with respect to 12 parameters, namely N, P, K (Macro-nutrients); S (Secondary- nutrient); Zn, Fe, Cu,
Mn, Bo (Micro - nutrients); and pH, EC, OC (Physical parameters). Based on this, the Soil Health Card will also indicate
fertilizer recommendations and soil amendment required for the farm. The card will contain an advisory based on the soil
nutrient status of a farmer’s holding. It will show recommendations on dosage of different nutrients needed.
Bikaner city is in the northwest of the state of Rajasthan in northern India. It is located 330 kilometres northwest
of the state capital, Jaipur. Performance of Bikaner is good in this scheme. In 2016-17, 4.64 lakh samples are collected till
November, 2016 in Bikaner. Out of this, only 1.54 lakh samples have been tested and 1.26 lakh cards are issued. Rajasthan
has a wide network of Soil Testing Laboratories of 46 static and 12 mobile soil testing labs. Out of these, 32 labs have
facilities to test micronutrients. 55 new soil laboratories are being developed and proposed to be operationalized by the end
of this financial year. 57445 samples are collected in Bikaner up to 28 March, 2016 out of which 19436 are analysed.
21128 soil health cards have been distributed in the district up to 28 March, 2016.
• To study the level of awareness of the Soil Health Card Scheme among the farmers
• To study the constraints in adoption and implementation of the Soil Health Card Scheme
Study Area
The entire study was carried out in Bikaner districts of Rajasthan and Hanumangarh during 2017-18.
Collection of Data
Primary Data: Primary data were collected through pre-structured schedule by personal interview with
beneficiary farmers, non-beneficiary farmers and soil testing labs.
Secondary Data: Secondary data were collected from government websites, internet, journals, books and
Research Design
Research Instrument
Separate pre-structured questionnaire was prepared for farmers and soil testing labs consisting of both closed-
ended and open-ended questions.
The sampling unit consists of farmers and soil testing labs in Bikaner.
Sample Size
Sampling Procedure
Selection of District: Selected district was Bikaner. Selection of the district was done by Convenient Sampling
because the researcher was residing in Bikaner so it was easy for the researcher to collect data from Bikaner.
Selection of Villages: Four villages (Napasar, Akkasar, Bholasar, Gajrupdesar) were selected on the basis of
Judgemental Sampling.
Selection of Farmers: 20 per village (10 beneficiaries & 10 non beneficiaries) was selected on the basis of
Snowball Sampling because the researcher does not know who are the beneficiary and non-beneficiary farmers in selected
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Selection of Crop: Groundnut was selected as a base crop on the basis of Judgemental sampling because the
majority of the farmers were groundnut growers in Bikaner.
Before presenting the results of objectives, the demographic profile of the farmers according to their education
level, land holding, and annual income is presented below in the table 2 and 3.
It can be inferred from table 2 that majority of respondents were having more than 10 lakh income. Only few
farmers were having income up to 2.5 lakh. In terms of education, the majority of respondents were having primary
education, 25 per cent were illiterate and very few were graduates & above. In terms of land holding, the majority of the
respondents were having more than 10 ha land due to which their income was also high and very few farmers were
marginal farmers in the sample.
It can be inferred from table 3 that majority of respondents were earning very high income in comparison of
others; whereas10 per cent farmers were having income up to 2.5 lakh. In terms of education, the majority of respondents
were secondary educated only 3 per cent were graduates and above. In terms of land, holding most of the farmers were
large farmers having more than 10 ha land and only 10 per cent farmers had small land holding.
The present objective has been categorized under following sub objectives:
Guttman scaling method is used to test the framed questions and on the basis of final cumulative scores of
respondents awareness was determined.
Table 4 shows the responses of individuals, followed by the final score. “1” indicates awareness while “0”
indicates unawareness by the respondent. Taking the cumulative score of respondents agreeing to any parameter,
awareness level was calculated. Here all the respondents were aware about the scheme. Person scoring above 6 was
considered highly aware while one falling between 6 to 3 was considered to have medium awareness level and one falling
in 3 or below was considered less aware. Responses from 40 farmers were collected, out of which 5 farmers got score more
than 6, 18 farmers scored between 6 to 3with average awareness level and rest 17 farmers scored less than or equal to 3
with low awareness level among farmers. So it can be stated that 12 per cent of farmers were highly aware, 45 per cent
were having average awareness and rest 43 per cent farmers were having low awareness regarding the Soil Health Card
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Similar procedure as used in table 4 is also followed in the table 5 to check the awareness among non-beneficiary
farmers. Here, out of 40 farmers only 14 were aware and rest 26 were not aware. Out of these 14 farmers only 7 per cent
farmers were highly aware, 36 per cent farmers were having a medium level of awareness and rest 57 per cent farmers
were having low level of awareness. An average awareness level about soil health card scheme among non-beneficiary
farmers was 3.5.
From the figure 1 it can be inferred that discussing Soil Health Card Scheme with farmers when they visit lab was
the most important role played by soil testing labs in creating awareness about Soil Health Card Scheme. Handouts on soil
testing like brochures and pamphlets to farmer during their visit to the labs whereas including Soil Health Card Scheme as
an agenda in various meetings with farmer were playing very less role in creating awareness.
The objective aimed to study the impact of the Soil Health Card Scheme. Effectiveness is studied on the basis of
two factors yield and productivity
Paired Sample ‘t’ Test has done between yield before adoption of the Soil Health Card Scheme and yelled
after adoption of the Soil Health Card Scheme.
• The above table 7 shows that p value is less than 0.05 so null hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is a
significant impact of the Soil Health Card Scheme on yield
Paired Sample ‘t’ Test has done between productivity before adoption of the Soil Health Card Scheme and
productivity after adoption of the Soil Health Card Scheme.
• The above table 9 shows that p value is less than 0.05 so null hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is a
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• Here productivity is increasing and productivity is increased when input cost is low and yield is high. So it shows
that cost is also reduced.
Present objective is fulfilled for beneficiary, non-beneficiary farmers and soil testing labs respectively under
following heads:
Table 10 depicts that the most prevalent problem was found there was a lack of awareness about Soil Health Card
Scheme among non-beneficiary farmers due to which the farmers were not adopting Soil Health Card Scheme. Lack of
interest was found the second most prevalent problem faced by the farmers. Farmers had no interest in scheme so they
were not adopting the scheme. Some farmers also said that soil testing is not required for my field.
Table 11 depicts the most important constraint faced by beneficiary farmers was inadequate facilities in soil
testing labs like for testing samples, for keeping the samples safely there were no proper facilities. Also, no proper care of
samples was taken in the labs. Complex procedure was the constraint faced by beneficiary farmers after adopting Soil
Health Card Scheme. Farmers also said that sometimes some extra charges are demanded by the officials.
Table 12 shows that less no. of soil testing labs was the major problem encountered by the soil testing labs and
their availability of staff was also very less which creates hurdle in the implementation and adoption of the Soil Health
Card Scheme.
The suggestions given by the farmers for improvement in the Soil Health Card Scheme were to create proper
facilities, making the scheme involuntary for the farmers, improve access of government officials to the farmers, create
awareness, central government should move to direct cash transfers and reduce wasting time.
Increase availability of staff and no. of soil testing labs, soil health card must be attached with Aadhar card and it
should begin under nation-wide drive, exploitation of the subsidy must be reduced, soil testing must be included in the
syllabus of science practical at the senior secondary level were some suggestion given by the soil testing labs for proper
implementation of Soil Health Card Scheme.
In the light of the findings of the project entitled “ Prospects and Challenges of Soil Health Card Scheme” it can
be concluded that this is a very good scheme launched by the Government of India for the farmers for maintaining soil
fertility and improving soil health but its implementation needs much concern. Due to lack of awareness it is not widely
accessible to the farmers. They do not know the benefits of this scheme so they are not adopting it, but soil testing labs are
playing appreciable role in creating awareness about this scheme. This scheme is not only helpful in maintaining soil
fertility, but it is also effective in terms of yield and productivity. The farmers who have adopted this scheme get the
increase in yield and productivity of their crops. But still there are some constraints in adoption and implementation of this
scheme. According to the non-beneficiary farmer’s lack of awareness, lack of interest, know how for taking samples,
distance from soil testing labs etc. are some problems which are creating hurdles in the adoption of this scheme. Some
farmers are facing problems after adoption of his scheme. Some problems are also encountered by soil testing labs like low
availability of staff; less no. of soil testing labs, Soil Health Card Scheme is voluntary, no proper usage of budget, less
interest of employees and low awareness among farmers. This scheme can be more effective if more stress be given in
creating awareness and improving its constraints. So it could be concluded that this study can provide a way to policy
makers to improve this scheme so that it can benefit the farmers in the most effective way.
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