Chapter7 Econometrics Multicollinearity
Chapter7 Econometrics Multicollinearity
Chapter7 Econometrics Multicollinearity
A basic assumption in multiple linear regression model is that the rank of the matrix of observations on
explanatory variables is same as the number of explanatory variables. In other words, such matrix is of
full column rank. This in turn implies that all the explanatory variables are independent, i.e., there is no
linear relationship among the explanatory variables. It is termed that the explanatory variables are
In many situations in practice, the explanatory variables may not remain independent due to various
reasons. The situation where the explanatory variables are highly intercorrelated is referred to as
Assume the observations on all X i ' s and yi ' s are centered and scaled to unit length. So
- X ' X becomes a k × k matrix of correlation coefficients between the explanatory variables and
- X ' y becomes a k ×1 vector of correlation coefficients between explanatory and study variables.
column vectors X 1 , X 2 ,..., X k are linearly dependent if there exists a set of constants 1 , 2 ,..., k , not all
zero, such that
∑ j =1
j X j = 0.
If this holds exactly for a subset of the X 1 , X 2 ,..., X k , then rank ( X ' X ) < k . Consequently ( X ' X ) −1 does
not exist. If the condition ∑
j =1
j X j = 0 is approximately true for some subset of X 1 , X 2 ,..., X k , then there
will be a near-linear dependency in X ' X . In such a case, the multicollinearity problem exists. It is also
said that X ' X becomes ill-conditioned.
5. An over-determined model
Sometimes, due to over enthusiasm, large number of variables are included in the model to make it more
realistic and consequently the number of observations (n) becomes smaller than the number of
explanatory variables (k ) . Such situation can arise in medical research where the number of patients may
be small but information is collected on a large number of variables. In another example, if there is time
series data for 50 years on consumption pattern, then it is expected that the consumption pattern does not
remain same for 50 years. So better option is to choose smaller number of variables and hence it results
into n < k . But this is not always advisable. For example in-microarray experiments it is not advisable to
choose smaller number of variables.
1 r b1 r1 y
r 1 b2 r2 y
where r is the correlation coefficient between x1 and x2 ; rjy is the correlation coefficient between x j and
1 1 −r
(X 'X )
= 2
1 − r −r 1
r1 y − r r2 y
⇒ b1 =
1− r2
r2 y − r r1 y
b2 = .
1− r2
So the covariance matrix is V (b) = σ 2 ( X ' X ) −1
⇒ Var (b1 ) = Var (b2 ) =
1− r2
rσ 2
Cov(b1 , b2 ) = − .
1− r2
If x1 and x2 are uncorrelated, then r = 0 and
1 0
X 'X =
0 1
rank ( X ' X ) = 2.
If r → ±1, then Var (b1 ) Var (b2 ) → ∞ .
So if variables are perfectly collinear, the variance of OLSEs becomes large. This indicates highly
unreliable estimates and this is an inadmissible situation.
The standard errors of b1 and b2 rise sharply as r → ±1 and they break down at r = ±1 because X ' X
becomes non-singular.
There is no clear cut boundary to distinguish between the harmful and non-harmful multicollinearity.
Generally, if r is low, the multicollinearity is considered as non-harmful and if r is high, the
multicollinearity is considered as harmful.
t0 = .
(b )
Var 1
When the number of explanatory variables are more than two, say k as X 1 , X 2 ,..., X k then the j th
where R 2j is the multiple correlation coefficient or coefficient of determination from the regression of
If X j is highly correlated with any subset of other (k − 1) explanatory variables then R 2j is high and close
OLSE Var= jjσ
(b j ) C=
th 2
to 1. Consequently variance of j becomes very high. The covariance
1 − R 2j
between bi and b j will also be large if X i and X j are involved in the linear relationship leading to
The least squares estimates b j become too large in absolute value in the presence of multicollinearity. For
(b β ) '(b − β )
L2 =−
E ( L2 ) ∑ E (b
j =1
j − β j )2
= ∑ Var (b j )
j =1
The trace of a matrix is same as the sum of its eigenvalues. If λ1 , λ2 ,..., λk are the eigenvalues of
1 1 1
( X ' X ), then , ,..., are the eigenvalues of ( X ' X ) −1 and hence
λ1 λ2 λk
E ( L2 ) σ 2 ∑
= , λ j > 0.
j =1 λj
E ( L2 ) =E (b − β ) '(b − β )
σ 2tr ( X ' X ) −1 = E (b ' b − 2b ' β + β ' β )
' b) σ 2tr ( X ' X ) −1 + β ' β
⇒ E (b=
⇒ b is generally larger is magnitude than β
⇒ OLSE are too large in absolute value.
The least squares produces bad estimates of parameters in the presence of multicollinearity. This does
not imply that the fitted model produces bad predictions also. If the predictions are confined to x-space
with non-harmful multicollinearity, then predictions are satisfactory.
Multicollinearity diagnostics
An important question arises that how to diagnose the presence of multicollinearity in the data on the basis
of given sample information. Several diagnostic measures are available and each of them is based on a
particular approach. It is difficult to say that which of the diagnostic is best or ultimate. Some of the
popular and important diagnostics are described further. The detection of multicollinearity involves 3
(i) Determining its presence.
(ii) Determining its severity.
(iii) Determining its form or location.
If Rank ( X ' X ) < k then X ' X will be singular and so X ' X = 0. So as X ' X → 0 , the degree of
multicollinearity increases and it becomes exact or perfect at X ' X = 0. Thus X ' X serves as a measure
∑ x12i
=i 1 =i 1
∑x x
1i 2 i
X 'X = n n
=i 1 =i 1
∑ x2i x1i ∑x 2
n n
= ∑ x12i ∑ x22i (1 − r122 )
= i 1= i 1
where r12 is the correlation coefficient between x1 and x2 . So X ' X depends on correlation
coefficient and variability of explanatory variable. If explanatory variables have very low
variability, then X ' X may tend to zero which will indicate the presence of multicollinearity
(iii) It gives no idea about the relative effects on individual coefficients. If multicollinearity is
present, then it will not indicate that which variable in X ' X is causing multicollinearity and
is hard to determine.
If X i and X j are nearly linearly dependent then rij will be close to 1. Note that the observations in X
are standardized in the sense that each observation is subtracted from mean of that variable and divided by
the square root of corrected sum of squares of that variable.
When more than two explanatory variables are considered and if they are involved in near-linear
dependency, then it is not necessary that any of the rij will be large. Generally, pairwise inspection of
It gives no information about the number of linear dependencies among explanatory variables.
∑ x12i
=i 1 =i 1
∑x x
1i 2 i
X ' X= n n
= (1 − r122 ).
1i 2 i
=i 1 =i 1
x ∑x 2
variable is dropped, i = 1, 2,..., k , and RL2 = Max( R12 , R22 ,..., Rk2 ).
(i) Drop one of the explanatory variable among k variables, say X 1 .
high. Higher the degree of multicollinearity, higher the value of RL2 . So in the presence of
(i) It gives no information about the underlying relations about explanatory variables, i.e., how
many relationships are present or how many explanatory variables are responsible for the
multicollinearity .
(ii) Small value of ( R 2 − RL2 ) may occur because of poor specification of the model also and it
may be inferred in such situation that multicollinearity is present.
determination obtained when X j is regressed on the remaining (k − 1) variables excluding X j , then the
j th diagonal element of C is
C jj = .
1 − R 2j
close to 1.
Var (b j ) = σ 2C jj
So C jj is the factor by which the variance of b j increases when the explanatory variables are near linear
dependent. Based on this concept, the variance inflation factor for the j th explanatory variable is defined
Econometrics | Chapter 7 | Multicollinearity | Shalabh, IIT Kanpur
VIFj = .
1 − R 2`j
This is the factor which is responsible for inflating the sampling variance. The combined effect of
dependencies among the explanatory variables on the variance of a term is measured by the VIF of that
term in the model.
One or more large VIFs indicate the presence of multicollinearity in the data.
In practice, usually a VIF > 5 or 10 indicates that the associated regression coefficients are poorly
estimated because of multicollinearity. If regression coefficients are estimated by OLSE and its variance
is σ 2 ( X ' X ) −1. So VIF indicates that a part of this variance is given by VIF j .
(i) It sheds no light on the number of dependencies among the explanatory variables.
(ii) The rule of VIF > 5 or 10 is a rule of thumb which may differ from one situation to another
b ± σˆ C jj tα ,n − k −1 .
L j = 2 σˆ 2C jj tα .
, n − k −1
Now consider a situation where X is an orthogonal matrix, i.e., X ' X = I so that C jj = 1, sample size is
1 n
same as earlier and same root mean squares ∑ ( xij − x j ) 2 , then the length of confidence interval
n i =1
L* = 2σˆ tα .
, n − k −1
In fact, largest C j = CN .
The number of condition indices that are large, say more than 1000, indicate the number of near-linear
dependencies in X ' X .
A limitation of CN and C j is that they are unbounded measures as 0 < CN < ∞ , 0 < C j < ∞ .
matrix constructed by the eigenvectors of X ' X . Obviously, V is an orthogonal matrix. Then X ' X can
be decomposed as X ' X = V ΛV ' . Let V1 , V2 ,..., Vk be the column of V. If there is near-linear
dependency in the data, then λ j is close to zero and the nature of linear dependency in described by the
(i) Find condition index C1 , C2 ,..., Ck .
(ii) (a) Identify those λi ' s for which C j is greater than the danger level 1000.
(iii) For such λ ' s with condition index above the danger level, choose one such eigenvalue, say
(iv) Find the value of proportion of variance corresponding to λ j in Var (b1 ), Var (b2 ),...,Var (bk ) as
(vij2 / λ j ) vij2 / λ j
=pij = k
∑ (v
VIFj 2
ij / λj )
j =1
If pij > 0.5, it indicates that bi is adversely affected by the multicollinearity, i.e., estimate of βi is
It is a good diagnostic tool in the sense that it tells about the presence of harmful multicollinearity as well
as also indicates the number of linear dependencies responsible for multicollinearity. This diagnostic is
better than other diagnostics.
The condition indices are also defined by the singular value decomposition of X matrix as follows:
X = UDV '
where U is n×k matrix, V is k ×k matrix, =
U 'U I=
, V 'V I , D is k ×k matrix,
D = diag ( µ1 , µ2 ,..., µk ) and µ1 , µ2 ,..., µk are the singular values of X , V is a matrix whose columns are
eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalues of X ' X and U is a matrix whose columns are the
eigenvectors associated with the k nonzero eigenvalues of X ' X .
µ 2j λ=
so = j, j 1, 2,..., k .
k v 2ji
Var (b j ) = σ 2
i =1
k v 2ji
VIFj = ∑
i =1 µi2
(vij2 / µi2 )
pij = .
The ill-conditioning in X is reflected in the size of singular values. There will be one small singular
value for each non-linear dependency. The extent of ill conditioning is described by how small is µ j
relative to µmax .
It is suggested that the explanatory variables should be scaled to unit length but should not be centered
when computing pij . This will help in diagnosing the role of intercept term in near-linear dependence. No
unique guidance is available in literature on the issue of centering the explanatory variables. The
centering makes the intercept orthogonal to explanatory variables. So this may remove the ill conditioning
due to intercept term in the model.
to zero. Additional data may help in reducing the sampling variance of the estimates. The data need to be
collected such that it helps in breaking up the multicollinearity in the data.
If some variables are eliminated, then this may reduce the predictive power of the model. Sometimes there
is no assurance that how the model will exhibit less multicollinearity.
3. Use some relevant prior information:
One may search for some relevant prior information about the regression coefficients. This may lead to
specification of estimates of some coefficients. More general situation includes the specification of some
exact linear restrictions and stochastic linear restrictions. The procedures like restricted regression and
mixed regression can be used for this purpose. The relevance and correctness of information plays an
important role in such analysis but it is difficult to ensure it in practice. For example, the estimates
derived in U.K. may not be valid in India.
Suppose there are k explanatory variables X 1 , X 2 ,..., X k . Consider the linear function of X 1 , X 2 ,.., X k
Z1 = ∑ ai X i
i =1
Z 2 = ∑ bi X i etc.
i =1
The constants a1 , a2 ,..., ak are determined such that the variance of Z1 is maximized subject to the
The problem of multicollinearity arises because X 1 , X 2 ,..., X k are not independent. Since the principal
components based on X 1 , X 2 ,..., X k are mutually independent, so they can be used as explanatory
variables and such regression will combat the multicollinearity.
Let λ1 , λ2 ,..., λk be the eigenvalues of X ' X , Λ =diag (λ1 , λ2 ,..., λk ) is k × k diagonal matrix, V is a k × k
orthogonal matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors associated with λ1 , λ2 ,..., λk . Consider the
canonical form of the linear model
=y Xβ +ε
= XVV ' β + ε
= Zα + ε
where Z = XV , α = V ' β , V ' X ' XV = Z ' Z = Λ .
Columns of Z = ( Z1 , Z 2 ,..., Z k ) define a new set of explanatory variables which are called as principal
The OLSE of α is
αˆ = ( Z ' Z ) −1 Z ' y
= Λ −1Z ' y
and its covariance matrix is
of X ' X means that the linear relationship between the original explanatory variable exist and the
variance of corresponding orthogonal regression coefficient is large which indicates that the
multicollinearity exists. If one or more λ j are small, then it indicates that multicollinearity is present.
The principal component matrix Z = [ Z1 , Z 2 ,..., Z k ] with Z1 , Z 2 ,..., Z k contains exactly the same
information as the original data in X in the sense that the total variability in X and Z is same. The
difference between them is that the original data are arranged into a set of new variables which are
uncorrelated with each other and can be ranked with respect to the magnitude of their eigenvalues. The
j th column vector Z j corresponding to the largest λ j accounts for the largest proportion of the variation
in the original data. Thus the Z j ’s are indexed so that λ1 > λ2 > ... > λk > 0 and λ j is the variance of Z j .
A strategy of elimination of principal components is to begin by discarding the component associated with
the smallest eigenvalue. The idea behind to do so is that the principal component with smallest eigenvalue
is contributing least variance and so is least informative.
Using this procedure, principal components are eliminated until the remaining components explain some
preselected variance is terms of percentage of total variance. For example, if 90% of total variance is
∑λ i
i =1
> 0.90.
i =1
Various strategies to choose required number of principal components are also available in the literature.
Suppose after using such a rule, the r principal components are eliminated. Now only (k − r )
components will be used for regression. So Z matrix is partitioned as
=Z (=
Z r Z k −r ) X (Vr Vk − r )
where Z r submatrix is of order n × r and contains the principal components to be eliminated. The
The reduced model obtained after the elimination of r principal components can be expressed as
=y Z k − rα k − r + ε *.
The random error component is represented as ε * just to distinguish with ε . The reduced coefficients
contain the coefficients associated with retained Z j ' s . So
Z k − r = ( Z1 , Z 2 ,..., Z k − r )
α k − r = (α1 , α 2 ,..., α k − r )
Vk − r = (V1 , V2 ,..., Vk − r ) .
Using OLS on the model with retained principal components, the OLSE of α k − r is
αˆ k − r = ( Z k' − r Z k − r ) −1 Z k' − r y .
Now it is transformed back to original explanatory variables as follows:
α =V 'β
α k − r = Vk'− r β
⇒ βˆ pc =
Vk − rαˆ k − r
variance them the unbiased OLSE b . The mean squared error (MSE) of β̂ is
βˆ ) E ( βˆ − β ) 2
MSE (=
{ } { }
= E βˆ − E ( βˆ ) + E ( βˆ ) − β
= Var ( βˆ ) + E ( βˆ ) − β
= Var ( βˆ ) + Bias ( βˆ ) .
Thus MSE ( βˆ ) can be made smaller than Var ( βˆ ) by introducing small bias is β̂ . One of the approach to
do so is the ridge regression. The ridge regression estimator is obtained by solving the normal equations
of least squares estimation. The normal equations are modified as
( X ' X + δ I ) βˆridge =
X 'y
⇒ βˆridge = ( X ' X + δ I ) X ' y
is the ridge regression estimator of β and δ ≥ 0 is any characterizing scalar termed as biasing
As δ → 0, βˆridge → b (OLSE ) and as δ → ∞, βˆridge → 0.
So larger the value of δ , larger shrinkage towards zero. Note that the OLSE in inappropriate to use in the
sense that it has very high variance when multicollinearity is present in the data. On the other hand, a very
small value of β̂ may tend to accept the null hypothesis H 0 : β = 0 indicating that the corresponding
variables are not relevant. The value of biasing parameter controls the amount of shrinkage in the
( βˆridge ) E ( βˆridge ) − β
( X ' X δ I ) −1 X ' E ( y ) − β
= ( X ' X + δ I ) −1 X ' X − I β
= ( X ' X + δ I ) −1 [ X ' X − X ' X − δ I ] β
−δ ( X ' X + δ I ) −1 β .
Thus the ridge regression estimator is a biased estimator of β .
Covariance matrix:
The covariance matrix of βˆridge is defined as
{ }{
E βˆridge − E ( βˆridge ) βˆridge − E ( βˆridge ) . }
V ( βˆridge ) =
and variance hinges upon the value of δ . It can be shown that there exists a value of δ such that
Choice of δ :
The estimation of ridge regression estimator depends upon the value of δ . Various approaches have been
suggested in the literature to determine the value of δ . The value of δ can be chosen on the basis of
criteria like
- stability of estimators with respect to δ .
- reasonable signs.
- magnitude of residual sum of squares etc.
We consider here the determination of δ by the inspection of ridge trace.
Ridge trace:
Ridge trace is the graphical display of ridge regression estimator versus δ .
If multicollinearity is present and is severe, then the instability of regression coefficients is reflected in the
ridge trace. As δ increases, some of the ridge estimates vary dramatically and they stabilizes at some
value of δ . The objective in ridge trace is to inspect the trace (curve) and find the reasonable small
value of δ at which the ridge regression estimators are stable. The ridge regression estimator with such
a choice of δ will have smaller MSE than the variance of OLSE.
An example of ridge trace for a model with 6 parameters is as follows. In this ridge trace, the βˆridge is
evaluated for various choices of δ and the corresponding values of all regression coefficients βˆ j ( ridge ) ’s,
j=1,2,…,6 are plotted versus δ . These values are denoted by different symbols and are joined by a
smooth curve. This produces a ridge trace for respective parameter. Now choose the value of δ where all
the curves stabilize and become nearly parallel. For example, the curves in following figure become nearly
parallel starting from δ = δ 4 or so. Thus one possible choice of δ is δ = δ 4 and parameters can be
( X ' X + δ4I )
estimated as = X 'y.
δ 0 ≈ 0 is very different than at other values of δ . For small values of δ , the estimates changes rapidly.
The estimates stabilize gradually as δ increases. The value of δ at which all the estimates stabilize gives
the desired value of δ because moving away from such δ will not bring any appreciable reduction in the
residual sum of squares. If multicollinearity is present, then the variation in ridge regression estimators is
rapid around δ = 0. The optimal δ is chosen such that after that value of δ , almost all traces stabilize.
1. The choice of δ is data dependent and therefore is a random variable. Using it as a random variable
violates the assumption that δ is a constant. This will disturb the optimal properties derived under the
assumption of constancy of δ .
2. The value of δ lies in the interval (0, ∞) . So large number of values are required for exploration.
This results is wasting of time. This is not a big issue when working with software.
3. The choice of δ from graphical display may not be unique. Different people may choose different δ
and consequently the values of ridge regression estimators will be changing. However, δ is chosen
so that all the estimators of all coefficients stabilize. Hence small variation in choosing the value of δ
may not produce much change in the ridge estimators of the coefficients. Another choice of δ is
kσˆ 2
δ= where b and σˆ 2 are obtained from the least squares estimation.
b 'b
exhibit stability for different δ and it may often be hard to strike a compromise. In such situation,
generalized ridge regression estimators are used.
5. There is no guidance available regarding the testing of hypothesis and for confidence interval
Idea behind ridge regression estimator:
The problem of multicollinearity arises because some of the eigenvalues roots of X ' X are close to zero
or are zero. So if λ1 , λ2 ,..., λ p are the characteristic roots, and if
constant. So minimize
δ (β ) =( y − X β ) '( y − X β ) + δ ( β ' β − C )
where δ is the Lagrangian multiplier. Differentiating S ( β ) with respect to β , the normal equations are
obtained as
∂S ( β )
= 0 ⇒ −2 X ' y + 2 X ' X β + 2δβ = 0
⇒ βˆ = ( X ' X + δ I ) −1 X ' y.
Note that if δ is very small, it may indicate that most of the regression coefficients are close to zero and if
δ is large, then it may indicate that the regression coefficients are away from zero. So δ puts a sort of
penalty on the regression coefficients to enable its estimation.
Econometrics | Chapter 7 | Multicollinearity | Shalabh, IIT Kanpur