Motivation Letters Resumes

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Motivation letters & resumes: A guide for students
1st edition
© 2018 Anne Galloway &
ISBN 978-87-403-2212-5


About the Author 6

Preface 7

1 What is a personal statement and why do you need it? 9

Part 1 - Know your skills, strengths and achievements 11

2 Know your skills 12

3 Your achievements 18

Part 2 - Personal statement (motivation) for university applications 20

4 Why do you want to go to university? 21

5 Course information 25

6 The first draft 28

7 Your movie trailer 30

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8 The final step! 32

Part 3 - Motivation letter for job applications 34

9 How to get your CV read 35

10 Writing a strong motivation letter 38

Part 4 - Your first CV 42

11 How to write your first Curriculum Vitae 43

Bonus material 51

List of power words 52



Anne Galloway is an international careers consultant and Certified Advanced Resume Writer.
She is an Associate Member of the Association of Career Professionals International and a
member of Career Directors International which ensures that she remains up-to-date with
current resume writing techniques and job search trends.

Help clients return to work after a career break, make a complete career change or accelerate
their current career, Anne works with people across many career stages (from students to
senior executives), industries and geographical locations.

The methodology she uses is very practical and results focused to ensure that her clients
have a clearer picture of the direction they want to take their career and are both capable
and confident in selling themselves for their next job.

Anne knows the right questions to ask to get her clients to really dig deep and think about
their careers and what they have achieved so they can confidently move forward.

“I consider myself extremely lucky to have a job I love doing and

that enables me to help others get a job they love too.”


As a Certified Advanced Resume Writer and Careers Consultant, I help people to identify
their skills, strengths, and achievements and show them how to use this information to sell
themselves confidently on their CV, Motivation Letters and Social Media, increasing their
chance of getting the job they want.

I am currently working with 50+ clients, from 30 nationalities across 10 countries (you
can find out more about how I can help you on your path to career success by visiting my
website, ).

In addition, I have worked with numerous students with their applications to universities in
the UK, Netherlands, and the USA. Many teenagers become overwhelmed by the thought
of writing a personal statement as part of their university application. Likewise, many
people struggle with what to include in job applications. By knowing the questions to ask
to bring out the information required to write a personal statement or motivation letter I
have simplified the process and reduced the stress for numerous clients.

Everyone is unique so your personal statement, or motivation letter, should also be unique.
The words personal statement, motivation letter, and job application cover letter, are
interchangeable and effectively mean the same thing; that is, in brief, they are all about
explaining why you are the right person for the university place or for the job to which
you are applying. For ease of reference, the term ‘motivation letter’ will be used throughout
this workbook.

What you will not find in this workbook are any examples of motivation letters and I would
like to ask you never to go online to see examples of personal statements or motivation
letters because even with the best will in the world, you will end up copying parts of the
text into your own or you will end up using a very bland and boring template which does
not sell you. Companies and universities want to know more about you, what you are
capable of as well as something about your personality - you are unique so make sure that
you reflect this in your motivation letter. In addition, universities use plagiarism checkers
and they kick out students for plagiarism so there is no way your application will even get
looked at if it doesn’t pass the plagiarism checker.

There are however some examples of CVs (the words CV and resume are interchangeable
throughout) but these have been included more to give you an idea of layout and how to
write them.


This workbook is designed to show you that writing your unique motivation letter and CV is
not that difficult if you follow the simple steps that are clearly outlined in the following pages.

Let’s get started!

All photos courtesy of Microsoft clip organiser


Companies frequently receive hundreds of applications for each vacancy they advertise;
likewise, universities receive many more applications than they have places for students,
sometimes there can be ten or more students chasing every place on their chosen course.

Employers and universities need to have a process to ensure that they accept the best
applicants and a key part of that process is the motivation letter or personal statement.

It is effectively a one-page advertisement of you, so it must be brief, enthusiastic and

interesting. One of the main functions of a motivation letter is to describe how your
qualifications match a specific job vacancy or how your interests match with your chosen
course of study, it is pointless to send a boilerplate motivation letter that is not tailored to
the targeted position or course.

How do you show that you are good enough?

The quick and dirty answer to this question is very simple, show, don’t tell. You want to
be able to describe your interests, skills, experiences, and motivation in a way that others
can’t, then show that you are ambitious, confident, and goal oriented. You do this by using
words and phrases that demonstrate creativity and an ability to think outside the box.

In addition to “Show, don’t tell”, the way in which you write your motivation letter is as
important as what you write.

A quick example:

• For university applications anyone can write, “I am highly motivated to study

politics.” In fact, so many students use something similar that it has become a
meaningless cliché. If it is true for you, and you want to get this across, you need
to think carefully about how you can express this statement so that instead of just
saying that you are motivated, you show that you are.


• For job applications anyone can start by writing, “I am writing to apply for the
sales intern position you have posted on your company website.” However, this is
boring and will not make you stand out.

So just how do you show that you are the right candidate?

The answer is to follow the simple steps outlined in the following chapters and where better
to start than Part 1 – Know your skills, strengths and achievements.

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A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Know your skills


Before you can start to write your motivation letter, you need to know your skills and be
able to communicate them confidently.

You might be surprised to know that you already have many of the skills which are essential
for employment. These are not the specific knowledge-based skills you would learn during
an apprenticeship, in university or at work, but the ‘transferable skills’ which we all need
to use when we work with other people, on projects, or even by ourselves. These skills are
developed by being involved in everyday activities.

The skills we are talking about don’t really stand out, which is why we usually don’t notice
them. These ‘ordinary’ skills are so often taken for granted that we seldom make any effort
to improve or develop them. Some, for example ‘communication skills’, ‘people skills’ and
‘organisational skills’, are the skills which most people develop without even noticing it.

Which transferable, or ‘soft’ skills do you have?

Let’s think about some of the different types of work or hobbies that you have already
done and recognize the skills that you have developed. The reason you are going to do this
is that sometimes we don’t realize that every job involves transferable skills which you can
use in other jobs. So, we are going to use the following diagram to identify the skills you
already have.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Know your skills


Task 1 Task 2

Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 1

Let’s run through an example.:


The first things that come to mind are that a waiter has to be:

○○ Honest – handling money;

○○ Reliable – must arrive on time and stay as long as required;
○○ Good customer handling skills – some customers are difficult to deal with;
○○ Good at maths – able to give correct change.
○○ Able to communicate with kitchen staff.

By breaking down the key tasks of a waitress, you can more clearly identify the skills involved.


Put food orders Deliver food to

Take orders Take payment
in table

Explained menu Managed various

Suggested Relayed orders Accurately
options - amounts of
options to guest - to cooking staff - distributed food -
Interpersonal money -
Sales Teamwork Organization
Communication Cash Handeling

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Know your skills

Exercise 1
Now it’s your turn. Think of a part-time job you have had or a sport/hobby you take part
in and complete the following chart.

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A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Know your skills

Think about other things that you have done too. For example, have you:

○○ helped out backstage for a school performance? – Teamwork

○○ helped sort out a disagreement between others in your class? – Communication
○○ organised a party or event? – organisational skills
○○ captained your football team? – Leadership, teamwork

Complete the following chart for another (part-time) job, sport, or hobby.

Make a list of your transferable skills below:

Does your list include any of the following top 10 transferable and essential skills?

1. Communication Skills 6. Learning Skills

2. Teamwork Skills 7. Computer Skills

3. Time Management Skills 8. Listening Skills

4. Problem-Solving Skills 9. Creativity Skills

5. Organization Skills 10. Leadership Skills.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Know your skills

Technical skills
When you apply for a job you will probably be evaluated on the basis of your technical or
hard skills – these are the skills that can be learned through formal education, on the job
training or volunteer experience. Examples of technical skills include: computer programming,
accounting, designing, operating machinery, scientific knowledge, car repair, etc. Technical
skills often constitute the bare minimum that an employer looks for in a candidate.

Make a list below of all the technical skills you believe you have.

Personal skills and qualities

We all have our own set of personal skills and qualities, for example, the ability to get along
with people, persistence, adaptable, enthusiastic, reliable, accurate. Employers will always
look for these skills to some extent and they can be the one thing that separates you from
another candidate.

Make a list below of what you believe are your personal skills and qualities.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Know your skills

Take time now to go through your all your skills with a friend or relative to make and add
any that they think you have missed.

Now that you have a complete list of your skills, take a close look at them. Can you truly
say that you have all of these?

The thing is, it is not enough to just say what your skills are, you have to be able to
demonstrate that you really do have the skills you say you have. To do this, you need to
be able to show what you have achieved by using these skills. The following chapter will
show you how.

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Are you ready to do what matters

when it comes to Technology?

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Your achievements

Who do you know that has achieved something really great?

What do you admire about this achievement?

Why do you think it is important to recognise your achievements?

Being able to identify and communicate achievements is an important part of deciding what
to put in a motivation letter, it is also really important when it comes to job interviews.

When you value and appreciate yourself, this helps others to value and appreciate you.

Exercise 2:
Think about a time when you did something and felt a real sense of achievement (alternatively,
think about a time when you used one of your skills you identified in the previous chapter)
and answer the following questions:

To help you out, we will start with an example in italics.

1. What was the task or challenge?

Captain my football team and take them from bottom of the league to being in the top 3.

2. What did I have to do to achieve this?

Plan game strategies and ways to motivate the team

3. What obstacles did I have to overcome?

Some team members had lost motivation and weren’t making any effort.

4. What skills did I use?

Leadership, planning, communication, teamwork, organisation.

5. How did I work with others?

Asked for their input into game strategies, got agreement for extra training sessions.

6. What did I do best?

Finding ways to get the team to listen to my ideas.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Your achievements

7. What did I learn from this?

It is important to be able to adapt the way I communicate to ensure that I was understood
by the whole team as not everyone has the same communication style.

Now it’s your turn to answer the questions below.

1. What was the task or challenge?

2. What did I have to do to achieve this?

3. What obstacles did I have to overcome?

4. What skills did I use?

5. How did I work with others?

6. What did I do best?

7. What did I learn from this?

Later you can develop these achievements into short statements, each with the same structure:

-- Begin with a short explanation of the problem,

-- Give a brief overview of what you did,
-- Indicate the positive outcome.

This is how you show rather than just say what your skills are.

The final part of the information gathering phase is to relate the information you have
gathered about yourself to either:

• the exact course and university you want to apply to – see Part 2
• the job vacancy and company you want to apply for – see Part 3



A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Why do you want to go to university?


When you apply to study at university, you usually have to send in a number of important
documents including your C.V, predicted marks, language certificate etc., but one of the
key documents required - the one that can really make the difference and assure you a place
on your desired course - is the personal statement; your motivation for studying.

Universities frequently have more than one applicant for each position on the course and I
have seen courses that have up to 20 students applying for each position. All these students
have the required entry qualifications so how can a university decide on who should get
the place? Whether or not your application is accepted will depend largely your personal

This puts a lot of stress on many students - how to convince universities that you are the
right student to be chosen for the course.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Why do you want to go to university?

You may have top marks in your school exams, however having good marks does not always
guarantee you a university place. You must find an effective way to present yourself and
your qualifications. The best way to do this is to interweave your skills, achievements, and
personality traits in a brief presentation that shows the university that you have what they
are looking for and are good enough to be offered a position.

The ‘why’

Having a clear idea of why you are motivated to study a particular subject has to come
across on your personal statement.

Exercise 3 - What motivates you?

Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst
or reading a book to gain knowledge.

What motivates you to study this particular subject? What are the reasons for wanting to
follow the course you’ve chosen?

The key here is to keep asking yourself ‘why?’ until you get to the real answer behind where
your interest comes from.

Let me give you an example:

What do I want to study?

“I want to study politics”


“I’ve just always been interested in politics so thought I would like to study it at university.”

This is a bit boring so it’s time to dig deeper so that you can come up with a more unique
answer that shows that you are driven, enthusiastic and keen to discover more.

Where did your interest in politics come from?

“I’ve always read lots of books and watched political programmes on TV”

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Why do you want to go to university?

Which books and programmes in particular?


Why those ones?


What particularly grabbed your attention in them?


Who have you had interesting political discussions with?


Why do these discussions stand out in your memory?


Now it’s your turn, to write down your answers.

What do I want to study?


What really makes you interested in this subject?


Who has influenced you in this subject?


What do you see yourself doing with this subject once you graduate?


A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Why do you want to go to university?

The more you can delve into your own positive experiences of enjoying a subject, the more
your unique personality will show through.

Now that you have brainstormed why you want to study your chosen subject, the next step
is to carry out some research into your chosen course.


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A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Course information

Before you can begin to write your personal statement, you need to find out as much as
possible about the university that is offering your chosen course and about the course itself.
Usually the university’s website is clear and informative about their requirements, expectations
and about what qualifications and qualities they hope their candidates have. Knowing a
little bit about their requirements, about their main projects, activities, course structure etc.
will help you get an idea of what to include in your personal statement.

This area of information gathering is one that you really need to spend time on. Go through
the university website and the pages relevant to the course you want to study in detail and
take notes.

Answering each of the following questions will help you get more of the key information
needed for your personal statement.

About the course:

○○ What does the website say is the aim of the course?

○○ How is the course presented? Is it all lectures or are there workshops, practical
situations/case studies? How does the teaching method appeal to you?

○○ Is industry involved either in the development of the course or as guest speakers?

Is this important to you? Why?

○○ How will you be assessed? Is it all written theory exams or is there a practical aspect
or does project work count toward your marks? Are you better at exams or do you
prefer the practical element? Are your core competencies assessed each year?

○○ What subjects are included each year? Which are of most interest to you and why?

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Course information

○○ How much flexibility is there for you to choose your major and minor subjects?
Which do you see yourself choosing and why?

○○ Does the course offer the chance to do an exchange or internship? Is this something
that interests you? Why?

○○ Is there an opportunity to collaborate with students on other courses? Is this

something that interests you? Why?

○○ What core skills will you be able to develop on this course? Why do you think
they are important and how will you use them in the future?

○○ Is there a list of possible jobs you can do when you graduate? Which direction do
you see yourself going in and why?

Now that you have a more in-depth knowledge about the course and subjects involved, it
is time to turn your attention to the university itself and what it offers.

About the university:

○○ What is the university’s vision and values? Do they resonate with you?

○○ Does the university have an international network and/or strategic partnerships and
if so is that important to you? Why?

○○ Does it have a global alumni network?

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Course information

○○ Does it have a student’s union? If so, are there any extracurricular activities e.g.
student societies, sports or volunteering opportunities that interest you? Why?

○○ How can you make a positive contribution at this university?

○○ How do you know you will fit in at this university?

Now that you know a lot more about both yourself and the course you are applying for,
you are ready to start pulling all this information you have gathered into creating the first
draft of your personal statement.

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A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS The first draft


Now that you have gathered all the information you need, just how much of it should you
include in your personal statement? In order to create your first draft, you need to know
the questions that have to be answered to ensure your personal statement gets you a place
on the course.

You are probably thinking, “have I not answered enough questions?!” Well yes, however the
previous questions were all about gathering the necessary information together to be able
to answer the key questions listed below!

When you first start writing your personal statement, allow yourself to go crazy. Use the
information you have pulled together about yourself in the previous chapters and write
absolutely everything that comes to your mind when answering the questions below. At
this stage you aren’t trying to write a formal essay.

Key questions to answer:

1. Why do you want to study the course you have chosen?

What motivates you to take this course at a university-level?

How has your interest enthusiasm for it developed?

This is where you need to tell a bit about your background. You may think that
this is a waste of time because the other documents you have to submit with your
application already contain this information, i.e. where you studied, your predicted
grades, the classes you took however, now is your chance to make all this sound far
more interesting by creatively describing your experiences.

2. What makes you the right person for the course?

This is where you get to show that not only do you meet the selection criteria but
that you have also done your research and are prepared for what is involved in
studying your chosen course. Mention how you want to further develop the skills
you have learnt from both school and your extracurricular activities that are relevant
to your chosen course.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS The first draft

Don’t make the mistake of mentioning all your skills though; instead, focus on those
that are a requirement for, or most relevant to, the course.

Remember to demonstrate these skills rather than just say you have them - you spent
a lot of time identifying your transferable skills so be sure to include them!

3. What else have you done that is relevant to the course?

Have you done any extra reading, voluntary work or work placement, competition,
etc. related to the subject? If so, what did you find particularly interesting.

4. How is this course relevant to your chosen career?

Clearly describe your chosen career path and how what you have learnt both in and
out of school relate to it. Why is this particular course the right one for you to be able
to follow your chosen career? Make it interesting and personal so that you stand out.

While you may know the subject you want to study, you may not yet have decided
exactly what path you want to take your career. If this is the case for you, don’t worry
about it, instead just talk about what you’re looking forward to learning about the
subject and what you want to gain from it.

5. Why are you a good match for this course?

This is also where you can bring in a few additional points about what you hope to
gain from studying at university and the contribution you hope to make. You can
mention extracurricular opportunities and how you believe you will fit in.

Now take a break before re-reading your answers and trying to formalise your notes. This
is when you start deciding what is going to go into your personal statement and what you
now feel is perhaps less relevant.

Think about the words you want to use; can you make any of the verbs and adjectives
stronger to more uniquely describe what you want to say? If you are struggling, take a look
at the list of power words at the end of this workbook for ideas.

This is effectively the first draft of your personal statement – congratulations!

However, it is probably far too long!

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Your movie trailer


It’s time to think of your life as a film. You are the director and producer of your own
personal film which shows everything you have ever done in your life, every moment that
you have achieved something and every time that you have used a particular skill.

You now want to advertise your movie and to do this, like all good movies, you have to
produce a trailer which shows all the best bits condensed into about 30 seconds – that’s
the body of your personal statement, a trailer showing an all action version of your life’s
movie. Effectively, your answers to the questions in the previous chapter are your movie
so now you just need to condense your them into a trailer that highlights all the best bits!

The key is to use brief paragraphs to write:

1. Introduction
Start by stating why you are applying for the course and how it fits with your career
plans, i.e. the key points from your answers to questions 1 and 4 in chapter 6.

2. The body
Write about how you have the necessary skills and what you hope to learn from the
course, i.e. the key points from your answers to questions 2 and 3 in chapter 6.

3. End
Summarise why it is the right course for you and what you are looking forward
to – here you can add some information about the extracurricular activities you are
looking forward to taking part in - this is where you can include the key points from
question 5 from chapter 6.

Use the space on the next page to write your movie trailer.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Your movie trailer



Once you have completed your movie trailer, walk away from it for a day or two then
go back and re-read it to see if you can improve it further. Make sure the information is
organized in a clear and easy-to-understand way. Also, check for grammar errors, and make
sure your tone is appropriate. Get someone else to read it as they may pick up things that
you have missed, don’t rely on spell check – read it backwords! The letter should sound
both enthusiastic and professional and not contain any spelling or grammar mistakes!

At this point, there are 2 things I want you to make sure that you avoid:

This is one of the most common mistakes people make when writing a motivation letter
for job applications, and the same goes for students when writing their personal statements
for university applications.


Typical clichés include the following:

“I am highly motivated to study maths at university.”

“My greatest ambition is to become a top accountant.”

“Since I was a child I have always been interested in science and especially chemistry....”

These and other similar clichés frequently appear in university personal statements.

While these sentences appear meaningless, they can actually prevent you from getting a
university place because the reader may think that you either can’t come up with anything
creative or original to write, or can’t be bothered spending the time to write your personal
statement which may make them think that you are lazy or not really interested in going
to university.

A single cliché in your essay can be enough to remove you from the list of candidates.
Therefore, it is important that you go out of your way to avoid these sorts of statements.

At this point in your career you most certainly know that plagiarizing is strictly forbidden in
any remotely academic context. With students being kicked out of universities for plagiarism,
there is no way that you will be accepted for a university place if your motivation letter is
not unique. Universities use plagiarism checkers and any plagiarism will give them more
than enough reason to reject your application.

This is exactly why I have not included any examples of personal statements in this workbook;
you are unique, and your personal statement should therefore also be unique. When writing
about how you are a good fit for the university, it is also important that you don’t copy text
exactly from the university website; if you really must then be sure to quote it correctly.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Part 3 - Motivation Letter for job applications



A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to get your CV read


Before you can even begin to write a motivation letter for a job application, you need to
complete Part 1 of this guide in order to be able to write confidently about your skills and
achievements and really sell yourself for the position. Then you need to do your research.
In the following chapter you will learn what to include and how to actually write your
motivation letter

Of course, there are mixed messages in the value of a motivation letter. I have heard some
recruiters say, “Don’t waste your time on a motivation letter. No one ever reads them,” while
some hiring managers say, “Always include a motivation letter when sending your resume;
it can make or break whether you are invited for an interview, or not.”

I believe that you should never take the risk of not sending one. It is another opportunity
to sell yourself, get your CV read and hopefully get you an interview.

The first step to deciding what to include in your motivation letter is to analyse the position.
This involves reading and re-reading the job description, so you have a clear understanding of
what the hiring manager is looking for. The second step is to do your research on the company.



A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to get your CV read

Research the Position

As you can see from the example job description on the following page, the majority of
job descriptions begin with a brief description of the job, often followed by a list of roles
and responsibilities, and then a profile or list of requirements.

Example Job Description

Commercial Contracts Officer

As a Commercial Contracts Officer at Company Z you will guide the full contracting cycle
from entering into commercial contracts throughout the correct execution and actual performance
of contracts in the Benelux & France. You will ensure that the correct contracts are used and
contain proper customer information, liaising with the commercial back office and credit
department. Also monitoring correct signatures, duly filing of the contracts in the Group’s Contract
Management system and checking that the right GT&C are used is part of your responsibilities.

Furthermore, you make sure that Legal is involved when there are deviations from ordinary
business / standard contracts. Besides this, you support the Business by obtaining additional
legal documentation required for certain deals (for example corporate information, bank
guarantees), which involves co-operation with Legal and Treasury departments.

Driven by getting things done in line with company Z’s Legal Policy, you provide overall
management support and assistance to the Senior Legal Counsels implementing standard
contracts in the Company Group.


• Bachelor (BA) or Master (MA) degree in law

• Starter or up to 3 years of working experience as a Paralegal/Legal Assistant/
Commercial Assistant, preferably within an international operating commercial contracts
or legal department
• Experience with contract management is considered a plus
• Attention to detail, able to prioritize and meet deadlines
• Pro-active, flexible and analytical
• Good communication skills, culturally adaptive
• Proficient with Microsoft Office and preferably experience with Sharepoint
• Fluent in English, spoken and written, German is considered a plus

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to get your CV read

Read through the job description a couple of times and then highlight (or mark in bold
as I have done above) the points that you believe are most important for the job. Then
make a few notes, from the exercises you completed in Part 1, of things that you can use
to show that you are a match.

Research the Company

Go a step further and research the company, its current products and services, market position,
etc. Make sure you check out the company’s mission statement and values; hopefully the
company values are a close match with your own. It is also useful to see if the website has
a careers page which may give details of the kind of people they employ, what they expect
from their employees, what the company culture is like and what it is like to work there.

This is all useful information that you can use in your motivation letter when mentioning
why you want to work at the company and/or why you know you will be a good fit.

Once you have completed your research, you can turn to the next chapter to see how to
pull it altogether to create a strong motivation letter.

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A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Writing a Strong Motivation Letter

The key purpose of a motivation or covering letter is to get your CV read and to get you
an interview. Therefore, it has to be even better than your CV. It is effectively a one-page
advertisement of you, so it must be brief, enthusiastic and interesting. One of the main
functions of a cover letter is to describe how your qualifications match a specific job vacancy,
it is pointless to send a boilerplate cover letter that is not tailored to the targeted position.
The following is a guide to help you do this.

The examples given below are from a motivation letter that was written for the job description
from the previous chapter.

First Paragraph:
Your first paragraph must grab the interest of the reader, provide information about the value
you will add to the employer’s organization, and make you stand out from other candidates.
Do not waste the opening paragraph of your cover letter by using such clichés as,

“Enclosed please find my resume,”

“Please accept the attached resume for your advertised opening,”


“As you can see on my resume enclosed herewith....”

Employers can see that your resume is enclosed or attached; you don’t need to tell them.
Phrases like these just take up precious space – remember that your cover letter should be
no more than one page, ideally less. Focus on what makes you different i.e. your Unique
Selling Proposition (USP) and highlight a few of the benefits you bring to the employer.

Historically, motivation letters began with sentences like,

“I am writing to apply for the sales director position you have posted on your company

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Writing a Strong Motivation Letter

However, this is a very weak way to start. You want to grab the reader’s attention and to
do so you need to start with something like,

“I am a recent graduate with a Master’s Degree in International Law and nearly one year of
work experience as an intern covering a wide range of legal areas. I bring an eye for detail,
enjoy taking the initiative, solving challenges and achieving results even when faced with
tight deadlines. This is why I believe that I can add value to the position of Commercial
Contracts Officer.”

Second Paragraph:
Your next paragraph should expand on your professional and/or academic qualifications.
Provide examples that illustrate your ability to provide the benefits you mention in the
first paragraph. Use the information about your skills and achievements that you identified
in Part 1 to make clear connections between the job requirements and your skills and
achievements, for example,

“I understand the importance of listening closely to clients and customers and while working
as a legal Trainee, this approach made an impact on my clients which resulted in both client
retention and an increase in clients for the company. As well as having an international
mindset and passion for working in a multicultural environment, I am ambitious, adaptable,
and quick to learn. I have knowledge of contractual law having worked on international
legal contracts. In addition, I am proactive with experience of working confidently on my
own and taking responsibility for my work however I also enjoy working as part of a team
and am known for always being there with my sleeves rolled up to support the team to
meet our targets.”

You will need to use examples that illustrate why you’re a good fit for the job because simply
stating that you have excellent time management skills and won’t land you a job.

Third Paragraph:
Describe your fit with the company and position. This is the paragraph in which the research
that you did in the previous chapter can pay off. You can show how you are a good fit by
demonstrating your knowledge of the organization. This is the ideal paragraph in which
to relate yourself to the company’s mission and values or mention a news item you’ve seen
about the organization; for example:

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Writing a Strong Motivation Letter

“I am keen to work for Company Z because I have a broad legal background which fits
well with the requirements for the position of Commercial Contracts Officer. I am a keen
and fast learner and believe that I will be able to both learn a lot from and make a positive
contribution to this position.”


“Over the last two years I have followed the unfolding events at Company Y with great
interest as your firm moved into financial and broadband services.”

Fourth Paragraph:
Just like all good sales people, you need to have a strong call to action. The final paragraph
of your cover letter must include a proactive call to action without being overly pushy. An
example of a good call to action is,

“Thank you for your time. I would love the opportunity to meet with you in person to
further discuss the position and my qualifications and can be contacted on telephone number
or via email to email address. I look forward to hearing from you soon.”


“I look forward to meeting with you in person to further discuss my motivation and
experience for this position. Until then, should you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact me on telephone number or via email to email address.”

Points to Remember
1. Always direct your letter to a named person rather than Dear Sir/Madam. If there
is no name on the advert for the job vacancy, then do some more research either
on the company website or LinkedIn or even call the company to get the correct
name to address your letter to.
2. Speak the language of the job description – if they are looking for someone who
can work well on their own, give an example of what you have achieved with
minimum supervision. By showing that you have the skills that they are looking
for, it also shows that you have taken the time to read the job description and have
tailored your cover letter to the specific application rather than sending a generic
letter. Never send a generic cover letter.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Writing a Strong Motivation Letter

3. Never lie and say that you have the skills and experience they are looking for if you
don’t – you will always get caught out! If you have never used a specific piece of
software, knowledge of which is a requirement for the job, but have used a similar
one, then mention it instead, show that you are a quick learner and that you will
be able to quickly pick it up.
4. Don’t include any information that is not relevant for the job. The purpose of the
cover letter is not to brag about all your skills and experience rather it is to show
that you understand the job requirements and can show that you are a good fit.
5. Always include your contact details at the end to make it easy for the reader can
contact you without having to search for your contact details.
6. Writing a cover letter is like telling a story — if you really want to relate to an
employer, you need to add a personal touch to it. Don’t be afraid to share your
passions. Explain to the employer how and why you’re the perfect fit for the company.

In the past 5 years we have drilled around

95,000 km
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Who are we?

We are the world’s leading provider of reservoir characterization,
drilling, production, and processing technologies to the oil and
gas industry.

Who are we looking for?

We offer countless opportunities in the following domains:
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n Geoscience and Petrotechnical
n Commercial and Business

We’re looking for high-energy, self-motivated graduates

with vision and integrity to join our team. What will you be?

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Writing a Strong Motivation Letter


A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to Write Your First Curriculum Vitae


Your CV is a crucial document for both university and job applications - it is your first
opportunity to impress prospective employers and therefore it must be excellently written
and tailored to clearly represent you, as an individual, coupled with the job description.

Did you know that errors on your CV can cost you the job? In fact, a recent study indicated
that 47% of the recruiters who took part said that they would reject a CV if it had just one
spelling mistake on it! This is why it is so important to pay very close attention to detail
so that it reads concisely, professionally, articulately, and free from spelling, punctuation
and grammar errors.

But when it is the first time you have to write a CV, just what do you put in it?

Your CV must highlight your own personal brand; your unique skills, competencies, and
experiences. It is important that it is both properly edited and formatted, with consistent
layout and font so that it provides a professional impression of you to the reader; and it must
contain all the necessary information about you to increase your chances of an interview.

Having gone through this workbook and completed all the exercises, you will already have
a clear idea of your key skills and strengths which need to be highlighted on your CV.

Remember, an employer is not looking for the skill alone e.g. ‘I am creative’ – just what
does that show. You need to provide an example of when you were creative at solving a
particular problem and what the positive outcome was. It is even better when you can show
how you combined two or more of your skills in an exciting or impressive way and the
benefits that can be gained from combining these skills.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to Write Your First Curriculum Vitae

How to Write a CV
There are lots of different ways to write and set out a CV and each employer will have their
favourite but the most important thing to know is that it will normally be read in about
7 to 20 seconds – and after you have spent hours creating it!

Keep it clean, clear and easy to read.

As a student, or recent graduate, employers won’t expect you to have lots of work experience.
Think about everything you’ve done at school, in your spare time including your interests
(the information you gathered about yourself in Part 1 will help you here). Is anything that
you’ve done relevant to the job you’re applying for? If it is, make sure you put it on your
CV. However, you should keep your CV to no more than one page by making it relevant
and to the point so that it is immediately interesting – it is not your life story! It must state
who you are and what you can do with sufficient evidence to back it up.

The key to a great CV is to make sure that it is really strong and contains all the key
information to ensure that the reader will read to the end. This should include:

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to Write Your First Curriculum Vitae

• Your contact details

Make sure that your contact details, including a professional looking email address,
are written clearly at the top of the first page.

• A summary of who you are and what you are looking for
Your opening paragraph needs to be a strong message that summarizes your background
and indicates what you are best at and what you can offer an employer. That creates
a theme that is then followed by your ‘proving’ that you are great at these things
by showcasing supporting accomplishments in each job. Use summary words like
‘qualified’, ‘graduate’ to get your message across. Make sure to focus on what you do
well as nearly everyone can say that they are ‘dynamic, enthusiastic, creative’ etc. It
is also a good idea to try and match your experience to the requirements of the job.

• Education
List key qualifications and recent courses attended.

• A brief summary of your career to date

Discuss each job you have done (most recent job first). Summarise the job in 2-3
lines, then set out your key achievements in bullet points. Just put in enough to
give the recruiter a complete overview of your career.

Use active language e.g. ‘initialised’, ‘organised’, managed’, etc.

Include facts, numbers and percentages where possible.

Explain jargon or abbreviations where necessary to help the reader.

List significant awards or targets achieved.

• Languages - refer to whether spoken and/or written and to what level of proficiency

• Interests
Include interests that might be relevant to the job, those that indicate co-operative
or team working, or just things that you talk about at an interview with enthusiasm.
When you’re describing your interests, highlight the things that show off the skills
that employers look for. Some things to include are:
• any examples of working in a team
• relevant voluntary work or work experience
• positions of responsibility
• any activity that shows where you took the initiative

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to Write Your First Curriculum Vitae

When a hiring manager is seeing the same old resume time and time again which includes
the cliché words and phrases such as “highly dedicated individual” or “great team player”
you are guaranteeing that your resume will be deleted.

Poorly chosen words and clichéd phrases can destroy the interest of the reader. Power words
when chosen correctly can have the opposite effect of motivating and inspiring the reader
and will help you stand out from your competition! A list of example power words has
been included at the end.

Important points to consider:

1. Watch your grammar. Sentences in resumes are written like headlines and are in the
first person. For example, the statement “I am known for consistently exceeding my
sales targets” becomes “Known for consistently exceeding sales targets.” Another one
of the biggest mistakes when writing a resume is when people mix first person and
third person. For example, although “Easily learns new software” sounds right, that
is the third-person (“she learns”) and it should really be “Easily learn” (“I learn”).
Small but important point, as you want your resume to be grammatically correct.
2. Include only one telephone number rather than multiple numbers. Preferably
one where the caller can leave a message.
3. Do not include discriminating information. Avoid information that can lead the
reader to discriminate against you, for example: age, sex, religion, marital status,
and ethnicity.
4. Eliminate technical skills for basic software programs. Most employers today
expect you to be familiar with the basic computer programs, such as Word, Excel
and PowerPoint.
5. Do not include references unless requested. Employers today expect you to offer
references when requested, which is typically during the latter part of the interview

Writing a strong CV is all about finding the right information and words to present it in
the best light to demonstrate that you have the specific experiences and skills the employer is
seeking. Fancy designs and graphs etc., while they may look impressive, are not needed unless
you are applying for a creative role and even then you need to be careful as the Applicant
Tracking Systems that many companies use to scan CVs cannot read the information in
graphics and text boxes. Best tip, keep it clean, clear and easy to read.

The following pages provide you with a couple of examples of real client CVs although
names, contact details, etc have been removed.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to Write Your First Curriculum Vitae

Name 1 – CV example for university application

Name 2 – CV example for internship application

Name 3 – CV example for first job on graduating

Hopefully you will agree that these examples present a clear and focussed approach to
showing an employer, or university, that they are ideal candidates.

energy for
a changing

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A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to Write Your First Curriculum Vitae

Proactive and self-motivated student with diverse experience in working with the public. Known for
strong work ethic and being calm under pressure.

City telephone number email address


EDUCATION • Achieved Gold International Duke of Edinburgh Award
• Voluntary lifeguard and first aider with Reddingsbrigade at Bergen aan
European Baccalaureate Zee and first aider at various local events.
European School Bergen, • Represented school in the European Schools Science Symposium held in
Bergen, N.H, The Netherlands. Alicante, Spain March 2012.
Subjects: • Attended orientation day with Bristows Search and Rescue helicopter
Maths (5 period), Physics, Chemistry, team in Den Helder.
Lab Science, English (Language 1), • Won 1st place in the Petten Science Project Competition for project
Dutch (Language 2), Music, Sport, Moral, entitled “The Pendulum Putting Swing”.
Philosophy, History (in French), Geography
Driveline Engineer Sept 2015–Dec 2015
CERTIFICATIONS Human Power Team Delft and Amsterdam, Delft
Assisted in initial driveline concept design for the Velo X VI of TU Delft
Human Power Dreamteam. Worked under supervision of Chief Driveline
• Solidworks Mechanical Design Associate Engineer carrying out research into potential driveline systems and new
• Valid First Aid Certificate bicycle driveline concepts.
• Lifeguard Beach
• Lifesaver 3 (highest rescue swimmer Swimming Pool Lifeguard April 2013–Sept 2014
qualification in the Netherlands) Hoornse Vaart Sport Complex, Alkmaar April 2013 – Sept 20
• NHA Photography Diploma Responsible for safety and well-being of public in/around swimming pool.
• “Starting a business” Certificate –
Santa Clara University Center for
Reddingsbrigade Volunteer - Bergen aan Zee June 2011–present
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
• Quickly responding to different situations and informing public of
dangers. Trained to lead a team on a rescue or medical emergency.
Experienced in team work under extreme pressure, working with other
OTHER INTERESTS emergency services such as Police, Ambulance and SAR helicopter.
• Planning and executing fun yet challenging lessons and teaching rescue
Music: 8 years playing guitar, DJ. swimming to children around 9-14 years old.
Sports: skiing, golf, mountain biking,
rugby, swimming Sound and Light Technician (volunteer)
Photography European School Bergen Oct 2009 –June 2014
Ensured correct use and maintenance of school’s sound and light
equipment; taught other students on its use and worked with local company
to install and use lighting and sound system for one off show.
Volunteer Activity Instructor - KGadventure, Worksop, UK July 2013
English - native speaker Organised games and events for international children attending summer
camp; encouraged children to improve their spoken English.
Dutch - fluent
French - conversational
Strandpaviljoen Zuid (Beach Cafe) - Bergen aan Zee May–Sept 2012
Spanish - basic Sold drinks, made snack food for customers and ensured kitchen was clean.

Date of birth: Voluntary work experience

Willteco B.V. engineering, Broek op Langedijk June 2012
Shadowed mechanics engineers and assisted with maintenance and testing
of B.O.Ps, hydraulic cylinders and a gear box for use in the offshore industry.


A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to Write Your First Curriculum Vitae

Self-motivated sports management student, confident and experienced in working in multi-cultural
teams. Keen to be challenged in an internship that will further expand knowledge and experience.
City phone number email

Organisational | Communication | Interpersonal | Leadership |Customer Services | Presentation Skills
Self-Directed | Results Oriented | Team Work | Negotiation
Microsoft Office | Sports Management | Public Speaking | Problem Solving | Marketing Strategy


B.Sc. Sports Management - Bournmouth University, UK Sept 2015–present

Subjects: Operations Management / Sports Marketing / Financial Appraisal in Sport / Event Management
Financial Reporting in Sport / Research Skills / Social Perspectives in Sport
Personal and Professional Development in Sport / Managing Sport Development


• Represented school at Model European Council 2014 & 2015

o Played role of Greek Head of State and Latvian Finance Minister on separate occasions at Euro Control in
Brussels and The European Parliament Building in Strasbourg, presenting and talking in a formal and
heavily regulated conference in front of 400 people.
o Led a team of five; playing a major role on all proceedings dealing with high pressure situations in
Europe and Greece, making conference newspaper on multiple occasions.
o Debated and networked with students and politicians from all over Europe in English, French and Dutch
and negotiated with multiple stakeholders about numerous European issues

• Represented school at Model United Nations 2014

o Played role of Russian Finance Minister during economic tensions between Europe and Russia.
o Debated and lobbied with countries in the European Patent building in Munich in front of 1000 people
o Managed stakeholders’ needs and communicated with many different cultures.

• European Science Symposium - Represented school with team project, Hydrogen Power Cell. 2012


Duinvermaak Pancake House - Waiter 2016

• Worked under pressure during peak hours, communicating seamlessly between English and Dutch.

Pomeroy White Investments May 2013–Jun 2013

Work Experience, shadowing an investment analyst
• Gained insight into investment practices for the New York Stock Exchange and learnt many financial
principles and practices.
• Acquired techniques on reading and predicting the market.
• Participated in a simulation exercise to invest $10,000 of fictional money in the market and monitor its
progress over a few days - gained a 5% increase in the original investment.

Act2Aid/Net4Kids – Volunteer chairman 2012–2014

• Grew charity from 8-22 people in one year, introduced efficiencies to maximise profit for charities.

A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS How to Write Your First Curriculum Vitae




A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS List of Power Words


1. Advanced 26. Efficient 51. Maintained 76. Skilled
2. Assigned 27. Enhanced 52. Mentored 77. Saved
3. Assessed 28. Excelled 53. Measured 78. Scheduled
4. Absorbed 29. Exceeded 54. Multiplied 79. Supported
5. Accelerated 30. Enriched 55. Negotiated 80. Secured
6. Attained 31. Fulfilled 56. Observed 81. Simplified
7. Attracted 32. Financed 57. Operated 82. Screened
8. Announced 33. Forecasted 58. Obtained 83. Segmented
9. Appraised 34. Formulated 59. Promoted 84. Streamlined
10. Budgeted 35. Generated 60. Presented 85. Strengthened
11. Bolstered 36. Guided 61. Programmed 86. Triumphed
12. Balanced 37. Granted 62. Provided 87. Troubleshot
13. Boosted 38. Helped 63. Projected 88. Taught
14. Bargained 39. Hosted 64. Qualified 89. Tutored
15. Benefited 40. Implemented 65. Quantified 90. Translated
16. Beneficial 41. Investigated 66. Quoted 91. Trained
17. Comply 42. Increased 67. Recommended 92. Uncovered
18. Critiqued 43. Initiated 68. Refine 93. United
19. Closed 44. Influenced 69. Revamp 94. Unified
20. Collaborated 45. Integrated 70. Reacted 95. Updated
21. Designed 46. Innovated 71. Retained 96. Upgraded
22. Delegated 47. Instituted 72. Recovered 97. Validated
23. Demonstrated 48. Justified 73. Reinstated 98. Viewed
24. Developed 49. Listed 74. Rejected 99. Worldwide
25. Detected 50. Logged 75. Sustained 100. Witnessed


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