KIND Brochure
KIND Brochure
KIND Brochure
Main Business 10
Turning a Possibility into Opportunities 11
Perfect Preparation to Build Hope 12
Full Support to Build Success 13
Service Area 14
1. Transportation Infrastructures 15 Korea has transformed the world to promote enhanced values,
2. Urban Development 15 based on excellent construction technology.
3. Power and Energy 16
Now, KIND will take steps toward a world with you
4. Hydrocarbon and Industrial Plant 16
5. Water resources and Environment 17 as the leader of global infrastructure market.
CEO’s message
Since the world is facing drastic climate changes and rapid urbanization today,
the need for infrastructure investment is emerging greater than ever with the
gap between infrastructure demand and supply hardly to be filled in the near
future. The highest priority, therefore, has been attached to infrastructure
investment not only in Korea but also in other numerous countries on this globe.
As required in each of our partner countries, KIND will devise and customize
its way of support so that Korea’s rich experiences and technical expertise of
private and public sectors could be fully channeled into the entire process of
PPP project development including project identification, project structuring,
construction, O&M, and finance. This KIND way of support will also ensure
economically, environmentally and socially viable development, thereby creating
a virtuous circle of sustainable growth of partner countries.
In this ever-growing global infrastructure market, KIND will exert the utmost
endeavor to integrate and maximize our capacities together with our potential
partners. As a team, we will be able to promote more successful PPP projects
in the days to come.
Reliable Partner KIND Korea Overseas INfrastructure & Urban Development Corporation
Mission Organization
Chart Auditor CEO
Support global infrastructure and urban development
for sustainable growth
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Building Tomorrow KIND Korea Overseas INfrastructure & Urban Development Corporation
KIND proposes the optimal methods for leading a Securing lines of credit along with technical strengths
project to success, by internally examining the feasibility leads to successful implementation of projects.
of projects, using its expertise, including financial KIND is planning to provide various financial supports
techniques and intensively managing each project. such as financial arrangements through a network of
KIND assists Korean companies verified through expertise international financial institutions.
and knowhow in their areas, in forming a joint team to KIND will also enhance the credibility of projects through
win projects based on their full capabilities. direct investments to increase the confidence and trust in
the business
Project Development
We assist Korean companies in designing project structures by supporting feasibility Financial Support
studies, using expertise in finance, law, and technology. We arrange loans and overseas PPP investment funds, and if necessary make direct
equity investments to alleviate the private sector’s financial burdens
1. Prior to feasibility studies, preliminarily review the viability of
projects based on technical, financial and legal expertise, and
closely monitor the project development process to secure 1. Support credit enhancement for projects by directly making
project success potentials equity investments as necessary
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Building Tomorrow KIND Korea Overseas INfrastructure & Urban Development Corporation
2. Urban Development
Water resources
In the developed countries, the needs for modernization of aging infrastructures
have been highlighted, and also in the developing countries the demand of
infrastructures and new city development have been increased due to the urban
population growth.
and Industrial Power and
Energy To cope with the imminent needs for infrastructure, KIND participates in urban
development PPP projects including housing site development and social
infrastructure, for which Korea’s innovative SMART city solutions can be utilized on
the basis of its cutting edge ICT (Information and Communications Technologies).
We believe it will contribute to solving urban issues and creating additional value to
the city.
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Building Tomorrow KIND Korea Overseas INfrastructure & Urban Development Corporation
While the global electricity demand is growing fast due to income level increase and The areas of water resource and wastes require more efficient management and
technological advances, currently the electricity supply does not meet the demand. massive investment due to climate change and fast growing urbanization, and
In addition, facing the climate change, we need to utilize more renewable energies it is becoming more crucial that private sector’s participation in water resources
such as solar, wind and geothermal. Therefore, there is a great need for various and environmental infrastructure, such as water treatment facilities, waste water
power and energy infrastructures that use renewable energies as well as traditional treatment plants, desalination plants and energy from waste plants.
fuel sources, throughout the whole energy supply chain such as LNG terminals and
pipelines, and transmission & distribution systems. KIND, as a channel connecting the public sector and the private sector, develops and
supports global water and environmental PPP businesses, forming a team of Korean
KIND, as an advisor, a developer and an investor for sustainable development EPC contractors, engineering companies and organizations.
of various power and energy projects, exerts the best effort to improve energy
accessibility and contribute to global economic growth.
The global oil and gas demands have steadily mounted, and consequently it has
led to more needs of facilities for exploration/production/transportation for the oil
and gas industries including facilities for oil refinery and petrochemical production
and supply. Beside this, the needs for industrial plants of IT products, logistics
and consumer goods have also increased especially in the developing countries.
Development of these knowledge-concentrated plant industries with characteristics
of both manufacturing and services boost industry convergence and create a ripple
effect to the related industries.
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