Course Syllabus ME310-FEM
Course Syllabus ME310-FEM
Course Syllabus ME310-FEM
Course Syllabus
Course Schedule:
Course Description
This course emphasizes Finite Element Analysis principle and application mainly with ANSYS
simulation tool. Topics cover FEA theory, mesh types; domain discretization, polynomial
interpolation, application of boundary conditions, assembly of global arrays, and solution of the
resulting algebraic systems. FEA in structure mechanics, and in micro-electro-mechanical
system; ANSYS simulation for dynamics, elasticity and plasticity, thermal and fluid system, and
MEMS devices, with design simulation cases and examples.
Prerequisite: ME300
Course Credit Hours & Length:
3 credit hours; 15 weeks of instruction
Course Objectives
(1) To gain basic knowledge and understanding of principle of FEA.
(2) To gain the knowledge of practical FEA with ANSYS.
(2) To become familiar with FEA application cases in dynamics, elasticity and plasticity, thermal and fluid and
1. The Finite Element method, Fifth Edition, O.C. Zienkiewicz & R.L. Taylor, Vol.1, Butterworth Heinemann, 2000, ISBN
0-7506 5049 4.
2. ANSYS, Fundamental FEA Concepts and Application,
Home Work 30%
Schedule of Topics
Tri-Valley University
4455 Stoneridge Drive
Pleasanton CA 94588
Course Syllabus
Lec 4 Plane Stress and Plane Strain, Axisymmetric stress analysis, three-dimensional stress
Homework 3
Textbook 1Chap. 4 &5&6
Lec 5 Stead-state field problem-heat conduction, electric and magnetic potential, fluid flow
Homework 4
Textbook 1 Chap 7
Course Syllabus
Method of Instruction
Lectures and handouts, discussions, quiz.
Classroom attendance in mandatory, attendance is monitored through the class attendance module.
Grade Scale
Approximate letter grade range
93 <= A <= 100
90 <= A- <= 93
87 <= B+ <= 90
83 <= B <= 87
80 <= B- <= 83
77 <= C+ <= 80
73 <= C <= 77
70 <= C- <= 73
67 <= D+ <= 70
60 <= D <= 67
F <= 60
Academic Integrity
TVU Policy requires that all students honor the Academic Integrity Code. Students who involve in cheating will receive an “F”.
Second offense in any course will result in suspension from the university.