Thermodynamic c106

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This tutorial should be skipped if you are already familiar with the topic.

In this section you will do the following.

• Define the centre of area.

• Define and calculate 1st. moments of areas.

• Define and calculate 2nd moments of areas.

• Derive standard formulae.

© D.J.Dunn 1

A moment about a given axis is something multiplied by the distance from that axis
measured at 90o to the axis.

The moment of force is hence force times distance from an axis.

The moment of mass is mass times distance from an axis.
The moment of area is area times the distance from an axis.


In the case of mass and area, the problem is deciding the distance since the mass and
area are not concentrated at one point.

The point at which we may assume the mass concentrated is called the centre of gravity.

The point at which we assume the area concentrated is called the centroid.

Think of area as a flat thin sheet and the centroid is then at the same place as the centre
of gravity. You may think of this point as one where you could balance the thin sheet on
a sharp point and it would not tip off in any direction.

This section is mainly concerned with moments of area so we will start by considering a
flat area at some distance from an axis as shown in Fig.1.2


The centroid is denoted G and its distance from the axis s-s is y. The axis drawn through
G parallel to s-s is the axis g-g. The first moment of area about the axis s-s is the
product of area A and distance.
1st moment of area = A y
From this we may define the distance y.
y = 1st moment of area/Area.
For simple symmetrical shapes, the position of the centroid is obvious.

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Find the formula for the first moment of area for rectangle about its longer edge
given the dimensions are B and D.

The centroid is at the middle of the rectangle and may be found at the point where
the two diagonals cross. In other words it is half way from either edge. The distance
from the long edge is hence D/2.

Figure 1.3
y = D/2
A = BD
1st moment = A y = BD2/2


Find the formula for the 1st moment of area of a circular area about an axis
touching its edge in terms of its diameter d.


The centroid is at the geometric centre distance one half diameter from the edge.


y = D/2 A = πD2/4 1st moment = A y = (πD2/4)/(D/2) = πD3/8

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In order to find the moment of area of more complex shapes we divide them up into
sections, solve each section separately and then add them together.


Calculate the 1st. moment of area for the shape shown about the axis s-s and find
the position of the centroid.


The shape is not symmetrical so the centroid is not half way between the top and
bottom edges. First determine the distance from the axis s-s to the centre of each
part A, B and C. A systematic tabular method is recommended.

Part Area y Ay
A 400 55 22000
B 400 30 12000
C 300 5 1500
Total 1100 35500

The total first moment of area is 35 500 mm3.

This must also be given by A y for the whole section hence
y = 35 500/1100 = 32.27 mm.

The centroid is 32.77 mm from the bottom edge.

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1. Find the distance of the centroid from the axis s – s. All dimensions are in metres.
(0.549 m).


2. Find the distance of the centroid from the bottom edge. All dimensions are in
metres. (0.625 m)


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If any quantity is multiplied by the distance from the axis s-s twice, we have a second
moment. Mass multiplied by a distance twice is called the moment of inertia but is
really the second moment of mass. We are concerned here with area only and the area
multiplied by a distance twice is the second moment of area. The symbol for both is
confusingly a letter I.

The above statement is over simplified. Unfortunately, both the mass and area are
spread around and neither exists at a point. We cannot use the position of the centroid to
calculate the 2nd. moment of area. Squaring the distance has a greater effect on parts
further from the axis than those nearer to it. The distance that gives the correct answer is
called the RADIUS OF GYRATION and is denoted with a letter k. This is not the same
as y .

The simplest definition of the 2nd. moment of area is I= A k2

Whilst standard formulae exist for calculating the radius of gyration of various simple
shapes, we should examine the derivations from first principles. We do this by
considering the area to be made up of lots of elementary strips of width b and height dy.
The distance from the axis s-s to the strip is y.


The area of the strip = dA = b dy

1st moment of area of strip = y dA = by dy

2nd moment of area of strip = y2 dA = b y2 dy

For the whole area, the 2nd moment of area is the sum of all the strips that make up the
total area. This is found by integration.
I = ∫ b y2 dy

The limits of integration are from the bottom to the top of the area. This definition is
important because in future work, whenever this expression is found, we may identify it
as I and use standard formulae when it is required to evaluate it. We should now look at

© D.J.Dunn 6

Derive the standard formula for the second moment of area and radius of gyration
for a rectangle of width B and depth D about an axis on its long edge.


b = constant = B
2 2
I = ∫ by 2 dy =B ∫ y 2 dy
0 0
⎡ y3 ⎤ BD 3
I = B⎢ ⎥ =
⎣⎢ 3 ⎦⎥ 0 3

I BD 3
I = Ak 2 k= = = 0.577D
Note y is 0.5 D and is not the same as k.

© D.J.Dunn 7

Derive the standard formula for the second moment of area and radius of gyration
for a rectangle of width B and depth D about an axis through its centroid and
parallel to the long edge.


b = constant = B
2 2
I= ∫ by dy =B ∫ y 2 dy

−D −D
2 2
⎡y ⎤ 2
I = B⎢ ⎥ =
⎢⎣ 3 ⎥⎦ − D 12

I = Ak 2 = k= = 0.289D
A 12BD
Note y is zero and not the same as k.

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The integration involved for a circle is complicated because the width of the strip b
varies with distance y.


The solution yields the following result. I= πD4/64 k = D/4


If we wish to know the 2nd moment of area of a shape about an axis parallel to the one
through the centroid (g-g), then the parallel axis theorem is useful.

The parallel axis theorem states Iss = Igg + A ( y )2

Consider a rectangle B by D and an axis s-s parallel to axis g-g.


I gg = A = BD I ss = + BDy 2
12 12

Consider when s-s is the top edge.

BD 3 D BD 3 ⎛D⎞ BD 3
I ss = + BDy 2 but y = so I ss = + BD⎜ ⎟ =
12 2 12 ⎝2⎠ 12
This is the result obtained previously and confirms the method.

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Calculate the 2nd moment of area for the same shape as in worked example 1.3.
about the axis s-s


The table shows the previous solution with extra columns added to calculate the
second moment of area using the parallel axis theorem. In the new column calculate
the second moment of area for each part (A, B and C) about each’s own centroid
using BD3/12. In the next column calculate Ay2.

Part Area y Ay Igg=BD3/12 Ay2 Iss

A 400 55 22000 3333 1210000 1213333
B 400 30 12000 53333 360000 413333
C 300 5 1500 22500 7500 30000
Total 1100 35500 1656666

The total 2nd moment of area is 1656666 mm4 about the bottom. We require the
answer about the centroid so we now use the parallel axis theorem to find the 2nd
moment about the centroid of the whole section.

The centroid is 32.77 mm from the bottom edge.

Igg = Iss – A y 2

Igg = 1656666 – 1100 x 32.772

Igg = 475405.8 mm4= 475.4 x 10-9 m4

Note 1 m4 = 1012 mm4

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Calculate the second moment of area of the shape shown about the axis s –s.


The shape is equivalent to a circle 1.2 m diameter and a rectangle 0.5 by 1.2. All
have their centroids located 3 m from the axis s – s.

πd 4 BD3 π x 1.2 4 0.5 x 1.23

I gg = + = + = 0.1018 + 0.072 = 0.1738 m 4
64 12 64 12
πd 2 π x 1.2 2
Area = A = + BD = + 0.5 x 1.2 = 1.131 + 0.6 = 1.731 m 2
4 4
y =3m
I ss = I gg + Ay 2 = 0.1738 + 1.731 x 32 = 15.75 m 4

© D.J.Dunn 11

1. Find the second moment of area of a rectangle 3 m wide by 2 m deep about an axis
parallel to the longer edge and 5 m from it. (218 m4).

2. Find the second moment of area of a rectangle 5 m wide by 2m deep about an axis
parallel to the longer edge and 3 m from it. (163.33 m4).

3. Find the second moment of area of a circle 2 m diameter about an axis 5 m from the
centre. (79.3 m4).

4. Find the second moment of area of a circle 5 m diameter about an axis 4.5 m from
the centre. (428.29 m4).

5. Find the 2nd moment of area for the shape shown the about the axis s – s. All the
dimensions are in metres. (35.92 x 10-3 m4)


6. Find the 2nd moment of area for the shape shown the about the axis s – s. All the
dimensions are in metres.. (79.33 x 10-3 m4)


© D.J.Dunn 12
7. Find the position of the centroid for the shape shown and the 2nd moment of area
about the bottom edge. (28.33 mm from the bottom and 2.138 x 10-6 m4)


© D.J.Dunn 13





This tutorial is designed to teach you the basic concepts of thermodynamics and
the properties of fluids. On completion of this tutorial you should be able to the

• Use the correct thermodynamic symbols.

• Determine the properties of a gas.

• Determine the properties of vapours.

• Determine the properties of liquids.

We will start by examining the symbols used.

© D.J.Dunn 1
The symbols used throughout in these tutorials are S.I. (International System). These are not
always the ones used by the examiner. These are the main S.I. Symbols. The S.I. also
recommends the use of / to mean divide rather than the use of negative indices favoured by
examiners. For example ms-1 becomes m/s.

Quantity units Derived Unit S.I. symbol

Length m various
Mass kg m
Time s t
Volume m3 V or Q
Specific Volume m3/kg v
Volume Flow Rate m3/s
Density kg/m3 ρ
Force kg m/s2 N F
Weight kg m/s2 N W
Pressure Head m h
Altitude m z
Area m2 A
Speed of Sound m/s a
Specific Heat Cap. N m/kg K Joule/kg K c
Energy Nm Joule
Enthalpy Nm Joule H
Internal Energy Nm Joule U
Specific Enthalpy N m/kg J/kg h
Specific Int. Energy N m/kg J/kg u
Mass flow rate kg/s
Polytropic Index n
Adiabatic Index γ
Pressure N/m2 Pascal p
Heat Transfer Nm Joule Q
Work Nm Joule W
Heat Transfer Rate N m/s Watt Φ
Work Rate (power) N m/s Watt P
Char. Gas Const N m/kg K J/kg K R
Universal Gas Constant J/kmol K Ro
Entropy J/K S
Specific Entropy J/kg K s
Absolute Temperature K T
Celsius Temperature oC θ
Velocity m/s2 v or u
Dynamic Viscosity N s/m2 Pa s η or µ
Kinematic Viscosity m2/s ν

Now we will examine the basic concepts required to do this tutorial successfully.

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Throughout these tutorials you will use properties which are either EXTENSIVE or

An extensive property is one which is divisible. For example Volume when divided by a
number becomes smaller. Other examples are mass and energy.

An intensive property is a property of a mass which remains the same value when the mass is
divided into smaller parts. For example the temperature and density of a substance is
unchanged if it is divided into smaller masses.

Throughout the tutorials you will use TOTAL and SPECIFIC quantities which relate only to
extensive properties. A total quantity is always denoted by a higher case letter such as V for
volume (m3) and H for enthalpy (J). A specific quantity represents the quantity per kg and is
obtained by dividing the property by the mass. Such properties are always designated by
lower case letters such as v for specific volume (m3/kg) and h for specific enthalpy (J/kg).

Specific volume is mainly used for gas and vapours. The inverse of specific volume is
density (ρ) (kg/m3) and this is mainly used for liquids and solids but also for gases.
Note ρ= 1/v.

Because the same letters are used to designate more than one property, often alternative
letters are used. For example v for specific volume may occur in the same work as v for
velocity so often u or c is used for velocity. h is used for height, head and specific enthalpy
so z is often used for height instead.

The unit of Force and Weight is the kg m/s2. This comes from Newton's Second Law of
Motion (Force = mass x acceleration). The derived name for the unit is the Newton. In the
case of Weight, the acceleration is that of gravity and in order to convert mass in kg into
weight in Newtons, you must use W = mg where g is normally 9.81 m/s2.

Now we will examine forms of energy a fluid may have.

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A fluid may possess several forms of energy. All fluids possess energy due to their
temperature and this is called INTERNAL ENERGY. All possess GRAVITATIONAL or
POTENTIAL ENERGY due to their elevation relative to some datum level. If the fluid is
moving it will possess KINETIC ENERGY due to its velocity. If it has pressure then it will
possess FLOW ENERGY. Often pressure and temperature are the main two governing
factors and we add internal energy to flow energy in order to produce a single entity called
ENTHALPY. Let us look at each in more detail.


In order to raise a mass m kg a height z metres, a

lifting force is required which must be at least
equal to the weight mg.

The work done raising the mass is as always, force

x distance moved so
Work = mgz
Since energy has been used to do this work and
energy cannot be destroyed, it follows that the
energy must be stored in the mass and we call this gravitational energy or potential energy
P.E. There are many examples showing how this energy may be got back, e.g. a hydro-
electric power station.
P.E. = mgz


When a mass m kg is
accelerated from rest to a
velocity of v m/s, a force is
needed to accelerate it. This
is given by Newton's 2nd
Law of Motion F= ma.

After time t seconds the

mass travels x metres and
reaches a velocity v m/s.
The laws relating these
quantities are
a = v/t and x = vt/2
The work done is W = Fx = max = mv2/2

Energy has been used to do this work and this must be stored in the mass and carried along
with it. This is KINETIC ENERGY.
K.E. = mv2/2

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When fluid is pumped along a pipe, energy is used to do the pumping. This energy is carried
along in the fluid and may be recovered (as for example with an air tool or a hydraulic
motor). Consider a piston pushing fluid into a cylinder.

The fluid pressure is p N/m2. The force needed on the piston is

F= pA
The piston moves a distance x metres. The work done is
W = Fx = pAx
Since Ax =V and is the volume pumped into the cylinder the work done is
W = pV
Since energy has been used doing this work, it must now be stored in the fluid and carried
along with it as FLOW ENERGY.
F.E. = pV


This is covered in more detail later. The molecules of a fluid possess kinetic energy and
potential energy relative to some internal datum. Usually this is regarded simply as the
energy due to the temperature and very often the change in internal energy in a fluid which
undergoes a change in temperature is given by

∆U = mc∆T

The symbol for internal energy is U kJ or u kJ/kg. Note that a change in temperature is the
same in degrees Celsius or Kelvin. The law which states internal energy is a function of
temperature only is known as JOULE'S LAW.


When a fluid has pressure and temperature, it must possess both flow and internal energy. It
is often convenient to add them together and the result is ENTHALPY. The symbol is H kJ
or h kJ/kg.
H = F.E. + U

Next you need to study the properties of fluids and the laws relating them.

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In this section you will do the following.

• Derive basic gas laws.

• Examine the characteristic gas law.
• Examine the universal gas law.
• Define the mol.
• Solve gas law problems.


A gas is made of molecules which move around with random motion. In a perfect gas, the
molecules may collide but they have no tendency at all to stick together or repel each other.
In other words, a perfect gas in completely inviscid. In reality there is a slight force of
attraction between gas molecules but this is so small that gas laws formulated for an ideal
gas work quite well for real gas.

Each molecule in the gas has an instantaneous velocity and hence has kinetic energy. The
sum of this energy is the internal energy U. The velocity of the molecules depends upon the
temperature. When the temperature changes, so does the internal energy. The internal
energy is for all intents and purposes zero at - 273o C. This is the absolute zero of
temperature. Remember that to convert from Celsius to absolute, add on 273. For example
40oC is 40 + 273= 313 Kelvins.


If a gas is compressed it obtains pressure.

This is best explained by considering a gas
inside a vessel as shown.

The molecules bombard the inside of the

container. Each produces a momentum force
when it bounces. The force per unit area is
the pressure of the gas. Remember that
pressure = Force/area

p = F/A N/m2 or Pascals

Note that 103 Pa = 1 kPa 106 Pa = 1 MPa 105 Pa = 1 bar

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If the gas is heated the velocity of the molecules increases. If the container is rigid, then the
molecules will hit the surface more often and with greater force so we expect the pressure to
rise proportional to temperature.
p = c T when V is constant.


A mass of gas has a pressure of 500 kPa and temperature of 150oC. The pressure is
changed to 900 kPa but the volume is unchanged. Determine the new temperature.


Using constant volume law find p1/T1 =c = p2/T2 where

T1 =150 + 273 = 423 K

p1 = 500 000 p2 =900 000
T2 =p2T1/p1 = 900 000 x 423/500 000 T2 = 761.4 K


If we kept the pressure constant and increased the temperature, then we would have to make
the volume bigger in order to stop the pressure rising. This gives us Charles’s Law:
V = c T when p is constant


A mass of gas has a temperature of 150oC and volume of 0.2 m3. The temperature is
changed to 50oC but the pressure is unchanged. Determine the new volume.


Using Charles’s law we find V1/T1=c = V2/T2 where

T1 =150 + 273 = 423 K

V1 = 0.2
T2 = 50 + 273 = 323 K
V2 = T2V1/T1 = 323 x 0.2/523
V2 = 0.123 m3

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If we keep the temperature constant and increase the volume, then the molecules will hit the
surface less often so the pressure goes down. This gives Boyle's Law:

p = c/V when T is constant.


A mass of gas has a pressure of 800 kPa and volume of 0.3 m3. The pressure is changed
to 100 kPa but the temperature is unchanged. Determine the new volume.


Using Boyle's law we find p1V1= c = p2 V2 where

p1 = 800 x103 V1 = 0.3 p2 = 100 x103

V2 = p1V1/p2 = 800 x103 x 0.3/100 x103
V2 = 2.4m3.


Consider a gas which undergoes a

change in pV and T from point (1) to
point (2) as shown. It could have gone
from (1) to (A) and then from (A)to (2)
as shown.

Process (1) to (A) is constant volume

pA/TA = p1/T1

Process (A) to (2) is constant

T2 = TA

Hence pA/T2 = p1/T1 and pA = p1T2/T1 ........................(1)

For the process (A) to (2) Boyle's Law applies so pAVA =p2V2

Since VA = V1 then we can write pAV1 =p2V2

So pA =p2V2/V1............(2)

Equating (1) and (2) we get p1V1/T1 =p2V2/T2 = constant

This is the GENERAL GAS LAW to be used to calculate one unknown when a gas changes
from one condition to another.

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A mass of gas has a pressure of 1.2 MPa, volume of 0.03 m3 and temperature of 100oC.
The pressure is changed to 400 kPa and the volume is changed to 0.06 m3. Determine
the new temperature.


Using the general gas law we find p1V1/T1 =p2V2/T2 where

p1 =1.2 x106
V1 = 0.03
p2 = 400 x103

T1 = 100 + 273 = 373 K

T2 = p2V2 T1/p1V1 = 400 x103 x 0.06 x 373/(1.2 x106 x 0.03)

T2 = 248.7 K


The general gas law tells us that when a gas changes from one pressure, volume and
temperature to another, then
pV/T = constant

Thinking of the gas in the rigid vessel again, if the number of molecules was doubled,
keeping the volume and temperature the same, then there would be twice as many impacts
with the surface and hence twice the pressure. To keep the pressure the same, the volume
would have to be doubled or the temperature halved. It follows that the constant must
contain the mass of the gas in order to reflect the number of molecules. The gas law can then
be written as pV/T = mR
where m is the mass in kg and R is the remaining constant which must be unique for each
gas and is called the CHARACTERISTIC GAS CONSTANT. If we examine the units of R
they are J/kg K.

The equation is usually written as pV = mRT

Since m/V is the density ρ, it follows that ρ=p/RT

Since V/m is the specific volume ,v, then v=RT/p

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A mass of gas has a pressure of 1.2 MPa, volume of 0.03 m3 and temperature of 100oC.
Given the characteristic gas constant is 300 J/kg K find the mass.


From the characteristic gas law we have pV = mRT where

p = 1.2 x 106 N/m2 V = 0.03 m3 T = 100 + 273 = 373 K
m = pV/RT = 1.2 x 10 x 0.03/300 x 373 = 0.322 kg


All pressures are absolute.

1. Calculate the density of air at 1.013 bar and 15 oC if R = 287 J/kg K.

(1.226 kg/m3)

2. Air in a vessel has a pressure of 25 bar, volume 0.2 m3 and temperature 20oC. It is
connected to another empty vessel so that the volume increases to 0.5 m3 but the
temperature stays the same. Taking R = 287 J/kg K. Calculate

i. the final pressure. (10 bar)

ii. the final density. (11.892 kg/m3)

3. 1 dm3 of air at 20oC is heated at constant pressure of 300 kPa until the volume is
doubled. Calculate
i. the final temperature. (586 K)
ii. the mass. (3.56 g)

4. Air is heated from 20oC and 400 kPa in a fixed volume of 1 m3. The final pressure is
900 kPa. Calculate
i. the final temperature.(659 K)
ii. the mass. (4.747 kg)

5. 1.2 dm3 of gas is compressed from 1 bar and 20oC to 7 bar and 90oC.
Taking R = 287 J/kg K calculate
i. the new volume. (212 cm3)
ii. the mass. (1.427 g)

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The Characteristic Gas Law states pV = mRT

where R is the characteristic constant for the gas.
This law can be made universal for any gas because R = Ro/Mm.
where Mm is the mean molecular mass of the gas (numerically equal to the relative
molecular mass).

The formula becomes pV = mRoT/Mm.

Ro is a universal constant with value 8314.3 J/kmol K. It is worth noting that in the exam,
this value along with other useful data may be found in the back of your fluids tables.

The kmol is defined as the number of kg of substance numerically equal to the mean
molecular mass. Typical values are

GAS Symbol Mm.

Hydrogen H2 2
Oxygen O2 32
Carbon Dioxide CO2 44
Methane CH4 16
Nitrogen N2 28
Dry Air 28.96

Hence 1 kmol of hydrogen (H2) is 2 kg

1 kmol of oxygen (O2) is 32 kg
1 kmol of Nitrogen is 28 kg and so on.

For example if you had 3 kmol of nitrogen (N2) you would have
3 x 28 = 84 kg

It follows that the Mm must have units of kg/kmol

In order to calculate the characteristic gas constant we use

R = Ro/Mm

For example the characteristic gas constant for air is

R = 8314.3/28.96 = 287

Examine the units

R = Ro/Mm = (J/kmol K)/(kg/kmol)=J/kg K

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A vessel contains 0.2 m3 of methane at 60oC and 500 kPa pressure. Calculate the mass
of Methane.


pV = mRoT/Mm. Mm = 16

500 000 x 0.2 = m x 8314.3 x (273 + 60)/16 m = 0.578 kg


1. A gas compressor draws in 0.5 m3/min of Nitrogen at 10oC and 100 kPa pressure.
Calculate the mass flow rate.
(0.595 kg/min)

2. A vessel contains 0.5 m3 of Oxygen at 40oC and 10 bar pressure.

Calculate the mass.
(6.148 kg)

Next we will examine the meaning of specific heat capacities.

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In this section you will do the following.

• Learn how to calculate the change in internal energy of gases and liquids.
• Learn how to calculate the change in enthalpy of gases and liquids.
• Define the specific heats of fluids.
• Relate specific heat capacities to the characteristic gas constant.


The specific heat capacity of a fluid is defined in two principal ways as follows:

1. Constant Volume

The specific heat which relates change in specific internal energy 'u' and change in
temperature 'T' is defined as :
cv = du/dT
If the value of the specific heat capacity cv is constant over a temperature range ∆T then we
may go from the differential form to the finite form

cv=∆u/∆T J/kg
Hence ∆u=cv∆T J/kg
For a mass m kg the change is ∆U=mcv∆T Joules

This law indicates that the internal energy of a gas is dependant only on its temperature. This
was first stated by Joule and is called JOULE'S LAW.

2. Constant Pressure.

The specific heat which relates change in specific enthalpy 'h' and change in temperature 'T'
is defined as :
cp = dh/dT
If the value of the specific heat capacity cp is constant over a temperature range ∆T then we
may go from the differential form to the finite form

cp=∆h/∆T J/kg
Hence ∆h=cp∆T J/kg

For a mass m kg the change is ∆H=mcp∆T Joules

The reasons why the two specific heats are given the symbols cv and cp will be explained
next. They are called the PRINCIPAL SPECIFIC HEATS.

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When a fluid is heated at constant

volume, the heat transfer 'Q' must be the
same as the increase in internal energy of
the fluid ∆U since no other energy is
involved. It follows that :
Q = ∆U = mcv∆T Joules
The change in internal energy is the same
as the heat transfer at constant volume so
the symbol cv should be remembered as applying to constant volume processes as well as
internal energy.


When a fluid is heated at constant pressure, the volume must increase against a surrounding
pressure equal and opposite to the fluid pressure p.

The force exerted on the surroundings must be F = pA Newtons

The work done is force x distance moved hence :
Work Done = F x = pAx = p ∆V where ∆V is the volume change.

The heat transfer Q must be equal to the increase in internal energy plus the work done
against the external pressure. The work done has the same formula as flow energy p V
Enthalpy was defined as ∆H= ∆U + p∆V

The heat transfer at constant pressure is also: Q = ∆U + p∆V

Since specific heats are used to calculate heat transfers, then in this case the heat transfer is
by definition : Q = mcp∆T

It follows that ∆H = Q = mcp∆T

For the same temperature change ∆T it follows that the heat transfer at constant pressure
must be larger than that at constant volume. The specific heat capacity cp is remembered as
linked to constant pressure.

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5.4 LINK BETWEEN cv, cp AND R.

From the above work it is apparent that ∆H = mcp∆T = ∆U + p∆V

We have already defined ∆U= mcv∆T
Furthermore for a gas only, p∆V=mR∆T
Hence mcp∆T = mcv∆T + mR∆T
Hence cp = cv + R


Since the volume of a liquid does not change much when heated or cooled, very little work is
done against the surrounding pressure so it follows that cv and cp are for all intents and
purposes the same and usually the heat transfer to a liquid is given as :
Q = mc ∆T
Where c is the specific heat capacity.


Vapour is defined as a gaseous substance close to the temperature at which it will condense
back into a liquid. In this state it cannot be considered as a perfect gas and great care should
be taken applying specific heats to them. We should use tables and charts to determine the
properties of vapours and this is covered in the next section.


Calculate the change in enthalpy and internal energy when 3 kg of gas is heated from
20oC to 200oC. The specific heat at constant pressure is 1.2 kJ/kg K and at constant
volume is 0.8 kJ/kg K. Also determine the change in flow energy.


i. Change in enthalpy.

∆H=mcp∆T = 3 x 1.2 x 180 = 648 kJ

ii. Change in internal energy.

∆H=mcv∆T = 3 x 0.8 x 180 = 432 kJ

iii. Change in flow energy

∆FE= ∆H - ∆ = 216 kJ

D.J.Dunn 15

A vertical cylinder contains 2 dm3 of air at 50oC. One end of the cylinder is closed and
the other end has a frictionless piston which may move under the action of weights
placed on it. The weight of the piston and load is 300 N. The cylinder has a cross
sectional area of 0.015 m2. The outside is at atmospheric conditions.


i. the gas pressure.

ii. the gas mass.

iii. the distance moved by the piston when the gas is heated to 150oC.

For air take cp= 1005 J/kg K and cv= 718 J/kg K. Atmospheric pressure = 100 kPa


The pressure of the gas is constant and always just sufficient to support the piston so
p = Weight/Area + atmospheric pressure

p = 300/0.015 + 100 kPa = 20 kPa + 100 kPa = 120 kPa

T1 = 50 + 273 = 323 K

V1 = 0.002 m3

R = cp - cv = 1005 - 718 = 213 J/kg K

m = pV/RT = 120 000 x 0.002/(213 x 323) = 0.00348 kg

T2 = 150 + 273 = 423 K

V2= p1V1T2/p2T1 but p1 = p2

V2= V1T2/T1 = 0.02 x 423/323 = 0.0262 m3

Distance moved = Volume change/Area = (0.0262 - 0.02)/0.015 = 0.412 m

D.J.Dunn 16

Convert the principal specific heats and characteristic gas constant for dry air into molar


The normal values for dry air are found in the back of your fluids tables and are:
cp= 1.005 kJ/kg K cv= 0.718 kJ/kg K R = 0.287 kJ/kg K

In order to convert these into molar form we must multiply them by the molar mass. The
molar mass for dry air is a mean value for a gas mixture and is found on the back page
of your fluids tables and is 28.96 kg/kmol.

In molar form
cp= 1.005 [kJ/kg K] x 28.96 [kg/kmol] = 29.1 kJ/kmol K

cv= 0.718 [kJ/kg K] x 28.96 [kg/kmol] = 20.8 kJ/kmol K

R = 0.287 [kJ/kg K] x 28.96 [kg/kmol] = 8.31 kJ/kmol K

Note that the last value is the universal gas constant Ro.


For air take cp= 1005 J/kg K and cv= 718 J/kg K unless otherwise stated.

1. 0.2 kg of air is heated at constant volume from 40oC to 120oC. Calculate the heat
transfer and change in internal energy. (11.49 kJ for both)

2. 0.5 kg of air is cooled from 200oC to 80oC at a constant pressure of 5 bar. Calculate the
change in internal energy, the change in enthalpy, the heat transfer and change in flow
energy. (-43 kJ), (-60.3 kJ), (-17.3 kJ)

3. 32 kg/s of water is heated from 15oC to 80oC.

Calculate the heat transfer given c = 4186J/kg K.
(8.7 MW)

4. Air is heated from 20oC to 50oC at constant pressure. Using your fluid tables (pages 16
and 17) determine the average value of cp and calculate the heat transfer per kg of air.
(30.15 kJ)

5. The diagram shows a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston. The air inside is heated to
200oC at constant pressure causing the piston to rise. Atmospheric pressure outside is
100 kPa. Determine :

i. the mass of air. (11.9 g)

D.J.Dunn 17
ii. the change in internal energy. (1.537 kJ)

iii. the change in enthalpy. (2.1553 kJ)

iv. the pressure throughout. (500 kPa)

v. the change in volume. (1.22 dm3)

6. Define the meaning of a mole as a means of measuring the amount of a substance.

Calculate the volume occupied at a temperature of 25oC and a pressure of 3 bar, by 60

kg of (i) Oxygen gas, O2, (ii)atomic oxygen gas,O, and (iii) Helium gas, He. The
respective molar masses ,M, and the molar heats at constant volume, Cv, of the three
gases, and the molar (universal) gas constant, RM, are as follows:

M (kg/kmol) cv(kJ/kmol K) RM(kJ/kmol K)

O2 32 20.786 8.3144
O 16 12.4716 8.3144
He 4 12.4716 8.3144

Go on to calculate the values of the specific heats Cp and Cv. Using these values,
calculate the specific gas constant R for all three gases. Show not only numerical work,
but also the manipulation of units in arriving at your results.

You should now be able to determine the properties of gases. Next we will examine the
properties of liquids and vapours.

D.J.Dunn 18

In this section you will do the following.

• Learn about the properties and definitions concerning vapours.

• Learn how to find the properties of vapours and liquids from your
tables and charts.

You should ensure that you have a copy of 'Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of
Fluids' by Mayhew and Rogers.


When a liquid changes into a vapour by the process of evaporation, it undergoes a change of
state or phase. The reverse process is called liquefaction or condensing. The following work
should lead you to an understanding of this process and by the end of it you should be able to
find the same quantities and do the same type of problems as you have already done for gas.

When a liquid is heated, the temperature rises directly proportional to the heat transferred,
'Q'. Q is given by Q = mc∆T
The specific heat c is reasonably constant but changes significantly if the pressure or
temperature change is very large.

When discussing heat transfer and energy of a fluid, we may wish to consider the internal
energy U or the enthalpy H. In the following, the energy of the fluid may be construed as
either. In tables this is tabulated as specific internal energy or enthalpy u and h.

When the liquid receives enough heat to bring it to the boiling point , the energy it contains
is called SENSIBLE ENERGY. In tables this is denoted as uf or hf.

A liquid starts to evaporate because it becomes saturated with heat and can absorb no more
without changing state (into a vapour and hence gas). For this reason the boiling point is
more correctly described as the SATURATION TEMPERATURE and the liquid in this state
is called SATURATED LIQUID. The saturation temperature is denoted as ts in tables.

If a boiling liquid is supplied with more heat, it will evaporate and vapour is driven off. The
vapour, still at the saturation temperature is called DRY SATURATED VAPOUR.

A vapour is a gas near to the temperature at which it will condense. In order to convert liquid
into vapour, extra heat must be transferred into it. The amount of enthalpy and internal
energy required to evaporate 1 kg is denoted hfg and ufg in tables and this is called the

The energy contained in 1 kg of dry saturated vapour must be the sum of the sensible and
latent energy and this is denoted hg and ug. It follows that :

hg = hf + hfg
ug = uf + ufg

D.J.Dunn 19

Temp oC Pressure in bar

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 221 250
0 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.6 15 17.5 20 22 25
20 84 86 87 91 93 96 98 100 103 105 107
40 168 170 172 174 176 179 181 183 185 187 190
60 251 253 255 257 259 262 264 266 268 270 272
80 335 337 339 341 343 345 347 349 351 352 355
100 419 421 423 425 427 428 430 432 434 436 439
120 504 505 507 509 511 512 514 516 518 519 521
140 589 591 592 594 595 597 599 600 602 603 605
160 675 677 678 680 681 683 684 686 687 688 690
180 763 764 765 767 767 769 790 772 773 774 776
200 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 861 862 863

All enthalpy values are given in kJ/kg

The temperature at which evaporation occurs 'ts' depends upon the pressure at which it takes place. For
example we all know that water boils at 100oC at atmospheric pressure (1.013 bar). At pressure below
this, the boiling point is less. At higher pressures the boiling point is higher. If we look up the values of ts
and p for water in the tables and plot them we get the graph below. It should also be noted that if the
temperature of a liquid is kept constant, it may be made to boil by changing the pressure. The pressure at
which it boils is called the SATURATION PRESSURE and is denoted as ps in the tables.

The graph below also shows the freezing point of water plotted against pressure (pressure
has little effect on it).

The two graphs cross at 0.01oC and 0.006112 bar. This point is called the TRIPLE POINT.
The graph shows the three phases of ice, water and steam. At the triple point, all three can
occur together. Below the triple point, ice can change into steam without a liquid stage (and
vice versa). All substances have a triple point.
If you did the exercise of plotting the graph of ts against p for water/steam you would find
that the tables stop at 221.2 bar and 374.15oC. Above this pressure and temperature, the
phenomenon of evaporation does not occur and no latent energy stage exists. This point is
called the CRITICAL POINT and every substance has one.
If vapour is heated, it becomes hotter than the boiling point and the more it is heated, the
more it becomes a gas. Such vapour is referred to as SUPERHEATED VAPOUR, except
when it is a substance at pressures and temperatures above the critical point when it is called

D.J.Dunn 20

A simple boiler or evaporator as shown is needed to

continuously produce vapour from liquid. The liquid is
pumped in at the same rate at which the vapour is driven off.
The heat transfer rate needed to do this must supply the
internal energy to the process and the flow energy. In other
words, the heat transfer is equal to the increase in the enthalpy
from liquid to vapour. This is why enthalpy is such an
important property.


Wet vapour is a mixture of dry saturated vapour and liquid droplets. It may also be thought
of as a partially evaporated substance. In order to understand its properties, consider the
evaporation of 1 kg of water illustrated with a temperature - enthalpy graph. Starting with
water at atmospheric pressure and 0.01oC, the enthalpy is arbitrarily taken as zero. Keeping
the pressure constant and raising the temperature, the enthalpy of the water rises to 419.1
kJ/kg at 100oC. At this point it is saturated water and the sensible enthalpy is hf=419.1
kJ/kg. The addition of further heat will cause the water to evaporate. During evaporation, the
temperature remains at 100oC. When the latent enthalpy hfg (2256.7 kJ/kg) has been added,
the substance is dry saturated vapour and its specific enthalpy hg is 2675.8 kJ/kg. Further
addition of heat will cause the temperature to rise and the substance becomes superheated

This graph may be drawn for any pressure and the same basic shape will be obtained but of
course with different values. At the critical pressure it will be found that hfg is zero.

The point of interest is the enthalpy value at some point along the evaporation line. Any
point on this line represents wet steam. Suppose only fraction x kg has been evaporated. The
latent enthalpy added will only be xhfg and not hfg. The enthalpy of the water/steam mixture
is then h = hf + xhfg

D.J.Dunn 21
The fraction x is called the DRYNESS FRACTION but it is rarely given as a fraction but
rather as a decimal. If no evaporation has started, then x = 0. If all the liquid is evaporated
then x = 1. x cannot be larger than 1 as this would mean the vapour is superheated.

The same logic applies to internal energy and it follows that u = uf + xufg


The specific volume of saturated water is denoted vf. The specific volume of dry saturated
steam is denoted vg. The change in volume from water to steam is vfg. It follows that the
specific volume of wet steam is v = vf + xvfg

Since the value of vf is very small and the specific volume of dry steam is very large (in all
but the extreme cases), then vfg is practically the same as vg and vf is negligible. The
specific volume of steam is then usually calculated from the formula v = xvg


All the formula above represent the values for 1 kg (specific values). When the mass is m kg,
the values are simply multiplied by m . For example the volume of m kg of wet steam
becomes V =mxvg


If we plot a graph of hf and hg against either temperature or pressure, we get a property

chart. The graph itself is the SATURATION CURVE. Taking the p-h graph as an example,
temperatures and dryness fractions may be drawn on it and with the resulting graph, the
enthalpy of water, wet, dry or superheated steam may be found. The pressure - enthalpy
chart is popular for refrigerants but not for steam. A p-h chart is enclosed for arcton 12.

D.J.Dunn 22
D.J.Dunn 23

It is vitally important for you to be able to use the fluid tables in order to find the properties
of steam. The tables are supplied in the exam but you must have a copy and become
completely proficient in their use. Regarding water/steam, the tables contain a section on
saturated water/steam and a section on superheated/supercritical steam.

The saturated water/steam tables are laid out as follows with an example of values. Check
this out for yourself on page 4.

p ts vg uf ug hf hfg hg sf sfg sg
10 179.9 0.1944 762 2584 763 2015 2778

Don't worry about the columns headed s at this stage. This is the property called entropy
which is dealt with later.

The latent internal energy ufg is not listed because of lack of room. However you do need to
remember that it is the difference between uf and ug. Note that in all cases the value of hfg is
the difference between the values on either side of it.

The superheat tables are laid out differently. In this case the property value depends upon the
pressure and temperature since the steam can exist at any pressure and temperature above the
saturation values. This by necessity makes the tables very concise. More detailed tables are
published. Interpolation is required to find values between those tabulated.

In the superheat tables (e.g. page 6), you must locate the temperature along the top and the
pressure down the side. This results in set of values at these co-ordinates giving v, u, h and s.


Find the specific enthalpy, internal energy and volume of steam at 3 bar and 200oC .


On page 6 of your tables locate the column with 200oC at the top and come down the
page to the row with 3 bar at the left side. At this point you have a block of 4 figures.
The enthalpy value is the third figure down and is 2866 kJ/kg. The second figure down
is the internal energy and is 2651 kJ/kg. The first figure is the volume and is 0.7166
m3/kg. You don't need the fourth figure at this stage.

p/bar t 50 100 150 200 250

3 0.7166.......volume
(133.5) energy

D.J.Dunn 24

Find the enthalpy, internal energy and volume of 3 kg of steam at 11 bar and dryness


From page 4 of the steam tables determine the row corresponding to 11 bar and look up
the following values.

hf = 781 kJ/kg
hfg=2000 kJ/kg
hg=2781 kJ/kg

uf=780 kJ/kg
ug=2586 kJ/kg

vg=0.1774 m3/kg

Next deduce ufg = 2586 - 780 = 1806 kJ/kg

Now find the enthalpy.

H = m(hf + xhfg) = 3(781 + 0.75 x 2000) = 6843 kJ

Next find the internal energy in the same way.

U = m(uf + xufg) = 3(780 + 0.75 x 1806) = 6403.5 kJ

Finally the volume.

V = mxvg = 3 x 0.75 x 0.1774 = 0.399 m3

D.J.Dunn 25

1. Using your steam tables, plot a graph of hf and hg against pressure horizontally and
mark on the graph the following:

i. the superheat region

ii. the wet steam region.
iii. the liquid region.
iv. the critical point.

Also label the saturation curve with dry saturated steam and saturated water.

2. Using your steam tables, plot a graph of vg horizontally against pressure vertically. Also
plot vf

Show on the graph:

i. the superheated steam region.

ii. the wet vapour region.
iii. the liquid region.
iv. the critical point.

Also label the saturation curve with dry saturated steam and saturated water.

D.J.Dunn 26

Use tables and charts to do the following.

1. What is the saturation temperature at 32 bars ?

2. What is the specific enthalpy and internal energy of saturated water at 16 bars?

3. What is the specific enthalpy and internal energy of dry saturated steam at 16 bars?

4. Subtract the enthalpy in 2 from that in 3 and check that it is the latent enthalpy hfg at 16
bars in the tables.

5. What is the specific enthalpy and internal energy of superheated steam at 10 bar and
400oC ?

6. What is the specific volume of dry saturated steam at 20 bars ?

7. What is the volume of 1 kg of wet steam at 20 bars with dryness fraction x=0.7?

8. What is the specific enthalpy and internal energy of wet steam at 20 bars with a dryness
fraction of 0.7 ?

9. What is the specific volume of superheated steam at 15 bars and 500oC.

10. What is the volume and enthalpy of 3 kg of wet steam at 5 bar with dryness fraction 0.9.

11. Using the p-h chart for arcton 12 (freon 12) determine
a. the specific enthalpy at 2 bar and 70% dry. (x = 0.7).
b. the specific enthalpy at 5 bar and 330 K
c. the specific enthalpy of the liquid at 8 bars and 300 K.

12. What is the enthalpy of 1.5 kg of superheated steam at 8 bar and 350oC ?

13. What is the internal energy of 2.2 kg of dry saturated steam at 11 bars ?

14. What is the volume of 0.5 kg of superheated steam at 15 bar and 400oC ?

D.J.Dunn 27
Answers to Assignment 5.

Compare your answers with those below. If you find your answers are different, go back and
try again referring to the appropriate section of your notes.

1. 237.4oC.
2. 859 and 857 kJ/kg.
3. 2794 and 2596kJ/kg.
3. 1935 kJ/kg and 1739 kJ/kg.
5. 3264 and 2957 kJ/kg.
6. 0.09957 m3/kg.
7. 0.0697 m3/kg.
8. 2232 and 2092.1 kJ/kg.
9. 0.2351 m3

10. 1.012 m3, 7.61 MJ, 7.11 MJ.

11 a. 190 kJ/kg. b.286 kJ/kg. c. 130 kJ/kg
12. 4.74 MJ.
13. 5.69 MJ.
14. 0.101m3.

D.J.Dunn 28




When you have completed this tutorial you should be able to do the following.

• Explain and use the First Law of Thermodynamics.

• Solve problems involving various kinds of thermodynamic systems.

• Explain and use polytropic expansion and compression processes.

© D.J.Dunn 1

There are two ways to transfer energy in and out of a system, by means of work and by means of
heat. Both may be regarded as a quantity of energy transferred in Joules or energy transfer per
second in Watts.

When you complete section one you should be able to explain and calculate the following.

‰ Heat transfer.
‰ Heat transfer rate.
‰ Work transfer
‰ Work transfer rate (Power)


Heat transfer occurs because one place is

hotter than another. Under normal
circumstances, heat will only flow from a hot
body to a cold body by virtue of the temperature
difference. There are 3 mechanisms for this,
Conduction, convection and radiation.
You do not need to study the laws governing
conduction, convection and radiation in
this module.
A quantity of energy transferred as heat is given the symbol Q and it's basic unit is the Joule. The
quantity transferred in one second is
the heat transfer rate and this has the
symbol Φ and the unit is the Watt.

An example of this is when heat passes

from the furnace of a steam boiler
through the walls separating the
combustion chamber from the water and
steam. In this case, conduction,
convection and radiation all occur


1. 1 kg/s of steam flows in a pipe 40 mm bore at 200 bar pressure and 400oC.

i. Look up the specific volume of the steam and determine the mean velocity in the pipe.
(7.91 m/s)

ii. Determine the kinetic energy being transported per second.

(31.3 W)
iii. Determine the enthalpy being transported per second.
(2819 W)

© D.J.Dunn 2

Energy may be transported from one place to another mechanically. An example of this is when the
output shaft of a car engine transfers energy to the wheels. A quantity of energy transferred as work
is 'W' Joules but the work transferred in one second is the Power 'P' Watts.

An example of power transfer is the shaft of a steam turbine used to transfer energy from the steam
to the generator in an electric power station.


It is useful to remember that the power transmitted by a shaft depends upon the torque and angular
velocity. The formulae used are P = ωT or P = 2πNT

ω is the angular velocity in radian per second and N is the angular velocity in revolutions per


A duct has a cross section of 0.2 m x 0.4 m. Steam flows through it at a rate of 3 kg/s with a
pressure of 2 bar. The steam has a dryness fraction of 0.98. Calculate all the individual forms
of energy being transported.


Cross sectional area = 0.2 x 0.4 = 0.08 m2.

Volume flow rate = mxvg at 2 bar
Volume flow rate = 3 x 0.98 x 0.8856 = 2.6 m3/s.
velocity = c = Volume/area = 2.6/0.08 = 32.5 m/s.
Kinetic Energy being transported = mc2/2 = 3 x 32.52 /2 = 1 584 Watts.
Enthalpy being transported = m(hf + x hfg)

H= 3(505 + 0.98 x 2202) = 7988.9kW

Flow energy being transported = pressure x volume
Flow Energy = 2x105 x 2.6 = 520 000 Watts
Internal energy being transported = m(uf + x ufg)

U = 3(505 + 0.98 x 2025)=7468.5 kW

Check flow energy = H - U = 7988.9 - 7468.5 = 520 kW

© D.J.Dunn 3

1. The shaft of a steam turbine produces 600 Nm torque at 50 rev/s. Calculate the work transfer
rate from the steam.
(188.5 W)

2. A car engine produces 30 kW of power at 3000 rev/min. Calculate the torque produced.
(95.5 Nm)


When you have completed section two, you should be able to explain and use the following terms.

‰ The First Law of Thermodynamics.

‰ Closed systems.
‰ The Non-Flow Energy Equation.
‰ Open systems.
‰ The Steady Flow Energy Equation.


In order to do energy calculations, we identify our system and draw a boundary around it to separate
it from the surroundings. We can then keep account of all the energy crossing the boundary. The
first law simply states that

The nett energy transfer = nett energy change of the system.

Fig. 4
Energy transfer into the system = E(in)

Energy transfer out of system = E (out)

Nett change of energy inside system = E(in) - E (out) = ∆E

This is the fundamental form of the first law.

Thermodynamic systems might contain only static fluid in which case they are called NON-FLOW

Alternatively, there may be a steady flow of fluid through the system in which case it is known as a

The energy equation is fundamentally different for each because most energy forms only apply to a
fluid in motion. We will look at non-flow systems first.

© D.J.Dunn 4

The rules governing non-flow systems are as follows.

‰ The volume of the boundary may change.

‰ No fluid crosses the boundary.
‰ Energy may be transferred across the boundary.

When the volume enlarges, work (-W) is transferred from the system to the surroundings. When the
volume shrinks, work (+W) is transferred from the surroundings into the system. Energy may also
be transferred into the system as heat (+Q) or out of the system (-Q). This is best shown with the
example of a piston sliding inside a cylinder filled with a fluid such as gas.


The only energy possessed by the fluid is internal energy (U) so the net change is ∆U. The energy
equation becomes

Q + W = ∆U

This is known as the NON-FLOW ENERGY EQUATION (N.F.E.E.)


The laws governing this type of system are as


‰ Fluid enters and leaves through the boundary at

a steady rate.
‰ Energy may be transferred into or out of the

A good example of this system is a steam turbine.

Energy may be transferred out as a rate of heat
transfer Φ or as a rate of work transfer P.


The fluid entering and leaving has potential energy (PE), kinetic energy (KE) and enthalpy (H).
The first law becomes Φ + P = Nett change in energy of the fluid.

Φ + P = ∆(PE)/s + ∆(KE)/s + ∆(H)/s

© D.J.Dunn 5
Again, we will use the convention of positive for energy transferred into the system. Note that the
term ∆ means ‘change of’ and if the inlet is denoted point (1) and the outlet point (2). The change is
the difference between the values at (2) and (1). For example ∆H means (H2-H1).


A steam turbine is supplied with 30 kg/s of superheated steam at 80 bar and 400oC with
negligible velocity. The turbine shaft produces 200 kNm of torque at 3000 rev/min. There is a
heat loss of 1.2 MW from the casing. Determine the thermal power remaining in the exhaust


Shaft Power = 2πNT =2π(3000/60) x 200 000 = 62.831 x 106 W = 62.831 MW

Thermal power supplied = H at 80 bar and 400oC
H = 30(3139) = 94170 kW = 94.17 MW
Total energy flow into turbine = 94.17 MW
Energy flow out of turbine = 94.17 MW = SP + Loss + Exhaust.
Thermal Power in exhaust = 94.17 -1.2 - 62.831 = 30.14 MW


1. A non-flow system receives 80 kJ of heat transfer and loses 20 kJ as work transfer. What is the
change in the internal energy of the fluid?
(60 kJ)

2. A non-flow system receives 100 kJ of heat transfer and also 40 kJ of work is transferred to it.
What is the change in the internal energy of the fluid?
(140 kJ)

3. A steady flow system receives 500 kW of heat and loses 200 kW of work. What is the net
change in the energy of the fluid flowing through it?
(300 kW)

4. A steady flow system loses 2 kW of heat also loses 4 kW of work. What is the net change in
the energy of the fluid flowing through it?
(-6 kW)

5. A steady flow system loses 3 kW of heat also loses 20 kW of work. The fluid flows through the
system at a steady rate of 70 kg/s. The velocity at inlet is 20 m/s and at outlet it is 10 m/s. The
inlet is 20 m above the outlet. Calculate the following.
i. The change in K.E./s (-10.5 kW)
ii. The change in P.E/s (-13.7 kW)
iii. The change in enthalpy/s (1.23 kW)

© D.J.Dunn 6

When we examine a thermodynamic system, we must first decide whether it is a non-flow or a

steady flow system. First, we will look at examples of non-flow systems.


There may be heat and work transfer. The N.F.E.E. is, Q

+ W = ∆U

Sometimes there is no heat transfer (e.g. when the cylinder

is insulated).
Fig. 7
Q = 0 so W = ∆U

If the piston does not move, the volume is fixed and no work transfer occurs. In this case Q = ∆U

For a GAS ONLY the change in internal energy is ∆U= mCv∆T.


Since no change in volume occurs, there is no work transfer

so Q = ∆U

Fig. 8


30 g of gas inside a cylinder fitted with a piston has a temperature of 15oC. The piston is
moved with a mean force of 200 N so that that it moves 60 mm and compresses the gas. The
temperature rises to 21oC as a result.

Calculate the heat transfer given cv = 718 J/kg K.


This is a non flow system so the law applying is Q + W = ∆U

The change in internal energy is ∆U = mcv ∆T = 0.03 x 718 x (21 - 15)
∆U = 129.24 J
The work is transferred into the system because the volume shrinks.
W = force x distance moved = 200 x 0.06 = 12 J
Q = ∆U - W = 117.24 J

Now we will look at examples of steady flow systems.

© D.J.Dunn 7

The diagram shows graphical symbols for hydraulic pumps and motors.

The S.F.E.E. states,
Φ + P =∆KE/s + ∆PE/s + ∆H/s

In this case, especially if the fluid is a liquid, the velocity is the same at inlet and outlet and the
kinetic energy is ignored. If the inlet and outlet are at the same height, the PE is also neglected. Heat
transfer does not usually occur in pumps and motors so Φ is zero.
The S.F.E.E. simplifies to P = ∆H/s

Remember that enthalpy is the sum of internal energy and flow energy. The enthalpy of gases,
vapours and liquids may be found. In the case of liquids, the change of internal energy is small and
so the change in enthalpy is equal to the change in flow energy only.

The equation simplifies further to P =∆FE/s

Since FE = pV and V is constant for a liquid, this becomes P = V∆p


A pump delivers 20 kg/s of oil of density 780 kg/m3 from atmospheric pressure at inlet to 800
kPa gauge pressure at outlet. The inlet and outlet pipes are the same size and at the same level.
Calculate the theoretical power input.


Since the pipes are the same size, the velocities are equal and the change in kinetic energy is
zero. Since they are at the same level, the change in potential energy is also zero. Neglect heat
transfer and internal energy.

P= V ∆p
V = m/ρ = 20/780 = 0.0256 m3/s
∆p = 800 - 0 = 800 kPa

P = 0.0256 x 800000 = 20 480 W or 20.48 kW

© D.J.Dunn 8

A feed pump on a power station pumps 20 kg/s of water. At inlet the water is at 1 bar and
120oC. At outlet it is at 200 bar and 140oC. Assuming that there is no heat transfer and that PE
and KE are negligible, calculate the theoretical power input.
In this case the internal energy has increased due to frictional heating.
The SFEE reduces to P = ∆H/s = m(h2 - h1)
The h values may be found from tables. h1 = 504 kJ/kg
This is near enough the value of hf at 120 C bar in steam tables. h2 = 602 kJ/kg
P = 20 (602 - 504) = 1969 kW or 1.969 MW
If water tables are not to hand the problem may be solved as follows. ∆h = ∆u + ∆f.e.
∆u = c ∆T where c = 4.18 kJ/kg K for water
∆u = 4.18 (140 - 120) =83.6 kJ/kg ∆f.e. = V∆p
The volume of water is normally around 0.001 m3/kg.
∆f.e. = 0.001 x (200 - 1) x 105 = 19 900 J/kg or 19.9 kJ/kg
hence ∆h = ∆u + ∆fe = 83.6 + 19.9 = 103.5 kJ/kg
P = m∆h = 20 x 103.5 = 2070 kW or 2.07 MW
The discrepancies between the answers are slight and due to the fact the value of the specific
heat and of the specific volume are not accurate at 200 bar.


Figure 10 shows the basic construction of an axial flow compressor and turbine. These have rows of
aerofoil blades on the rotor and in the casing. The turbine passes high pressure hot gas or steam
from left to right making the rotor rotate. The compressor draws in gas and compresses it in stages.

Fig. 10
Compressing a gas normally makes it hotter but expanding it makes it colder. This is because gas is
compressible and unlike the cases for liquids already covered, the volumes change dramatically
with pressure. This might cause a
change in velocity and hence kinetic
energy. Often both kinetic and
potential energy are negligible. The
internal energy change is not
negligible. Figure 11 shows graphical
symbols for turbines and compressors.
Note the narrow end is always the high
pressure end.


© D.J.Dunn 9

A gas turbine uses 5 kg/s of hot air. It takes it in at 6 bar and 900oC and exhausts it at 450oC.
The turbine loses 20 kW of heat from the casing. Calculate the theoretical power output given
that cp = 1005 J/kg K.
First identify this as a steady flow system for which the equation is
Φ + P = ∆K.E./s + ∆P.E./s + ∆H/s
For lack of further information we assume K.E. and PE to be negligible. The heat transfer rate
is -20 kW.
The enthalpy change for a gas is ∆H = mCp∆T
∆H = 5 x 1005 x (450 - 900) = -2261000 W or -2.261 MW
P = ∆H - Φ = -2261 - (-20) = -2241 kW
The minus sign indicates that the power is leaving the turbine. Note that if this was a steam
turbine, you would look up the h values in the steam tables.


A refrigerator is a good example of a

thermodynamic system. In particular, it has
a heat exchanger inside that absorbs heat at
a cold temperature and evaporates the
liquid into a gas. The gas is compressed
and becomes hot. The gas is then cooled
and condensed on the outside in another
heat exchanger.
Fig. 2.12
Fig. 12

For both the evaporator and condenser, there is no work transferred in or out. K.E. and P.E. are not
normally a feature of such systems so the S.F.E.E. reduces to Φ = ∆H/s

On steam power plant, boilers are used to raise steam and these are examples of large evaporators
working at high pressures and temperatures. Steam condensers are also found on power stations.
The energy equation is the same, whatever the application.


A steam condenser takes in wet steam at 8 kg/s and dryness fraction 0.82. This is condensed
into saturated water at outlet. The working pressure is 0.05 bar.
Calculate the heat transfer rate.


Φ = ∆H/s = m(h2 - h1) h1 = hf + x hfg at 0.05 bar

from the steam tables we find that h1 = 138 + 0.82(2423) = 2125 kJ/kg
h2 = hf at 0.05 bar = 138 kJ/kg hence Φ = 8(138 - 2125) = -15896 kW
The negative sign indicates heat transferred from the system to the surroundings.

© D.J.Dunn 10

1. Gas is contained inside a cylinder fitted with a piston. The gas is at 20oC and has a mass of 20
g. The gas is compressed with a mean force of 80 N which moves the piston 50 mm. At the
same time 5 Joules of heat transfer occurs out of the gas. Calculate the following.

i. The work done.(4 J)

ii. The change in internal energy. (-1 J)
iii. The final temperature. (19.9oC) Take cv as 718 J/kg K

2. A steady flow air compressor draws in air at 20oC and compresses it to 120oC at outlet. The
mass flow rate is 0.7 kg/s. At the same time, 5 kW of heat is transferred into the system.
Calculate the following.
i. The change in enthalpy per second. (70.35 kW)
ii. The work transfer rate. (65.35 kW) Take cp as 1005 J/kg K.

3. A steady flow boiler is supplied with water at 15 kg/s, 100 bar pressure and 200oC. The water
is heated and turned into steam. This leaves at 15 kg/s, 100 bar and 500oC. Using your steam
tables, find the following.

i. The specific enthalpy of the water entering. (856 kJ/kg)

ii. The specific enthalpy of the steam leaving. (3373 kJ/kg)
iii. The heat transfer rate. (37.75 kW)

4. A pump delivers 50 dm3/min of water from an inlet pressure of 100 kPa to an outlet pressure of
3 MPa. There is no measurable rise in temperature. Ignoring K.E. and P.E, calculate the work
transfer rate. (2.42 kW)

5. A water pump delivers 130 dm3/minute (0.13 m3/min) drawing it in at 100 kPa and delivering
it at 500 kPa. Assuming that only flow energy changes occur, calculate the power supplied to
the pump. (860 W)

6. A steam condenser is supplied with 2 kg/s of steam at 0.07 bar and dryness fraction 0.9. The
steam is condensed into saturated water at outlet. Determine the following.

i. The specific enthalpies at inlet and outlet. (2331 kJ/kg and 163 kJ/kg)
ii. The heat transfer rate. (4336 kW)

7. 0.2 kg/s of gas is heated at constant pressure in a steady flow system from 10oC to 180oC.
Calculate the heat transfer rate Φ. (37.4 kW) Cp = 1.1 kJ/kg K

8. 0.3 kg of gas is cooled from 120oC to 50oC at constant volume in a closed system. Calculate
the heat transfer. (-16.8 kJ) Cv = 0.8 kJ/kg.

© D.J.Dunn 11

When you complete section four you should be able to do the following.

‰ Use the laws governing the expansion and compression of a fluid.

‰ State the names of standard processes.
‰ Derive and use the work laws for closed system expansions and compressions.
‰ Solve problems involving gas and vapour processes in closed systems.

We will start by examining expansion and compression processes.


A compressible fluid (gas or vapour) may be compressed by reducing its volume or expanded by
increasing its volume. This may be done inside a cylinder by moving a piston or by allowing the
pressure to change as it flows through a system such as a turbine. For ease of understanding, let us
consider the change as occurring inside a cylinder. The process is best explained with a pressure -
volume graph.

When the volume changes, the pressure and temperature may also change. The resulting pressure
depends upon the final temperature. The final temperature depends on whether the fluid is cooled or
heated during the process. It is normal to show these changes on a graph of pressure plotted against
volume. (p-V graphs). A typical graph for a compression and an expansion process is shown in

Fig. 13

It has been discovered that the resulting curves follows the mathematical law

pVn = constant.

© D.J.Dunn 12
Depending on whether the fluid is heated or cooled, a family of such curves is obtained as shown
(fig.14). Each graph has a different value of n and n is called the index of expansion or


The most common processes are as follows.


A vertical graph is a constant volume process and so it is not a compression nor expansion. Since no
movement of the piston occurs no work transfer has taken place. Nevertheless, it still fits the law
with n having a value of infinity.


A horizontal graph represents a change in volume with no pressure change (constant pressure
process). The value of n is zero in this case.


All the graphs in between constant volume and constant pressure, represent processes with a value
of n between infinity and zero. One of these represents the case when the temperature is maintained
constant by cooling or heating by just the right amount.

When the fluid is a gas, the law coincides with Boyle's Law pV= constant so it follows that n is 1.

When the fluid is a vapour, the gas law is not accurate and the value of n is close to but not equal to


When the pressure and volume change in such a way that no heat is added nor lost from the fluid
(e.g. by using an insulated cylinder), the process is called adiabatic. This is an important process
and is the one that occurs when the change takes place so rapidly that there is no time for heat
transfer to occur. This process represents a demarcation between those in which heat flows into the
fluid and those in which heat flows out of the fluid. In order to show it is special, the symbol γ is
used instead of n and the law is
pVγ = C
It will be found that each gas has a special value for γ (e.g. 1.4 for dry air).
© D.J.Dunn 13

All the other curves represent changes with some degree of heat transfer either into or out of the
fluid. These are generally known as polytropic processes.


The process with n=1 is a hyperbola so it is called a hyperbolic process. This is also isothermal for
gas but not for vapour. It is usually used in the context of a steam expansion.


A gas is compressed from 1 bar and 100 cm3 to 20 cm3 by the law pV1.3=constant. Calculate
the final pressure.

1.3 1.3 1.3
If pV = C then p1V1 = C = p2V2
1.3 1.3 1.3
hence 1 x 100 = p2 x 20 1 x (100/20) = p2 = 8.1 bar


Vapour at 10 bar and 30 cm3 is expanded to 1 bar by the law pV = C. Find the final volume.

1. 1.2 1.2 1.2
p1V1 2 = C = p2V2 10 x 30 = 1 x V2 V2= (592.3)1/1.2 = 204.4 cm3


A gas is compressed from 200 kPa and 120 cm3 to 30 cm3 and the resulting pressure is 1 MPa.
Calculate the index of compression n.

n n n n
200 x 120 = 1000 x 30 (120/30) = 1000/200 = 5 4 =5

nlog4 = log 5 n = log5/log4 = 1.6094/1.3863 = 1.161

Note this may be solved with natural or base 10 logs or directly on suitable calculators.

© D.J.Dunn 14

1. A vapour is expanded from 12 bar and 50 cm3 to 150 cm3 and the resulting pressure is 6 bar.
Calculate the index of compression n.

2.a. A gas is compressed from 200 kPa and 300 cm3 to 800 kPa by the law pV1.4=C. Calculate the
new volume. (111.4 cm3)

2.b. The gas was at 50oC before compression. Calculate the new temperature using the gas law
pV/T = C. (207oC)

3.a. A gas is expanded from 2 MPa and 50 cm3 to 150 cm3 by the law pV1.25 = C. Calculate the
new pressure. (506 kPa)

3.b. The temperature was 500oC before expansion. Calculate the final temperature.

© D.J.Dunn 15

For gases only, the general law may be combined with the law of expansion as follows.
p1V1 p 2 V2 T p V
= and so 2 = 2 2
T1 T2 T1 p1V1
Since for an expansion or compression
p1V1n = p 2 V2n
p 2 ⎛ V1 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟
p1 ⎜⎝ V2 ⎟⎠
n −1
T2 ⎛ V1 ⎞
Substituting into the gas law we get =⎜ ⎟
T1 ⎜⎝ V2 ⎟⎠
⎛ p1⎞ n V
and further since ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 2
⎝ p2 ⎠ V1
T2 ⎛ p 2 ⎞ n
substituting into the gas law gives =⎜ ⎟
T1 ⎜⎝ p1 ⎟⎠
n −1 1−
T2 ⎛ V1 ⎞ ⎛p ⎞ n
To summarise we have found that =⎜ ⎟ = ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟
T1 ⎜⎝ V2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ p1 ⎠

In the case of an adiabatic process this is written as

γ −1 1−
T2 ⎛ V1 ⎞ ⎛p ⎞ γ
= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟
T1 ⎝ V2 ⎠ ⎝ p1 ⎠
For an isothermal process n = 1 and the temperatures are the same.


A gas is compressed adiabatically with a volume compression ratio of 10. The initial
temperature is 25oC. Calculate the final temperature given γ = 1.4


γ −1 γ −1
T2 ⎛ V1 ⎞ ⎛V ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = 298(10)1.4−1 = 748.5K or 475.5o C
T1 ⎜⎝ V2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ V2 ⎠

© D.J.Dunn 16

A gas is compressed polytropically by the law pV1.2 = C from 1 bar and 20oC to 12 bar.
calculate the final temperature.

1 1
1− 1−
T2 ⎛ p 2 ⎞ ⎛p ⎞ 1
= 293(12)
n n 1−
=⎜ ⎟ T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟
T1 ⎜⎝ p1 ⎟⎠
⎝ p1 ⎠
T2 = 293(12)0.167 = 293(1.513) = 443.3K


A gas is expanded from 900 kPa and 1100oC to 100 kPa by the law pV1.3 = C. Calculate the
final temperature.

1 1
1− 1−
T2 ⎛ p 2 ⎞ n ⎛p ⎞ n
=⎜ ⎟ T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟
T1 ⎜⎝ p1 ⎟⎠ ⎝ p1 ⎠
⎛ 100 ⎞
= 1373(0.111)0.2308 = 1373(0.602) = 826.9K
T2 = 1373⎜ ⎟
⎝ 900 ⎠


1. A gas is expanded from 1 MPa and 1000oC to 100 kPa. Calculate the final temperature when
the process is

i. Isothermal (n=1) (1000oC)

ii Polytropic (n=1.2) (594oC)
iii. Adiabatic (γ =1.4) (386oC)
iv. Polytropic (n= 1.6) (264oC)

2. A gas is compressed from 120 kPa and 15oC to 800 kPa. Calculate the final temperature when
the process is

i. Isothermal (n=1) (15oC)

ii. Polytropic (n=1.3) (173oC)
iii Adiabatic (γ=1.4) (222oC)
iv. Polytropic (n= 1.5) (269oC)

© D.J.Dunn 17
3. A gas is compressed from 200 kPa and 20oC to 1.1 MPa by the law pV1.3=C. The mass is 0.02
kg. cp=1005 J/kg K. cv = 718 J/kg K. Calculate the following.

i. The final temperature. (434 K)

ii. The change in internal energy (2.03 kJ)
iii. The change in enthalpy (2.84 kJ)

4. A gas is expanded from 900 kPa and 1200oC to 120 kPa by the law
pV1.4 = C. The mass is 0.015 kg. cp=1100 J/kg K cv = 750 J/kg K
Calculate the following.

i. The final temperature. (828 K)

ii. The change in internal energy (-7.25 kJ)
iii. The change in enthalpy (-10.72 kJ)


Problems involving vapour make use of the formulae pVn = C in the same way as those involving
gas. You cannot apply gas laws, however, unless it is superheated into the gas region. You must
make use of vapour tables so a good understanding of this is essential. This is best explained with
worked examples.


A steam turbine expands steam from 20 bar and 300oC to 1 bar by the law pV1.2= C.
Determine for each kg flowing:
a. the initial and final volume.
b. the dryness fraction after expansion.
c. the initial and final enthalpies.
d. the change in enthalpy.


The system is a steady flow system in which expansion takes place as the fluid flows. The law
of expansion applies in just the same way as in a closed system.
The initial volume is found from steam tables. At 20 bar and 300oC it is superheated and from
the tables we find v= 0.1255 m3/kg
1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Next apply the law pV = C p1V1 = p2V2 20 x 0.1255 = 1 x V2
Hence V2= 1.523m3/kg
Next, find the dryness fraction as follows. Final volume = 1.523 m3/kg = xvg at 1 bar.
From the tables we find vg is 1.694 m3/kg hence 1.523 = 1.694x x = 0.899
We may now find the enthalpies in the usual way.
h1 at 20 bar and 300oC is 3025 kJ/kg
h2 = hf + xhfg at 1 bar (wet steam)
h2 = 417 + (0.899)(2258) = 2447 kJ/kg

The change in enthalpy is h2 - h1 = -578 kJ/kg

© D.J.Dunn 18

1. 3 kg/s of steam is expanded in a turbine from 10 bar and 200oC to 1.5 bar by the law pV1.2=C.
Determine the following.

i. The initial and final volumes. (0.618 m3 and 3 m3)

ii. The dryness fraction after expansion. (0.863)

iii. The initial and final enthalpies. (2829 kJ/kg and 2388 kJ/kg)

iv. The change in enthalpy. -1324 kW)

2. 1.5 kg/s of steam is expanded from 70 bar and 450oC to 0.05 bar by the law pV1.3 = C.
Determine the following.

i. The initial and final volumes. (0.066 m3/kg and 17.4 m3/kg)

ii. The dryness fraction after expansion. (0.411)

iii. The initial and final enthalpies. (3287 kJ/kg and 1135 kJ/kg)

iv. The change in enthalpy. (-3228 kW)

3. A horizontal cylindrical vessel is divided into two sections each 1m3 volume, by a non-
conducting piston. One section contains steam of dryness fraction 0.3 at a pressure of 1 bar,
while the other contains air at the same pressure and temperature as the steam. Heat is
transferred to the steam very slowly until its pressure reaches 2 bar.

Assume that the compression of the air is adiabatic (γ=1.4) and neglect the effect of friction
between the piston and cylinder. Calculate the following.

i. The final volume of the steam. (1.39 m3)

ii. The mass of the steam. (1.97 kg)

iii. The initial internal energy of the steam. (2053 kJ)

iv The final dryness fraction of the steam. (0.798)

v. The final internal energy of the steam. (4172 kJ)

vi. The heat added to the steam. (2119 kJ)

© D.J.Dunn 19


We will start by studying the expansion of a fluid inside a cylinder against a piston which may do
work against the surroundings.

A fluid may expand in two ways.

a) It may expand rapidly and uncontrollably doing no useful work. In such a case the pressure
could not be plotted against volume during the process. This is called an UNRESISTED
b) It may expand moving the piston. The movement is resisted by external forces so the gas
pressure changes in order to overcome the external force and move the piston. In this case the
movement is controlled and the variation of pressure with volume may be recorded and
plotted on a p-V graph. Work is done against the surroundings. This process is called a

Consider the arrangement shown in fig. 15.

Assume that there is no pressure outside. If the
string holding the weight was cut, the gas pressure
would slam the piston back and the energy would
be dissipated first by acceleration of the moving
parts and eventually as friction. The expansion
would be unresisted.

If the weights were gradually reduced, the gas

would push the piston and raise the remaining
weights. In this way, work would be done against
the surroundings (it ends up as potential energy in
the weights). The process may be repeated in
many small steps, with the change in volume each
time being dV. Fig. 15
The pressure although changing, is p at any time.

This process is characterised by two important factors.

1. The process may be reversed at any time by adding weights and the potential energy is
transferred back from the surroundings as work is done on the system. The fluid may be
returned to its original pressure, volume, temperature and energy.

2. The fluid force on one side of the piston is always exactly balanced by the external force (in
this case due to the weights) on the other side of the piston.

The expansion or compression done in this manner is said to be REVERSIBLE and CARRIED

© D.J.Dunn 20

If the expansion is carried out in equilibrium, the force of the fluid must be equal to the external
force F. It follows that F = pA.

When the piston moves a small distance dx, the work done is dW

dW = - F dx =- pAdx = - pdV.

The minus sign is because the work is leaving the system.

For an expansion from points 1 to 2 it follows that the total work done is given by

W = − ∫ pdV

We must remember at this stage that our sign convention was that work leaving the system is

It should be noted that some of the work is used to overcome any external pressure such as
atmospheric and the useful work is reduced. Consider the system shown in fig.15 again but this time
suppose there is atmospheric pressure on the outside pa.

In this case It follows that

F + paA = pA. F = pA. - paA

When the piston moves a small distance dx, the the useful work done is –F dx

- F dx = - (pAdx - paAdx) = - (p - pa)dV.

For an expansion from points 1 to 2 it follows that the useful work done is given by
W = − ∫ (p − p a )dV


If we solve the expression W = − ∫ pdV we obtain the work laws for a closed system. The solution
depends upon the relationship between p and V. The formulae now derived apply equally well to a
compression process and an expansion process. Let us now solve these cases.


W = − ∫ pdV
If V is constant t hen dV = 0
W = − p ∫ dV
W = - p (V2-V1) W = 0.

© D.J.Dunn 21

This is an expansion which follows the law pV1 = C and is ISOTHERMAL when it is a gas.
Substituting p = CV the expression becomes
⎡V ⎤
V2 V2
W = − ∫ pdV = −C ∫ V −1dV = −Cln ⎢ 2 ⎥
V 1 V 1
⎣ V1 ⎦
Since pV = C then
⎡V ⎤
W = − pVln ⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣ V1 ⎦
V2 p1 ⎡p ⎤
since = W = −pVln ⎢ 1 ⎥
V1 p 2 ⎣ p2 ⎦
In the case of gas we can substitute pV = mRT and so

⎡V ⎤ ⎡p ⎤
W = −mRTln ⎢ 2 ⎥ = − mRTln ⎢ 1 ⎥
⎣ V1 ⎦ ⎣ p2 ⎦

In this case the expansion follows the law pVn = C. The solution is as follows.
W = − ∫ pdV but p = CV -n
W = −C ∫ V −n dV = −C
[V 2
− n +1
− V1
− n +1
V1 V1
− n +1

Since C = p1V1 or p 2 V2 W=
[p 2 V2 − p1V1 ]
n −1
For gas only we may substitute pV = mRT and so W = mR
[T2 − T1 ]
n −1

Since an adiabatic case is the special case of a polytropic expansion with no heat transfer, the
derivation is identical but the symbol γ is used instead of n.
[p 2 V2 − p1V1 ]
γ −1
For gas only we may substitute pV = mRT and so W = mR 2 1
[T − T ]
γ −1
This is the special case of the polytropic process in which Q=0. Q = 0 W =
γ −1
Substituting for Q and ∆U in the NFEE we find
mR∆R R
Q + W = ∆U 0+ = mCv∆C = Cv
γ −1 γ −1
Since R = Cp − Cv Cp − Cv = Cv(γ − 1) =γ
This shows that the ratio of the principal specific heat capacities is the adiabatic index. It was shown
earlier that the difference is the gas constant R. These important relationships should be
Cp – Cv = R

γ = Cp/Cv

© D.J.Dunn 22

Air at a pressure of 500 kPa and volume 50 cm3 is expanded reversibly in a closed system to
800 cm3 by the law pV1.3 = C. Calculate the following.

a. The final pressure.

b. The work done.


p1 = 500 kPa V1 = 50 x 10 -6 m3 V2 = 800 x 10-6 m3

p1V11.3 = p 2 V21.3 500x10 3 (50x10 −6 )1.3 = p 2 (800x10 −6 )1.3

p 2 = 13.6x103 or 13.6kPa

(p 2 V2 − p1V1 ) = ⎛⎜ 13.6x103 x800x10 −6 − 500x103 x50x10 −6 ⎞⎟
n −1 ⎜ 1.3 − 1 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
W = −47Joules


Steam at 6 bar pressure and volume 100 cm3 is expanded reversibly in a closed system to 2
dm3 by the law pV1.2 = C. Calculate the work done.

-6 3 -3
p1 = 6 bar V1 = 100 x 10 m V2 = 2 x 10 m3

p1V11.2 ⎛ 100x10 −6 ⎞
p 2 = 1.2 = 6x⎜⎜ −3 ⎟
⎟ = 0.1648bar
V2 ⎝ 2x10 ⎠
(p 2 V2 − p1V1 ) (0.1648x105 x2x10 −3 − 6x105 x100x10 −6 )
W= =
n −1 1.2 − 1
W = −135.2Joules

© D.J.Dunn 23

1. 10 g of steam at 10 bar and 350oC expands reversibly in a closed system to 2 bar by the law
pV1.3=C . Calculate the following.

i. The initial volume. (0.00282 m3)

ii. The final volume. (0.00974 m3)

iii. The work done. (-2.92 kJ)

2. 20 g of gas at 20oC and 1 bar pressure is compressed to 9 bar by the law pV1.4 = C.
Taking the gas constant R = 287 J/kg K calculate the work done. (Note that for a compression
process the work will turn out to be positive if you correctly identify the initial and final
conditions). (3.67 kJ)

3. Gas at 600 kPa and 0.05 dm3 is expanded reversibly to 100 kPa by the law pV1.35 = C.
Calculate the work done. (-31.8 kJ)

4. 15 g of gas is compressed isothermally from 100 kPa and 20oC to 1 MPa pressure. The gas
constant is 287 J/kg K. Calculate the work done. (2.9 kJ)

5. Steam at 10 bar with a volume of 80 cm3 is expanded reversibly to 1 bar by the law pV=C.
Calculate the work done. (-184.2 kJ)

6. Gas fills a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston. The initial pressure and volume are 40 MPa
and 0.05 dm3 respectively. The gas expands reversibly and polytropically to 0.5 MPa and 1 dm3
respectively. Calculate the index of expansion and the work done. (1.463 and -3.24 kJ)

7. An air compressor commences compression when the cylinder contains 12 g at a pressure is

1.01 bar and the temperature is 20oC. The compression is completed when the pressure is 7 bar
and the temperature 90oC. (1.124 and 1944 J)

The characteristic gas constant R is 287 J/kg K. Assuming the process is reversible and
polytropic, calculate the index of compression and the work done.

© D.J.Dunn 24

0.2 kg of gas at 100 oC is expanded isothermally and reversibly from 1 MPa pressure to 100
kPa. Take Cv = 718 J/kg K and R = 287 J/kg K.

i. The work transfer.

ii. The change in internal energy.
iii. The heat transfer.


⎛V ⎞ ⎛V ⎞ ⎛p ⎞
W = −pVln⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ = − mRTln⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ = −mRTln ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟
⎝ V1 ⎠ ⎝ V1 ⎠ ⎝ p2 ⎠
⎛ 1x10 6 ⎞
W = −0.2x287x373ln⎜⎜ ⎟ = −49300 J or - 49.3 kJ
5 ⎟
⎝ 1x10 ⎠
The work is leaving the system so it is a negative work transfer.

Since T is constant ∆U = 0 Q - 49.3 = 0 Q = 49.3 kJ

Note that 49.3 kJ of heat is transferred into the gas and 49.3 kJ of work is transferred out of the
gas leaving the internal energy unchanged.


Repeat worked example 17 but for an adiabatic process with γ = 1.4



⎛ 100 x 10 3
⎞ γ
T2 = 373 x ⎜⎜ 6
⎟⎟ = 193 K
⎝ 1 x 10 ⎠
W = −mRT(T2 − T1 ) = −0.2 x 287 x
(193 - 373)
W = −25 830 J
For an adiabatic process Q = 0
Q + W = ∆U hence ∆U = -25 830 J
Check ∆U = mC V ∆T = 0.2 x 718 x (193 - 373) = - 25 848 J

© D.J.Dunn 25

Repeat worked example 17 but for a polytropic process with n=1.25


⎛ 100 x 10 3 ⎞ n
T2 = 373 x ⎜⎜ 6 ⎟
⎟ = 235.3 K
⎝ 1 x 10 ⎠
W = −mRT(T2 − T1 ) = −0.2 x 287 x
(235.3 - 373)
W = −31605 J
∆U = mC V ∆T = 0.2 x 718 x (235.3 - 373) = - 19773.7 J
Q = ∆U - W
Q = -19773.7 - (-31603) = 11831.3 J


Take Cv = 718 J/kg K and R = 287 J/kg K throughout.

1. 1 dm3 of gas at 100 kPa and 20oC is compressed to 1.2 MPa reversibly by the law pV1.2 = C.
Calculate the following.

i. The final volume. (0.126 dm3)

ii. The work transfer. (257 J)
iii. The final temperature. (170oC)
iv. The mass. (1.189 g)
v. The change in internal energy. (128 J)
vi. The heat transfer. (-128 J)

2. 0.05 kg of gas at 20 bar and 1100oC is expanded reversibly to 2 bar by the law pV1.3 =C in a
closed system. Calculate the following.

i. The initial volume. (9.85 dm3)

ii. The final volume. (58 dm3)
iii. The work transfer. (-27 kJ)
iv. The change in internal energy. (-20.3 kJ)
v. The heat transfer. (6.7 kJ)

3. 0.08 kg of air at 700 kPa and 800oC is expanded adiabatically to 100 kPa in a closed system.
Taking γ = 1.4 calculate the following.

i. The final temperature. (615.4 K)

ii. The work transfer. (26.3 kJ)
iii. The change in internal energy. (-26.3 J)

© D.J.Dunn 26
4. A horizontal cylinder is fitted with a frictionless piston and its movement is restrained by a
spring as shown (Figure 16.)

Figure 16

a. The spring force is directly proportional to movement such that ∆F/∆x = k

Show that the change in pressure is directly proportional to the change in volume such that
∆p/∆V = k/A2
b. The air is initially at a pressure and temperature of 100 kPa and 300 K respectively. Calculate
the initial volume such that when the air is heated, the pressure – volume graph is a straight line
that extends to the origin. (0.5 dm3)
c. The air is heated making the volume three times the original value. Calculate the following.
i. The mass. (0.58 g)
ii. The final pressure. (300 kPa)
iii. The final temperature. (2700 K)
iv. The work done. (-200 kJ)
v. The change in internal energy. (917 J)
vi. The heat transfer. (1.12 kJ)


The solution of problems involving steam and other vapours is done in the same way as for gases
with the important proviso that gas laws must not be used. Volumes and internal energy values
should be obtained from tables and property charts. This is best illustrated with a worked example.


1kg of steam occupies a volume of 0.2 m3 at 9 bar in a closed system. The steam is heated at
constant pressure until the volume is 0.3144 m3. Calculate the following.
i. The initial dryness fraction.
ii. The final condition.
iii. The work transfer.
iv. The change in internal energy.
v. The heat transfer.


First find the initial dryness fraction.

V1 = 0.2 = mx1vg at 9 bar x1= 0.2/(1 x 0.2149) x1= 0.931 (initial dryness fraction).
Now determine the specific volume after expansion.
p2 = 9 bar (constant pressure) V2 = 0.3144 m .

© D.J.Dunn 27
V2 = mv2 v2 = 0.3144/1 = 0.3144m /kg

First, look in the superheat tables to see if this value exists for superheat steam. We find that at
9 bar and 350oC, the specific volume is indeed 0.3144 m3/kg.

The final condition is superheated to 350oC .

Note that if v2 was less than vg at 9 bar the steam would be wet and x2 would have to be found.
Next find the work.
W = -p(V2 - V1 ) = -9x 105 (0.3144 - 0.2 ) = -102950 J
W = -102.95 kJ (Energy leaving the system)

Next determine the internal energy from steam tables.

U1 = m u1 and u1 = uf + x1ufg at 9 bar
ufg at 9 bar = ug - uf = 2581 - 742 = 1839 kJ/kg
U1 = 1{742 + 0.931(1839) } = 2454 kJ
U2 = m u2 and u2 = u at 9 bar and 350 C = 2877 kJ/kg
U2 = m u2 = 1(2877) = 2877 kJ.
The change in internal energy = U2 - U1 = 423 kJ (increased)

Finally deduce the heat transfer from the NFEE

Q + W = ∆U
hence Q = ∆U - W = 423 - (-102.95) Q = 526 kJ (energy entering the system)


1. 0.2 kg of dry saturated steam at 10 bar pressure is expanded reversibly in a closed system to 1
bar by the law pV1.2 =C. Calculate the following.

i. The initial volume. (38.9 dm3)

ii. The final volume. (264 dm3)
iii. The work transfer. (-62 kJ)
iv. The dryness fraction. (0.779)
v. The change in internal energy. (-108 kJ)
vi. The heat transfer. (-46 kJ)

2. Steam at 15 bar and 250oC is expanded reversibly in a closed system to 5 bar. At this pressure
the steam is just dry saturated. For a mass of 1 kg calculate the following.

i. The final volume. (0.375 m3)

ii. The change in internal energy. (-165 kJ)
iii. The work done. (-187 kJ)
iv. The heat transfer. (22.1 kJ)

© D.J.Dunn 28




When you have completed this tutorial, you should be able to do the following.

‰ Explain the basic idea behind the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

‰ Define the property called Entropy

‰ Define an Isentropic process.

‰ Solve basic problems involving isentropic expansions.

‰ Explain the Carnot Principle.

©D.J.Dunn 1

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is not something that can be written as a simple statement or
formulae. It is a set of observations concerning the way that things flow or run as time progresses
forward. It encompasses many observations such as “water normally flows from high levels to low
levels” and “heat normally flows from hot to cold”. In this module, you must concern yourself only
with how the second law relates to heat engines and the efficiency of a heat engine.

In the context of heat engines, the second law may be summed as :

“No heat engine can be 100% efficient”.

This should become apparent in the following sections.


Nearly all motive power is derived from heat using some form of heat engine. Here are some

‰ Steam Power Plant.

‰ Gas Turbines.

‰ Jet Engines.

‰ Internal Combustion Engines.

A heat engine requires a source of hot energy. We get this by burning fossil fuel or by nuclear
fission. The main sources of natural heat are solar and geothermal. In order to understand the basic
theory, it might help to draw an analogy with a hydraulic motor and an electric motor. All motors
require a high level source of energy and must exhaust at a low level of energy.

Figure 1

©D.J.Dunn 2

Fluid power is transported by the flow Q m3/s. The energy contained in a volume Q m3 of liquid at a
pressure p is the flow energy given by the expression pQ. The hydraulic motor requires a source of
liquid at a high pressure p1 and exhausts at a lower pressure p2.The energy supplied is p1Q and some
of this is converted into work. The energy in the low pressure liquid is p2Q. For a perfect motor
with no losses due to friction, the law of energy conservation gives the work output and efficiency
as follows.

Wout = p1Q - p 2 Q = Q(p1 - p 2 )

Wout W Q(p1 - p 2 ) (p1 - p 2 ) p
η= = out = = =1- 2
Energy input p1Q p1Q p1 p1


Electric power is transported by the current. Electrical energy is the product of the charge Q
Coulombs and the electric potential V Volts. The energy input at a high voltage is V1Q and the
energy exhausted at low voltage is V2Q. For a perfect motor with no losses due to friction, the work
output and efficiency are found from the law of energy conservation as follows.
Wout = V1Q - V2 Q = Q(V1 - V2 )
Wout W Q(V1 - V2 ) (V1 - V2 ) V
η= = out = = =1- 2
Energy input V1Q V1Q V1 V1


Temperature is by analogy the equivalent of pressure and electric potential. In order to complete the
analogy, we need something that is equivalent to volume and electric charge that transports the
energy. It is not difficult to visualise a volume of liquid flowing through a hydraulic motor. It is not
impossible to visualise a flow of electrons bearing electric charge through an electric motor. It is
impossible to visualise something flowing through our ideal heat engine that transports pure heat
but the analogy tells us there must be something so let us suppose a new property called ENTROPY
and give it a symbol S. Entropy must have units of energy per degree of temperature or Joules per
Kelvin. Entropy is dealt with more fully later on.

The energy supplied at temperature T1 is T1S and the energy exhausted is T2S. For a perfect motor
with no losses due to friction, the law of energy conservation gives the work output and efficiency
as follows.

Wout = T1S - T2S = S(T1 - T2 )

Wout W S(T1 - T2 ) (T1 - T2 ) T
η= = out = = =1- 2
Energy input T1S T1S T1 T1

©D.J.Dunn 3

In our perfect motors, the energy conversion process is 100% efficient but we may not have
converted all the energy supplied into work and energy may be wasted in the exhaust. In the case of
the electric motor, the lowest value for V2 (so far as we know) is ground voltage zero, so
theoretically we can obtain 100% efficiency by exhausting the electric charge with no residual

In the case of the hydraulic motor, the lowest pressure we

can exhaust to is atmospheric so we always waste some
energy in the exhausted liquid.

In the case of the heat motor, the lowest temperature to

which we can exhaust is ambient conditions, typically
300K, so there is a lot of residual energy in the exhaust.
Only by exhausting to absolute zero, can we extract all
the energy.

A model heat engine is usually represented by the

following diagram. (Note that the word engine is usually
preferred to motor).
Fig. 2
The energy transfer from the hot source is Qin Joules.
The energy transfer rate from the hot source is Φin Watts.
The energy transfer to the cold sink is Qout Joules.
The energy transfer rate to the cold sink is Φout Watts.
The work output us W Joules.
The power output is P Watts.
By considering the total conservation of energy, it follows that the energy converted into work must
be W = Qin - Qout Joules or
P = Φin - Φout Watts
The efficiency of any machine is the ratio Output/Input so the thermal efficiency of a heat engine
may be developed as follows.
W Q − Q out Q
η th = W = Q in − Q out η th = in = 1 − out
Q in Q in Q int
In terms of energy transfer rates in Watts this is written as
η th = 1 − out
Φ in
It follows from our analogy that Qin = ST1 and Qout =ST2 and confirms η = 1 −


1. A heat engine is supplied with 60 MW of energy and produces 20 MW of power. What is the
thermal efficiency and the heat lost?
(Answers 33.3% and 40 MW)

2. A heat engine is supplied with 40 kJ of energy that it converts into work with 25% efficiency.
What is the work output and the heat lost?
(Answers 10 kJ and 30 kJ)

©D.J.Dunn 4

Let us consider how we might design a

practical heat engine with a piston,
connecting rod and crank shaft mechanism.
Figure 3 shows how heat may be passed to a
gas inside a cylinder causing it to expand.
This pushes a piston and makes it do some
work. This at first looks like a good way of
converting heat into work but the problem is
that it works only once and cannot convert
heat into work continuously. Figure 3

No practical heat engine has ever been invented that continuously converts heat directly into work
as supposed in our ideal model. Practical heat engines use a working fluid such as gas or steam. A
cycle of thermodynamic processes is conducted on the fluid with the end result being a conversion
of heat into work.

First energy is given to the working fluid by use of a heat transfer at a hot temperature. Next we
must convert as much of this energy as possible into work by allowing the fluid to expand. Our
studies of polytropic expansions tell us that the pressure, volume and temperature all change as the
gas or vapour gives up its energy as work. The pressure is vitally important to produce a motivating
force on the piston.

Having extracted as much energy as possible from the working fluid, we must return it back to the
starting condition in order to repeat the process. To do this, we must raise the pressure of the fluid
back to the high level with some form of compression.

A simple reversal of the expansion process would return the fluid back to the original pressure and
temperature. However, this would require us to give back all the work we got out so nothing is

The only way we can return the fluid back to a high pressure with less work involves cooling it first.
In fact, if it is to be heat engine, we must have a cooling process as indicated in our model.

We have deduced that a practical heat engine must meet the following criteria.

‰ It must produce work continuously.

‰ It must return the working fluid

back to the same pressure and
temperature at the beginning of
every cycle.

A model of a practical engine is shown in

Fig. 4. This indicates that we need four
processes, heating, expansion, cooling and
compression. This may be achieved
practically using either closed system
processes (as in a mechanism with a
piston, connecting rod and crank shaft) or
open system processes such as with a
steam boiler, turbine, cooler and pump).
Figure 4

©D.J.Dunn 5

We have just discovered that entropy is a property that governs the quantity of energy conveyed at a
given temperature such that in our ideal heat engine, the energy is given by the expression Q = ST.

Entropy is a property that is closely associated with the second law of thermodynamics.

In thermodynamics there are two forms of energy transfer, work (W) and heat (Q). You should
already be familiar with the theory of work laws in closed systems and know that the area under a
pressure - volume diagram gives
work transfer. By analogy there
should be a property that can be
plotted against temperature such
that the area under the graph gives
the heat transfer. This property is
entropy and it is given the symbol
S. This idea implies that entropy is
a property that can be transported
by a fluid. Consider a p-V and T-s
graph for a reversible expansion
(Fig. 5).
From the p-V graph we have W = ∫ pdV
From the T-S graph we have Q = ∫ Tds
This is the way entropy was developed for thermodynamics and from the above we get the
following definition dS = dQ/T
The units of entropy are hence J/K. Specific entropy has a symbol s and the units are J/kg K

It should be pointed out that there are other definitions of entropy but this one is the most
meaningful for thermodynamics. A suitable integration will enable you to solve the entropy change
for a fluid process. For those wishing to do studies in greater depth, these are shown in appendix A.

Entropy values for steam may be found in your thermodynamic tables in the columns headed sf, sfg
and sg.
sf is the specific entropy of saturated liquid.
sfg is the change in specific entropy during the latent stage.
sg is the specific entropy of dry saturated vapour.


The word ISENTROPIC means constant entropy and

this is a very important thermodynamic process. It
occurs in particular when a process is reversible and
adiabatic. This means that there is no heat transfer to or
from the fluid and no internal heat generation due to
friction. In such a process it follows that if dQ is zero
then dS must be zero. Since there is no area under the
T-S graph, the graph must be a vertical line as shown. Fig. 6

There are other cases where the entropy is constant. For example, if there is friction in the process
generating heat but this is lost through cooling, then the net result is zero heat transfer and constant
entropy. You do not need to be concerned about this at this stage.

©D.J.Dunn 6

If you plot the specific entropy for saturated liquid

(sf) and for dry saturated vapour (sg) against
temperature, you would obtain the saturation curve.
Lines of constant dryness fraction and constant
pressure may be shown (Figure 7).

Fig. 7


This diagram is especially

useful for steady flow
processes (figure 8). The
diagram is obtained by
plotting hg against sg and hf
against sf to obtain the
characteristic saturation
curve. The two curves
meet at the critical point C.
Lines of constant pressure,
temperature and dryness
are superimposed on the
diagram. This is an
extremely useful chart and
it is available
commercially. If any two
coordinates are known, a
point can be obtained on
the chart and all other
relevant values may be
read off it. h –s charts are
especially useful for
solving isentropic
processes because the
process is a vertical line on
this graph.

Fig. 8

©D.J.Dunn 7
Entropy values can be used to determine the dryness fraction following a steam expansion into the
wet region when the process is isentropic. This is a very important point and you must master how
to do this in order to solve steam expansion problems, especially in the following tutorials where
steam cycles and refrigeration cycles are covered. The following examples show how this is done.


Steam at 2 bar and 150oC is expanded reversibly and adiabatically to 1 bar. Calculate the final
dryness fraction and the enthalpy change.


Let suffix (1) refer to the conditions before the expansion and (2) to the conditions after.
h1 at 2 bar and 150oC = 2770 kJ/kg s1 at 2 bar and 150oC is 7.280 kJ/kg K.

Because the process is adiabatic and reversible, the entropy remains the same.

s2 at 1 bar and assumed wet is sf + xsfg = s1 7.280 = 1.303 + x(6.056) x= 0.987

h2 at 1 bar and 0.987 dry = hf + x hfg h2 = 417 + 0.987(2258) = 2645.6 kJ/kg

∆h = 2645.6 – 2770 = -124.4 kJ/kg

Being able to solve the changes in enthalpy enable us to apply the first law of thermodynamics to
solve problems with steam turbines. The next example shows you how to do this.


A steam turbine expands 60 kg/s from 40 bar and 300oC to 4 bar reversibly and adiabatically
(isentropic). Calculate the theoretical power output.


Φ + P = ∆E per second (SFEE)

The process is adiabatic. Φ = 0 and the only energy term to use is enthalpy.
P =∆H per second.
h1 at 40 bar and 300oC = 2963 kJ/kg
s1 at 40 bar and 300oC is 6.364 kJ/kg K.
s2 at 4 bar and assumed wet is sf + xsfg = s1
6.364= 1.776 + x(5.121)
x= 0.896

h2 at 4 bar and 0.896 dry = hf + x hfg h2 = 605 + 0.896(2134) = 2517 kJ/kg

P =∆H per second = 60(2517-2963) = -26756 kW (out of system)

©D.J.Dunn 8

1. A turbine expands 40 kg/s of steam from 20 bar and 250oC reversibly and adiabatically to 0.5
bar. Calculate the theoretical power output.
(Answer 25.2 MW)

2. A turbine expands 4 kg/s of steam from 50 bar and 300oC reversibly and adiabatically to 0.1 bar.
Calculate the theoretical power output.
(Answer 3.8 MW)

3. A turbine expands 20 kg/s of steam from 800 bar and 400oC reversibly and adiabatically to 0.2
bar. Calculate the theoretical power output.
(Answer 11.2 MW)

4. A turbine expands 1 kg/s of steam reversibly and adiabatically. The inlet conditions are 10 bar
and dry saturated. The outlet pressure is 3 bar. Calculate the theoretical power output.
(Answer 218.5 MW)


A man called Sadi Carnot deduced that if the heat transfers from the hot reservoir and to the cold
sump were done at constant temperature (isothermal processes), then the efficiency of the engine
would be the maximum possible.

The reasoning behind this is as follows. Consider

heat being transferred from a hot body A to a slightly
cooler body B. The temperature of body A falls and
the temperature of body B rises until they are at the
same temperature.

If body B is now raised in temperature by heat transfer

from the surroundings, it becomes the hotter body
and the heat flow is reversed from B to A. If body A
returns to its original temperature then the net heat
transfers between A and B is zero. However
body B is now hotter than its original temperature
so there has been a net heat transfer from the
surroundings. The heat transfer process is hence not
reversible as external help was needed to reverse the
Figure 9

If it were possible to transfer heat with no temperature difference from A to B then it could be
reversed with no external help. Such a process is an ISOTHERMAL process. Isothermal heat
transfer is possible, for example evaporation of water in a boiler is isothermal.

Carnot devised a thermodynamic cycle using isothermal heat transfers only so by definition, the
efficiency of this cycle is the most efficient any engine could be operating between two
temperatures. Engine cycles are covered in the next tutorial but the following shows how the Carnot
cycle might be conducted. In practice, it is not possible to make this cycle work.

©D.J.Dunn 9

The cycle could be conducted on gas or vapour in a closed or open cycle. The cycle described here
is for gas in a cylinder fitted with a piston. It consists of four closed system processes as follows.

1 to 2. The fluid is compressed isentropically. Work is put in and no heat transfer occurs.

Fig. 10

2 to 3. The fluid is heated isothermally. This could only occur if it is heated as it expands so there
is work taken out and heat put in.

Fig. 11

3 to 4. The fluid continues to expand isentropically with no heat transfer. Work output is obtained.


4 to 1 The fluid is cooled isothermally. This can only occur if it cooled as it is compressed, so
work is put in and heat is taken out. At the end of this process every thing is returned to the
initial condition.


The total work taken out is Wout and the total work put in is Win.

©D.J.Dunn 10
To be an engine, Wout must be larger than Win and a net amount of work is obtained from the
cycle. It also follows that since the area under a p-V graph represents the work done, then the area
enclosed by the p-V diagram represents the net work transfer. It also follows that since the area
under the T-s graph is represents the heat transfer, and then the area enclosed on the T-s diagram
represents the net heat transfer. This is true for all cycles and also for real engines.


Applying the first law, it follows Qnett = Wnett

For isothermal heat transfers Q = ∫ T ds = T∆S since T is constant.
Q out T ∆s
The efficiency would then be given by η th = 1 − = 1 − cold cold
Q in Thot ∆s hot
It is apparent from the T-s diagram that the change in entropy ∆s is the same at the hot and cold
temperatures. It follows that η th = 1 - cold
This expression, which is the same as that used for the ideal model, gives the CARNOT
EFFICIENCY and it is used as a target figure that cannot be surpassed (in fact not even attained).


A heat engine draws heat from a combustion chamber at 300oC and exhausts to atmosphere at
10oC. What is the maximum possible thermal efficiency that could be achieved?

The maximum efficiency possible is the Carnot efficiency. Remember to use absolute
T 273 + 10 283
η th = 1 − cold = 1 − = 1− = 0.505 or 50.6%
Thot 273 + 300 573


1. A heat engine works between temperatures of 1100o C and 120oC. It is claimed that it has a
thermal efficiency of 75%. Is this possible?
(Answer the maximum efficiency cannot exceed 71%)

2. Calculate the efficiency of a Carnot Engine working between temperatures of 1200oC and 200o
(Answer 67.9%)

©D.J.Dunn 11




When you have completed this tutorial you should be able to do the following.


‰ Identify the ideal cycle for a given type of engine.

‰ Explain and solve problems for the OTTO cycle

‰ Explain and solve problems for the DIESEL cycle

‰ Explain and solve problems for the Dual Combustion cycle

‰ Explain and solve problems for the JOULE cycle

© D.J.Dunn 1

Internal combustion engines fall into two groups, those that use a sparking plug to ignite the fuel
(spark ignition engines) and those that use the natural temperature of the compressed air to ignite
the fuel (compression ignition engines).

Another way to group engines is into those that use non-flow processes and those that use flow
processes. For example, non-flow processes are used in piston engines. Flow processes are used in
gas turbine engines.

Theoretical cycles are made up of ideal thermodynamic processes to resemble those that occur in a
real engine as closely as possible. Many of these cycles are based on air as the working fluid and are
called AIR STANDARD CYCLES. Before looking at air standard cycles, we should briefly revise
the Carnot Cycle from tutorial 3.


The most efficient way of transferring heat into or out of a fluid is at constant temperature. All the
heat transfer in the Carnot cycle is at constant temperature so it follows that the Carnot cycle is the
most efficient cycle possible. The heat transfer into the cycle occurs at a hot temperature T hot and
the heat transfer out of the cycle occurs at a colder temperature T cold. The thermodynamic
efficiency was sown to be given as follows.
η th = 1 − cold

None of the following cycles can have an efficiency greater than this when operating between the
same temperatures limits.



The ideal cycle is named after Count N.A.Otto. It represents the ideal cycle for a spark ignition
engine. In an ideal spark ignition engine, there are four processes as follows.

© D.J.Dunn 2

Air and fuel are mixed and compressed so rapidly that there is no time for heat to be lost. (Figure A)
In other words the compression is adiabatic. Work must be done to compress the gas.

Just before the point of maximum compression, the air is hot and a spark ignites the mixture causing
an explosion (Figure B). This produces a rapid rise in the pressure and temperature. The process is
idealised as a constant volume process in the Otto cycle.

The explosion is followed by an adiabatic expansion pushing the piston and giving out work.
(Figure C)

At the end of the working stroke, there is still some pressure in the cylinder. This is released
suddenly by the opening of an exhaust valve. (Figure D) This is idealised by a constant volume drop
in pressure in the Otto cycle. In 4 stroke engines a second cycle is performed to push out the
products of combustion and draw in fresh air and fuel. It is only the power cycle that we are
concerned with.
The four ideal processes that make up the Otto cycle are as follows.

1 to 2 The air is compressed reversibly and adiabatically. Work is put in and no heat transfer


2 to 3 The air is heated at constant volume. No work is done. Qin = mcv(T3-T2)


© D.J.Dunn 3
3 to 4 The air expands reversibly and adiabatically with no heat transfer back to its original
volume. Work output is obtained.

4 to 1 The air is cooled at constant volume back to its original pressure and temperature. No work
is done Qout = mcv(T4-T1)


The total heat transfer into the system during one cycle is Qnett = Qin - Qout

The total work output per cycle is Wnett

From the 1st. Law of thermodynamics Qnett = Wnett


Wnett Q mc v (T4 - T1 ) (T - T )
η= = 1 − out = 1 − = 1− 4 1
Q in Q in mc v (T3 - T2 ) (T3 - T2 )

γ −1
T ⎛V ⎞
For the process (1) to (2) we may use the rule 2 = ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = rv γ−1
T1 ⎝ V2 ⎠
γ −1
T3 ⎛ V4 ⎞ γ-1
For the process (3) to (4) we may similarly write =⎜ ⎟ = rv where rv is the
T4 ⎜⎝ V3 ⎟⎠
V1 V4
volume compression ratio rv = =
V2 V3
It follows that 2 = 3 and 4 = 3
T1 T4 T1 T2
T3T1 ⎛T ⎞
- T1 T1 ⎜⎜ 3 - 1⎟⎟
= 1− ⎝ 2 ⎠
T -T T T
and that η = 1 − 4 1 = 1 − 2
T3 - T2 T2 T4 ⎛T ⎞
- T2 T2 ⎜⎜ 4 - 1⎟⎟
T1 ⎝ T1 ⎠

© D.J.Dunn 4
T4 T3 T T T1 T 1
= then 4 - 1 = 3 - 1 η = 1− = 1 − 4 = 1 − γ −1 = 1 − rv1− γ
T1 T2 T1 T2 T2 T3 rv

Since this theoretical cycle is carried out on air for which γ = 1.4 then the efficiency of an Otto
Cycle is given by η = 1 − rv

This shows that the thermal efficiency depends only on the compression ratio. If the compression
ratio is increased, the efficiency is improved. This in turn increases the temperature ratios between
the two isentropic processes and explains why the efficiency is improved.


An Otto cycle is conducted as follows. Air at 100 kPa and 20oC is compressed reversibly and
adiabatically. The air is then heated at constant volume to 1500oC. The air then expands
reversibly and adiabatically back to the original volume and is cooled at constant volume back
to the original pressure and temperature. The volume compression ratio is 8. Calculate the

i. The thermal efficiency.

ii. The heat input per kg of air.
iii. The net work output per kg of air.
iv. The maximum cycle pressure. cv = 718 kJ/kg γ= 1.4. R = 287 J/kg K


Remember to use absolute temperatures throughout. Solve for a mass of 1 kg.

T1=20 +273=293K T3=1500+273=1773K rv=8

1− γ
η = 1− r = 1− 8 00.
= 0.565 or 56.5%
γ −1
⎛V ⎞
( )
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = 293 80.4 = 673.1 K
⎝ V2 ⎠
Q in = mc v (T3 - T2 ) = 1x718(1773 − 673.1) = 789700 J/kg = 789.7 kJ/kg
Wnett = ηQ in = 0.56x789.7 = 446.2 kJ/kg

From the gas law we have

p1V1T3 100000 x V1 x 1773 V1 100000 x 1773

p3 = = =8 p3 = x 8 = 4.84 MPa
T1V3 293 x V3 V3 293

If you have followed the principles used here you should be able to solve any cycle.

© D.J.Dunn 5

Take Cv = 0.718 kJ/kg K, R = 287 J/kg K and γ= 1.4 throughout.

1. An Otto cycle has a volume compression ratio of 9/1. The heat input is 500kJ/kg. At the start of
compression the pressure and temperature are 100 kPa and 40oC respectively. Calculate the

i. The thermal efficiency. (58.5%)

ii. The maximum cycle temperature. (1450 K).
iii. The maximum pressure. (4.17 MPa).
iv. The net work output per kg of air. (293 kJ/kg).

2. Calculate the volume compression ratio required of an Otto cycle which will produce an
efficiency of 60%. (9.88/1)

The pressure and temperature before compression are 105 kPa and 25oC respectively. The net
work output is 500 kJ/kg). Calculate the following.

i. The heat input. (833 kJ/kg).

ii. The maximum temperature. (1 906 K)
iii. The maximum pressure. (6.64 MPa).

3. An Otto cycle uses a volume compression ratio of 9.5/1. The pressure and temperature before
compression are 100 kPa and 40oC respectively. The mass of air used is 11.5 grams/cycle. The
heat input is 600 kJ/kg. The cycle is performed 3 000 times per minute. Determine the

i. The thermal efficiency. (59.4%).

ii. The net work output. (4.1 kJ/cycle)
iii. The net power output. (205 kW).

4. An Otto cycle with a volume compression ratio of 9 is required to produce a net work output of
450 kJ/cycle. Calculate the mass of air to be used if the maximum and minimum temperatures
in the cycle are 1300oC and 20oC respectively.
(1.235 kg).

5. The working of a petrol engine can be approximated to an Otto cycle with a compression ratio
of 8 using air at 1 bar and 288 K with heat addition of 2 MJ/kg. Calculate the heat rejected and
the work done per kg of air.
(871 kJ/kg and 1129 kJ/kg).

Now let's move on to study engines with compression ignition.

© D.J.Dunn 6

The invention of compression ignition engines, commonly known as diesel engines, was credited to
Rudolf Diesel, although many other people worked on similar engines. The basic principle is that
when high compression ratios are used, the air becomes hot enough to make the fuel detonate
without a spark. Diesel's first engine used coal dust blasted into the combustion chamber with
compressed air. This developed into blasting in oil with compressed air. In modern engines the fuel
oil is injected directly into the cylinder as fine droplets. There are two ideal cycles for these engines,
the Diesel Cycle and the Dual Combustion Cycle.


This is the air standard cycle for a modern fast running diesel engine. First the air is compressed
isentropically making it hot. Fuel injection starts before the point of maximum compression. After a
short delay in which fuel accumulates in the cylinder, the fuel warms up to the air temperature and
detonates causing a sudden rise in pressure. This is ideally a constant volume heating process.
Further injection keeps the fuel burning as the volume increases and produces a constant pressure
heating process. After cut off, the hot air expands isentropically and then at the end of the stroke,
the exhaust valve opens producing a sudden drop in pressure. This is ideally a constant volume
cooling process. The ideal cycle is shown in figure 6.

Fig. 6
The processes are as follows.
1-2 reversible adiabatic (isentropic) compression.
2-3 constant volume heating.
3-4 constant pressure heating.
4-5 reversible adiabatic (isentropic) expansion.
5-1 constant volume cooling.

The analysis of the cycle is as follows.

The heat is supplied in two stages hence Qin = mCp(T4 - T3) + mCv (T3 - T2)
The heat rejected is Qout = mCv (T5 - T1)
The thermal efficiency may be found as follows.
Q mc v (T5 - T1 ) (T5 - T1 )
η = 1 − out = 1 − = 1−
Q in mc v (T3 - T2 ) + mc p (T4 - T3 ) (T3 - T2 ) + γ(T4 - T3 )
The formula can be further developed to show that
kβ γ - 1
η = 1−
[(k − 1) + γk(β − 1)]rvγ−1
β is the CUT OFF RATIO. β = V4/V3 k is the ratio p3/p2.
Most students will find this adequate to solve problems concerning the dual combustion cycle.

Generally, the method of solution involves finding all the temperatures by application of the gas

© D.J.Dunn 7
Those requiring a detailed analysis of the cycle should study the following derivation.
η = 1 − out = 1 −
(T5 - T1 ) Obtain all the temperatures in terms of T2
Q in (T3 - T2 ) + γ(T4 - T3 )
γ −1
⎛V ⎞ T
Isentropic compression 1 to 2 T1 = T2 ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ = γ −21
⎝ V1 ⎠ rv
p VT p T
Constant volume heating 2 to 3 note V3 = V2 T3 = 3 3 2 = 3 2 = kT2
p 2 V2 p2
p 4 V4 T3 V4 T3
Constant pressure heating 3 to 4 note p 3 = p 4 T4 = = = βT3 = βkT2
p 3 V3 V3
γ −1 γ −1 γ −1
⎛V ⎞ ⎛V V ⎞ ⎛β⎞ kβ γ T2
Isentropic expansion 4 to 5 T5 = T4 ⎜⎜ 4 ⎟⎟ = T4 ⎜⎜ 4 2 ⎟⎟ = T4 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ =
⎝ V5 ⎠ ⎝ V5 V2 ⎠ ⎝ rv ⎠ rrγ −1
Substitute for all temperatures in the efficiency formula.
kβ γ T2 T2 kβ γ 1
- -
rrγ 1 rvγ 1 rrγ −1 rvγ −1 kβ γ - 1
η = 1− = 1− η = 1−
(kT2 - T2 ) + γ(βkT2 - kT2 ) (k − 1) + γ(βk − k ) [(k − 1) + γk (β − 1)]rvγ−1
Note that if β=1, the cycle becomes an Otto cycle and the efficiency formulae becomes the same as
for an Otto cycle.


In a dual combustion cycle, the compression starts from 1 bar and 20oC. The compression ratio
is 18/1 and the cut off ratio is 1.15. The maximum cycle pressure is 1360 K. The total heat
input is 1 kJ per cycle. Calculate the following.

i. The thermal efficiency of the cycle.

ii. The net work output per cycle.
Check that the efficiency does not contravene the Carnot principle.

T1 = 20 +273 = 293 K The hottest temperature is T4 = 1360K. β=1.15 rv = 18 γ=1.4
V T T 1360
T2 = T1rvγ −1 = 293 x 180.4 = 931 K T3 = 3 4 = 4 = = 1183 K
V4 β 1.15
p3 T
= k = 3 = 1.27
p2 T2
kβ γ - 1 1.27 x 1.151.4 - 1
η = 1- = 1 -
[(k -1) + γk(β -1)]rvγ-1 [(1.27 -1) + (1.4 x 1.27 x (1.15 - 1))] x 180.4
η = 0.68 or 68%

Wnett = η x Qin = 0.68 x 1 = 0.68 kJ per cycle.

The Carnot efficiency should be higher.
T 293
η = 1 − cold = 1 − = 0.785
Thot 1360

The figure of 0.68 is lower so the Carnot principle has not been contravened.

© D.J.Dunn 8

A dual combustion cycle has a compression ratio of 18/1. The maximum pressure in the cycle
is 9 MPa and the maximum temperature is 2000oC. The pressure and temperature before
compression is 115 kPa and 25oC respectively. Calculate the following.

i. the cut off ratio.

ii. the cycle efficiency.
iii. the net work output per kg of air.
Assume γ =1.4 Cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK Cv = 0.718 kJ/kg K.


Known data.
T1 = 298 K T4 = 2273 K p3 = p4 = 9 MPa p1 = 115 kPa

V1/V2= V1/V3= 18 V2 = V3

T2 = 298 x 18 = 947 K
p TV 9 x 10 6 x 298 V3 9 x 10 6 x 298 1
T3 = 3 1 3 = x = x = 1296K
p1 V1 115 x 10 3 V1 115 x 10 3 18
V p T T
Cut off ratio = β = 4 = 3 4 but p 4 = p 3 so β = 4
V3 p 4 T3 T3
β= = 1.75
γ -1
⎛V ⎞ V V V 1.75
T5 = T4 ⎜⎜ 4 ⎟⎟ but 4 = 4 x 3 = = 0.0974
⎝ V5 ⎠ V5 V3 V5 18
T5 = 2273 x 0.0974 0.4 = 895.6 K

Qin = mCp(T4 - T3) + mCv (T3 - T2) m= 1 kg

Qin =1.005(2274 -1296) + 0.718(1296-947) = 1232.5 kJ/kg

Qout = mCv (T5 - T1)

Qout = 0.718(895.6 - 298) = 429 kJ/g

Q out 429
η = 1− = 1− = 0.65 or 65%
Q in 1232
Wnett = Q in Q out = 1232 428.6 = 803.5 kJ/kg

© D.J.Dunn 9

The Diesel Cycle precedes the dual combustion cycle. The Diesel cycle is a reasonable
approximation of what happens in slow running engines such as large marine diesels. The initial
accumulation of fuel and sharp detonation does not occur and the heat input is idealised as a
constant pressure process only. Again consider this cycle as being carried out inside a cylinder fitted
with a piston. The p-V and T-s cycles diagrams are shown in figure 7

Fig. 7
1-2 reversible adiabatic (isentropic) compression.
2-3 constant pressure heating.
3-4 reversible adiabatic (isentropic) expansion.
4-1 constant volume cooling.
Q out mc v (T4 - T1 ) (T - T )
η = 1− = 1− = 1− 4 1
Q in mc p (T3 - T2 ) γ(T3 - T2 )
The cycle is the same as the dual combustion cycle without the constant volume heating process. In
this case since k=1 the efficiency is given by the following formula.
β γ -1
η = 1−
(β − 1)γrvγ−1


An engine using the Diesel Cycle has a compression ratio of 20/1 and a cut off ratio of 2. At the
start of the compression stroke the air is at 1 bar and 15oC. Calculate the following.

i. The air standard efficiency of the cycle.

ii. The maximum temperature in the cycle.
iii. The heat input.
iv. The net work output.


β=2 rv=20 γ=1.4 cv = 718 J/kg K for air T1=288 K p1=1 bar.
The maximum temperature is T3 and the maximum pressure is p3 and p2.
β γ -1 21.4 - 1 1.639
η = 1− = 1 − = 1− = 0.647 or 64.7%
(β − 1)γrv γ −1
(2 − 1) x 1.4 x 20 0.4
1 x 1.4 x 3.314

T2 = T1rvγ-1 = 288 x 20 0.4 = 954.5 K T3 = T2 = βT2 = 954.3 x 2 = 1909 K
Q in = mc p (T3 - T2 ) = 1.005(1909 - 954.5) = 959.3 kJ
η= Wnett = ηQ in = 0.647 x 959.3 = 620.6 kJ
Q in

© D.J.Dunn 10

Use cv = 0.718 kJ/kg K , cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K and γ=1.4 throughout.

1. Draw a p - V and T - s diagram for a Diesel Cycle.

The performance of a compression ignition engine is to be compared to the Diesel cycle. The
compression ratio is 16. The pressure and temperature at the beginning of compression are 1
bar and 15oC respectively. The maximum temperature in the cycle is 1200 K.

Calculate the following.

i. The cut off ratio.(1.374)

ii. The air standard efficiency. (66%)

2. A Dual Combustion Cycle uses a compression ratio of 12/1. The cut off ratio is 2/1. The
temperature and pressure before compression is 280 K and 1 bar respectively. The maximum
temperature 2000 K. Calculate the following.

i. The net work output per cycle. (680 kJ/kg).

ii. The thermal efficiency. (57.6 %).

3. A Dual Combustion Cycle uses a compression ratio of 20/1. The cut off ratio is 1.6/1. The
temperature and pressure before compression is 30oC and 1 bar respectively. The maximum
cycle pressure is 100 bar. Calculate the following.

i. The maximum cycle temperature. (2424 K).

ii. The net work output per cycle. (864 kJ/kg).
iii. The thermal efficiency. (67.5 %).

© D.J.Dunn 11

A gas turbine engine normally burns fuel in the air that it uses as the working fluid. From this point
of view it is an internal combustion engine that uses steady flow processes. Figure 8 shows a basic


The air is drawn in from atmosphere and compressed. This makes it hotter. The compressed air is
blown into a combustion chamber and fuel is burned in it making it even hotter. This makes the
volume increase. The hot air expands out of the chamber through a turbine forcing it to revolve and
produce power. The air becomes colder as it expands and eventually exhausts to atmosphere. The
temperature drop over the turbine is larger than the temperature increase over the compressor. The
turbine produces more power than is needed to drive the compressor. Net power output is the result.
In the basic system, the turbine is coupled directly to the compressor and the power output is taken
from the same shaft. The ideal air standard cycle is the Joule Cycle.


The Joule Cycle is also known as the constant pressure cycle because the heating and cooling
processes are conducted at constant pressure. The cycle is that used by a gas turbine engine but
could conceivably be used in a closed system.

We may draw the layout in block diagram form as shown in figure 9

Figure 9

© D.J.Dunn 12
There are 4 ideal processes in the cycle.

1-2 Reversible adiabatic (isentropic) compression requiring power input.

Pin= ∆H/s = mCp(T2-T1)

2-3 Constant pressure heating requiring heat input.

Φin = ∆H/s = mCp(T3-T2)

3-4 Reversible adiabatic (isentropic) expansion producing power output.

Pout = ∆H/s = mCp(T3-T4)

4-1 Constant pressure cooling back to the original state requiring heat removal.
Φ out = ∆H/s = mCp(T4-T1)

The pressure – volume, pressure - enthalpy and temperature-entropy diagrams are shown in figure

Fig. 10

The efficiency is found by applying the first law of thermodynamics.

Φ nett = Pnett
Φ in - Φ out = Pout - Pin
Pnett Φ mc p (T4 - T1 ) (T - T )
η th = = 1 − out = 1 − = 1− 4 1
Φ in Φ in mc p (T3 - T2 ) (T3 - T2 )

It assumed that the mass and the specific heats are the same for the heater and cooler.

It is easy to show that the temperature ratio for the turbine and compressor are the same.
1 1
1− 1 1− 1
T2 ⎛ p 2 ⎞ γ 1− T3 ⎛ p 3 ⎞ γ 1− T3 T2
=⎜ ⎟ = rp γ
=⎜ ⎟ = rp γ
T1 ⎜⎝ p1 ⎟⎠ T4 ⎜⎝ p 4 ⎟⎠ T4 T1

rp is the pressure compression ratio for the turbine and compressor.

⎛ T3T1 ⎞ ⎛T ⎞
⎜⎜ - T1 ⎟⎟ T1 ⎜⎜ 3 - 1⎟⎟
η th = 1 − 4 1 = 1 - ⎝ 2 ⎠ = 1 − ⎝ T2 ⎠
(T - T ) T
(T3 - T2 ) ⎛ T2 T4 ⎞ ⎛T ⎞
⎜⎜ - T2 ⎟⎟ T2 ⎜⎜ 4 - 1⎟⎟
⎝ T1 ⎠ ⎝ T1 ⎠
T3 T4 T3 T T T 1
= -1= 4 -1 η th = 1 − 1 = 1 − 4 = 1 − 1
= 1 − rp -0.286 since γ = 1.4
T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T3 1−
rp γ
This shows that the efficiency depends only on the pressure ratio which in turn affects the hottest
temperature in the cycle.

© D.J.Dunn 13

A gas turbine uses the Joule cycle. The pressure ratio is 6/1. The inlet temperature to the
compressor is 10oC. The flow rate of air is 0.2 kg/s. The temperature at inlet to the turbine is
950oC. Calculate the following.

i. The cycle efficiency.

ii. The heat transfer into the heater.
iii. The net power output. γ = 1.4 Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K


η th = 1 − rp -0.286 = 1 − 6 -0.286
= 0.4 or 40%
T2 = T1rp0.286 = 283 x 6 0.286 = 472.4K
Φ in = mc p (T3 - T2 ) = 0.2 x 1.005 x (1223 - 472.4) = 150.8 kW
η th = Pnett = 0.4 x 150.8 = 60.3 kW
Φ in


γ= 1.4 and Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K throughout.

1. A gas turbine uses the Joule cycle. The inlet pressure and temperature to the compressor are
respectively 1 bar and -10oC. After constant pressure heating, the pressure and temperature are
7 bar and 700oC respectively. The flow rate of air is 0.4 kg/s. Calculate the following.

i. The cycle efficiency. (42.7 %)

ii. The heat transfer into the heater. (206.7 kW)
iii. The net power output. (88.26 kW)

2. A gas turbine expands draws in 3 kg/s of air from atmosphere at 1 bar and 20oC. The
combustion chamber pressure and temperature are 10 bar and 920oC respectively. Calculate the

i. The Joule efficiency. (48.2 %)

ii. The exhaust temperature. (617.5 K)
iii. The net power output. (911 kW)

3. A gas turbine draws in 7 kg/s of air from atmosphere at 1 bar and 15oC. The combustion
chamber pressure and temperature are 9 bar and 850oC respectively. Calculate the following.

i. The Joule efficiency. (46.7 %)

ii. The exhaust temperature. (599 K)
iii. The net power output. (1.916 MW)

© D.J.Dunn 14




When you have completed this tutorial you should be able to do the following.

‰ Explain and solve the Carnot steam cycle.

‰ Explain and solve the Rankine steam power cycle.

It is unlikely that the syllabus intends you to study advanced steam cycles but these may be found in
other tutorials on the web site.

You must fully understand the properties of steam and how to use the thermodynamic tables and
charts. This is covered in previous tutorials.

© D.J.DUNN 1


In previous tutorials you learned that a Carnot cycle gave the highest thermal efficiency possible for
an engine working between two temperatures. The
cycle consisted of isothermal heating and cooling
and reversible adiabatic expansion and

Consider a cycle that uses vapour throughout.

Evaporation and condensation at constant pressure
is also constant temperature. Isothermal heating
and cooling is theoretically possible. The cycle
would consist of the same 4 processes as before
only this time each process would be carried out
in a separate steady flow plant item with the
vapour flowing from one to the other in a closed
loop as shown below. Fig. 1

The four processes are:

1-2 Evaporation at constant pressure and temperature requiring heat input.

2-3 Reversible adiabatic expansion in the turbine giving power output.
3-4 Cooling and condensing at constant pressure and temperature in the condenser requiring
heat output.
4-1 Reversible adiabatic compression requiring power input.

In order that no temperature changes occur in the evaporator and condenser, the vapour must be wet
at inlet and outlet. Over-cooling will produce liquid at temperatures below the saturation
temperature and over-heating will superheat it beyond the saturation temperature. The cycle will be
a rectangle on the T-s diagram and as shown on the h-s diagram.


The limits are that at point (2) it may be dry saturated vapour but not superheated. At point 1 it may
be saturated water but not under-cooled. If these limits are not used, then the vapour has a dryness
fraction at each point. Since heat transfer only occurs at the evaporator and condenser the heat
transfer rates are given by the following expressions.
Φin = m(h2 - h1) = Th ∆S (Boiler)
Φout = m(h3 - h4) = Tc ∆S (Condenser)
Th is the boiler temperature and Tc is the condenser temperature.
The thermal efficiency may be found from the 1st. Law. ηth= 1 - Φout /Φin = 1 - Tc / Th
This expression is the same as for the gas version.

© D.J.DUNN 2

A Carnot cycle is conducted on steam as follows. The evaporator produces dry saturated steam
at 10 bar. The steam is expanded reversibly and adiabatically in a turbine to 1 bar. The exhaust
steam is partially condensed and then compressed back to 10 bar. As a result of the
compression, the wet steam is changed completely into saturated water.

Assuming a flow rate of 1 kg/s throughout determine the condition and specific enthalpy at
each point in the cycle.
Calculate the energy transfers for each stage.
Show that the efficiency is correctly predicted by the expression ηth= T(cold)/T(hot)

SOLUTION We will refer to the previous diagrams throughout.


h2 = hg at 10 bar (since it is dry saturated) = 2778 kJ/kg.

s2 = sg at 10 bar (since it is dry saturated) = 6.586 kJ/kg K.
h1 = hf at 10 bar (since it is saturated water) = 763 kJ/kg.
Φ in = 1 (2778 - 763) = 2015 kW

Since the expansion is isentropic then s2= s3 = 6.586 kJ/kg K
s3 = 6.586 = sf + x3sfg at 1 bar
6.586 = 1.303 + x3(6.056) hence x3=0.872
h3 = hf + x3hfg at 1 bar = 417 + (0.872)(2258) = 2387 kJ/kg
P(output) = 1(2778 - 2387) = 391.2 kW

Since the compression is isentropic then s4= s1
s1 = sf at 10 bar (since it is saturated water) = 2.138 kJ/kg K.
s4 = s1 = 2.138 = sf + x4sfg at 1 bar
2.138 = 1.303 + x4(6.056) hence x4 = 0.138
h4 = hf + x4hfg at 1 bar = 417 + (0.139)(2258) = 728.3 kJ/kg
Power Input = 1(763 - 728.3) = 34.7 kW

Heat output = 1(2387 - 728.3) = 1658.7 kW
Energy Balances rounded off to nearest kW.
Total energy input = 34.7 + 2015 = 2050 kW

Total energy output = 391.2 + 1658.7 = 2050 kW

Net Power output = 391.2 - 34.7 = 356 kW
Net Heat input = 2015 - 1658.7 = 356 kW
Thermal efficiency = Pnett/Φin = 356/2015 = 17.7%
Thermal Efficiency = 1 - Φout / Φin = 1 - 1658.7/2015 = 17.7%
The hottest temperature in the cycle is ts at 10 bar = 179.9 oC or 452.9 K
The coldest temperature in the cycle is ts at 1 bar = 99.6 oC or 372.6 K
The Carnot efficiency = 1 - 372.6/452.9 = 17.7%

© D.J.DUNN 3

1. A steam power plant uses the Carnot cycle. The boiler puts 25 kW of heat into the cycle and
produces wet steam at 300oC. The condenser produces wet steam at 50oC.

Calculate the following.

i. The efficiency of the plant. (43.6%)

ii. The net power output. (10.9 kW)
iii. The heat removed by the condenser. (14 kW)

2. A steam power plant is based on the Carnot cycle. The boiler is supplied with saturated water at
20 bar and produces dry saturated steam at 20 bar. The condenser operates at 0.1 bar. Assuming
a mass flow rate of 1 kg/s calculate the following.

i. The thermal efficiency. (34.3%)

ii. The power output of the turbine. (792 kW)
iii. The heat transfer rate into the boiler. (1.89 MW)


The Rankine Cycle is a practical cycle and most steam power plants are based on it. The problems
with the Carnot Cycle are as follows.

‰ It produces only small net power outputs for the plant size because dry saturated steam is used
at inlet to the turbine.
‰ It is impractical to compress wet steam because the water content separates out and fills the
‰ It is impractical to control the condenser to produce wet steam of the correct dryness fraction.

In order to get around these problems,

the Rankine Cycle uses superheated
steam from the boiler to the turbine. The
condenser completely condenses the
exhaust steam into saturated water. The
compressor is replaced with a water
(feed) pump to return the water to the
boiler. The result of this is reduced
efficiency but greater quantities of


The plant layout is shown above. First let’s briefly examine the boiler.
© D.J.DUNN 4
For reasons of combustion efficiency (which you do not have to study), a practical boiler is made up
of three sections.

a) Economiser
This is a water heater inside the boiler that raises the water temperature at the boiler pressure to just
below the saturation temperature at that pressure.

b) Evaporator
This is a unit usually consisting of a drum and tubes in which the water is evaporated and the steam
driven off.

c) Super-heater
This is a heater placed in the hottest part of the boiler that raises the temperature of the steam well
beyond the saturation temperature.

There are many boiler designs and not all of them have these features. The main point is that a heat
transfer rate is needed into the boiler unit in order to heat up the water, evaporate it and superheat it.
The overall heat transfer is
Φin = m (h2 - h1)

Next let’s look at some other practical aspects of a steam power plant.


In a practical steam cycle the condensate

in the condenser is extracted with an
extraction pump and the water produced
is the coldest point in the steam cycle.
This is usually placed into a vessel
where it can be treated and extra added
to make up for leaks. This point is called
the HOTWELL because it contains hot
water. The main feed pump returns this
water to the boiler at high pressure. In
the following work, extraction pumps
and hotwells are not shown.

Now let’s examine the cycle with the aid of property diagrams.


The process 4 to 1 is cramped into the corner of the h-s diagram and is not clear.

© D.J.DUNN 5

The water at point 1 is below the saturation temperature at the boiler pressure. The economiser first
heats it up raising the temperature, enthalpy and entropy until it reached the saturation curve. The
water is then evaporated and finally, the temperature is raised by superheating the steam to point 2.

Φin = m (h2 - h1)


The second process is the expansion in the turbine and this is ideally reversible and adiabatic and is
represented by a vertical line on the diagrams.

Pout = m(h2 - h3)

Turbines in real plant are often in several stages and the last stage is specially designed to cope with
water droplets in the steam that becomes wet as it gives up its energy. You must use the isentropic
expansion theory in order to calculate the dryness fraction and enthalpy of the exhaust steam.


The third process is the condenser where the wet steam at point 3 is ideally turned into saturated
water at the lower pressure (point 4). Condensers usually work at very low pressures (vacuums) in
order to make the turbine give maximum power. The heat removed is given by

Φout = m (h3 - h4)

Since the condenser produces condensate (saturated water) then h4 = hf at the condenser pressure.


The final process which completes the cycle is the pumping of the water (point 4) from the low
condenser pressure to the boiler at high pressure (point 1). In reality there are many things which
are done to the feed water before it goes back into the boiler and the pressure is often raised in
several stages. For the Rankine Cycle we assume one stage of pumping which is adiabatic and the
power input to the pump is

Pin = m (h1 - h4)

The power required to pump the water is much less than that required to compress the vapour (if it
was possible). The power input to the feed pump is very small compared to the power output of the
turbine and you can often neglect it altogether. In this case we assume h1=h4.

If you are not ignoring the power input, then you need to find h1. If you know the exact temperature
of the water at inlet to the boiler (outlet from the pump) then you may be able to look it up in tables.
The nearest approximation is to look up hf at the water temperature. Since the water is at high
pressure, this figure will not be very accurate and you may correct it by adding the flow energy. We
will look at this in greater detail later. Lets first do a simple example with no great complications.

© D.J.DUNN 6

A steam power plant is based on the Rankine cycle. The steam produced by the boiler is at 40
bar and 400oC. The condenser pressure is 0.035 bar. Assume isentropic expansion. Ignore the
energy term at the feed pump.

Calculate the Rankine cycle efficiency and compare it to the Carnot efficiency for the same
upper and lower temperature limits.


Figure 6
h2 = 3214 kJ/kg at 40 bar and 400oC.
Since the expansion is isentropic then s2 = 6.769 kJ/kg K =s3 = 0.391 + 8.13 x x = 0.785
h3 = hf + x hfg = 112 + 0.785(2438) = 2024.6 kJ/kg

h4 = hf at 0.035 bar = 112 kJ/kg

If the power input to the pump is neglected then h4 = h1 =112 kJ/kg

Φ in= h2 - h1 = 3102 kJ/kg. P(output) = h2 - h3 = 1189.4 kJ/kg

η= P/ Φin = 38.3 %

Carnot Efficiency

The hottest temperature in the cycle is 400oC (673 K) and the coldest temperature is ts at 0.035
bar and this is 26.7 oC(299.7 K).

The Carnot efficiency is 1 - 299.7/673 = 55.5 % which is higher as expected.

Now let’s examine the feed pump in more detail.

© D.J.DUNN 7

When water is compressed its volume hardly changes. This is the important factor that is different
from the compression of a gas. Because the volume hardly changes, the temperature should not
increase and the internal energy does not increase. The Steady flow Energy equation would then tell
us that the power input to the pump is virtually equal to the increase in flow energy. We may write

Pin = m v∆p

Since the volume of water in nearly all cases is 0.001 m3/kg then this becomes

Pin = 0.001 m ∆p = 0.001 m (p1 - p2)

If we use pressure units of bars then

Pin = 0.001 m(p1 - p2) x 105 Watts

Expressed in kilowatts this is

Pin = m(p1 - p2) x 10-1 kW

From this we may also deduce the enthalpy of the water after the pump.

Pin = m (h1 - h4)

Hence h1 may be deduced.


Repeat example 3, but this time do not ignore the feed pump and assume the boiler inlet
condition is unknown.


Pin = 1kg/s(40 - 0.035) x 10-1 = 4 kW

4 = 1 kg/s(h1 - h4) = (h1 - 112)
h1 = 116 kJ/kg

Reworking the energy transfers gives

Φ in= h2 - h1 = 3214 - 116 = 3098 kJ/kg.

Pnett = Pout - Pin = 1189.4 - 4 = 1185.4 kJ/kg

η= Pnett/Φ in = 1185.4/3098 = 38.3 %

Notice that the answers are not noticeably different from those obtained by ignoring the feed

© D.J.DUNN 8

A steam power plant uses the Rankine Cycle. The details are as follows.
Boiler pressure 100 bar
Condenser pressure 0.07 bar
Temperature of steam leaving the boiler 400oC
Mass flow rate 55 kg/s

Calculate the cycle efficiency, the net power output and the specific steam consumption.


h2 = 3097 kJ/kg at 100 bar and 400oC.

For an isentropic expansion we find the ideal condition at point 3 as follows.

s2 = 6.213 kJ/kg K =s3 = 0.559 + 7.715 x3 x3 = 0.733
h3 = hf + x3 hfg = 163 + 0.733(2409) = 1928 kJ/kg

Pout = m(h2-h3) = 55(3097 - 1928) = 64.3 MW

h4 = hf at 0.07 bar = 163 kJ/kg
Φ out = m(h3 - h4) = 55(1928 - 163) = 97.1 MW

Ideal power input = Flow Energy change = mv(∆p)
Pin = 55(0.001)(100-0.07) x 105 = 550 kW
Pin = m(h1 - h4)= 55(h1-163) hence h1 = 173 kJ/kg

Φ in = m(h2 - h1) = 55(3097 - 173) = 160.8 MW

Pnett = Pout - P in = 64.3 - 0.55 = 63.7 MW

η= Pnett / Φ in = 63.7/160.8 = 39.6 %

Alternatively Pnett = Φ in - Φ out = 160.8-97.1 = 63.7 MW

This should be the same as Pnett since the net energy entering the cycle must equal the net
energy leaving.

η= 1 - Φ out / Φ in = 1 - 97.1/160.8 = 39.6%


This is given by
S.S.C. = Pnett /mass flow = 63.78/55 = 1.159 MW/kg/s or MJ/kg

© D.J.DUNN 9

1. A simple steam plant uses the Rankine Cycle and the data for it is as follows.
Flow rate 45 kg/s
Boiler pressure 50 bar
Steam temperature from boiler 300 C
Condenser pressure 0.07 bar

Assuming isentropic expansion and pumping, determine the following.

i. The power output of the turbine. (44.9 MW)

ii. The power input to the pump. (225 kW)
iii. The heat input to the boiler. (124 MW)
iv. The heat rejected in the condenser. (79 MW)
v. The thermal efficiency of the cycle. (36%)

2. A simple steam power plant uses the Rankine Cycle. The data for it is as follows.
Flow rate 3 kg/s
Boiler pressure 100 bar
Steam temperature from boiler 600oC
Condenser pressure 0.04 bar

Assuming isentropic expansion and pumping, determine the following.

i. The power output of the turbine. (4.6 MW)

ii. The power input to the pump. (30 kW)
iii. The heat input to the boiler. (10.5 MW)
iv. The heat rejected in the condenser. (5.9 MW)
v. The thermal efficiency of the cycle. (44%)

a) Explain why practical steam power plants are based on the Rankine Cycle rather than the
Carnot Cycle.

b) A simple steam power plant uses the Rankine Cycle. The data for it is

Boiler pressure 15 bar

Steam temperature from boiler 300oC
Condenser pressure 0.1 bar
Net Power Output 1.1 MW

Calculate the following.

i. The cycle efficiency. (29.7 %)

ii. The steam flow rate. (1.3 kg/s)

© D.J.DUNN 10




This tutorial may contain more than enough material for the syllabus but it is
recommended that students complete all the work.

On completion of this tutorial you should be able to do the following.

• Write down combustion equations.

• Solve the oxygen and air requirements for the combustion of solid, liquid and
gaseous fuels.

• Determine the products of combustion.

• Determine the air/fuel ratio from the products of combustion.

• Solve problems involving energy released by combustion.

• Describe basic instruments used in flue gas analysis.

• Explain the use of calorimeters.

In order to complete this tutorial you should be already familiar with the following.

• The molecular nature of substances.

• Basic chemistry.
• The properties of gas and vapours.
• The use of steam tables.

Combustion is the process of chemical reaction between fuel and oxygen (the reactants). The
process releases heat and produces products of combustion.

The main elements which burn are:


The heat released by 1 kg or 1 m3 of fuel is called the calorific value.

The oxygen used in combustion processes normally comes from the atmosphere and this brings
nitrogen in with it which normally does nothing in the process but makes up the bulk of the gases
remaining after combustion.The main elements in combustion are as follows.

Symbol Atomic Mass Molecular Mass Product

Carbon C 12 CO2
Hydrogen H2 1 2 H2O
Sulphur S 32 SO2
Oxygen O2 16 32
Nitrogen N2 14 28

If the water formed during combustion leaves as vapour, it takes with it the latent heat of
evaporation and thus reduces the energy available from the process. In this case the calorific value
is called the lower Calorific value (LCV). If the products cool down after combustion so that the
vapour condenses, the latent heat is given up and the calorific value is then the higher calorific
value (HCV).

Solid and liquid fuels are normally analysed by mass to give the content of carbon, hydrogen,
sulphur and any other elements present. Often there is silica, moisture and oxygen present in small
quantities which have some effect on the process. The silica leaves deposits of slag on the heat
transfer surfaces in boilers.

Gaseous fuels are normally analysed by volumetric content and are in the main hydrocarbon fuels.

COMPOSITION OF AIR. For purposes of calculation, the composition of air is considered to be as

Oxygen 21% 23%
Nitrogen 79% 77%

The sulphur content of the fuel is considered to be a pollutant and so undesirable. The theoretically
correct quantity of air or oxygen required to just exactly burn the fuel expressed as a ratio to the
fuel burned, is called the STOICHIOMETRIC RATIO.

In practice it is found that not all the oxygen in the reactant reaches the fuel elements and that
excess air is required in order to ensure complete combustion. This results in oxygen appearing in
the products. If too little air or oxygen is supplied, the result is incomplete combustion resulting in
the formation of carbon monoxide CO instead of carbon dioxide CO2. The resulting products
contain water H2O. Industrial equipment for measuring the contents of the products usually
removes the water from the sample and the products are then called the dry products.

© D.J.Dunn 2


In the case of solid and liquid fuels, we do the combustion of each element separately. The
important rule is that you must have the same number of atoms of each substance before and after
the process. This may be obtained by juggling with the number of molecules.

Mass ratio 12 + 32 = 44

Hence 1kg of C needs 32/12kg of O2 and makes 44/12kg of CO2

HYDROGEN 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O

Mass ratio 4 + 32 = 36

Hence 1kg of H2 needs 8kg of O2 and makes 9 kg of H2O

32 + 32 = 64

Hence 1 kg of S needs 1kg of O2 and makes 2kg of SO2.


Typical hydrocarbons are:

Methane CH4
Ethane C2H6
Propane C3H8
Butane C4H10
Pentane C5H12
Hexane C6H14
Heptane C7H16
Octane C8H18
Ethene C2H4 (Ethylene)
Propene C3H6 (Propylene)
Ethyne C2H2 (Acetylene)
Benzenol C6H6 (Benzene)
Cyclohexane C6H12

The combustion equation follows the following rule:

CaHb + (a + ¼ b) O2 = (a) CO2 + ( ½ b) H2O

If this results in fractional numbers of molecules, then the whole equation may be multiplied up.

© D.J.Dunn 3
WORKED EXAMPLE No.1 Write out the combustion equation for C8H18


a = 8, b = 18
CaHb + (a + ¼ b) O2 = (a) CO2 + ( ½ b) H2O

C8H18 + (8+18/4)O2 = 8CO2 + (18/2)H2O

C8H18 + 12½O2 = 8CO2 + 9H2O
2C8H18 + 25O2 = 16CO2 +18H2O

There are other gases which burn and the main one to know about is Carbon Monoxide (CO) which
is partially burned carbon. The equation for the combustion of CO is:

2CO + O2 = 2CO2


The only rule to be observed in deducing the quantities of each substance is the law of conservation
of mass. The proportions of the mass are that of the molecular masses. This is shown in the
following example.


A fuel contains by mass 88% C, 8%H2, 1%S and 3% ash (silica). Calculate the stoichiometric


Mass ratio 12 + 32 = 44

Hence 0.88kg of C needs (32/12)x0.88=2.347kg of oxygen.

It makes (44/12) x 0.88 = 3.227 kg of carbon dioxide.

HYDROGEN 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O

Mass ratio 4 + 32 = 36

hence 0.08kg of hydrogen needs (32/4) x 0.08 = 0.64kg of oxygen.


Mass ratio 32+ 32 = 64

Hence 0.01kg of sulphur needs 0.01kh of oxygen and makes 0.02kg of sulphur dioxide.
TOTAL OXYGEN needed is 2.347 + 0.64 + 0.01 = 2.997kg
TOTAL AIR needed is 2.997/23% = 13.03kg
The STOICHIOMETRIC air/fuel ratio is 13.03/1

© D.J.Dunn 4

If the air supplied is 20% more than the stoichiometric value, find the analysis of the dry
products by mass.


If 20% excess air is supplied then the air supplied is: 120% x 13.03 = 15.637 kg

Oxygen is also 20% excess so 0.2 x 2.997 = 0.599kg is left over.

Nitrogen in the air is 77% x 15.637 = 12.04kg

List of products :
Nitrogen 12.04 kg = 75.8%
Carbon dioxide 3.227 kg = 20.3%
Sulphur dioxide 0.02 kg = 0.1%
Oxygen 0.599 kg = 3.8%
Total dry product 15.886 kg = 100%

It is of interest to note that for a given fuel, the % of any product is a direct indication of the excess
air and in practice the carbon dioxide and/or oxygen is used to indicate this. This is important in
obtaining optimal efficiency in a combustion process.


Complete the following problems.

1. A boiler burns fuel oil with the following analysis by mass :

80% C 18% H2 2%S

30% excess air is supplied to the process. Calculate the stoichiometric ratio by mass and the %
Carbon Dioxide present in the dry products.
(15.62/1 14.9% CO2)

2. A boiler burns coal with the following analysis by mass :

75% C 15% H2 7%S remainder ash

Calculate the % Carbon Dioxide present in the dry products if 20% excess air is supplied.
(16.5% CO2)

3. Calculate the % of each dry product when coal is burned stoichiometrically in air. The analysis
of the coal is:

80% C 10% H2 5% S and 5% ash.

(76.7%N, 22.5% CO2 0.8% SO2)

© D.J.Dunn 5

First we need to revise gas mixtures and understand the meaning of VOLUMETRIC CONTENT.
To do this we must understand Dalton's law of partial pressures and Avogadro’s Law.

First let us define the kmol. A kmol of substance is the number of kg numerically equal to the
apparent molecular mass. For example, 12 kg of Carbon is a kmol, so is 32 kg of O2 and 2 kg of H2
and 28 kg of N2.

The molecular mass of a substance is expressed as kg/kmol so the molecular mass of O2, for
example, is 32 kg/kmol.

Avogadro’s Law states:

1m3 of any gas at the same pressure and temperature contains the same number of molecules. It
follows that the volume of a gas at the same p and T is directly proportional to the number of
molecules. From this we find that the volume of a kmol of any gas is the same if p and T are the

Dalton's law states:

The total pressure of a mixture is the sum of the partial pressures. The partial pressure is the
pressure each gas would exert if it alone occupied the same volume at the same temperature.

Consider two gases A and B occupying a volume V at temperature T. Using the Universal gas law
for each:


Ñ is the relative molecular mass.

pA/pB = mAÑB/mBÑA = ratio of the kmol fractions.

pA and pB are the partial pressures.

VA and VB are the partial volumes. These are the volumes

each gas would occupy if they were separated and kept at the
original p and T. This concept is very useful in problems
involving the combustion of gases. It also follows that the
partial volumes are directly related to the partial pressures so
that VA/VB = pA/pB Figure 1
When not mixed the pressure is p and the volumes are VA and VB. Hence:
pVA/T = mRo/ÑA p = mARoT/ÑAVA ...........(1)
pVB/T = mRo/ÑB p = mBRoT/ÑBVB ...........(2) Since (1) = (2) then:

mA/ÑAVA=mB/ÑBVB and so VA/VB=(mA/ÑA)(mB/ÑB) which shows that in a mixture, the

partial volumes are in the same ratio as the kmol fractions which in turn are in proportion to the
number of molecules of each gas.
When mixed they both have volume V, hence:
pA = mARoT/ÑA V.........(3)
pB = mBRoT/ÑB V..........(4)
(3)/(1) gives pA/p = VA/V and (4)/(2) gives pB/p = VB/V
Hence VA/VB = pA/pB

© D.J.Dunn 6
Consider the combustion of Methane. CH4 + 2O2= CO2 + 2H2O

Since the volumetric content of each gas is in the same ratio as the kmol fractions then the
volumetric content is in the same proportion as the molecules. Hence it needs 2 volumes of oxygen
to burn 1 volume of methane.

The volume of air needed is 2/21% = 9.52 volumes. Hence it burn 1 m3 of methane we need 9.52
m3 of air for stoichiometric combustion. If the products are at the same p and T as the original
reactants, we would obtain 1 m3 of carbon dioxide and 2 m3 of water vapour which would probably
condense and cause a reduction in volume and/or pressure.


Calculate the % CO2 in the dry products when methane is burned with 15% excess air by

CH4 + 2O2= CO2 + 2H2O
Volume ratio 1 2 1 2
The stoichiometric air is 2/21% = 9.524 m3
The actual air is 9.524 x 115% = 10.95 m3
Analysis of dry products:
Nitrogen 79% x 10.95 8.65 m3
Carbon Dioxide 1.00 m3
Oxygen 15% x 2 0.30 m3
Total 9.95 m3

The % Carbon Dioxide = (1/9.95) x 100 = 10%

When the fuel is a mixture of gases, the procedure outlined must be repeated for each
combustible gas and the oxygen deduced for the volume of each in 1 m3 of total fuel.


A fuel is a mixture of 60% Methane and 30% carbon monoxide and 10% oxygen by volume.
Calculate the stoichiometric oxygen needed.


As before, the volume of oxygen required to burn 1 m3 of methane is 2m3.To burn 0.6m3
needs 1.2m3 of oxygen. For carbon monoxide we use the combustion equation:
2CO + O2 = 2CO2
Hence to burn 1 m of CO need 0.5 m3 of oxygen, so to burn 0.3 m3 needs 0.15 m3 of

The total oxygen needed is 1.2 + 0.15 = 1.35 m3. However there is already 0.1 m3 in the fuel
so the stoichiometric oxygen needed 1.25m3

© D.J.Dunn 7

1. Find the air fuel ratio for stoichiometric combustion of Ethene by volume. (14.28/1)

2. Find the air fuel ratio for stoichiometric combustion of Butane by volume.(30.95/1) Calculate
the % carbon dioxide present in the dry flue gas if 30% excess air is used. (10.6%)

3. Find the air fuel ratio for stoichiometric combustion of Propane by volume. (23.81/1).
Calculate the % oxygen present in the dry flue gas if 20% excess air is used. (3.8%)

4. A gaseous fuel contains by volume :

5% CO2, 40% H2 , 40% CH4, 15% N2

Determine the stoichiometric air and the % content of each dry product.
(4.76 m3, 89.7%,N2 10.3% CO2).


It follows that if we can deduce the % product then we can work backwards to determine the air or
oxygen that was used.


Consider the combustion of methane again.

CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O
1 vol 2 vol 1 vol 2 vols


Let the excess air be x (as a decimal)

The stoichiometric air is 9.52 vols. Actual air is 9.52(1 + x)
Dry Products:
Nitrogen 0.79 x 9.52(1 + x) = 7.524x + 7.524
Oxygen 2.000x
Carbon Dioxide 1.000
Total 9.524x + 8.524

% Carbon monoxide = 100 {1/(9.524x + 8.524)}

% Oxygen = 100{2/(9.524x + 8.524)}
For example if the % CO2 is 10% then the excess air is found as follows:

10% = 100 {1/(9.524x + 8.524)} 0.1 = 1/(9.524x + 8.524)

(9.524 x + 8.524) = 10 9.524 x = 1.476
x = 0.155 or 15.5%

Similarly if the O2 is 10% then the excess air is 81% (show this for yourself)

© D.J.Dunn 8
If the analysis of the fuel is by mass, then a different approach is needed. The following examples
show two ways to solve problems.


An analysis of the dry exhaust gas from an engine burning Benzole shows 15% Carbon
Dioxide present by volume. The Benzole contains 90% C and 10% H2 by mass. Assuming
complete combustion, determine the air/fuel ratio used.


1 kg of fuel contains 0.9kg of C and 0.1kg of H2. Converting these into kmol we have 0.9/12
kmol of C and 0.1/2 kmol of H2. For 1 kmol of dry exhaust gas we have :
0.15 kmol of CO2
Y kmol of excess O2
1 - 0.15 - Y = 0.85 - Y kmol of N2
1 kmol of CO2 is 44 kg 1 kmol of N2 is 28 kg 1 kmol of O is 32 kg
0.15 kmol of CO2 is 0.15 x 44kg
This contains (12/44) carbon so the carbon present is 0.15 x 12 kg
The carbon in the fuel is 0.9 kmol per kmol of fuel. Hence the number of kmols of DEG must
be 0.9/(.15 x 12) = 0.5

There are 0.5 kmol of DEG for each kmol of fuel burned.
The Nitrogen present in the DEG is 0.85 - Y kmol per kmol of DEG. This has a mass of
28(0.85 - Y) per kmol of DEG
The oxygen supplied to the process must be :
(23.3/76.7) x 28 x (0.85 - Y) = 7.24 - 8.5Y kg per kmol of DEG.
(using precise proportions of air for accuracy).
The oxygen contained within the carbon dioxide is:
(32/44) x 0.15 x 44 = 4.8 kg per kmol DEG
1 kmol of CO2 contains 44 kg and 32/44 of this is oxygen. The oxygen in the CO2 is hence 32
x 0.15 kg per kmol DEG.
The excess oxygen is 32Y kg per kmol DEG
Total oxygen in the products excluding that used to make H2O is :32 x 0.15 + 32Y
The oxygen used to burn hydrogen is hence : 7.24 - 8.5Y – (32 x 0.15 + 32Y)
O2 used to burn H2 is 2.44 - 40.5Y kg per kmol DEG
For 0.5 kmol this is 1.22 - 20.25Y kg

To burn hydrogen requires oxygen in a ratio of 8/1. There is 0.1 kg of H2 in each kmol of fuel
so 0.8 kg of O2 is needed. Hence :

0.8 =1.22 - 20.25Y

Y = 0.208kmol per kmol DEG

The nitrogen in the DEG is 0.85 - Y = 0.642 kmol per kmol DEG
The actual Nitrogen = 0.642 x 0.5 x 28 = 11.61 kg
The air supplied must be 11.61/.767 = 15.14kg per kg of fuel. A simple calculation shows the
stoichiometric mass of air is 13.73 so there is 10.3% excess air.

© D.J.Dunn 9

A fuel oil contains by mass 86.2% C, 12.8% H2 and 0.9% S by mass. The dry exhaust gas
contains 9% CO2 by volume. Calculate the excess air by mass.


Mass ratio 12 + 32 → 44
0.862 + 2.299 → 3.16
Mass ratio 4 + 32 → 36
0.128 + 1.024 → 1.152
Mass ratio 32+ 32 → 64
0.09 + 0.09→ 0.18
TOTAL OXYGEN needed is 3.413 kg
Ideal Air (stoichiometric ratio) = 3.413/0.233 = 14.65 kg
Nitrogen is 0.767 x 14.65 = 11.23
Let the excess air be x Calculate dry products by mass
% of total
CO2 3.16 kg 316/T
O2 3.413x kg 341.3x/T
SO2 0.18 18/T
N2 11.23(1+ x) 1123(1+ x)/T
Total = T = 3.34 + 3.413x + 11.23(1+ x)

Now convert these into % by volume by dividing by the molecular mass

CO2 316/44T = 7.18/T

O2 341.3x/32T = 10.67x/T
SO2 18/64T = 0.56/T
N2 1123(1+ x)/28T = 40.11(1 + x)/T
Total = (1/T)( 7.18 + 10.67x + 0.56 + 40.11 + 40.11x
Total = (1/T)(47.85 + 50.78 x)

%CO2 = 9 = (7.18/T)100/(1/T)(47.85 + 50.78 x)

0.09= (7.18)/ (47.85 + 50.78 x)
47.85 + 50.78 x = 79.78
50.78 x = 79.78 - 47.85 = 31.92
x = 0.63

Answer the % excess air is 63%

© D.J.Dunn 10

1. C2H6 is burned in a boiler and the dry products are found to contain 8% CO2 by volume.
Determine the excess air supplied. (59%)

2. The analysis of the dry exhaust gas from a boiler shows 10% carbon dioxide. Assuming the rest
is Oxygen and Nitrogen; determine the excess air supplied to the process and the % excess air.
The fuel contains 85% C and 15% H2
(21.5 kg , 44.5%)

3. A fuel oil contains by mass 85% C and 15% H2. The dry exhaust gas contains 11% CO2 by
volume. Calculate the excess air by mass.


This is complex subject and the following is very much simplified. Students wishing to study this in
full should refer to advanced text books and/or the level 2 tutorial on combustion. The contents of
the fuel and air or oxygen prior to combustion are called the reactants. The resulting material is
called the products. In the process energy is released. This is taken as the enthalpy of reaction ∆h

In simple terms we may say: h(reactants) = h(products) + ∆ho

Since h(products) > h(reactants) it follows that ∆ho is a negative value.

In order to make more sense of this, we assume that the products and reactants end up at the same
temperature. The values of ∆ho for various reactants may be found in standard tables. These are
normally stated for 1 kmol of substance at 25oC. We will be more practical here and quote values
for 1 kg (solid and liquid fuels) and 1 m3 for gaseous fuels. You will also find values for internal
energy of reaction but we will not go into this here.

A fuel containing hydrogen will produce water vapour in the products. If the vapour condenses,
more energy is released to the process. In practical combustion it is undesirable to allow this to
happen as the condensed vapours form acids with the sulphur and corrodes the plant, especially the

The energy released when water vapour is not condensed is called the Lower Calorific Value
(L.C.V.). If the vapour is condensed then it is normally assumed that an extra 2441.8 kJ is released
per kg of water, this being the latent enthalpy of evaporation at 25oC. If this energy is added we get
the Higher Calorific Value (H.C.V.). Typical L.C.V.s are as follows.

Coal 30 – 36 MJ/kg
Fuel Oils 43 – 46 MJ/kg
Natural Gas 38 MJ/m3

The calorific values of fuels are found with CALORIMETERS. In the case of solid and liquid fuels
the BOMB CALORIMETER is used. For gaseous fuels the BOY’S CALORIMETER is used.

© D.J.Dunn 11

This is useful when you need to work out the enthalpy of reaction ∆ho (energy released) when a
particular chemical reaction takes place. The law states “if a reaction is carried out in a series of
steps, ∆ho for the reaction will be equal to the sum of the enthalpy changes for the individual steps”.

For the level being studied here, we can apply it in two ways.


When a change of state occurs we can use the law to link the H.C.V. and the L.C.V.


When methane CH4 in its gaseous form is completely burned to form CO2 and H2O (both in
the gaseous form) the enthalpy of reaction is -802.3 kJ/kmol. When vapour is condensed to
water at standard conditions the energy released is 87.98 kJ/kmol. Determine the H.C.V. for
methane gas.


CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 → 2H2O (vapour) all gas ∆ho = -802.3 MJ/kmol. (L.C.V.)
H2O (Vapour) → H2O (liquid) ∆ho = - 43.99 MJ/kmol.
We need the figure for two atoms of water.
2 H2O (Vapour) → 2H2O (liquid) ∆h = 2 x (- 43.99) = -87.98 MJ/kmol.
CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 → 2H2O (liquid) ∆ho = -802.3 + (-87.98)
∆ho = -890.28 MJ/kmol. (H.C.V.)


If a substance is partially burned, energy E1 is released.

If the partially burned substance is then completely burned the energy released is E2.
If the substance is completely burned in one step, the energy released is E = E1 + E2.


The enthalpy of reaction for solid carbon being burned to form carbon monoxide gas is -110
The enthalpy of reaction for solid carbon into carbon dioxide gas is -393 kJ/mol.
What is the enthalpy of reaction when carbon monoxide gas is burned to form carbon dioxide


Base the solution on 1 atom of carbon throughout.

C + O → CO ∆ho = -110 kJ/kmol. (E1)
C + O2 → CO2 ∆ho = -393 kJ/kmol. (E3)
CO + ½ O2 → CO2 ∆ho = -393 - (-110) = -283 kJ/kmol. (E2) (Answer)

© D.J.Dunn 12
A sample of solid or liquid fuel (about 1 gram) is
accurately weighed and placed in a crucible. This
is fitted inside the bomb with an ignition wire
(platinum) passing though the fuel. Special tools
are used to create pellets of coal dust. The lid is
screwed on and the bomb is pressurised with
oxygen. The bomb is placed inside the outer
container containing exactly 1 kg of water.

Figure 2

The outer container is placed inside an insulated box to prevent heat loss. A very accurate
thermometer is placed in the water. The temperature is recorded against time. When the temperature
is stable, the bomb is fired by passing an electric current through the wire. All the time the water is
stirred by an electric motor and stirrer.

The fuel in the crucible is completely burned and

the energy released causes a rapid rise in the
temperature of the water. This is recorded until it
starts to cool again. The bomb may be depressurised
and the contents examined. A small amount of
condensate will be found in it from the water
formed during combustion. This may be weighed
and used to find the L.C.V.

The graph produced is similar to that shown.

Because of slow cooling and possibly initial
warming, the straight lines are drawn as shown to
find the true temperature change ∆T. Figure 3

Because the metal of the bomb and container is warmed as well as the water, the manufacturer will
certify that the bomb has an equivalent mass of water. The effective mass of water heated up is the
actual mass plus the equivalent mass.

The resulting calorific value is the higher value because the gaseous H2O is condensed to water.

Mf = mass of fuel. Mw = total effective mass of water. c = specific heat capacity of water.
Higher Calorific value = Mw C ∆T/mf


A bomb calorimeter is used to determine the Higher Calorific Value of an oil sample. The mass
of the sample is 1.01 g. The total equivalent mass of water is 1.32kg. The increase in
temperature after ignition is 7.8 K. Calculate the higher calorific value. The specific heat of
water is 4.186 kJ/kg K.


H.C.V = Mw C ∆T/mf = 1.32 X 4.186 x 7.8/0.00101 = 42672 kJ/kg or 42.672 MJ/kg

© D.J.Dunn 13

THE Boy’s calorimeter is in effect a highly efficient gas boiler.

The following is a simplified description of it. Gas is burned in the
bottom and as it forces its way out to the top, it has to make several
passes over a coiled pipe with many fins on it to absorb the heat.
Water is heated as it flows through the pipe. Condensate from the
burned gas is also collected from the bottom. The volume of gas
burned and the mass of water heated is accurately measured over
the same period of time. Thermometers measure the water
temperature at inlet and outlet and the flue gas temperature is also
measured accurately
Figure 4

Heat released = volume of gas x higher calorific value.

Heat given to water = Mw c ∆T
Assuming 100% efficiency we may equate and get H.C.V. = (Mw c ∆T)/Volume of gas

This is over simplified and is only true if the flue gas is cooled back to the same temperature as the
unburned gas. The laboratory procedure is detailed in standards.


The results of a test with a Boy’s calorimeter are as follows.

Volume of gas burned (at standard conditions) = 0.004 m3

Volume of water heated in the same time = 1.8 kg
Temperature rise of the water = 20.17 K
Specific heat of water = 4.186 kJ/kg K
Calculate the Higher calorific value.


H.C.V. = (Mw c ∆T)/Volume of gas = (1.8 x 4.186 x 20.17)/0.004 = 38 000 kJ/m3


The efficiency of a combustion process is found from the following basic relationship.
Energy gained by the working fluid
η th % = x 100
Energy released by the fuel
The efficiency of the process is a maximum when all the fuel is burned and the resultant gaseous
products give up all its energy to the process. To this end, the minimum amount of air necessary for
complete combustion should be used as excess air takes away energy with it in the flue and exhaust.
Because cooling the gas too much produces condensation, a minimum flue temperature is
maintained and some heat loss must be expected. Heat loss from combustion equipment should be
minimised by lagging. The following principles could apply to engines or boilers.

© D.J.Dunn 14
The flue gas or exhaust from the process should be monitored for some or all the following features.
• Temperature
• Oxygen content
• Carbon Monoxide content
• Carbon dioxide content
• Sulphur dioxide content

The presence of carbon monoxide indicates that the fuel is not completely burned and energy is
being wasted as unburned fuel.
The presence of oxygen is an indication of the excess air and the correct figure should be
The presence of carbon dioxide is another indication of the excess air and the correct figure should
be maintained.
Sulphur dioxide is a pollutant and this indicates the quality of the fuel.


Old technology used an instrument called the Orsat Apparatus

to analyse flue gas. This used chemical absorbents to determine
the oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide content of a flue
gas (by volume).

Modern instruments like that shown here complete with its probe can
measure the flue gas content and compute the combustion efficiency.

A fully controlled system would adjust the air/fuel ratio and match it to
the load required. These principles are used in modern boilers and
in engine management systems.
Figure 5

In the case of a boiler, the energy gained by the working fluid is the increase in enthalpy of the
water or steam.


A hot water boiler produces 0.24 kg/s of hot water at 80oC from cold water at 18oC.The boiler
burns fuel oil at a rate of 1.6 g/s with a calorific value of 44 MJ/kg. Calculate the thermal
efficiency of the boiler.


The easiest way to find the increase in enthalpy of the water is to use the specific heat assumed
to be 4.186 kJ/kg K.

Φ = m c ∆θ = 0.24 x 4.186 x (80 – 18) = 62.29 kW

Heat released by combustion = mf x C.V.
= 1.6 x 10-3 (kg/s) x 44 000 (kJ/kg) = 70.4 kW

ηth = (62.29/70.4) x 100 = 88.5%

© D.J.Dunn 15

A steam boiler produces 0.2 kg/s at 50 bar and 400oC from water at 50 bar and 100oC. The
boiler burns 5.3 m3/min of natural gas with a calorific value of 38 MJ/ m3. Calculate the
thermal efficiency of the boiler.


The enthalpy of the steam produced is found in tables at 50 bar and 400oC.
h2 = 3196 kJ/kg
The enthalpy of the water is found as follows.
h1 = Flow energy + internal energy = (pressure x volume) + 4186 x temp. oC.
The volume of water is about 0.001 m3 per kg.
h1 = 50 x 105 x 0.001 + 4186 x 100 = 423600 J/kg or 423.6 kJ/kg

Energy given to the water and steam = m (h2 - h1) = 0.2 (3196 - 423.6) = 3111.3 kW
Energy from burning the fuel = Vol/s x C.V. = (5.3/60)(m3/s) x 38 000 (kJ/m3) = 3356.7 kW
ηth = (3111.3/3356.7) x 100 = 92.7%


1. When solid sulphur is burned to form sulphur dioxide gas (SO2), the enthalpy of reaction is -
297 kJ/kmol. When burned to form sulphur trioxide gas (SO3) it is -396 kJ/kmol. Determine the
enthalpy of reaction when SO2 gas is burned to form SO3 gas. (-99 kJ/kmol)

2. A bomb calorimeter is used to determine the Higher Calorific Value of a coal sample. The mass
of the sample is 0.98 g. The total equivalent mass of water is 1.32 kg. The increase in
temperature after ignition is 5.7 K.
Calculate the higher calorific value. (32.14 MJ/kg)

3. A Boy’s calorimeter gave the following results.

Volume of gas burned (at standard conditions) = 0.004 m3

Volume of water heated in the same time = 1.9 kg
Temperature rise of the water = 18.6 K
Specific heat of water = 4.186 kJ/kg K

Calculate the Higher calorific value. (36.98 MJ/m3)

4. A hot water boiler produces 0. 4 kg/s of hot water at 70oC from cold water at 10oC. The boiler
burns fuel oil at a rate of 3.2 g/s with a calorific value of 44 MJ/kg. The specific heat of water
is 4.186 kJ/kg K.
Calculate the thermal efficiency of the boiler. (71.4 %)

5. A steam boiler produces 3 kg/s at 70 bar and 500oC from water at 70 bar and 120oC. The boiler
burns 17 m3/min of natural gas with a calorific value of 38 MJ/ m3. Calculate the thermal
efficiency of the boiler. (80.8%)

© D.J.Dunn 16

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