Shizah Ahmed - Atomic Theory Activity
Shizah Ahmed - Atomic Theory Activity
Shizah Ahmed - Atomic Theory Activity 1/3
1/25/2019 Shizah Ahmed - Atomic Theory Activity - Google Docs
Experiment He used Cathode tubes. Cathode ray Rutherford fired a thin beam of alpha
(brief tubes are sealed glass tubes from which particles at a very thin sheet of pure gold.
explanation) most of the air has been evacuated. A He placed a sample of radium inside a
high voltage is applied across two lead box with a small pinhole in it. Most
electrodes at one end of the tube, which of the radiation was absorbed by the
causes a beam of particles to flow from lead, but a thin beam of alpha particles
the cathode to the anode. escaped out of the pinhole in the
direction of the gold foil.
What happened Thomson placed two oppositely-charged When alpha particles hit it, almost all of
in the electric plates around the cathode ray. the alpha particles passed straight
experiment? The cathode ray was deflected away through the gold foil but a few alpha
from the negatively-charged electric particles were deflected more than 90
plate and towards the positively-charged degree from their path.
Where is the In the electrons which are randomly In the electrons and the nucleus.
Mass? floating in the positive soup.
3- Play with the simulation, Rutherford Scattering. First select the Rutherford atom. Change between either
atomic and/or nuclear view. Select the trace button. Examine what happens when you change the alpha’s
energy, number of protons, and number of neutrons. After that look at the plum-pudding atom.
Complete the table below to compare and contrast the two models. Shaded field are meant to be blank.
What happened to the They reached the nucleus before Nothing really happens
alpha particles as you deflecting off
increased its energy? 2/3
1/25/2019 Shizah Ahmed - Atomic Theory Activity - Google Docs 3/3