Current Evidence-Based Recommendations On Investigating Children With Global Developmental Delay

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Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271 on 20 October 2017. Downloaded from on 17 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Current evidence-based recommendations
on investigating children with global
developmental delay
Renuka Mithyantha,1 Rachel Kneen,2,3 Emma McCann,4 Melissa Gladstone1,5

Department of Developmental Abstract when there is a deficit in performance of at least
Paediatrics, Alder Hey Children’s Introduction  Global developmental delay (GDD) 2 SD below the age appropriate mean on accepted
NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool,
UK affects 1%–3% of the population of children under standardised assessment tests.3 With a prevalence
Department of Paediatric 5 years of age, making it one of the most common of 1%–3%, GDD is one of the the most common
Neurology, Alder Hey Children’s conditions presenting in paediatric clinics; causes conditions encountered in paediatrics with genetic
NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, are exogenous, genetic (non-metabolic) or genetic and structural brain abnormalities being the most
3 (metabolic). Recent advances in biotechnology and frequent causes.1 Establishing a diagnosis enables
Institute of Infection and
Global Health, University of genetic testing mean that the investigations available clinicians to define treatment options and conduct
Liverpool, Liverpool, UK to perform for children under 5 years are increasing surveillance for known complications as well as
Department of Clinical and are more sensitive than previously. This change in provide prognosis and condition-specific family
Genetics, Liverpool Women’s availability and type of testing necessitates an update in support (including family planning choices). This
Hospital, Liverpool, UK
Department of Women and the recommendations for investigating GDD. ensures the best overall outcomes for the child and
Children’s Health, Institute Methods  We conducted a review of the literature from their families/carers.4 A diagnosis may also provide
of Translational Medicine, 2006 to 2016 to identify articles with evidence relating an explanation, a source of closure or acceptance
University of Liverpool, Alder to the investigation of developmental delay in children to parents and stops clinicians advancing to poten-
Hey Children’s NHS Foundation
under the age of 5 years. We collated the evidence into tially more expensive and invasive tests5–7
Trust, Liverpool, UK
first-line and second-line investigations and, where Previous estimates for the yield of investigations
Correspondence to available, on their yield and cost implications. for GDD are broad (10%–81%).2 The variability
Dr Melissa Gladstone, Results  We have provided up-to-date guidance for may be due to differences in patient populations,
Department of Women and first-line and second-line investigations for children clinical settings where tests are performed and
Children’s Health, Institute with GDD under the age of 5 years. Recent evidence the range of tests undertaken.2The last evidence-
of Translational Medicine,
demonstrates that genetic testing for all children with based UK guideline for investigation of develop-
University of Liverpool, Alder
Hey Children’s NHS Foundation unexplained GDD should be first line, if an exogenous mental delay was published 10 years ago.8 With
Trust, Liverpool, L14 5AB, UK; cause is not already established. Our review of the the advent of more recent techniques in genetics
​M.​J.​Gladstone@​liverpool.a​ c.​uk literature demonstrates that all patients, irrespective of and a recent burgeoning of guidelines in other
severity of GDD, should have investigations for treatable countries,4 9 10 there is a need to review our prac-
Received 15 June 2017
Revised 20 September 2017 conditions. Evidence demonstrates that the yield for tice in the UK.
Accepted 21 September 2017 treatable conditions is higher than previously thought The primary objective of this paper is to provide
and that investigations for these metabolic conditions (1) an update of the latest evidence for investigation
should be considered as first line. Additional second-line of GDD, (2) recommendations for investigations
investigations can be led by history, examination and and (3) evidence relating to yield and cost from
developmental trajectories. literature presently available.
Discussion  We may need to update present
recommendations in the UK for investigation of
developmental delay. This would include microarray Methods
testing as first line and a more thorough approach We conducted a systematic review of the literature
to investigations for metabolic disorders that can be relating to the investigation of GDD published in
treated. Clinical assessment remains vital for guiding the last 10 years (since the McDonald review in
investigations. 2006). We searched Pubmed, Google Scholar and
Embase using the MESH terms: ‘developmental
delay’, ‘developmental disorders’, ‘mental retarda-
tion’, ‘intellectual disability’, ‘learning disorders’
Introduction AND ‘guidelines’ AND ‘investigations’. ‘Cost’ and
►► http://​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1136/​ Global developmental delay (GDD) is defined as ‘yield’ were included along with the MESH terms.
a delay in two or more developmental domains of Papers included were reviews, consensus recom-
gross/fine motor, speech/language, cognition, social/ mendations, retrospective or prospective studies.
personal and activities of daily living, affecting Relevant articles from reference lists were also
children under the age of 5 years.1 2 The degree of included. We included papers published in English
developmental delay is further subclassified as: mild that were relevant to children that included investi-
To cite: Mithyantha R, (functional age <33% below chronological age), gations for GDD. We excluded papers that targeted
Kneen R, McCann E, et al. moderate (functional age 34%–66% of chrono- specific metabolic, genetic or neurological condi-
Arch Dis Child logical age) and severe (functional age <66% of tions. We used the term GDD as meaning: delayed
2017;102:1071–1076. chronological age).1 GDD is considered significant developmental domains in children under the age
Mithyantha R, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:1071–1076. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271    1071

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271 on 20 October 2017. Downloaded from on 17 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1  Table demonstrating recommendations for first-line investigations for global developmental delay from four guidelines and our proposed
UK current USA Irish Australian
Tests category McDonald et al8 UK proposed Moeschler and Shevell4 O'Byrne et al10 Silove et al9
Genetic Karyotype Microarray Microarray Microarray Microarray
Frag X Frag X (selected) Frag X Frag X (selected) Frag X
Chromosomal: banded analysis
Biochemical and metabolic
Blood tests U&E U&E TFT U&E U&E
CK CK Lead (selected) CK CK
Lead Lead (If PICA) Homocysteine LFT FBC
Urate FBC Acylcarnitine profile FBC Lead
FBC Ferritin (dietary restriction) Bone profile AA
Ferritin AA Urate
Biotinidase Homocysteine Glucose, lactate
Acylcarnitine profile Venous blood gas
(selected if raised methionine)
Urine tests OA OA OA OA
Oligosaccharides Oligosaccharides Paired urate
Creatine/GAA Creatine/GAA +Urate/creatinine
Purine and pyramidines Purine and pyramidines
AA, amino acids; ASD, autistic spectrum disorder; CK, creatine kinase; FBC, full blood count; Frag X, fragile X; GAG, glycosaminoglycans; LFT, liver function test; OA, organic
acids; TFT, thyroid function tests; U&E, urea and electrolytes.

of 5 years and intellectual disability (ID) as the term used after perinatal causes (prematurity, infections); and social causes often
this age when IQ can be reliably tested.11 best assessed by history but must not be assumed.
For this review, we discuss and categorise investigations Investigations following a thorough clinical history (including
into first-line and second-line tests and subcategorised them to a family pedigree, pregnancy and birth history) and a detailed
genetics, metabolic and imaging. See table 1 for recommended physical examination by a trained specialist lead to a higher diag-
first-line investigations to be considered prior to referral to nostic yield.3 12 Identification and correction of sensory deficits
specialist services. We show a flowchart and decision-making are essential, while evaluating these children and may provide
tree for investigations in figure 1. pointers to the underlying aetiology.2 6
An examination of the child’s developmental status in all
First-line assessment and investigations domains (gross motor, fine motor, language, socioemotional and
History and examination cognitive skills) using a recognised tool to provide a normative
Comprehensive clinical assessment remains the core to plan- comparison should also be conducted. Repeated clinical/dysmor-
ning investigations in young children presenting with GDD.4 8–10 phology and developmental assessments over time are more
Aetiology can be categorised into exogenous, genetic (non-met- informative than one-off assessments in planning investigations
abolic) and genetic (metabolic).11 The diagnosis of exogenous and management.
causes includes teratogenic agents (alcohol and drugs); prenatal, It is important that the clinician consider investigations in all
levels of developmental delay including those with persistent
mild GDD, given the variable phenotypic presentations of
genetic and metabolic conditions. Some studies, although
from tertiary centres, have found that severity did not impact
on the diagnostic rate of investigations,12 while others report
higher yield in patients with moderate-to-severe GDD.13 Serial
assessment enables clinicians to identify changing phenotypes
over time. When metabolic conditions are clinically suspected,
annual evaluation after the first year of life until school age is
Some studies have demonstrated that we can identify the
cause of developmental or cognitive delay in a one-third of
cases by history and examination alone. With clinical evaluation
prompting investigations, we can identify another one-third.
It is only the latter one-third that are identified by investiga-
tions only.12 The presence of abnormal neurology, microcephaly,
female gender, dysmorphism, abnormal prenatal or perinatal
history and absence of autistic features are linked with higher
Figure 1  Flow chart for decision making for investigations for global aetiological yield of investigations.15 Investigations following
developmental delay in young children. comprehensive clinical evaluation are also cost effective.16
1072 Mithyantha R, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:1071–1076. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271 on 20 October 2017. Downloaded from on 17 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Genetic testing Australia are based on a literature review, quoting grade III–IV
First-line tests  evidence.9
Genetic investigation by means of standard karyotyping was Inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) are rare, their prevalence
recommended as a first-line investigation in the UK guidance likely to vary in different populations. There is limited UK data
from 2006.8 The implementation of ‘molecular karyotyping’ on detecting metabolic disorders in patients with GDD.14 IEMs
or chromosome microarray (array-based comparative genomic are usually associated with systemic features, and previous guide-
hybridisation (aCGH)) has changed the state of play. Recent lines recommend selective metabolic investigations.2 8 Some IEMs
evidence-based international guidelines promote the use of are now (partially) treatable, and for others, treatment is in the
aCGH as a first-tier investigation for GDD if no aetiological research stages. Treatment includes dietary supplements (folinic
indicators from history and examination are found.4 9 10 The acid for cerebral folate deficiency, pyridoxine or pyridoxal phos-
higher sensitivity that it has for identifying submicroscopic dele- phate for B6-responsive epilepsy, creatine in creatine transporter
tions and duplications (than standard karyotyping methods) and deficiency, uridine in pyrimidine 5-nucleotidase super activity),
better definition of the breakpoints and size of imbalances all dietary restriction (homocystinuria, glutaricacidaemia) and keto-
make microarray a suitable first-line test.4 17 18 genic diet (pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency, Glut1 transporter
Chromosome microarray has been described to be the ‘single deficiency). Other treatments include: haematopoietic stem
most efficient diagnostic test’ for GDD after history and exam- cell transplantation (mucopolysaccharidoses, metachromatic
ination.4 A literature search of 33 studies that used this technique leucodystrophy), enzyme replacement (Fabry’s disease, Gauch-
in nearly 22 000 patients has demonstrated that the diagnostic er's disease, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) or gene therapy
yield of aCGH is between 15% and 20%, while karyotyping is (adrenoleucodystophy, lysosomal storage disorders).23–25
3%.18 The diagnostic yield of microarray is supported by a health A systematic review of literature by van Karnebeek et al iden-
economics report, which showed cost saving when comparing a tified 89 conditions presenting with ID as a major feature, which
National Health Service (NHS) clinical genetics service use of are susceptible to treatment. Of these, 60% could be identified by
aCGH as a first-tier test while evaluating learning disability, non-targeted urine and blood tests. Some of these conditions (eg,
compared with CGH as second line after negative karyotyping.19 creatine transporter defects, mild homocystinuria, female orni-
Molecular karyotyping will not detect conditions where struc- thine transcarbamylase deficiency) can initially present as GDD
tural changes in the chromosomes result in no loss or gain of alone.25 26 While individual treatable IEMs are extremely rare
genetic material such as balanced translocations or inversions, in the general population, the prevalence will be higher in the
ring chromosomes and low-level mosaicism.18 20 A standard at-risk population. Hence, though small in number, these treat-
karyotype is still required if such a disorder is suspected (eg, able causes of GDD have been the focus of the more recent US
refractory epilepsy, if a family is known to have a balanced guidance, with recommendations that screening for IEM should
translocation associated with a phenotype, a history of be used in all patients with GDD of unknown aetiology.4 24 A
multiple miscarriages or clinical features to suggest mosaicism). list of tests with treatable conditions they identify is shown in
Syndromes caused by methylation defects (eg, Beckwith-Wiede- table 2.
mann, Angelman syndrome) or mutations in single genes will The neonatal screening programme in the UK (Guthrie test)
also go undetected unless specifically tested. currently includes six IEMs (phenyketonuria, medium-chain
Fragile X syndrome affects approximately 1/5000 births, typi- acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, maple syrup urine disease,
cally causing moderate ID in boys and a variable phenotype in isovaleric acidaemia, glutaricaciduria type 1, homocystinuria
girls (unaffected to significant). Phenotypic features evolve and (pyridoxine unresponsive)) and congenital hypothyroidism. It
are not as apparent in younger children.9 The UK genetic testing is restricted when compared with other countries (eg, Canada,
network and international guidelines therefore do promote the USA, The Netherlands), which offer a wider range including
testing for fragile X for children with moderate-to-severe GDD, urea cycle disorders, organic and some amino acid disorders.
without profound physical disability, as an additional first-tier Testing for these is, therefore, more relevant in UK patients with
genetic investigation.4 9 10 21 Testing criteria are available to help GDD, and IEMs should be considered in symptomatic children.14
aid clinical decisions in older children.21 There are also some conditions where early diagnosis can be
made from simple and cheap biochemical screening tests. This
includes creatine kinase and thyroid function tests as well as
Second-line tests
ferritin, vitamin B12 and lead on a selective basis when Pica,
Clinical syndromes can present with variable phenotypes, and
dietary restrictions (vegan diet in child/mother) or environ-
children who have a normal aCGH and FMR1 may be best
mental exposure risk is possible.9 While these tests seldom lead
assessed by a clinical geneticist to ensure that the most appro-
to a diagnosis, they also may add to a diagnosis (eg, macrocytic
priate and cost-effective additional tests are undertaken.22 Use of
anaemia in organic acidaemias, abnormal triiodothyronine in
specific gene tests such as those for Rett syndrome (or its variants)
Allan-Herdon-Dudley syndrome).10 27
or gene panels for ID has been proposed as second-line tests.4
There is limited research on comprehensive metabolic evalu-
There is an increasing number of panels and exome sequencing
ation in larger groups of individuals with GDD. It is, therefore,
tests available for ID (UK Genetic Testing Network; http://www.​
difficult to estimate the yield of many of the proposed first-line
ukgtn.​nhs.​uk) or private providers, but specialist services (clin-
metabolic tests. A recent systematic review conducted for the
ical genetics or paediatric neurology) do most requests for these
American Academy of Neurology found that yield of metabolic
tests, although this is likely to change as mainstreaming of these
investigations varied between 0.2% and 4.6%, based on clin-
investigations advances.
ical signs and range of tests undertaken in the studies (grade III
evidence).28 Second-line individually tailored testing in a tertiary
Metabolic and biochemical investigations setting in the Netherlands produced an overall yield of 2.8% for
There is limited good quality evidence for first-line metabolic metabolic investigations.11
investigations. Recommendations from Ireland are based on Individually tailored second-line testing4 14 26 and referral to
evidence review by expert committee,10 while those from a specialist service is recommended,4 9 when clinical suspicion
Mithyantha R, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:1071–1076. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271 1073

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271 on 20 October 2017. Downloaded from on 17 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
rates when MRI is performed in patients with GDD with addi-
Table 2  Table demonstrating IEM tested for by first-line metabolic
tional clinical/neurological signs.30 31 More complex MRI proto-
cols (eg, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy) are promising
Test tools to investigate GDD and enable a non-invasive measure
(number of conditions
of brain metabolites such as lactate or white matter choline,32
identified) Conditions identified
but studies have so far failed to show an increased diagnostic
Plasma amino acids, n=13 l.o. argininemia, l.o. argininosuccinic aciduria yield,31 33 and hence these are best used as second line in selected
l.o. citrullinemia , l.o. citrullinemia type II
CPS deficiency, HHH syndrome
Maple syrup urine disease (variant) MRI is a more sensitive test and has no radiation exposure,
l.o. NAGS deficiency, OTC deficiency making it a preferred choice over CT. However, all children
Phenylketonuria, tyrosinemia type II under 5 years will need sedation or a general anaesthetic, which
MTHFR deficiency, PDH complex deficiency has a slim risk attached, and some children will need further
Plasma total homocysteine, n=7 Cobalamin C, D, E, F and G deficiencies investigations including a lumbar puncture. There is an argu-
Homocystinuria, MTHFR deficiency ment, therefore, that children requiring brain imaging should see
Acylcarnitine, n=7 Ethylmalonic encephalopathy a specialist prior to imaging, if an anaesthetic is required.
Isovaleric acidemia, tyrosinemia type II
Cobalamin C, D and F deficiencies,
3-methylcrotonyl glycinuria Special considerations
Urine organic acid, n=22 β-Ketothiolase deficiency, MHBD deficiency
Cobalamin A, B, C, D and F deficiencies A child where there is concern about regression in skills should
Glutaric acidemia I, glutaric acidemia II be referred for an assessment from a specialist in neurodisability
HMG-CoA lyase deficiency, tyrosinemia type II or neurology. True regression is quite rare, but incidence can vary
Holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency with ethnic background of the local population. It can be diffi-
3-Methylglutaconic aciduria, 3-methylylcrotonyl cult to establish if there is true regression or if the child has an
evolution of their static disorder. Sometimes a child with GDD
Methylmalonic acidemia, isovaleric acidemia
Homocystinuria, propionic acidemia mHMG-CoA can demonstrate pseudo-regression where the gap in intellectual
synthase deficiency abilities between them and their peers is widening or in a child
SCOT deficiency, SSADH deficiency with cerebral palsy (CP) who has rapid growth and who may
Glycosaminoglycans, n=4 Hunter syndrome (MPS II) experience a decline in the motor function. The development of
Hurler syndrome (MPS I) epilepsy can also impact on cognitive or behavioural function,
Sanfilippo syndrome A, B, C especially in those with pre-existing GDD, autistic spectrum
Sly syndrome (MPS VII)
disorder or CP. Some children with regression may have a step-
Purines and pyramidines, n=3 Molybdenum cofactor deficiency type A wise deterioration in function associated with decompensation
Pyrimidine 5-nucleotidase superactivity
(often an encephalopathy). This clinical pattern points to energy
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
failure, and mitochondrial disorders should be suspected. A full
Oligosaccharides, n=2 α-Mannosidosis
discussion about genuine regression is beyond the scope of this
article. However, the recent progressive intellectual and neuro-
Urine creatine metabolites, n=3 AGAT deficiency
Creatine transporter defect logical deterioration study (www.​rcpch.​ac.​uk/​pind) has provided
GAMT deficiency excellent data about more common causes (box).34 Some disor-
Adapted from Van Karnebeek.25 Some conditions are identified by more than one
ders that cause regression may be amenable to treatment or be
test. eligible for a treatment trial. It is important, therefore, that the
AGAT, arginine: glycine amidinotransferase; CPS, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase; general paediatrician should have an awareness of the presenta-
GAMT, guanidino-acetate-N-methyltransferase; HHH, hyperornithinemia, tion of these disorders.
hyperammonemia, homocitrullinemia; HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl- Children that should be referred to a specialist in neurodis-
CoA; l.o., late-onset form; MHBD, 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase; ability or neurology are shown on table 3. Investigations should
mHMG CoA, mitochondrial 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA; MTHFR,
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; NAGS, N-acetylglutamate synthetase; OTC,
ornithine transcarbamylase; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; SCOT, succinyl CoA
3-oxoacid CoA transferase; SSADH, succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase. Box Ten most common causes of progressive intellectual
and neurological deterioration

remains. An evidence-based, free web-based application (http:// ►► 10 most common causes of PIND reported in the PIND study
www.​treatable-​id.​org) may be useful to tailor investigations for in the UK (
treatable IEMs not covered by first-line tests.29 ►► NCL late infantile
►► Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA (San Filippo)
Neuroimaging ►► Rett syndrome
MRI of the brain has been used selectively and non-selectively ►► Metachromatic leucodystrophy
in evaluating patients with GDD. The diagnostic yield of MRI is ►► Adrenoleucodystrophy
higher when used in patients where GDD is associated with clin- ►► NCL juvenile
ical signs such as abnormal head circumference (microcephaly, ►► GM2 gangliosidosis type 1 (Tay-Sachs)
non-familial macrocephaly, rapid change in head circumfer- ►► Niemann-Pick type C
ence), focal neurological signs or epilepsy. Targeted imaging was ►► Krabbe
hence advocated by previous guidelines.2 8 Previous studies have ►► GM2 gangliosidosis type 2 (Sandhoff)
demonstrated abnormal results in targeted imaging in about
NCL, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis; PIND, progressive intellectual and
41% compared with 14% with non-selective screening.3 Recent
neurological deterioration.
studies continue to demonstrate higher abnormality detection
1074 Mithyantha R, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:1071–1076. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271 on 20 October 2017. Downloaded from on 17 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 3  Clinical pointers to consider referral to a specialist in neurodisability or neurology
Features in the history Regression or possible regression including significant change in behaviour
Possible or definite seizures
Movement disorder: continuous or paroxysmal
Muscle pain/fatigue
New onset sensory impairment, for example, significant decline in visual acuity
Cognitive decline/behavioural change in a child with epilepsy or ASD
Examination findings Neurological signs: dystonia, ataxia, movement disorder, for example, chorea, focal signs, cranial nerve signs, muscle weakness/signs of a peripheral
neuropathy, arthrogryposis/joint contractures, CP picture without a clear cause/history
Ocular signs: nystagmus, eye movement disorder, abnormal fundi, cataract
Other signs: sensorineural deafness
Neurocutaneous features
Course or dysmorphic facial features
CP, cerebral palsy.

be individualised and targeted as they can be invasive (eg, LP, development, slow deterioration, prevent metabolic decom-
muscle/skin biopsy) or painful (eg, nerve conduction studies and pensation and improve seizure control and systemic manifesta-
electromyography) and are expensive and time consuming for tions.25 26
medical staff and families. Children with regression may also be GDD and ID affect 2%–3% of the worldwide population with
referred to the clinical genetics team where specific next-gen- a lifetime cost of up to US$1 million.36 First-line metabolic inves-
eration sequencing panels can be undertaken and, at present, tigations to identify treatable IEMs cost approximately $C568,26
considered for the 100 000 Genome Project (www.​genomicsen- with costs in Ireland for all first-line tests at €1335.10 Costs in
gland.​co.​uk/​the-​100000-​genomes-​project). the UK NHS laboratory for aCGH are not astronomical (£338–
£350),37 38 with the majority of combined metabolic tests costing
Immigrant children under £1000.38 Not all children will get a diagnosis and cost
Immigrant children are exposed to a combination of biolog- per diagnosis may be high, but there are obvious long-term cost
ical, socioeconomical, emotional and environmental adverse savings if early diagnosis and treatment are possible. The options
events placing them at higher risk of developmental problems. of genetic counselling and support for young families also make
This includes malnutrition and disability from trauma, over- diagnosis invaluable.
crowding and toxin exposure and loss of parents or trauma Recent advances in genomic medicine are transforming the
from lack of stability.35 Furthermore, children may have missed investigation of children with significant developmental delay
new-born screens and vaccinations and been exposed to infec- and are likely to transform the way we assess and investigate
tious diseases. In these children, comprehensive clinical assess- children. Traditional models of care have relied on history and
ments should consider all these factors while planning individual examination with broad and then specific investigations to
investigations. funnel down to specific diagnoses. The advent of rapid genetic
testing and ‘omic’ medicine is likely to turn this paradigm on its
Discussion head with whole genome/exome sequencing identifying genes,
Despite new advances in technology, particularly in the realm which may be causing the phenotype in an individual. The clini-
of genetic investigation, clinical assessment continues to be vital cian will then use knowledge of their patient to make a judge-
in guiding investigation. Clues to investigation may lie in the ment about whether this is the cause for their patient—‘reverse
history and examination with clinical judgement being essential dysmorphology’.
to enabling the right pathways to be taken in making a diagnosis. These advances in genomic medicine will lead to an increase in
A good history can help direct which route to take in terms of diagnoses that will modify how the individual is clinically cared
investigation, particularly when exogenous causes are identified. for (precision medicine). The Deciphering Developmental Disor-
Assessment over a period will provide clarity as to whether a ders study and the 100 000 Genome Project will both aid our
condition is resolving, static or deteriorating. Assessment over understanding of disorders. We predict that, with time, whole
time enables the phenotype to evolve and more appropriate genome sequencing/exome sequencing may become the first-line
targeting of investigations. investigation of choice for all children with unexplained GDD
It is clear that establishing a diagnosis enables us to answer and that other investigations will be secondary to this and used
questions on: why it has happened (aetiology), what does it primarily for phenotyping. These will provide answers for fami-
mean for our child (prognosis), what treatments might be avail- lies about the underlying cause of their child’s condition and will
able (precision medicine) and whether it can be prevented in the prevent further costly and potentially distressing investigations
future (prenatal testing and preimplantation genetic diagnosis). taking place.
In these recommendations, we have also highlighted the recent
evidence that promotes metabolic screening tests to detect treat- Conclusions
able conditions. This is a move away from older guidance where In this paper, we have outlined the present evidence and recom-
metabolic investigations were not recommended for children mendations for both first-line and second-line investigations for
with no features/risk factors other than GDD.2 Though rare, GDD in children in the UK. We have provided new evidence
the possibility of presentation as stable developmental delay and relating to the use of genetic testing techniques and have
potential for treatment merits their inclusion as first-line tests. demonstrated that this should be a first-line investigation for
Treatment outcomes vary but can potentially improve cognitive all children with GDD. Second to this, any treatable metabolic
Mithyantha R, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:1071–1076. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271 1075

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311271 on 20 October 2017. Downloaded from on 17 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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wrote and reviewed sections of the paper and approved the final version. RM congenital anomalies. Am J Hum Genet 2010;86:749–64.
conducted the literature review with the support of MG and wrote the first draft of 19 Sagoo G, Mohammed S. Array CGH for learning disability - when is it worth it? : PHG
the paper. Foundation.
Funding  None declared. 20 Kharbanda M, Tolmie J, Joss S. How to use microarray comparative genomic
hybridisation to investigate developmental disorders. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed
Competing interests  None declared. 2015;100:24–9.
Provenance and peer review  Commissioned; externally peer reviewed. 21 Lunt P. Testing criteria for fragile X syndrome: report of the outcome from the UKGTN
fragile X workshop. London: UK Genetic Testing Network.
Open Access  This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
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