Upon completion of this activity you will be able to: The ASCP is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing
• identify the pathologic features that typically correlate with the 4 Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
major molecularly defined subtypes of breast cancers. The ASCP designates this journal-based CME activity for a maximum of 1
• list the uses and limitations of clinically utilized molecular tests, AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™ per article. Physicians should claim only the
including Oncotype DX, MammaPrint, and HER2 fluorescence in situ credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
hybridization in breast cancer. This activity qualifies as an American Board of Pathology Maintenance of
• provide an algorithm for applying molecular testing in the histologic Certification Part II Self-Assessment Module.
workup of breast cancer in guiding appropriate breast cancer subtype The authors of this article and the planning committee members and staff
diagnosis and treatment. have no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests to disclose.
Questions appear on p 904. Exam is located at
Molecular Testing as a Tool for expression levels of hormone receptors, higher Nottingham
Understanding the Biology of Breast Cancer grade, and higher proliferative rates; and can be HER2 posi-
The explosion of molecular information in the past tive.16 There is clinical interest in distinguishing the luminal
decade and a half has led to a better understanding of the B cancers from luminal A cancers because they may be a
biologic diversity of breast cancers as well as clues to the subset of ER-positive cancers that derive benefit from more
different etiologic pathways to breast cancer development. aggressive therapy.17 However, it is also acknowledged that
As pathologists, we are expected to serve our clinical teams the differences between these 2 groups are largely based on
as consultants on the biologic understanding of breast cancer differences in proliferation-related genes and, rather than rep-
subtypes and their pathogenesis. resenting distinct subtypes of breast cancer, are more likely 2
ends of a spectrum of ER-positive disease.3,18,19
The basal-like subtype appears to overlap substantially
markers ER/PR–
A B HER2+,
Strong Weaker +/– ER/PR CK5/6+/–
ER+, ER+, EGFR+/–
PR+/–, PR+/–,
HER2–, HER2+/–,
low Ki67 ↑ Ki67
❚Figure 1❚ Summary of the features of the basic molecular/intrinsic breast cancer subtypes. The characteristics of these
categories have been generalized for simplification. * Notable exceptions to the typically high-grade histologic features
associated with the basal molecular subtype are lower-grade cancers of the following special types: adenoid cystic carcinomas,
low-grade metaplastic carcinomas, apocrine carcinomas, and invasive carcinomas associated with microglandular adenosis.
CK, cytokeratin; EGFR, epidermal growth factor; ER, estrogen receptor; PR, progesterone receptor.
been criticized as single-sample predictors of molecular the additional subtypes can be variable.25,26 The impact of
subtypes because they were developed on the basis of hierar- intermixed normal tissue has also been suggested as a source
chical clustering rather than as a predictive test on individual of interference with gene expression profiling used as a pre-
samples.41 In fact, the results of molecular classification dictive single-sample test.25,36,37,47,48
testing on a case-by-case basis is highly dependent on the Although molecular/intrinsic subtypes have empha-
platform and data evaluation techniques used, with only sized the importance of the biology driving different breast
moderate agreement among them.42-46 While the classifica- cancers, it remains to be seen whether molecular assays
tion of the basal-like subtype appears to be the most reliable, for subtyping will prove to be reproducible, clinically
useful, and practical. However, as discussed in the follow- This concept recognizes that different subpopulations that
ing sections, knowledge of these categories and how they have acquired additional genetic mutations compete with each
are defined can inform diagnosis in clinical practice. other under selective pressure as cancers grow, progress, and
metastasize.79 An extensive review of this topic is beyond the
scope of this article, but the concept of clonal evolution can
be incorporated into the current classification of molecular
Molecular Etiology of Breast Cancer
subtypes in breast cancer by recognizing that some cancer
Molecular evidence has shed light on the different path- subtypes are more rapidly evolving because of their inherently
ways leading to the development of invasive breast cancers. high genetic instability (ie, the basal-like subtype). It follows
Studies looking at the patterns of gene copy number changes that with disease progression, any cancer’s clinically relevant
and mutations present have identified certain genetic altera- phenotype may change. Changes in the hormone receptor
Correlating Molecular Information With complexity has major implications for the development of
Morphology to Inform Diagnostic Practice tests to identify candidates for therapy and may result in blur-
Recognition of the histologic features that correlate ring the lines between cancer types as we identify common
with molecular subtypes and what we know about etiologic targets in cancers arising from different organs.
pathways can assist in clinical diagnostic categorization.
Characteristics classically associated with these subtypes
should serve as a check and, if they are discordant, should
Molecular Testing in Clinical Practice
prompt reevaluation of the details of the diagnosis, the valid-
and Treatment Decisions
ity of prognostic/predictive markers on the case, as well as
consideration of recognized exceptions to the classic features
of the intrinsic subtypes. Well-characterized exceptions to the Single-Marker Molecular Testing for Prediction
HER2 heterogeneity found on FISH.90 However, the frequen- Both have been well validated retrospectively using tissue
cy of heterogeneity for HER2 gene amplification by their pro- specimens from clinical trials, but their clinical usefulness
posed criteria (5%-50% of individual cells amplified) appears is still being more rigorously evaluated in prospective stud-
to be much higher than early limited evidence suggested (as ies.103-112 MammaPrint segregates all breast cancers into
many as 20%-30% meet the proposed criteria, most of which low- and high-risk profiles using a microarray-based gene
have only 5%-15% amplified cells), and these criteria also expression profile focused on 70 genes.113,114 Oncotype DX
result in many nonamplified cases being classified as hetero- was developed for use in node-negative, ER-positive cancers
geneous. Therefore this proposal has been questioned and not (although it is also used in the node-positive setting). RT-PCR
widely adopted.93-99 Interestingly, the evidence suggests that levels of 16 cancer-related gene products are used to calculate
FISH equivocal cases often display significant percentages a recurrence score (RS) that is reported as a continuous vari-
of amplified cells (30%-50%), and therefore this may be an able with stratification into low-, intermediate-, and high-risk
❚Table 1❚
Techniques to Determine the Benefit of Chemotherapy in Patients With Breast Cancer
ADJUVANT! Online calculator ER+ or ER– Percent benefit in overall survival Free Age, comorbidities, size, grade,
Online lymph node status, ER status
Oncotype DX FFPE tissue, RT-PCR ER+ only Recurrence score: stratified into low-, $3,500 mRNA levels of 16 cancer-
intermediate-, and high-risk groups related genes
MammaPrint Fresh tissue, microarray LN –, ER+ or ER– Low or high risk $4,000 70-gene expression signature
ER, estrogen receptor; FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; LN, lymph node; RT-PCR, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.
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