General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
LINKS OBJECTIVE (what & how)
Students sit down on the mat and reminded- refreshed of the last unit of work they have been investigating ( Summer Season, observable changes of
the season- looks like feels like, sounds like etc )
Reminded students the importance of recording their work, evidence and findings on Video creator and remind that we will continue to record and add
to our Science Video with this next Season.
Mystery Bag- Invite a student to come and put their hand in the mystery bag- describe what you can feel. Continue until all clues are out of the
Items are Beanie, umbrella and rain jacket- ask children to have a guess what the Season might be based on the clues in the Mystery bag. Ask what
the items do, link it to the weather- keeping warm, dry etc.
Remind students that WALT- WE ARE LEARNING TO find OBSERVABLE CHANGES in the Weather and Seasons
And WILF- Recording your investigations and work into your science Video, working as a team etc.
Group students into their known and usual investigation groups 3 or 4. “First group will be first to have an IPAD” .
Before we start out investigation to explore the Winter Weather, we are going to do a group brainstorm as we love to share our ideas and learn from
one another.
“This also helps Miss O know what you already know about Winter and what we can learn more about”.
Students scan the QR code with their ipads and open up onto a group paddlets. Students are asked to think about their prior knowledge or experiences
in the Winter season. What does Winter LOOK LIKE, SOUND LIKE AND FEEL LIKE?
Draw on suggestions that are observable and that might have changed since Summer. ASK- How might they change? Why would they change, how
might they change from Summer to Winter? – Linking prior learning of the summer season.
Now we have shared our ideas and discussed how they might change and how we can observe this change we are going to
Group class into two groups.
Outside weather observations.
Children must find observable features of the weather add evidence to their Video Creators. Students must include at least two features of descriptive
evidence using their voice recording of what they can see, verbalising their observable feature of the weather.
ASK/ EXTENSION - if you can find a change from when we were weather forecasters in the Summer Season explain the change. If you forget you look
back through your Video creator to compare.
Students come back down to the matt and the teacher connects a few different IPADS to the board. Students share their findings and the teacher
make connections and links the intended outcome.
Teacher asks students to put their hand up to discuss what was different and what was the same in their findngs
Children are asked to answer the final thinking question in their recording Video creator apps.
Teachers children what is one thing about the Winter Weather that you observed was different or has changed.
Teachers ask students to share.
OBJECTIVE CHECKLIST- Used throughout all lessons apart from last where the assessment product will not be completed in the one lesson.
Group Name Students record observable Students make and record Students must use x1 voice
changes in both activities using predictions using Ipads (Video recording describing a variable
Ipads ( Video Creator). Creator), using either text, feature of the weather.
drawings or voice recording.
General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
LINKS OBJECTIVE (what & how)
(Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
Introduction- Students start on the mat and lights are turned off. The teacher uses a torch and creates shadows on the wall use puppets. Ask- Why can we see the
puppet on the wall, who knows what this is called?- SHADOW! Why can we see the shadow inside? What am I using? Torch/ prompt light.
ASK- Where else do we see shadows? And what is the source of the light outside? – SUN! So like when we just saw the light begin the puppets where would the sun
need to be for us to be able to create a shadow?
When we are outside, does the sun always stay in the same place?
WHY, WHY NOT. What happens in the morning? – SUN RISE SUN SET- Show pictures of Sunrise and Sunset.
So the Sun moves in the sky starting at one point in the morning and moving all the way across the sky to set at the end of the day- what happens when the sun
sets? – prompt light or dark?
Are we able to see the sun moving across the sky? Can anyone think of a way we could watch the sun move across the sky?
Prompt students to get into their investigation groups and the group leader will get an ipad.
Teacher uses lesson weebly to display the steps and explanation for the investigation activities.
Groups must make one prediction and why to what they think will occur ( linking to prior knowledge, the conversation is also recorded and added to the book
creator). Students will document this in their planning section of their science book creator.
Group 1- Students will go outside onto the basketball court and mark their standing position with chalk. The student will choose a landmark that they will remember
to face. Whilst one child is standing in their chosen spot, the next group member will trace the outline of their body. The third group member will take stand in the
same spot and take a picture of the outline. This will be repeated every half our until the students have 6 pictures in total. Students come inside to write and draw a
predications using their video creator.
Students first will use their video creator to draw a predication of what the movement of the sun will look like and in what direction the sun will move.
Students can use drawing, text or voice recorder to record and document their predications. Once this has been checked by the classroom teacher students can then
move outside.
Group two will be working with the tripods and Ipads and need to set up time-lapse- (students have previously been explicitly taught how to use ICT tool and have used
in other activities). Group two will go outside and work to set up their IPADs on the tripods facing in an upwards direction towards the sun .
** This is an active less that is followed through for the rest of the day or until students have their 6 shots. At the end of the day- children are given 15 minutes to compile
their phots from the day and the footage from their time-lapse into their book creator with explanations or their findings.
CONCLUSION- End of the day.
Students come back together on the matt and have an opportunity to share their work on book creators. Students are asked to explain their findings, share their predictions as
well what they could of changed to improve their findings. Teacher can draw on the terminology, make connections and begin to extend on the way in which the children went
about their process of recording the suns movement.
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
LINKS OBJECTIVE (what & how)
Observable changes occur in the Students create a short video using This will be assessed as the end
3 Computer
sky and landscape- ACSSU019
Imovie describing at least one product in extended lesson. Projector
Pose and respond to questions, observable change in Winter Weather. White board/ marker
and make predictions
Teacher will observe the groups
about familiar objects and Ipads
events (ACSIS024) Students export their video and work throughout the lesson to
upload to their Seesaw profile. ensure they are working towards.
Science involves observing,
asking questions about, and
describing changes in, objects Assessment will be the proof of
and events (ACSHE021) completion with the inclusion of the
objectives mentioned previously.
Participate in guided
investigations to explore and
answer questions (ACSIS025 Summative: Final Product- Science
ACSIS213) Book.
Checklist used.
** Background information- teacher already has organised that the class does a writing penpal with a sister class of the same age group in ENGLAND.
Teacher recaps on the previous lessons where children have been observing changes or variables within the weather.
Teachers askes children to recall on what they have achieved- recording, predication change- writes these skills on the board and prompts language.
Teacher explains that the students have VERY important job to do, and the skills they have been learning and practising will help them to complete
the task.
Teacher explains that Children their pen pal class in England are wanting to learn about our country but they don’t know much about the Australian
weather. Students will create a weather report video to send to another Year 1 class in England who will do the same thing about their countries
Teacher previews the weather report video previously made as an example.
Children are asked to move into their investigation groups ( MIXED ABILITY) . The teacher first opens up the Lesson Weebly and talks students
through the step by step lesson instruction ( a lesson structure students are used too )
Teachers asks what types of questions or information needs to included? Prompting back to the example and writing examples onto the word cloud for
later reference.
Groups are given out their IPADS and scan the QR code so they have access to the Lesson Weebly. The teacher again goes through the steps of the
lesson and reminds students to continue working through the steps provided on the weebly.
First are first given 10 minutes given time to plan their video, steps on their video creator, write out or draw their plan.
Students have the majority of the lesson to work on their videos.
** It is not expected that students will finish this video in the one lesson provided.
Teacher prompts students to use descriptive language describing the weather and any changes they may see throughout the lesson.
Children come back down to the matt to share their process of creating their Weather reports videos.