NEA New PPA Rates
NEA New PPA Rates
NEA New PPA Rates
The diverse physiographic and hydrological regime has booned Nepal with high potential of water resource
projects. But these projects depend highly on hydrological data for which hydrometeorological stations need
to be established. Their establishment, because of difficult topographic feature of Nepal and the high cost of
installation, operation and maintenance, becomes feasible only for big projects. And thus hydrological data are
needed to be predicted for small scale projects. These predictions for a given ungauged river system at particular
location are facilitated by empirical methods such as WECS/DHM (Water and Energy Commission Secretariat/
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology) and MIP (Medium Irrigation Project) which have been used since its
development without upgrading and checking its reliability. The objective of this study is to compare the anomaly
of flow predicted by WECS/DHM and MIP method and determine reliability of minimum flow predicted by the
methods. The anomaly of the method is presented by comparing the mean DHM monthly flow with the mean of
predicted monthly flow for each of the seven rivers from Central and Western Development Region. Both methods
give variable deviation for different periods of time for all the rivers. MIP method gives reliable prediction only
if the discharge measurement is done during the dry period (November–April). The reliability of these methods
is checked for estimating minimum flow by calculating the percentage of time discharge (minimum predicted
flow) will be exceeded. WECS/DHM has given higher reliability for the minimum flow than MIP method. MIP
(D) method has given good approximation to the DHM dry period flow than MIP (A). While analyzing the low
flow, lower predicted value given by either of these methods when used gives good approximation. In order to
improve the accuracy of prediction there is requirement of modification of these Hydrological Analytical tools.
3. Objective of Study the entire country as a single entity. The two major
factors affecting the hydrological characteristics
As their reliability can be questioned, we have the of river is location of catchment area and rainfall
following objectives: in the catchment. Monsoon rainfall contributes
to flood runoff which is generally below 3000m
a) To compare anomaly of predicted where as the river above 5000m is usually covered
discharge data by WECS/DHM method with snow mainly contributing to long term flow.
and MIP method with gauging station The MIP method is based upon measurement
data of DHM taken on an intermittent basis. The measurement
b) To determine the percentage of time, of lowest discharge usually April is used to predict
discharge will be exceeded for the lowest the mean monthly discharge of a particular location
discharge predicted by the methods using a Unit Hydrograph (l/s per sq. Km) which
was used to develop Non-dimensional hydrograph
4. Literature Review for seven regions.
The flow was calculated by using both methods. methods in predicting the low flow. This curve
As MIP gives the flow calculation of mean is obtained by plotting the discharge against the
monthly flows, we have considered the calculation percentage of time the minimum predicted flow
of long term flows only for WECS/DHM method will be exceeded. The discharge taken is the DHM
for similar comparison. The DHM Stream flow minimum flow of each year. The percentage of
Summary data of corresponding river is taken as time minimum flow predicted by both methods
reference for comparison. will exceed is then calculated from Flow Duration
Curve of minimum flow.
To determine the reliability among the methods,
comparison of WECS/DHM Method and MIP 6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Method (using April flow and the driest monthly
flow) against the DHM summary flow data was The anomaly of methods from the DHM data was
made. April is considered to be the driest month done on the basis of mean monthly discharge.
and so April flow is recommended by the literature This has given variable result which is shown
for calculation of flows from MIP method. But the in Figures 1- 7. WECS/DHM gives negative
DHM summary flow data of seven rivers shows that deviation for all the months for Melamchi, Khimti,
this consideration does not hold true for all the years Solu, Madi and Chepe. Comparison against
and so the attempt is made in this project to predict Langtang gives the positive deviation for June –
the flow using MIP method by considering both December (during monsoon and post monsoon
driest and April flow ,designated as MIP(D) and period) which indicates that the modification of
MIP(A), and compare the result of both. Anomaly the tool is required for the snow fed rivers. But
of WECS/DHM and MIP method is calculated in comparison against Tadi gives positive deviation
terms of percentage difference from DHM values. for March – May (during pre-monsoon) which
The percentage difference is calculated on the basis shows that the overall generalization cannot
of mean discharges. Anomaly shows percentage be made for all the rivers of Nepal. MIP (D)
from which the predicted values are positively or gives both positive and negative deviation for
negatively deviated for the respective months from both MIP Region I and III. For Region I, MIP
mean DHM values. (D) gives negative deviation for April and June
for Langtang and for Melamchi gives negative
Flow Duration Curve of minimum flow was deviation for March – November. For Region III,
plotted to determine the reliability of these the negative deviation persists between March-
July for all rivers except Tadi. It gives negative and Solu and for other rivers it gives negative
deviation for February and even for April- deviation for the period between June – July
November (pre monsoon and monsoon period). (Khimti), June (Madi), April (Langtang), April
MIP (A) gives positive deviation for Melamchi – July (Chepe), and June –August (Tadi).
% 25 MIP(A)
E 0
JanF eb Mar Apr MayJ uneJ uly Aug SeptO ct NovD ec
WECS/DHM -70.8- 71.6- 74.6- 82.2- 89.0 -80.0- 77.9 -73.1- 74.3- 71.0 -68.6- 58.6
MIP(D) 45.71 24.51 -9.23- 50.1- 38.1- 45.6- 43.9- 3.55 -21.9- 1.66 -0.05 53.55
MIP(A) 213.7 168.0 95.44 7.27 33.24 17.05 20.75 107.6 68.02 111.7 115.1 230.6
125 MIP(D)
100 MIP(A)
JanF eb Mar Apr MayJ uneJ uly Aug Sept OctN ov Dec
WECS/DHM -36.5- 43.1- 36.5- 40.3 -52.02 2.49 17.92 43.41 39.703 9.31 81.413 8.68
MIP(D) 41.04 11.120 .09- 28.5 12.78 -6.64 79.15 213.2 168.0 185.5 99.05 72.56
MIP(A) 88.35 48.40 33.67 -4.545 0.62 24.69 139.2 318.3 257.9 281.3 165.8 130.4
JanF eb MarA pr MayJ uneJ ulyA ug Sept OctN ov Dec
WECS/DHM -37.17 -37.48 -39.32 -38.76 -52.06 -63.73 -50.39 -33.63 -31.56 -23.89 -36.41 -33.75
MIP(D) 82.83 48.23 16.12 -19.63 -14.30 -66.94 -36.75 30.65 46.83 86.34 73.25 108.52
MIP(A) 175.23 123.14 74.80 20.98 29.01 -50.23 -4.78 96.68 121.04 180.52 160.81 213.90
50 MIP(D)
% 25 MIP(A)
E 0
-75 A r A
JanF eb Mar p MayJ une July ug SeptO ct NovD ec
WECS/DHM -60.1- 59.9 -59.9- 59.6 -65.6- 37.7- 42.5- 49.0- 34.7- 45.9- 58.8- 57.5
MIP(D) 76.38 44.42 16.85 -18.2- 4.11 -14.01 1.32 51.96 111.7 100.0 67.85 100.0
MIP(A) 129.2 87.72 51.89 6.29 24.64 11.75 44.70 97.51 175.1 160.0 118.1 160.0
50 MIP(D)
% 25 MIP(A)
E 0
JanF eb Mar Apr MayJ uneJ uly Aug SeptO ct NovD ec
WECS/DHM -37.1- 40.6 -42.2- 47.1 -54.7- 58.3 -40.2- 27.3 -20.9- 17.9 -30.9- 35.6
MIP(D) 57.84 21.44- 6.33 -44.0- 37.7- 70.3- 40.9 11.93 32.65 59.104 6.68 60.42
MIP(A) 181.8 116.8 67.28 0.00 11.23 -47.05 .43 99.90 136.8 184.1 161.9 186.4
% MIP(A)
Jan FebM ar Apr May June July Aug Sept OctN ov Dec
WECS/DHM -32.7 -34.3- 34.8- 32.1- 38.0- 42.4- 27.8- 25.1- 25.0 -20.2- 29.1- 28.0
MIP(D) 57.41 25.27 0.29 -28.2- 10.7- 59.8- 29.4 12.94 22.51 49.88 44.37 70.11
MIP(A) 113.7 70.12 36.20 -2.55 21.26 -45.4- 4.12 53.38 66.37 103.5 96.05 131.0
0 MIP(D)
-20 MIP(A)
Jan FebM ar Apr MayJ une July Aug Sept Oct NovD ec
WECS/DHM -14.55 -5.41 30.76 48.80 15.95 -25.90- 7.23 -19.55 -14.74 -16.43 -25.25 -16.19
MIP(D) 8.21 -2.30 7.52 -19.01 -16.91- 72.79 -52.60 -36.07 -26.23 -16.68 -18.25 7.18
MIP(A) 68.64 52.26 67.57 26.22 29.49 -57.59 -26.13 -0.37 14.96 29.84 27.41 67.04
7. Result of Flow Duration if the driest flow could be measured; otherwise this
Curve of minimum flow reliability will be reduced as given by MIP (A). As
the non dimensional hydrograph ordinate remains
The reliability of the lowest predicted flow with the same, the greater the flow taken more is the increase
minimum flow of each year for respective river in the ordinate of the predicted hydrograph. April
from 1976 – 2006 was calculated by determining is considered to be driest but from the hydrological
the percentage of time the discharge (minimum data of the seven rivers selected the average driest
predicted flow) will be exceeded for both the month is March except for Chepe which is April.
methods which is given in Table 2. WECS/DHM In the case, when April flow is not the driest, the
gives the flow availability of up to 100% during April flow if taken gives higher predicted value
dry period for Solu Khola. The percentage of than the driest flow taken i.e., MIP (A) > MIP (D)
reliability for low flow given by WECS/DHM is . So, continuous measurement of the flow between
higher than MIP except for Tadi. The data quality November-April is required to obtain the driest
of Tadi is ranked to be good by DHM and so this flow. But in the case when this measurement is
result cannot be excluded. For MIP (D) the flow not possible it is suggested that the flow should
availability varies between 24 – 86 % of time be estimated from both the methods and the flow
during dry period. But this reliability is valid only should be so chosen that has lower values.
* - Predicted lowest flow exceeds the range of is higher for WECS/DHM than MIP. Among
minimum yearly flow of DHM three methods, the reliability of minimum flow
predicted by MIP (A) is worse. MIP (D) gives
Q- Predicted minimum flow good approximation than MIP (A). This higher
The percentage of time Q will be exceeded for reliability is obtained only if the driest flow is
minimum flow of each river can be inferred from taken in account.
figure of Flow duration curve of minimum flow for
respective rivers. The Table doesn’t include the data for Langtang
because of unavailability of data of minimum
For all the rivers except Tadi the percentage annual flow.
of time Q will be exceeded for minimum flow
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