Title Hospital Management System: A Project Work Submitted To The Department of Physical Science Rongo University
Title Hospital Management System: A Project Work Submitted To The Department of Physical Science Rongo University
Title Hospital Management System: A Project Work Submitted To The Department of Physical Science Rongo University
Submitted by
Guided by
This research project which is my original work has not been presented for a bachelor of science in any
other university .No part of this project may be reproduced may be reproduced without the prior
permission of the author.
Declaration by supervisor
This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as University Supervisor.
Name of Supervisor. Date.
…………………………… ………………………….
The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without
the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant guidance and
encouragement crown all efforts with success.
I am grateful to our project guide Mr. Nickson Amumo for the guidance, inspiration and constructive
suggestions that helpful us in the preparation of this project.
I also thank my colleagues who have helped in successful completion of the project.
My project Hospital Management System includes registration of patients, storing their details
into the system, registration of receptionist, storing their details into the system and registration of doctors,
storing their details into the system. My software has the facility to give a unique id for every patient,
receptionist, doctor and stores the details of every patient and the staff automatically. It includes a search
facility to know the current status of each room. User can search availability of a doctor and the details of a
patient using the id.
The Hospital Management System can be entered using a username and password. It is accessible either
by an administrator, receptionist or doctor. Only the staff can add data into the database. The data can be
retrieved easily. The interface is very user-friendly. The data are well protected for personal use and
makes the data processing very fast.
TITLE................................................................................................................................................ 1
Declaration. ................................................................................................................................... 1
Declaration by supervisor ............................................................................................................. 2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. ........................................................................................................... 2
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER. 1 .................................................................................................................................... 7
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................ 7
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT............................................................................................. 7
1.3 PROBLEM SOLUTION. ............................................................................................... 7
1.4 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................... 8
1.5 LIMITATION OF THE CURRENT SYSTEM .................................................................. 8
1.6 BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM ..................................................................... 9
1.7 LIMITATION OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM ................................................................ 9
1.8 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................... 10
LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 3. .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 DATA COLLECTION ......................................................................................................... 10
3.1.1TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES ........................................................................................ 10
3.2DATA ANALYSIS. ............................................................................................................... 11
3.3 REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS ........................................................................................... 12
3.3.1SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 12
3.3.2HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER 4. .................................................................................................................................. 13
Design and methodology ............................................................................................................ 13
4.1 INRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 13
RECOMMENDATION .............................................................................................................. 32
CONCLUSION. .......................................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER 9 ................................................................................................................................... 33
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER 10 ................................................................................................................................. 34
WEBILIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................... 34
The university has had a high increase in the number of students and staff in the recent past. The
maintenance of records of these students and staff is manual. The file for each patient is kept and is
retrieved upon the subsequent visit.
Normally the patients who are the students and the staff present identification cards at the reception which
are checked to verify whether they have their records or files there. If not, a new file is created containing
the staff identification details and in which future consultation details will be recorded.
If the file is already there, the patient is asked to go to the consultation room where he or she is diagnosed
and the details recorded in the patient’s file. The patient is either referred to the laboratory or treatment
room for tests and medication respectively depending on the situation.
The maintenance of records of these students and staff is manual. The file for each patient is kept and is
retrieved upon the subsequent visit.
Normally the patients who are the students and the staff present identification cards at the reception which
are checked to verify whether they have their records or files there. If not, a new file is created containing
the staff identification details and in which future consultation details will be recorded.
If the file is already there, the patient is asked to go to the consultation room where he or she is diagnosed
and the details recorded in the patient’s file. The patient is either referred to the laboratory or treatment
room for tests and medication respectively depending on the situation.
Due to the increasing number of students and staff as the university expands to a fully-fledged university,
several problems have arisen. They include-
Lack of immediate retrievals: -The information is very difficult to retrieve and to find particular
information like- E.g. - To find out about the patient’s history, the user has to go through various registers.
This result in inconvenience and wastage of time.
Lack of immediate information storage: - The information generated by various transactions takes time and
efforts to be stored at right place.
Lack of prompt updating: - Various changes to information like patient Details are difficult to make as
paper work is involved.
Error prone manual stock taking: - Manual stock taking are error prone and take a lot of time this may
result in incorrect information. For example, about the medicine in stock.
Preparation of accurate and prompt reports: - This becomes a difficult Task as information is difficult to
collect from various registers.
1. Improved Manual System:-
One of the alternative solutions is the improvement of the manual system. Anything, which can be done by
using automated methods, can be done manually. But the question arises how to perform thing manually in
a sound manner. Following are some suggestions, which can be useful in the manual system.
A more sophisticate register maintenance for various Patient Information, Doctor’s diary, medicine stock
availed for can be maintained at central place. Adequate staff may be maintained so that updation is made
at the very moment at the same time. Proper person for proper work should be made responsible so that a
better efficiency could be achieved. This needs a lot of work force.
2. Batch System:-
Another alternative solution can be used of computer based batch system for maintaining the information
regarding purchase details, customers and employees. A batch system refers to a system in which data is
processed in a periodical basis. The batch system is able to achieve most of the goals and sub goals. But a
batch system data is processed in sequential basis. Therefore batch system is not suggested.
3. Online System:-
This system provides online storage/updation and retrieval facility. This system promises very less or no
paper work and also provides help to Doctor and operational staff. In this system everything is stored
electronically so very less amount of paper work is required and information can be retrieved very easily
without searching here and there into registers. This system is been discussed here.
There are many systems developed that have been developed related to this hospital management system
but however, these systems are too complex for a local level 5 hospital like the one of Rongo. Most of the
level 5 hospitals encompass many procedures irrelevant to Provincial Hospital management system.
System provides the benefits of streamlining of operations, enhanced administration and control, improved
response, cost control and improved profitability. The program can look after Inpatients, OPD patients,
records, database treatments, status illness, and billings. A systematic approach to the way documents are
managed, can transform your Hospital resources to its highest utility and advantage. System has Admin,
Doctor, Nurse, Administration, Pharmacist and Patient modules. Payroll and attendance record of
employees can be maintained. Messages can be sending within this application. Patient can send online
request for appointment. Medicines updated inventory record can be maintained. Blood donor's record can
be maintained and they can be called as needed.
The other system is the outspan hospital management system which
Data collection involved finding facts of the activities being carried in hospital management system aiming
at gathering information on its operation and procedures like registration process, treatment details,
recording process, diagnosis processes and so on.
In order to get facts hospital management system works, an official introductory letter from the department
introduced me to the interviewees. This enabled them to give out information without hesitating. The
interviewees included doctors, nurses, receptionists and patients.
The introductory letter from the department accorded me direct communication to the interviewees. This
enabled them to respond without hesitation.
This is not a new field but rather a new approach to analyzing computer system.one of its main goals is not
to superimpose the interviewer’s or analyst’s viewpoints on the system but to use the viewpoint of the
people within the system. An ethic view of the system is the outside view or what the analyst sees. This is
basically information gathering by observation.
This involved examining of activities going on from registration of patients, consultation details, treatment
section and the laboratory section. This gave a picture on what happens on the ground and who does the
Analysis of the data collected was basically to identify the following:
Information to be included in the system.
Scope of the system in terms of data and information.
Analysis of the collected data was basically performed to identify the following.
Information that was to be included in the system.
Scope of the system in terms of data and information.
Information category.
Research findings
The table below summarizes the feedback from questionnaires .this tool helped in the collection of data
from the receptionists the nurses and doctors. A sample of the questionnaire is shown in the appendix.
Table 1
Question No of Reponses Facts gained
1 No
Operating System : Windows 2010/XP
Monitor : VGA/SVGA
The water fall model
The Software Development Methodology (SDM) to be used in this project is the Software Development
Life cycle (SDLC). Where there is a structured set of activities required to develop a software system
required to develop a software system
Design; 3) Validation;
4) Evolution.
This is based on the waterfall model with rapid prototyping which is a sequential design process often used
in software development process. The development is seen as a flowing downwards steadily. In the Model,
one phase has to be finalized before the process can progress to the next phase.
Users include
Hospital Management
Problem identification.
Feasibility study.
Proposal writing D. Interface design.
Coding and testing
B. Feasibility study. A. 2
D. Interface design. C. 1
F. Documentation. D,E. 1
G. Presentation. F 1
System testing involves testing the system to validate that it meets that it meets user specifications and
System test objectives are
To analyze the test results.
Test the system against user’s requirements.
This involves testing the system using different types of system tests that were performed on the system.
This is aimed at uncovering errors and measuring the system capability. The following system tests
6.2.1 Unit testing
This is the test in the development process and ensures that each unique path of the project performs
accurately to the documented specifications and contains clearly defined inputs and expected results.
Each module was tested to ascertain that it fully performs as expected.
6.2.2 Integration testing.
This involves testing integration of modules. This was done to ensure that modules interactions with each
other were working and that integration of the modules making up the system was working.
6.2.3 Acceptance testing
This involves testing the system with the intent of confirming readiness of the product and customer
Integration test user authentication valid users should log into the
Acceptance testing Interaction of users with the The user should be able to
system use the system with ease
Login window
Different users have different login information stored in the database. They can login to the system
through this interface, or change their passwords for security reasons. This form is loaded when user starts
the program.
$email_id = secure($email_id_unsafe);
$password = secure($password_unsafe);
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE email = '$email_id' AND password =
$result = $connection->query($sql);
if ($num_rows > 1) {
//send email to sysadmin that my site has been hacked
return 0;
} elseif ($num_rows == 0) {
echo status('no-match');
return 0;
} else {
echo "<div class='alert alert-success'> <strong>Well done!</strong> Logged In</div>";
$_SESSION['username'] = $email_id;
if ($table == 'admin') {
$_SESSION['user-type'] = 'admin';
$result = $connection->query($sql);
$fullname = $result->fetch_array()['fullname'];
$_SESSION['fullname'] = $fullname;
if ($table == 'users') {
$_SESSION['user-type'] = 'normal';
} elseif ($table == 'clerks') {
$_SESSION['user-type'] = 'clerk';
} else {
$_SESSION['user-type'] = 'doctor';
return 1;
$email = secure($email_id_unsafe);
$password = secure($password_unsafe);
$speciality = secure($speciality_unsafe);
$fullname = ucfirst(secure($full_name_unsafe));
switch ($table) {
case 'users':
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('$email', '$password', '$fullname');";
case 'doctors':
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('$email', '$password', '$fullname','$speciality');";
case 'clerks':
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('$email', '$password', '$fullname');";
// code...
$full_name = ucfirst(secure($full_name_unsafe));
$age = secure($age_unsafe);
$weight = secure($weight_unsafe);
$phone_no = secure($phone_no_unsafe);
$address = secure($address_unsafe);
return $connection->insert_id;
} else {
echo status('record-fail');
return 0;
Project budget.
Computer 40000
Flash disk
subtotal 41550
Windows 2010/XP/2007 12000
subtotal 12000
total 56050
I recommend that the development be continued together with like-minded persons who live to see the
dream I had and build effective hospital systems that can be used to cut costs of manual labor and enable
efficiency of service provision.
I also recommend that an improvement be made on this system to enable the generation of bills for the
staff members instead those bills being generated in the finance office which consumes time and can
result in drastic effects when the patient is totally sick.
I therefore recommend the inclusion of a purely designated laboratory as a research lab where students can
have the opportunity to implement their ideas and innovations of different forms of systems.
The major achievement of this project is the ability to register new patients and staffs i.e. doctors and
receptionists and store their data in the database. The most important thing that must be appreciated by all
is that, the system is an eye opener to a lot more investigation and detailed research for implementation
and improvement purposes in order to add to the general knowledge base.
The system is for computerizing the working in a hospital. The software takes care of all the requirements
of an average hospital and is capable to provide easy and effective storage of information related to
patients that come up to the hospital.
http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/UNPAN/UNPAN023 588.PDF(10-03-2008)
http://www.ers-can.com (12-04-2008)
System (15-05-2011)
1. http://www.vbdotnetheaven.com/
2. http://www.connectionstrings.com/