WD Gann Explorings
WD Gann Explorings
WD Gann Explorings
Introduction: Do you really know why you do the things that you
do? You probably think that you do. I think most of us think that or
at least that's how we behave most of the time. Even though we have
heard that Freud had this notion of unconscious motivation. In fact he
gave the illustration of an iceberg that only maybe 5 percent is above
the surface and the remaining 95 percent is below the surface of
consciousness in this case. And even though he was trained as a
neurologist, he didn't really have the tools that exist today. For
example, he didn't have the FMRI or functional magnetic resonance
imaging machine. So maybe you think you know why you do the
things you do or maybe you think that the whole business about the
unconscious is just for people with emotional problems. Well, today's
guest offers a much expanded view of the unconscious using the
modern tools that are available today. My guest is brain scientist
David Eagleman Ph.d and he holds joint appointments under the
Departments of Neuroscience and Psychiatry at the Baylor College of
Medicine in Houston, Texas. Dr. Eagleman's areas of research include
time perception, vision, synesthesia, and the intersection of
neuroscience and the legal system. He directs the laboratory for
perception and action and is the founder and director of Baylor College
of Medicine's "Initiative on Neuroscience and the Law". Now I got onto
Dr. Eagleman as the result of a fascinating profile of the man and his
work in the New Yorker magazine. Which led me to his newly released
book, "Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain". I feel fortunate to
been able to speak to this very busy and prolific scientist. Now here is
our conversation.
Transcribed from Shrinkrapradio.com
Dr. Dave: . . .yeah, didn't Freud say something very similar to that,
that we're mostly unaware of the processes that drive us?
Dr. Dave: Yeah, well, there are different levels as you are alluding to
and I think that one level may be suitable for one kind of
understanding or explanation and another level for another because I
know there is a section in your book on reductionism and that'll
probably take us way off in a direction that we don't need to go right
Dr. Dave: Yes, and your book is so rich with examples of that and one
that I particularly loved was the example of the men who looked at
photos of women and were asked to choose the prettiest ones. Maybe
you can tell us about that experiment.
to the real world, to the world outside ourselves. But that is not
exactly the case, is it?
Dr. Dave: You know, your observation that the brain is encased in
darkness within the skull seems so obvious and basic but I have to
say, I never thought of it that way before.
Dr. Dave: So that's kind of interesting. And you also say that vision's
job is to create a useful narrative at our scale of interaction.
Eagleman: That's exactly right. That's all it's trying to do. This is
proposed to be the basis of why we have consciousness and memory is
simply to upgrade predictions so the whole key is we want to be better
prepared the next time we come across a situation and so we have all
these mechanisms that sort of take their time and write down a story
and tell us what they think just happened out there so that we'll be
better prepared the next time. Now we come around to it but it turns
out that it's not necessarily the correct story and of course we know
that memory is quite fallible.
Dr. Dave: . . . yeah and also it may not really be the current story
because you say we're living in the past because it actually takes time
for our senses to send their messages to the brain and some senses
are further away than others and so there are sort of these different
time frames.
signals are streaming at very different times and so the only solution
is-- this is what we've figured out over the last decade-- the only
solution is that your brain has to wait and collect up all the information
and then stitch together a story about what it thinks it just saw and
the consequence is that you're living in the past. By the time you
believe the moment now occurs, it's already happened a long time
you pick up the telephone. You just want to know that its worked.
The CEO also sets the long-terms goals for the company and says
okay, look, here's where I think our company needs to go over the
next 5 years and the CEO passes that mandate and then all the rest of
the machinery of the company adjusts itself to match that goal. And it
takes time. But of course this is what we do. If you say that you
decide you want to be a better tennis player and you hire a coach so
the coach tells you all this advice like okay, step forward into the serve
and grip your racket lower and so on, so consciously the CEO, the
conscious you says okay, step forward, grip the racket lower and so on
and you do that a bunch of times and what you are doing is you're
training up the rest of the machinery of your unconscious brain, your
training all that up you're forcing it to meet that goal and it eventually
becomes good at it, it becomes automatized and then you no longer
even have conscious access to it. You don't know how you are hitting
the tennis ball, you're just doing it. And it's the same way that the
CEO set the long-term goals and the rest of the company adjusts and
all the CEO ever really wants is to high-level summary, headlines of
how things are going.
Dr. Dave: Yes, I guest that's what you meant when you wrote that
consciousness is useful in limited amounts and so it really doesn't
serve us to be aware of everything down to the most minute levels
and to automatize as much as can be made automatic as is useful.
And also, it's interesting to reflect that how much is going on around
us that our senses don't even pick up on. For example, we're both
probably bathed in radio waves and TV waves and gamma radiation
and who know what else and that's not even fitting into the picture of
our internal experience.
that we have biological receptors that can detect that stuff so that we
treat that very especially and we think that represents reality. But as
it turns out, the part of the spectrum that we call visible light, is only
one 10 billionth of the spectrum. So most of the stuff happening we
don't have biological receptors for and so we would have no reason to
even suspect its existence if it weren't for building of machines and the
understanding of physics and so on.
Eagleman: (laughs)
Eagleman: , , , disorder . . .
Eagleman: . . .yeah
Dr. Dave: And what about meditation and mindfulness as tools for
developing more awareness of some of these underlying processes?
your trajectory for the next minute. So now that said, I do think that
even people who are expert meditators, they're getting slightly down
deeper into their unconscious but I don't think it's very far at all. I
think it's essentially just dipping their toes into the water. They're
doing it a lot better than the rest of us but in fact these are such vast
waters and deep caverns that I think they are not actually getting that
far because as I said at the beginning, I don't actually think that we
would understand the language down there.
Dr. Dave: Yes. Now, one of the things that you spend a fair amount
of time on is the idea of multiple selves that were again going back to
the subtitle of the book "the secret lives of the brain" that there are
sort of autonomous subsystems and subroutines that are running sort
of beneath the surface of consciousness and I'm just wondering about
the possible relationship to things like multiple personality, automatic
writing, channeled personality, some of that far-out stuff.
could I have been the one to do that? Well, the answer is you are not
one thing. As Walt Whitman correctly surmised, he said, "I am large, I
contain multitudes" and that's exactly right.
Dr. Dave: Well, there are people who report for example, writing
whole books that they claim it really wasn't them, it just came through
them. Do you think there might be some kind of a subsystem that
spun off . . . ?
Eagleman: . . .yeah . . .
Dr. Dave: Right. I totally identify with that. What do we learn from
the example of Charles Whitman the former Eagle scout and high IQ.
bank teller who shot and killed 48 people from the University of Texas
tower in Austin.
if you did this thing, then you deserve the punishment. But who's the
'you'? If things change in your brain, and it wasn't your choice, does it
still make sense to punish you in the same way? So what I argue for
in the book is a forward-looking legal system which is to say, instead
of imagining that all brains are created equal, have equal capacity for
decision making and so on, and therefore, it's okay to punish
everybody equally instead of forward-looking legal system that takes a
very different approach and says look, what do we do with the person
from here, it there anything that we can do to help? And if not, how
can we modulate sentencing based on future dangerousness? So in
other words, you do risk assessments on people. Some people's
brains are not created equal, some people are very dangerous and
need to be taken off the streets for a long time. At the other end of
the spectrum, some people are not very dangerous and they ended up
in some situation that is very unlikely to repeat. And so a tailored
customized legal system will be one in which we treat people as
individuals, we try to understand what is going on with their brains, if
there is anything to do to help them, and if there's not, we sentence
them appropriately instead of imagining that there is sort of a one size
fits all solution in terms of incarceration, of prison terms. This is not
only more humane and neuro-compatible, but it's also most cost-
Dr. Dave: Well, this fits in with one of the themes of the book which is
essentially, that we're not driving the bus, in other words, the thing
that we identify with the 'I' when I say me and you talk about things
like rabies. and narcotics, and genes, and brain injuries, which you just
talked about, and toxins and diseases. I particularly liked the rabies
example. Maybe you could quickly touch on that.
your areas of your temporal lobe one of the lobes of your brain. And it
also goes to your salivary glands. And what it does in your temporal
lobe is that it essentially controls your behavior and makes you more
aggressive and more prone to bite somebody. And its positioned itself
in your salivary glands that when you bite somebody, it passes itself
on. I mean this is crazy but this is how rabies gets into wild animals
and passes itself to the next wild animal. And the reason its so
remarkable is because what's it is doing is this very tiny little thing is
controlling a creature billion of times larger than it. It's like its
stepping into the cockpit and driving this creature around. I just have
always found it an amazing thing. That's in the point of view of the
rabies. We get to see how it jumps in the cockpit and passes itself on
that way. From the point of view of us, what it makes is very obvious
and clear, is that we are able to be controlled. We got out all these
lock and key mechanisms in our brains and all it takes is something
getting in there and then we become a very different kind of person.
We become aggressive . .
Dr. Dave: Yes, its amazing. It's like the Transformers or Iron Man.
Somebody gets inside there and controls very large person.
Eagleman: Exactly.
Dr. Dave: Well, I know you're short on time. You've just come off a
thirty-day book tour and I know you got a lot that you are trying to
catch up on. I would really love to talk to you at greater length. As
we wind down here, is there anything you'd like to add?
Eagleman: Umm, well, I mean, I'd, just to finish off the neuro law
thing. I think that this is one of the real directions that neuroscience is
going is in navigating our social policy. I think that neuroscience is at
a point where it can really, in a meaningful way, step out of the
laboratory and change the way that we run our society. And there's
no reason that social policy should not be run as rigorously as we do
Eagleman: And the way it stands now, ugly people get much
longer sentences than pretty people because there is all this extra-
legal influences that go on. So if we brought data to the table, and
saw who is actually the ones who go off and commit more crime, and
understanding the biological basis of behavior, and understanding
what can go wrong with people's brains and so on, and how we might
help them, that seems to be a much more enlightened way to run our
legal system.