Sugar and Spice
Sugar and Spice
Sugar and Spice
Assuming that Thatcher is able to successfully generate demand for 400 dozen of either custom or
standard cupcakes, her decision making will be aided by the following calculations:
Input Custom Standard
Financial Metrics:
In US$ per month Custom (in US$) Standard (in US$)
Based on the above calculations, if Thatcher has to choose between 400 dozens of custom or standard
cupcakes so as to maximize her profits, then Thatcher should definitely produce 400 dozens of custom
Payback Period:
Considering that Thatcher invests ~ US$ 50,0001 (15-20% of sales) on marketing activities, and is able to
generate profits of up to US$ 4,686*12 = ~ US$ 56,200/ year. The investment could be recovered in ~ 1
Option 2:
If Thatcher is able to successfully enough funds from angel investors and decides to open a local
storefront, we assume that the existing facility will be closed down and Thatcher will move her entire
production to the storefront. In addition, the following detailed analysis could be of much help to Thatcher
while framing her decision:
Assumptions (wherever possible, we will try to match the production levels and pricing of Sparkle):
Input Custom Standard Comments
Bottleneck Time 75 minutes for 4 dozen 12 minutes for 4 dozen Time reduces in the storefront
Raw Material Cost/ dozen (6.9 - 0.63)*0.95 = 5.96 (5.58 - 0.51)*0.95 = 4.82 Assuming no overage and 5%
(US$) discount on bulk
Total Capacity/ month 270/(75/4/60) = 840 270/(12/4/60) = 5,400 Demand for standard
(Dozens) cupcakes is capped at 1,800
* sale price, decoration cost, and total available time are the same as in Option 1
Financial Metrics:
In US$ per month Custom (in US$) @ 840 dozens Standard (in US$) @ 1,800 dozens
Fixed Salaries 8,750 8,750
Opting for standard cupcakes would have total capacity of 5,400 dozens; however only 1,800 dozens is
demanded in the market. Therefore, we can use the unutilized capacity to make custom cupcakes. The
additional profit generated from making custom cupcakes are as follows:
Total Time Available (hrs.) 270 - (12/4/60)*1,800 = 180 90 hours for 1,800 dozens of
standard cupcakes
Profit Comparison:
Only 840 Custom 1,800 Standard + 576 Custom
Payback Period:
Considering that Thatcher invests US$ 150,0001 (incl. Marketing, equipment, etc) into opening a new
store, and is able to generate profits of up to US$ 35,600*12 = ~ US$ 427,200/ year. The investment
could be recovered in ~ 5 months.
Option 3
Thatcher currently has a demand for 138 dozens of custom cupcakes per month, and operating a food
truck with a daily demand of 900 standard cupcakes (75 dozens) is something that seems possible, and
would help Thatcher generate additional sales. However, to decide whether or not to go ahead with this
decision, following analysis would be of much help to Thatcher :
Input Custom Standard Comments
Fixed Labor (nos.) @ US$ n.a. 2 Need 2 full time employees for
12/hr truck
* raw material cost, decoration cost, and packaging are the same as in Option 1
Financial Metrics:
In US$ per month Custom @ 138 Standard @ 2,250 Total
dozens dozens
Payback Period:
Considering that Thatcher has already bought the truck and negligible investment is required for
operating from a truck, and if the Thatcher is able to generate profits of up to US$ 60,418*12 = ~ US$
725,000/ year. The investment could be recovered within a few days.