Human Resource Management Notes
Human Resource Management Notes
Human Resource Management Notes
Prepared by
Assistant Professor
Means persons employed. PM views man as economic man who works for
HRM treats people as human beings having economic, social & psychological
1. To create & utilize an able and motivated workforce to accomplish
organizational objectives
2. To establish strong working relationships and groups within the
organization by co-ordination of individual and group goals with those
of the organization
3. To create facilities and opportunities for individual or group
development so as to match the growth of the organization.
4. To attain effective utilization of human resources in achievement of
organizational objectives.
5. To identify and satisfy the need by providing adequate and equitable
wages and incentives benefits and social security and measures for
challenging work, recognition and status
4. Professional Significance
By providing healthy working environment it promotes team work in
Define Policy
“A Policy is plan of action. It is statement of intention committing the
management to a general course of action.”
Define Procedure
“A Procedure is well thought out course of action. It prescribes a
specific manner in which a piece of work is done.”
Functions of HRM
1. Planning 1. Employment
3. Directing Development
4. Controlling 3. Compensation
4. Human Relations
5. Industrial Relations
A. Managerial Functions
1. Planning
Planning is pre-determined course of action. It involves planning of
HR requirements, recruitment, selection, training. Involves forecasting
of personnel needs, changing values, attitude & behavior of employees
& their impact on their organization
2. Organizing
Organizing explains to carry out determined course of action.
Organization is a structure by which co-operative group of human
beings allocates its task among its members, identifies relationships &
integrates its activities towards a common objective.
3. Directing
Directing defines execution of plan. At any level the function is
motivating, commanding, leading & activating people.
4. Controlling
The performance has to be verified to check if the personnel functions
are performed in conformity with the plans & directions of
B. Operative Functions
1. Employment
is concerned with securing & employing the people to achieve
organizational objectives. It covers functions such as job analysis,
human resource planning, recruitment, selection and internal mobility.
3. Compensation
Is process of providing adequate & fair remuneration to the
4. Human Relations
Is concerned with practicing policies & programs like employment,
development, compensation & interaction among employees & create
a sense of relationship between individual workers, management &
trade unions.
5. Industrial Relations
IR is relation study among employees, employer, government & trade
Role of Human Resource Manager
2. The Counselor
Employees, who are dissatisfied with present job, approach the Personnel
Manager for counseling. Personal problems could be marital health,
marriage, mental, physical or career related.
3. The Spokesperson
HR is considered as a spokesperson or representative of the company.
5. The Mediator
The HR Manager plays the role of peace-maker and settles the disputes
between employees and management.
Objectives & Organization of HRM
Strategic HRM
• Job Design & Analysis
• Human Resource Planning
• Recruitment, Selection, Placement & Induction
(2 marks each)
1. Define HRM?
3. Define Policy
4. Explain HRD
5. Explain Compensation
(6 marks each)
Unit -2
Define Human Resource Planning
“Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a process by which an
organization should move from current manpower position to its desired
manpower position striving to have right number, right kind of people at right
place & at right time resulting in both organizational and individual receiving
maximum benefit”
- E.W.Vetter
2. It offsets uncertainty & change. This enables the organization to have right
men at right time and in right place.
3. It helps to anticipate the cost of salary enhancement, better benefits.
Define Recruitment
“The process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating
them to apply for jobs in the organization”
Edwin B. Flippo
a. Present Permanent Employees
Organizations consider the present employees for high level jobs due
to availability of most suitable candidates for jobs or equally to the
external source, to meet the trade union demands and to motivate the
existing employees.
Organizations consider temporary or casual employees for low level
jobs or trade union pressures or in order to motivate them on the
present job.
External sources:
a. Advertisement: It is the best method of recruiting persons
for higher and experimental jobs. The advertisement are
given in local or national press, trade or professional
journals. The prospective candidates evaluate themselves
against the requirements of job before sending their
b. Employment exchanges: employment exchanges run by
government are also good source of recruitment.
Unemployed persons get themselves registered with these
exchanges. Exchanges are suitable source of recruitment for
filling unskilled, semi-skilled and operative posts.
c. Unsolicited applicants: persons in search of employment
may contact employers through telephone, by post or in
person. Generally, employers with good reputation get
unsolicited applications. If an opening is there then, these
persons are considered for this job.
d. Professional organizations: professional organizations
maintains complete bio-data of their members and supply it
to companies on demand. These organization also act as
exchange between members and recruiting firm. This source
of recruitment is found reliable for recruiting person at
middle and upper levels of organization.
e. Data banks: The recruiting firms can prepare a data bank
about various persons in different fields. They can collect
information from educational institutions, employment
exchanges, professional organizations etc.
f. Labor contracts: It is quite common to engage contractors
for the supply of labor. When workers are required for short
periods and are hired without going through the full
procedures of selection etc. .,. The persons hired under this
system are generally unskilled workers.
g. Gate recruitment: unskilled workers may be recruited at
the factory gate. In some industries like jute. A large number
of workers work as substitute whenever a permanent
employee is absent.
A notice on notice board of the company specifying the
details of the job vacancies can be put. Such recruitment is
called direct recruitment.
h. Campus recruitment: colleges, universities, research
laboratories are fertile ground for recruiters. In some
companies recruiters are bound to recruit a large no of
candidates from these constitutes every year. It is often an
expensive process.
i. Walk-ins, Write-ins, Talk-ins: walk-in interviews are
becoming very popular method of recruitment. The
applicant just work in with their resumes for interviewers.
In write-ins, job seekers send written enquiries and they
are asked to complete the application form for further
Talk-ins are also becoming popular now-a-days. Job
applicants are required to meet the recruiters, on an
appropriated date for detailed talks. No application is
required to be submitted in this case.
j. Head-hunting: the company’s request the professional
organizations to search for the best candidates particularly
for senior executive positions. Head hunters are also called
as search consultants.
K.Body-shopping: professional organization hi-tech
training institutes develop the pool of human resources
for the possible employment. The prospective employers
contact these organizations.
L. Outsourcing
Some organizations recently started developing human resource
pool employing the candidate for their own organization. These
organizations do not utilize the human resource instead they supply
HRs to various companies based on their temporary needs.
Selection defines selecting the right candidate at right time and at right place.
e.) Occupation:- An occupation is a group of jobs that are similar
as to the kind of work and are found throughout an industry or
the entire country.
f.) Job Analysis:- It is the determination of tasks which comprise
the job and of the skills, knowledge, abilities and
responsibilities required of the worker for a successful
performance and which differentiate one job from all others.
g.) Job Description:- It is an organized, factual statement of the
duties and responsibilities of a specific job.
h.) Job Specification:- It is a statement of the minimum acceptable
human qualities necessary to perform a job properly. It includes
physical, mental, emotional, social & behavioral specification.
4) Written Examination
The organizations have to conduct written examinations
for the qualified candidates after they are screened on the
basis of application blanks so as to measure the
candidate’s ability in arithmetical calculations, to
measure the candidate’s aptitude and reasoning, general
knowledge and English language.
5) Preliminary Interview
It is to solicit necessary information from the prospective
applicants & to assess the applicants suitability to the job.
This may be conducted by an assistant in the personnel
departments. Thus, preliminary interview is useful as a
process of eliminating the undesirable & unsuitable
6. Business games: They are widely used as a selection technique
for selecting management trainees, executive trainees, and
managerial personnel at junior, middle & top management
Business games:
a. Case study
b. Role play
c. Simulation
d. In basket method
a. Analytical , judgmental & decision making skills
b. Human relation skills
c. Encountering skills
d. Problem solving skills , decision making
7. Test: tests are classified into types:
a. Aptitude tests: these tests measure whether an individual has
the capacity or ability to learn given job if given adequate training.
B. intelligence tests: these tests measures the capacity for
comprehension, reasoning, word fluency, numbers, memory &
C. emotional quotient: most of the organization realized that
an emotional involvement and commitment of the employee
determine their contribution to the company rather than their
intelligent quotient.
B. achievement tests: these are conducted when the applicants
claim to know something as these tests are concerned with what
one has accomplished. These tests are more useful to measure the
value of a specific achievement when an organization wishes to
empty experienced candidates these tests are classified into the job
knowledge test & work sample test.
C. situational tests: this test evaluate a candidate in a similar
real life situation. In this test the candidate is asked either to cope
with the situation or to solve critical situations of the job. These
test are classified into group discussion & in basket.
D. interest test: these tests are inventories of the like and
dislikes of candidates in relation to work, job, occupations,
recreational, activities.
E. personality tests: these tests prove deeply to discover clues to
an individual’s value system, his emotional reactions & maturity &
characteristic mood. They are expressed in such traits like self-
confidence, optimism, patience, fear etc.
i) TAT (thematic APPRECEPTION TEST): candidates are
shown a series of pictures and are asked to write a story based on
these pictures. This test measures candidate’s conceptual,
imaginative & interpretative skills.
ii) INK-BLOT TEST: The candidates are asked to see the
ink blot & make meaningful concepts out of them. The examiner
keeps a record of the responses, time taken, emotional expression
F. other test:
I) polygraph tests: The polygraphist the instrument that
records changes in breathing, blood pressure, and pulse & skin
response associated with sweating go palms & plots these reactions
on the paper. The candidate is asked a series of simple,
complicated, related, unrelated & critical questions.
ii) Honesty test: the two types of pre-employment honesty
tests are overt integrity tests & personality based integrity test.
Overt integrity tests make direct questions to assess
dishonest behavior & gather history of theft & illegal behavior.
Personality based integrity test assess an individual’s
predisposition towards deviant & disruptive behavior.
8. Final interview:
Types of interview are:
I) Informal interview: this is the interview which can
be conducted at any place by any person to secure the
basic & non-job related information.
II) Unstructured interview: In this interview the
candidate is given the freedom to tell about himself by
revealing his knowledge on various items/areas, his
background, expectations, interest.
III) Background information interview: this interview is
intended to collect blank & to check that the
information provided in the application blank
regarding education, family, health,hobbies etc .
IV) Stress interview: This interview aims at testing the
candidate’s job behavior & level of withstanding
during the period of stress & strain. The interviewers
tests the candidate by putting him under stress &
strain by interrupting the applicant from answering ,
criticizing his opinions , asking questions pertaining to
unrelated areas , keeping silent for unduly long period
after he has finished speaking etc.
10) Reference Checks:- After completion of final
interview & medical examination , the personnel
department will engage in checking references. These
references may be from the individuals who are familiar
with the candidate’s academic achievement or from the
applicant’s previous employees.
11) Final Decision by line Managers:-
The line manager concerned has to make final decision
whether to select or reject the candidate. A true
understanding between line managers & personnel
manager should be established to take proper decisions.
12) Job Offer:-
The candidate after receiving job offer communicates
his acceptance to the offer or requests the company
modify the terms & conditions of employment or rejects
the offer.
13) Employment:-
The company employs those candidates who accept the
job offer with or without modification of the terms &
conditions of employment of employment & place them
on the job.
Define Placement
Placement is “the determination of the job to which an accepted
candidate is assigned and his assignment to that job. It is matching of what
supervisor to think he can do with job demands with what he offers in form of
payroll, companionship and promotional possibilities.
Problems in Placement
1. Employee Expectations
Employee sometimes expects high salary, independent and challenging
work and the job offers low salary, dependent and routine works then
employee finds himself misfit to the job.
2. Job Expectations
The expectations of employees are more than his/her skills and abilities.
Therefore the HR Manager finds mismatch between job and employee.
3. Change in Technology
The technological changes bring radical changes in job description and
specification. The changes would result in mismatch between job and
Prohibition period generally ranges between six months &
two years.
Job Analysis
While introduction the new employee, the superior or manager should aim
Process of induction
c) Introduction to the organizational/branch head by the head of
d) Departmental head introduces to all the employees of the
department, describes the department, total work of the
department, total work of the department, etc,
e) Supervisor concerned introduces to his co-workers in that
section/unit to the work job; material; machine.
f) Providing information about the duties, responsibilities, rights
facilities, provisions, welfare measurers, etc.
g) Supervisor classifies the 3 debts of the new employee about the
Advantages of Induction:-
I. First impression matters a good deal & results in less turn over.
II. Newcomer adjusts himself to the work quickly & it saves the time of
the supervisor.
Induction Problems:-
1) Supervisor who is entrusted with the job is not trained or is too busy.
2) Employee is overwhelmed with too much information is a short time.
3) Employee is overloaded with forms to complete.
4) Employee is pushed into the job with a sketchy orientation under the
mistaken belief that trial by fired is the beast orientation.
5) Employee may develop wrong perceptions because of short periods on
each job.
6) Employee is forced to fill in the gaps between a broad orientation by the
HR department & a narrow orientation at the departmental level.
7) Employee’s mistakes can damage the company.
Meaning & Definition:-
Training is necessary for the following reasons:-
i) Increased Productivity:-
ii) Higher Employee Morale: - A trained worker derives happiness & job
satisfaction from his work. It also gives him job security & ego
Benefits of Training
How Training Benefits the Organisation
ii) Improves the job knowledge & skills at all levels of the organization.
xi) Organisation gets more effective decision making & problem solving.
xv) Helps in handling conflict, thereby helping to prevent stress & tension.
Benefits to Individual:-
d) Increase job satisfaction & recognition.
Training Methods
On the – job method Off the
* Coaching * Role
* Committee Assignment *
Conference & discussion
* Internship training *
Programmed instruction
i) Job Rotation:- This type of training involves the movement of the trainee
from one job to another. The trainee receives job knowledge. &
gains experience from his supervisor or trainer in each of the
different job assignments. This method gives an opportunity to the
trainee to understand the problems of employees on other jobs &
respect them.
iii) Job Instruction:- This method is also known as training through step by
step. Under this method the trainer explains to the trainee.
Off – the – Job Training Methods:- off the job training refers to training
imported away from the Employee’s immediate work area. The
employee is separated from the job situation & his attention Is
focused exclusively on learning which can later lead to improved
job performance.
Objectives of Training
Assessing the
Knowledge after
training 38
Trained or
developed workers
Assessing the
Knowledge prior to
Setting Evaluation
Important Questions
1. Define Training.
1) Traditional methods
2) Modern methods
In continuous order like 0,1,2,3,4 & 5 & in discontinuous order, the appraises
assigns the points to each degree.
i) A supervisor may tend to rate his men high to avoid criticism from
ii) The choice of employee behavior categories – the important might
ones get missed out & irrelevant ones may get included.
• This method only tells us about & not the actual difference among
It is developed to prevent the raters from too high or too low. Under
this method, the rate after assigning the points to the performance of each
employee has to distribute his ratings in a pattern to conform to normal
frequency distribution.
Below Average
E) Checklist Methods:-
Yes No
Is the employee really interested in the job
The appraiser makes a note of all the critical incidents that reflect the
performance or behaviour of the employee during the appraisal period. These
are recorded as & when they occur & can demonstrate either positive or
negative traits or performance. At the end of the appraisal period this records
forms the basis for evaluation of the performance of the employee.
H) Group Appraisal:-
I) Confidential Report:-
II Modern Methods:-
Scale Value
Cost of human resources may be taken as standard. Employee
performance can be measured in terms of employee contribution to the
D) Management by Objective:-
Management by objective is a process whereby the superior &
subordinate managers of an organization jointly identify its common goals,
define each individuals major areas of responsibility in terms of results
expected of him & use these measures of guides for operating the unit &
assessing the contribution of its members.
Four Steps in MBO process
1) It is to establish the goals each subordinate is to attain.
2) Setting the performance standards for the subordinates.
3) Actual level of goal attainment is compared with the goals.
4) Establishing new goals & possibly new strategies for goals not previously
E) Psychological Appraisal:-
It focuses on future potential & not actual performance. Industrial
psychologist are employed for conducting the appraisal.
The appraisal normally consists of in depth interviews,
psychological tests, discussions with supervisors & a review other
The psychological appraisal results are useful for decision making
i) Employee Placement
ii) Career Planning & development
iii) Training & Development
F) Results Method:-
Organisation of the contemporary periods evaluates employee
performance based on accomplishments they achieve rather than based on the
behavioural factor/traits. Employee accomplishments include sales turnover,
number of units produced, & number of customers served, number of
complaint settled & the like.
G) Balance Scorecard:-
It was developed by Robert Kaplan & David Norton. It brings
the linkages among financial, customer, processes & learning.
H) Managerial Appraisal:-
Harold Koontz has developed a concept of managerial appraisal
i.e appraising managers as managers. According to this concept, the managers
attain organizational objectives by performing the basic managerial functions
Viz. planning, organizing, leading, motivating, staffing & controlling.
The checklist containing the questions in these areas is prepared
with a five degree rating scale i.e extremely poor performance, neither poor or
not fair performance, fair performance. The appraisers rate performance of
managers by assessing weights to the scale & appraise only those areas which
are clear & are supported by adequate knowledge.
appraisal period as it is still fresh in his memory. An employee who has
perform well for the preceding nine months but fail to maintain the same
level of performance in the last 3 months preceding the appraisal might
get the same rating as or an interior one than someone who performed
well only in the last 2-3 months of the appraisal period.
5) Primacy Effect:- The performance of the appraiser at the beginning of
the appraisal period dominate the evaluation.
6) Central Tendency Effect:- It is the tendency of the appraiser to rate
most of the appraiser in the middle of the performance scale. The
appraiser gives neither high nor low ratings & tends to give ratings in the
middle of the scale to all the appraisers.
7) Stereotyping:- It involves judging someone based on the group he
belongs to & the appraisers perception of the group.
Wage & Salary administration:- is essentially the application of
systematic approach to the problem of ensuring that the employee are paid in
a logical, equitable & fair manner.
Wage:- Indian Labour Organisation defines the term Wage as the “the
remuneration paid by the employer for the services of hourly, daily, weekly &
fortnightly employees.
Salary: - The term salary is defined as the remuneration paid to the
clerical & managerial personnel employed on monthly or annual basis. It is
also known as Basic Pay.
Earnings:- Earnings are the total amount of remuneration received by
an employee during a given period. These include salary, dearness allowance,
House rent allowance, city compensatory allowance, other allowances, over
time payments, etc.
Nominal/Money Wage:- It is the Wage paid or received in monetary
Real Wage:- It is the amount of Wage arrived after discounting
nominal wage by the living cost. It represents the purchasing power of money
Objectives of compensation
4) To Ensure Desired Behaviour:- Good rewards performance loyalty,
accepting new responsibilities & changes.
5) To Keep Labour & Administrative Costs:- In line with the ability of the
organization to pay.
6) To facilitate pay roll administration of budgeting & wage & salary control.
7) To promote organization feasibility.
depressed economy will probably increase the labour supply. This in turn,
should lower the going wage rate.
F) Technical Development:- The Wage rates of skilled employee constantly
change if pin organizational has to keep its level upto the mark to suit the
market needs.
Internal Factors:- The important internal factors affecting wage & salary
decisions are as follows:-
1) Ability to pay:- The ability to pay of an enterprise will influence wage rates
to be paid. If the concern is running into losses then it may not be able to pay
higher wage rate. A profitable concern may pay more to attract good workers.
ii) Job Requirements:- The relative worth of a job can be estimated through
job evaluation. Simple, routine tasks that can be done by many people with
minimum skills receive relatively low pay. On the other hand complex,
challenging tasks that can be done by few people with high skill level
generally receive high pay.
JOB EVALUATION:- It deals with money & work. It determines the relative
worth or money value of jobs.
vii)Optimization of management & employee interest.
viii) Maintaining good industrial relations & harmony, with respect to
1) Determine Type of job
2) Decide upon Job Factors
Eg:- Skill may have sub factors
Such as Education, Experience, Training & Judgment
3) Construction of factor scale
Eg:- Experience – 100
5 10 20 25
Upto 3 Months Between Between Overones
Over 4 years
3 to 6 months 6 to 1 year Year upto 4
4) Evaluate each job in terms of the scale constructed:- This provides the
worth of jobs in terms
Of points.
5) Conducting a Wage Survey:- The Points should be converted into money
6) Designing the Wage Structure.
Techniques of wage/fixation
There are different systems of wage payments, prevalent in different
industries & in different countries. They are discussed as follows:-
1) Time Wage Plan:- under this plan of wage payment, Employees are paid
for the period of time for which they have been employed. When the quality
of work is more important than the quantity & the nature of work is such that
it cannot be easily standardized, a time wage system is preferred. The worker
is assured of a fixed amount of wages, irrespective of the output.
2) Piece Wage Plan:- Under this wage plan, workers are paid for the work
done. This method is usually employed when there is need for production of
large numbers & the units of work produced can be easily standardized.
3) Payments by Result System:- Under this system, the wage for each piece
of work is fixed & the workers are paid once the work is completed.
Eg:- It a Function Hall is to be decorated, the workers are paid once the work
is completed.
4) Skill Based Pay:- Employees are compensated for their job-related skills.
This is also called knowledge- Based Pay.
5) Broad Banding:- as a base-Pay technique, reduces the number of salary
levels into broad salary bands the bands normally have a fixed minimum &
maximum which overlap with other bands
Eg:- If the salary band for the entry level is fixed as Rs.10,000 - Rs 18,000 the
salary band for the next level can be Rs 12,500 – Rs 22,000.
6) Balance or Debt Method:- This method takes into account both piece rate
& time rate systems.
When piece rate earnings are less than time rate earnings, he is paid on the
basis of time rate, but the excess which he is paid is carried forward as a debt
against him to be recovered from any future balance of piece work.
Incentives are the rewards to an employee over & above his base wage or
salary, in recognition of his performance & contribution.
Extra Earnings = (Time Saved x Time taken x hourly rate) / Standard time =
(2 x 6 x 5) / 8 = Rs 7.50
Earnings = Rs 30 + Rs 7.50 = Rs 37.50
c) Taylor’s Differential Piece rate:- Two rates are fixed for each tasks
Higher rate was paid to the worker who finished standard task & the lower
rate to the worker who did not finish the standard task.
Eg:- Worker turns out 30 units, he would get Rs 10 x 30 = Rs 300 per day & if
turns out only 20 units he would get Rs 8 x 20 = Rs 160 per day.
This was more beneficial to hard worker & a penalizing rate to lazy worker
d) Gantt Task Bonus Plan:- A Bonus is paid over & above the time wage, if
the standard task is accomplished.
2) Long Term Plan:- It helps in providing steady earnings, over a longer time
Eg:- Annual Bonus, Profit sharing Eso Rs, Etc.
a) Annual Bonus :- Annual Bonus plans are based on the annual performance
of the company. Bonus is normally a one time payment made at the end of the
financial year.
Eg:- Diwali Bonus.
b) Profit sharing:- Employees earn a share of the company’s profit, which is
normally calculated as a percentage of the total profit.
Walt Disney Corporation was the first company to employ this method.
c) Gain sharing:- The group is rewarded for its team work, co-ordination &
other characteristics that have determined its success. A group is entitled for
gain sharing even if the firm has not recorded any profits.
d) ESOP’s( Employee Stock Option Plans):- This is a scheme in which
employees are given a part of ownership at a price lower than market price, in
consideration of their duration &/or meritorious performance on the job.
I Monetary Rewards:-
1) Payment for Time not Worked:-
This category includes.
a) Hours of work:- Sec 51 of the Factories Act, 1948 specifies that no adult
worker shall be required to work in a factory for more than 48 hrs in any
b) Paid Holidays:- According to the factories act, 1948, an adult worker shall
have a weekly paid Holiday, preferably Sunday.
c) Shift Premium: - Companies operating second & third shifts, pay a
premium to the workers, who are required to work during the odd hours shift.
d) Holiday Pay:- Organisation offer double the nominal rate of the salary to
those workers who work on paid holidays.
e) Paid vacation:- Workers in Manufacturing mining & plantations who
worked for 240 days during a calendar year are eligible for paid vacation at
the rate of one day for every 20 days worked.
2) Employee Security:- Physical & Job security to the employee should also
be provided with a view to promoting security to the employee & his family
a) Retrenchment Compensation:- The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
provides for the payment of compensation in case of lay off & retrenchment.
The non seasonal industrial establishment employing 50 or more workers has
to give one month’s notice or one month’s wages to all the workers who are
retrenched after one year’s continuous service. The compensation is paid at
the rate of 15 days wage for every completed years of service with a
maximum of 45 days wage in a year.
b) Lay-off Compensation:- Employees are entitled to lay off compensation at
the rate of 50% of the total of the basic wage & dearness allowance for the
period of their lay off except for weekly holidays. It can normally be paid
upto 45 days in a year.
c) Disablement Benefits:- Insured employees who are disabled temporarily or
permanently due to employment injury & for occupational diseases are
entitled to get the cash benefit under this head.
d) Dependent’s Benefit:- If an insured person dies as a result of an
employment injury sustained as an employee, his dependents who are entitled
to compensation under the act shall be entitled to the periodical payments.
e) Medical Benefits:- This benefit shall be provided to an insured employee
or to a member of his family where the benefits is extended to his family.
5) Old Age & Retirement Benefits:- Employers provide some benefits to the
employees after retirement & during old age with a view to create a feeling of
securities about the old age. These benefits are called old age & retirement
a) Provident Fund:- Employees is all factories under Factories Act, 1948 are
considered by the Act, Both the employer & employee contribute to the fund.
The employees on attaining 15 years of membership are eligible for 100% of
the contribution with interest.
b) Pension:- This Scheme is for the payment of a lump sum amount of
Rs4000 to an employee on his retirement as retirement benefit & a lump sum
amount of Rs 2,000 in the event of death of an employee as life insurance
c) Gratuity:- This is another type of retirement benefit to be provided to an
employee on retirement or at the time of physical disability & to the
dependents of the decreased employee. It is a reward to an employee for is
long service with his present employer.
d)Deposit Linked Insurance:- The maximum amount of benefit payable
under the deposit linked insurance is Rs 1000.
Fair Wage:-
The basis of fair wage is the minimum wage, within the capacity of the
organisation to pay & should be related to the productivity of the labour.
Fair wage is a wage above the minimum wage but below the living wage.
Merit Rating:- It is a systematic & impartial procedure for determining the
excellence with which an individual is performing a job.
Two Marks
Six Marks
What is the importance of performance appraisal?
Fourteen Marks
Explain with diagram the process of performance appraisal system.
Unit – 5
Define Promotion.
Promotion is defined as “advancement of an employee to a better job,
better in terms of greater responsibility, more prestige and status, greater skill
and increased rate of pay or salary.
By: Paul Pigors &
Charles Myers
Purpose of Promotion
• The resources of higher order of an employee can be utilized
• Competent employees are motivated to exert all their resources and
contribute to organizational efficiency.
• Measurement and judging of merit is highly difficult.
• Merit determines the past achievements and efficiency but not
future efficiency.
• It is relatively easy to measure length of service and judge the
• Senior employees have a sense of satisfaction to this system as older
employees are respected and their inefficiency cannot be questioned.
• It gives sense of certainty of getting promotion to every employee
and of their turn of promotion.
• The assumption that the employee learn more relatively with length
of service is not valid as employees learn up to certain age.
• The assumption on basis of seniority de-motivates young, dynamic
and competent employees and result in employee turnover.
The employees who complete minimum years of service are made
eligible for promotion and then merit is taken as sole criteria for
selecting the employees for promotion from eligible candidates.
Types of Promotion
1. Vertical
The employee is moved to the next higher level in the organizational
hierarchy with greater responsibility, authority, pay and status.
2. Upgradation
The job is upgraded in the organizational hierarchy. The employee
gets more salary, higher authority and responsibility.
3. Dry Promotion
The employee is moved to the next higher level in organizational
hierarchy with greater responsibility, authority and status without any
increase in salary.
Define Transfer
Transfer is defined as “A lateral shift causing movement of individuals
from one position to another usually without involving any marked charges in
duties, responsibilities and skills needed or compensation.”
Transfer includes:-
Promotion is an upward reassignment of job.
Demotion is a downward reassignment of job.
Transfer is a lateral or horizontal job assignment.
Reasons of Transfer
1. Production Transfer
Transfers caused due to changes in production.
2. Replacement Transfer
Transfers caused due to initiation, replacement of long standing employees
in the same job.
3. Rotation Transfer
Transfers initiated to increase the versatility of employees.
4. Shift Transfer
Transfer of an employee from one shift to another.
5. Remedial Transfer
Transfers initiated to correct the wrong placements.
6. Penal Transfer
Transfers initiated as a punishment for in disciplinary action of employees.
Define Demotion
Demotion “is defined as reassignment of lower level job to an
employee with delegation of responsibilities and authority required to perform
that low level job and with less pay. Demotion in job affects the employee’s
career prospects and morale.
Important Questions
Answer the following
(2 marks each)
1. Define Promotions
2. Define Demotions
3. Define Right Sizing
4. Define Dry Promotion
5. Define Transfer
(6marks each)
1. Explain the basis of Promotion
2. Explain the reasons for Transfer
3. Define Transfer. Explain the types of Transfer
Features of HRD:-
Scope of HRD:-
The scope of HRD invades into all the functions of HRM. It includes.
ii) Selecting those employees having potentiality for development to meet the
present & future organizational needs.
iii) Train all the employees in acquiring new technical skills & knowledge.
Need for HRD Or Factors Affecting HRD:-
iii) Need for Multi Skilled Human Resources:- The customer cantered
approach led to de-jobbing, flexible organizations & flexible work. All these
changes demand the employees with multiple skills.
HRD Objectives:-
i) To prepare the employee to meet the present & changing future job
iv) To impact new entrants with basic HRD Skills & Knowledge
v) To aid total quality management.
ix) To create a climate that enables every employee to discover, develop &
use his/her capabilities to a full extent in order to achieve both individual &
organisational goals.
Training plays the most important role in the HRD. Training helps the
organisation to impart basic technical skills & knowledge to the employees in
addition, it also upgrades the technical skills & knowledge as & when there is
change in technology. Technical skill is the basic component of human
resource that is most essential for employee performance, thus, training
imparts & develops the basic skill & thus contributes to the basic area of
human resource development.
Job & organisational requirements are not static. They are changed
from time to time in view of technological advancement & trends towards
Total Quality management consequents upon increased competition &
Knowledge Management
Knowledge management process includes:-
ii) Impact on Human Resource Development :- Liberalisation has positive
impact on HRD , HRD Strategies of industries of liberalized India would be:
MNC refers to “a company which is like holding company having one fixed
head office in one country or origin & business activities spread within the
country of origin & other countries”.
Eg: IBM of USA, Siemens of Germany, Sony of Japan, ITC of India, etc.
TNC (Trans National Company) is having a structure in which both parent &
subsidiaries interact with each other before or in the process of manufacturing
a product or service.
Parent Co in India
Subsidaries in S.Africa
Subsidaries in Srilanka
Subsidiaries in Nepal
Parent Co in India
i) Pay discriminatory Salaries:- Multinational & Transnational
companies pay higher salaries for the employees of their home
country & low salaries for the employees drawn from developing
countries like India.
ii) Higher Salary level:- Multinational & Transnational companies in
general pay higher level salaries compared to domestic companies.
This in turn forces the domestic companies to enhance the salary
levels for their employees.
iii) Exploit Human resources:- MNC’s & TNC’s exploit the human
resources by prescribing heavy workloads higher work targets&
long working hours, They do not provide welfare measures as
provided by public sector & other domestic companies.
iv) Hire & Fire Policy:- MNC & TNC’s Hire the employees,
whenever they need, exploit their human resources & fire them
whenever the employee skills are redundant or business conditions
are adverse.
v) Downsizing & Delayering:- MNC’s & TNC’s reduce human
resource cost per unit of output & consequently adopt various
human resource strategies without considering the employee’s
Intellectual Capital
Important Questions
Six Marks
Fourteen Marks