WP InspectionTestingMaintenance FixedFireSystems

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)

Fixed fire protection and detection

July 2016
Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

Global Risk Engineering Technical Center – Property

Cover photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich

Table of contents
1. Executive Summary ............................................................... 1
1.1 Are systems in service? ................................................. 1
1.2 Are systems designed right? ......................................... 2
1.3 Do systems work? ........................................................ 2
2. Introduction .......................................................................... 3
2.1 Document overview ..................................................... 3
2.2 ITM checklists ............................................................... 3
2.3 Definitions .................................................................... 3
2.4 Safe work practices ...................................................... 4
3. Water supply......................................................................... 5
3.1 General ........................................................................ 7
3.2 Water storage ............................................................ 22
3.3 Fire pump weekly ....................................................... 26
3.4 Fire pump semi-annual and annual ............................. 49
3.5 Private fire mains including hydrants .......................... 63
4. Fire sprinkler system ............................................................ 69
4.1 ITM Checklist ............................................................. 69
4.2 ITM Discussion ........................................................... 78
5. Fire extinguishing systems.................................................. 103
5.1 Foam ........................................................................ 103
5.2 Water mist ............................................................... 114
5.3 Carbon dioxide ......................................................... 117
5.4 Halon 1301 (where permitted) ................................. 120
5.5 Clean agents ............................................................ 123
5.6 Fixed aerosol ............................................................ 125
5.7 Dry chemical ............................................................ 126
5.8 Wet chemical ........................................................... 129
6. Fire alarm system............................................................... 132
6.1 General features....................................................... 132
6.2 Alarm initiating devices ............................................ 144
6.3 Supervisory initiating devices .................................... 155
6.4 Alarm notification devices ........................................ 166
6.5 Emergency control functions .................................... 167
6.6 Fire extinguishing control and release ....................... 169
7. Safe work practices ........................................................... 176
8. Conclusions ...................................................................... 177
9. References ........................................................................ 178
Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

1. Executive Summary
The information in this publication was compiled from sources believed to be
reliable for informational purposes only. All sample policies and procedures herein
should serve as a guideline, which you can use to create your own policies and
procedures. We trust that you will customize these samples to reflect your own
operations and believe that these samples may serve as a helpful platform for this

When resources are invested in fixed fire protection and fire detection systems to
protect property assets, there are three fundamental questions management
should ask:
1. Are systems in service?

2. Do systems work?

3. Are systems designed right?

1.1 Are systems in service?

For this question, the reader is directed to the Zurich Risktopic titled “Management
Practices: Fire Protection Impairments”. This document discusses three forms of
fire protection impairments:
• Planned

• Hidden

• Emergency

Planned impairments
Planned impairments typically occur in conjunction with scheduled activities. For
example, fire protection systems may be taken out of service for changes,
additions, or upgrades. These activities require careful planning to avoid
unnecessary impairments and to limit the extent and duration of necessary
Planned impairments may also occur as part of inspection, testing, and
maintenance (ITM) activities. It is essential to avoid unnecessary impairments
during ITM and to document any necessary impairment so their restoration may be
verified once ITM activities are complete.

As a general rule, avoid multiple impairments. For example, do not impair multiple
dry-pipe sprinkler systems during ITM. When doing functional tests or full-flow
tests of dry pipe valves, test one at a time. Should a fire occur, only one system
needs to be restored to service quickly.

Hidden impairments
Hidden impairments typically occur outside the impairment management process.
Hidden impairments can be discovered suddenly. The worst case is discovering
hidden impairments during a fire. The best case is discovering hidden impairments
during ITM.

To support the timely discovery and correction of hidden impairments, implement

a comprehensive ITM program as discussed in this document.

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

Emergency impairments
Emergency impairments typically occur suddenly outside the impairment
management process. An example of an emergency impairment is the closing of a
sprinkler control valve in response to water being released from a sprinkler system.
If the release is due to a fire, the objective is to extinguish the fire and then turn
the sprinkler control valve off. If the release is not due to a fire, the objective is to
stop the flow of water as quickly as possible.

Once an emergency is controlled, consider taking the following actions:

• Post “Watch Personnel” in the impaired area as well as at the impaired fire protection

• Document all impairments following the impairment management program

• Conduct an inspection of all fire protection systems to verify there are no hidden
impairments as a result of the emergency

Post a “Fire Watch” in the affected area once fixed fire protection is shut off.
Maintain the “Fire Watch” until all fixed fire protection is back in service.

In addition, post a “Fire Protection Watch” at any shut sprinkler control valve or
impaired water supply.
Maintain communication between all posted “Watch Personnel” so fire protection
can be promptly turned back on if the “Fire Watch” discovers a fire.

Also, maintain communication between the “Watch Personnel”, site emergency

team, and the public fire service so any fire may be promptly reported.
1.2 Are systems designed right?
For this question, the reader is directed to their Zurich account team for the
assessment of installed fire systems.
1.3 Do systems work?
This question is the focus of this document.

This document presents Zurich recommendations for periodic inspection, testing,

and maintenance activities for the Property insurance line of business.

Those responsible for fire systems should understand the content of this document
is only intended to represent guidance for the Property insurance line of business.
Therefore, there are three important points to understand:
• First, for any particular location, there are likely other authorities having jurisdiction,
especially legal authorities, who may have additional guidelines. Where such additional
guidelines exist they will likely vary by region, country, province, state, city, and town.
Zurich does not attempt to maintain knowledge or awareness of requirements applied
by these other authorities as there are thousands of such authorities globally with many
applying different guidelines.

• Second, safe work practices are beyond the scope of this document. Consult with
safety experts to develop and implement needed safe work practices. If there is any
concern an action or task is not safe … stop! See “Chapter 7 Safe work practices” for
further discussion.

• Third, recommendations related to insurance lines of business other than Property are
also beyond the scope of this document.

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

2. Introduction
2.1 Document overview
This document reviews inspection, testing, and maintenance – or ITM – for fixed
fire protection systems. The document is arranged in chapters addressing different
elements of fixed fire protection and detection. The following is a list of these
• Chapter 3 - Water supply

• Chapter 4 – Fire sprinkler system

• Chapter 5 – Fire extinguishing system

• Chapter 6 – Fire alarm system

2.2 ITM checklists

Each chapter includes one or more ITM checklist. The checklists use a common
table format with columns as described in the following table.

Table column headings Table column heading meaning

# Component number

Component Component name

Act. Abbreviation for “Action”

Freq. Abbreviation for “Frequency”

Evaluation The applicable task(s) for that combination

of component, action, and frequency.

2.3 Definitions

A visual activity involving the observation of a system component to confirm its
apparent physical condition and serviceability.

A functional activity involving the operation of a system component to confirm its
ability to perform as intended.

A service activity such as cleaning, adjustment, lubrication, renewal, repair,
overhaul, or replacement of a system component to maintain its performance and

An abnormal condition affecting the ability of a fire protection system to
effectively perform its intended function should a fire occur.

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

2.4 Safe work practices

Safe work practices are not addressed within the scope of this document.
See “Chapter 7 Safe work practices” for a discussion on the need to consult with
qualified safety experts for safety guidance.

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

3. Water supply
For the purpose of this document, water supplies include the following:
• Public sources

− Town or public water supply

• Private sources

− Elevated water supply

− Static water supply

− Fire pump

− Pressurized water supply

− Fire department connection

− Private fire water mains

Town water supply

A town water supply consists of a connection to a town water main along with
the pipe, valves, and fittings between the town water main connection and either
a private fire water main or a fire system (specifically, at the fire system control
One or more town water supplies may serve a location. While town water
supplies may share a common source of water, each is considered separately for
the purpose of inspection, testing, and maintenance.
A town water supply may depend upon elevated water storage (e.g. gravity tanks
or elevated reservoirs), pumps, or a combination of both to create the pressure
needed to cause water flow. Where a town water system has multiple water
sources and a varying demand from domestic and commercial water users, a
complex interaction develops among sources and users that may make it difficult
to compare water flow tests from year to year.

Elevated water supply

An elevated water supply consists of an elevated volume of water along with the
pipe, valves, and fittings between the water and either a private fire water main or
a fire system (specifically at the fire system control valve).

Elevation is used to create the pressure needed to cause water flow.

Fire pump
A fire pump is not actually a water supply. Rather the fire pump adds pressure to
a water supply.

Fire pumps will be used with the following types of water supplies:
• Private static water supply (ground tank, cistern, lake, or pond)

• Private elevated water supply (gravity tank or reservoir)

• Town water supply

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

Pressurized water supply

The private pressurized water supply, or pressure tank, is not common. This supply
consists of a pressure vessel of limited volume. Two thirds of the volume is
intended to contain water, and one third is intended to contain air under pressure.

The pressure tank will have an initial air pressure so the tank pressure does not
drop below 1 bar (15 psi) at the point where all water has been expelled from the
tank. Boyle’s Law (P1V1 = P2V2) applies.

Pressure tank (Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Fire department connection

A fire department connection is a water supply inlet to a fire system along with the
pipe, valves, and fittings between the connection and either a private fire water
main or a fire system. The fire department connection allows the public fire
service to supply additional water to a fire system using their vehicle pumps.

Typical fire department connection in North America (Photo source: Rich

Gallagher, Zurich)

Private fire water main

For the purpose of this document, the private fire water main is addressed under
water supplies. These are actually pipe, valves, and fittings connecting water
supplies to fire systems. Private fire water mains may also supply private fire
hydrants. Private fire water mains may be located above ground, below ground,
or a combination of both.

Many private fire systems will have private fire water mains with no valves or
private fire hydrants. In these cases, the private fire water main will just consist of

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

pipe and fittings. An example would be the pipe and fittings extending from a fire
pump installation to sprinkler systems.

Cathodic protection
Cathodic protection was originally developed in the UK for the British Navy.
Cathodic protection is intended to control corrosion, and may be applied to
protect fire system water storage tanks and diesel fire pump engine heat
exchangers against corrosion.

Two types of cathodic protection are available; sacrificial and impressed current.
Sacrificial systems use zinc metal (the anode) to be preferentially consumed
thereby protecting the steel tank or heat exchanger (the cathode). Impressed
current systems use an external power supply along with the anode to achieve the
same results but with a longer lasting anode. Either approach introduces an active
system requiring periodic inspection and maintenance.

3.1 General

3.1.1 ITM Checklist

A. Water supply ITM – General

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Water source pressure normal ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Water source pressure reading _________
Normal water source pressure __________
Water Flow test of water source normal ☐ Yes ☐ No
A.1 pressure and
flow Static water source pressure (before test) __________
T Water flow rate __________
Flowing water source pressure __________
Static water source pressure (after test) __________

Valve open ☐Yes ☐ No

Valve secure ☐Yes ☐ No

W Valve accessible ☐ Yes ☐ No

(2) Valve equipped with operating hardware ☐ Yes ☐ No
A.2 Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No
Valve identified with appropriate sign ☐Yes ☐No

Valve operation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

T A Number of turns to shut valve _________
Number of turns to open valve _________

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Fixed fire protection and detection

A. Water supply ITM – General

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Valve test okay (3) ☐ Yes ☐ No

Components free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Pipe, fittings,
A.3 and supports I A Components free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Components free of leaks ☐Yes ☐No

Reduced pressure backflow prevention

Check valve I W
Pressure relief port not discharging water constantly
☐ Yes ☐ No
A.4 Backflow
prevention I 5 Internal inspection no deficiencies ☐Yes ☐ No
Backflow prevention assembly:
Flow test at maximum system demand ☐ Yes ☐ No

Valve free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Pressure Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No
reducing or I Q
A.5 Downstream pressure normal ☐ Yes ☐ No
valves Valve adapter and cap in place (4) ☐Yes ☐No

T A Full flow test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Connection is visible ☐ Yes ☐ No

Sign in place ☐ Yes ☐ No
Connection is accessible ☐ Yes ☐ No
I Q Caps are in place ☐ Yes ☐ No
A.6 department Hose connections are not damaged ☐ Yes ☐ No
connection Hose connections swivel freely ☐ Yes ☐ No
No water leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No

Check valves are functional ☐ Yes ☐ No

T 5
Pressure test to 10 bar (150 psi) ☐Yes ☐No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
V = Varies 5 = 5 year

Table notes:
(1) Conduct flow tests of water sources on a frequency compliant with local standards which
may be as often as quarterly. As a minimum, conduct flow tests on an annual basis for

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

A. Water supply ITM – General

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

water sources supplying fixed fire protection systems. Flow tests involve measuring the
(2) Data demonstrates the primary cause of sprinkler system failure is a shut valve. A weekly
inspection to verify valves are in the appropriate position is recommended. Secure each
valve in a suitable manner which may include plastic seals, plastic or leather straps, locks
(including a dedicated and locked fire protection room), and electronic monitoring via a
fire alarm system supervised at a constantly attended location.
(3) A valve test may be acceptable if the number of turns to close equals the number of turns
to open.
(4) Where a pressure reducing valve is a hose connection, verify hose adapter and cap are in

3.1.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

A.1 Water pressure and flow

Each source of water will impose a static (no flow) water pressure upon the fire
systems served. On a weekly basis, it is desirable to verify this static pressure is

Experience with each water supply will lead to an understanding as to what is

normal. The normal pressure or pressure range should be incorporated into
inspection forms to facilitate the inspection process.

Gauge displaying water pressure (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

For a town main system, water is constantly flowing at varying rates to satisfy
domestic, commercial, and industrial users. These varying rates lead to
fluctuations in the system pressure. This varying town main system pressure is
what appears to the standby fire protection system as the available “water static

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Fixed fire protection and detection

As an example, the graph below shows a town water system pressure fluctuating
across a 24 hour period. The following list describes the meaning of the letters A,
B, C, and D displayed on the graph.
A. Water pressure may be high at night due to low commercial and residential water

B. Water pressure may be normal through the day with minor fluctuation as demand
is not constant.

C. Water pressure can experience sudden work day fluctuations if there is a business
that does draw sudden, large, short-duration flows.

D. Water pressure may increase in the evening as the commercial demand subsides.

Example of town daily water pressure fluctuation (Image source: Rich Gallagher,

There are cases where a town main system may be maintained at a low pressure at
all times or perhaps during periods of low demand. Should a fire occur, the fire
service will have to call the water authority and request an increase in the water
pressure for firefighting purposes. If the town main also supplies fixed fire
protection, the low pressure condition could adversely affect system performance.

A private elevated water supply such as a gravity tanks or elevated reservoir will
generate a static water pressure based upon the following formulas.
P = 0.0981 x h (metric measure)

P = 0.433 x h (US measure)


P = Pressure developed by the elevated water in bar (psi)

h = Height of water in meters (feet)

A private static water supply such as a ground tank, cistern, lake, or pond will
generate a static (no flow) pressure based upon the head of water it forms.
Where a ground level tank supplies a fire pump, the pressure generated by the
head of water will be visible on the fire pump suction gauge. For vertical turbine
fire pumps, the pump will be submerged in the water, and no suction gauge will
be provided. Rather, the water elevation (or distance below fire pump room floor
level) will provide evidence of normal fire pump suction pressure.
A private pressurized water supply such as a pressure tank will generate static
pressure based upon the air pressure maintain in the tank air space.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

On a weekly basis, verify the static pressure of each water supply is normal.

Conduct water supply flow tests at the locally required frequencies which may be
as often as quarterly. As a minimum, conduct water supply flow tests annually.

A.2 Control valves

The control valve or stop valve controls the water source supplying fixed fire
protection discharge outlets (such as automatic sprinklers, spray nozzles, water
mist nozzles, and fire hydrant outlets).

Control valves allow a water source to be interrupted so downstream piping can

be isolated and drained. This typically occurs to allow system maintenance or

Shutting a control valve causes an impairment. Control valves should be kept

normally open. A suitable means of supervision is needed to identify control valves
that have been closed without appropriate authorization. An impairment program
is needed to manage control valves during impairments. See the Zurich Risktopic
“Management Practices: Fire Protection Impairments” for further information
regarding impairments.

The following are examples of control valves for water-based systems:

Non-rising stem gate Non-rising stem gate valve Outside stem and yoke
valve with position position indicator (Photo valve (OS&Y) (Photo
indicator (Photo source: source: Stuart Lloyd, source: Rich Gallagher,
Stuart Lloyd, Zurich) Zurich) Zurich)

Wall post indicator valve

(WPIV) (Photo source:
Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)
Butterfly valve (BFV) Post indicator valve (PIV)
(Photo source: Stuart (Photo source: Stuart
Lloyd, Zurich) Lloyd, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Underground gate valve accessed by Example of a roadway box or curb-box

a roadway box and operated using a that allows key wrench access to an
key wrench. This valve may also be underground gate valve (Photo source:
located in a covered pit with the key Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
wrench used to operate the valve
from ground level. (Photo source:
Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

Key wrench in used to operate an

Key wrench used to operate
underground gate valve through a
underground gate valves (Photo
roadway box (Photo source: Rich
source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
Gallagher, Zurich)

Water-based system can include some normally shut valves. These valves can be
used to stop water flow to pipes serving drains and test devices. Test devices
include alarm test lines, flowmeters, and fire pump test headers. The normally
shut valve is not actually a control valve; however, the normally shut valves may be
of the same valve types used for control valves. Normally shut valve need to be
kept shut to avoid adverse conditions which may include wasting water to drains
or test pipe freeze-up during cold weather.

On a weekly basis verify each control valve is:
• Open

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Fixed fire protection and detection

− Supervised

− Sealed

− Locked

− Electrically monitored

• Accessible for use

• Equipped operating hardware (e.g. the PIV wrench is present)

• Not leaking

• Identified with an appropriate sign

Each type of control valve includes a means to visually identify valve position
(open, partially shut, or shut). There are two exceptions; the gate valve located
underground and the gate valve located in a pit. These gate valves do not include
visual indication of position and are excluded from this visual inspection process.
Each type of control valve can be sealed, locked, or electrically supervised. This is
intended to provide a means to verify there has been no unauthorized operation
of the valve since the last inspection. Once again, there are two exceptions; the
gate valve located underground and the gate valve located in a pit. These valves
do not include features to allow the use of seals, locks, or electrical supervision
and are excluded from this supervision practice.

Open PIV supervised by seal, by lock, and electrically. (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)
The PIV shown above is supervised with a seal, lock, and electric valve tamper

Seals are usually plastic tie wraps made in a distinctive color such as red, orange,
or yellow. Seals are applied in a manner that requires them to be broken if a valve
is operated. When applied appropriately, the seal provides a quick, visual means
to confirm a valve has not experience operation since the last inspection.
Locks include “hard shank” and “break-away shank” types. The hard shank lock
requires a key or bolt cutters to remove the lock. The break-away lock behaves
similar to a seal as it can be readily removed by breaking the shank if a key is not
available. A hard shank lock should be considered a lock; while, a break-away lock
should be considered a seal.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Electrically supervised valves include an electric tamper switch connected to a fire

alarm system. When a valve is operated, the tamper switch detects the valve
movement and signals the fire alarm system that the valve is no longer in the
intended position. Ideally, electronic supervision includes a printed or digital
record of signal activity to provide a visual means to confirm a valve has not
experienced operation since the last inspection.

Shut PIV with the valve wrench locked in place. (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

Electrically supervised valves are typically designed for supervision in the “open”
position. In some cases, such as valves controlling a fire pump flow test line, valves
may be supervised in the “shut” position. It is important to realize that in reality
these valves may only be proving they are not fully open rather than proving they
are actually shut. For example, a butterfly valve will typically only contain one
switch arranged to operate as the valve is moved from the full open position. This
switch cannot be used to prove the butterfly valve is fully shut.
Each valve type listed above has its operating handle or wrench permanently fixed
to the valve except for:
• Gate valve located underground

• Gate valve located in a pit

• Post indicator valves

Gate valves located underground or in a pit are operated using a T-handle wrench.
The T-handle wrench should be mounted in an accessible location near the gate
valve. The T-handle wrench can be sealed or locked to its mounting bracket. A
sign near the valve should clearly indicate the location of the T-handle wrench.

Post indicator valves are equipped with an “L” shaped wrench hung from the
valve. When the wrench is not in use, it is to be sealed or locked to the valve post.
When stowed correctly, the short leg of the wrench covers the valve operating
nut. This makes the wrench part of the seal or lock systems. When the valve is
operated, the long leg of the wrench is positioned on the operating nut. In this
position, the handle extends out from the valve providing leverage for valve
operation. Whenever the PIV is not fully open, the wrench should be left in the
operating position as an added indication the valve is not fully open.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Provide an appropriate sign for each control valve. Appropriate includes:

• Identification (e.g. number or letter) consistent with fire alarm control unit indications as
well as site diagrams or block plans

• Purpose (e.g. area or function controlled by the valve)

On an annual basis, test each control valve by moving it through its full range of
operation. Typically this means moving from “open” to “shut” back to “open”.

As control valves are tested, count the number of turns to “shut” and the number
of turns to “open”. Having the same number of turns is an important indication
the valve has returned to the open position.

Control valves are subject to internal mechanical failure. For example, the gate
inside of a gate valve can separate from the valve stem. When this occurs, the
valve stem may indicate the valve is “open” when in fact the gate is obstructing
the valve waterway.

After each control valve operational test, conduct a water flow test downstream to
verify there is no abnormal pressure drop due to a failed control valve. As an
example, after operating a sprinkler system control valve, perform a main drain
test. Compare the main drain test results with past results. Any significant
pressure drop could indicate a serious obstruction of the water supply to the
system. See “5.2 Main drain” for further information about main drain tests.

A.3 Pipe, fittings, and supports – water based systems

Inspection of pipe, fittings, and supports is limited to above ground sections that
can be safely accessed for observation.

On an annual basis, inspect pipe and fittings to identify leaks, physical damage,
and corrosion.

Pipe leaks and physical damage should be scheduled for prompt repair.

Corrosion may range from superficial surface rust to serious structural

deterioration. All corrosion identified should be evaluated by a fire protection

Pipe with pinhole leak in heat effect zone at pipe continuous weld (Photo source:
Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Deep structural corrosion (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Inspection of pipe and fitting supports is intended to identify concerns such as

missing, broken, physically damaged, or corroded support features. Inspection
should also identify floor settlement compromising the performance of pipe
stands. Pipe and fitting support features include: hangers, pipe clamps, riser
clamps, pipe stands, and earthquake sway bracing.

Examples of pipe support – Riser clamp (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Examples of pipe support - Pipe stand (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Examples of pipe support - Pipe hanger (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Examples of earthquake bracing (Photo source: Mike Widdekind, Zurich)

No specific tests are stipulated for pipe, fittings, and supports.

Hydrostatic testing of pipe is conducted for new or modified fire protection piping.
Hydrostatic testing is not otherwise performed unless there is a specific concern
with system integrity

Water flow through pipe and fittings can provide insights into the condition of fire
protection pipe and fittings. This is discussed further in section 3.5 Private fire
mains including hydrants.

A.4 Check valve and Backflow prevention assembly

Many water-based fire systems will have two or more water supplies. As an
example, a system may be supplied by a fire pump and tank and a jockey pump.

When water is flowing into the system, it will often be the one water supply
providing the greatest pressure that supplies the system. All other water supplies
will remain static unless a pressure balance develops allowing two or more supplies
to contribute water flow at a common pressure.
To avoid losing water pressure from a higher pressure supply back into a lower
pressure supply, each supply is to be equipped with a non-return valve. The non-
return valve used in a fire system will be either a check valve or backflow
prevention assembly.

Check valves are the simplest form of non-return valve. They include swing check
valves or wafer check valves as shown in the following photos.

Swing check valve (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Wafer check valve (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Others authorities, such as public water utilities, may require the use of more
complex non-return valves that also provide backflow prevention for public health
purposes. The following are two examples of these more complex devices.

Double check valve (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly with vented intermediate

chamber (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Reduced pressure backflow preventers may include a vented intermediate

chamber. Where a vented intermediate chamber is provided, it will periodically
discharge a limited amount of water when waterflow stops. This discharge is
intended to drain the chamber between the two check valves. This forms an air
gap in the pipe intended to reduce any change of water backflow from the fire
system into a potable water system.

The concern with backflow preventers equipped with vented intermediate

chambers is the vent valve could fail to close and continue discharging water.
Under full water source pressure, the discharge from a vent valve could exceed
3,000 lpm (800 gpm). Considering this flow rate, considerable drainage is needed
for these vent valves.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Reduced pressure backflow prevention assemblies with a vented intermediate
chamber are to be inspected weekly to detect a failure of the relief vent valve.

All check valves and backflow prevention assemblies are to be internally inspected
on a 5 year basis to verify internal components are in good condition. This
includes verifying internal components move through their full range of motion,
are not corroded, and have no mineral deposit accumulations. In addition, the
valve body should be free of corrosion affecting valve integrity or the operation of
internal components.

On an annual basis, conduct a full flow test of each backflow prevention assembly
to verify the assembly can deliver the largest fire protection demand supplied by
the device.

Strainer and meters

There are occasions when a water supply may be equipped with a strainer or
meter. A strainer may be provided to protect a fire system from debris in a
non-potable source of water or to protect small sprinkler or nozzle orifices
from obstruction. Strainers may also be provided to protect meters required
by a public water utility to measure fire water usage.

Strainer, meter, and check valve assembly (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

Where strainers and meters are present, annual full flow tests should be
conducted. As a note, UL listed meters and strainers are available for fire
system use.

A.5 Pressure reducing or regulating valves

Pressure reducing or regulating valves (PRV’s) are used to control fire system water
pressure in sections of systems where the water pressure would otherwise exceed
the rated working pressure of fittings, valves, or other components.

Ideally, system pressures should be designed not to require the need for PRV’s;
however, when they are installed, inspection and testing is essential.

There are two types of PRV’s; pilot operated and direct acting. Pilot operated PRV's
use a pilot regulator on a pilot line outside of the main valve body to control the

July 2016 19
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Fixed fire protection and detection

regulating action of the main valve. Direct acting PRV's incorporate a spring or
piston inside the valve to directly regulate the valve operation.

Pilot operated pressure reducing valve. The photo shows an unacceptable shutoff
valve in the pilot line which if shut could impair valve operation.(Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)

Pilot operated pressure reducing valve. This photo is a cut-away view of the valve.
(Photo source: Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

Direct acting pressure reducing valve – angle-tye valve (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)

July 2016 20
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Fixed fire protection and detection

Direct acting pressure reducing valve - straight-type valve (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)

Pilot operated PRV’s are field adjustable. Direct acting PRV's may be either factory
set or field adjustable. When a factory set PRV is found not meeting the required
outlet flow and pressure, replacement is the only option.

Inspect PRV’s on a quarterly basis to verify there is no physical damage, no leaks,
and the downstream pressure gauge reading is normal. PRV’s that fail to control
their static outlet pressure can expose downstream fittings and component to
excessive pressures and possible system failure.

For PRVs serving as hose outlets, verify hose adapters and caps are in place.

Full-flow test PRV’s on an annual basis to verify they will meet the greatest
downstream fire system flow and pressure demand.

A.6 Fire department connection

Inspect fire department connections on a quarterly basis. Inspections verify the
connection is visible and accessible, the sign and caps are in place, the hose
connections are not damaged and are operable, and there are no signs of leaks.

Where caps are missing, it is possible that foreign material may have been
introduced to the fire system. Foreign material could then be propelled further
into the system should the fire service use the connection. This could lead to an
obstruction of fire system piping.

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Fire department connection with cap out of place (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

Fire department connection with cap missing and foreign matter introduced
(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Fire department connection obstructed by vegetation (Photo source: Rich

Gallagher, Zurich)

The fire department connection typically contains no water between the
connection and its check valve. This means the integrity of this section of a system
is unsupervised by pressurized water or air. To verify the integrity of this piping,
pressure we recommend testing the pipe to 10 bar (150 psi) every five years.
3.2 Water storage

3.2.1 ITM Checklist

Include all items from 3.1 General along with the following items.

B. Water supply ITM – Water storage

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Water storage W Water level okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

B.1 I
– all methods (1) Water temperature okay ☐ Yes ☐No

July 2016 22
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Water heating system okay (2) ☐ Yes ☐ No

Tank exterior okay (2) ☐ Yes ☐ No

Interior okay (for steel tanks with no cathodic

I 3
protection or no butyl rubber liner) ☐Yes ☐No

I 5 Interior okay (for all other tanks) ☐ Yes ☐ No

Tank fill flow test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

T Measured flow rate _________
Required flow rate _________

Level indicator is functional ☐ Yes ☐ No

Tank fill mechanism is functional ☐ Yes ☐ No

Air pressure okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Water storage
B.2 - pressure I W Air pressure reading __________
Normal air pressure __________

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
V = Varies 5 = 5 year

Table notes:
(1) Where water level and temperature are electronically monitored via a fire alarm system
at a constantly attended location, these inspection elements may be extended to
(2) For open reservoirs, there typically will be no water heating system to assess and no
“tank” exterior elements to inspect.
(3) A tank fill flow test is to be conducted for reduced capacity tanks to verity the fill rate
will provided the additional water volume needed to support the fixed fire protection
demands for the full system design duration. Conduct flow tests on a frequency
compliant with local standards which may be as often as quarterly. As a minimum,
conduct flow tests on an annual basis.

3.2.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

B.1 Water storage – all methods

On a weekly basis, check each water storage tank to verify water level is normal
and the tank exterior is visually in good condition. Good condition means no
physical damage, no corrosion, and no leaks.

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Water storage tank with visible external corrosion (Photo source: Stuart Lloyd,

On a weekly basis during cold weather, verify tank temperature is normal and the
tank heating system is operating.

Where tank water level and water temperature are monitored at a constantly
attended location, these inspections can be increase to monthly.
Reservoirs; open water sources such as ponds, lakes, and rivers; and tanks located
in climates not subject to freezing may not include heat sources to be monitored
and inspected. Monitoring normal water level remains important.

Water storage tank corrosion failure with fire pump house damage. (Photo source:
Malcolm Davies, Zurich)

Elevated reservoir (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Steel tanks are subject to corrosion and warrant periodic internal inspections.
Conduct internal inspections at least every three years. Where a tank is equipped
with cathodic protection maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions, the internal inspection can be extended to every five years.

Fire pump ground water tank (Photo source: Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

Where a tank is approved for a specific service frequency – such as an LPCB

approved LPS 1276 10-year steel tank – internally inspect the tank in accordance
with its approval as well as its manufacturer’s guidelines.

Conduct a water supply flow test of the tank fill for each reduced capacity water
tank. A reduced capacity water tank is a tank that relies upon an automatic fill to
meet the full water supply duration of the fire systems supplied. Conduct the flow
tests at the locally required frequency which may be as often as quarterly. As a
minimum, conduct a water supply flow tests annually.

On an annual basis, verify the tank level indicator is functional. Mechanical level
indicators may use floats, cables, and pulleys which are subject to binding and
sticking. Pressure gauge may be out of calibration.

On an annual basis, verify the tank fill mechanism is functional. The tank fill may
be controlled by a manual valve, a float operated valve, or an pressure operated
altitude valve. In each case, all manual and automatic valves associated with a
tank fill are to be tested to verify their functionality.

B.2 Water storage – pressure tanks

On a weekly basis, verify air pressure is normal. Air pressure provides the energy
needed to deliver water to open sprinklers or other flowing outlets.

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3.3 Fire pump weekly

3.3.1 General information

The following photo is marked to show common components of an electric fire
pump installation.

Electric fire pump (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

1. Fire pump

2. Coupling guard

3. Electric motor

4. Grouted base (wood forms still in place to retain curing grout)

5. Plinth or housekeeping pad

6. Fire pump suction valve (gate type valve)

7. Fire pump suction gauge (not visible)

8. Automatic air release

9. Circulation relief valve

10. Fire pump discharge gauge

11. Discharge check valve

12. Fire pump pressure sensing line (location show with green line)

13. Fire pump discharge valve (butterfly type)

14. Bypass supply valve (butterfly type)

15. Bypass check valve

16. Bypass system valve (butterfly type)

17. Flowmeter isolation valve (butterfly type)

18. Flowmeter

19. Flowmeter throttling valve (butterfly type)

July 2016 26
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Fixed fire protection and detection

The following photo is marked to show common components of a diesel fire

pump installation.

Diesel fire pump (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

1. Fire pump

2. Coupling guard

3. Electric motor

4. Grouted base (wood forms still in place to retain curing grout)

5. Plinth or housekeeping pad

6. Fire pump suction valve (OS&Y type)

7. Fire pump suction gauge (not visible)

8. Automatic air release

9. Engine cooling water line with bypass

10. Engine heat exchanger

11. Engine heat exchanger discharge line

12. Fire pump discharge gauge

13. Discharge check valve

14. Fire pump pressure sensing line (location show with green line)

15. Fire pump discharge valve (butterfly type)

16. Bypass supply valve (butterfly type)

17. Bypass check valve

18. Bypass system valve (butterfly type)

19. Flowmeter isolation valve (butterfly type)

20. Flowmeter

21. Flowmeter throttling valve (butterfly type)

22. Batteries

July 2016 27
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The following photo is marked to show common components of a diesel fire

pump fuel tank installation.

Example of a diesel fuel tank (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

1. Tank fill

2. Tank vent

3. Tank secondary containment space vent (where provided)

4. Tank level indicator

5. Tank level float switch (where provided)

6. Fuel supply line and manual shutoff valve

7. Fuel return line

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The following photo is marked to show common components of a jockey pump


Jockey pump installation (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

1. Jockey pump suction valve

2. Jockey pump

3. Jockey pump discharge check valve

4. Jockey pump pressure sensing line (location show with green line)

5. Jockey pump discharge valve

6. Jockey pump controller

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The following photo is marked to show common components of an UL-listed

electric fire pump controller common to the US.

Electric fire pump controller (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

1. Operating handle (single handle for both the manual isolation switch and circuit
breaker disconnecting means)

2. Start pushbutton

3. Stop pushbutton

4. Emergency stop

5. Test pushbutton

6. Emergency run handle

The following photo is marked to show common components of an electric fire

pump controller common to the UK.

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Electric fire pump controller common to the UK (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

1. NA

2. NA

3. Operating handle for manual isolation switch

4. Start pushbutton (break glass)

5. Stop pushbutton

July 2016 31
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Fixed fire protection and detection

The following photo is marked to show the components of an Australian Standard

AS2941 electric fire pump controller common to Australia.

Electric fire pump controller (Photo source: Peter Boyle, Zurich)

1. NA

2. NA

3. Operating handle (single handle for manual isolation switch)

4. Start pushbutton

5. Stop pushbutton

July 2016 32
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Fixed fire protection and detection

The following photo is marked to show common components of a UL-listed diesel

fire pump controller common to the US.

Diesel fire pump controller (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

1. Crank engine using battery set 1

2. Crank engine using battery set 2

3. Stop engine

4. Break glass access to selector switch (manual – off – auto) and engine test

Diesel fire pump controller selector switch (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
5. LCD display

6. LED indicator lamps

July 2016 33
Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

The following photo is marked to show common components of a diesel fire

pump controller common to the UK.

Diesel fire pump controller (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

1. Switch to select cranking engine using battery set A

2. Switch to select cranking engine using battery set B

Note: Switch at 1 & 2 also isolated DC power

3. Stop engine

4. Switch (AC power isolator)

5. Indicator lamps (trouble conditions)

July 2016 34
Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

The following photo is marked to show the components of an Australian Standard

AS2941 diesel fire pump controller common to Australia.

Diesel fire pump controller (Photo source: Peter Boyle, Zurich)

1. Crank engine using battery set 1

2. Crank engine using battery set 2

3. Stop engine

4. LCD display

5. LED indicator lamps

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3.3.2 ITM Checklist

Include all items from “3.1 General” along with the following items.

C. Water supply ITM – Fire pump weekly

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

I W Water supply tank full ☐ Yes ☐ No

C.1 Water supply I W Water supply tank fill source available ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Water supply pressure normal ☐ Yes ☐ No

Valve open, sealed, locked or electrically supervised

C.2 Suction valve ☐Yes ☐ No

I W Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No

Valve open, sealed, locked or electrically supervised

Discharge I W
C.3 ☐ Yes ☐ No
I W Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No

Valve open, sealed, locked or electrically supervised

Bypass supply I W
C.4 ☐ Yes ☐ No
I W Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No

Valve open, sealed, locked or electrically supervised

Bypass system I W
C.5 ☐ Yes ☐ No
I W Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No

Flowmeter I W Valve shut ☐ Yes ☐ No

C.6 isolation valve
I W Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No

Flowmeter I W Valve shut ☐ Yes ☐ No

C.7 throttling
valve I W Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No

Test header I W Valve shut ☐ Yes ☐ No

valve I W Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Room dry ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Room drainage okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Room heat okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Pump room or
C.9 I W Room ventilation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
I W Room lighting okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

No vermin (insects, rodents, etc.) ☐ Yes ☐ No


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C. Water supply ITM – Fire pump weekly

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

I W Pump clean ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Pump dry (no leaks) ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Coupling guarded ☐ Yes ☐ No

C.10 Fire pump
I W Plinth (housekeeping pad) okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Pump base grouted ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Vertical turbine lubrication oil level okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Electric fire I W Fire pump motor clean ☐ Yes ☐ No

pump motor I W Fire pump motor dry (no leaks) ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Controller clean ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Controller dry (no leaks) ☐ Yes ☐ No

Electric fire
C.12 pump I W Isolation switch closed (On) ☐ Yes ☐ No
I W Circuit breaker disconnect closed (On) ☐Yes ☐No

I W Power available ☐ Yes ☐ No

Electric fire I W Isolation switch closed (On) ☐ Yes ☐ No

C.13 I W Circuit breaker disconnect closed (On) ☐Yes ☐No
transfer switch I W Emerg. transfer switch power available ☐Yes ☐No

Engine clean ☐ Yes ☐ No

Engine dry (no leaks) ☐ Yes ☐ No
Engine fuel tank level okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Engine battery terminals clean ☐ Yes ☐ No
Engine battery fluid level okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Engine batteries raised above floor ☐ Yes ☐ No
C.14 Diesel engine I W Engine crank case oil level okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Engine coolant fluid level okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Fuel tank above ¾ full ☐ Yes ☐No
Engine hours (record) __________
Diesel engine combustion air
Fans operate ☐ Yes ☐No
Louvers operate ☐ Yes ☐No

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C. Water supply ITM – Fire pump weekly

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

I W Controller clean ☐ Yes ☐ No

C.15 I W Controller dry (no leaks) ☐ Yes ☐ No
I W Controller in automatic ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Jockey pump suction valve open ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Jockey pump discharge valve open ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Jockey pump controller clean ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Jockey pump controller dry (no leaks) ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Jockey controller automatic ☐ Yes ☐ No

C.16 Jockey pump Jockey pump started automatically ☐ Yes ☐ No
T W Start pressure normal ☐ Yes ☐ No
Start pressure __________

Jockey pump automatic stop okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

T W Stop pressure normal ☐ Yes ☐ No
Stop pressure __________

Fire pump starts upon drop in pressure ☐ Yes ☐ No

T W Start pressure normal ☐ Yes ☐ No
Start pressure __________

T W Cooling water discharge okay (1) ☐ Yes ☐ No

Main relief operating ☐ Yes ☐ No

T W Main relief pressure normal ☐ Yes ☐ No
Main relief pressure __________

C.17 Fire pump T W Water passing shaft packings (2) ☐ Yes ☐ No

T W No unusual noise or vibration ☐ Yes ☐ No

T W Bearing temperature okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Pump suction gauge reading __________

Pump suction gauge reading normal ☐ Yes ☐ No

Pump discharge gauge reading __________

Pump discharge gauge reading normal ☐ Yes ☐No

T W Fire pump running alarm signal okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

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C. Water supply ITM – Fire pump weekly

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Fire pump
C.18 T W Motor run for at least 10 minutes ☐ Yes ☐ No
electric motor

T W Diesel engine starting battery set (3) ☐ Set 1 ☐ Set 2

T W Engine cooling water discharge okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Engine temperature okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

C.19 Fire pump Engine maximum temperature __________
diesel engine
Engine oil pressure okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Normal engine oil pressure __________

T W Engine run for at least 30 minutes ☐ Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly

Table notes:
(1) Cooling water for an electric motor driven fire pump is provided by a circulating
relief valve located at the fire pump discharge. Cooling water for a diesel engine
driven fire pump is provided by an engine cooling line supplied from the fire pump
(2) Shaft packings should pass 1 to 3 drips of water per second when the pump is
(3) For each weekly test, alternate battery sets for diesel engine start.

3.3.3 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

C.1 Water supply

On a weekly basis, verify each water supply tank is full. This may be evident by:

• Reading the fire pump suction pressure gauge

• Reading the tank level indicator

• Overflowing the tank

July 2016 39
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Fixed fire protection and detection

Fire pump suction gauge (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Water tank mechanical level indicator (Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Water tank overflow (Photo source: Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

On a weekly basis, verify each water supply tank fill source is available. This may
be evident by:

• Reading the supply pressure gauge on the fill pipe

• Overflowing the tank

On a weekly basis, verify the water supply pressure from the tank is normal. This
includes normal water pressure being available in the:

• Water tank discharge line

• Fire pump supply (or suction) line

July 2016 40
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Fixed fire protection and detection

C.2 Suction valve

For discussion see item “A.2 Control valves” in this chapter.

C.3 Discharge valve

For discussion see item “A.2 Control valves” in this chapter.

C.4 Bypass supply valve

For discussion see item “A.2 Control valves” in this chapter.

C.5 Bypass system valve

For discussion see item “A.2 Control valves” in this chapter.

C.6 Flowmeter isolation valve

For discussion see item “A.2 Control valves” in this chapter. This is a normally
shut valve.

C.7 Flowmeter throttling valve

For discussion see item “A.2 Control valves” in this chapter. This is a normally
shut valve.

C.8 Test header valve

For discussion see item “A.2 Control valves” in this chapter. This is a normally
shut valve.

C.9 Pump room or house

On a weekly basis, verify the room or house is:
• Secure against unauthorized access.

• Free from storage

• Dry, specifically this means no standing water

• Drainage is provided and unobstructed

• Ventilation is sufficient to control dampness

Motor-operated combustion air damper - The damper is held closed by electric

power. The damper opens upon diesel engine start or loss of power. (Photo
source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
• Heat is adequate to maintain the temperature above 4°C (40°F) for electric motor
driven pumps and 10°C (50°F) for diesel engine driven pumps (or higher
temperature per the diesel enginer manufacturer guidelines)

• Lighting is sufficient to allow signs and indicators to be read

• No infestation by insects, rodents or other vermin

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Fixed fire protection and detection

C.10 Pump
On a weekly basis, verify the fire pump is clean and dry. Some water discharge
may be present at pump shaft packings.

Verify the coupling or flexible shaft guard is provided and secured in place.

Right, fire pump coupling; left, fire pump flexible shaft (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)

The above photos show a coupling guard - left disassembled reveling coupling
within, and right in place guarding the coupling (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

Flexible shaft guard in place with yellow pictograph warning sticker (Photo source:
Rich Gallagher)

Plinths (raised housekeeping pads) should be in good condition with no evidence

of structural duress such as cracking or settlement. Verify the grouting of the
pump base is also sound.

For vertical turbine pumps, visually check the lubricating oil level is in the intended

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Vertical turbine lubricating oil site glass (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

C.11 Electric fire pump motor

On a weekly basis, verify the motor is clean and dry.

C.12 Electric fire pump controller

On a weekly basis, verify the control panel (or controller) is clean and dry. UL listed
fire pump controllers will have the automatic start pressure switch located within
the control panel. Any sign of water dripping from the controller indicates a need
for prompt service by a qualified person as the water leak is occurring inside a live
electrical panel!

Left photo shows a UL listed control panel with a mercury-type pressure switch.
Right photo shows a UL listed controller with an automatic start pressure
transducer. In each case, water is brought into a 480VAC control panel. (Photo
source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

UK fire pump installations provide two, redundant automatic start pressure

switches for each fire pump and locate them outside of the fire pump control
panel (Photo source: Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

On a weekly basis, also verify the electric power isolation switch handle is in the
closed or “On” position, the circuit breaker disconnecting means handle is in the
closed or “On” position, and power is available as indicated by the power
indicator light or other visual display. For some UL listed controllers, one single
handle is provided to operate both the isolation switch and the circuit breaker
disconnecting means. For some LPCB approved controllers, there will be a single
On/Off switch provided to control electric power.

C.13 Electric fire pump emergency transfer switch

On a weekly basis, verify the electric power solation switch handle is in the closed
or “On” position, the circuit breaker disconnecting means handle is in the closed
or “On” position, and emergency transfer switch power is available. For some UL
listed emergency transfer switches, one single handle is provided to operate both
the isolation switch and the circuit breaker disconnecting means.

C.14 Diesel engine

On a weekly basis, verify the diesel engine is clean and dry. Leaks may include
water, diesel fuel, lubricating oil, and engine coolant.

Verify the fuel tank level is okay. The tank should be at least two thirds full or at a
level that will provided at least an eight hour supply. An eight hour supply is
typically equal to 3.8 L (1 gal) per horsepower of the engine.

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Examples of fuel tank visual level indicators - left photo indicating 3/4 tank and
right photo indicating 1/8 tank (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

On a weekly basis, verify battery terminals are clean, battery fluid levels are okay,
and batteries are rack supported above the floor. Placing batteries on support
racks is intended to keep current carrying parts at least 0.3 m (1 ft.) above the
floor and to aid in housekeeping (specifically , avoiding batteries sitting in water).

Batteries raised off the floor (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
For non-sealed batteries, use appropriate acid-resistant personal protective
equipment while checking each battery cell to verify battery plates are covered
with dielectric fluid. Where plates are exposed, add distilled water using a
dispenser intended for the purpose.

Example of apron, arm sleeves, gloves, safety glasses, and face shield used during
battery cell inspection. Also, shown is a distilled water battery fill container. (Photo
source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

On a weekly basis, also verify the crank case oil and coolant fluid levels are in the
appropriate ranges.

On a weekly basis, verify sufficient combustion air is provided for the diesel engine.
Verify active ventilation features such as fans and motor-driven louvers operate as
intended. Finally, on a weekly basis, record the engine hours. This is evidence that
weekly tests are being performed.

C.15 Diesel fire pump controller

On a weekly basis, verify the controller is clean and dry, and the selector switch is
in the automatic position.
The discussion regarding water leaking from electric fire pump control panels also
applies to diesel fire pump control panels. Of course, voltage levels will be lower
for the diesel control panel. For discussion see “C.12 Electric fire pump

C.16 Jockey pump

On a weekly basis, verify the jockey pump suction and discharge control valves are
open. Also, verity the controller is clean, dry, and in the automatic mode.

The discussion regarding water leaking from electric fire pump control panels also
applies to jockey pump control panels. For discussion see “C.12 Electric fire pump

Test the jockey pump automatic start by slowly dropping the system pressure.
Record the start pressure, and verify it is normal.

Allow the jockey pump to restore the system pressure until the pump stops, record
the stop pressure, and confirm the stop pressure is normal.

C.17 Fire pump

On a weekly basis, start the fire pump by slowly dropping the system pressure.
This is a test of the fire pump automatic start feature. Record the start pressure,
and verify it is normal.

Where redundant automatic start pressure switches are provided (e.g. in the UK),
test each switch. The UK fire pump redundant automatic start pressure switches
are specifically arranged to allow independent testing of each switch.
Whenever the fire pump starts and no water is flowing in the system, immediately
verify the circulating relief valve is discharging water to cool the fire pump.

Example of fire pump circulating relief valve (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

If the fire pump is equipped with a main relief valve, verify whether it is operating.
If it is operating, recording its pressure setting. This will be the same as the
pressure displayed on the fire pump discharge gauge.

Right, direct acting relief valve; left, pilot operated relief valve (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)
Verify water is passing the shaft packing on both sides of a fire pump at a rate of 1
to 3 drips per second. This dripping provides lubrication and cooling of the pump
shaft and shaft packing. It also aids in avoiding air being drawn in to the pump.

Shaft packing is located on either side of the pump (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

Verify the pump is not experiencing any unusual noise or vibration.

Check the temperature of the pump bearings. Do not use a hand to sense the
bearing temperature by touch. Allowable bearing operating temperatures may be
as high as 93°C (200°F). Use a device such as a non-contact infrared thermometer
for this check.

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Orange arrows point to the inboard and outboard bearing caps. The green arrow
points to the inboard bearing surface where temperature should be measured. A
similar surface is should be checked on the outboard bearing. (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)

Read the pump suction and discharge gauges, record the values, and verify they
are normal compared to past weekly tests. See the discussion in item “A.1 Water
pressure and flow” for additional information.

Verify the fire pump running alarm is received at the building fire alarm control
unit and at the fire alarm monitoring station.

C.18 Fire pump electric motor

On a weekly basis, run an electric motor driven fire pump for at least 10 minutes.
This allows the electric motor to dissipate heat associated with the motor inrush
current when the motor starts.

C.19 Fire pump diesel engine

On a weekly basis, run a diesel engine driven fire pump for at least 30 minutes.
This allows the engine to thoroughly circulate lubricating oil to all internal engine
surfaces, reach operating temperature, and drive moisture from the crankcase.
The 30 minute run is intended to mitigate internal engine corrosion.

During the weekly run, monitor the engine temperature and lubricating oil
pressure. Confirm they remain within the normal range for the duration of the

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Left photo shows a diesel engine control panel with mechanical gauges. Right
photo shows a diesel engine control panel with digital display. (Photo source: Rich
3.4 Fire pump semi-annual and annual

3.4.1 ITM Checklist

Include all items from checklist “A. Water supply ITM - General” and checklist “C.
Water supply ITM - Fire pump weekly” along with the following items.

D. Water supply ITM – Fire pump annual

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

All fire pumps:

Drop-in-pressure ☐ Yes ☐ No
Electric motor driven fire pumps:
Manual electric at controller ☐ Yes ☐ No
Manual mechanical at controller ☐ Yes ☐ No
Annual fire
Diesel engine driven fire pumps:
pump test –
pump start Controller switch in “manual 1” ☐ Yes ☐ No
D.1 methods T A Controller switch in “manual 2” ☐ Yes ☐ No
(Test all Controller switch in “test” ☐ Yes ☐ No
Engine manual 1 ☐ Yes ☐ No
Engine manual 2 ☐ Yes ☐ No
Other fire pump start methods:
Remote manual start ☐ Yes ☐ No
Fire system start signal ☐ Yes ☐ No
Other (describe): ☐ Yes ☐ No

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D. Water supply ITM – Fire pump annual

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

All fire pumps:

Pump running ☐Yes ☐No
Electric motor driven fire pumps:
Annual fire Electric power phase failure ☐Yes ☐No
D.2 pump test – T A
pump signals Electric power phase reversal ☐Yes ☐No
Diesel engine driven fire pumps:
Diesel controller off automatic ☐Yes ☐No
Diesel trouble ☐Yes ☐No

Test point #1 (no flow):

Discharge pressure __________
Suction pressure __________
Speed __________
Main relief valve operating ☐Yes ☐No
Amps (electric)
__________ , __________ , __________
Volts (electric)
__________ , __________ , __________
Engine oil pressure (diesel) __________
Annual fire
Engine water temperature (diesel) __________
D.3 pump test - T A
flow test Main relief valve operating ☐Yes ☐No
Test point #2, #3, #4, and #5:
Ideally, conduct four flowing test points spread out
across the range of fire pump operation
Discharge pressure __________
Suction pressure __________
Speed __________
Flow __________
Main relief valve operating ☐Yes ☐No
Amps (electric)
_________ , __________ , __________

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Fixed fire protection and detection

D. Water supply ITM – Fire pump annual

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Volts (electric)
_________ , __________ , __________
Engine oil pressure (diesel) __________
Engine water temperature (diesel) __________
Main relief valve operating ☐Yes ☐No
Overall results:
Test result okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Mount and bolts free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Fire pump and I S
D.4 driver Mount and bolts free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
T S Mounting bolts torque okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Pump bearings okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

D.5 Fire pump Pump shaft end play okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

M A Lubricate bearings ☐ Yes ☐ No

T S Alignment okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

D.6 Coupling
M S Lubricate ☐ Yes ☐ No

Flexible drive
D.7 M S Lubricate ☐ Yes ☐ No

Right angle
D.8 M S Lubricate ☐ Yes ☐ No
gear drive

Fire pump Wire insulation not cracked ☐ Yes ☐ No

controller Circuit boards no corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No

D.9 (see discussion T S Volt and amp meters okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

in Chapter 4
regarding arc- Calibrate pressure switch ☐ Yes ☐ No
flash hazard) Tighten wire connections ☐ Yes ☐ No

D.10 M V Grease bearings ☐ Yes ☐ No

Diesel exhaust system okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Crankcase breather clear ☐ Yes ☐ No
D.11 Diesel engine I S
Circuit boards no corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Check engine fuel lines and filters ☐ Yes ☐ No

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D. Water supply ITM – Fire pump annual

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Volt and amp meters okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Fuel tank free of water ☐ Yes ☐ No
Alternate battery start logic ☐ Yes ☐ No
Six start attempt failure logic ☐ Yes ☐ No
Engine combustion air louvers open upon power
failure ☐ Yes ☐ No

Check and top off oil level ☐ Yes ☐ No

Check and top off antifreeze level ☐ Yes ☐ No
Supply air louvre cleaned ☐ Yes ☐ No
M S Tighten wire connections ☐ Yes ☐ No
Clean cooling water lines ☐ Yes ☐ No
Clean engine air filter ☐ Yes ☐ No
Adjust engine drive belts ☐ Yes ☐ No

Oil and filter changed ☐ Yes ☐ No

M A Fuel filters changed ☐ Yes ☐ No
Check heat exchanger zinc anode ☐ Yes ☐ No

Replace engine hoses ☐ Yes ☐ No

Replace engine coolant ☐ Yes ☐ No
M 2 Replace engine thermostat ☐ Yes ☐ No
Replace engine air filter ☐ Yes ☐ No
Replace engine drive belts ☐ Yes ☐ No

Wet pit or jack

D.12 I A Clean wet pit screen and strainers ☐ Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
V = Varies 5 = 5 year

3.4.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

D.1 Annual fire pump test – start methods

A number of methods are available to start a fire pump. During the annual test,
test each method provided.

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Automatic fire pumps will typically start upon a drop in system pressure. Test this
start method weekly.

Electric fire pump controllers may have an electric manual start pushbutton which
engages the motor starter magnetically using the controller circuitry. In addition,
the controller may include a mechanical manual start handle that bypasses the
controller circuitry and manually engages the motor starter mechanically.

Diesel engine electronic control module (at the engine) with pushbuttons to crank
"Batt A" or "Batt B" (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Diesel engine controllers will include an electric pushbutton that uses the diesel
controller circuitry to manually crank the engine for starting using either battery
set 1 or battery set 2. These battery sets may be designated as battery set A and
battery set B. In addition, electric pushbuttons may be provided at the engine
control panel.
Should the automatic start and electric pushbuttons fail, handles may be provided
on each starter motor contactor to allow manual mechanical engine cranking
using either battery set 1 or battery set 2.

Diesel engine motor starter contactors with manual operating handles (Photo
source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
Other possible fire pump start methods include:
• Remote manual start

• Fire system start signal

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A remote manual start is often located at an on-site security station where security
staff may manually start a fire pump without the delay of traveling to the fire
pump controller.

A fire system start signal is an automatic signal generated by a fire extinguishing

system release panel. The signal is intended to start the fire pump without waiting
for a drop in system pressure. For example, a fire detection system that releases a
water spray deluge system may also send a remote start signal to the fire pump.

D.2 Annual fire pump test – pump signals

During the annual test, test each fire pump signal monitored at a constantly
attended location. Signals may be monitored by a fire alarm system or a remote
fire pump annunciator panel. Typically signals include:

All fire pumps

• Pump running (NFPA) or Pump on demand (Europe) – This signal indicates the fire
pump has been commanded to run

• Pump running (Europe) – This signal indicates the fire pump has actually started
and has caused an increase in water pressure at the fire pump discharge

Pump running pressure switch at fire pump discharge - European arrangement

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Electric motor driven fire pumps

• Electric power phase failure

• Electric power phase reversal

Diesel engine driven fire pumps

• Diesel controller off automatic

• Diesel trouble

Additional signals
• Fire pump installation valve tamper

• Fire pump room or house low temperature

• Fire pump ground water tank low level

• Fire pump ground water tank low temperature

• Diesel fire pump low fuel tank level

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D.3 Annual fire pump test – flow test

During the annual fire pump capacity or flow test, collect test data at no flow
(churn) and at least four additional test points evenly spaced across the range of
the fire pump curve. The test should achieve at least the greatest fire protection
design flow supplied by the fire pump. In other words, there is no requirement to
flow the greatest flow rate shown on the fire pump nameplate.
The five test points are intended to facilitate the graphing of a fire pump test
curve. This curve is to meet or exceed all fire system demands supplied by the fire
pump. Where fire pump curve has deteriorated, and specifically if fire system
demands are no longer being met, the test results should lead to fire pump
maintenance to restore fire pump performance.

At each test point, the following readings will be collected for all fire pumps:
• Discharge pressure

• Suction pressure

• Pump speed

• Main relief valve operating (yes/no)

For electric motor driven fire pumps, the following additional readings are
• Volts (three readings, one for each phase)

• Amps (three readings, across the phases)

For diesel engine driven fire pumps, the following additional readings are collected
where suitable indicators are provided:
• Engine coolant temperature

• Engine lubrication oil pressure

Operation of the main relief valve, where present, actually interferes with the
annual test as water discharging from the main relief valve is not measured. Only
those test points where the main relief valve is not discharging are valid test
points. It is ideal to turn the main relief valve off during the annual flow test;
however, if this will result in excessive system pressures, the operation of the main
relief valve will have to be tolerated.

For UL listed electric fire pump motors:

• Voltage readings should remain between 95% and 110% of motor nameplate

• Amperage readings should not to exceed the motor nameplate full load motor
amps times the motor name plate service factor (which is typically 1.15 for fire
pump motors).

D.4 Fire pump and driver mounting

On a semi-annual basis, verify the fire pump and driver mount and mounting bolts
are free of physical damage and corrosion.

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Mounting bolts shown with red circles and arrows (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

On a semi-annual basis, verify the torque of the fire pump and driver mounting
bolts are within manufacturer’s specifications

D.5 Fire pump

Annually, inspect pump bearing and
lubricate them in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

Check fire pump shaft end play or end float. This is axial movement of the pump
shaft, and it should not exceed manufacturer’s allowances. Excessive end float can
allow rotating pump parts to clash with stationary parts. In addition, it can
adversely affect coupling and flexible drive shafts.

D.6 Coupling
Couplings may be found in used with either electric motor or diesel engine driven
fire pumps. Annually, verify coupling alignment. Coupling alignment includes
angular alignment, parallel alignment, and axial alignment.
Parallel alignment is checked with a straight edge as shown in the following

Coupling parallel alignment check with a straight edge (Image source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)

Angular alignment is checked with feeler gauges (or a taper gauge) as shown in
the following image. The gauge is inserted at four points 90 degrees apart.

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Coupling angular alignment check with feeler gauges (Image source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)

An accurate alignment check can be made using a dial indicator as shown in the
following image. The dial gauge in position “1” checks parallel alignment. The
dial gauge in position “2” checks angular alignment. For each check, the dial
gauge is attached to one side of the coupling, positioned, and zeroed. A mark is
then placed on the other coupling half opposite the dial gauge mounting point.
Both halves of the coupling are rotated together (dial mount and mark kept
adjacent to each other). Check alignment at four locations 90 degree apart such as
with the dial mount at the top, bottom, and both sides. The dial will indicate if
adjustments are needed (e.g. raise, lower, or side-to-side movement of driver).

Coupling parallel and angular alignment check with a dial gauge (Image source:
Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Axial alignment is the gap provided between coupling halves that allow for end
play or float of the shafts on either side of the coupling. Coupling manufacturer’s
instructions apply including minimum shaft end engagement of the coupling
halves to the shaft ends.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Lubricate the coupling in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. This

includes use of the specific lubricant recommended by the manufacturer.

Example of an all-metal tapered grid-type coupling with cover halves removed and
no grease applied (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Example of all-metal tapered grid-type coupling with cover halves in place,

coupling is packed with grease (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Some couplings use a plastic insert to avoid metal to metal contact between
coupling halves. These inserts are renewable parts, are expected to wear over
time, and require replacement when normal wear allowances exceed
manufacturer’s specifications.

Example of "fail to run" coupling where coupling engages metal-to-metal and

continues to drive fire pump if plastic insert fails (Phot source: Rich Gallagher,

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Couplings that rely upon a plastic insert to drive the fire pump should be replaced
with listed coupling. Plastic inserts are subject to failure that can lead to a fire
pump impairment.

Example of a coupling that relies upon a plastic insert to drive a fire pump. Photo
on right shows a failed insert. (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

D.7 Flexible drive shaft

Flexible drive shafts are used with diesel engine driven fire pumps.

Annually, verify flexible drive shaft alignment. Manufacturer’s instructions will

provide detailed guidance. For flexible drive shafts, pump and engine shaft
centerlines are expected to be parallel but offset. A manufacturer will typically
specify minimum and maximum offsets (e.g. 1 to 3 degrees).

Annually, verify torque of all fasteners per manufacturer’s instructions.

Annually, lubricate the flexible drive shaft universal joints and sliding splines per
manufacturer’s instructions.

Example of a flexible drive shaft (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

D.8 Right angle gear drive

A right angle gear drive redirects horizontal rotational motion from a diesel engine
to operate a vertical turbine fire pump. The selected right angle gear drive may
increase or decrease the drive speed of the pump compared to the diesel engine.
This could impact the interpretation of fire pump flow test results.

The right angle gear drive will include a right angle gear drive set, bearing, and a
non-reserve ratchet or clutch mechanism. All of these features need lubrication.
Drain and fill plugs are typically provided to change oil.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Example of a right angle gear drive (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich

D.9 Fire pump controller

Annually, verify the condition of fire pump controller wiring and circuit boards.

Wiring insulation should show no signs of cracking, discoloration, or overheating.

Circuit boards should show no signs of cracking, discoloration, or oxidation.

Example of an electric fire pump controller (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Completely de-energized the fire pump controller before conducting these

activities. This means disconnecting normal and emergency power (where
provided) upstream of the fire pump controller. Where the fire pump controller
will not be completely de-energized, follow safe work practices developed by a
safety professional for the arc-flash hazard.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

D.10 Electric motor

Annually, or less frequently as directed by motor manufacturer, lubricate motor
bearings. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for type of lubricant, amount of
lubricant, and method of applying lubricant.

D.11 Diesel engine

On a semiannual basis, the diesel engine should be serviced by a technician
qualified for the specific engine. This should include:
• Changing the oil and filter

• Change fuel filters

• Checking the crankcase breather vent

• Checking the antifreeze

• Checking circuit boards in the electronic control module (for

cracks, discoloration, or corrosion)

• Tightening wire connections

• Checking accuracy of volt and amp meter displays

Also, verify the diesel exhaust system is adequately supported,

does not have exhaust leaks, and does not allow high
temperatures to contact combustibles.

Also, verify the diesel fuel tank is free of water. Water can
accumulate due to condensation as the tank breathes due to
temperature changes.

Also, clean the supply air louvre used to provide combustion air
for the engine.

Left and center, examples of wiring connections to be checked;

right, example of exhaust (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Example of crank case vent to be inspected, and oil filter to be changed (Photo
source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Example of fuel filters (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Finally, verify combustion air supply louvers fail open upon loss of power.

D.12 Wet pit

Vertical turbine fire pumps drawing water from open reservoirs, ponds, lakes, and
streams should be submerged in a wet pit protected with screens to reduce the
impact of foreign debris obstructing the water supply or pump passages.

Annually, inspect the trash rack, double removable intake screens, strainer, and
any other feature intended to control the entry of foreign debris into the fire

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Example of a vertical turbine fire pump submerged in a protected wet pit (Photo
and image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
3.5 Private fire mains including hydrants

3.5.1 ITM Checklist

Include all items from section 3.1.1 “Water supply ITM General” along with the
following items.

E. Water supply ITM – Private fire mains

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Hydrant free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Hydrant free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Hydrant free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No

Private fire No hydrant caps or covers missing ☐Yes ☐ No

E.1 mains - fire
hydrants Hydrant valve operation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
T A Hydrant water discharge conducted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Pillar hydrant dry barrel drains ☐Yes ☐No

M A Hydrant lubricated ☐ Yes ☐ No

Dead-end private mains flowed ☐ Yes ☐ No

Test result okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Private fire
E.2 mains – flow Looped private mains flowed ☐ Yes ☐ No
tests T 2
Test result okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

M V Main flushing to remove foreign matter ☐ Yes ☐ No

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Fixed fire protection and detection

E. Water supply ITM – Private fire mains

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Pipe located in a heated building

D Adequate heat verified ☐ Yes ☐ No

Heating and (1) Heat sources functional ☐ Yes ☐ No
systems for Building enclosure intact ☐ Yes ☐ No
aboveground Pipe located outside or in an unheated building
pipe water- W
I Heat tracing functional ☐ Yes ☐ No
filled pipe (2)
Insulation in place and secure ☐ Yes ☐ No

M A Maintenance of heating systems ☐ Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
V = Varies 2 = 2 year
Table notes:
(1) Building heat maintained above 4°C (40°F) is needed for water filled pipe. During cold
weather, conduct daily inspections. Inspections can be extended to weekly for occupied
building areas as well as building areas electronically monitored for low building
temperature at a constantly attended location via a building fire alarm system.
(2) Weekly inspection of heat tracing and insulation applies during cold weather. The
frequency can be extended to monthly where heat tracing is electronically monitored at
a constantly attended location via a building fire alarm system.

3.5.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

E.1 Private fire mains – fire hydrants

Fire hydrants provide the fire service with access to water supplies.

The photos below show three types of fire hydrants typical to the US. From left to
right they include:
• Wet-barrel fire hydrant used in regions not subject to freezing

• Dry barrel fire hydrant used in regions subject to freezing (equipped with a fire
service vehicle connection)

• Dry barrel fire hydrant equipped with connections only for hand-held hoses only
(private or plant hydrant)

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Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich

The photos below show a type of fire hydrant found in the UK. From left to right
they include:
• Fire hydrant with cover plates in place.

• Fire hydrant with cover plates removed. The fire service attaches a pipe to the
threaded outlet (normally capped), and applies a wrench to the square valve
operating nut.

• Sign posted adjacent to the hydrant indicating the water main size (100 mm) and
distance (3 m) to the hydrant.

Example of UK fire hydrant (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

View of a UK fire hydrant during installation. Note the red cap provided to protect
the threaded outlet. (Photo source: Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

The photos below show additional example of fire hydrant used globally.

Fire hydrants, left to right, Brazil, Czech Republic, and Greece (Photo source: Stuart
Lloyd, Zurich

Fire hydrants, left to right, Italy, Philippines, and Switzerland (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich except center photo source Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

On an annual basis, inspect each fire hydrant for signs of physical damage,
corrosion, leaks, and missing caps.

On an annual basis, operate each hydrant valve through its full range of motion.
Flow water from each fire hydrant outlet to flush the hydrant and verify hydrant
operation. For dry barrel hydrants, check the drain operates when the hydrant is
turned off. This check is performed by sealing a hand over a hydrant outlet (all
other outlets caps in place) and feeling for the suction developed as the water
drains from the barrel.

On an annual basis, lubricate the hydrant in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions. Use only the manufacturer recommended oil or grease. This may
involve filling an oil reservoir, lubricating the operating nut, and providing a light
coating of grease to outlet threads.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

E.2 Private fire mains – flow tests

On an annual basis, conduct flow tests of dead-end private fire mains where test
facilities, such as a fire hydrant, are available. Where test facilities are not
available, other flow tests, such as sprinkler system main drain tests, should occur
and provide an alternative to this test. Sprinkler system main drain tests are
addressed in “Chapter 4 Fire sprinkler system”.

Every two years, conduct flow tests of looped private fire mains where test
facilities, such as a fire hydrant and sectional control valves, are available. The
purpose of the test is to verify all sectional control valves are open and
underground pipe is flowing in an appropriate manner (e.g. no excessive friction

The sequence of a loop test is important if all test objectives are to be

accomplished. The Loop test diagram shown below will be used to highlight the
test sequence and benefits. The water supply is a town water main.

Loop test 1 will involve closing valve 1 to form a short flow path to hydrant H.
Pressure readings will be taken at riser R. The results of this test should be plotted
on graph paper.

Loop test 2 will involve reopening valve 1 and closing valve 2. This will form a long
flow path to hydrant H. Pressure readings once again will be taken at riser R. The
results of this test should be plotted on the same graph paper as loop test 1. By
comparison, loop test 2 should be weaker than loop test 1.

Loop test 3 will involve reopening valve 2. No valves will be closed for this test.
This test will allow the full loop to flow water to hydrant H. Pressure readings
once again will be taken at riser R. The results of this test should be plotted on the
same graph paper as loop tests 1 and 2. By comparison, loop test 3 should be the
strongest test. This outcome will verify that both legs of the loop are open and
flowing water, and that all valves have returned to the open position.

Looped private fire main test diagram (Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

As needed, flush private fire mains. A need for flushing may be indicated if any of
the following conditions are identified:
• Defective fire pump intake protective feature (screen, strainer)

• Debris discharged during a flow test

• Debris found in a fire pump

• Foreign material found in piping found during service

• Piping supplied with raw water via the fire department connection

E.3 Heating and insulation systems for aboveground pipe water-filled pipe

During cold weather, maintain adequate heat for all fixed fire protection
equipment subject to freezing. This should include water filled pipe, fittings,
valves, pumps, and tanks.

For further discussion, see item “F.9 Heating and insulation systems” in Chapter 4.

For fire pumps see the discussion on item “C.9 Pump room or house” and for
tanks see the discussion under item “B.1 Water storage – all methods” both of
which can be found in this chapter.

During cold weather, conduct daily inspections to verify adequate fire system heat
is provided in all areas where water-filled pipe, fittings, and valves are subject to

Adequate heat means:

• Sufficient heat is present based upon the senses of an inspector or indications of

• Heat sources are visually verified to be functional

• The integrity of the heated space (building walls, roofs, and insulation; and pipe
insulation or lagging) is visually confirmed to be intact

Inspections can be extended to weekly for:

• Any building areas occupied at least at some point in time each day

• Any building areas electronically supervised for low building temperature

monitored at a constantly attended location

Inspections can be extended to monthly for:

• Any water-filled piping with heat tracing and insulation (lagging) where the heat
tracing system is electrically monitored at a constantly attended location

Before the onset of cold weather each year, service all heating systems. Provide
service using qualified persons. Comply with manufacturer’s guidelines for the
inspection, testing, and maintenance of heating systems.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

4. Fire sprinkler system

4.1 ITM Checklist
F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Valve open ☐Yes ☐ No

Valve secure ☐Yes ☐ No

W Valve accessible ☐ Yes ☐ No

• I
(1) Valve equipped with operating hardware ☐ Yes ☐ No
Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No
F.1 Control valve
Valve identified with appropriate sign ☐Yes ☐No

Valve operation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Number of turns to shut valve (2) _________
Number of turns to open valve (2) _________
Valve test okay (2) ☐Yes ☐No

Static pressure before test (B gauge) _________

Static pressure before test (C gauge) _________
F.2 Main drain T Flowing pressure during test (B gauge) _________
Static pressure after test (C gauge) _________
Test result okay (4) ☐Yes ☐No

Static pressure before test _________

Low flow test
Minimum test flow _________
Minimum test pressure_________
Actual test flow _________
Actual test pressure _________
F.3 Proving pipe T Required flow and pressure exceeded ☐ Yes ☐ No
High flow test
Minimum test flow _________
Minimum test pressure_________
Actual test flow _________
Actual test pressure _________
Required flow and pressure exceeded ☐ Yes ☐ No

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Fixed fire protection and detection

F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Valve set free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Wet system I W Valve set free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No

valve sets Valve set free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
F.4 (check valve or
alarm check I A Internal inspection okay (6)
valve) M 3 Replace internal rubber components (6) ☐ Yes ☐ No

T W Alarm test okay (7) ☐Yes ☐No

System water pressure _________

W System air pressure _________

(9) Quick opening device air pressure _________
System pressures okay (10) ☐Yes ☐No

Valve set free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Valve set free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Valve set free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
Quick opening device valves open ☐Yes ☐No

I A Internal inspection okay (6) (11) ☐Yes ☐No

Dry pipe M 3 Replace internal rubber components (6) ☐ Yes ☐ No

system valve Alarm test okay (7) ☐Yes ☐No
sets, and T W
F.5 Priming water level okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
system valve T Q Quick opening device test okay ☐Yes ☐No
sets (8)
Functional test (no water flow into system)
Test with accelerator ☐Yes ☐No
Accelerator isolating valve open ☐Yes ☐No
Air pressure before test _________
Accelerator pressure before test _________
Water pressure before test _________
Air pressure when valve tripped _________
Trip test okay (12) ☐Yes ☐No

Full-flow test (water flow to test connection)

T 3
Test with accelerator ☐Yes ☐No

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F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Accelerator isolating valve open ☐Yes ☐No

Air pressure before test _________
Accelerator pressure before test _________
Water pressure before test _________
Air pressure when valve tripped _________
Time elapsed from opening test connection to
obtaining a steady stream of water at the test
connection _________
Full-flow test okay (13) ☐Yes ☐No

Air compressor serviced ☐ Yes ☐ No

M A Air dryers serviced ☐ Yes ☐ No
Nitrogen generator serviced ☐ Yes ☐ No

M V Dry system low points drained (14) ☐Yes ☐No

Valve set free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

I W Valve set free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Valve set free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No

I A Internal inspection okay (6) ☐Yes ☐No

Deluge system M 3 Replace internal rubber components (6) ☐Yes ☐No

valve set T W Alarm test okay (7) ☐Yes ☐No

Automatic release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Manual release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Full-flow test okay (13) ☐ Yes ☐ No
Nozzle discharge test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Valve set free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Valve set free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
I W Valve set free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐No
F.7 system valve System air pressure _________
set System air pressure oaky ☐ Yes ☐No

I A Internal inspection okay (6) ☐Yes ☐No

M 3 Replace internal rubber components (6) ☐Yes ☐No

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Fixed fire protection and detection

F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Alarm test okay (7) ☐Yes ☐No

Priming water level okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Functional test (no water flow into system) –

Single interlock (European Type A)
(water fills system piping upon fire detection)
Air pressure before test _________
Water pressure before test _________
Preaction valve trip time _________
Trip test okay (12) ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Manual release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Functional test (no water flow into system) –

Non-interlock (European Type B)
(water fills system piping upon fire detection or
automatic sprinkler operation)
Air pressure before test _________
T A Water pressure before test _________
Preaction valve trip time _________
Trip test okay (12) ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Manual release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Functional test (no water flow into system) –

Double interlock system
(water fills system piping upon fire detection
and sprinkler operation)
Test with accelerator ☐Yes ☐No
Accelerator isolating valve open ☐Yes ☐No
Air pressure before test _________
Accelerator pressure before test _________
Water pressure before test _________

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Fixed fire protection and detection

F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Air pressure when valve tripped _________

Trip test okay (12) ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Manual release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Full-flow test (water flow to test connection) -

Single interlock (European Type A)
(water fills system piping upon fire detection)
Air pressure before test _________
Water pressure before test _________
Preaction valve trip time _________
Trip test okay (12) ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Manual release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Full-flow test (water flow to test connection) -

Non-interlock (European Type B)
(water fills system piping upon fire detection or
automatic sprinkler operation)
T 3 Air pressure before test _________
Water pressure before test _________
Preaction valve trip time _________
Trip test okay (12) ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Manual release test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Full-flow test (water flow to test connection) -

Full-flow test – double interlock systems (water
fills system piping upon fire detection and
sprinkler operation)
Test with accelerator ☐Yes ☐No
Accelerator isolating valve open ☐Yes ☐No
Air pressure before test _________

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Fixed fire protection and detection

F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Accelerator pressure before test _________

Water pressure before test _________
Air pressure when valve tripped _________
Time elapsed from opening test connection to
obtaining a steady stream of water at the test
connection _________
Full-flow test okay (13) ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic release sequence okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Manual release sequence okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

M A Air compressor serviced ☐ Yes ☐ No

System water pressure _________

W Dry system air pressure _________

(7) Accelerator air pressure _________
System pressures okay (10) ☐Yes ☐No

Valve set free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Valve set free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Valve set free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
Accelerator isolation valve open ☐Yes ☐No

Ice plug inspection completed ☐ Yes ☐ No

Refrigerated Ice plug inspection okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
F.8 area system
I A Valve set internal inspection okay (6) ☐Yes ☐No
valve set
M 3 Replace internal rubber components (6) ☐Yes ☐No

Alarm test okay (7) ☐Yes ☐No

Accelerator test okay ☐Yes ☐No

Preaction valve trip test okay (12) ☐ Yes ☐ No

Dry pipe valve trip test okay (12) ☐ Yes ☐No

Air compressor serviced ☐ Yes ☐ No

Air dryers serviced ☐ Yes ☐ No

Dry system low points drained (14) ☐Yes ☐No


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F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Antifreeze I A Antifreeze acceptable for use ☐Yes ☐ No

system T A Antifreeze freeze point okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Adequate heat verified ☐ Yes ☐ No

I Heat sources functional ☐ Yes ☐ No
Heating and Building enclosure intact ☐ Yes ☐ No
F.10 insulation
systems W Heat tracing functional ☐ Yes ☐ No
(16) Insulation in place and secure ☐ Yes ☐ No

M A Maintenance of heating systems ☐ Yes ☐ No

Sprinklers free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Sprinklers free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sprinklers free of paint ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sprinklers free of foreign material ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sprinklers free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
F.11 Sprinklers I A
Sprinkler orientation correct ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sprinkler glass bulbs full ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sprinkler clearance to storage okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Spare sprinklers okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Wrench for each sprinkler type provided ☐ Yes ☐ No

Nozzles free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Nozzles free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
F.12 Nozzles I A Nozzles free of foreign material ☐ Yes ☐ No
Nozzles aimed correctly ☐ Yes ☐ No
Caps or plugs provided and operate ☐Yes ☐No

Sprinklers over 75 years old replaced, or test a sample

every 5 years ☐ Yes ☐ No
testing or Sprinklers subject to harsh environment replaced, or
F.13 T 5
replacement test a sample every 5 years ☐ Yes ☐No
Extra high temperature rated solder link sprinklers
replaced, or test a sample every 5 years ☐Yes ☐No

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Fixed fire protection and detection

F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Sprinklers over 25 years old replaced, or test a sample

every 10 years ☐ Yes ☐No
Fast response sprinklers over 20 years old replaced, or
T 10
test a sample every 10 years ☐ Yes ☐No
Dry sprinklers over 10 years old replace, or test a
sample every 10 years ☐Yes ☐No

M V Sprinklers made before 1920 replaced ☐ Yes ☐ No

MJCs free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

MJCs free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Multiple jet MJCs free of paint ☐ Yes ☐ No
control (MJC) I M
F.14 MJCs free of foreign material ☐ Yes ☐ No
testing or
replacement MJCs free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
MJCs glass bulbs full ☐ Yes ☐ No

T 5 MJCs replaced or tested every 5 years ☐ Yes ☐No

Pipe free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Pipe free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
I A Pipe free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
Hangers and support okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Seismic bracing okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Pipe and
F.15 Internal pipe inspection completed ☐ Yes ☐ No
Internal inspection results okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Obstruction investigation completed ☐ Yes ☐ No
I 5 yr
Obstruction investigation results okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Flushing completed ☐ Yes ☐ No
Flushing results okay ☐Yes ☐No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
V = Varies 3 = 3 year 5 = 5 year 10 = 10 year 20 = 20 year

Table notes:
(1) Data demonstrates the primary cause of sprinkler system failure is a shut valve. A
weekly inspection to verify valves are in the appropriate position is recommended.
Secure each valve in a suitable manner which may include plastic seals, plastic or leather

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

straps, locks (including a dedicated and locked fire protection room), and electronic
monitoring via a fire alarm system supervised at a constantly attended location.
(2) A valve test may be acceptable if the number of turns to close equals the number of
turns to open.
(3) A main drain test is to be conducted annually at each sprinkler system. In addition, a
main drain test is to be conducted at a sprinkler system whenever its control valve has
been closed and reopened. The B gauge is located on the upstream (supply side) of the
wet, dry, preaction, or deluge valve set. The C gauge is located on the downstream
(system side) of the wet, dry, preaction, or deluge valve set.
(4) A main drain test may be acceptable if either the flowing pressure at the B gauge is
greater than or equal to 90% of past main drain test results or if the pressure drop
(static – flowing) at the B gauge is less than or equal to 1.4 bar (20 psi).
(5) Proving pipes may be used in Europe on pre-cacluated systems. Where a proving pipe
test is completed, a main drain test might not be needed.
(6) Internal inspections include evaluations of strainers, filters, restricted orifices, and other
components forming the system valve and its trim. On at least a three year basis,
replaced internal rubber components. NFPA 25 allows this three year frequency to be
extended to 5 years.
(7) Mechanical water motor gong alarms are acceptable if the bell sounds within 5 minutes
of opening the test connection. Electric alarms are acceptable if the alarm is initiated
within 90 seconds of opening the test connection.
(8) Alternate systems are wet pipe systems in warm weather and dry pipe systems in cold
(9) The weekly gauge inspection can be reduced to a monthly frequency where system air
pressure is electronically monitored at a constantly attended location via a building fire
alarm system.
(10) Dry system gauge readings may be acceptable if they are similar to past weekly gauge
readings. The system air pressure should be within the normal air pressure
maintenance range. The Quick Opening Device (if provided) should display an air
pressure equal to the system air pressure.
(11) Increase the internal inspection frequency of alternate systems to semi-annual.
(12) A trip test only tests the function of the dry, preaction, or deluge valve. A trip test does
not involve the flow of water into system piping.
• A dry pipe system trip test is okay when the dry valve trips and latches in the tripped
(open) position.
• A preaction or deluge system trip test is okay when the preaction or deluge valve
release functions as intended and the valve trips promptly.

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

F. Fire sprinkler system ITM

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

(13) A full-flow test involves flowing water to a test connection, open nozzles, or open
sprinklers. A full-flow test will involve water entering system piping. A system full-flow
test does not apply to refrigerated spaces.
• A dry pipe system full-flow test is okay when the water delivery time is acceptable.
See the discussion in Chapter 4 regarding dry pipe system water delivery times.
• A single interlock preaction system full-flow test may be acceptable when the
preaction valve release functions as intended and the valve trips promptly.
• A double interlock preaction system full-flow test is similar to a dry system full-flow
test. The water delivery time to a test connection is measured and evaluated. The
test connection is to be located at the most hydraulically remote point of the
system. The double interlock preaction system may have up to two accelerators -
one accelerator on air pressurized sprinkler system piping and one accelerator on air
pressurized pneumatically released fire detection system. The full flow test of a
double interlock preaction system is to include a full function test of the entire
release sequence including fire detection and release along with sprinkler operation
(test connection opened) with air release and water delivery.
• A deluge system full-flow test may be acceptable when water is discharged from all
nozzles (no plugging of orifices occurs).
(14) Drain dry system low points after each test, before cold weather, and weekly during
cold weather. Cold weather draining can be extended based upon experience.
(15) Building heat maintained above 4oC (40oF) is needed for all water filled pipe, fittings,
and valves. During cold weather, conduct daily inspections. Inspections can be
extended to weekly for occupied building areas as well as building areas electronically
monitored for low building temperature at a constantly attended location via a building
fire alarm system.
(16) Weekly inspection of heat tracing and insulation applies during cold weather. The
frequency can be extended to monthly where heat tracing is electronically monitored at
a constantly attended location via a building fire alarm system.
(17) Sprinkler testing involves submitting a sample for test. As an option, all affected
sprinklers may be replaced with new sprinklers of an appropriate type.

4.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

F.1 Control valves

For discussion see item “A.2 Control valve” in Chapter 3.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

F.2 Main drain

Main drains are installed on sprinkler systems for two reasons. First, they provide a
means to drain the sprinkler system for service, repair, and modification. Second,
they provide a means to test the connected water supply.
A main drain test consists of the following steps:
• Reading and recording the static water pressures at the sprinkler system valve set

• Fully opening the main drain and then reading and recording the flowing water
pressure at the sprinkler system valve set (riser)

• And, finally turning off the main drain and then reading and recording the static
water pressure at the sprinkler system valve set (riser)

The initial static water pressure displayed on the sprinkler system valve set gauges
may be artificially high due to pressure trapped by a non-return valve (check valve).
This high pressure could be due to a number of causes including a water pressure
surge from a water supply or a high night-time water pressure from a town or
public water supply. See the commentary in 3.1.2 item “A.1 Water pressure and
flow” for additional information.

The static water pressure recorded after the main drain test will represent the
available static water pressure at the time of the test as the abnormally high
pressure will have been dissipated by the flowing water.

This is important to recognize that a main drain cross-sectional area is often only a
small portion of the cross-sectional area of the system riser. See the following

Main drain vs. riser (Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

This means a main drain flow test will only identify serious obstructions between a
water source and sprinkler system valve set (or riser). The photo sequence on the
following page demonstrate the limitation of the main drain test.

The photo sequence shows a butterfly stop valve (control valve) must be over half
shut (an extremely severe waterway obstruction) before the main drain test results
show a significant pressure reduction.

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Fixed fire protection and detection
Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)

Sprinkler stop valve position vs. main drain flowing pressure (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

Considering the finding displayed in the sequence of photos on the previous page,
it is clear that a significant pressure drop identified by a main drain test can
represent a serious condition warranting prompt attention.

A main drain test is to be conducted annually at each sprinkler system valve set
(riser). In addition, a main drain test is to be conducted at a sprinkler system
whenever its stop valve (control valve) has been closed and reopened.

Dry valve set showing "B gauge" and "C gauge" locations (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)

The main drain test data includes readings from the valve set “B gauge” located
on the upstream or supply side of the system valve set and readings from the “C
gauge” located on the downstream or system side of the system valve set. The
following photo shows the location of the “B gauge” and “C gauge”.

A main drain test may be acceptable if either of the following conditions are
• The flowing pressure is greater than or equal to 90% of past main drain test flow
pressure results

• The pressure drop (static pressure – flowing pressure) is less than or equal to 1.4
bar (20 psi)

F.3 Proving pipe

Proving pipes are used in Europe on pre-calculated sprinkler systems. For the
systems with a proving pipe, the proving pipe test should be conducted in place of
the main drain test discussed in the previous item F.2.

Proving pipes are generally used with Ordinary Hazard sprinkler systems using a
pre-calculated design; however, they may also be used with pre-calculated High
Hazard systems.

This discussion will focus on Ordinary Hazard systems. For High Hazard systems,
refer to BS EN 12845 Table 7.
The following figure shows a proving pipe. The proving pipe flows are marked in
units of dm3/min. It is useful to note that 1 dm3/min is equal to 1 lpm.

July 2016 81
Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

Proving pipe (Photo source: Scott Hopkins, Zurich)

When using a proving pipe, it is necessary to identify the minimum test flows and
the corresponding minimum test pressures. The following table provides guidance
to determine the minimum flows and pressures using BS EN 12845 guidelines.

BS EN 12845 Ordinary Hazard proving pipe flow and pressure requirements

Low Flow test High Flow test AMAO***

Hazard group
(lpm @ bar) (lpm @ bar) (m2)

Ordinary Hazard 1 375 @ 1.0 + S* 540 @ 0.7 + S* 72

Ordinary Hazard 2 725 @ 1.4 + S* 1000 @ 1.0 + S* 144
Ordinary Hazard 3 1100 @ 1.7 + S* 1350 @ 1.4 + S* 216
Ordinary Hazard 4 (OH3S) 1800 @ 2.0 + S* 2100 @ 1.5 + S* 360
Table notes:
*S (bar) = H / 10
S is the static pressure measured in bars from the C gauge to the highest
sprinkler (10 m = 1 bar)
H is the height in meters (m) of the highest sprinkler above the C gauge**
**C gauge - System side gauge at a valve set or riser (refer to previous item F.2
for a figure showing the C gauge)
***AMAO – Assumed maximum area of operation

When the proving pipe testing is complete review the results of the Low Flow and
High Flow tests. Verify that actual test values exceed minimum test values as
determined using the table above.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

F.4 Wet system valve sets

On a weekly basis, inspect a wet system valve set or riser for physical damage,
corrosion, and leaks.

On an annual basis, each wet system is to be internally inspected. This includes

strainers, filters, restricted orifices, and other components forming the system valve
and its trim.

On a weekly basis, test alarms serving the wet valve set. Mechanical water motor
gong alarms may be acceptable if the bell sounds within 5 minutes of opening the
test connection. Electric alarms may be acceptable if the alarm is initiated within
90 seconds of opening the test connection.
Note: Where NFPA guidelines are applied, NFPA 25 allows testing of mechanical
water motor gong alarms on a quarterly basis, and NFPA 25 and NFPA 73 allow
testing of electric waterflow alarms devices on a semi-annul basis. Zurich
recommends a weekly test. For further guidance, consult your Zurich account

F.5 Dry system and alternate system valve sets

Alternate systems are systems maintained as a wet pipe system in warm weather
and a dry pipe system in cold weather. These systems can be subject to significant
internal pipe corrosion due to the intermittent wet and dry nature of the piping.
The use of alternate systems is strongly discouraged.

On a weekly basis, inspect the three dry system pressure gauges. These include:
• “B gauge” or water supply pressure gauge

• “C gauge” or system air pressure gauge

• “Accelerator gauge” showing the accelerator air pressure

The following photo shows the location of these gauges.

July 2016 83
Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

Dry system valve set gauges (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
It should be noted that dry systems will not always have an accelerator. Also, if
the dry system is equipped with an electronic accelerator, there might not be
accelerator air pressure gauge. Accelerator gauges are only provided for
mechanical accelerators.

The weekly gauge inspections can be reduced to a monthly frequency where the
system air pressure is electronically monitored at a constantly attended location via
a building fire alarm system.

Gauge pressures readings may be acceptable if they are similar to past gauge
readings. The system air pressure should be within the normal air pressure
maintenance range. The accelerator (if provided) should display an air pressure
equal to the system air pressure.

On a weekly basis, inspect a dry system valve set for physical damage, corrosion,
and leaks. In addition, where a mechanical accelerator is present, verify the
accelerator isolation valve is open. The photo on the previous page shows an
example of an accelerator isolation valve. The isolation valve shown is a quarter-
turn-type valve and it is in the shut position. A shut accelerator control valve is a
serious impairment warranting immediate action.

On an annual basis, each dry system valve set is to be internally inspected. This
includes strainers, filters, restricted orifices, and other components forming the
system valve and its trim.

Increase the internal inspection frequency of alternate systems to a semi-annual

basis. Alternate systems are maintained as a wet system in warm weather and as
a dry system in cold weather. This alternating wet and dry condition can expose
the interior of piping to accelerated corrosion.

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

On a weekly basis, test alarms serving the dry valve set. Mechanical water motor
gong alarms may be acceptable if the bell sounds within 5 minutes of opening the
test connection. Electric alarms may be acceptable if the alarm is initiated within
90 seconds of opening the test connection.

Note: Where NFPA guidelines are applied, NFPA 25 allows testing of mechanical
water motor gong alarms on a quarterly basis, and NFPA 25 and NFPA 73 allow
testing of electric waterflow alarms devices on a semi-annul basis. Zurich
recommends weekly test. For further guidance, consult your Zurich account team.
On a quarterly basis, test the priming water level for dry pipe valves requiring
priming water to seal the air clapper. The following photo shows an example of a
dry valve priming water fill cup and valve as well as a priming water level control

Dry valve priming water example (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
On a quarterly basis, test the function of the quick opening device. Follow
manufacturer’s instruction to limit the test to the accelerator only. Restore the
accelerator following manufacturer’s instructions. This includes cleaning the
strainer at the accelerator inlet where provided. Mechanical accelerators while
essential to dry system performance are very challenging to maintain in serviceable
condition. Mechanical accelerators are subject to frequent replacement.
On an annual basis, conduct a functional test on each dry valve. A functional test
only tests the function of the dry pipe valve. A functional test does not involve any
flow of water into the system piping. A dry pipe system functional test is
successful when the dry valve trips and internal clapper latches in the tripped
(open) position.

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

Dry pipe valve with cover plate removed showing clapper latched in the open
position following a trip test (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Dry pipe valves and water columns

When a dry pipe valve clapper fails to latch in the open position, a column of
water may accumulate on top of the clapper. The height of this column depends
upon the height of the system piping above the clapper as well as the volume of
water trapped above the clapper.

Many dry pipe valves are designed to limit the required system air pressure by
providing a clapper that creates an air-water ratio. For example, the clapper
design may allow one unit of air pressure to hold back 6 units of water pressure.

Example of dry system water column exposure (Image source: Rich Gallagher,

Where sufficient water is trapped above a dry pipe valve clapper, it is possible to
generate downward force that the water supply can overcome. In such cases, the
dry system becomes impaired due to the water column.

On at least a three-year basis, conduct a full-flow test of each dry pipe system.
The full-flow test involves flowing water to a test connection. A full-flow test will
involve water entering system piping. A system full-flow test does not apply when
the system protects cold stores (a refrigerated space) maintained below 4ºC (40ºF).

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Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

A dry pipe system full-flow test can be acceptable when the water delivery time is
in accordance with the tables below.

Where a dry system has been modified, or where the water pressure or air
pressure has changed, a full-flow test should be conducted without waiting for
three years.

The tables below provide guidance on the number of test outlets to be used
during a full-flow test as well as the water delivery times. Test outlets are not to
be larger than the smallest sprinkler outlet used in the system under test.

For storage occupancies where the test connection consists of four test outlets,
these outlets should be provided as two outlets on each of the two most remote
system branch line or range pipes.

Dry system water delivery time per BS EN 12845 and technical bulletins

All system except cold Cold stores

stores (refrigerated spaces)

Number of test
1 1

Water delivery time

60 30

Dry system water delivery time per NFPA 13

Light Ordinary Extra Storage

hazard hazard hazard occupancy
occupancy occupancy occupancy

Number of test
1 2 4 4

Water delivery time

60 50 45 40

The water delivery time measurement begins when the test connections are fully
open. The water delivery time measurement ends when water discharges in a
continuous stream from the test connection(s). Water delivery time is an essential
measure of dry sprinkler system performance. Systems that do not meet their
water delivery time are deficient, and where the water delivery time is more than
30 seconds beyond the permitted time, the system is considered impaired.

On an annual basis, service air compressors and air dryers in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.

Drain dry system low points after each test, before cold weather, and weekly
during cold weather. Cold weather draining can be extended based upon
experience to a frequency greater than weekly.

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F.6 Deluge system valve sets

On a weekly basis, inspect a deluge system valve set for physical damage,
corrosion, and leaks.

On an annual basis, each deluge system valve set is to be internally inspected. This
includes strainers, filters, restricted orifices, and other components forming the
system valve and its trim.

On a weekly basis, test alarms serving the deluge system valve set. Mechanical
water motor gong alarms may be acceptable if the bell sounds within 5 minutes of
opening the test connection. Electric alarms may be acceptable if the alarm is
initiated within 90 seconds of opening the test connection.
Note: Where NFPA guidelines are applied, NFPA 25 allows testing of mechanical
water motor gong alarms on a quarterly basis, and NFPA 25 and NFPA 72 allow
testing of electric waterflow alarms devices on a semi-annul basis. Zurich
recommends a weekly test. For further guidance, consult your Zurich account

On an annual basis, conduct a full-flow test of each deluge system. Release the
system using each automatic and manual means. A full-flow test will involve
water entering system piping and discharging from the system open sprinklers or
nozzles. A deluge system full-flow test and nozzle discharge test are successful
when water is discharged from all open sprinklers or nozzles (no plugging of
orifices occurs) and all open sprinklers and nozzles are appropriately aimed.

F.7 Preaction system valve sets

On a weekly basis, inspect a preaction system valve set for physical damage,
corrosion, and leaks. In addition, record the system supervisory air pressure gauge
reading and verify it is normal compared to past readings.

On an annual basis, each preaction system valve set is to be internally inspected.

This includes strainers, filters, restricted orifices, and other components forming
the system valve and its trim.

On a weekly basis, test alarms serving the preaction system valve set. Mechanical
water motor gong alarms may be acceptable if the bell sounds within 5 minutes of
opening the test connection. Electric alarms may be acceptable if the alarm is
initiated within 90 seconds of opening the test connection. In addition, where the
preaction valve uses priming water to provide a seal for system piping supervisory
air, verify the priming water level is correct.

Note: Where NFPA guidelines are applied, NFPA 25 allows testing of mechanical
water motor gong alarms on a quarterly basis, and NFPA 25 and NFPA 72 allow
testing of electric waterflow alarms devices on a semi-annul basis. Zurich
recommends a weekly test. For further guidance, consult your Zurich account

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On an annual basis, trip test each preaction valve. A trip test only tests the
function of the preaction valve. A trip test does not involve any flow of water into
the system piping.

A trip test of a preaction system is successful when the preaction valve release
functions as intended and the valve trips promptly.

A double interlock preaction valve may be equipped with accelerators (one for the
system piping and one for the pneumatic release piping). Testing is to include a
trip test of each accelerator.

On at least a three-year basis, conduct a full-flow test of each preaction system. A

full-flow test will involve water entering system piping and discharging from a test
connection. A system full-flow test does not apply when the system protects a
refrigerated space.

A double interlock preaction valve may be equipped with accelerators (one for the
system piping and one for the pneumatic release piping). Testing is to include a
trip test of each accelerator.

A double interlock preaction valve must also demonstrate an acceptable water

delivery time similar to a dry system. See “F.4 Dry system and alternate system
valve sets” for further discussion on water delivery time.

On an annual basis, service air compressors and air dryers in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.
Drain dry system low points after each test.

For double interlock preaction systems protecting unheated spaces, drain low
points before cold weather and weekly during cold weather. Cold weather
draining can be extended based upon experience to a frequency greater than

F.8 Refrigerate area system

On a weekly basis, inspect and record the system water pressure, dry system air
pressure, and accelerator air pressure (if equipped). System pressures are normal
when they are similar to past readings.

On a weekly basis, inspect a refrigerated area system valve set for physical
damage, corrosion, and leaks. Where an accelerator is provided, verify the
accelerator isolation valve is open.

On an annual basis, each refrigerated system valve set is to be internally inspected.

This includes strainers, filters, restricted orifices, and other components forming
the system valve and its trim.

On an annual basis, conduct an ice-plug inspection for refrigerated area sprinkler


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Ice plug inspection

This inspection action is to confirm ice has not accumulated inside sprinkler
system piping. The principal focus is where piping enters a refrigerated area.

The source of water contributing to ice accumulation or plugging is typically

introduced to the system with the air or nitrogen used to pressurize the system.

Ice accumulations may range from a layer of ice on the inside of the sprinkler
piping to a complete ice plug obstruction, a hidden system impairment.

Sprinkler system elbow from just inside a freezer completely obstructed with an
ice plug (Photo source: Scott Andreas, Zurich)

Another example of ice accumulation in piping entering a refrigerated space

(Photo source: Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

The inspection may be conducted visually by taking the refrigerated system out
of service and opening the pipe where it enters the freezer. An alternate
method is ultrasonic testing.

On a weekly basis, test alarms serving the refrigerated system valve set.
Mechanical water motor gong alarms may be acceptable if the bell sounds within
5 minutes of opening the test connection. Electric alarms are acceptable if the
alarm is initiated within 90 seconds of opening the test connection.

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Note: Where NFPA guidelines are applied, NFPA 25 allows testing of mechanical
water motor gong alarms on a quarterly basis, and NFPA 25 and NFPA 73 allow
testing of electric water flow alarms devices on a semi-annul basis. Zurich
recommends a weekly test. For further guidance, consult your Zurich account

On an annual basis, trip test the refrigerated system valve set. A trip test only tests
the function of the refrigeration system valve set. A trip test does not involve any
flow of water into the system piping. A trip test of a refrigeration system valve set
is successful when the system release functions as intended and the valves trip

On an annual basis, service air compressors and air dryers in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.

Drain refrigerated system low points after each test and on a weekly basis. Ideally,
all refrigerated system piping will be pitched to drain back to the valve set (riser)
where a low point drain is provided as part of the valve set trim. This avoids the
need for any auxiliary low point drains within the refrigerate space which will be
ineffective except when the refrigerate space is not in use and temperatures are
raised above the freezing temperature of water.

F.9 Antifreeze system

It is recommended that NFPA 25 guidelines on antifreeze systems be applied. The
NFPA 25 guidelines include:
• Limiting antifreeze to the following types:

− Glycerin

− Polypropylene glycol

• Limiting antifreeze concentrations as follows:

− Glycerin up to 50% by volume

− Propylene glycol up to 40% by volume

• Conducting a hazard analysis where an antifreeze system concentration exceed the

following limits:

− Glycerin is greater than 38% by volume

− Propylene glycol is greater than 30% by volume

There are conditions where antifreeze solutions using glycerin over 38% by
volume or propylene glycol over 30% by volume could contribute fuel to a fire as
the solution is discharged from a sprinkler. The hazard analysis is recommended in
each case to identify if such conditions are or are not present. Where the
conditions are present to allow antifreeze solution to contribute fuel to a fire, the
antifreeze system should be replaced with another form of non-freeze system such
as a dry-pipe sprinkler system.

Test the concentration of the antifreeze solution. Test a sample at the highest
point of the system, the lowest point of the system, and most remote point of the
system from the water supply.

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Where the antifreeze concentration at any test point exceeds the NFPA 25
maximum concentration limits, replace the antifreeze with a factory premixed
solution of appropriate concentration for anticipated temperatures.

Where the antifreeze concentration at any test point is below the concentration
needed to protect against freezing, replace the antifreeze with a factory premised
solution of appropriate concentration for anticipated temperatures.

Consult NFPA 13 or antifreeze solution manufacturers for guidance on antifreeze

concentrations to avoid freezing.

F.10 Heating and insulation systems

During cold weather, maintain adequate heat for all fixed fire protection
equipment subject to freezing. This should include water filled pipe, fittings,
valves, pumps, and tanks.

For fire pumps see the discussion on item “C.9 Pump room or house”, for tanks
see the discussion under item “B.1 Water storage – all methods”, and for piping
see “E.3 Heating and insulation systems for aboveground pipe water-filled pipe”
all of which can be found in Chapter 3.

Adequate heat for pipe, fittings, and valves includes:

• Heating of air in spaces occupied by pipe, fittings, and valves subject to freezing so as to
maintain the air above 4ºC (40ºF)

• Heat tracing and insulating (lagging) of piping, fittings, and valves to maintain the water
temperature above 4ºC (40ºF)

Adequate heat source means the source is:

• Suitable. Any heat producing device may be considered suitable depending upon
factors such as redundancy, size, and supervision. A single space heater operating
continuously on cold days in an area with no daily supervision would be an example of a
heat source not considered suitable.

• Supervised. Supervision will include a combination of inspection, human occupancy,

and electronic monitoring.

• Maintained. Heat sources are to be serviced by a qualified person before the onset of
cold weather. Comply with manufacturer’s guidelines for the inspection, testing, and
maintenance of heating systems.

Adequate heat is of little value if the integrity of buildings and insulations is not
maintained. Specifically:
• Building envelope. Openings in walls and roofs need to be controlled to avoid loss of
heat. In particular, windows and doors need to be functional, weather tight, and in
good repair. Insulation systems need to be intact across all walls and ceiling surfaces to
control heat loss.

• Insulation (lagging) for heat tracing systems. Water-filled pipe, fittings, and valves in
unheated areas may be protected from freezing by the use of heat tracing and
insulation (lagging). Heat tracing is addressed above under “adequate heat source”;
however, heat tracing is of little value without adequate insulation or lagging.
Adequate from an inspection, testing, and maintenance perspective means it is visually
in good condition along the entire length of pipe.

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Some building spaces seem to have a greater likelihood of sprinkler system

freezing and warrant specific attention. They include spaces such as:
• Stairwells

• Lobby vestibules

• Elevator penthouses

• Above ceiling spaces

• Fire pump rooms and houses

• Dry pipe valve closets

The conditions that may contribute to sprinkler freezing in these areas include: the
lack of frequent human presence to detect heat loss; the use of unsuitable means
of heat – specifically single, small space heaters; and inadequate levels of
insulation on extremely cold days.

During cold weather, conduct daily inspections to verify adequate fire system heat
is provided in all areas where water-filled pipe, fittings, and valves are subject to

Adequate heat can mean:

• Sufficient heat is present based upon the senses of an inspector or indications of

• Heat sources are visually verified to be functional

• The integrity of the heated space (building walls, roofs, and insulation; and pipe
insulation or lagging) is visually confirmed to be intact

Inspections can be extended to weekly for:

• Any building areas occupied at least at some point in time each day

• Any building areas electronically supervised for low building temperature monitored at a
constantly attended location

• Any water-filled piping with heat tracing and insulation (lagging) where the heat tracing
system is electrically monitored at a constantly attended location

Before the onset of cold weather each year, service all heating systems. Provide
service using qualified persons. Comply with manufacturer’s guidelines for the
inspection, testing, and maintenance of heating systems.

F.11 Sprinklers

During cold weather, maintain adequate heat for all fixed fire protection
equipment subject to freezing.

On an annual basis, inspect sprinklers for:

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• Physical damage

Sprinkler with bent deflector (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

• Corrosion

Corroded sprinkler (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich

• Paint (not factory applied)

Painted sprinkler (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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• Foreign material

Sprinkler with protective plastic shipping strap which needs to be removed

once the sprinkler is placed in service (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

• Leaks

• Appropriate orientation

Standard spray pendent sprinkler has a flat deflector and should be

installed pointing down from the sprinkler pipe (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich

Standard spray upright sprinkler has a deflector with bent tines and should
be installed pointing up from the sprinkler pipe (Photo source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich

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Standard spray horizontal sidewall sprinkler has a deflector which should

point away from a wall (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Conventional sprinklers have a tapered deflector and can be installed

upright or pendent (common in Europe and Asia, not common in North
America since 1955) (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

• Glass bulbs with appropriate fluid level

Glass bulb sprinklers

The glass bulb contains a fluid and a vapor space (or bubble). The size of the
bubble increases with the temperature rating of the sprinkler.

Solder fusible element (left), glass bulb fusible element (right) (Photo source:
Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Glass bulb with visible vapor space bubble (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

As temperature rises, the expanding fluid fills the vapor space. Once the vapor
space is filled further expansion of the fluid places the bulb into tension and
the bulb breaks releasing the sprinkler to discharge water.

The liquid in the bulb is colored with a dye to provide a visual indication of the
sprinkler’s operating temperature. A uncolored or partially filled bulb
observed from floor level warrants further inspection up close to determine if
the bulb is:

• Leaking liquid (e.g. the bubble is abnormally large)

• Empty

• Filled with an uncolored liquid

A bulb may be partially filled or empty if the glass of the bulb is fracture such
that the bulb remains intact but the liquid leaks out. Such bulbs are not
expected to operate in response to fire until the glass melts. This represents
an impairment, and prompt replacement is needed.

Fluid in glass bulbs is known to lose color when exposed to:

• Ultraviolet light (sun light)

• Cold (e.g. located in a freezer)

In these cases, the liquid has no color but the vapor bubble remains a normal
size. These sprinklers are serviceable. In other words, replacement is not

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Sprinkler with uncolored fluid in bulb (Photo source: Dale Seemans, Zurich)

The challenge with uncolored bulb sprinklers is the management of their

ongoing annual inspections. Either each uncolored sprinkler bulb requires
close annual inspection, or the identified uncolored sprinkler bulbs need to be
mapped so close inspection is not needed. Mapping allows uncolored
sprinkler bulbs not on the map to be identified, inspected closely, and added
to the map as appropriate.

• Recommended clearance to storage

− In general, maintain a clearance of 1.0 m (3.0 ft.) from a sprinkler deflector to

storage below.

− Note: BS EN 12845 permits 0.5 m (18 in.) clearance to storage for Ordinary
Hazard systems. In addition, NFPA 13 permits 0.5 m (18 in.) clearance to storage
for Control Mode Desitiy Area (CMDA) systems except where rubber tires are
being protected.

− For rack storage over 7.6 m (25 ft.), maintain at least 150 mm (6 in) of clearance
from the inrack sprinkler deflector and the top of the storage tier below.

− Note: NFPA 13 does not have a clearance requirement for inrack sprinklers when
NFPA Class I through IV commodities are stored in racks not exceeding 7.6 m (25
ft.) and using a Control Mode Densitiy Area (CMDA) design.

• Recommended spare sprinklers

− Maintain at least 6 spare sprinklers at a location. In addition, maintain at least two

of each type and temperature rating. As the number of sprinklers at a location
increases, the number of spares sprinklers should also increase. For example,
where there are over 1,000 sprinklers, maintain at least 24 spare sprinklers. Spare
sprinklers allow a system to be restored to service promptly following a fire or
accidental sprinkler operation.

• Sprinkler manufacturer’s recommended wrench(es) for sprinkler replacement

Spare sprinkler cabinet with wrench (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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F.12 Nozzles and open sprinklers

On an annual basis, inspect nozzles and open sprinklers for physical damage,
corrosion, and leaks. In addition, where provided, verify plugs or caps are
operable. In other words, the inspector should not anticipate any issue with water
under pressure pushing plugs or caps away from the nozzle orifice.

Example of high velocity directional spray nozzles used for fire

extinguishment (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

See item “F.5 Deluge system valve set” earlier in this chapter for annual nozzle
discharge test guidance intended to verify nozzles are aimed appropriately and
nozzle are not obstructed.

F.13 Sprinkler testing and replacement

On a 5 year basis test or replace sprinklers:
• Over 75 years old

• Subject to harsh environments

• With extra high temperature rated solder links

On a 10 year basis test or replace:

• Sprinklers over 25 years old

Note: Where NFPA standards are applied, NFPA 25 initiates the 10 year testing
frequency once a sprinkler reaches 50 years of age. Other standards, such as the BS EN
12845 (UK sprinkler standard), initiate testing once sprinklers reach 25 years of age.

• Sprinklers with fast response fusible elements

• Dry sprinklers over 10 years old

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Where encountered, replace sprinklers made before 1920

Sprinkler testing
For each type of sprinkler due for testing, select a sample consisting of 2
sprinklers per floor or 1% of all sprinklers of the type to be tested. The
minimum sample size is typically 4 sprinklers.

The testing of sprinklers is a destructive test. Submitted sprinklers will not be

returned. Immediately replace sprinklers removed for testing with new
sprinklers having the same characteristics.

The Building Research Establishment and Underwriters’ Laboratories are

examples of Zurich Recognized Testing Laboratory where automatic sprinklers
can be submitted for testing. Upon request, UL will provide sprinkler
identification tags and shipping instructions (email Field.Sprinkler.NBK@ul.com
or phone +1.847.664.2488). In either case, user prepared tags may be used.

Tag each submitted sprinkler indicating:

• Name, address, and location on site where sprinkler was removed

• Occupancy and environment of the area where sprinkler was removed

• Submitter’s name and address

Submitted sprinklers will be inspected for physical damage or paint applied to

the sprinkler after the manufacturing process. Either condition will result in the
sprinkler being “failed” without further testing. Avoid wasting resources.
Rather than submitting damaged or painted sprinklers simply replace them.

After inspection, sprinklers will be subjected to a controlled heat rise in a

sensitivity test oven to measure the response time of the sprinklers. Sprinklers
that perform within specification will “pass”. Where a particular type of
sprinkler “fails”, all similar sprinklers at the site should be replaced.

F.14 Multiple jet control (MJC) testing and replacement

Multiple jet controls are fusible element released valves. Once the fusible element
operates, it allows water to be delivered to multiple open sprinklers or nozzles.
The multiple jet control is essentially a small deluge valve.

Note: For additional information Risktopic, Multiple Jet Controls – Inspection,

Testing and Maintenance.

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Multiple jet control (Photo source: Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

On a monthly basis, verify multiple jet controls are free of physical damage,
corrosion, paint, foreign material, and leaks. In addition, verify glass bulb type
fusible elements are filled with liquids (see discussion under item “F.10
Sprinklers“earlier in this chapter.

Every 5 years replace multiple jet controls. An alternative is to submit a sample of
the affected type of multiple jet control. The sample size should be 6% or a
minimum of 3 units.

Note: For additional information on multiple jet controls, see the Zurich Risktopic
“Multiple Jet Controls – Inspection, Testing and Maintenance”.

F.15 Pipe and fittings

For information on the inspection of pipe and fittings, see item “A.3 Pipe, fittings,
and supports – water based systems” in Chapter 3.

Testing - Pipe internal inspection

On a 5 year basis, inspect above ground pipe internally. As a minimum, internal
inspections involve opening the end of one distribution main (cross main) and
opening the end of one range pipe (branch line). The open pipe ends are then
inspected internally for visual signs of issues such as:
• Scale that could lead to pipe or sprinkler obstruction

• Foreign material that could lead to pipe or sprinkler obstruction

• Slime, tubercules, or carbuncles that may indicate the presence of bacteria related to
microbiologically influenced corrosion

Internal inspections are intended to be limited. In general, every other system is

inspected. Then, every five years, alternate the systems that are internally

Note: Where BS EN 12845 is applied, the internal inspection frequency is 25 years.

The 25-year internal inspection will be more demanding as BS EN 12845 Annex K
stipulates inspecting 1 m (3.3 ft.) of range pipe (branch line) for every 100
sprinklers. In addition, at least two pipe sections 1 meter (3.3 ft.) long of each pipe
diameter is to be inspected. At least 10% of wet systems are to be internally
inspected in each building. All dry systems are to be internally inspected.

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Testing - Pipe obstruction investigation

When it is apparent a system may contain obstructive material, conduct an
obstruction investigation.

Where slime, tubercules, or carbuncles are found, it indicates the potential

presence of bacteria related to microbiologically influenced corrosion. Pursue
water sample testing to identify the type of bacteria involved. This information
can aid is selecting an appropriate course of action. Possible actions may include:
• For any type of system

− Monitor systems for ongoing corrosion

− Install pipe with a biostatic coating to reduce MIC affects

− Provide a water treatment systems

− Install corrosion monitoring stations

• For dry or preaction systems

− Provide nitrogen to pressurize the system piping

The selected solution will be based upon individual customer preference.

Other conditions triggering an obstruction investigation of

underground or above ground fire system pipe
Conditions warranting an investigation may include:

1. Defective fire pump intake protective feature (screen, strainer)

2. Debris discharged during a flow test

3. Debris found in a fire pump

4. Plugged sprinkler found during fire, unintended operation, service

5. Plugged piping found during fire, unintended operation, service

6. Sprinkler system returned to service after lengthy outage (>1 year)

7. System supplied with raw water via the fire department connection

8. Pinhole leaks

9. Dry system water delivery time increase (50% or more)

Pipe obstructive investigation is a more invasive pipe internal inspection. The

intent is to identify the severity of the pipe obstructions and to identify the need
for pipe flushing.

Maintenance - Pipe flushing

Pipe flushing uses water or other cleaning agents to remove obstructive materials
from the system piping.

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5. Fire extinguishing systems

5.1 Foam

5.1.1 General information

Foam systems include the following general features:
• Foam concentrate, the bulk foam product in storage

• Foam solution, the foam concentrate mixed with water

• Foam delivery, the pipe, and possibly a pump, supplying the proportioner

• Foam proportioning system, the device mixing foam concentrate with water

• Aerated foam, the foam solution expanded with entrained air

The following images show general features and components of a foam system.

General features of a foam system (Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

General components of a foam system (Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Example schematic of a bladder tank type system (Image source: Rich Gallagher,

Example schematic of atmospheric foam tank and pump-type system (Image

source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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5.1.2 ITM Checklist

G. Fire extinguishing system ITM - Foam

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Valve open ☐Yes ☐ No

Valve secure ☐Yes ☐ No

W Valve accessible ☐ Yes ☐ No

• I
(1) Valve equipped with operating hardware ☐ Yes ☐ No
Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No
G.1 Control valve
Valve identified with appropriate sign ☐Yes ☐No

Valve operation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Number of turns to shut valve _________
Number of turns to open valve _________
Valve test okay (2) ☐Yes ☐No

Vessel is free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Vessel is free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
I A Vessel is free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
G.2 Bladder is free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
storage vessel
Foam concentrate quantity okay ☐Yes ☐No

T 10 Hydrostatically test bladder tanks ☐Yes ☐No

See checklist “C. Water supply ITM - Fire pump

Foam I W
G.3 concentrate
fire pump See checklist “D. Water supply ITM - Fire pump

Valve is free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Automatic I A Valve is free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
G.4 concentrate
control valve Valve is free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No

T A Valve is functional ☐Yes ☐No

Proportioner is free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Foam Proportioner is free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No

G.5 I A
proportioner Proportioner is free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No

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G. Fire extinguishing system ITM - Foam

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Foam Outlets are free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

G.6 discharge I A
Outlets are free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No

Pipe is free of physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

Pipe is free of corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Pipe is free of leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
Piping, valves,
G.7 I A Hangers and supports okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
and fittings
Seismic bracing okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Pipe pitch and drainage okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Strainers are free of obstruction ☐ Yes ☐ No

Foam No sludge detected ☐ Yes ☐ No

G.8 A T
concentrate Laboratory testing okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

G.9 Foam solution A T Concentration okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

G.10 A T Functional test of system okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
10 = 10 year V = Varies

Table notes:
(1) Data demonstrates the primary cause of sprinkler system failure is a shut valve. A
weekly inspection to verify valves are in the appropriate position is recommended.
(2) A valve test may be acceptable for a gate valve if the number of turns to close equals
the number of turns to open. For a quarter-turn valve, counting turns is not

5.1.3 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

G.1 Control valves

For discussion see item “A.2 Control valve” in Chapter 3. Foam system control
valves will often be quarter turn type valves.

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Examples of quarter-turn valves, left open and right shut (Photo source:
Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

G.2 Concentrate storage vessel

On an annual basis, verify foam storage vessels are free of physical damage,
corrosion, and leaks.

For bladder tanks, leaks include holes in the rubber bladder that allow foam
concentrate to escape from the bladder and mix with water within the tank shell.
Sampling water from the shell will allow detection of a bladder failure.

Where sediment is found in a tank, drain and flush the tank.

Where a visual indication of foam concentrate level is provided, verify the foam
concentrate quantity is appropriate.

Every 10 years, hydrostatically test bladder tank shells.

Foam concentrate bladder tank (left) atmospheric tank (right) (Photo

source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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G.3 Foam concentrate fire pump

See checklist “C. Fire pump weekly” and checklist “D. Fire pump annual” in
Chapter 3 for inspection, testing, and maintenance guidance applying to all fire
pumps including foam concentrate fire pumps. As foam concentrate fire pumps
are positive displacement pumps the following exceptions apply:
• Diesel engine driven units will require a means of engine cooling other than a
connection from fire pump discharge (which will discharge foam concentrate rather
than water),

• The positive displacement foam concentrate fire pump will be equipped with a pressure
balancing valve set to maintain a constant foam concentrate pressure on the discharge
piping. Pressure is controlled by a pilot operated pressure regulating valve discharging
back to the atmospheric foam concentrate storage tank. This arrangement maintains
cooling of the foam concentrate fire pump when operating at no flow conditions.

Pressure balancing valve relieving pump discharge pressure back to the tank (Photo
source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)
• For annual testing, test only one flow point. That flow point will be the greatest foam
concentrate design flow rate.

• For annual testing, provide a flow meter or orifice plate piped to discharge the foam
concentrate back to the foam concentrate atmospheric tank. Where an orifice plate is
used, follow designer guidelines for the test pressures to be achieved upstream of the
orifice plate. An alternative is to measure the foam concentrate flow during the annual
foam solution discharge test (item 7.8 Foam solutions further below).

G.4 Automatic concentrate control valve

On an annual basis, verify the automatic concentrate control valve is free of
physical damage, corrosion, and leaks.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

On an annual basis, verify the automatic concentrate control valve is functional.

Example of a hydraulically operated automatic concentrate control valve

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

G.5 Foam proportioner

On an annual basis, verify the foam proportioner is free of physical damage,
corrosion, and leaks.

Example of an in-line balanced pressure proportioner (Photo source: Rich

Gallagher, Zurich)

Example of an in-line variable flow range proportioner (Photo source: Rich

Gallagher, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

Example of an in-line balanced pressure pump proportioner (Photo source:

Rich Gallagher, Zurich

G.6 Foam discharge outlets

On an annual basis, verify the foam discharge outlets are free of physical damage
and corrosion.

The following are examples of foam discharge outlets.

Automatic sprinkler approved, listed, or certified for use with AFFF foam in
a foam-water sprinkler system Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich

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Air aspirating open sprinkler for use in a deluge sprinkler system (Photo
source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich

High expansion foam generator (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Type II foam outlet for cone roof tanks (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

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Fixed fire protection and detection

G.7 Pipe, valves, and fittings

For information on the inspection of valves, see the discussion under item “A.2
Control valve” in Chapter 3. For information on the inspection of pipe and
fittings, see item “A.3 Pipe, fittings, and supports components” in Chapter 3.
In addition, on an annual basis inspect foam system piping to verify pipe pitch and

Also, inspect strainers to verify they are free of obstruction.

After flowing foam concentrate or foam solution, flush all piping, valves, and
fittings. Specific attention is needed to clean strainers.

Example of strainer (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

G.8 Concentrate

On an annual basis, submit a sample verify the foam concentrate is within
manufacturer’s specifications. Testing is to include:
• Foam type

• Specific gravity

• pH value

• Sediment and solids

• 25% and 50% drain times

• Expansion ratio

• Spreading coefficient (film forming foams only)

• Alcohol resistance (AR foams only)

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G.9 Foam solution

During the annual system functional test (see G.10 System function), collect and
test samples of foam solution. This is an activity for a qualified contractor. Collect
solution samples at various flow rates. The foam percent in solution will be
measured with analog or digital refractometer. The test may be acceptable where
the foam solution is between 100% and 130% of the intended foam solution

Examples of refractometers: analog (right) and digital (left). A digital

refractometer is recommended for accuracy, (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

G.10 System function

On an annual basis, test the foam installation to verify the overall installation is
functional as a system. This includes:
• Automatic fire detection

• Automatic and manual actuation means

• Water supplies

• Foam concentrate delivery

• Foam solution proportioning

• Foam solution delivery

• Foam outlets

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5.2 Water mist

5.2.1 ITM Checklist

H. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Water mist

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Valve open ☐Yes ☐ No

Valve secure ☐Yes ☐ No

W Valve accessible ☐ Yes ☐ No

• I
(1) Valve equipped with operating hardware ☐ Yes ☐ No
Valve not leaking ☐ Yes ☐ No
H.1 Control valve
Valve identified with appropriate sign ☐Yes ☐No

Valve operation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Number of turns to shut valve (2) _________
Number of turns to open valve (2) _________
Valve test okay (2) ☐Yes ☐No

H.2 T Q Alarm test okay (3) ☐Yes ☐No

Adequate heat verified ☐ Yes ☐ No

I Heat sources functional ☐ Yes ☐ No
Heating and Building enclosure intact ☐ Yes ☐ No
H.3 insulation
systems W Heat tracing functional ☐ Yes ☐ No
(5) Insulation in place and secure ☐ Yes ☐ No

M A Maintenance of heating systems ☐ Yes ☐ No

All nozzles
No physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No
No corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Correct orientation ☐ Yes ☐ No

Water mist
H.4 I A Open nozzles
Plugs and caps operable ☐ Yes ☐ No
Closed nozzles
No paint ☐ Yes ☐ No
No foreign material ☐ Yes ☐ No
No leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No

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H. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Water mist

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Glass bulbs full ☐ Yes ☐ No

Spare nozzles ☐ Yes ☐ No
Wrench for each nozzle type ☐ Yes ☐ No

T A Nozzle discharge test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Water mist T 5 Any subject to harsh environment ☐ Yes ☐ No

nozzle testing
H.5 or
replacement T 10 All over 20 years old ☐ Yes ☐ No

No physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

No corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No
Pipe and
H.6 I A No leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
Hangers and support okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Seismic bracing okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
V = Varies 5 = 5 year 10 = 10 year

Table notes:
(1) Data demonstrates the primary cause of sprinkler system failure is a shut valve. A
weekly inspection to verify valves are in the appropriate position is recommended.
(2) A valve test may be acceptable for a gate valve if the number of turns to close equals
the number of turns to open. For a quarter-turn valve, counting turns is not
(3) Electric alarms may be acceptable if the alarm is initiated within 90 seconds of
opening the test connection.
(4) Building heat maintained above 4oC (40oF) is needed for all water filled pipe, fittings,
and valves. During cold weather, conduct daily inspections. Inspections can be
extended to weekly for occupied building areas as well as building areas
electronically monitored for low building temperature at a constantly attended
location via a building fire alarm system.
(5) Weekly inspection of heat tracing and insulation applies during cold weather. The
frequency can be extended to monthly where heat tracing is electronically monitored
at a constantly attended location via a building fire alarm system.
(6) Closed nozzle testing involves submitting a sample for test. As an option, all
affected nozzles may be replaced with new nozzles of an appropriate type.

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5.2.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

H.1 Control valves

For information on the inspection of valves, see the discussion under item “A.2
Control valve” in Chapter 3.
Foam system control valves will often be quarter turn type valves.

H.2 Waterflow alarm

On a quarterly basis, test water mist system alarms. Electric alarms may be
acceptable if the alarm is initiated within 90 seconds of opening the test

H.3 Heating and insulation systems

During cold weather, maintain adequate heat for all fixed fire protection
equipment subject to freezing. This should include water filled pipe, fittings,
valves, pumps, and tanks.

For fire pumps see the discussion on item “C.9 Pump room or house”, for tanks
see the discussion under item “B.1 Water storage – all methods”, and for piping
see “E.3 Heating and insulation systems for aboveground pipe water-filled pipe”
all of which can be found in Chapter 3.

H.4 Water mist nozzles

Water mist nozzles may be open or closed (equipped with a fusible element).

Example of a closed water mist nozzle with glass bulb fusible element
(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

On an annual basis, inspect open and closed water mist nozzles for:
• Physical damage

• Corrosion

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• Leaks

• Appropriate orientation

On an annual basis, inspect open water mist nozzles for:

• Plugs or caps that are operable (where provided

On an annual basis, inspect closed water mist nozzles for:

• Paint (not factory applied)

• Foreign material

• Glass bulbs with appropriate fluid level

• Adequate spare sprinklers

• Appropriate wrench(es) for sprinkler replacement

See item “F.5 Deluge system valve set” in Chapter 4 for annual nozzle discharge
test guidance intended to verify nozzles are aimed appropriately and nozzle are
not obstructed.

H.5 Water mist nozzle testing or replacement

See “F.12 Sprinkler testing and replacement” in Chapter 4 for discussion and
guidance that may be informative to water mist nozzles testing and replacement.

H.6 Pipe and fittings

For discussion see “A.3 Pipe, fittings, and supports components” in Chapter 3.
5.3 Carbon dioxide

5.3.1 ITM Checklist

I. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Carbon dioxide

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

In place ☐Yes ☐No
Secured ☐Yes ☐No
No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No
Storage – Manual actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No
I.1 high pressure
Manual actuator tamper seals intact ☐Yes ☐No
Manual actuator accessible ☐Yes ☐No
Connected to piping ☐Yes ☐No

Weight _________
Weight okay ☐Yes ☐No

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I. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Carbon dioxide

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Pressure gauge reading _________

Storage – low Pressure reading okay ☐Yes ☐No

I.2 I W
pressure Liquid level is okay ☐Yes ☐No
Tank valve is open ☐Yes ☐No

I M No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

I.3 Hoses
T 5 Hoses pressure tested ☐Yes ☐No

Piping and No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

I.4 I M
fittings No corrosion ☐Yes ☐No
Aim okay ☐Yes ☐No
I.5 Nozzles I M Free of obstructions ☐Yes ☐No
Free of foreign deposits ☐Yes ☐No
Fire detector okay ☐Yes ☐No
Time delays okay ☐Yes ☐No
Audible alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No
I.6 functional T(1) A Visual alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No
test Interlock functions operate okay ☐Yes ☐No
Release signal okay ☐Yes ☐No
Remote signal transmission okay ☐Yes ☐No

Warning All signs in place ☐Yes ☐No

I.7 I M

I.8 I A No change to hazard protected ☐Yes ☐No

Table notes:
(1) Testing of pneumatic time delays, pneumatic audible discharge alarm sirens, and
pneumatic pressure trips are to be tested in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions. For high pressure systems, testing may involve the actuation of a pilot
cylinder. For low pressure systems, testing may involve a momentary release of
carbon dioxide from the storage tank.

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
5 = 5 year

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Fixed fire protection and detection

5.3.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

I.1 Storage – high pressure cylinders

On a monthly basis verify all high pressure cylinders are present, securely held in
place with mounting brackets, and connected to the system piping.

Confirm cylinders show no signs of physical damage and that automatic and
manual actuators are connected.

In the case of manual actuators, verify they are accessible and tamper seals are

On a semi-annual basis, measure the weight of each cylinder to confirm an
appropriate amount of agent is present. Refill or replace cylinders with an agent
weight loss over 10%.

I.2 Storage – low pressure

On a weekly basis record the liquid level in the low pressure container. Refill the
container if the level drops below that required to supply the largest agent
demand. Keep in mind, the agent demand should include sufficient capacity to
discharge at least two times.

In addition, verify the tank discharge valve is open.

I.3 Hoses

On a monthly basis, verify hoses show no signs of physical damage.

On a five-year basis, hydrostatically pressure test hoses.

I.4 Piping and fittings

On a monthly basis, verify pipe and fittings display no signs of physical damage or

I.5 Nozzles

On a monthly basis, verify the aim of each nozzle is okay. In addition, verify
nozzles are free of obstructions and foreign deposits.

I.6 System functional test

On an annual basis, conduct a functional test of the complete system verifying all
components and all operating sequences perform as intended. This functional test
should not involve a discharge of agent.

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The functional test is to include verification of satisfactory performance of the

following devices or actions:
• Each fire detector

• Each time delay

• Each audible alarm

• Each visual alarm

• Each interlock

• System release signal

• Remote transmission of signals

I.7 Warning signs

On a monthly basis, verify all signs are in place. This includes signs warning of the
asphyxiation hazard typically provided at locations such as:
• Within a carbon dioxide protected space

• At each entrance to a carbon dioxide protected space

• Nearby spaces where carbon dioxide could accumulate

• At each entrance to carbon dioxide storage rooms

• At each carbon dioxide manual release station

I.8 Change management

On an annual basis, verify there have been no changes to hazard protected by the

5.4 Halon 1301 (where permitted)

5.4.1 ITM Checklist

Include applicable items for the detection and release systems from fire alarm
system in Chapter 6 along with the following items.

J. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Halon 1301

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

In place ☐Yes ☐No
Secured ☐Yes ☐No
No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

Storage Automatic actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No

J.1 I S
cylinders Manual actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No
Manual actuator tamper seals intact ☐Yes ☐No
Manual actuator accessible ☐Yes ☐No
Connected to piping ☐Yes ☐No

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J. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Halon 1301

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Weight _________
T S Weight okay ☐Yes ☐No
Pressure gauge reading okay ☐Yes ☐No

I A No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

J.2 Hoses
T 5 Hoses pressure tested ☐Yes ☐No

No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

Piping and
J.3 I A No corrosion ☐Yes ☐No

Aim okay ☐Yes ☐No

J.4 Nozzles I S Free of obstructions ☐Yes ☐No
Free of foreign deposits ☐Yes ☐No
Fire detector okay ☐Yes ☐No
Time delays okay ☐Yes ☐No

System Audible alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No

J.5 T A
functional test Visual alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No
Release signal okay ☐Yes ☐No
Remote signal transmission okay ☐Yes ☐No

J.6 I A No change to enclosure protected ☐Yes ☐No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: S = Semi-annual A = Annual 5 = 5 year

5.4.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

J.1 Storage cylinders

On a monthly basis verify all cylinders are present, securely held in place with
mounting brackets, and connected to the system piping.
Confirm cylinders show no signs of physical damage and that automatic and
manual actuators are connected.

In the case of manual actuators, verify they are accessible and tamper seals are

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Fixed fire protection and detection

On a semi-annual basis, measure the weight of each cylinder to confirm an
appropriate amount of agent is present. Refill or replace cylinders with an agent
weight loss over 10%.

On a semi-annual basis, record the pressure gauge reading on each cylinder. Refill
or replace cylinders with a pressure loss exceeding 5%.

J.2 Hoses

On an annual basis, verify hoses show no signs of physical damage.

On a five-year basis, hydrostatically pressure test hoses.

J.3 Piping and fittings

On an annual basis, verify pipe and fittings display no signs of physical damage or

J.4 Nozzles

On a semi-annual basis, verify the aim of each nozzle is normal. In addition, verify
nozzles are free of obstructions and foreign deposits.

J.5 System functional test

On an annual basis, conduct a functional test of the complete system verifying all
components and all operating sequences perform as intended. This functional test
is not expected to involve any discharge of agent.

The functional test is to include verification of satisfactory performance of the

following devices or actions:
• Each fire detector

• Each electric time delay

• Each electric audible alarm

• Each visual alarm

• System release signal

• Remote transmission of signals

J.6 Change management

On an annual basis, verify there have been no changes to enclosure protected by
the system.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

5.5 Clean agents

5.5.1 ITM Checklist

Include applicable items for the detection and release systems from fire alarm
system in Chapter 6 along with the following items.

K. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Clean agent

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

In place ☐Yes ☐No
Secured ☐Yes ☐No
No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No
Manual actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No
K.1 Manual actuator tamper seals intact ☐Yes ☐No
Manual actuator accessible ☐Yes ☐No
Connected to piping ☐Yes ☐No
Weight _________
T S Weight okay ☐Yes ☐No
Pressure gauge reading okay ☐Yes ☐No

I A No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

K.2 Hoses
T 5 Hoses pressure tested ☐Yes ☐No

Piping and No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

K.3 I A
fittings No corrosion ☐Yes ☐No
Aim okay ☐Yes ☐No
K.4 Nozzles I S Free of obstructions ☐Yes ☐No
Free of foreign deposits ☐Yes ☐No
Fire detector okay ☐Yes ☐No
Time delays okay ☐Yes ☐No

System Audible alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No

K.5 T A
functional test Visual alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No
Release signal okay ☐Yes ☐No
Remote signal transmission okay ☐Yes ☐No

K.6 I A No change to enclosure protected ☐Yes ☐No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: S = Semi-annual A = Annual 5 = 5 year

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Fixed fire protection and detection

5.5.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

K.1 Storage cylinders

On a monthly basis verify all cylinders are present, securely held in place with
mounting brackets, and connected to the system piping.

Confirm cylinders show no signs of physical damage and that automatic and
manual actuators are connected.

In the case of manual actuators, verify they are accessible and tamper seals are

On a semi-annual basis, measure the weight of each cylinder to confirm an
appropriate amount of agent is present. Refill or replace cylinders with an agent
weight loss over 10%.

On a semi-annual basis, record the pressure gauge reading on each cylinder. Refill
or replace cylinders with a pressure loss exceeding 5%.

K.2 Hoses

On an annual basis, verify hoses show no signs of physical damage.

On a five-year basis, hydrostatically pressure test hoses.

K.3 Piping and fittings

On an annual basis, verify pipe and fittings display no signs of physical damage or

K.4 Nozzles

On a semi-annual basis, verify the aim of each nozzle is okay. In addition, verify
nozzles are free of obstructions and foreign deposits.

K.5 System functional test

On an annual basis, conduct a functional test of the complete system verifying all
components and all operating sequences perform as intended. This functional test
is not expected to involve any discharge of agent.
The functional test is to include verification of satisfactory performance of the
following devices or actions:
• Each fire detector

• Each electric time delay

• Each electric audible alarm

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• Each visual alarm

• System release signal

• Remote transmission of signals

K.6 Change management

On an annual basis, verify there have been no changes to enclosure protected by
the system.

5.6 Fixed aerosol

5.6.1 ITM Checklist

Include applicable items for the detection and release systems from fire alarm
system in Chapter 6 along with the following items.

L. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Fixed aerosol

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

In place ☐Yes ☐No
L.1 I M Secured ☐Yes ☐No
No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

Carbon Weight _________

L.2 dioxide pilot T S
Weight okay ☐Yes ☐No
Flexible I M No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No
connectors T 5 Pressure tested ☐Yes ☐No

L.4 I A No change to enclosure protected ☐Yes ☐No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
5 = 5 year

5.6.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

L.1 Storage cylinders

On a monthly basis verify all cylinders are present, securely held in place with
mounting brackets, and connected to the system piping.

Confirm cylinders show no signs of physical damage.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

L.2 Carbon dioxide pilot cylinders

On a semi-annual basis, measure the weight of each cylinder to confirm an
appropriate amount of agent is present. Refill or replace cylinders with an agent
weight loss over 5%.

L.3 Flexible connectors

On a monthly basis, verify hoses show no signs of physical damage.

On a five-year basis, hydrostatically pressure test hoses.

L.4 Change management

On an annual basis, verify there have been no changes to enclosure protected by
the system.

5.7 Dry chemical

5.7.1 ITM Checklist

M. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Dry chemical

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

In place ☐Yes ☐No
Secured ☐Yes ☐No
No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No
Manual actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No
Storage I M
M.1 Manual actuator tamper seals intact ☐Yes ☐No
Manual actuator accessible ☐Yes ☐No
Connected to piping ☐Yes ☐No
Gauge reading recorded __________
Gauge reading okay ☐Yes ☐No

T 12 Hydrostat test completed ☐Yes ☐No

Expellant gas Weight _________

M.2 T S
cylinder Weight okay ☐Yes ☐No

I M No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

M.3 Hoses
T 12 Hoses pressure tested ☐Yes ☐No

Piping and No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

M.4 I M
fittings No corrosion ☐Yes ☐No

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Fixed fire protection and detection

M. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Dry chemical

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Aim okay ☐Yes ☐No
Free of obstructions ☐Yes ☐No
M.5 Nozzles I M
Free of foreign deposits ☐Yes ☐No
Caps in place and operable ☐Yes ☐No

M.6 Fusible links M S Fusible alloy type links replaced ☐Yes ☐No

Automatic release (fire detectors) okay ☐Yes ☐No

Manual release okay ☐Yes ☐No

System Interlocks operate ☐Yes ☐No

M.7 T S
functional test Audible alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No
Visual alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No
Remote signal transmission okay ☐Yes ☐No

M.8 I M No change to hazard protected ☐Yes ☐No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
5 = 5 year 12 = 12 year

5.7.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

M.1 Storage cylinders

On a monthly basis verify all cylinders are present, securely held in place with
mounting brackets, and connected to the system piping.
Confirm cylinders show no signs of physical damage and that automatic and
manual actuators are connected.

In the case of manual actuators, verify they are accessible and tamper seals are

Record gauge readings on each stored pressure cylinder (this does not apply to
cartridge-operated cylinders). Replace or recharge cylinders as indicated by gauge

On a 12-year basis, hydrostatically test each cylinder.

M.2 Expellant gas cylinder

On a semi-annual basis, weight each expellant gas cylinder. Refill or replace
cylinders with an agent weight loss over 10%.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

M.3 Hoses

On a monthly basis, verify hoses show no signs of physical damage.

On a 12-year basis, hydrostatically pressure test hoses.

M.4 Piping and fittings

On a monthly basis, verify pipe and fittings display no signs of physical damage or

M.5 Nozzles

On a monthly basis, verify the aim of each nozzle is okay. In addition, verify
nozzles are free of obstructions and foreign deposits.

M.6 Fusible links

On a semi-annual basis, replace all fixed temperature sensing elements of the
fusible alloy type.

M.7 System functional test

On a semi-annual basis, conduct a functional test of the complete system verifying
all components and all operating sequences perform as intended. This functional
test is not expected to involve any discharge of agent.

The functional test is to include verification of satisfactory performance of the

following devices or actions:
• Each automatic release (fire detector)

• Each manual release okay

• Each interlock operates

• Each electric audible alarm

• Each visual alarm

• System release signal

• Remote transmission of signals

M.8 Change management

On a monthly basis, verify there have been no changes to enclosure protected by
the system.

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Fixed fire protection and detection

5.8 Wet chemical

5.8.1 ITM Checklist

N. Fire extinguishing system ITM – Wet chemical

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

In place ☐Yes ☐No
Secured ☐Yes ☐No
No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No
Automatic actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No
Manual actuators connected ☐Yes ☐No
Storage I M
N.1 Manual actuator tamper seals intact ☐Yes ☐No
Manual actuator accessible ☐Yes ☐No
Connected to piping ☐Yes ☐No
Gauge reading recorded __________
Gauge reading okay ☐Yes ☐No

T 12 Hydrostatic test completed ☐Yes ☐No

Expellant gas Weight _________

N.2 T S
cylinder Weight okay ☐Yes ☐No

N.3 Hoses I M No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

T 12 Hoses pressure tested ☐Yes ☐No

Piping and No physical damage ☐Yes ☐No

N.4 I M
fittings No corrosion ☐Yes ☐No
Aim okay ☐Yes ☐No
Free of obstructions ☐Yes ☐No
N.5 Nozzles I M
Free of foreign deposits ☐Yes ☐No
Caps in place and operable ☐Yes ☐No
N.6 Fusible links M S Fusible alloy type links replaced ☐Yes ☐No

Automatic release (fire detectors) okay ☐Yes ☐No

Manual release okay ☐Yes ☐No
Interlocks operate okay ☐Yes ☐No
N.7 T S Audible alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No
functional test
Visual alarms okay ☐Yes ☐No
Release signal okay ☐Yes ☐No
Remote signal transmission okay ☐Yes ☐No

N.8 I M No change to hazard protected ☐Yes ☐No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: M = Monthly S = Semi-annual 12 = 12 year

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5.8.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

N.1 Storage cylinders

On a monthly basis verify all cylinders are present, securely held in place with
mounting brackets, and connected to the system piping.

Confirm cylinders show no signs of physical damage and that automatic and
manual actuators are connected.

In the case of manual actuators, verify they are accessible and tamper seals are
Record gauge readings on each stored pressure cylinder (this does not apply to
cartridge-operated cylinders). Replace or recharge cylinders as indicated by gauge

On a 12-year basis, hydrostatically test each cylinder.

N.2 Expellant gas cylinder

On a semi-annual basis, weight each expellant gas cylinder. Refill or replace
cylinders with an agent weight loss over 10%.

N.3 Hoses

On a monthly basis, verify hoses show no signs of physical damage.

On a 12-year basis, hydrostatically pressure test hoses.

N.4 Piping and fittings

On a monthly basis, verify pipe and fittings display no signs of physical damage or

N.5 Nozzles

On a monthly basis, verify the aim of each nozzle is acceptable. In addition, verify
nozzles are free of obstructions and foreign deposits.

N.6 Fusible links

On a semi-annual basis, replace all fixed temperature sensing elements of the
fusible alloy type.

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N.7 System functional test

On a semi-annual basis, conduct a functional test of the complete system verifying
all components and all operating sequences perform as intended. This functional
test is not expected to involve any discharge of agent.
The functional test is to include verification of satisfactory performance of the
following devices or actions:
• Each automatic release (fire detector)

• Each manual release okay

• Each interlock operates

• Each electric audible alarm

• Each visual alarm

• System release signal

• Remote transmission of signals

N.8 Change management

On a monthly basis, verify there have been no changes to enclosure protected by
the system.

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6. Fire alarm system

6.1 General features

6.1.1 General information

A fire alarm system consists of inputs, logic, and outputs.

Inputs include various monitored conditions which are broken into the following
• Alarm inputs – Monitored conditions indicating fire

• Supervisory inputs – Monitored conditions indicating fixed fire protection systems are
not normal

• Trouble inputs – Monitored conditions indicating the fire alarm system is not normal

• User inputs – Inputs caused by an user operating pushbuttons or switches on a fire

alarm control unit

Logic is the processing of inputs to cause appropriate outputs. Logic includes:

• Hardwired logic – Wires and relays

• Software logic - Programmable electronic systems

Outputs include various actions caused by the logic including:

• Emergency outputs – This includes alerting occupants for evacuation and notification of
the fire service for emergency response

• Fire system release outputs – This includes preparation for fire system release as well as
the fire system release itself

• Non-emergency outputs – This includes alerting facilities management of supervisory or

trouble conditions which need a service or repair response

(Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Logic and testing

Every fire alarm control unit includes a set of logic functions. Each logic function
requires at least annual testing.

For example, smoke detectors require specific testing (as discussed under smoke
detectors); however, the logic associated with the activation of a specific smoke

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detector may sound alarms, recall elevators, shutdown HVAC fans, or start
stairwell pressurization fans.

Fire alarm systems often include a written sequence of operations or an

input/output matrix (see example below) to explain logic functions.

Example of a fire alarm control unit logic function matrix (Image source: Rich
Gallagher, Zurich)

The digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT) is a common means of signal
transmission from a protected premise to a fire alarm receiving center in the
United States. The DACT is to have two means of signal transmission. Historically,
both means would be telephone lines, but today NFPA 72 only allows one means
to be a telephone line.

Transmission of signal to the alarm receiving center

A variety of methods are used to transmit signals from a building to an alarm
receiving center. These include:
• Active multiplex or derived channel

− This method uses the public telephone network to carry signals using a
continuous, dedicated pathway. Pathway integrity is verified by periodic signals
between the fire alarm control unit located at the protected premises and to the
fire alarm receiving unit located at the alarm receiving center. This method is also
known as derived channel as the signal pathway can be simultaneously used for
voice telephone calls.

Active multiplex or derived channel

This is a common method used in Europe. It is a legacy system in limited use
in the United States.

• Digital alarm communicator

− This method uses a digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT) located at the
protected premises and a digital alarm communicator receiver (DACR) at the alarm

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receiving center. The DACT and DACR are connected by the public telephone
network; however, no dedicated pathway is provided. Communication involves
the DACT seizing a voice telephone line, disconnecting any call in progress,
obtaining a dial tone, dialing the DACR, verifying the DACR answers the call,
transmitting the signal, and verifying signal receipt. The DACT is to have two
means of signal transmission. Historically, both means would be telephone lines,
but today NFPA 72 only allows one means to be a telephone line.

Digital alarm communicator

This is a common method used in the United States. Its use was driven by
the desire of telephone companies to dedicate leased telephone lines to
more profitable computer data transmission applications.

• Direct connect

− This method used telephone lines to transmit signal from a protected premises to
the public fire service or their dispatch center. This service required a pair of
copper wires between the protected premises and the fire alarm receiving center.

Direct connect

This was a common method used in the United States. Its use was
eliminated by the desire of telephone companies to dedicate leased
telephone lines to more profitable computer data transmission applications.
A limitation of direct connect was it could only be used for fire alarm signals.
The fire service would not handle supervisory or trouble signals.

• Radio

− This includes two-way radio frequency multiplex and one-way private radio.

− The integrity of two-way radio frequency multiplex is confirmed by the continuous

transfer of data across the transmission pathway.

− One-way private radio does not include two-way communication. As such,

dependability is based upon using one transmitter and two receivers.

• Performance-based

− This method includes any method developed beyond those methods described
above. This includes the use of a DAC transmitter with a cellular telephone or
internet telephone (also known as an internet protocol DAC transmitter or

Developments with telephone service

Originally, telephone service consisted of a pair of copper wires originating at a
telephone central office where normal and emergency power was provided for
dependable service. Today, copper telephone lines are become unavailable.

Telephone service has transitioned to either a telephone company using fiber optic
cable or a cable company using coax cable. In each case, there is no longer a
dedicated pair of supervised copper wires between the protected premises and the
fire alarm receiving center.

For a telephone company or cable company to provide dependable fire alarm

signal transmission service, it is important they:

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• Manage their system end-to-end (direct responsibility for all hardware between the
protected premises and the fire alarm receiving station)

• Provide backup power to their equipment

In either case, the user will be responsible to provide their own source of backup
power for the telephone adapters at the protected premises.

(Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

6.1.2 ITM Checklist

O. Fire alarm system ITM – General features

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Normal status (LCD and LEDs okay) ☐ Yes ☐ No

I A No alarm, supervisory, trouble conditions ☐ Yes ☐ No
Primary power supply terminals okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Fire alarm
All logic function test okay ☐Yes ☐No
control unit(s)
Primary power failure trouble signal okay ☐Yes ☐No
(Inspections weekly
if not monitored at Interfaced equipment circuits okay ☐Yes ☐No
a constantly T A Panel audible and visual indicators okay ☐Yes ☐No
attended location)
Silence switch “ring-back” is okay ☐Yes ☐No
Disconnect switches cause trouble signals ☐Yes ☐No
Ground fault monitoring is okay ☐Yes ☐No

Digital alarm Normal status (LEDs okay) ☐Yes ☐No

communicator I A No alarm, supervisory, trouble conditions ☐Yes ☐No
O.2 Primary power supply terminals okay ☐Yes ☐No
(DACT is a specific
type of fire alarm DACT can seize active telephone line ☐Yes ☐No
control unit) Signal received by DACR in 90 seconds ☐Yes ☐No

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O. Fire alarm system ITM – General features

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Primary line trouble at DACT ☐Yes ☐No

Primary line trouble at DACR ☐Yes ☐No
Primary line restore clears DACT trouble ☐Yes ☐No
Primary line restore reported to DACR ☐Yes ☐No
Second line trouble at DACT ☐Yes ☐No
Second line trouble at DACR ☐Yes ☐No
Second line restore clears DACT trouble ☐Yes ☐No
Second line restore reported to DACR ☐Yes ☐No
Transmitted alarm signal received ☐Yes ☐No
Transmitted supervisory signal received ☐Yes ☐No
Transmitted trouble signal received ☐Yes ☐No

Connections okay ☐Yes ☐No

No signs of corrosion ☐Yes ☐No
No signs of leakage, bulging, or swelling ☐Yes ☐No
Batteries – I S
Battery mfr. & replacement dates known ☐Yes ☐No
sealed lead-
acid or NiCd Battery manufacture date Month ____ Year ____
O.3 (Frequency monthly Battery replacement date Month ____ Year ____
for other unsealed
T S Load test is okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
lead-acid or dry
cells) Secondary power failure trouble signal ☐ Yes ☐ No
T A Discharge test is okay ☐Yes ☐No
Charger test is okay ☐Yes ☐No

M V Batteries replaced ☐ Yes ☐ No

No fire service access issues ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Remote Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
annunciators Labels legible ☐ Yes ☐ No

Messages displayed correctly ☐ Yes ☐ No


Cables and raceways no physical damage ☐ Yes ☐ No

O.5 Circuits I A Raceway junction box covers in place ☐ Yes ☐ No
Cables and raceways supported ☐Yes ☐No

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O. Fire alarm system ITM – General features

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

IDC, NAC, and SLC circuits tests okay ☐Yes ☐ No

Interfaced equipment circuit tests okay ☐Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
5 = 5 year

6.1.3 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

O.1 Fire alarm control unit

Inspection – Operator interface

The operator interface consists of inputs (such as pushbuttons) and outputs (such
as LED lamps).

The images below show a sprinkler monitoring panel with five pushbuttons
(aligned vertically on the left side) which include:
• Alarm silence – Silence alarm devices activated by the control unit

• Lamp test – Test the LEDs on the control unit face

• Fault buzzer mute – Silence the trouble alarm in the control unit

• Auxiliary isolate – Disconnect external equipment (such as process shut down interlocks)

• Reset – Restore the panel to normal once all abnormal conditions have been corrected

Various LED lamps are provided to display system status. Lamp colors include:
• Green – Normal

• Yellow – Fire system not normal (such as a control valve tamper) or a fire alarm system
fault (such as power failure or a wire break)

• Red - Alarm

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

On an annual basis, verify all indicators (LEDs or other lamps) are functional.

On an annual basis, verify all indicators are normal.

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Inspection – Primary power supply

On an annual basis, open the fire alarm control unit (a contractor function
requiring a key), remove any internal cover panels, and inspect the primary power
conductors and terminals for physical damage, corrosion, scorching, or
discoloration. For secondary power provided by batteries, see further discussion
below under batteries.

Fire alarm control unit power terminals (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Test – Logic functions

On an annual basis, test each logic function associated with the fire alarm control
unit. Verify each logic function performs as intended. A written sequence of
operations or an I/O matrix is needed to identify the logic functions to be tested.

Test – Primary power trouble signal

On an annual basis, disconnect primary power (open upstream circuit breaker) to
verify the loss of primary power trouble signal. Also, this allows additional testing
of batteries discussed later.

Test – FACU audible and visual indicators and silence “ring-back”

On an annual basis, test each audible and visual indicator on a FACU and verify
each is working. Where the FACU includes a silence switch requiring manual
action to move it back to the normal position, verify that restoring a silenced alarm
will initiate audible and visual trouble indications until the silence switch is reset.
This audible and visual trouble indication that occurs when the silence switch is in
the silence position and all other system conditions are normal is known as a
“silence ring-back alarm”.

Test - Disconnect switches

The Test Plan should identify all disconnect or isolation switches that disable
system functionality.

On an annual basis, operate each disconnect and verify they initiate appropriate
trouble signals.

Test - Ground fault monitoring

Place a jumper wire from a circuit terminal (not a power terminal) to ground and
verify annunciation of a ground fault at the fire alarm control unit. Typically, fire

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alarm control unit ground fault detection is only tested one time each year as only
one indicator is provided.

O.2 Digital alarm communicator transmitter

The following inspection and testing guidance applies where digital alarm
communicators are used to transmit signals from the protected premises to the fire
alarm receiving center.

Test – DAC transmitter operating sequence

On an annual basis, conduct a test to verify the following DAC operating sequence
which should not exceed 90 seconds.
• Go off-hook (seize the telephone line)

• Disconnect any call in progress and obtain dial tone

• Dial DAC receiver

• Receive handshake (verification call connected) from DAC receiver

• Transmit signal

• Receive signal receipt acknowledgement from DAC receiver

• Go on-hook (hang up)

If transmission fails
• Retry 5 to 10 times

• After 5 to 10 failed attempts, initiate local trouble signal at the protected premises

O.3 Batteries – sealed lead-acid or NiCd

On a semi-annual basis, verify wires are securely attached to battery terminals,
show no signs of corrosion, no signs of leakage, and no sign of battery case
swelling or bulging. All of these conditions can lead to increased resistance and
reduced battery voltage.

Record the manufacture date of each battery. This information will be stamped on
the battery case. This information may be in the form of a code. Battery
manufacturer guidance may be needed to identify the manufacture date.

Battery failure modes

Batteries fail due to a loss of capacity which means a loss of load carrying duration.
Battery testing is intended to identify batteries that may be subject to failure;
however, the available reasonable tests will not absolutely confirm battery

Testing – Load test

On a semi-annual basis, conduct a battery load test.

This is a quick test as there is no duration to the test. Disconnect normal power
and apply the maximum expected current draw to the batteries. With the system
in alarm or under a test load (dummy load), verify the battery voltages not fall
below 2.05V/cell or the level specified by the manufacturer.

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(Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Testing – Discharge test

On an annual basis, conduct a battery discharge test.

This is a longer duration test. Disconnect normal power and apply the maximum
expected current draw to be imposed upon the batteries. With the system in
alarm or under a test load (dummy load) for a duration established by the battery
manufacturer verify the battery voltages not fall below a value also established by
the battery manufacturer. As an example, the test duration may be 30 minutes
with the voltage not dropping below 10V.

Testing – Charger test

Then fully charged batteries are connected to the charger, the measured voltage
across the battery terminals should not exceed 2.30V/cell (or other published
manufacturer’s guideline). The appropriate standby recharging rate minimizes
battery water loss (hydrogen and oxygen gases formed by electrolysis). Water loss
promotes the formation of lead sulfite and lead sulfate precipitates within the
battery which depletes the available lead and proportionately the battery capacity.

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(Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Maintenance – Battery replacement

Replace batteries in accordance with the guidelines of the FACU manufacturer.
This may be every 5 years or as needed based upon routine testing. Sealed lead-
acid batteries maintained under an appropriate standby recharging current (2.3V
per cell) will have an expected life of 3 to 5 years. Batteries that fail semi-annual
load tests may be undersized or in need of replacement. Batteries that fail annual
discharge test should be replaced.
Elevated ambient temperatures in a battery cabinet can reduce battery life in half.
Where battery life is short, measure battery cabinet ambient temperature and
compare with manufacturer’s recommended ambient temperature. Where
possible, reduce the ambient temperature at the batteries.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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O.4 Remote annunciators

Example of a remote annunciator at a hotel front desk

Example of a remote annunciator at a hotel front desk (Photo source: Rich

Gallagher, Zurich)

O.5 Circuits

On an annual basis, inspect all cables and conduits (raceways). This includes all
cables and conduits associated with power supplies, initiating device circuits (such
as circuits for smoke detectors, valve tamper switches, and other devices), alarm
notification circuits (such circuits for horns, bells, and strobes), and equipment
interfaced circuits (such as circuits between fire alarm control units and circuits for
emergency control functions).

Verify there are no signs of physical damage, corrosion, scorching, or discoloration.

Verify there are no missing junction box covers. Verify all cables and conduit has
appropriate support.

Examples of undesirable cable or conduit support (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,


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Examples of undesirable cable or conduit support (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,

Examples of undesirable cable or conduit support (Photo source: Rich Gallagher,


Cables are not to be supported on the outside of conduits (raceways). Cables and
conduit (raceways) are not to be supported by sprinkler piping. Cables are not to
be supported solely by plastic fixings.

Zurich recommendations for cable support or fixing

Avoid the use of plastic fixings to support cables – fire alarm or otherwise.
This is based upon UK public fire brigade experience. During a fire, a fire
brigade member became entangled in cables which lost support when plastic
fixings failed during a fire.

On an annual basis, test each circuit. Each circuit is to be tested by simulating a
“single open” and a “single ground fault”. This assumes there is no circuit trouble
present during the test.

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6.2 Alarm initiating devices

6.2.1 ITM Checklist

P. Fire alarm system ITM – Alarm initiating devices

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Manual fire I S Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No

P.1 alarms or Call No access issues ☐ Yes ☐ No
Device operated with appropriate signal to FACU
☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

I S Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
No construction dust covers on detectors ☐ Yes ☐ No
T A Smoke enters and activates detector ☐ Yes ☐ No
P.2 detector –
spot type Detector sensitivity test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
T V Detector sensitivity recalibrated and tested okay
☐ Yes ☐ No

M V Clean detector ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

I S Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Beam path unobstructed ☐ Yes ☐ No
P.3 detector –
beam type Smoke obscuration of beam path activates detector
☐ Yes ☐ No

M V Clean transmitter, receiver, and reflector ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
I S Sampling tubes securely supported ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sampling tube joints tight ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sampling tubes identified with marking ☐ Yes ☐ No
P.4 detector – air
sampling type Test each sampling tube run for smoke detection
T A ☐ Yes ☐ No
All sampling ports have airflow ☐ Yes ☐ No

Filter maintenance provided ☐ Yes ☐ No


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P. Fire alarm system ITM – Alarm initiating devices

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Device has clear field of view ☐ Yes ☐ No
Video image I S
P.5 smoke or Device aimed correctly ☐ Yes ☐ No
flame detector Device lens not contaminated ☐ Yes ☐ No
Video feeds to monitors are clear ☐ Yes ☐ No

T A Tested per manufacturer’s guidelines ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Heat detector Device not painted ☐ Yes ☐ No
– restorable No building change affect device ☐ Yes ☐ No

Functional test per manufacturer’s guidelines okay

☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device not painted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
No building change affect device ☐ Yes ☐ No

Heat detector Spot-type

P.7 – non- Detectors replaced or sample tested at 15 years
restorable ☐ Yes ☐ No

T A Sample tests repeated every 5 years ☐ Yes ☐ No

Line type
Functional test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
Loop resistance same as acceptance ☐Yes ☐No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Radiant I Q Device has clear field of view ☐ Yes ☐ No
energy – flame
P.8 Device aimed correctly ☐ Yes ☐ No
or spark
detector Device lens not contaminated ☐ Yes ☐ No

Functional test per manufacturer’s guidelines okay

☐ Yes ☐ No

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P. Fire alarm system ITM – Alarm initiating devices

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

I S Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
P.9 No construction dust covers on detectors ☐ Yes ☐ No
A V Follow test guidance for each sensor type

M V Follow maintenance guidance for each sensor type

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sprinkler I Q
No water leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No
P.10 waterflow
switch No corrosion ☐ Yes ☐ No

Alarm within 90 seconds of opening test valve

☐ Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
5 = 5 year

6.2.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

P.1 Manual fire alarms

Manual fire alarms or call points are to have no signs of physical damage and are
to be securely mounted. The device is to be accessible for use.

Testing involves the actual operation of the device. The device should function
appropriately, cause the appropriate signal to be received at the FACU, and restore
to a ready condition.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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P.2 Smoke detector – spot type

Smoke detectors are not visually damaged, and are securely mounted. No
construction dust covers are inadvertently place.

Test – Annual smoke entry test

This test is not intended to test detector sensitivity. It is intended to verify smoke
can reach the sensor within the detector.

Test – Periodic sensitivity verification

Every new (including replaced) smoke detector is to be tested for sensitivity
(acceptance test). Each detector is to be tested for sensitivity again within its first
year of service. Thereafter, each smoke detector is to be tested for sensitivity every
two years. Standards such as NFPA 72 allow up to 5 years between sensitivity
tests based upon additional guidelines.

Sensitivity test methods include:

• A calibrated test method

• Manufacturer’s calibrated sensitivity test instrument

• Manufacturers may provide a magnet to externally actuate an internal calibrated test


• Listed control equipment arranged to test sensitivity

• Manufacturers offer intelligent FACUs that test and adjust smoke detector sensitivity

• Other method acceptable to the authority

Detectors found out of range are to be recalibrated and retested, or replaced.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

P.3 Smoke detector – beam type

Transmitters, receivers, and reflectors are not visually damaged, and are securely

This test confirms the detector responds to the obscuration of the beam path.
Zurich’s recommendation is to conduct the annual test with test smoke causing
the beam path obscuration. Manufacturers offer a remote test switch that
simulates beam obscuration; however, this should not be the only form of detector

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(Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

P.4 Smoke detector – air sampling type

Verify the system sampling tubes and control are in good physical condition and
adequately supported. Tubing joints should also appear tight. Each sampling tube
should be identified with marking.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Introduce test smoke (acceptable to the detector manufacturer) at the remote end
of each sampling tube run to activate an alarm. According to Zurich’s
recommendation, detection should occur within 60 seconds (NFPA 72 allows up to
120 seconds). Also, verify each there is airflow into each sampling tube port. Keep
in mind that each sampling tube port is equivalent to a spot-type smoke detector.

Air sampling system detectors are typically protected with a filter at the detector.
Airflow supervision and filter monitoring are provided at the detector and allow
annunciate of detector filter trouble.

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(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Small bore air sampling tubes exposed to dirt or insects can be equipped with
filters. Also, inline filters can be added to sampling tubes as an added layer of
protection for the detector where harsh environments (subject to water spray or
dust) are being monitored. Obstruction of sampling tube filters will likely have to
be severe before the condition is detected at the control unit. This highlights the
needed for periodic maintenance.

P.5 Video image smoke or flame detector

Video imaging smoke and flame detection cameras are not visually damaged, and
are securely mounted.

Video imaging for smoke and fire detection is an emerging technology. While
these systems are approved, certified, and listed, there is little prescriptive
guidance in standards on their inspection, testing, and maintenance needs. For this
information, contactors and authorities are directed to manufacturers for

As an example, one manufacturer provides test guidance on the operational

conformance of their camera. Operational conformance consists of observing the
video monitor and verifying both the image and the overlay text added by the
software are updating.

(Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Fixed fire protection and detection

P.6 Heat detector – restorable

Heat detectors are not visually damaged, are securely mounted, and no paint has
been applied to the device. No building changes have occurred that will affect the
ability of the device to detect heat.

Restorable heat detectors are to be tested with an approved, certified, or listed
heat source in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to verify functionality.
For heat detectors installed in atmospheres where flammable vapors or
combustible dusts may be present, the selected test method must not introduce a
source of ignition. Testing with hot water may be a suitable option.

Each type of heat detector is available in a restorable form. This includes fixed
temperature, rate-of-rise, rate compensated, line-type, and spot heat detectors.
Restorable line-type heat detectors use fiber optic cables.

Examples of restorable heat detectors (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

P.7 Heat detector – non-restorable

Heat detectors are not visually damaged, are securely mounted, and no paint has
been applied to the device. No building changes have occurred that will affect the
ability of the device to detect heat.

Non-restorable type heat detectors would be destroyed by a heat test. As such,
nondestructive test methods are used in the field. Spot-type detectors are simply
replaced after 15 years of service or a sample (2 per 100) are submitted to a Zurich
Recognized Testing Laboratory for testing. If results are satisfactory, retest another
sample in 5 years. If results are unsatisfactory, the laboratory might recommend
replacing all detectors or performing further testing to determine if the issue is
local or general. Line type heat detectors may be equipped with an end of line
resistor and test pushbutton to facilitate short circuit testing.

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Zurich Recognized Testing Laboratory

A Zurich Recognized Testing Laboratory is either accredited by the
International Accreditation Service (www.iasonline.org) as a certification body
or accredited by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
(www.ilac.org) as an accredited test laboratory for the specific test being

The following is an example of a non-restorable heat detector.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Unlike the metal-conductor, line type heat detector which is non-restorable,
the fiber-optic, line type heat detector is restorable.

P.8 Radiant energy – flame or spark detector

Radiant energy detectors are not visually damaged, are securely mounted, have a
clear field of view, and are aimed correctly. Lenses must also be free of

No prescriptive guidance is provided in standards for the testing of radiant energy
detectors. For this information, contactors and authorities are directed to
manufacturers for guidance.

As an example, some manufacturers may provide fire simulators to test their

detectors; however, a qualified person should evaluate the use of such fire
simulators in each case.

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Flame detectors

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Spark detectors

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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P.9 Multi-sensor detector

Detectors are not visually damaged, and are securely mounted. No construction
dust covers are inadvertently place.

Each sensor of a multi-criteria detector is to be tested in accordance with the
applicable guidance offered earlier in this document as well as manufacturer’s
instructions. For multi-criteria detectors using smoke detection with thermal
enhancement, it may only be possible to test the smoke detection portion of the
device. The thermal portion may be used in logic algorithms in conjunction with
the smoke detection signal.

(Left) Multi-criteria detector- photoelectric smoke detector and two heat sensors
(Right) Multi-criteria detector - photoelectric smoke detector, heat sensor, and CO
sensor (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

P.10 Sprinkler waterflow switch

Waterflow device shows no signs of visual damaged, is securely mounted, has no
water leaks, and no corrosion.

Test – Wet-pipe systems

The waterflow switch is tested by opening a test connection producing a flow
equal to the smallest orifice sprinkler on the system. Within 90 seconds, the
waterflow switch is to operate and a waterflow signal is to be indicated at the

Test – Dry, deluge and preaction systems

The waterflow switch is tested by opening a test valve at the sprinkler riser
allowing water pressure to be applied to the switch. There is no need to simulate a
sprinkler orifice size as once the system trips, water will be delivered to the
pressure switch in a manner similar to the test valve. Within 90 seconds, the
waterflow switch is to operate and a waterflow signal is to be indicated at the

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Waterflow pressure switches

A pressure switch may be used to detect waterflow on any type system (wet, dry,
deluge, or preaction).

When connected to a fire alarm system, the pressure switch is to be connected to

the sprinkler system with either galvanized or non-ferrous pipe to reduce sources
of rust that might plug the orifice of the pressure switch. Placing the switch on
top of a retard chamber is acceptable if the retard chamber is not of ferrous metal

Pressure switches do not include any pneumatic time delay feature. As such, a
time delay to accommodate water pressure fluctuations is to be provided by a
retard chamber or electronically by the FACU.

Where a shutoff valve is provided between the pressure switch and the sprinkler
system, the shutoff valve is to be electrically supervised with a valve tamper switch
(see further later in this document).

Waterflow pressure-type switch (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Waterflow vane switches

Vane-type waterflow switch use is restricted to wet-pipe systems as the force of
water surging into other types of systems could separate the vane from the switch
leading to a foreign body obstruction in the sprinkler piping.

Vane-type waterflow switches typically include a pneumatic time delay to

accommodate water pressure fluctuations without initiating an alarm signal.
Some vane-type waterflow switches have been manufactured without a
pneumatic time delay. These switches need a time delay provided by the FACU to
accommodate water pressure fluctuations without initiating alarm signals.

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Waterflow vane-type switch (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

6.3 Supervisory initiating devices

6.3.1 ITM Checklist

Q. Fire alarm system ITM – Supervisory initiating devices

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Covers in place ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sprinkler Weather tight (if outside) ☐ Yes ☐ No
Q.1 control valve
Signal initiated appropriately upon valve operation
☐ Yes ☐ No
T A OS&Y type valves
Tamper switch does not reset in valve threads
☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Q.2 Sprinkler I Q
system air Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No

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Q. Fire alarm system ITM – Supervisory initiating devices

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

pressure Verify operation of low air pres. signal ☐ Yes ☐ No

Verify operation of high air pres. signal ☐Yes ☐No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Low building I Q Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No

temperature Vent holes are not obstructed ☐ Yes ☐ No

T A Function test okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Electric fire
Q.4 T W Verify operation of signal ☐ Yes ☐ No
pump running

Electric fire
Q.5 pump phase T M Verify operation of signal ☐ Yes ☐ No

Electric fire
Q.6 pump phase T A Verify operation of signal ☐ Yes ☐ No

Diesel fire
Q.7 T W Verify operation of signal ☐ Yes ☐ No
pump running

Diesel fire
Q.8 pump switch T A Verify operation of signal ☐ Yes ☐ No
off automatic

Diesel fire
Q.9 T A Verify operation of signal ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Diesel fuel I Q
Q.10 Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
tank low level
T V Verify operation of low fuel level signal ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Water tank I Q Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Q.11 low
temperature No signs of water leaks ☐ Yes ☐ No

T A Verify operation of switch and signal ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Water tank I Q
Q.12 Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
low level
T A Verify operation of switch and signal ☐ Yes ☐ No

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Q. Fire alarm system ITM – Supervisory initiating devices

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
5 = 5 year

6.3.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

Q.1 Sprinkler control valve tamper

Verify each valve tamper switch shows no signs of visual damaged and are securely
mounted with covers in place. For outside valves, verify the tamper switches
appear to be weather tight (gasket in place between cover and base).

A valve tamper switch is to initiate a signal appropriately upon valve operation.
Appropriately means within two handle revolutions or within 1/5 of travel distance
depending upon valve style.

Butterfly valve with internal supervision (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Gate valve with supervision (Photo source: Stuart Lloyd, Zurich)

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Post indicator valve with supervision (Photo source: Rich Gallagher)

Wall post indicator valve with supervision (Photo source: Rich Gallagher)

OS&Y type valves typically have a “finger-type” tamper switch. In the normally
open position, the finger sits in a groove filed into the valve stem. The overall
geometry of the finger diameter, filed groove depth and shape, and switch
position on the valve yoke must allow the switch contact to be “open” in the
normal position but “close” as the valve is initially operated and the finger moves
out of the groove. The switch contacts must not “reopen” as the finger engages
any other portion of the valve stem including the threaded portion. OS&Y valves
have been found partially or fully shut with the valve tamper device found reset in
the valve threads.

OS&Y gate valve with valve supervision (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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The following image shows an electrically supervised ¼-turn ball valve in the alarm
line between a wet-pipe sprinkler system and a waterflow pressure switch. As
discussed earlier under waterflow pressure switches, and shutoff valve installed
between a fire alarm system waterflow pressure switch and sprinkler system must
be electrically supervised by the fire alarm system similar to any other sprinkler
control valve.

Quarter-turn valve with supervision (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Q.2 Sprinkler system air pressure

Verify each pressure switch shows no signs of visual damaged and are securely
mounted with cover in place.

Conduct a functional test of the switch to verify its operation. Lower the system
air pressure to test the low air pressure signal. Increase the system air pressure to
verify the high air pressure signal functions (where provided). Typically, signals
should occur within 0.7 bar (10 psi) of the normal range. Verify indication of low
and high pressure supervisory signals at the FACU.

Air supervisory pressure switch (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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Q.3 Low building temperature

Verify each low building temperature switch shows no signs of visual damaged
and are securely mounted with covers in place. Verify vent holes in cover are not

Conduct a functional test of the switch to verify its operation and the indication of
a low building temperature supervisory signal at the FACU.

Use a test method recommended by the manufacturer which may include:

• Spraying the device with circuit cooler

• Exposing the device to ice

Note: The listed low building temperature switch is a device with a fixed operating
temperature of 4°C (40°F). Adjustable non-listed low temperature switches are
also available. There are no installation guidelines for low building temperature
switches. It is not unusual for a building to have only one switch located near a
sprinkler riser or fire pump. The intent of the switch is to detect a general loss of
building heat that could lead to sprinkler freeze-up. Experience shows many
localized sprinkler freeze-ups occur undetected by low building temperature
switches as their distribution is so limited.

Q.4 Electric fire pump running

This signal may be tested weekly during the fire pump no-flow test.

Discussion - Electric fire pump control panel

Fire pump supervisory signals originate from devices contained within the fire
pump controller. Any inspection related activities within a fire pump control panel
should be handled by a qualified contractor.
The photo on the following page shows an example of signal terminals for an
electric fire pump. The left side of the photo shows the wiring diagram on the
control panel door with the wiring for the transmitted signals expanded. The right
side of the photo shows the inside of the control panel with the transmitted signal
terminal strip expanded.

Q.5 Electric fire pump phase failure

This signal may be tested monthly during the fire pump no-flow test. Electric fire
pump disconnects should be exercised monthly.

Q.6 Electric fire pump phase reversal

This signal is tested by placing a jumper across the “phase reversal” contacts in the
fire pump control panel to initiate a signal.
It is not considered feasible or desirable to actually test “phase reversal” by
simulating the monitored condition. Simulating the monitored condition would

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involve actually switching electrical conductors at some location upstream of the

fire pump controller.

Note: Conduct this test with all power removed from the fire pump control panel,
or have personnel implement appropriate safe work practices for arc flash hazards.

Q.7 Diesel fire pump running

This signal may be tested weekly during the fire pump no-flow test.

Discussion - Diesel fire pump control panel

Fire pump supervisory signals originate from devices contained within the fire
pump controller. Any inspection related activities within a fire pump control panel
should be handled by a qualified contractor.

The photo on the pages after next shows an example of signal terminals for a
diesel fire pump. The left side of the photo shows the wiring diagram on the
control panel door with the wiring for the transmitted signals expanded. The right
side of the photo shows the inside of the control panel with the transmitted
signals terminal strip expanded.

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An example of electric fire pump control panel supervisory signal connections (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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An example of diesel fire pump control panel supervisory signal connections (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

Q.8 Diesel fire pump switch off automatic

Verify operation of signal. Perform this test by moving the fire pump controller
switch to a position other than “automatic” to simulate the monitored condition.

Q.9 Diesel fire pump common trouble

Verify operation of signal. Conduct this test by causing one of the trouble
conditions that activate the “diesel common trouble” signal. As an example, cycle
the diesel engine through the six attempts to start. Upon completing the sixth
attempt, the “diesel common trouble” should activate.

Q.10 Diesel fuel tank low level

There is no specific requirement for low diesel fuel level monitoring. Manual
monitoring during weekly testing is acceptable. Where provided, the following
guidance is offered.

Verify the low fuel level switch shows no signs of visual damaged and are securely
mounted with cover in place.

Whenever the fuel tank level is low, check to verify a low fuel level supervisory
signal is received at the FACU.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Q.11 Water tank low temperature

Verify the low water temperature switch shows no signs of visual damaged and is
securely mounted. Verify there are no signs of water leak where the temperature
sensor penetrated the tank wall.

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Conduct a functional test of the switch to verify its operation and the indication of
a low water temperature supervisory signal at the FACU. Use a test method
recommended by the manufacturer which may include exposing the device to ice.

Note: The listed low water temperature switch is a device with a fixed operating
temperature of 4oC (40oF). The device shown below is a Potter TTS Tank
Temperature Supervisory Switch with a second set of contact operating at 60oC

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

Q.12 Water tank low level

Verify the low water level switch shows no signs of visual damaged and is securely
mounted. Verify there are no signs of water leak where the level sensor
penetrated the tank wall.

Conduct a functional test of the switch to verify its operation. For atmosphere
water storage tanks, a low level signal should be initiated with a 300 mm (12 in)
drop in water level.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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6.4 Alarm notification devices

6.4.1 ITM Checklist

R. Fire alarm system ITM – Alarm notification devices

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Audible alarm I S
R.1 Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
T A Device operation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Visual alarm I S
R.2 Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
T A Device operation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
5 = 5 year

6.4.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

R.1 Audible alarm devices

Verify the each audible device shows no signs of visual damaged and is securely

Active the audible appliances and verify they operate as intended.

Note: Measurement of sound pressure with a sound level meter is conducted only
during the initial acceptance test and any subsequent reacceptance test.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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R.2 Visual alarm devices

Verify the each visual alarm device shows no signs of visual damaged and is
securely mounted.

Active the visual alarm appliances and verify they operate as intended.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

6.5 Emergency control functions

6.5.1 ITM Checklist

S. Fire alarm system ITM – Emergency control functions

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

S.1 T A Interface device activation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No
function –
elevator recall

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Duct smoke Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
detector – I S
S.2 Sample tube orientation correct ☐ Yes ☐ No
shutdown Sample tube are not obstructed ☐ Yes ☐ No

T A Interface device activation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Magnetic door I S
S.3 Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
T A Interface device activation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

S.4 Door unlock Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No

T A Interface device activation okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual

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ITM Discussion
The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

S.1 Emergency control function – elevator recall

Initiate the elevator recall functions by activating the appropriate fire detectors and
verify the function operates as intended.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

S.2 Duct smoke detector – HVAV shutdown

Verify the each visual alarm device shows no signs of visual damaged and is
securely mounted. Access is needed to inspect sampling tube orientation and
obstruction. Identifying correct orientation requires access to manufacturer’s

Active each HVAC shutdown and verify operation as intended.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

S.3 Magnetic door release

Verify the each magnetic release device shows no signs of visual damaged and is
securely mounted.

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Active the alarms releasing the magnetic door release and verify they operate as

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

S.4 Door unlock

Verify the each door unlock device shows no signs of visual damaged and is
securely mounted.

Active alarms to actuate the door unlock action and verify they operate as

6.6 Fire extinguishing control and release

6.6.1 ITM Checklist

T. Fire alarm system ITM – Fire extinguishing control and release

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

Fire Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

extinguishing I S
Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
T.1 system –
T A System release device is functional ☐ Yes ☐ No
electric release

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Fire I S
extinguishing Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
system manual System manual release device functional ☐ Yes ☐ No
electric release T A
Appropriate sequence of actions occurs ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

T.3 Fire I S
extinguishing Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No

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T. Fire alarm system ITM – Fire extinguishing control and release

# Component Act. Freq. Evaluation

system Alarm signal received at release FACU ☐ Yes ☐ No

discharge T A
alarm Alarm signal received at main FACU ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Fire I A
extinguishing Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
T.4 system Supervisory signal received at release service FACU
main/reserve ☐ Yes ☐ No
Supervisory signal received at main FACU ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
extinguishing Appropriate sequence of actions occurs ☐ Yes ☐ No
system abort
Supervisory signal received at release service FACU
switch T A
☐ Yes ☐ No
Supervisory signal received at main FACU ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Fire I Q
extinguishing Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
T.6 system key Supervisory signal received at release service FACU
maintenance ☐ Yes ☐ No
Supervisory signal received at main FACU ☐ Yes ☐ No

Device physical condition okay ☐ Yes ☐ No

Fire Device securely mounted ☐ Yes ☐ No
Pre-alarm devices signal ☐ Yes ☐ No
T.7 system agent
release pre- Supervisory signal received at release service FACU
alarm ☐ Yes ☐ No
Supervisory signal received at main FACU ☐ Yes ☐ No

Activity: I = Inspect T = Test M = Maintain

Frequency: W = Weekly M = Monthly Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annual A = Annual
5 = 5 year

6.6.2 ITM Discussion

The following is a discussion of the items in the previous ITM checklist.

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T.1 Fire extinguishing system – Automatic electric release

Verify electric fire extinguishing system release devices actuated from a release
system FACU are not visually damaged, and are securely mounted.
The electric fire extinguishing system release device actuated from a release system
FACU is to be functionally tested annually by actuating an associated fire detection
device. This is to result in the energizing of the fire extinguishing agent release
device. The intent is to verify the operation of the fire extinguishing agent releases
device without discharging fire extinguishing agent.

Photo showing visual

confirmation of fire
extinguishing system
release device operation
(right actuator pin
extended due to
ti ti )

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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(Image source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

T.2 Fire extinguishing system manual electric release

Verify fire extinguishing system electric manual release devices are not visually
damaged, and are securely mounted.

The fire extinguishing system electric manual release devices is to be functionally
tested annually by operating the switch and verifying the appropriate sequence of
actions occur. There is no intent to require fire extinguishing system discharge.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

T.3 Fire extinguishing system discharge alarm

Verify discharge alarm devices shows no signs of visual damaged and are securely

Testing may be mechanical (actual system release) or electrical (manually causing a
short circuit). This action is to initiate an alarm signal at the release service FACU.
A general alarm signal from the release service FACU is to be reported to the main
FACU There is no intent to require fire extinguishing system discharge.

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Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

T.4 Fire extinguishing system main/reserve switch

Verify the main/reserve switch shows no signs of visual damaged and is securely

Testing involves changing the position of the switch from Main to Reserve. This
action is to initiate a supervisory signal at the release service FACU. A general
supervisory signal from the release service FACU is to be reported to the main
NFPA note: There is no NFPA requirement for:
• Connected reserve supplies of agent
• Main/reserve switches

• Supervision of the main/reserve switches

• Testing protocol for the main/reserve switches

Main-reserve switch (Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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T.5 Fire extinguishing system abort switch

Abort switch shows no signs of visual damaged and is securely mounted.

Testing involves pressing the abort switch. Verify the appropriate sequence of
operations occur regarding recycle of discharge time delay timers and the
operation of fire detectors. This action is to initiate a supervisory signal at release
service FACU indicating the fire extinguishing system is in the abort mode and
disabled. A general supervisory signal from the release service FACU is to be
reported to the main FACU.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

T.6 Fire extinguishing system key maintenance switch

Key maintenance switch shows no signs of visual damaged and is securely

Testing involves changing the position of the switch from Normal to Disconnect.
This action is to initiate a supervisory signal at the release service FACU indicating
the fire extinguishing system is disabled. A general supervisory signal from the
release service FACU is to be reported to the main FACU.

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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T.7 Fire extinguishing system agent release pre-alarm

Verify agent release pre-alarms shows no signs of visual damaged and are securely

Testing involves activating the fire detection system such that the fire extinguishing
system is ready to discharge agent as soon as the agent release time delay expires.
During this time delay, the pre-release alarm will notify occupants of the pending
release of agent. During the pre-release alarm:
• Audible and visual pre-alarm notification appliances operate

• A supervisory signal is displayed at the release panel

• A general supervisory signal is reported to the main fire alarm control unit

(Photo source: Rich Gallagher, Zurich)

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7. Safe work practices

This document addresses recommendations for the Property insurance line of
business. As these recommendations are pursued, do not conduct any work that
violates safe work practices or create safety concerns.

Safe work practices are beyond the scope of this document. Consult with safety
experts to develop and implement safe work practices.

Safe work practices may include:

• Personal protective equipment practices including use of:

− Safety glasses

− Ear protection

− Steel toe shoes

− Hard hats

• Permit required confined spaces entry procedures

• Lock-out / tag-out procedures

• Working at height procedures

• Arc flash hazard procedures

• Working near rotating equipment procedures

• Lead-acid battery maintenance procedures

If there is any concern an action or task is not safe … stop! And then:
• Discuss the safety concerns with a safety professional

• Develop a safe work practice with the guidance of a safety professional

Then, proceed using the developed safe work practice

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8. Conclusions
This document captures Zurich recommendations for the periodic; inspection,
testing, and maintenance of fire protection and detection systems. These
recommendations are provided to help improve the likelihood systems will respond
should a fire occur.

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9. References
Risktopic, Management Practices: Fire Protection Impairments. Zurich, November

Risktopic, Multiple Jet Controls – Inspection, Testing and Maintenance. Zurich,

August 2015
Water Supply Testing and Analysis, Zurich, Fourth Edition, 2015.

LPC Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Installations Incorporating BS EN 12845. United

Kingdom: Fire Protection Association (FPA), 2015.
CEA 4001en. Sprinkler Systems: Planning and Installation. Brussels: European
insurance and reinsurance federation, 2009. Web. Web site accessed 20160406.

NFPA 11. Standard for Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam. Quincy, MA;
NFPA, 2016. Online.

NFPA 12. Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems. Quincy, MA; NFPA,
2015. Online.
NFPA 12A. Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems. Quincy, MA;
NFPA, 2015. Online.

NFPA 17. Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems. Quincy, MA; NFPA,
2013. Online.

NFPA 17A. Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems. Quincy, MA; NFPA,
2013. Online.
NFPA 25. Standard for the Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance of Water-Based
Fire Protection Systems. Quincy, MA; NFPA, 2014. Online.

NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. Quincy, MA; NFPA, 2016.

NFPA 601, Standard for Security Services in Fire Loss Prevention. Quincy, MA;
NFPA, 2015. Online.
NFPA 750. Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems. Quincy, MA; NFPA,
2015. Online.

NFPA 2001. Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems. Quincy, MA;
NFPA, 2015. Online.

NFPA 2010. Standard for Fixed Aerosol Fire-Extinguishing Systems. Quincy, MA;
NFPA, 2015. Online.
Cote, Arthur E., John Raymond Hall, Pamela A. Powell, Casey C. Grant, and Robert
E. Solomon. Fire Protection Handbook. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 2008. Print.
Klaus, Matthew J. Water-based Fire Protection Systems Handbook. Quincy, MA:
National Fire Protection Assoc., 2013. Print.

July 2016 178

Inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)
Fixed fire protection and detection

Richardson, Lee F., and Richard J. Roux. National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code
Handbook. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 2012. Print.

Roberge, Pierre R. Corrosion Engineering: Principles and Practice. New York:

McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.
Javaherdashti, Reza. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion: An Engineering
Insight. London: Springer, 2008. Print.

Hydraulic Institute Standards for Centrifugal, Rotary & Reciprocating Pumps. 14th
ed. Cleveland, Ohio: Hydraulic Institute, 1983. Print.

TFP1346. Series MJC Multiple Jet Controls DN20, DN25, DN40, and DN50, 12 bar
BSPT Inlet & Outlets Threads. Tyco Fire Protection Products, 2014. Web. Web site
accessed 20160406.

GW Multi Jet Control, Installation & Maintenance, 20mm, 40mm, 50mm, 80mm,
GW Sprinklers A/S, Glamsbjerg, Denmark. 2007. Web. Web site accessed

TB213. Upkeep and testing of multiple controls. London: Fire Protection

Association, 2011. Print. (Previously TB8, a LPC Technical Bulletin forming part of
the LPC Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Installations incorporating BS 5306: 2 1990)

July 2016 179

Zurich Insurance Group Ltd.
Mythenquai 2 CH-8022 Zurich – Switzerland

The information contained in this document has been compiled and obtained from sources believed to be reliable and credible but no
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Some of the information contained herein may be time sensitive. Thus, you should consult the most recent referenced material.
Information in this document relates to risk engineering / risk services and is intended as a general description of certain types of services
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In the United States of America, risk services are available to qualified customers through Zurich Services Corporation and in Canada through
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©2016 Zurich Insurance Group Ltd.

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